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tv   [untitled]    August 26, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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people, this was all an element of the information campaign, that is, the armed forces were preparing the defense, knowing in fact that they would attack, so that the enemy would also be less ready to attack, when we took down the defense structures of the russians, i was surprised by what was inside there are a lot of schemes, blueprints, blueprints, which must first of all be exported, that is, this indicates that russia... did not flee from there in a hurry, is there an understanding of why this happened, and we know that, well, from that the information we have from telegram channels, what they write about themselves the military, who are on the fence, what the official bodies of the military leadership and the political leadership write about, and we know that there were many conscripts, that is, military men, well , young people, even boys, and there who are simply not ready to fight, it’s just obviously. the fact is against the professional coordinated
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army of the armed forces of ukraine, but were there any other reasons, but there was also the fsb, there was also the akhma battalion, there were certain units that participated in battles on the territory of ukraine, but from what you understood, possibly from communication with ours the military, which broke this system, because i don't think so, and from what you said, that there was simply no one there, some people were sitting, they saw. from the distance there was smoke from tanks somewhere, they abandoned their weapons and ran away, but what probably broke it was the element of surprise, this operation of the kurdish offensive, it is very much similar to the kharkiv counteroffensive, then we also had no idea about , that an offensive was about to begin in kharkiv oblast, a breakthrough in the defense line, and it happened, it worked, in general, for these two and a half years, if you look
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at the most successful operations of the armed forces of ukraine, there is always an element of surprise, and this time it was confirmed, whether it was possible to communicate in kurshchyna, after all, this is a region that is historically connected with ukraine, there, interestingly, there is a unit of special operations forces operating in the kursk region named after the prince who was the prince of kursk, the prince of kievan rus, that's a lot. by the way, by the way, it is very telling, well , plus, that the suzhzhan hundred, the troops of the ukrainian cossacks were also there, and in fact, this is a territory that, well, that was definitely historical part of kievan rus, in general, this great state formation, which was called kievan rus, later, later ukraine in its various guises, and the cossack state, the hetmanship and so on, did you manage to communicate there with people who... believe and perceive themselves as
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ukrainians, despite the fact that they may have russian passports, communicate in russian, but they say that they do not, but we know that we, we ukrainians, we have some connections with ukraine, yes, indeed, almost everyone with whom we talked, he told us, or that he he himself is from ukraine, or that he has relatives in ukraine, there is another notable moment here, that i did not switch to russian with them, i spoke ukrainian and they understood me perfectly there, there was an interesting moment... when we met two women who were leaving with a notice with a bunch of products, they spoke to me in russian, and then a shot rang out somewhere nearby, and they instantly spoke ukrainian, we will not be shot, i say no, everything will be fine with you, well, in general, i would still like to ask about the humanitarian situation, because of course we see the video, any videos we see are always fragmented. they are always, these are some fragments
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of something, there is no complete picture, both one and the other side, again in this war we are the ones who defend ourselves, well in this case we have crossed into the territory of the enemy, again defending ourselves and are, the other side that can say, they cut it out of context, the humanitarian situation there is generally very difficult, and they do not give water, people are not given to drink and are kept in basements, i will say this once again that opinions can be different, you were there , humanitarian situation, how do people live in those settlements that came under... the troll of the armed forces of ukraine? there is a humanitarian disaster, everything ends there, people do not have any communications at all, well, light, water, communication, well, but what is being brought, because i, again, watching the video, i see that something is being brought, i understand that the armed forces of ukraine are not providers of humanitarian aid, but is this enough at least for something, and then catch up again, well, one more question to this previous one, were there talks about being in this territory
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international humanitarian organizations were working, which would actually be engaged in what they should be engaged in, ensuring, well, more or less relatively normality of the life of the civilian population. in the war zone. well, we have to understand that when we, our troops entered the kursk region, they assumed responsibility for the citizens of the russian federation who are there, that is, there are international rules, standards, the conduct of war, and when our troops enter there, they actually occupy this territory, then they begin to bear responsibility for the civilians who are there, the locals at... told us that ukraine imported drinking water, that is, they could not explain whether it was the military or some humanitarian organizations, the locals are actively gutting, so to speak, all the shops, groceries, and food there, well, just very quickly
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ends, and in fact, if this issue is not dealt with seriously, these people will simply start dying, and... we will have to rethink, probably, the way we perceived the information that the cabinet of ministers wants to build humanitarian corridors. but here the question is that, first they say, we do, then people give theirs such feedback, and we don't do it anymore, well , listen, the people in power, they must make certain decisions after calculating all the nuances, but do it and take responsibility. i can say it should be done, you say, but no, well, vasyl, you’re so strange, what kind of russians are there, why in sumy region, where there are a lot of people who are in need and in problems, who are not closed these needs, why are we still should now spend money and everything else on the residents of the kurt region, citizens of the aggressor country, you and i can argue here how much whatever, but in your opinion, how should
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the government act, on the other side is belarus, which is a brother to russia, it thinks so, well , at least that's what lukashenko says, it is possible to organize corridors there, that is, in your opinion, how is this question worth it ... because we seem to be more responsible for these people before the world, but on the one hand, on the other hand we understand that these are citizens of the country of the aggressor and there are many more such sides from which you can look at this situation, well, in my boyish mind , i also would not like ukraine to spend its own funds for russian citizens, but i believe that probably the best option would be to provide a reliable corridor for international humanitarian organizations to spend their funds. their strength and risk their lives to provide the residents of the kursk region with everything they need. and where do these people want to go, but if we talk to them, they are here now, while there we saw someone taking away food, other various things from shops, well of course
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for free, let's put it this way, they take it away for free, let's not call it that, how is it is actually called, well , speaking with them, where do you want to go, that is, as i understand it, further there to russia... no one will take them and they themselves will not get there, whether they want to go to ukraine, or where they would like to go, if at all they talked about it, they want it all to end, so i was talking, talking with them, asking what is your message to putin, for example, and they say to me, putin, when it 's all over, i see that they don't care about ukraine, this is russia , they just don't want to feel in their skin. of our citizens, the current question, which, well, is not what is being asked this is a question, it's just that many people cite it as an example, and the same sumy region, which woke up on february 24 and already saw, well , part of sumy region, already saw russian tanks
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on the streets of its cities and villages, and we remember, the partisan movement, those road signs were knocked down, partisans, partisans, cleaning. it is famous, there are many famous videos, but there was popular resistance in konotop, in sumy, they broke into those warehouses with weapons, took out weapons, defended themselves as best they could, in russia, in kurshchyna, nothing like that, at least in the news tapes, it didn’t get anywhere in the telegram channel, can you explain it, and why, and where is your popular resistance, if you, well, you are citizens of another country, your own army is fleeing, well , this is... really an interesting question , maybe because we're just different, you know, but i also paid attention to one moment, to the way our military behaves with civilians, we actually, when we moved around the city, we did
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n't shout from every corner there, that we are journalists, because we wanted to see how people would behave outside of the camera, including me i was surprised... that our military behaves with the civilian population of the kursk region in exactly the same way as with the civilian population of the ukrainian front-line settlements, i.e.... russians there freely move around the city, no one beats them, does not insult them, does not humiliate them, yes, there they check documents and the contents of phones, but it is actually no different from the way our troops behave in our front-line settlements, there is no such hatred and malice, there is an understanding of the task and a desire to fulfill it and all. thank you very much, i'm artem. vatenko, special correspondent, correspondent of the tv channel, you know, i want to say that
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after some time i would like to talk with you here in the studio about how the arrival of ukrainian troops was perceived in moscow, maybe it will be, because you know, any empire, any any state that starts a war sooner or later meets this war in its capital, especially since it is an unjust aggressive war, a war that russia unleashed against ukraine, but if they themselves are in a vice with their putin, then maybe our the troops will not have to to go, as they say to belokamyanyi, thank you for your work, first of all thank you... for the conversation, you stay with the espresso tv channel, and it will be interesting from now on. tired of a mess in the kitchen? constantly have to sort through a pile of pans to find the right one. you need savevory pro set, unzip tv. savory pro pans fold into each other and take up so much space. there is little space, and the price is only from uah 999. the saivory pro set is five pots from
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and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses , which need to be rebuilt, about the situation with recovery in different regions of ukraine, about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is olga's house. was that year, and this is what it looks like now. i am not spending money at the moment. however, how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the project of the program of reconstruction and development of cities, which... at 18:30 for espresso. let's go back, the alarm continues and in fact missiles are already in almost all regions of our country, even to the far west it is reported that there are cruise missiles in prykarpattia
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and lviv oblast, rivne oblast, volyn, and even that there are cruise missiles in transcarpathia. the monitoring channels write about what is happening in vinnytsia and about the explosions there, now we will learn from our guest andriy gishko, a deputy of the vinnytsia regional council, we are in touch, mr. andriy, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, approximately, in the morning, yes, please, already around six in the morning, the air alarm continues, and it is not just an alarm, it is constantly increasing with the siren's call that you must always be in the shelter, and already at this moment you can hear more than 10 claps that are being beaten. solutions of a very different type, there is still very little information, but it is really heard that the air defense system works very powerfully, we have already heard, i say again, more than ten blasts, with which air defense is shot down, do i understand correctly that there is an air defense system working, that there is something to shoot down and that the air defense in ukraine has been strengthened now in vinnytsia, that's right, the air defense
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has been strengthened, and there are constant signals to stay in cover, it's a difficult alarm, it's not just there, you know, the takeoff of some plane, but constantly from all the telegram channels, from all the loudspeakers, it sounds that we are always in shelter, because even when the shaheeds go down, we hear that their wreckage is still fall on the object infrastructure for critical facilities, we already see some small power outages in the city of vinnytsia, this is not yet of such a massive nature, but in some micro-districts of vinnytsia there are already problems with electricity, how do people... regulate alarm signals, right? , as before, when it was often very neglected whether they were in shelters, how popular these places are this morning, well, in fact, until 8:00 a.m., people ignored the alarm signals a little, started going to work, after all, it was a working day, and even in public transport we saw a lot people who were in the transport were driving,
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after the first explosions drove away, many began to get out of the transport and began to seek shelter. and now there is less traffic on the street, fewer people, and everyone has started looking for dangerous places. in connection with such attacks, is the life and work of various institutions in the region somehow changed, how does it look? of course, it is changing, thank god that the school year has not yet started and it is a little easier with the movement of children, that they are now in homes where they can safely shelter and... crawls into basements and so on, but those who work simply at enterprises, shops, institutions, they still try to get to the workplace, and it is very dangerous, so now we are informing everyone to really refrain from going outside, after all, the breakages fly to very different places and we cannot predict where exactly the breakages will occur. mr. andriy, we also urge
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people to stay in shelters, because actually even if the air defense system is working, it is not known where the debris may fall and... it may harm, with us andrii hychko, deputy of the vinnytsia regional council, said that in the morning in vinnytsia there were already about 10 reports of anti-aircraft fire and we hope that our defenders actually worked well there. next, we will talk with serhii zgurets, our daily expert, the director of the information and consulting company defense express joins our airwaves. mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine. slava, i congratulate you, i congratulate you on... you know, on the agenda for today we wanted to start with kurshchyna and what is happening there, well, but i can't don't ask, such incredible activity, about two months ago, even a little less, at the beginning of july there was an extreme such a large-scale attack, but even then there was not such a huge number of everything, more than 100 already counted shaheds, dozens of rockets,
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various rockets, and monitoring channels , and the air force constantly reports that various types of targets are moving to different cities of our country, they have been gathering all this for so long to attack us now, and according to your calculations, maybe you did some analysis, what volume, what accumulations they have, in fact, what they can attack with today, well, actually, we expected that this attack would happen, experts assumed, the more the air force command knew that... the russians, er, would try to carry out this attack after a considerable long pause with regard to precisely the accumulation of a certain amount in the kimlat. and this attack, so far, we can only generally assess that it resembles previous powerful russian complex attacks, where various
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means of attack are used, starting from shahed, as it was in the kyiv region, a familiar scheme, then it is the use of tu-95 and tu-22 m3 strategic bombers, it is precisely the kha-101 cruise missiles that concern the tu. then it is precisely the carriers of the x22 missiles, which in my opinion look the most dangerous, because their hit rates are the lowest compared to other types of missiles, and indeed ballistics, that is, now we see just such a complex desire of the russians to carry out a strike using the entire accumulated arsenal and now, actually, this is another challenge for our air defense system, which of course i was preparing for this. in any case, we understand that her attack is still ongoing, i will add, by the way, that an important component, that these russian
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tu-95 bombers, which took off from engels, then, uh, before that, well, ours almost did not have time drones to attack these planes that took off, because on the night of the 26th , our drones carried out the same attack on russian airfields, in particular on the lithuanian airport of wengelsu, which is somewhere, if i am not mistaken, 700 kilometers from the state border, and actually now the work of our strike drones is on to russian lithuania, well, it is an important component of deterrence, including these attacks using strategic carriers, in any case, it is not an easy period now, but in any case, the number of attacks on russian drones on russian airfields has passed. has increased significantly over the past month, so we hope that air defense will work as efficiently as possible, although we understand that the number of air defense systems capable of knocking down ballistics, and now ballistics
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is used for strikes on kyiv, it is sufficiently limited, and the nato countries, which at the nato summit promised us to transfer at least five more patriot complexes, with this one, the fulfillment of this promise is delayed. mr. serhiy, we are reading reports that one missile is passing... at least it is passing the carpathians, and this has never actually happened before, because we understand that it is a certain height and other conditions, which may indicate that they were well prepared, or that they have some goals, well, probably not just to stay there or to visit orban, but actually we see that the x101 missile is used primarily in the daylight, when the guidance systems of these missiles allow... to go along difficult routes, through gorges, over mountains, on, over rivers, and this precisely affects the tactics of
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primarily using x101 missiles. now we see such an attack, where a significant number of kha101 missiles are used in various directions, so far there are no final data, i think that after some time we will of course receive them, and now i think that the targets against... which remains partly military ob objects, in particular this applies to the capital lytovych nearby the capital, well, and probably energy facilities again, because this direction for the enemy remains such that he believes that it has the maximum impact on the ukrainian population, creates maximum difficulties for him, therefore, strikes on the energy sector are also expected in the course of of this attack, which is still ongoing, about the fact that the rockets are entering areas where they did not go before... reach any
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part of the territory of ukraine there, it is theoretical this is so, because the x101 missile has a range of more than 2,500 km, the enemy is using it now, the question is how effective our air defense will be in the directions where this threat exists. the kh-101 missiles are shot down by mobile groups, fighter aircraft, anti-aircraft defense, and even manpads, i hope that all these components will be used to destroy the kha-101 missiles. exactly what you were talking about, we already have information that the lower regions there are interruptions with light due to today's night and morning attack by the russian federation. a few minutes ago, andrii gishko from vinnytsia told us about it, as well as about problems with electricity, about interruptions, residents of kyiv region report. kryvyi rih in the mykolaiv region said that they received an instruction to apply emergency shutdowns, in short, this is the situation, mr. serhiy, i will ask about the kursk region, yes.
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russians, they used to drop cabs constantly on us, on the front-line territories, and now on kurshchyna, that is, themselves, this is not just an outcome, but it happened by chance, and the cabs are flying, they are shelling themselves with mortars, our general staff reports, it is such a hopeless situation for them, or what they are trying to achieve by this, well, in fact , the russian federation is now using all the means of forces that can stop our advance and create preconditions. in order for there, well, we started to withdraw, now we know that the enemy is really using cabs, that cabs are falling and, of course, on russian cities and populated areas, i have already seen many cases of even this kurt operation, yes the enemy himself is trying to use lancets, these two components, lancets and cabs, are what the enemy most effectively used to counter weapons. to the forces that
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are now receiving a bridgehead in kurshchyna. in any case , the transfer of russian forces and means of personnel from other directions, where hostilities are taking place, is also happening now , but in any case, we understand that the ukrainian armed forces are focused on holding the kursk blast zone area, which actually creates an asymmetric situation for... the enemy is a certain shock for the enemy, and now the enemy is trying to find some way out of this situation. mr. serhiy, about the good news, yesterday we saw a beautiful, simply impressive video, how our defenders take a machine gun right from the helicopter and work with that machine gun until it starts circling and flying down, such skill and such a method of actual
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application. to what extent can this become a mass phenomenon and practice in the future? well, in fact , now the ukrainian army is expanding the methods and means of combating two components, this is precisely the shahed and the second is intelligence drones, hall and eagle and so on, and indeed we have recently seen several videos where from helicopters using machine guns destroy and... shahedi, in fact, this direction is quite acceptable, but it is, conditionally speaking, based on the number of our helicopters and army aviation, and helicopters of the naval forces, which join these processes. when we talk about reconnaissance drones there, by the way, destruction with the help of our fpv drones is added to them. we have already seen many cases where
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the fpv drone itself. catch up and undermine russian reconnaissance drones, this process is becoming more and more large-scale, in any case, we can state that the ukrainian army is expanding the options for use with enemy drones, and i hope that by this time more, shall we say, more technological means will be added, which , conditionally speaking, will not require the use of army aviation helicopters and fighter jets, will be precisely... at the expense of, let’s say, more powerful drones that can detect and destroy enemy targets in the air, this is currently being worked on work, and we see positive examples of the creation of new types of weapons for the ukrainian army. thank you mr. sergey for the analysis. serhii sgurets was with us, the director of the information and consulting company defense express. we also thank all our defenders and the defenders of the sky, in particular for the work they are currently doing throughout the territory
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of our country. and now we will commemorate and remember all those who died, unfortunately, due to the fact that the russian invaders came to our ukrainian land. a moment of silence. let's honor the memory with a moment of silence ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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