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tv   [untitled]    August 26, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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republic, that yanukovych should simply become kuchma's heir, because they knew that yanukovych was a much more controlled figure for them, and then a group of deputies did not vote for the project of a parliamentary-presidential republic, a group of deputies from yanukovych, our ukraine yushchenko supported this project , but there were several people among them, if you look at all these surnames, it seems that most of them are now in the city of heroes of moscow, andriy derkach, he is a voice. against being a representative of this entire elite already, that is putin, medvedev and yanukovych failed kuchma's idea of ​​a parliamentary-presidential republic, we returned to it only as a result of the first maidan, so kuchma in this regard was always in such a situation of fighting putin for his own self-preservation. and he tried
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to use his connections with yeltsin's family. he believed that they had some influence and would help him. maybe you remember that when the yeltsin center was opened in yekaterinburg, putin, medveev and kuchma were there. kuchma was invited exactly as a family friend yeltsin already after yeltsin's death, but their influence decreased. and even more so, they could not actually do anything when it came to foreign policy, which was already outside. politics after crimea, when i met with lonin danylovych, i asked him if he talked to putin after the annexation of crimea, he just went crazy, he said that he had never talked to him in his life after that, that it was for him, as for the president of ukraine, because he is the president of ukraine, this is a personal insult, what happened, he never he will not talk to these people in his life, well... personally, that is, it became clear to him that
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these personal contacts, which they had, were broken, i remembered this episode, we once saw each other three times, leonid kravchuk, leonid kuchma and i, at one of the diplomatic public receptions, and leonid kravchuk and i were just talking, kuchma was already the head of the delegation at the negotiations in minsk, and he behaved quite harshly at that moment. and kravchuk and i discussed what was somehow strange, we had always known him and in general it seemed that this is a person who is exclusively on his own, somehow focused and very soviet, he behaves like that with russians, just like that, like a ukrainian nationalist, and all his recent articles are like a ukrainian nationalist and so on, and then leonid kuchma came to us and asked , about which we are having so much fun talking, i am honest with him, i have always been honest with them, they still ... the president of ukraine said that
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we are talking about him, that we are surprised that he has a state instinct, and here leonid kuchma says: i wonder what you both have it took 20 years to figure it out. and this, by the way, is an aphorism that again speaks about the mental abilities of this person. and look, that is, paradoxically, that is, i do not know whether it is the influence of the sacrum, whether it is the sacrum of power, whether it is a sense of responsibility, or god forbid, well, but perhaps the finger of god. we don't know how all this mechanics works, but a member of the communist party becomes a ukrainian statesman, we are talking about kravchuk, the soviet communist director, who was surrounded from all sides by various medvedchuks, tobacconists and so on, he becomes ukrainian a nationalist and a kind of mini atataturk, and so on, further down the list, and we are now seeing the implementation of the concept of army, language, faith, well, literally, and at one time i... i
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remember our conversation with you very well, when volodymyr zelenskyi won the elections, you said that he had no other choice, if he wanted to be the president of ukraine, he would be a ukrainian nationalist and the army, the language of faith would be on his table, by the way, i said this before the elections, and i many people reproached, how could you say such a thing, who would was not elected the president of ukraine, he will follow this path, but you contributed to the victory of zelenskyi, i am not contributing to anything, i just said that there is no alternative... because the president of ukraine has a simple choice: either to be the governor of the kurt region, sorry, or to be the president of ukraine, and no one wants to be the governor, because there are no guarantees that you will be left with the governorship, so what is the problem that when you are elected the president of ukraine, it is also a certain crime, but yanukovych wanted to become the governor of the kurdistan region, by the way, flew out like a cork from a bottle, not because of the wishes of moscow, but because of the wishes of the ukrainian people, so she is a vector, he is one and... really
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leonid kuchma, no matter how he tries to get closer to moscow from different political vectors, i remember that at the end of his presidency he even signed this agreement on a single economic space, still a system. i would say that both society and the nomenclature are stronger than their idea of ​​all this, well, you mentioned that about the tobacconist medvedchuk, but there were statesmen, volodymyr horbulin, yes, a man with a statesman's mindset, i think that few people doubt it, yevhen marchuk, a man with a statesman's mindset, yes, with a very complex system of personal connections, and it is obvious for a person who spent his whole life in the special services, but one way or another, he is a person for whom ukraine was real. priority, and here again, imagine yevgeny marchuk in 90 4 95 heads this commission that deals with the black sea fleet, huh, and the main condition of moscow, if you want to have any with us at all relations, you have to leave
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the black sea fleet there for life, the visa of yevhen marchuk, oleg soskavets, the first vice-premier of the russian federation, one of the main figures in this... system of special services, a person connected with this, korzhakov's head of security yeltsin is almost there as the moneylender of the russian regime at the time, and soskovets does not manage to beat marchuk, although he seems to completely understand how to do it, he is ethnically ukrainian, he has a clear understanding of how the ukrainian system works, but he turns out to be powerless, there is a fixed deadline, and then already in the times of putin and medvedev , all these agreements have to be literally undermined by the kharkiv agreements, i.e. all the same, everything that they planned in yeltsin's time, it could not happen, only it turned out that only an instrument of power, those politicians, could be , which is not just a force, but a frank meat grinder,
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that is, russia did not just enter a war against ukraine with preparation, perhaps a war against western countries, others on the continent, there against the baltic countries or against poland, russia entered the meat. for herself, that is, they are not expected such a number of two hundred, that is , as far as i understand, when they began to ban the use of the word war, that is, and try to replace it with the term svo, that is, they were afraid of the number of corpses that they produced, which returned to them, but on the other hand, this means that maybe they will be willing to go further, that is, when there are no other scenarios, no
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, don't go by force, you won't find anything good here. viktor chornomyrden said that it was in 2004, he told volodymyr. and dmytro medvedev, no need it is necessary to put pressure on ukraine, it is not necessary to impose yanukovych, whom they hate, on them. he proposed a completely different candidate, on which moscow had to rely, no, yanukovych, volodymyr lytvyn, uh, volodymyr lytvyn, and he actually said out loud that volodymyr lytvyn would be an absolutely normal, loyal partner, yes, he would be the president of ukraine, but... chairman of the verkhovna rada, give him the opportunity to strengthen his authority, forget about yanukovych, he about no, they needed
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a person who would just be, who they would be to hold in your hands, what is a lytvyn, well, you know what a lytvyn is, he is a person with whom you need to sit down and talk, negotiate for a long time, and there is no exact one. well, there is such a thing, well, chornomir didn’t know how to conduct these conversations, and putin doesn’t know how, that’s the problem, putin’s behavior is erratic, call me dzek yanukovych, vittya, i ’ll strangle you, hey, let’s do what they said, and this one, of course he really liked yanukovych in this respect, he liked yanukovych because yanukovych was there for him. a simple person who has to prepare power for medvedchuk, i.e zek must hand over power to an agent, period, the history of ukraine is over, yes, well, but in fact the history of yanukovych is over, well , let's hope, the history of medvedchuk, that there will be no return, but also putin and the kremlin, they are
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stubbornly idiots, they constantly tried to return that or another negotiating card with the participation of medvedchuk, that is, they really consider him an outstanding expert, yes to the question. not at the right time, as far as we understand, they were preparing all their plans for a full-scale invasion of ukraine, they were preparing in that including on media related to medvedchuk, connected. with them and not only with them, and they believed that they had a so-called operational plan for the capture of ukraine, the capture of ukrainian power, but they did not prepare for the fact that they would receive so much blood and teeth, they would literally receive the north of ukraine, which there were battles, they did not expect them, they did not wait for everything to start burning from the ground to the sky, that is, and here we are talking about, well , what kind of... you have to be like that in order to believe that those people all that nonsense they are
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presented as their interpretation of ukraine, the readiness of the ukrainian people and so on, for any scenarios, that is, they bring them back again, that is, the impression is that in the kremlin , well, they don’t study, or they don’t lend themselves to study, well, they don’t study, it seems to me times of ivan antonovych, this is such a thing, but on the other hand, here are the strengths of medvedchuk, medvedchuk is not a ukrainian, but a russian apparatchik. what is the difference between a ukrainian apparatchik and a russian one? the ukrainian apparatchik discusses these or other things in the first person so that no lose power, but in principle tries to provide the first person with more or less adequate information about what is happening. the task of the ukrainian apparatchik is to influence the first person and interpret the information he provides. ugh. and this is how all the heads of administrations behave. er, the president of ukraine, who had some influence from the conditional dmytro
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tabachnyk, by the way, who was such an authoritative head of the administration for the first time, to andriy yarmak, the interpretation of real information, it doesn’t work that way in moscow, in moscow you have to work with information that what the customer wants to hear, uh, that's the first one, that is , they go to the first one, knowing what they want to hear, yes, if you work differently, you'll just... lose everything, that is, it's your job to give the customer the information that he likes, and then within the framework of his instructions to act more or less close to reality, well , this is a different approach, huh, and this is an approach that is very often precisely doomed to disaster, that is, if you are given an order to capture kyiv in three days on the basis of this information, which you give to the client, you cannot seize him for 3 days. you can only do it there, deploy troops in some territory there and
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hope that you will get something there in two weeks or two months, and there are many such examples, and medvedchuk all the time gave and is giving information to putin that putin wants listen, putin already exists, the ukrainian people do not exist, this state does not exist, zelensky betrayed us, there was not, there is no and so on, and plus this is huge money, you are paid for it. imagine some sociologist, some yevhen kopatsky, who prepares sociology in ukraine, i don't know, is he preparing now, but for sure he was preparing before 2000 in the 22nd year, there should already be good numbers and correctly interpreted, because if you bring bad numbers, you will not be paid, or they will drive you away with some smelly person, because this is the kgb, they are so arranged, i don't understand why, they always provided the party apparatus with exactly such figures. and when they themselves found themselves in power, they for some reason took it upon themselves,
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it seemed that they should have understood that it was unreal, they had been working with unreality all the time, they were deceiving the party members officials very often, yes, but they turned out to be absolutely hostages of this line of behavior, by the way, we know this story that allowed yeltsin to create the cis and abandon the soviet union, it was also sociology, galina storovoitova met with yeltsin before... referendum on the independence of ukraine, he was asked what he was going to do, she was president yeltsin's adviser on national affairs, what was he going to do after december 1, and yeltsin said that he was not going to do anything because he could not imagine that the ukrainian people voted against the union with the russian one, imagine that it is not storovoitov, but viktor medvedchuk, viktor medvedchuk immediately brings yeltsin the figures that 80% of ukrainians are against the act of independence, and the second... yeltsin thinks, so what? something needs to be done, maybe troops can be sent there, something
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they didn’t vote like, maybe it’s a falsification, galina storovoi, who was not medvedchuk, was just killed there as a conscientious professional person, by the way, we still don’t know who killed her and why, to keeler we understand that it is about the kgb, because it was not in the kgb, because she did not work for the kgb and not according to the methods of the kgbk, well, she says, but i have sociology, boris mykolayovych, it will be more than 90 percent. for independence, and here yeltsin is speaking, so we have to do something, galina vasylivna, let's think, if ukraine leaves the soviet union, what should we do to somehow maintain our ties with ukraine, well... this is a different approach, if you surround yourself with jerks who just want to make money, then you become putin, well, accordingly, we can draw a certain projection, that is, we understand yes, this one, i don't know, is a rusty icebreaker who is controlled either by degenerates or idiots, that is, who got involved in the war, that is
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, this trajectory does not foresee changes, or still there is a feeling that this or that, this or that is narendra. whether this or that joseph biden, or this or that, i don't know, some other collective brain of the world, global economic and so on, he can direct, i don't know, take sijin ping separately, he can direct this trajectory to nowhere, but trajectory to nowhere, this is the trajectory of the war against ukraine, which they made the meaning of the existence of their current state machine, that is the meaning, this state machine looks very simple, it is a tank. he 's pretending, he's just pretending, there 's a tank driver with a very small brain blowing at him, i'd say putin's sitting in this tank, and he's driving, ugh, so there's only one way to stop a tank is a cartridge or a javelin, or it will fall into some trench and he will get bogged down there and will stand there and
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nothing will change, because he will think that it is necessary to go further, but he simply cannot, he has get bogged down, the very idea that you can... come to the tank and knock on the tower , let's look each other in the eye, it will be more profitable if you buy high-quality fuel, we will repaint your tank in some beautiful color, no, it's absolutely not interesting, it has to get bogged down, that's all, this is the formula for peace, zelensky, relatively speaking, or not.. . zelenskyi, but this is the real formula for peace: the tank should get bogged down, because in this tank does not receive any information, modi sydzenpin, that’s all, if they say something, it’s gone, if they stop buying oil, it’s interesting, because the tank has nothing to go on, and as long as it has fuel, it goes, well but on the other hand, they have the same success, for example, they handed over
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to the beautiful turkish republic what is called the caucasus, i.e. caucasian interests were transferred by putin. and baku and istanbul and not only them, that is, we understand that even iran is more resistant to putin's influence in the caucasus than the same putin, paradoxically, that is, i don't know if he understands it, i would say so, i would even say it differently, he understands it, he just thinks differently, he thinks that he will return all this after the victory over ukraine, that the victory over ukraine paralyzes everyone so much that they won't go anywhere, they will come by themselves, that... while he is fighting, they allow themselves to look away somewhere, the free woman , they are dissolute, because i don't have it, he doesn't look at these people as sovereign leaders, he looks at it simply as servants, the master is busy, he is in the stable, just punishing another slave, and at this time they
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are all doing something there, because barin is in the stable, soon barin will return. the slave will be punished there, hanged, i don’t know, there with the head of the slave, show them the head there, not everything, fine, but in any case the tank is going, the tank has to get bogged down, and we don’t know, even, we don’t even want to talk about the number of dead, yes, because we understand that not only enemy soldiers are dying, our fighters are dying, that is, the concept of the tank, it does not involve any kind of compromise, yes, but... there was, there was something in istanbul, we do not even fully understand what was signed, what was spoken, but in any case it was rejected, there were certain minsk processes, and we understand that ukraine, it is also preparing, and this should frighten russia much more, because the same kurdish operation, we will not exaggerate it taking into account what is happening right now on
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the front line, but in any case, the kurdish operation demonstrated putin's lack of response . the führer cannot remain silent when he loses the territory of the reich, he can't, putin has, should have said something, the führer is not real, he was still a real führer, right, and this führer is probably already in the refrigerator, yes, if you believe the nightingale, well i i'm kidding, but in any case, no answer came from him, well, because it's not a sensation, well, there's no need to confuse, but he was a deeply ideological person, he just believed in his messianism. a role, and these are people, and this is a small gendlyar, who decided that he would be the game, that he would play the role of napoleon in order to save the government, well, this is a completely different story, he was a fanatic, and... and this is just a scoundrel, yes, but on the other hand, what does it mean for us, that is , in any case, he went to war, that is , if he wanted to , well, i didn’t want to go to war, however, i just wanted to take kiev in three days and
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calm down, well, what does it mean to change the government by force, for example, absolutely exact changes, to restore the borders of the dpr and lpr, as they imagined them , and change the authorities in kyiv so that these authorities agree to this restoration of borders, a very simple operation, and by the way, to allow them to add something else there, what they there ... wrote in the instructions, and that's it, as a result, yes, they just broke into a bloody war, but again, when you talk about the istanbul agreements, i can to state a clear formula of the istanbul agreement: russia wants, if not to conclude an agreement, at least to publicize such agreements that would lead to the destabilization of the situation in ukraine, that is , it is a tool, a tool of destabilization, that is, there can be different tools of destabilization, it is possible. to offer some kind of agreements that will allow ukrainian society to shout: president, traitor, let's get together, that's it, we can't stand it anymore, zelenskyy is surrendering ukraine, they
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are constantly spreading these narratives, this is one tool, another is the murder of iryna farion here in lviv, a tool, a tool, anyway, we don't even say how it happened, but when they saw it, they started using it as a tool to push different layers of society together. they can't do it, but they think that way because they've always thought that way. in order to this to understand, it is worth looking not at the ukrainian russian war, but at the chechen war. the opposition they bought to destabilize the situation in chechnya. ugh. the murder of dzhokhar dudayev, the agreements in khasavirt and again, after these agreements, work on the destabilization and separation of chechen society. well, during the russian-ukrainian war, that is, to such agreements that would allow them to regroup, to prepare for some new phase, and not they did not go, but we
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didn’t go either, we didn’t go, we didn’t go with others reasons, that is, we are aware of the fact that for what they would need some istanbul-minsk hasavit, i don't know, well, on the other hand, khan yandarbiev and slan maskhadev were not behind the back of the president of the united states and the prime minister of great britain, they were. from the point of view of international law, as a republic within the russian federation, they sympathized with them as people who were subjected to repression and terror by the central government, but the west behaved completely differently, imagine that in this situation the west would have started to provide real weapons of chechnya in the north caucasus in this situation, even after the second time of the second chechen war, would have been independent states long ago, why putin now resisted. to the caucasus, why didn't he go to belgorod oblast, yes, why is he doing such completely strange circles turning around, why am i talking about putin now, because
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now in the current phase a lot depends on this madman, the key mainstream will be, we will form us, maybe i can answer why, because he is a lieutenant colonel of the kgb, and you are not a lieutenant colonel of the kgb, you can't understand him, how a lieutenant colonel of the kgb acts in such a situation, he needs his population to have it. image of stability in the head. he is conducting a counterterrorist operation on the territory of the kurdish belohorod and bryansk regions. and immediately throws over the bridge to the counterterrorist operation in the north caucasus. and do you remember, dear compatriots, how terrible it was in the north caucasus, children were killed by the hundreds. terrorists were on the prowl everywhere. there was a war organized by the west against us at that time. russia was destabilized, but we announced a counter-terrorist. goes along putin avenue to the putin institute
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in order to talk to the volunteers who will take part in this counterterrorist operation, how wonderful, this is such a ring of saorona, he circles the situation so that people have hope, well, if he decided there , then he will decide here too, nothing, whether some terrorists invaded russian land again, so it was... well, a counter-terrorist operation, no, we don’t pay attention to it, putin will figure it out, it’s very important, you reminded us of certain differences, yes, the attitude of the event to of chechen independence and to support ukraine, we understand that the west has such an impression that it has now gone to a much higher rate increase, when we are talking about a qualitative change in supply, that is, aviation, in whatever quantity it is, whether it is one... or two squadrons , but this is already a change of attitude, and we understand that it is not just about flying weapons, not about the situation in the sky, not about power, about red lines and about a hint of putin. on the bottom,
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you know, they drove it in a piece, saying, but we can increase the number of aviation, yes, and he also did not have an answer, whether he reads such things at all, that is, they understand that the west is now starting to prepare for its scenarios, yes, and this applies not only to the russian-ukrainian war, but to the future, for example, the future of russia, we, we we don't see a single figure that putin would have raised from his ... retort to replace himself, yes, and who, i apologize, was raised by joseph vitserionovich stalin, who, after all, was a personality larger than putin, right? he is not lavrentiy pavlovich bevlovich beria he was not going to grow up, well, frankenstein grew up on his own, but he was going to shoot him literally, just a few months before his death, georgy maksimilianovich melenkov became his heir, whom the soviet people did not really know existed until the moment when he became head of the
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seres council of ministers. stalin did not feed his successors, he did not want to have successors, and what heir did joseph brostita raise for himself, a much more liberal figure than stalin, he died, and there was no one, ugh, and he was thrown out of they sat in the house, and enver hodge raised his heirs for himself, he died and the head of state, the head of state security of albania, ramiz aliya, he is not, they are not, these people, they do not think at all that... they will die, i think that the best quote is the words of fidel castro, who once said at a rally, if i die, if, these people think in such categories, not when, but if, but then something can happen, but in principle they do not consider such a possibility, they do not consider the possibility of transfer of power, because they are dictators, and if it suddenly starts to consider such possibilities, people like sultan nazarbayev, that is how he considered
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the possibility of transferring power, now not... everyone laughs, well, accordingly, the attitude of the west and the preparation of the west for a larger, broader scenario, that is, when we are talking not just about the russian-ukrainian the war, and in general about the fate of the continent, yes, the fate of the continent is, for example, partition, i am not saying there the mandatory sovereignty of the russian yes, but some or other, i do not know, certain segments of the economy, certain influences and so on, i.e. we we understand that there is a so-called big game, and we understand that when xi jinping and president joseph biden talk to each other, they talk not only about ukraine, because they are also interested in the world, and at one time stephen king very aptly and succinctly described not the current moment, and in general about our global turbulences, the world has been thrown off its feet, and now we see that a new order or disorder or a new order or a new system is sprouting, and russia remains archaic,
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bloody, dangerous, malicious. and so on but archaic, i.e. they sit with a push-button nokia and say, for some reason i can't receive your video, and they are told, well, we just send it to you from a touchscreen phone, they, and they have a push-button nokia, do you know, soviet phones were still like that, where you had to spin a disk in order to call someone, then putin picks up the turntable, i can't, i can't accept your video, because the special forces are our everything, which is so. so there is a very simple formula: the west is always hoping for putin's common sense, that putin will understand some things, but he has to understand that he will not be able to absorb all of ukraine, that he will not be able to oppose ukraine's accession, at least to the european union, that he will not be able to force the west to recognize russian territorial possessions in ukraine, on ukrainian territories, as an internationally recognized
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norm. won't be able to, it won't happen, so what should you do if you understand that it won't happen, calm down and agree on something, at least tactically, he doesn't do it, he pretends that he doesn't notice it all the time, well no notices, so it is necessary to move on, he moves on, what remains to be done in the west, move the red lines, the west will do it all the time, so it is always hoping that putin will come to his senses, well, he won't come to his senses here, maybe he will come to his senses here, maybe he will come to his senses here. does not understand, that is, putin, putin is waiting for the west to stop, and the west also has no opportunity to stop, so there will be more planes in the future, sooner or later a decision will be made, as the president of the czech republic, peter pavel, spoke about, ukraine will be accepted into nato without occupied territories, but what to do, for example, with the hot phase of the war with the situation on the line front, because we understand that the current


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