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tv   [untitled]    August 26, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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who has become familiar to many, is already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemiv, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, the events of the day for two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. the war continues, and not only for territories. it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday-friday at 22:00. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in the new.
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hourly format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, z tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. friends, my greetings, happy independence day, of course, since 2014, this holiday has gained even more meaning than before, and what can be said after a full-scale invasion, even more people, as first of all, he celebrates this holiday, and celebrates it correctly, that is, not just somewhere... he defines some
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kind of holiday, just like any other, and he does it with meaning, and you know, i remember when in in my childhood, and when there were any holidays, they were celebrated practically the same, these were concerts were held in the same way, on the central square, i grew up in a small town, and it was basically the same that it was independence day, that there was a different day there, that it was christmas, that some artists just came to us, and i was very... what now almost every such important holiday here has its own meaning, and more and more people understand and share these meanings, so once again happy independence day, i will say that many artists and musicians have timed the releases of their tracks, albums, or songs to this day , or there is something else, for example, the hungry dogs were released a whole album, which consists of... the songs
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are called this album is angry, serhii himself is eager, he characterizes this disc as honest, angry, as private as possible, and i managed to listen to it so superficially, and i want to say that it is absolutely in the spirit , dogs are also desired, well, let's try to listen to the excerpt, if it is ready, we will talk further. the artists sing for... literally a year ago when i was walking on the beach and usually you could hear some russian music there, someone brought speakers and the half-beach turned on the dogs and it was a completely new experience, although this is exactly how it should be in principle, well... if we talk about the desired in music, then it is
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such, well, we like to throw around the word phenomenon, i would say that it is certain phenomenon, because zhadan in our country can write complex and multi-layered texts, which literary experts sit there and understand, and he can also perform in some such club or there. well, in general, for a mass audience, the main thing is that his songs, dog songs, zhadana and dog are not sufficiently understood in such a wide audience, that is why they are popular, that is why they respond, and in general, i will say that in the prose and many poems of serhiy zhadan there is such a multi-nationality, that is , what millions of readers respond to, and here it is, probably one of the secrets popularity well, also maria burmaka
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released not only a new song, but also a video for it, this song is called quite so sentimentally. ukraine sincerely and mariyka herself says that she is not inclined to such words there or to the same centimeters, sentiments in her work as well, but she says that when the shelling of ahmedit happened, and she pondered all this during the day, and at the end of the day she wanted to write a song that would, let's say, embrace this country like a mother or a child, that's how she is everything explains, let's listen: the fields, the path is wide, no one gave you away, ukraine, my heart, the sun goes to the sky,
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the swallow heals, i protect you in my heart, and also before the day of the day. not only ukrainian, because the prime minister is among them howard buffett, an american millionaire, i i will say, by the way, that in buch, where i live, the buffett foundation renovated an entire street that was destroyed, the station street, now it looks completely different, and serhiy paradzhanov received the award posthumously. her daughter came posthumously to receive this award, also ihor poklad, an outstanding ukrainian composer finally received his own, this award, i will say that he has many other awards, he is definitely a hero of ukraine and a laureate
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of the shevchenko prize. olga gerlan received, of course, definitely deserved oleksandr usyk received his award. i will say that, to be clear, we have these national... state awards, it seems to me, sometimes even more irony than respect, because we see many representatives of the art sector and any other, who have the highest state awards, which only it is possible in ukraine, but these people, to put it mildly, are not heroes, those who deserve these awards, if we and any award that... take almost any, there will be some number of dirty people , that is why there were cases when from such names different, people even refused and said that i do not want to have such a title, which is also held by such a person, whom i absolutely do not respect, who
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should not have this title, well, we will see how they will deal with it, because there is no way they can't give with these titles to somehow take them away, er... we will watch the relevant draft law, how it, how, how, how it will advance, how it will be voted on. well, now let's move on to the subject of alain delon, because this is a sufficiently discussed topic of his death, enough the topic was discussed both in us and in ukraine, because it was very well known in us, especially the generation of people who were still in the conscious age of the soviet union, because... for example , hollywood films are outstanding, they were not popular in the soviet union, because i didn’t show them anywhere else, that’s why many people in our country don’t know the outstanding stars of the golden age of hollywood or, in principle
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, the american stars, but they know the french ones very well, alendelon, his funeral is literally happening somewhere right now in france he is now to be buried according to his will, as he bequeathed it to be done, he wanted this ceremony to be as modest as possible, he also wanted to be buried in the cemetery where 35 of his dogs already rest, he loved animals very much, we are about let 's talk about this feature. unfortunately , at the end of his life, alain delon became, well , even more so... ambiguous, he was like that during his life, and in all the last interviews somewhere, maybe four, five, six years ago, he expressed himself rather harshly with about many topics, about other people, most often, he did not hide that he
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mostly disliked people, they were unpleasant to him, he said that the world was ruled by money, nobody does anything anymore just like that, well, this is an opinion with which, of course , you can disagree, but here is valen delon, and before that he had some such thoughts, but at the end of his life they intensified, well, if... what to mention about his creative path, it is definitely extremely interesting and rich, himself alain dallon likes to repeat that he is not an actor, he is an artist, he this is explained by the fact that an actor is a professional person, he is a person who studied to be an actor, who knows the technique, who plays, and does not live, in front of the camera, delon himself calls himself an artist, that is, a person who is good by nature. she has such qualities, which in the cinema
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usually does not reincarnate into anyone, but in one way or another plays herself, and he has no education at all, he also constantly said that he did not have one, he just graduated from school, then he joined the army, and the only thing that can be called his education, more or less real, well why more or less, is real education is... but the education of a sausage maker, that's what they call it, sometimes they write butcher, but not exactly sausage maker, why? because his parents divorced when he was four, and his mother remarried, and his stepfather was a sausage maker, and alain dolon was already there, finishing school, and his stepfather began to teach him this business, and he completed certain courses, which he was already given a professional allowance. ness, as he explains it, so he, if he were not an actor, could well work on this case, continue somewhere
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in his life, but it didn't turn out that way, his parents divorced, as i said, when he was four, and he said that it wasn't a big trauma, it affected him a lot, he called himself very unhappy a child, because he was useless, neither to his mother, nor to his father, at least he himself felt that way and ... that's why he was problematic, he explains his hooligan acts, for which he was even expelled from school, by the fact that he is just, he's just was a very unhappy child, he calls himself such a package that remained after the divorce, which it's a pity to throw away, but you don't know where his children are, and his parents started to build their other families with other children, and he felt useless to them, when... he was 17 years old, his father decided that with this something needs to be done as a troubled teenager, and
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that is why he sent him to the war in saiyugon, specifically to kykytai, and he was there for two years, he was still preparing for a year, then, when in other interviews alain delon was asked about how he in general, this war makes sense to himself now, because it was an invasion, it was...definitely colonial, on the one hand he says that he understands it now, so at the age of 17 he certainly did not ask himself such questions, but on the other hand he believes that his character was largely shaped by the war, he learned discipline there, he learned there how he liked to repeat respect to his superiors, and here, but he, this is such a dubious page for him... in his biography, clearly, and he himself rethought it quite a lot, and when he
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came from the war, he says that he is not knew where to hide and, but he was very handsome, he always admitted that his appearance was very important in his life and in his career, he treats himself well enough, he always treated himself ironically enough, but here we will see one a passage, and you... see it, and he liked to repeat that there was no world, i showed almost nothing of myself, and yet women liked me because i was so handsome, and that's why one day we i just went to dinner with a friend, met the girls there, then found out that one of them is an actress and she a and she helped him a get his first roles and on his first film the director told him you shouldn't act. you have to live in front of the camera, and that's how this principle stayed with him, he was definitely lucky
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at the beginning of his career precisely because of his appearance, although he was an incredibly talented actor, but just then in france a period began in the cinema with these sex- symbols, with various films, about love and koncha , actors were simply needed with bright appearance, which would be good for a female audience to look at, well, just like that, thanks to his physical data, the actor got into the cinema, but later thanks to exactly... he stayed in it and became a legend. let's look at an excerpt from one of the movies where he plays caesar, it's a comedy movie in which delon played a character very similar to himself, and with this role alone
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, he showed how ironic he is about himself, about his talents, to his appearance and to the fact that he... for a long time. his hair is shiny. caesar is immortal, he is indomitable, he is only courageous, not a gray hair in caesar has achieved everything, conquered everyone. he is a leopard, he is a samurai. he owes nothing to anyone. neither fate, nor her brothers, nor the sicilian clan. caesar belongs to the host race. caesar award for best emperor, caesar. and you to me. it's a pity that
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we can't even show excerpts of the original on television, because ah... because it's completely the voice, when we don't hear the actor's voice, we don't hear half of his work, half of his acting, and that's it therefore, when you remember, there was this srach about dubbing, that's why a lot of people, the sons of philes who love movies, were against dubbing, or at least for a large part of the films to be seen in the original, because, well, it's just... and you can't fully understand the talent a person without hearing how he acts, even considering that we have a great dubbing, great dubbing actors and actresses, but still actors, at least of the level of alain, need to be listened to, they need to be heard in the original with subtitles, but so be it like, why
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allen delon didn't want loud submissives, that's why that... in particular, he liked to repeat that he didn't like the funeral of his best, one of his best friends, the actor belmondo, and now we can look at both of them in general, how they were friends, they have many years of friendship, jean paul belmaldo left much earlier, and it was a loss for alain delon, but both actors acted, also together and acted not only in their different programs, but also in the cinema, and they also had a very bright, very media image , because they were called beauty monster or beauty and the beast, they say, because jean belmondo is not so handsome, i would argue with that, because i find belmondo much more attractive and charismatic than alain delon, but
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whatever, this very idea of ​​friendship between two men so different in appearance, and and internally too. that belmondo, he was more so cheerful, maybe open, unlike alain dalun, but they were very friendly, and the funeral of jean-paul belmondo was held very loudly in france, a lot of people came, a lot of his friends, politicians spoke, the president of france spoke, and now we can watch this video, and it was in the year 21, and ... alain delon himself, he came there, of course, as did many of his colleagues, but he said that he did not want at his funeral to see such a crowd of people, he wants everything to take place modestly, somewhere in his house, let us see an excerpt from the funeral and the field of balmondo, just to
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understand how france sees off its distinguished artists. well, there is such a topic that is quite irritating, which began to be discussed somewhere a few days ago, because zoo activists mentioned that... len delon bequeathed himself to be buried with his dog, who is still alive, in several interviews, back in 18, 17, 19, he said that he
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wants, if he dies first for his dog, to have the dog euthanized, killed and buried with him. he explained this desire by saying that the dog would suffer without him, and therefore it would be better to put him to sleep. here we see allen. with many of his other dogs, he loved them very much, and the older he got, the more , as i said, he had 35 of them, he allocated a whole place near his house, this is the cemetery, where he will be buried now, he buried each of his dogs there, and here is his current dog, the actor said that he was very close to him, he was close to all his dogs, but here they had a special horse. and that's why the actor was worried that he would just be sad at his grave, and in order for this not to happen, out of pity for the dog, he, he bequeathed
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to euthanize him, to kill him, in fact, it sounds quite wild to me, especially what does he have there are three children, and he has all the possibilities, there were all the possibilities, for this dog, this dog, to be placed somewhere later, even if the children don't want to. but the whole catastrophe lasted in france for a very short time, because both the children of alain delon and the photo fund of his close friend brigitte bardot, they declared that no, no one would kill the dog, he would then be buried right next to alinalon, when the dog died, and now his children took him and wrote on instagram, posted his photos so that no one would even doubt that everything is fine with the dog, he has a lover family, so... don't worry, by the way, this also caused such discussions in our segment of social networks, because many people justified this act of his, by the way, delon himself
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often spoke about the fact that he strongly supports euthanasia, that is, it is the death of a person by choice, his wife, the only wife of nathalie delon, she died just like that, she is the mother of his eldest, eldest son, he was very supportive of her and said that this... should be legalized necessarily, because man should have freedom and should have choice when he wants to die for any reason, and that's it , but to take someone else's life is a completely different story, and in general, if we talk about delon and his friendships with different people, they are one of the most interesting relationships he has were from bri'. bardo, because i think they were similar in many ways, now we can look at her, she is now taking care of animals, the last time i
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think she is 30 or 40 years old, the last 40 years for sure she is a vegetarian, she is constantly after graduation her career, finished hers she started her career very early in the early 70s, it was somewhere in the year 73, she started working with animals and she said that this is the meaning of food. life, and if you look at the various court cases that she initiated, there were a lot of them, and she influenced a lot of things on the production and sale of fur products there, for example, or she made sure that cattle were killed more humanely in france, for example, and here, and now i think that she definitely would not have allowed, would not have allowed such an inhumane act. with her friend's dog, and brigitte bardoo, at one time, by the way, in fact, now there are only a few such legends of french cinema left, they are brigitte bordeaux,
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and in fact pierre richard, and brigitte bordeaux is already 90 years old, at one time she too, like alain dalon, became a sex symbol, but if alain delon later turned from a sex symbol on a truly legendary actor. which everyone recognized, brigitte bardot, i think, remained a sex symbol, a symbol of a certain freedom, she gave french women a sense of this freedom, because she filmed, she filmed herself naked, and then not every actress could afford it, she also advocated for any other freedoms, and that a woman has such and such and such other rights. she had a great influence on the feminist movement, although she herself did not directly participate in it in the way it was in france, but she definitely had an influence, that's why she is a legend, and so is pierre
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richard. now he is 90 years old, i would also like to say two words about him, we also saw him at the funeral in the 21st year of belmondo, and he was already, he came on crutches then, and but now he, despite his age, as often they like to say that age gives people some kind of inability to analyze something, because a person is just starting. lead a more closed way of life, less interested in any information space, but pierre char, he understands politics well enough, and from the very beginning of the war he supported ukraine, although he also has many fans in russia, but he immediately started various videos record, and with the beginning of the full-scale invasion, he also supported us, and from this year he is the embassy.
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mr. president, i know russia well, well i know its people, whom i love, i know ukraine well and i also know its people, whom i also love, i am torn apart by how the russian army invaded ukraine, and that's putting it mildly. this invasion has turned into mass murder, i would even say barbaric, so much so that i am sure there is nothing that can justify the killing of women, children and civilians, it is just horrible, i watch the news every night with pictures, we all we are watching, and i am more than overflowing with emotions, i would like to say, mr. minister, i i think a lot about you, about your people, about
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your president. i appreciate their courage, their spirit of resistance, their dedication, i appreciate it, i admire them, that's what i wanted to tell you, i don't lose hope that this will end as soon as possible, because it's despicable to continue, also richard was in kyiv at one time, but here he went to different ones. the tours showed him everything, and he became the hero of the draw, now we can see him, from the 95th quarter, he was taken there, played, i think that it was all the same there it was somehow thought out, but ah, but it happened anyway, that's why pierre richard really, really is, as they like to say in our country, you know, all of them are friends of ukraine or patriots of ukraine, well, he's just our
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ambassador, it seems to me, that this... the word is more appropriate, this is a person, a notable, a legendary person, who, well, let's say this, the support, the support of our country, she, she acts definitely in our favor, this is a person who, in principle, says absolutely everything correctly , because i listened to his interview, it seems to me that he understands well enough we have a certain political situation, and i will also support allen delon. to ukraine, although we must also understand that along with the fact that, well, he is also a patriot of ukraine, as we like to say, but this person was very ambiguous during his life, and to idealize such a complex person seems to me very wrong, because but i already see some disputes there and around his political views, because they were very right, in alain delon he
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was against immigrants, there is an example. tough enough, sometimes he had cruel actions and views, and it must be recognized, because it is precisely these shades that make a complex extraordinary person, complex extraordinary, when we try to smooth it all, we are from a charismatic figure of extraordinary, doing absolutely something so ordinary, i think that people like alain delon absolutely do not deserve this treatment, so let's to perceive people as much as possible and... as they were and with all their some good traits and with bad traits. that's all, friends, i say goodbye to you, i wish you a nice, pleasant, bright independence day and also good profitable ones.


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