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tv   [untitled]    August 25, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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she did not work for the kgb or according to the kgb methods. well , she says: i have sociology, boris mykolayovych, and more than 90% will be in favor of independence. and here yeltsin says, it means we have to do something, galina vasylivna, let's think, if ukraine leaves the soviet union, what should we do to somehow maintain our ties with ukraine. well, it's a different approach, if you surround yourself with jerks who just want to make money, then you become putin. well, accordingly, we can draw a certain projection, that is, we understand this, this one is not i know, a rusty icebreaker that is run by either degenerates or morons, that is, who are involved in the war, that is, this trajectory does not foresee change, is there still a feeling that this or that, this or that narendra modi, or this or that joseph biden , or one or another, i don’t know, some other collective brain, world, global economic and so on, it can direct... i don’t know,
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xi jinping taken separately can direct this trajectory to nowhere, but the trajectory to nowhere is the trajectory of the war against ukraine, which they made the meaning of the existence of their current state machine, that's the meaning, this state machine looks very simple, it's a tank, it's pretending, it's just pretending, it has a tank driver with a very small brain, i would say, sitting in... this putin's tank, and he's going, ugh, so there's only one way to stop a tank, a cartridge or a javelin, or it will fall into some trench and get stuck there and will stand there and nothing will change, because he will think that it is necessary go further, but simply cannot, he has to get bogged down, the very idea that you can go up to this tank and knock on er this tower, let's have some conversations with you, let's return to the second run. turn the other way, or just
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stop there, let's drink champagne, look each other in the eye, it will be more profitable if you buy quality fuel, we will repaint your tank some beautiful color, no, it's absolutely not interesting, it has to get bogged down, that's all, this is the formula for peace, zelensky's, relatively speaking, or not zelensky's, but this is a real formula peace, the tank must be bogged down, because in this tank no information is perceived, mods sydzenpin, that's all. if they say something, it's not there, if they stop buying oil, it's interesting, because the tank has nothing to go on, and as long as it has fuel, it goes, well, but on the other hand, they have the same success, for example, they passed a beautiful to the republic of turkey, what is called the caucasus, that is, putin transferred caucasian interests to baku and istanbul and not only to them, that is, we understand that even iran is more resistant to putin's influence in the caucasus than the same putin. well, it's paradoxical, that is, i
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don't know if he understands it, i would say so, i would even say it differently, he understands it, he just thinks differently, he thinks that he will return all this after the victory over ukraine, that the victory over in ukraine, it paralyzes everyone so much that they will not go anywhere, they will come by themselves, that while he is fighting, they allow themselves this woman, a free woman, to look somewhere in the mirror... they let me go, because i don’t have it, he doesn’t look at these people, as sovereign leaders, he sees it simply as of the servants, the master is busy, he is in the stable, he is just punishing another boy, and at this time they are all doing something there, because barin is in the stable, soon barin will return, the colp will be punished there, hanged, i don’t know, there with the head of the slave, he will show their head is there, and that's all, well... well, but in any case, the tank is going,
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the tank has to get bogged down, and we don't even, we don't even want to talk about the number of dead, yes, because we understand that they are dying not only enemy soldiers, our fighters die, that is, the concept of the tank, it does not involve any compromise, yes, but there was, there was something in istanbul, we do not even fully understand what was signed, what was spoken, but in any case it was rejected, there were certain minsk processes, and we understand that in... the country, it is also preparing , and this should scare russia much more, because the same kurdish operation, we will not exaggerate it taking into account what is happening right now on the front line, but in any case , the kurdish operation demonstrated the lack of response in putin the führer cannot to remain silent when he is losing the territory of the reich, but he cannot, putin has, had to say something. not
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a real one, it was still a real hit, it's true, and this hit is probably already in the fridge, yes, if you believe the nightingale, well, i'm joking, well, but in any case , there was no answer from him, well, because it's not furar... it must be confused, but there was a person who was deeply ideologically oriented, who simply believed in his messianic role, and these are people, and this is a petty henchman who decided that he would be a game, that he would play the role of napoleon in order to maintain power, well, this is a completely different amplo, that was a fanatic, and this one is just a scoundrel, yes, but on the other hand, what does this mean for us, that is, in any case, he went to war, that is , if he wanted to, well, he didn’t want to go to war, the truth, the dpr coordinates, the lpr, as they imagined them, and to change the government in kyiv so that this government agrees with this restoration of borders, a very simple operation, and by the way, to
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allow them to add something else there, which they wrote in the instructions, well and all, as a result, yes, they just broke into a bloody war, but then again, when you you are talking about the istanbul agreements, i can... say a clear formula of the istanbul agreements: russia wants, if not to conclude agreements, at least to publicize such agreements that would lead to destabilization of the situation in ukraine, that is, it is a tool, an instrument of destabilization, that is, there can be different instruments of destabilization, it is possible to propose some kind of agreements that will allow ukrainian society to shout traitor president, let's get together, we can't stand it anymore. zelensky is surrendering ukraine, they are always these narratives wake up, it's one tool, another tool, the murder of iryna farion here in lviv, a tool, a tool, one way or another, we don't even say how it happened, but when they saw it, they started using it, a tool to push
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different layers together society, they do not succeed, but they think so because they have always thought so, in order to understand this, it is worth looking not at ukrainian russian. not the chechen one, the opposition they bought to destabilize the situation in chechnya, ugh, the assassination of dzhokhar dudayev, the agreements in khasavirka, and again after these agreements work on the destabilization and separation of chechen society, but they did not go to khasavir until now, well, during the russian-ukrainian war, that is, to such agreements that would allow them to regroup, to prepare for some new one. or they didn't go, but we didn't go either, we didn't go, we didn't go for other reasons, that is, we are aware of the fact that for what they would need some, i don't know, istanbul-minsk hasavyud, well, on the other hand, khan yandarbiev and slan maskhadov were not there behind the back of the president of the united states and the prime minister of great britain, they were
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, from the point of view of international law, a republic within the russian federation, they were sympathized with as people who were subjected to repression and terror by the central government. but the west behaved completely differently, imagine that in this situation the west would have started supplying real weapons to chechnya, the north caucasus in this situation, even after the second time of the second chechen war, would have been independent states a long time ago, why is putin leaning on the caucasus now, why he did not go to belgorod oblast, yes, why does he make such completely strange circles, why am i talking about putin now. because now, in the current phase , a lot depends on this crazy person, the key period will be, we will form, we can, i can answer, why? because he is a lieutenant colonel of the kgb, you are not a lieutenant colonel of the kgb, you cannot understand him, how a lieutenant colonel of the kgb acts in such a situation, he needs his population to have an image
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of stability in their heads, he is conducting a counter-terrorist operation on the territory of kurdistan, belgorod and bryansk oblasts, and let's immediately transfer... the post to the counter-terrorist operation in the north caucasus, and do you remember, dear compatriots, how terrible it was in the north caucasus, children were killed by the hundreds, terrorists were rampaging everywhere, there was a war that the west organized against us there at that time, there was destabilization of russia, but we announced a counter-terrorist operation, and now daglats, by god's grace, vladimir putin is going along putin avenue to the putin institute. in order to speak with volunteers who will participate in this counter-terrorist operation, how wonderful, this is such a ring of saoron, he circles the situation so that people have hope, well , if he decided there, then he will decide here too, nothing, did some terrorists invade
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russian land again, that was already the case , well , a counter-terrorist operation, no, we don't pay attention to it, putin will figure it out, it's very important, you reminded us of certain differences, yes, the attitude of the west towards chechen independence and support for ukraine. we understand that the event such an impression has now gone on to raise rates significantly more. when we'. we are talking about a qualitative change in supply, i.e. aviation - it is in any number, whether it is one or two squadrons, but this is already a change in attitude, and we understand that it is not just about flying weapons, not about the situation in the sky, not about the strengthening, about the red lines and about the hint of putin's ass, you know, it was passed in a piece, saying, and we can increase the number of aviation, and he didn't have it either. answers, does he read such things at all, that is, they understand that the west is now starting to prepare for its own
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scenarios, yes, and this applies not only to the russian-ukrainian war, but to the future, for example, to the future of russia, we are nobody, we do not see any figure that putin would raise from his hebite retort to replace himself, yes, who, i apologize, raised yosyfaronovych stalin, who, after all, was a personality larger than putin, is it true, in lavrenti? which the soviet people did not really know existed until the moment he became the head of the council of ministers. stalin did not feed his successors, he did not want to to have a successor, and what heir did yosyp brostita raise for himself, a much more liberal figure than stalin. he. died and there was no one there, yes, and his widow was kicked out of the house and sat and put under house
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arrest, and i raised his heirs enver hoxha, he died and the head of state, the senior head of state security of albania, ramizalia, he is neither they nor these people, they don't think they're going to die at all, i think the best quote is from fidel castro who once said at a rally if i die if... people think in such categories, not when, but if, well, then something can happen, but in principle they do not consider such a possibility, they do not consider the possibility of transferring power, because they are dictators, and if suddenly people like sultan nazarbayev start to consider such possibilities, yes he considered the possibility of the transfer of power, now not everyone is laughing, and here is the attitude of the west and the preparation of the west for a bigger, broader scenario, that is, when we are not just talking about the russian-ukrainian war. and in general about the fate of the continent, so the fate of the continent is, for example, division, i am not saying the mandatory
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sovereignty of the russian yes, but certain segments of the economy, certain influences, and so on, that is, we understand that there is a so-called big game, and we understand that when sijin ping and president joseph biden talk to each other, they talk not only about ukraine, because they are also interested in the world, at one time stephen king very... aptly and briefly characterized not the current moment, but in general about our global turbulences: the world moved from places, and now we see that a new order or disorder or a new order or a new system is sprouting, and russia remains archaic, bloody, dangerous, malicious and so on, but archaic, that is, they sit with a button nokia and say, i for some reason i can't receive your video, and they say, well, it's simple... we send you from a touchscreen phone, they, and they have a push-button nokia, do you know, there were still
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soviet phones like that, where you had to turn the dial in order to go to to call someone, and putin picks up the turntable, i can't, i don't i can accept your videos, yes, because the special forces are our everything, which yes, there is a very simple formula, the west is always hoping for putin's good sense, that putin will understand some things, he must understand. that he will not be able to absorb all of ukraine, that he will not be able to oppose ukraine's accession, at least to the european union, that he will not be able to force the west to recognize russian territorial possessions in ukraine, on ukrainian territory, as an internationally recognized norm, he will not be able to, this will not happen, so what to do if you understand what this is won't happen, calm down and agree on something, at least tactically. he doesn't do it, he always pretends that he doesn't notice it, well he doesn't notice it, so he has to go on,
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he goes on, well, what does the west have to do, move the red lines, the west will do it all the time, he always hopes , that putin will come to his senses, well , he won't come to his senses here, maybe he will come to his senses here, maybe he will come to his senses here, it is not understood, that is, putin, putin is waiting for the west to stop, and the west also has no opportunity to stop, so there will be more planes in the future. it will happen sooner or later the adopted decision, which the president of the czech republic, peter pavel, spoke about: ukraine will be accepted by the donats without the occupied territories. but what about, for example, the hot phase of the war and the situation on the front line, because we understand that the current situation, it does not foresee freezing, here i am talking about it, well, cold, for today it does not foresee, but at some point can predict, because there can be a definition of the definition of both sides, there can be a temporary ceasefire, which will be engaged in by countries such as qatar, india and
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and switzerland, for example, well, let's say, and putin will later say that he was deceived, he is being deceived all the time, he was deceived in minsk then, not in the way he wants, you understand, but he agrees to it due to certain reasons, because he is being pressured, and then he says, no, well, we agreed on something else, well , relatively speaking, putin's fantasy about the euro-atlantic community, which would promise the buddhists not to expand eastward, yes, yes, yes, everyone says that this lie, there was no such thing, well, but for him very much. correctly pointed out this point model of thinking, that's what he says, well, i was deceived, come on, and no one agreed about it at the time, come on, well, it means it's the same again, it's pushkin, it's not difficult to deceive me, because i myself want to be deceived, this is the relationship between people in russia, it seems to me that this is
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an absolutely accurate formula, however, there is no need to doubt that pushkin is not putin pushkin. knew russian psychology better than you and i, he is still the russian national poet. i do not remember such a wording in world literature when a man addresses a woman with a request fool him, because he wants to be fooled, because he has no other choice, he needs to be fooled, so that he does some idiotic act, it would not be his fault, but her, because he is happy about it, he needs it, putin that's it, he treats the west like pushkin. hero to this woman in some high society salon, yes, well, but the key story is how we will be, as much as we can, that is, our intra-ukrainian concept of what is called, i don’t know, a modern national idea, it is already maturing, that is, it has been formulated, and we are starting to go, so we understand that relations will be quite difficult now, that is, tactical
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processes, there are practical processes when we talk, for example, about the case of the russian orthodox church in ukraine. and it will not only be about this, but we see that what was once called nationalism has gradually become a menstruum, i.e. it is also radical , and now it is not enough that is prescribed in the legislation, it is already these people, who profess such views, they sit, for example, in offices, far away, maybe not all of them, but they sit, they are generals, they sit in the headquarters of special services, they plan operations and... they are ready to fight further and defend those values, about which even 10 years ago someone could speak with caution, so to speak , because it can , so to speak, split society or not be perceived in the sociological dimension, and this is also a fairly simple answer to this question, and ukrainian society and the state also have to carry red lines,
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hoping that russia is shamenets, that's it too it didn't happen right away, you know? we will carry out decommunization in the 14th year. stop, please, because you are destroying what we have in common. ugh. heritage no, we're moving on. well, you know, in this situation we introduce language quotas. we adopt a law on language. stop, please, you see how everything, how our people are changing. no, we're moving on. well, then we carry out de-russification. we will not have pushkin monuments and lermantov streets. you understand that you are completely destroying ours. common cultural space even to the depth there for 200-300 years, when we did not have such a mutual lack of acceptance of your cultural values, they absolutely do not stop, no, we go further, we do not absolutely, we conquer you and we will kill you all, and those whoever we do not kill, we will drive through the filtration camps, so to speak, and
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we will force pushkin and lermantov to be handed over to these filtration camps. no, it is not god's will, but on the other hand, it is also, well, we understand that this is a very serious parallel, yes, because napoleon took moscow, took it and burned it, took it and burned it, and so to speak, i think that not a single architectural monument was harmed, relatively speaking, well, i'm joking, but it's about the fact that it is so... the depth of strategic damage and strategic strategic stability, so we understand, that in the case of kurshchyna, it is not even a suja, it is the city of kurchatov, it is a kurt. that is , kursk is about symbols, it is about the regional center, and the city of kurchatov is about the as, yes, and if there was such a symmetrical situation,
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well, first of all, it would very strongly excite our european and american friends, yes, because they would understand that this is not just aggression against ukraine, that is, it is ukraine's readiness to stop the enemy by all possible means, of course, we understand. that no one would resort to this or that unconventional thing, i.e. such as forceful seizure, the russians forcibly seized power plants trying to cause a shock in the west, so that is, it is not only the zaporizhia nuclear plant, it was chernobyl, that is, when they shoot at a nuclear plant stations, in brussels are extremely worried and not only in brussels, but i am too i worry when something like this happens, i understand, but then again, well, there is art and the desire to be an artist. maybe it is what it is, this art is possible, in any case it is absolutely obvious that the raid on the kurshchyna itself is the transfer of red lines, they
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continue to be transferred, that’s it too, now the war is on the territory of the russian federation, this is also a call to calm down, because you see, it may be so, and then there may be some offensive in the korchatov region at some point, despite the russian fortifications, well, many where was being fortified, ukrainian troops were being fortified in avdia. and where is avdiyivka now, that’s exactly how russian troops can strengthen themselves in chichatov, and then it turns out that they are not capable of working for it for a long and boring time. the french built the maginot line, yes, and then it turned out that it can be bypassed, for example, here is a beautiful an example, or here is the story of the law banning churches that have control centers in moscow, well, for a very long time they pretended that this is how it should be, we can’t do anything with... this church, if in it so many parishioners well, it turned out that we can, that this is another red line that is moving, it will continue like this, the russians
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will bury everything that connected them with ukraine with their own hands. well , it was not for nothing that we mentioned, here we go back to the history of the gkchp, so at one time this communist surge accelerated the dismantling of the communist system, so even now you are absolutely right that this is stupidity. bloodthirstiness, gluttony is russian, it leads to the fact that ukraine has the opportunity to very quickly implement, well, the necessary internal policy. antin, i'm yours i'll be honest, if it weren't for vladimir putin, not only i wouldn't have seen everything that we're seeing there now from the point of view of cultural, humanitarian, language policy and so on, but you also wouldn't have seen it in your lifetime, we would live in a policy of constant compromises and be forced to stand up for ourselves. there he said cultural, linguistic and historical interests in the conditions of an eternal compromise with a large part of society, which would say: "listen, we live here, we are not russia,
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but we have russian culture, we love philip kirkorov and yosyp kobzon, why are you bothering us here, we don't want to listen to your rural singers, watch your rural performances and speak your secondary language is a big language, well, we heard that recently." that is, if the collective there that or another lithuanian or this or that character, who would be ready to make a permanent compromise with the russians, and the russians were ready for this compromise, this is also very important, that is, it would be a model of continuation of what was called there, i don’t know, ukrainian a soviet socialist republic with all the relevant attributes, if viktor chornomyrdinin was the president of russia, and leonid kuchma remained the president of ukraine, or volodymyr would become there after that. avena and all the other russian oligarchs who would have business here,
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and it was just an ideal hungary and we only spoke with thirst, listen, but the use of the ukrainian language has already accelerated to five or six regions, so what, but we are in to the european union, we live wonderfully, we develop here, russia gives us cheap gas, but by the way, the key story, that is , in principle, in the history of ukraine, there has never been such a great peak of state-building as now, that is, a full-fledged and multifaceted one, that is, i tried, well, what period was it under hetman mazepa, well, i’m not sure, during the ukrainian people's republic does not, because this is a short period. that is, the outbreak was powerful, but the period was short and kyiv voted for the so-called russian block in the elections to the constituent assembly during the time of our great hetmans, neither did it,
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because the moscow church... felt for khmelnytskyi, in principle, in a single space, because even then the ukrainian orthodox church was in union with constantinople, but, but, that is, the moscow church gained its voice, of course, and controlled constantinople, so in this regard, summing up the results of our conversation, to say that this great tragedy, which you and i are going through, and which we remember, even today on this festive day, led to such changes in the state system of ukraine, which will not be able to be canceled by any other processes, and this is what we should remember, but this is what our countrymen and you are shedding blood for, it would be better if everything were peaceful of course, but we do not choose historical eras for ourselves, we will return literally in a few minutes to our conversations with ten borkowski, so please stay with us on the espresso tv channel, and now a little break.
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galicia. listen to yours. eurofast softcaps - ambulance against the main field. it starts working in 15 minutes. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become kind to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening, an unusual look at the news, good health
2:00 pm
ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, for example, if mykola veresin had done this, he would have gone to prison, a special view of events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, but for her borders, then who is china, me, my heart hurts. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15, at espresso. in ukraine 14, the newsroom is ready to tell about the main thing. congratulations, anayevamelnik, the founder and general director of telegram pavel durova


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