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tv   [untitled]    August 26, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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10% in pharmacies plantain bam and save, there are discounts until independence day on pills 10% in pharmacies plantain vam and save. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov. yavtskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, more more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. and foreign experts,
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inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday on friday from 20:00 to 22:00. the tv channel's information day continues, so what did the russians do today... another act of terror, they launched about a hundred rockets and suicide bombers. the russians damaged two energy facilities in the kyiv region, as reported by the regional military administration. in addition, 22 private houses were damaged by falling debris from downed enemy targets. one house was completely destroyed, another was significantly damaged, warehouses , a garage, and three cars were also damaged. well, now we will find out what the situation is in zaporizhzhia, serhiy lyshenko, a deputy of the zaporizhzhia regional council, is with us. must now
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be in touch every minute, i will remind you that today due to russian shelling, traffic was even temporarily blocked through the dam of the dnipro hydroelectric power station, because we know that this is not the first time that the enemy has tried to destroy the dam of this hydroelectric power station, and precisely in order to protect people, their lives, the authorities decided to temporarily block traffic through the dam, but we understand that, now everything is fine , everything is calm, restored, and we... continue to work, and in zaporizhzhia , life also continues as it was. we would like to remind you that, unfortunately, there are certain impacts on the energy infrastructure, because of this, the ministry of energy and the detk even announced that we can go back to the blackout schedule, so please charge your phones, your gadgets, pull out, who has any charging stations, generators and so on at home, check the functionality of these devices so that, if in the end by... we have to turn off
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the lights again, you and i would be ready for it, so let's be conscious about it and make sure to check all the things we have, that we bought for ourselves in order to survive these days when there will be blackouts. well, today anyway the russians attacked our energy industry, launched more than 100 missiles, about 100 missiles, this is the official information announced by zelenskyi. yes, i am quoting the president now, it was one of the biggest strikes, combined, more than a hundred missiles of various types and about a hundred shaheds. and like most previous russian strikes, this one was also nefarious, targeting critical civilian infrastructure. we know that there were several explosions in zaporizhzhia. serhiy lyshenko, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine. sir sergey, we would like to ask you to immediately inform us of the operational situation related to the russian shelling from the zaporizhzhia region. well, the enemy is whole in the zaporizhzhia region, as well as throughout the rest of the territory in terms of infrastructure. everything
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related to energy, both throughout the country and in the zaporizhzhia region, was his target, and those explosions that were heard in the city were partly triggered by air defense, but also in the zaporizhzhia district there was a hit near a residential building a man died, although in fact, considering the distance, it was this blow, aa hardly could you hear in the city of zaporizhia, because it is already on the border of the zaporizhia and dnipropetrovsk regions, almost a... what kind of building is it, how many floors are there, are there many people who need help now? well, it's an ordinary village house, they aimed at an infrastructure object located nearby, and the rocket fell, well, it didn't reach, or that's the accuracy, respectively, and one person was killed, who was directly in this house. mr. serhiy, what is the current situation with light in your region, in zaporizhzhia and in the region, are there currently any emergency disconnection, or is it already the situation? with
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light stabilized, a number of consumers in certain territories, small areas of the city were temporarily disconnected until 3:00 p.m. for... the system, maybe even connected there within a few minutes, in most of the city without interruptions with light, in some areas, interruptions with communication were noted tongue, but this was a consequence of the work of the air defense forces, and accordingly, the rebs or the connection with the outages is not yet known, but please tell me, and because of the interruptions with the water supply, did it work stably in city ​​and is it working now? water supply works stably, interruptions with water supply have not been recorded. look, mr. se, i would like to, uh, i would like to ask you about the situation with the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, so there was a message a couple of days ago from magate that the power transmission line of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant was de-energized as a result of military activity in the region, so
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the mht mission informed the representatives zs that on august 22, four days ago, at approximately 4 p.m., the backup power line was disconnected due to a short circuit. transfers ferroalloy for one and on zs confirmed that the ukrainian dispatcher brought the line for maintenance, it was restored on august 23 at 3:30 p.m. would like to ask you about the news of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, yes, are there any prospects that we will receive energy from it, yes? well, in general, if we are talking about shelling, what about the whole business, what is the activity of the enemy in terms of... in terms of presence at the occupied zaporizhzhia nuclear plant? well, the fact is that currently there is no information about any possible restoration of the operation of the nuclear power plant, and this is primarily due to the fact that the electricity must be shipped to ukraine under the supervision of ukrainian specialists, whom
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, accordingly, the occupier will not allow to the nuclear power plant, therefore, in my opinion, this will be a very big concession on their part, and... in fact, it is equivalent the return of this territory to ukraine is voluntary, so it is unlikely that they will go for it. as for shutdowns, the safety system of the nuclear power plant provides for such possible shutdowns as a result of natural disasters, etc., and has the necessary backup power systems, generators, and so on accordingly, they must have a supply of fuel for generators for a period of at least 30 days, so there are no serious consequences for such disconnections. for a day there is actually no, look, i started asking about that, well, we understand how important the temporarily occupied zaporizhzhia station is an energy facility, but there it was confirmed, this is what i am quoting now from the report, that the ukrainian dispatcher has transferred the line to
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maintenance , it was restored on august 23, that is, as far as we understand, certain power lines or power networks, yes are under the control of our ee... dispatchers, yes, because this line goes from zaporizhzhia and is accordingly controlled from the zaporizhzhia territory, and zaporizhzhia can disconnect this line, relatively speaking, even permanently, but this will lead to problems at the nuclear plant, and therefore, it is done only in individual cases, when it is technically necessary to ensure work, for restoration or repair. ugh. mr. serhiy, let me also ask you about the situation that is currently happening on our front. after the events in the kursk region began, in the south a little it became easier. we know that the orihiv and goliaipil directions were the most intense, and now the intensification of russian actions regarding offensive actions in these directions has decreased, and in recent
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days, both the number of shelling and the intensity of fighting have significantly decreased. according to reports from the general staff, the enemy has not been active for several days. of offensive actions, and the number of shellings, if they previously reached 400-500 there, then for several days less than 300 shellings per day have been recorded, which also, accordingly, indicates a decrease the intensity of the enemy's actions, and the transfer of some of their personnel and equipment to other directions, are certain steps of their actions monitored in the temporarily occupied territories, what is their behavior now, do you know something, the fact is... that the enemy is constantly relocating its military units, even if they are not transferred to other areas of the front, then he moves them within the boundaries of the region, within the boundaries of kherson region, donetsk region near mariupol, thus creating, first of all, the appearance of movement,
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which makes it impossible to accurately establish the number troops, thereby creating a situation that complicates. and by identifying their placement location, so all the information is available only at the level of the general headquarters, which owns it in the complex, where it arrived, where it arrived, because people can report that... now there were soldiers in this area, they left, and they left not so far, about 30 km to another village, and actually did not change the direction and location. thank you, serhiy lyshenko, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, was in direct contact with us. we will remind you that today the russians also shelled zaporizhzhia including sumy oblast is also regularly informed about the current situation in this region, we will find out literally in a few minutes, wait, we are going to take a break and get back to you. when you sleep on
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ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga lake. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat tuesday-friday at 22:00. yes, as a result of a massive missile and drone attack on ukraine, yes, at a certain point , there were even changes in the movement of trains, and there is a hit to a railway infrastructure object in the sumy region, ukrzaliznytsia reports about this, about the situation on in the north, in the northeast of our country, lyubov sitak, kordon media journalist, glory to ukraine, lyubov, glad to see you, glory to the heroes, to each other, colleagues, regarding the situation in sumy and... yes, the holiday was restless, if the flag day is relatively passed quietly, then on
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independence day, august 24, in the evening, the russians hit sumy and novoselytsa with rockets, this is in the sumy district, there were eight injured people in sumy, one 40-year-old man died in the hospital, immediately after that, the others are still being treated. in general, according to the updated according to information, more than 46 buildings were damaged after that evening. water and electricity have already been restored, only one house is currently without gas, so these are the effects of the independence day hit in sums, and if... if we're talking about this morning, we know that unfortunately there is some destruction of infrastructure, in particular railway station, what do you know about it, are there any victims as a result of this, and in general this morning, how it happened and what flew to sumy oblast, in particular? and yes, today it was reported that there was a hit in sumy oblast railway infrastructure, an injured
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employee of ukrzaliznytsia, now... his life is not in danger, his condition is stable, this is all that is known about the man's injury, but tell me about the situation, i'm listening, i wanted to clarify whether there are actually any certain strong damage that affects the movement of trains in sumy oblast, there are no severe such damages that affect movement, they are already working on restoration, look, we understand that the enemy... did not become active today, when we are talking about sumy and chernihiv oblasts, yes, that is over the past few weeks the enemy is extremely active in sumy oblast as well. i wanted to ask you, in general, how intense the airstrikes and shelling are, and if we talk about the operation of the same sums that are there now, how well everything is adjusted,
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well, of course, we will talk a little later about the mood, but first of all, here... intense shelling sumshchyna? thus, intensive shelling of sumy oblast began on august 7, since then mandatory evacuation of five border communities in sumy oblast was announced due to increased russian shelling. now people don't go out as intensively as before, but still gradual evacuation continues. as for the shelling, it's mostly hitting with guided aerial bombs, if we look at ova's build. it was the hitting of kabami, tonight and this morning there were 60 explosions in six communities in the sumy oblast, in each of them these were hits by guided aerial bombs, only in the velikopyserivska hromad there were shelling from mortars from artillery and drones, then the situation worsened significantly with shelling, there were more victims among
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the civilian population, for example, already today in two of our communities and... two wounded people, yesterday the evening also passed restlessly in sumy oblast, in the city itself there was a hit on a country estate, four injured, also about 10 damaged country houses and in the bezdretsk community, this is in the sumy district, there was also a hit on the residential sector, a woman was killed and two were also injured people, houses were also damaged, some were partially destroyed. look, the kurdish operation, yes, it involves many different goals, in particular, it is about the impossibility of the enemy to advance on sumy oblast and the regional center. about this in the last of his interviews said president zelensky. he says that it was a preventive operation in order to prevent the russians from making any offensives from sumy oblast. were you aware that
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there was some talk among people that russia was preparing something that might relate. offensive on the sumy region, and is it true that after our troops entered the territory of the kursk region, it became a little easier psychologically, and with regard to shelling as well, and indeed in the spring and summer they talked about an attack on the sumy region, about the occupation of sumy, but how we see, that's not the case happened, but we didn't know anything about the operation in the kursk region, and it... became the same surprise for everyone, so it was also unexpected for the sumy region, look, mrs. lyubov, lyubov, i wanted to ask, maybe you have information about poisoning, mass poisoning of fish in the seim river, we understand that this is the north, so it is mainly the chernihiv region, but
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the concentration of poison in the river is so high that the seim river, which flows from the territory of russia, flows along chernivtsi, well, the fish will die, it's easy there a mass plague of fish and everyone is sounding the alarm, maybe there is some news related to that, ie or versions? regarding this, i will not tell you detailed information, only this is known that the fact of poisoning is yes, it exists, but i do not have detailed information about it, clearly, clearly, clearly, well, maybe suddenly, look, if we are talking about... the enemy's attempts to send its subversive and reconnaissance groups to the territory of sumy oblast, to what extent this matter is now activated, and we would ask you, well, if there is already such non-secret information, to tell what the objects of the enemy were presented to them as priority. well, if we are talking about enemy sabotage groups, it would be a sin not to mention local collaborators. what do you do with that now?
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as for the drg, yes, they have become more active, but i cannot say that it is more active now than in the past, that is, i think that the situation in the drg is stable, as before there were active attempts, yes. and now they continue, but we can say that there are even fewer such cases, regarding collaborators, yes, they do exist, information is constantly appearing from the prosecutor's office of the sumy oblast regarding such people in our region. look, last week, or rather the week before last, information was announced from the military administration about the fact that certain border areas should be liberated and they were allowed there only with... passports in case of some extreme necessity, well, first of all, is this a decision, it was really announced and it was put into practice, are
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there really people living there in the border villages and settlements, or are there absolutely no people there now, and in fact everything is under the control of the military there now, and are there any moves by the authorities to possibly expand the area from which people will have to be evacuated, or is there no talk of it at the moment? this is what was announced regarding restrictions on movement and entry into the 20-kilometer zone, but in principle the situation remains the same: the work of journalists is not affected, we continue to work on the border, and many people still did not evacuate and remain in themselves at home, and the fact that we talked with the migrants, they can come here in suma with the help of... humanitarian registration of an idp certificate, as well as to return to their home, so according to our internally displaced persons, they can return to let's
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talk about it in detail, let's talk in more detail, because in fact the information about the evacuation of people from a 20-kilometer zone near the border in sumy oblast, it actually scared a lot of people and a lot of people watched it intently because there were certain warnings that something like this might happen. that something can happen, and it has already happened after the events happened in kursk oblast, why do people ignore it, they have the right on a voluntary basis, or is it still a forced evacuation, so that we understand how binding this decision of the military administration is? no, we had a forced evacuation in the velikopyserivska and medrenobutka communities, in particular for children, and on august 7 they announced the mandatory evacuation of... five border communities, that is, people are not forced, they are advised, because indeed shelling has increased significantly and what we were told that staying where they live at home is almost
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it is impossible, and as for the fact that people stay , each of the elderly has their own reasons, it is mostly, ah, their household, they are sorry to leave them, for someone it is just a house they do not want to leave, and yes, most people.. . still evacuate here in sumy, if they have a place to turn to, they have relatives or relatives here, then they live there, and if not, then we have two centers in sumy, and they are provided with everything they need, including housing , well, it 's just that you are the person you say you are, you have the opportunity as a journalist to work in border zone, as a person who comes there, who sees the consequences of these shellings, who understands the scale of these shellings, what do you think, should people stay there or still? people have to leave there, people have to leave there, because we have such communities, for example, i can cite the youth community, there
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are just constant cable car launches, and there is a lot of destruction there, so it’s not worth it, it’s not worth it, that’s why i i say that it is necessary to evacuate. therefore, it was not for nothing that they called for an evacuation, mrs. editor, look, i wanted you also ask about the situation with fortifications in sumy oblast, we understand that there were, so to speak, rather unpleasant incidents in kharkiv oblast, but there is a feeling, i am not asking you to talk about some localization there, where it was built, where it was not built, but in general, if is being built, how actively is it being built, if it is not being built, why is it not being built and whether certain scandals were connected, for example, with inappropriate use of funds or possible use of certain building materials at inflated prices and so on, what now with the sumyshchyna? scandal? we are not in sumy oblast
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fixed, fortifications are actively being built, sumy ova reports from time to time, tells about it, shows, therefore, fortifications in sumy oblast are still being actively built. and tell me, please, we just had your colleague on our air before, and she talked about the fact that journalists are not even given the opportunity to get acquainted with tenders, with purchases, with documents related to certain purchases, that is, it turns out that... . that we cannot check whether certain materials were purchased at market prices or whether they were executed at market prices these or other works, that is, do we understand correctly that the situation has not changed until now and the authorities at the regional level classified all possible documents related to the cost of the works and their quality. yes, it's true, i personally sent a request to
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sumy ova earlier, regarding... the construction of the fortification, and from the information i asked to receive, i only received the total amount allocated for fortification by the government, and in particular sumy region, all other information is true was classified, and what was the reason, how did they explain it, they explained that this information is not subject to disclosure and constitutes a state secret, uh, no, well, it’s just very interesting, because even ukrenergo doesn’t have anything... recently decided to publish there not in volumes, of course, individually, let’s say how much it costs in order to somehow be more transparent looked like all these things that apply even to protective structures at our energy facilities, so let's hope that these, you know, our public conversations with you, they will encourage the military administration to be more public and show people, at least individually, how much can it cost, and we, you know, those who
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want to know how much... it can really cost, let's calculate whether there really weren't any abuses with it, thank you, lyubov sitak, journalist kordon media was in direct contact with us, we talked about the situation in sumy oblast, and unfortunately, today sumy oblast was also under russian fire. yes, well, in the meantime, in chernihiv oblast, in the seym, in the river seym, swimming was prohibited, that is, a mass plague of fish, yes, this has been going on for a couple of days now, deterioration of the water condition in the river was recorded. in the laboratory of the ecological inspection, yes , the key story is that it is not just that fish are dying, but they are dying en masse, well, there is a report that this may be connected not only with the discharge of pesticides or nitrates, i am now quoting the head of the state supervision of sanitary compliance of the legislation of the state production and consumer service to valentin tyshchenko in the public media, so research was conducted in the presence of a residual
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amount. pesticides, these studies with a result that meets the requirements the maximum allowable levels of these pollutants, pollutants, but we continue this study, because the level of pollution of the river is still present, yes , the concentration of pesticides that was detected, it is not the cause of the death of fish, the mass plague of fish, the seim river, the legendary ukrainian river on of the north, which takes its course. from the territory of the russian federation, in particular from kurshchyna, there we understand that the enemy could actively harm us, so dear ukrainians, be vigilant and listen, although, as far as i understand, it is impossible to enter that river because a colossal stench, and we will remind you that many bridges passed through this river, which were blown up by our defense forces in order not to prevent the advance of the russian military, but now it is already 3:00 p.m.,
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which means that the time has come news, and we pass the floor to our colleague, the beautiful irina koval, who is already with us, ready to share all the most important state for this moment. iro, we pass the word on to you and share what we managed to find out. thank you, marta, of course i would like to tell you something good, but... unfortunately, the attack on ukraine continues, and here i will tell you all the details of the night, morning and what is happening at this time, so wait for literally everything in a moment. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i welcome all viewers and now to the most important events, so a massive attack.


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