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tv   [untitled]    August 25, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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had to be corrected in order to save one's own life, that is, the life of the group, one could move away, be noticed, because that's how the circumstances turned out, or simply destroy the enemy and then move away, that's how such a distance turned out, one of the shortest, to find a sniper it's still better with the rapier, because the rapier is the coolest sniper rifle at 5 km. which works, you can accidentally find a sniper, if you know the sector where he works, you can find him, and for this, i do not think that just any, any sniper can in to become a counter-sniper one day, but for this you need a lot of experience, and you need , as they say, there, if you want, in some movie it was, if you want to catch someone there, you have to... think, how, how he, yes, as
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an enemy, for example, you, you work as a sniper, but in the opposite direction, that is, you think like him, if you were a sniper, where would you lie down, and you start all these places, you find all the heights on the map , thank you very much, of course, nettles, because without it , we didn’t get any shit at all, and every this hill, every height, you have to check... if it's field conditions, a forest strip, there, for example, a forest strip on a forest strip, or there, if it's a village, then again, well, a settlement, eh, there they operate its own rules, its own laws, in that there are not so many windows in each house, and each house is not so large and high enough to work, accordingly, we look for corridors of the street, or the attic, if it is a city, or in the city. finding a sniper is a little more difficult, on one
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side, and easier on the other, because due to the height of the buildings, there are even fewer direct corridors becomes, and again heights, heights, heights , heights, heights, heights, angles of view, sectors of view, it all matters, but if a normal and adequate sniper, he will work from the depth of the room, and it is better to go there after all. .. the tour will start, even if you won't succeed. there was countersniping, there was work on countersniping, there were results on countersniping, but it doesn't make sense for someone to look for an enemy sniper like that. i once had a position in krymskyi, where i worked all year round, it was such a fat place there, how cool the position was, efficiently, qualitatively done. that one could simply
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come there at any moment, lay down, lie down and leave at any moment, and no one would ever guess that she was there, and in order to find me, to find my bed, they must be in the field of vision of this bed, and therefore it was much easier for me to find them, because, firstly, it was my position, and secondly, i worked with it for a very long time, i knew every tree, every... point, rubbish package and so on, in that direction, and when something new appeared there, there was increased surveillance of it, if it started, or to shoot at me, respectively, not to shoot at me, to shoot in my direction, so accordingly there was practice there, yes, it was a counter-sniper fight, but on my rules, usually they exhibit. they also work smartly, they
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teach a certain person how to use svd, she sits for a whole day, knocks on one of our positions from some shelter there, shelters can even be made by professionals, that is, we went to such always on the trick, snipers are the most cunning, the most cunning people, it's like a type. er , the military, well, there is also artillery, we, we will not be outdone, that is why snipers are always in the first place, not even scouts, i would say, er, first of all, they can prepare a position, plant some fool or two fools with witnesses, just dynamically shoot one aimed shot at our positions every 10 minutes, where will it fly? a bullet there from sved can
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hit somewhere, unfortunately, our guy, and they usually shoot around the position there, they don't hit anyone, ours relax a little and get out, their sniper is working all the time, a professional, it's easy to consider the behavior of the enemy, the sniper is just sitting, under the tank somewhere, i don't know where or where he's buried, he's sitting, his no one sees it, because the bullet whistles overhead anyway , a person crouches down, bends down out of self-preservation, he doesn’t look where they are shooting from, and the bullet comes every 10, well, 10 there... 12 minutes, you kind of get used to it , well, shoot, shoot somewhere over there at the trees, at the tops, let him shoot, if bow your head, you can run 20 m there, and you just climb up, the professional works, that's all, i never saw them again after that, but we were never
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called there again, however, then it was on on on one of the directions that information came that a counter-sniper group came in, but due to... the fact that the undergrowth fields were very tall grass, they left there the next day, it seems, that is, there was preparation for their search, some certain stage of preparation had already begun in order to find them, apply them there not not snipers, but for example, an mk-19 mortar is there to excite them a little, to destroy the entire group, and not just one member of the group, but on the second day... that they left there, because i understand them, the grass was so high, that i just walked on the field with my hands raised and no one saw me, let's call the numbers more than 400, this is what officially has proof, but not
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officially there are about 600, that's the whole difference, for which i got a hero, i to be honest, i don't know at all, someone knew better. oh, because when we were still in cremin, and this was the first thing for me then they said, i later, yes, i warned the boys, i say, don’t even think, i say because i don’t need it, i don’t want it, i went to war not for glory, not for awards, not for, well, me i don't need anything at all from this war, that is, first of all, i do not depend on the state for absolutely anything. everything i have is either personal, bought with my own funds, or donated by other people, but not by the state, that is, these are the first priorities, my own little independence, as they say in the movies, pierced
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the sniper’s scope, hit the sniper in the eye, it is impossible to pierce a sniper scope with a bullet, firstly, the bullet does not fly in a straight line, as some people think, secondly, the lens of the scope itself, it is essentially a columnar glass, of which there are hardly up to 10 pieces, not a single bullet will penetrate , so since it doesn't happen in the film, a lot of it is sniping, probably 90 percent sniping, and what is shown in hollywood films are different things, that's why the film is beautiful. being a sniper is cool, but the reality is different, it is neither beautiful nor cool, this is exactly what can be said about a sniper, when behind the head they give you a reward there, maybe they are looking for you,
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maybe someone doesn't like you anymore and advertise, for example, your name, your face and so on, your life. is also not worth it. the use of snipers has changed radically, uh, most, well, most snipers who work at long distances, consider it inexpedient to use sniping. anyone in their right mind thinks, yes, that i got into position, and i fired one control shot. not only that, you need to get there, find this position, prepare. take a shot, and then from there, they will quietly disappear so that no one sees you, it takes time, and snipers, who are not, well, during such and such an effect of enemy fire, we are given 10
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shells a day, they have 100, that’s the whole difference, so some of the snipers, most of the snipers, began to retrain. on the fivichniki, that is, if a day earlier i could fire one maximum of two shots and prepare for it for two days, then right now i am already in a ready position, in a day i can destroy up to... ten whole people there, it doesn't matter there, it's a technique, there a dugout with the enemy, some of their utios, a mortar, there's a gun, it doesn't matter, but the result is greater, and even if they hit me on the head , i will still leave sniping as an art, because it is precisely sniping that made a culture around me, something personally ... good thing, because everyone wants to become snipers, i haven't seen people running and screaming, i've been
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a regular all my life, and they don't make movies about snipers yet, but about snipers, there are many movies, sniping is there will always be art, in any case, at any time no matter the war, sniping will always remain one of the highest arts of military affairs, but fpv is the development of nanotechnology, but... still more effective at the moment during this war, this very war that has already begun, fivi is much more effective than sniping, so snipers are retrained, they are not retrained, they gain more experience, they develop, they improve themselves, and they do the same work that they did, but... in a larger volume, that is, from repelling the enemy an assault, for example, with 25 drones there
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fpv, but it was done by four groups, different groups, different units, but it's still cool, because we didn't lose so many people and equipment there, if we did it, for example, in hand-to-hand combat, if the trench fought with the oko. that is, all the work was done by, for example, fpiishki, arta and fii, more precisely, more where well, and so on, but a sniper would not have done such a job, they would not have repelled, for example, a tank assault, never in their life, even some pturists , anti-tank missiles, they are also hopeful, we have aimed the missile while we have aimed, while the missile has been proven, that’s it i have already flown and... i am burning the milestone, but they are also, well, we are anti-tankers after all, but
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it turns out that some plane over there burned the armor, got into its engine compartment and simply burned it, we already sent the rocket there, well, they are starting to take offense, well, well if the competition is so, so to speak, absolutely no nostalgia, i can just take the rifle at any time, i have the same places, the same heights. and just go out one day, drag my soul and come back, that is, even how deeply it dragged me, and you need to understand that we are on at this stage of the war, we cannot choose everything, i remain a sniper and will sit, wait for a coherent time, the same will never happen, if we want to end the war, and we want to end the war, no matter who it is beneficial to there was, but definitely not for us, for us... it is not profitable for this war, and this applies not only to the state, which is not profitable for it to fight, but
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specifically to the guys who fight, that is why there is absolutely no nostalgia for sniping , because it is it's always with me, i can pick up a rifle at any moment and start sniping again, if it's now we have fp drones, let them be fp drones, if tomorrow... we have to change to a tank there, we will change, relearn, go on a tank, a big return. conversations, discussions, finding solutions, the largest conversational format of ukraine in
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the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. every thursday at 21:15 in the project velikiy lviv talks about the most important things, on the espresso tv channel. new week on espresso. weekly. final information and analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask... your own questions and join the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and step confidently into a new week, a new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smoly, every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso.
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see this week in the collaborators program. fake ministers of the temporarily occupied luhansk region. thanks to the management, today is ours the region is flourishing and developing. who received a mandate from the occupiers and russifies the captured
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territories. we are for a strong russia, it has only such a future. greetings, it's me. kononenko and this is a collaborator program about traitors who went to serve the russian occupiers at the call of their hearts and wallets. in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, russia creates such ministries and many collaborators prefer to take positions in these illegitimate bodies there. becoming a minister, deputy or at least director of the department is the main goal almost every seller. today i will tell you about such fake institutions, who runs them and how they are used by the occupiers. let's start with the ministers of the temporarily occupied luhansk region, the first in line for defamation is the so-called minister of culture of the lpr dmytro serhiyevich sidorov. when in september 2013 kyiv sent information that the status of the russian language as a regional language would be banned, it was luhansk, donetsk that were the first regions to say that we think
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and speak in russian, and if you want to ban it, then we will not ... this a supporter of the russian language and culture 34. he was born in the city of lysichansk, luhansk region, graduated from the bohdan khmelnytskyi donetsk lyceum with enhanced military and physical training, and later entered the luhansk state academy of culture and arts. when luhansk region was occupied, dmitry became an appreciator of the so-called great russian culture. young sidorov, then he was 24, did not leave for the controlled territories of ukraine. began to build his career under the occupiers. today, three government orders were passed that allow us to sign an additional agreement with the ministry of culture of the russian federation. to get a seat in high offices, you must first prove to the system that you are worthy of holding the title of kremlin henchman. this is exactly what dmytro set out to do, he started small. became an organizer of sports events under the coat of arms
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with a chicken. at competitions, he handed out russian certificates, medals and pride. listened to the beating of the national anthem of the russian federation with his head bowed, then joined the city center of physical health of the population , sport for all under the occupation authorities. fortunately, already in the liberated territories boys are actively involved in the processes of interaction with sports federations, classes in club institutions have been resumed. with each year of the occupation of luhansk region , the traitor's career went up, well, it seemed so to him, but in reality it hit the bottom, because later dmytro... headed the committee on health care, education, culture, sports, tourism and social policy, yes the so-called lpr. it is not clear how you can lead something that does not exist. but that sandcastle that this traitor built for himself, where he is a great official, in the pseudo-political arena, well very funny thanks to the leadership, today our region is flourishing, developing, and we all
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contribute to make life better for all our residents. in 2017, the head of feykovo lpr leonid pasichnyk appointed sidorov acting minister of culture, sports and youth by his decree. in his chair, dmytro supervises youth patriotic movements with the aim of propagandizing the russian world, among the local population and youth, and also accuses ukraine of zombifying children through literature. just listen to this delusion obsessed very serious psychological training was conducted with these people. after all , they even have fairy tales, even ordinary textbooks in schools, but they, in fact, raise a rather cruel generation from their children. there is a lot of russophobic literature, extremist literature, appeals to lash. sidorov travels to all kinds of russian forums, develops poor russian
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culture on the territory of luhansk region, russifies libraries, theaters and cinemas, glorifies the russian army, putin and the kremlin. in general , the typical routine of a traitor to the motherland. the ministry of internal affairs announced sidorov wanted. he is also on the lists of sanctioned persons, according to the decrees of the current government. this is only the beginning, this is the first result, but very soon it may be your end, dmytro, and you will have time behind bars to delve into the wonderful ukrainian culture. the next traitor with the rank of minister, oleg viktorovych shereneshev, born in 1988, hails from krasnodon, luhansk region. we are for a strong russia, it has only such a future. in 2009, oleg graduated from luhansk state university. university of internal affairs, in 2012 he headed the department at for children's affairs of the executive committee of the krasnodon city council, was a ukrainian official, and when
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the occupiers captured krasnodon in april 2014, shereneshev began to serve the rashists. and so inspired that they appointed him the head of the department of physical culture and sports, and last year made him the minister of sports of the so-called luhansk people's republic. our people, citizens, shifts, children, people of all ages will be able to take advantage of modern facilities that meet all the technological standards of a sports facility. which did not exist in the republic before. at the modern sports facilities that shereneshev opens, these are the old defaced gymnasiums built almost a century ago and taken over by the occupiers, where children are driven for propagandist television images and simulated care for their health, they painted the cracked walls with green paint and here they are: modern innovations . in the elenerian way, of course, thanks to russia, all this, as a respected rashid official, oleshko puffs up his cheeks, calls to support putin,
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organizes sports events in honor of buried svo soldiers and forces children to write letters to them. all pro-russian activities and, at the same time, reports for curators from the kremlin are actively broadcast on social networks. the fact is that every russian fake ministry has a telegram channel, where they actively promote the minister, highlighting his work. a channel called the ministry of sports of the lpr can become an excellent evidence base of shereneshev's treason. with inspiration and special joy, i heard with pride that our president is paying attention to sports and its development. there was no sport for more than 30 years such support. we very much hope that soon there will be someone willing to write an inspired letter to oleg himself when he is serving his sentence for treason. in a ukrainian prison. our next collaborator with the mandate of the minister, olena serhiivna makarenko, born in 1968, hails from
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luhansk region. today, the government adopted a resolution on the remuneration of non-state employees. after the occupation of luhansk region, makarenko immediately understood the rules of the russian state and began to implement it, she quickly received a position minister of labor and social policy of feykova lpr. the chair appeared. so comfortable that the traitor does everything to stay in it as long as possible. this is a large-scale event for the whole of russia. we, as a new region, are voting for the president of the country for the first time, and we are voting for the future, for our happy future. votes for putin, talks about regular shelling from ukraine, popularizes russian programs among the local population. today, the government of the luhansk people's republic adopted a resolution providing for the payment of the annual allowance financial assistance until the day of victory. suspicion and a fair sentence from the ukrainian themis have already awaited this fan of the bloody dictatorial regime. it was the program
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collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this email address or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week in eteriso. congratulations, friends, the saturday political club is on the air on the expresso tv channel as part of our holiday marathon. antin borkovskyi, vitaly portnikov, glory to ukraine, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, i personally congratulate you on the day of ukrainian independence, the holiday to which you devoted yourself to the usual. we strongly understand that this is generally a collective matter, a republic, a joint matter of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, so at one time we used such terms in order
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to outline what this is... we deleted this name from the act on state independence, and i already told that i crossed out the word republic from the act on the state independence of ukraine with my own hand. what to you the republic did not agree? i liked the republic, but dmytro vasiliovych pavlychko, who was actually one of the authors of this final draft of the act, was afraid that if the independence of the republic of ukraine was written in the act, the communist majority of the verkhovna rada of ukraine would notice that there were no ukrainians. ssr, it was such a situation, the independence of the republic of ukraine, but what about the ukrainian ssr? yes, well, he decided that they just wouldn't notice, they didn't. and it was wise on his part, or on the contrary it was like that a haircut? yes, because very often we consume what we have inherited. i'm not saying that the whole experience and all that is there, from the state border and certain things, that it 's all bad, right? that is, certain things went to
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the plus side, that is, for inertia, ukraine is a movement. but very often we lost on this, probably, well, i think that on that day it all hung in the balance, it seems to us that it was an absolutely predictable thing, something that the verkhovna rada met and proclaimed independence, and it could not have been otherwise, 100,000 times it could be, it was an effort really quite serious, moreover, a group of people who had opposition to their decision even in the people's council itself, among the ukrainian national democracies, because many believed, and among them... there were volodymyr hrynyov, the then vice-speaker of the parliament from the democratic opposition, and larisa skoryk , that without banning the communist party, there can be no independence of ukraine, and the communists, for their part, believed that the independence of ukraine should guarantee the survival of the communist party, because on this very day boris yeltsin banned the communist party in moscow of the soviet union on the territory of the russian federation, and in fact, between
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these two... desires to ban the cpsu, and that was the main idea, or vice versa, to do everything possible to make ukraine independent, but with communist rule, between these two desires was to pass at this very moment, and the fact that ukraine did not begin to be called a republic is the result of this... fear that we will not be able to declare independence in any way, to vote for it in any way, and i remember that until the last there were such fears at the time, so i think that in the action for independence, it will be reflected, in general, when levko lukenka was writing this first project that we saw this morning, there was generally a ukrainian people's republic, he wanted it, and by the way, i
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think it was right, yes, it is right . the ukrainian people's republic, so that we don't just say that ukraine is the independent heiress of the ukrainian ssr, no, uh, we are simply restoring the onr as we say, the justice of a century ago, relatively speaking, well, like latvia, lithuania and estonia restored their states according to constitution, which ceased to operate in 1940, but again we did not have a majority , unlike the baltic countries, there was no majority, but now there is a majority. yes , it is possible, it would be worth correcting certain things, i.e., when we talk about the self-reliance of the ukrainian people's republic, then it is possible to solve certain historical, historical-legal dilemmas much easier, when we say in particular, how should we be with good ukrainian communists, but they were actually representatives of the soviet occupation regime, that is, if we believe that as an administration, yes, yes, well, as posypaks,
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conditionally speaking, yes. that is, if the ukrainian people's republic was the foundation from which the current ukrainian independence grew, well , accordingly, this is the period of the 20s and 30s, this is how we should perceive the builders at that time, i say in quotation marks, of course, ukrainian statehood, and then it becomes very much easier to evaluate posiori, from a historical point of view you are absolutely right, but from a legal and legal point of view there is a certain problem, because latvia, lithuania and estonia restored their... independence within those state borders in which they were internationally recognized before 1940. moreover, the russian federation has appropriated to itself, well, the region of latvia, the current petalovsk region of the russian federation, the former abrene district, and the region of estonia, the current ivangorod part of russia.


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