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tv   [untitled]    August 25, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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it's my fault, i let it happen myself, but what, by the way, also helped me get out of my marriage and basically out of a toxic relationship, we have a great program that has gotten a lot of ratings, toxic parents, check it out, either please, we will also write about boundaries with toxic parents, this is also important, but when i realized that my life is my life, it is my responsibility, and i learned to love myself. and we also have a youtube channel, i hear you, about self-love, because we actually start with this, because a person, who in principle respects herself, who loves herself, who values ​​herself, knows who she is, knows all her minuses, knows all her pluses, she mostly, it seems to me, will not allow it to happen, everything you said, i will only add one more in fact, a person should become, or is it better...
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to say, be the director and master of his life, take responsibility for his life, yes, the responsibility that is very often in abusive relationships, well, when we now say woman-man, woman gives for the husband, i earn money, says the husband, a you sit at home, there you do your stupid things, well, that is, stupid things, and what did you do, you didn't do anything, you just sat at home with the children, and what are you doing at all, and this, by the way, sitting at home is huge. .. management, now a very big scandal broke out in tiktok, her name is the ballerina from the farm, maybe you have heard, she is a woman who has seven children, she has a millionaire husband, and she was interviewed, and she does everything completely by herself , with her own hands, in general, even cheese, everything, everything, everything, everything, she refused ballerina's career, and now all the women support her in the fact that she is basically in an abusive relationship. but she
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doesn't realize it, that is, her husband forbids her to have nannies, assistants, he forbade her to dance, he forbade her a lot of things, ugh, that's also happening now, you know, the trend is that women start to support other women who are in a family relationship, where there are many things, but the man lives as he wants, but he travels everywhere, he earns money for himself, he travels, and the woman sits at home and has to follow certain rules, this is also abuse, even if he does not hit her. they started talking about it, you know, everything that rises to the surface, and, well, becomes visible, accordingly, well, receives a certain moment of hate, a certain moment of support, but violence, not only physical, because physical too, if someone has encountered such, then also very often, well, i work with these women, i hear the following words from them, when they turn to the police with something like this, even with
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physical violence, there with the consequences of physical violence, they hear this terrible phrase: well, but he didn't kill, well, it's light, bodily, and what can we do, and then the question is, what, when, when to come then, if it's not that, it's not a fact, yes, it's not a fact, and actually that's what happens, when to come, when to kill, ugh, and this, well, it's already changing a little in our country, but in fact it's also been for a long time. it was like that, you know, under the carpet, under under under like that, it’s a family thing, you know, it’s not to take the garbage out of the house, that’s it, you didn’t want to, and actually it was even condemned, why are you talking about such a thing, it’s your family thing, what are you there you tell people about such things, figure it out at home, actually again it was up to you that you are doing something wrong, you say, well, so and so, that's why all this was veiled longer. and women were afraid
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to talk about it, they were afraid of being judged, and they were afraid of being guilty, because there was also such a label, well, maybe you 're doing something wrong there, that's how i heard it too, that i went into a career, but not was engaged in and that is why my marriage failed, that is, such abuse also comes from relatives, but we have a good one in principle news, because we have to finish, that in principle it is possible to get out of this, and that is why there are, once again i will appeal to... our listeners and viewers, that we have psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, many different centers, i think olya will also help us with links, yes, where can you turn if you feel that you are not good in this relationship, but you do not know that you are a lot, for example, cry more than you rejoice, because in a relationship you do not need to endure, and we will write this too in our program about this patience, religiosity, this po... po
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worshiping someone there and in general the fear of being alone, because this is also a separate topic in most cases and we will definitely write it down, so try to ask yourself and say: listen, i feel bad there, give me a hand, you can even write privately, i am open on social networks that i have such a situation, what should i do, but the main desire is to get out of this and change my life, and this is your responsibility, to take responsibility for your life. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, the program is on air politclub on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. nato member countries have huge arsenals, and russia is already on the verge of
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exhausting its resources. topics that resonate in our society. this is the question of trump's victory, what it is. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. what else can they do? the russians, are they able to use, let's say, the resources of the lukashenka army allied with them, vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, read the whole discussion, accept my prayer, thank you, it was difficult, but i was just curious, but this is absolutely untrue, they help to understand the present and predict the future, they offered the united states to conclude a bilateral security agreement with us. a project for those who care and think. political club every sunday at 20:00.
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my friends, my greetings, i congratulate you on the independence day, of course, this holiday from ... 2014 has become even more meaningful than before, and what can be said after a full-scale invasion, and even more people, firstly, celebrate this holiday and celebrates it correctly, that is, it is not just that somewhere defines it as such and any other kind of holiday, which makes sense, and you know, i remember when in my childhood, when there were any... holidays they were celebrated almost the same, they were the same concerts on the central square, i grew up in a small town, and it was basically the same that it was independence day, that there was another day there, that christmas, just to have some artists come to
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us, and i am very happy that now almost every such important holiday in us has its own meaning, and more and more people have these meanings understand and share, because... happy independence day, i will say that many artists, musicians have timed the releases of their tracks, or albums, or songs, or something else, to this day, for example, the hungry dogs released an entire album, which consists of of eight songs, this album is called angry, sergey himself is greedy, he characterizes this disc as an honest, evil maxim. it's not very private, and i only managed to listen to it so superficially, and i want to say that it is absolutely in the spirit of the dog, well, let's try to listen to the excerpt, if it's ready, let's talk further. there are well-deserved
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national, fashionable, hungry and foreign artists, but we don't know where we natively hear, play what we play and hear what we hear. literally a year ago, when i was walking on the beach, and you could usually hear some russian music there, someone brought speakers and turned on the half-beach. dogs, it was a completely new experience, although this is exactly how it should be, in principle , well, if we talk about the desired in music, then it is such, well, we like to throw around the word phenomenon, i would say that it is certain a phenomenon, because the zhadan in our country can write complex texts, and which will be very multi-layered, in which they are sitting, literary experts understand. and also he can perform in enough such
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a club or, well, in general, to a mass audience, and the main thing is that his songs, songs of dogs, zhadana and dog are not sufficiently understood by such a wide audience, that is why they are popular, that is why they respond, and in general, i will say that in serhiy zhadan’s prose and many of his poems there is such a multi-ethnic, i.e., something that resonates with millions of readers, and that’s right here this is probably one of the secrets of sergey zhadan's growing popularity. well , also maria burmaka released not only a new song, but also a video for it, the name of this song is quite so sentimental. ukraine is kind, and mariyka herself says that she is not inclined to such words there or to the same centimeters, sentiments in... also, but she says that when did the shelling of ahmedyt happen, and she
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thought about all this during the day, and at the end of the day she wanted to write a song that would, let's say, embrace this the country as, as either a mother, or as a child, this is how she explains it all, let's listen. well, also on the eve of independence day , volodymyr zelenskyi gave out state awards to artists and not only artists, in total 11 outstanding figures, not only ukrainian ones, because the premiere... among them is howard buffett, an american millionaire, i would say , by the way,
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in buch, where i live, the buffett foundation renovated an entire street that was destroyed, the station street, now it looks completely different, and serhiy paradzhanov also received the award, posthumously, of course, nina matvienko , her daughter also came posthumously to receive this award, also ihor poklad, an outstanding ukrainian composer, finally received his... his this award, i will say that he has many other people, of course he is oleksandr usyk, hero of ukraine and laureate of the shevchenkivsky, shevchenkov prize, olga gerlan received, of course, definitely deserved her award. i will say, to be clear, here these state awards cause, it seems to me, sometimes even more irony than respect, because we see many... niks and the art sector and any other, who have the highest state awards
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possible in ukraine, but these people, to put it mildly, are not the heroes they deserve these awards, if we give any award that you don't take, almost any, there will be a certain number of tainted people, so there were cases when such titles of various kinds, even... people refused and said that i don't want to have such a title, which is also held by such a person, whom i absolutely do not respect, who should not have it have titles, well, let's watch, let's see how they will deal with this, because there is no way they can give advice with these titles, to somehow take them away, we will watch the relevant draft law, how it, how how, how it will advance, how they will continue to vote for him, and now let's move on to... the topic of alain delon, because it is a sufficiently discussed topic, the topic of his death, a sufficiently
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discussed topic both in us and in ukraine, because he was very well known in our country, especially the generation people who were still in the conscious age of the soviet union, because, for example movies, hollywood movies are outstanding, they weren't popular in the soviet union, because you didn't show them anywhere anymore, so m... that's why many people here don't know the outstanding stars of the golden age of hollywood or, in principle , the american stars, but the french ones know very well. alain dalon, his funeral is literally taking place somewhere in france right now, he is to be buried now according to his will, as he bequeathed it to be done, he wanted this ceremony to be as modest as possible, he also wanted to be buried in a cemetery where
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35 of his dogs are already resting, he loved animals very much, we will talk more about this, about this peculiarity of his. in general, at the end of his life , alain delon became, well, even more so ambiguous, he was like that during his life, in these last interviews, somewhere, maybe four, five, six years old, he spoke quite sharply about many topics, about other people, most often, he did not hide that he mostly disliked people, they were unpleasant to him, and... he said that money rules the world, nobody does anything anymore, just like that, well this is an opinion with which one can certainly disagree, but here is valen delon, and he was before, he had some such thoughts, but at the end of his life they intensified, well , if we recall his creative path, then
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he is definitely extremely interesting and saturated, len dolon himself likes to repeat that he is... not an actor, he is an artist, he explains this by the fact that an actor is a person who is a professional, he is a person who studied to be an actor, who knows the technique, who plays, not lives, in front of the camera, delon himself calls himself an artist, that is, a person who is good by nature she has such qualities, which in the cinema usually does not reincarnate into anyone, but... or otherwise plays herself, and he, at all, has no education, he also constantly said about this that he does not have it, he only has it finished school, then he went to the army, and the only thing that can be called his education, more or less real, well, why more or less, it’s a real education, it’s a sausage maker’s education, that’s what they call him, sometimes they write butcher, but no exactly
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the sausage, why, because his parents divorced when he was four and... mom married a second time, his stepfather was a sausage maker, and alain dalone was just finishing school and he started to teach his stepfather this business, and he completed some certain courses which, which already gave him professional suitability, as he explains it, so if he hadn't been an actor, he could have worked on this business, continued his business for the rest of his life somewhere, but it didn't turn out that way, his parents divorced, as i said, when he was four, and he said that it wasn't like there was a big injury, it's on him very affected, he himself called himself a very unhappy child, because he was useless, neither mother nor father, at least he himself felt that way, and that is why he was problematic, he explains his hooligan
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acts, for which he was even expelled from school, that , that he's just, he's just... he was a very unhappy child, he calls himself the kind of package left over after a divorce, which is safe to throw away somewhere, but you don't know where his children are, and his parents have already started building their other seven with other children, and he felt useless to them when he was 17 years old, his father decided that something had to be done about the troubled teenager, and so he sent him to prison. well , specifically, he went to saigon, china, and he was there for two years, he was still preparing for a year, then, when in other interviews alen dalon was asked about how he now makes sense of this war in general, because it was an invasion, she was definitely colonial, on the one hand, he says that he now
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understands it, so at the age of 17, he certainly did not ask himself such questions, but on the other hand, he... believes that his character is a lot what exactly was the war, he learned discipline there, he learned there how he liked to repeat respect to his superiors, and here, but here he is, this is such a dubious page in his biography, clearly, and he himself rethought it quite a lot, and when he came from the war, he says that he didn't know... where to hide and, but he was very handsome, he always admitted that in his life and in his career, his appearance was very important, he with... treats himself well enough, always has ironically enough, now we will look at one passage and you will see it, and here he liked to repeat that
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there was nothing in the world, i showed almost nothing of myself, and yet women liked me because i was so handsome , and so one day a friend and i just went to dinner, met some girls there, then found out that one of them was an actress, and she and she helped him ... get his first roles, and on his first film, the director told him , that you should not act, you should live in front of the camera, and so this is the principle of he stayed on, he was definitely lucky at the beginning of his career precisely because of his appearance, although he was an incredibly talented actor, but just then in france, a period began in the cinema with these sex symbols, with various films. about love and koncha , actors with a bright appearance were needed, who would be pleasant to watch for the female audience, and that's how, thanks
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to his physical data, the actor got into the cinema, but later thanks to his talent, he stayed in it and became a legend. let us let's see an excerpt from one of the films where he plays, this. it's a comedy film in which delon played a character very much like himself, and with that role alone, he showed how ironic he is about himself, his talents, his looks, and the fact that he's such a sex symbol. he is not subject to time, he is only courageous. not gray in his hair, but shine. caesar is immortal, for a long time. caesar achieved everything, conquered everyone.
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he is a leopard, he is a samurai. he owes nothing to anyone, not to fate, not to her brothers, no sicilian clan. caesar belongs to the host race. caesar award for best emperor, caesar. and you to me. it's a pity that we can't even show excerpts in the original on our television, because it's all about the voice, when we don't hear the actor's voice, we don't hear half of his work, half of his acting. and that's why, if you remember, there was this shit about dubbing, that's why many people, cinephiles who love movies,
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were against dubbing, or at least for the fact that some large part of the films could be watch in the original, because you just can't fully understand a person's talent without hearing him play, even considering that we have a great dubbing, great. and dubbing actresses, but still actors of at least the level of alendolon should be listened to, they should be heard in the original with subtitles, but whatever, why allen delon did not want a loud funeral, because, in particular, he liked to repeat that he was not very loved the funeral of his best, one of his best friends, actor belmondo, and now we can... watch it at all both of them, as they were friends, they are connected by friendship for many years, and jean paul belmaldo
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left much earlier and it was a loss for alain dolon, but both actors acted, also together, and acted not only in such different programs, but also in movies , and they also had a very bright, very media image, because they were called a beauty, a monster or something. ashen and the monster, they say, because jean polbondo is not that handsome, i would argue with that, because i find belmondo much more attractive and charismatic than allen delon, but so be it how, here is this very idea of ​​friendship between two men who are so different from the outside, and also from the inside, because belmondov was more cheerful, maybe open, unlike alain dalun, but they were very friendly, and jean paul’s funeral... belmondov he was very loud in france, a lot of people came, a lot of his friends, politicians spoke,
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the president of france spoke. and now we can watch this video, and it was in the year 21, and alain delon himself, he came there, of course, like many of his colleagues, but he said that he doesn't want to see such, such an influx of people at his funeral, he wants everything to happen modestly, somewhere in his house, let's see an excerpt from the funeral, and the fields of balmondo, that's just... to understand how france sees off its outstanding artists.
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well, there is such a topic that is quite irritating, which began to be discussed a few days ago, because zoo-activists mentioned that allen delon bequeathed to bury himself together with his dog, who is still alive, in several interviews, back in the 18th . in 18-19, he said that he wanted so that if he dies first for his dog, the dog is put to sleep, killed and buried with him. he explained this desire by saying that the dog would suffer without him, and therefore it would be better to put him to sleep. here we see alain dalon with many of his other dogs, he loved them very much, and the older he got, the more , as i said, he had 35 of them, he
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set them aside near his house. the whole place, this is the cemetery, where he too, he will be buried now, he buried each of his dogs there, and here is his current dog, the actor said, that he was very close to him, he was close to all his dogs, but here they had a special connection, and that is why the actor was worried that he would just be sad at his grave, and that this should not happen, out of pity for the dog. .. he bequeathed him to be euthanized, to be killed, in fact, it sounds pretty wild to me, especially since he has three children, and he has all the possibilities, there were all the possibilities, for this dog, this dog, to go somewhere later to arrange, even if the children did not want to, but the whole catavasia continued in france not for long, because both the children of alain delon and the photo fund of his close friend brigitte bardot,
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they declared: no, no one will kill the dog, he will then be buried right next to alain delon when the dog dies, and now his children took him and wrote on instagram, posted his photos so that no one even doubts that everything is fine with the dog, he has a loving family, so do not worry, by the way, this also caused such discussions in our segment of social networks, because many people this act justified him. when, by the way, delon he himself often spoke about the fact that he very much supports euthanasia, that is, it is the death of a person by choice, his wife, the only wife , natalie delon, she died in this way, she is the mother of his eldest, the eldest son, he very much supported her and said that this should be made mandatory because a person should have the freedom and should have a choice when they
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want to take their life for...any reason, and well, but taking someone else's life is a whole different story , and in general, if we talk about delon and his friendship with different people, one of the most interesting relationships, he had one with brigitte bardo, because i think they were similar in many ways, now we can look at her, she's taking care of... i think 30 or 40 years old, for the last 40 years she's definitely a vegetarian, she's been constantly after her career ended, she ended her career very early in the early 70s, it's somewhere in the year 73, she started working with animals and she said it was the meaning her life, and if you look at the various court cases that she initiated, then theirs there were many and she influenced many things.


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