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tv   [untitled]    August 25, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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here, in ukraine, many problems of the whole world look different. we understand today that, uh, reconciliation between, uh, the aggressor and the victim, is possible only when that aggressor stops, when the world community condemns him, when he... is forced to compensate for the wrong done, only then can to be a dialogue, a dialogue which, let's say this, someday, i hope, it will culminate in what we call the healing of wounds, and therefore reconciliation, that's why these are all very difficult issues, but let's let the pope be the pope, and we... ukrainians, let's be ukrainians, me
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i think that everyone will understand everything and us, including when we really win in the battle that we are waging, because maybe this is our so-so mission, to unmask that devil who attacks us today, to unmask that moscow, which today is no longer a carrier of high culture, but a carrier. er er of the latest genocidal ideology, because unfortunately, today the world er has the same danger, er, in which it was, let's say, before the start of the second world war. well, let's remember that time in europe , everyone wanted to prevent the escalation of the world conflict, remember. chamberlain, who was so
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happy with that piece of paper, said that they satisfied the aggressor, gave him a part of some country there, and now he has already satisfied his appetites. at that time, for the average european, the word germany was associated with high culture, philosophy, music, and the authorities there were nazis, and then at the end of the second world war, everyone was horrified... how was it possible that such a civilized, cultured people committed the crimes of auschwitz and committed genocide against the entire people that we are today we call the holocaust, that is what is happening to russia today, russia, in particular after... the collapse of the soviet union,
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it invested huge amounts of money in order to spread the illusion of its high culture. today, when someone is looking for some kind of expert on russia, they will always come across an adept who was brought up on the uh illusion of the greatness of russian culture, and therefore always, when they hear about russia today, they will uh... first of all turn to the categories his own illusory thinking, without asking himself what is really happening in russia, in russia in reality today there is, i would say, such a neo-colonial genocidal regime that has nothing in common with the examples of high russian culture, from dostoevsky or other so-called classics of russian culture, according to this culture right now.
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there is no more, and this is a certain shock that perhaps the west is experiencing today, all those who consider themselves experts, and this is our perhaps historical role, it is to expose everything, to warn the world, to close it to this huge, danger, so i hope we will fulfill our role, we will win, and then all of us with... i am convinced that the lord god is today always on the side of the one who is a victim of unjust aggression, that the lord god is next to us, you said that god is next to us, so i would like to with the question actually, it is certain to end, because many people ask today, where is god and why is this with us, just as jesus was asked if his parents had sinned. is he, why is he blind, and now
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people will ask who sinned, articles are written, intelligent people write, explain why we deserved this war in the pews, and say, well and what, who, who... sinned, but i would like you to say your word, here it is important for people to understand where god is, if i don't see him, i don't feel him, all this is happening, and why do we need it, well, we will answer this question until the end, maybe at the end of the story, when the whole process will take place, then we will see everything in its entirety, but now it is christians who have the key to interpret this action. really, why? because we believe in a suffering god, not a god who is somewhere far away, somewhere in the heavens, in his kingdom, no, but a god who became a man we believe in the son of god, who
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entered human history, took on a human body and voluntarily went to the cross. that is, today. we christians see the suffering christ in the suffering of every person, i want to share my own spiritual experience like this, maybe, you know, when i visit our wounded boys, or even civilians who have been injured by bombings, you know, well, it's just kind of really reverent awe before... human suffering in ukraine, in which god is really present, sometimes i feel like that caught in my mind, you know, seeing those wounds, i say to myself: "jesus, it's you, i see you in this person." and indeed, today christ is suffering
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in the body of the suffering ukrainian people. that is why the pain and suffering of our savior in the body of a suffering ukrainian motivates christians to acts of mercy, they call us not just to respect human suffering, but to protect human life, that is, it is some kind of, i would say really religious motive of all our social service. all that we do for the protection and salvation of humanity life in the name of god, this is not some kind of usual, i would say, philanthropy, but this is truly deakonia, that is, service, service to god
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through service to a person in need, and this experience is not only my personal one. but the whole of our church, you know, no one has ever asked in our communities, in our parishes, what church do you go to, what language do you speak, when we saw a needy person, a wounded person, a refugee, a person who needs to be helped, warmed , uh, is it even possible to advise her on how to proceed in life, in life , here, and this is... the secret of stability, i i am convinced that this is not an abstract, but a very concrete presence of god among us, in particular because of his suffering in the wounds of ukraine, this is a very, very deep, i would
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say, foundation for the proclamation of christ, christ's gospel today in ukraine, precisely so we say we are god, because god is always in the one who suffers. there is such an early christian sermon from the second century, even from the persecuted church, which said that christ is killed in everyone who will be killed until the end of the world. christ was present in joseph, who sold to egypt. christ was present in abel. who was killed by cain in the old testament, and today he is present in every person who is in need, weak, that is why we read in the gospel from matthew about the terrible judgment, says christ, what you did to one of
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the least of these, you did to me they did it, that's why we christians know where god is present, we. we see him, and we want to serve the lord god, and our long-suffering, but heroic people, we thank you, and bishop sviatoslav was with us. head of ukrainian of the greek catholic church and i also congratulate you on the independence day of ukraine and your entire christian community. well, i ask you to stay with the espresso tv channel. it will be interesting later. there are discounts until independence day on bionorm detox. 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. read the august issue of ukraine magazine. how maidan and the volunteer movement
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formed a new ukrainian identity. the phenomenon of ukrainian stability. why did the enemy underestimate the power of freedom? from the gray zone to the european stronghold. what a lesson ukraine taught world? ask at press outlets or pre-pay online. the country is in the center of the main events. the book women at war is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the spirit and letter publishing house. the book is based on the reports of the presenter of the espresso tv channel khrystyna parubiy. 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. the book is dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military. women at war, search in bookstores of ukraine. with the support of the konstantin zhivago charitable foundation. there are discounts until independence day on baniocin 20% in psylshynic bam and oskad pharmacies
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, there are discounts until independence day on gelta kremgit up to 30% in psyasnyk pam and oskad pharmacies. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel kowal. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland and ukraine. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like? the project is about politics around the world with maria gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with eu sisters. people who choose independence, people who inspire by their own example, people who bring victory closer. volodymyr boychyn, the chief doctor of the nizhnyosirovka outpatient clinic, personally went to... sumy to get medicine. on one of these trips, doctor boychyn had a shootout with the russians, who without hesitation shot his
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car. fortunately, only the car was damaged. we cannot be defeated as long as there are such people, bright people in dark times. events, happenings just now and affect our lives. of course, the news reports about them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. and... tin borkovskiy and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. 15-year-old sofiyka artemova lived in the city of severodonetsk in the luhansk region and met her there. full-scale war. on the very first day of the russian invasion, the child mysteriously disappeared and his whereabouts are still unknown.
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i really hope that with your help the girl will be found. let's take another look at her photo. sofiyka has an oval face, dark blond hair and brown eyes. in this picture, the girl is less than 15, but this is not surprising, because more than two years have passed since the disappearance of the child. if anyone... has seen sofia, or knows where she might be now, call us immediately on the magnolia children's search hotline at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if suddenly there is no communication the ability to call, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. and now i want to recall the shocking story of seven-year-old sofiyka golynska. the girl lived with her mother. in odesa, in the city of balta. and imagine, it disappeared at the end of 2020
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. the police say that the child was kidnapped by her grandmother, lyudmila holinska. and for more than three years, the woman has been hiding her child for unknown reasons. it was established that in december 2020 , a woman abducted her three-year-old granddaughter sofya golinska in the baltsky district of odesa region. but until now, they are accurate location unknown. golynska lyudmila mykhaili. born on 01.04.1968, height about 162-170 cm, dense build, skin heals, hair color can change, eyes from... light, has visible moles in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold. previously, there was a version that already during a full-scale war, the child could be taken abroad to one of the countries of the european union, and later the police said that the alleged abductor of the girl, her grandmother, could be in kyiv. of course, if you follow her trail, there is a high probability of establishing a place
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stay of the child but sofia's grandmother carefully disguises herself and constantly changes her... appearance, but i really hope that one of you will recognize her and help establish her location, and most importantly, in this way , it will be possible to find sofiyka golinska. i appeal to everyone, and especially to kiyan, if anyone has seen this woman or knows where she may be, call us immediately on the hotline of the child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls from all mobile operators are free, what about seven-year-old sofia. now it is very difficult to describe it appearance. imagine, the girl's mother last saw her little one when she was only 3.5 years old. i do not know about mine, the fate of my child, in what condition she is, how she looks, then she was 20 meters tall, she had blue eyes,
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she was dressed for the last time in a pink dress, it was in the 20th year, of course, that in more than three years, sofiyka has grown up and changed, but i don't think that it is so drastic that it is impossible to recognize her, so i ask you to look closely at her face. the girl has big blue eyes and light blond hair hair, approximate height 110-120 cm. in these photos, she is about 3 years old. and this is one of the last pictures where sofia is about 3.5, of course, the girl's mother also has a video of her daughter, well, you're an adult girl already, hey, not only, but, but, not but, but, let me remind you that
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now sofia seven years old, of course, she already speaks normally. and expresses her thoughts, if you see a child who looks like her somewhere, or see her grandmother, who is suspected of abducting a child, do not delay and immediately dial the short number of the magnolia child tracing service 11630. calls from of any mobile operator are free, you can call the hotline at any time of the day. in addition, important information can always be transmitted with the help of the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on espresso tv channel, studio zahid program, let me first of all congratulate you on the greatest ukrainian holiday
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, independence day, it's not about a calendar date, it's not just about a red dot on our calendar. this is about a holiday in the literal sense of pouring the blood of our soldiers and our civilians, all those who gave their lives for our ukrainian independence, so we remember them. my colleagues prepared a lot of important and interesting and useful conversations, both with people who represent both the political spectrum and the sphere of culture and not only. but i would like to talk about polish-ukrainian relations. poland in 2022. helped us a lot, we remember it and appreciate this moment, but we understand that we have many challenges, caused by the so-called difficult polish-ukrainian affairs, so about we will talk about this and other things with my current guest, marcin bosatsky, the head of the polish-ukrainian parliamentary group, a member of the polish diet. greetings, mr.
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posle. we understand that we have a lot of issues related to polish-ukrainian affairs, but the most important issue that hangs over the entire continent is russian aggression against ukraine, and perhaps not only against ukraine. we also see that the russians are gathering their forces, and this does not only apply to the field related to the military and weapons, it is a huge challenge for everything. continent, but they discovered that ukraine, being in mortal danger, destroyed, struck, let's say, not yet in the heart of the russian enemy, but on the territory of the former chernihiv voivodeship from... now it sounds like the kursk region, and the atmosphere immediately changed a little, the enemy of such did not expect, and our allies did not expect, in particular, very strange and cautious statements from
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the american side. how do you see and feel it? ukraine is rutting again and again, i think that ukraine will be next in line from 2022, in fact, since 2014, it has been showing its decisive strength. people are appreciated all over the world, of course, you should know that the courage of the ukrainian , apart from russia and its allies, but here i must tell you that i believe that the reaction to your kursk offensive two years ago, 2.5 years ago, would have been radically another kursk, two lats topic... and this is a positive development of the situation, that at this moment the americans, germans, french say that ukraine can defend itself from
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russian aggression as it deems necessary. i am convinced that even two years ago , these comments from at least some of the western allies would have been more panicked and more cautious, and in my opinion, this is a good evolution of the position of the west, this kurdish... offensive has not changed anything. i think the west has finally understood that ukraine can and should defend itself by all possible means before that terrible and shameful aggression of putin. as i say, this is a good evolution in the right direction. for example, are the restrictions of ukraine on the use of weapons, atakams and so on still in place, are there, or is everything perfect? not ideal, but really, as we recall, the first months after february 2022, even so true allies, as the british said: "we will give ukraine weapons for defense", but now no one says so, you get, finally get, but
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you get f-16, powerful tanks, powerful missile weapons. not enough, but you get it. i think when it comes to the event, there is finally an understanding that you should get everything you need. now you still need to convince the west that as fast as you need it. to the polish people and various political parties of poland for the fact that poland passed the test that began with full-scale russian aggression. this means that polish political elites have united around the most important thing: support, quick support of ukraine. while some documents may have been entered somewhere in brussels, poland had already given the go-ahead for polish tanks, and it was very important, it is not only about tanks, but also about rifles and so on, but we see that this is not a military operation, this is not a short war,
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this is an old, long, bloody war that has prospects for expansion. actually, i would like to ask if there is a feeling of the ruling elite of poland, this is primarily about the prime minister tuska, but not only about him, is there an awareness that at some point poland will simply be obliged to give an answer to one of those on duty. russian provocations, of course, we understand that those rockets that once flew into polish territory may have been an accident, or maybe not, maybe it was some kind of, i don't know, study of poland's reaction, and at some point, maybe someone in warsaw will have to give an order, a few difficult problems, first of all, a few difficult moments, first of all, i was already in lviv for a service in... a nizon temple and saw a service for three dead ukrainian heroes, i see that it looks as if lviv is functioning and living normally, but this war is visible. i had
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a conversation with mayor sadov, i am a guest of mykola knyazhytskyi, the head of the ukrainian-polish parliamentary group, and it is noticeable that the entire society, the entire ukrainian people, involved in this war, firstly, secondly, we are already a part putin's operations against the west, primarily through the operation... the transfer of migrants, often very aggressive migrants, trained by lukashenka's kgb along the polish-belarusian border, and this pressure has been going on for almost three years, it is usually carried out on latvia and lithuania, but the biggest one is also on poland. this spring, the first polish soldier wounded by a knife on that border died. we have now sent a large number of military and police forces there, and we have managed to reduce the number of those attacks, but they ... and so on, so poland's awareness that it is part of the west's conflict with putin and his subordinate lukashenka is absolute when it comes to
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missiles , which did not...fall once on lviv or yavoriv, ​​but before that for several tens of seconds were on the territory of poland, it is not easy. first, it has to be an allied decision, it's not just poland's decision that we're going to try to bring them down. secondly, they are on the territory of poland for a very short time, it is not 10 minutes, but 30, 40, 50 seconds, so even technically it is not easy to hit them on the territory of poland. remember also, if it comes to... the goals of our and your biggest ally, that is, the united states, those goals are twofold: first, how to help ukraine as quickly as possible so that it wins the war with russia, and here i am once again let me emphasize: the whole world, the whole western world, the civilized world, full of great respect and honor for the ukrainian military and the ukrainian people, but the second goal of the americans is to not directly involve america or the north atlantic
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alliance in... who live in poland, so that , for example, it was known, and i can talk about it, to cause fires at the bases of polish or american troops on the territory of poland. there are approximately 15,000 american troops in poland. our services, together with the american services and other nato countries, are responding to this, however for now, the red line is that we respond to a level that does not escalate nato's conflict with russia. meanwhile,
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there is no doubt for poland. we understand that if poland joined the defense of the ukrainian sky, we would be able to send some power to the east, for example, for the defense of kyiv, kharkiv, zaporizhzhia, or other cities. we understand that air defense systems are expensive and they are always in short supply when, especially when it comes to the war with the russians, how do you see the possibilities to solve this? it's clear, but
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it's not easy for me, i'll tell you what it is for... specialists understandable, but probably not for many of our viewers. ukraine, especially after the last three or four months of expelling patriots from various european countries, from greece, from spain, from germany, has many more patriots than poland, and we certainly do not have enough of those patriot batteries to protect poland, so rather sending from poland to ukraine is not possible. instead, cooperation on the rapid detection of such missile threats from russia is the most possible. having said this now, i believe that the purpose of this war and the purpose of ukraine must achieve, and what poland sets for itself at the end of the war, is the full membership of ukraine with full rights in nato and the eu. then obviously, after a certain truce or peace with russia, there should no longer be any restrictions, and the difference between the security of ukraine and the north atlantic union, in particular poland, this should be a clear goal of this war. but we
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have to hold on, live until that moment, until membership, and there is a long way to go, yes, for that , poland is the force in the talks in the north atlantic alliance, which, for example, this spring, after that difficult winter, when you lacked shells to shoot down russian missiles, not only patriots, but others, was the force that said in internal alliance conversations that we must give ... the country everything possible, but understand that we cannot give everything we have now, because potentially across the border with kaliningrad, we have, unfortunately, a missile danger for warsaw and for gdansk, for other cities in north-eastern poland, we cannot give everything to you now, however, we give everything we can. it concerns, for example, aviation, as mr felt and as for aviation, do you think there will be any.


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