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tv   [untitled]    August 26, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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around the clock, because we had very tight deadlines, we understood that 1.5 million people were without water, so it gave additional incentives for people to work even under such terrible conditions, in war conditions. well, even if we put aside the conditions of the war, i think it is still the implementation of such a project in a short time, it is extremely difficult, how, how difficult is this project to implement? and before that, when we began to study the possibility of building such a water pipeline, we studied the experience that is available in ukraine, the closest experience was 90 years of the last century, that is, even those pumps, those pipelines, they were already outdated, that is, the technology was no longer suitable, and the construction took, well, in raki, you can count, there the construction was in queues, some sections, some sections were... three
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years, this is the dnipro-western donbas canal, this is such a close analogue, we have almost completed the construction, that is, we have already started the water supply, but the work has been going on for 11 months, during this period we received, made a project, and built, and have already given water to the residents of dnipropetrovsk oblast, well, 1.5 million people each received water from this water supply. and the experience of western countries, it can be helpful for us, or rather they will soon learn from us and sort through until now, we attracted, attracted, asked for help from donors, so that they would give us the opportunity to get a trumpet in a short time, and pumps, i.e. in such a quantity, we have several hundreds of meters along this water line alone, and we have hundreds of kilometers.
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pipes of a very large diameter are used, that is, from a meter to 600 mm, that is , it is a very large diameter, and when we studied the availability of such and such a quantity of pipes in the manufacturers' warehouses, and it turned out that none of the equipment manufacturers or pipes of such equipment has such a quantity in such quantities, everyone said: "give us an application, we will make it for you": for in a year or two, we will make this pipe and deliver it, but we needed to invest in a period of one year to get the pipe, and install the pumps and make this photogen work, so we also turned to representatives of foreign countries to they provided us with assistance and lobbied for our orders, then the orders of our contractors, so that they would speed up production. and ee shortened the queues
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to deliver such a pipe in a short time. regarding experience, even foreign ambassadors came and looked at this water pipeline and said that you have done the impossible, because such a water pipeline could only be designed in 2-3 years, and you are already finishing the construction, that is, even in the conditions of war in the absence of a complete complete set of materials, well... we can say that even logistics does not work in such a complete way now volume, because we do not have sea transportation in the amount that is needed, but we solved this issue and today the residents receive water, precisely because the project had to be implemented in such a short time so that people would receive water, share with your experience, how did you control the quality of project documentation, how did you control the quality of...
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the execution of works by contractors, we involved specialists in this field, and therefore, based on experience, based on the fact that we had previously done very large projects in a short time, the main thing is logistics, that is, each stage of the work must be divided into separate episodes and work specifically on the solution of small episodes in order for everything to form a single global such project, and that's why everything worked out. that is, to say some unique recipe, one can say, the uniqueness lies in the fact that every person who worked at the waterworks, they understood the result, they saw those people, they worked in the immediate vicinity of the residents of those settlements that should receive water, they saw what is going on in these cities, there is not enough water, water are given a lift, and that is why it really became an incentive for those people to work in such a mode, at such a pace, to solve such a problem...
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you can say global to global task , you say that the work is still ongoing, when it will be final, when the full stop will be put, or as the builders say, when there will be a flower, what about the resolution? the cabinet of ministers allowed us to transfer this water main to work, that is, it is already working, we have one section left to start the fourth pump and we can say that in the full capacity project, the project has worked, but the works are still ongoing, the works of which plan, this is the arrangement of the territory, this is a matter of buildings, that is, they do not concern the water main itself, the water main is already... working, and thanks to the fact that the cabinet of ministers allowed us to work in this mode, i.e. to put it into operation before we had fully completed it, it allowed us to receive water today, and the residents of the cities who feel that there is water are no longer there, as
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we no longer have such an acute question regarding water, mr. oleksandr, please tell me what projects you currently have in implementation and whether there is a restoration of residential buildings? dnipropetrovsk region, the restoration service itself is not working on housing restoration, but the projects that we have in the works, well, let's say, they have limitations so that we do not announce the amount of work that exists, but the service is working precisely to eliminate those shellings that were in dnipropetrovsk region, this is the energy... sector, this is water supply, and this time it is roads, because roads are also, we do not forget, this it is our logistical opportunity, today the roads, they dnipropetrovsk region has become a center that connects, you can say, as a transport hub between the conflict line and peaceful life,
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that is , a very large amount of cargo moves through dnipropetrovsk region today, therefore roads are also a priority in our work, how many such roads they need to be restored, we have more than 300 km of state roads on the balance sheet, these are territorial highways, regional roads, national roads, and we are currently trying to maintain all roads in passable condition, within that there are funding opportunities, that is, we have a very large number of residents contacting us about the condition of this or that road, but we must understand that we currently have limited funding, so we allocate it specifically to central roads, that is, to national and regional roads that connect large cities and regions. bridges are also restored, how many bridges? we have a large number of bridges, and on all bridges that we have, all bridges are now in passable
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condition, on some of them we have signs about restrictions on cargo, but all our bridges on state roads are located in... you said about the reconstruction of infrastructure facilities that were damaged as a result of russian shelling, how long it will take to restore it and what it is, what its scale is, and what about deadlines, all deadlines are calculated by our project documentation, but even those deadlines that we have in the project documentation, we speed up as much as possible. and we try to invest in a very short time, because even now energy issues, water supply issues, road issues, all kinds of issues are before us, they are all important, and we do not separate one or the other, we do not prioritize one issue over another , that is
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, we try, we try to fulfill all the tasks before us in a very short time. mr. oleksandr, as for the actual rebuilding of these energy infrastructure facilities, we understand that the russians... uh, they can continue shelling our critical facilities, because they are waging such a hybrid war, is there anything else foreseen in this rebuilding some additional protection so that there is not the same destruction as it was under during the first wave of shelling, and if it is possible, i will not cover the curtain, because the enemies also hear our plans, but on those objects that we are working on. this is a sufficient level of protection and is fully verified by project documentation and calculations, that is, we do not want these shellings to happen, but we can say that our defense works, it is great, we will not reveal the details, so as
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not to really tip off our enemies, but for example, do you have cooperation with other regions, where you share experience, what to do, maybe you... go to someone experience, someone thought of something better, or someone took over this experience from you? well, i will say that construction is not amateurish, that 's why everything is provided by project documentation. calculations and for this work engineers and technical supervision of construction objects, therefore every question that arises in front of the protection or in front of the object, it first gets into the project documentation and undergoes the examination of the projects, therefore, experience is taken into account here, because the country before that, i did not know that it could be that you will fight with both missiles objects of citizens. infrastructure, that is, but we see that even our enemy is not swayed by this, that he is shelling precisely
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the energy sector, which puts the residents of ukraine on the verge of survival, they do not mock this, therefore every shelling, it is taken into account in shelter objects , in the means of strengthening the objects themselves, to what extent local self-government bodies are included in the reconstruction process, what kind of cooperation... work is only in responsibility, because everyone is closely cooperating now, that is, if we need any help, then we apply, and here there is no difference between the zones in the country, we work exclusively for results, the result is our victory in this war. mr. oleksandr, do the residents turn to you with any questions or suggestions regarding reconstruction? do you only deal with critical infrastructure? and the residents, well
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, everything is arranged in such a way that at the moment we have appeals to the administration, then the administration will already get into the resolution of the cabinet of ministers regarding the restoration of specific objects, and we are already engaged, as a service, we are already engaged in the final stage, that is, reconstruction, that is, we do not collect information about damage and... and whether information about objects that were destroyed, our task is already restoration, restoration of what was destroyed and what fell into objects for restoration , civilian houses are also in your devotion or not? no, we are exclusively working on the task set by the cabinet of ministers, i.e. what falls into the resolution of the cabinet of ministers on restoration. i understand, we already talked to you, you. you talked about the challenges that are now facing the people who are engaged in the reconstruction of the country,
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it's the logistics that are a bit damaged because there aren't all the roads that worked before the full-scale invasion, the roads that worked before the full-scale invasion, it's the constant shelling, it's the lack of electricity, what other challenges what challenges do builders and people involved in restoration and reconstruction face? now, with regard to roads, for example, we have introduced restrictions even this season, regarding cargo, a very large number of trucks move on state roads, this is a significant overload, that is, we are forced to stop have set restrictions on cargo in order not to burden our state roads, because restoration should be, but preservation of this stage that is in front of us, that is, so that the prevention
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of transportation, cargo, that is, so that our freight transport does not did not destroy the state roads with its overloads, what more can be said, but like the whole country, that is, we also feel the lack of funds in our industry, we understand that there are not many funds in the country now, but... we work within the limits of that funding that we currently have. sir oleksandr, thank you for taking the time to talk with us, oleksandr kolomiytsev, the head of the dnipropetrovsk oblast infrastructure reconstruction and development service, was with us, dear friends, you watched the special edition, the urban reconstruction and development program, we will see you next saturday at 6 p.m.: 30, thank you for being with us.
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of the front. freedom life, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. qualification assessment is under threat. why did the grand chamber of the supreme court change its practice? the case clearly shows that there are problems with the supreme court. but which of the unscrupulous can remain in office? a number of judges that exist can be quite sensitive, important for the judicial mafia. congratulations, judicial control is on the air. and the constitutional reboot and personnel renewal of the judiciary based on the norms of professional ethics and integrity is the basis of the judicial reform currently being carried out in ukraine. its successful implementation is the main requirement for our further path to the eu. however, how successful is the transformation and whether the moral and
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professional qualities of justice officials to high standards. let's talk today in the framework of the judicial reform in ukraine, a lot of attention is paid to the personnel issue. in order to eradicate corruption among judges and increase the trust of citizens, every employee of themis must pass a qualification assessment. this applies both to new candidates for positions and to current judges. a body specially created for this purpose, the higher qualification commission, conducts evaluations and recognizes representatives as suitable for the position or unworthy to work in the judicial system. however, it is high-quality qualification assessment servants of themis was under threat. the grand chamber of the supreme court passed a decision that can significantly affect the cleaning of the system and the progress of judicial reform as a whole. it is about the case of the judge of the commercial court of the kharkiv region vitaliy usatoy, who appealed the procedure of his qualification assessment. he received a negative opinion from the public
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integrity council. what was the conclusion, the beginning is of course, as is usually the case with property. ot. there was valuable property, which was the question of declaration, the question of where the money came from, eh, in particular to him and his wife. the second was that he received a prize weapon from minister avakov, er, and the state security service submitted a conclusion regarding this. this conclusion reached the commission. despite the conclusion that mustayo did not meet the criteria of integrity and professional ethics, the panel of three members of the previous composition of the supreme court decided that the judge was fit for the position. this is the solution. was preliminary and should have entered into force, was preliminary and should have entered into force after consideration by the plenary composition of the central committee, i.e. by its 11 members, and this very thing is not liked in march he objected to further consideration, believing that the troika's decision on his suitability for the position was quite sufficient. judge mustachio, he indicated that in his opinion, actually,
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he has already been recognized as virtuous. of course, for judges, it would always be desirable that, when my three colleagues found them suitable, then it should continue to work like that. and, actually, the practice, the reading of the law, its... interpretation was such that everyone always expected this plenary composition, that 11 people would give their opinion. vitaliy usatiy went to court and the country's highest judicial body supported his position. in the anti-corruption center , they emphasize: the grand chamber of the supreme court broke its own practice and manipulated the law, because the procedure for evaluating judges with negative conclusions of the supreme court, specifically in the plenary composition, worked for almost eight years, and it was followed even after. regular and valid vkks. the great chamber also recognized this. in particular, in the decision regarding the ex-judge of the solomyan district court of kyiv, maria zelinska, and the judge of the economic court
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of the kyiv region, pavlo gorbasenko. we counted at least five decisions of the grand chamber of the supreme court, to which earlier in the same grand chamber indicated a completely different position. they pointed out that it is really necessary for... such a decision to be supported by the entire plenary composition of the higher qualification commission of judges, and the decision of the collegium is actually not enough. the decision of the grand chamber of the supreme court contains a number of dangers for judicial reform. according to preliminary estimates, it can help about 180 judges, who have already received negative conclusions of the public opinion, to remain in their positions. for the sake of virtue. this decision of the grand chamber helps with this specifically. 70 people now avoid this procedure and in fact they are already automatically evaluated, if
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this practice and this decision of the grand chamber, the higher qualification commission and the supreme court will now be taken as a basis and say that we must apply this decision to all these judges, then this means that these people are automatically considered to have passed the qualification assessment and everything is fine with them. this is the guarantee of their future. in the professional community they call the decision of the grand chamber harmful, because there are dozens of odious names in the list of unscrupulous judges who will now be able to avoid evaluation. these are, in particular, nataliya prytula, judge of the shevchenkiv district court of the city of kyiv, judge of the maidan, volodymyr serdynskyi, judge of the brovarsky district court of the kyiv region, exposed to nabu for a bribe of 4,000 dollars. viktoria dzharty, a judge of the commercial court of kyiv, likes luxuries. and owns luxury real estate. oleksandr lutsenko, judge of the obolon district court of the city of kyiv, judge of the maidan. serhii chvankin, head of the kyiv district
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court of odessa, his family's firm owns luxury apartments in miami. pavlo gorbasenko, the head of the economic court of the kyiv region, owns elite real estate, sky-high fortunes and practices fictitious divorces, passed illegal decisions that had signs of raiding. judges dmytro kostenko and... andriy fedorchuk, kyiv district administrative court. fedorchuk, in particular, is known for canceling the nationalization of a private bank and suspending the renaming of the uoc of the moscow patriarchate. it is the same, for example, judge dzyuba, about whom there is information that his wife has russian citizenship, this is judge otrosh, who allowed herself to say at the meeting of the commission's ukvals that it was actually the ukrainian authorities who were not to blame for not ensuring the inviolability of the borders. crimea, which has millions, well, millions of unexplained property and so on. all these judges with such a position will be able to avoid the end of the qualification
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evaluation and keep their positions to themselves. the anti-corruption center has no doubt that after making a decision in the case of judge usatoy, the grand chamber played along with the entire so-called judicial mafia. this year, the judge-rapporteur himself received the conclusion of the state administrative court on non-compliance with the criteria of integrity. professional ethics, however, this did not prevent him from receiving a positive decision of the vkk. mr. krivenda also received a negative opinion from the public council of virtue, ah, to which there were also a number of questions regarding the origin of his property and assets, and of course, it is clear that with such an approach, the chairman of the case has, let's say, at least. biased to according to of this category of case, and therefore we can
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talk about... about a certain kind of conflict of interest, where a judge, being dissatisfied with his own conclusion of the public integrity council, is ready to play along and help other judges who have the same problem. the grand chamber of the supreme court tried to explain its decision, but did so not very convincingly. in particular, the judges indicated that they are changing the practice because the legislator changed the law, and the supreme court of appeals - its own regulations. such reasoning is manipulation. on the part of the grand chamber, they insist on the anti-corruption center, because in this way, with each new change in the law , the decisions made in the old edition will have to be recognized as illegal. unfortunately, we are now seeing the result of this, when, in particular, the rapporteur in the usatoy case, who had a negative conclusion of the state administrative court, adopts, well, writes a decision, the grand chamber accordingly approves, agrees, issues it, and we see a situation where they are at 180°.
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return the position, at the same time, very unreasonably and do not meet their own criteria, which were previously established when it is possible to change the position, because all the previous decisions were completely different in similar situations. currently , about 1,800 ukrainian judges have to pass the evaluation qualifications, including representatives of the odious oask and the pechersk district court of kyiv. according to the anti-corruption center , certain dubious members are higher. councils of justice and the supreme court may try to interpret the decision of the supreme court in such a way as not only to help unscrupulous officials of fimida, but also to undermine the future procedures of evaluation qualifications. it is very important in fact that these the two institutions continued the qualification assessment in the same order as it was before, and the decision in the case of judge usatovoi was considered an individual decision, specifically in this case, which should not
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be applied absolutely to everyone. cases, but, well, it is already clear that in these institutions there are also members who believe that this decision should be applied to the rest of the judges, so there will be a kind of struggle here, and what will be the result and what will be the consequence, in fact, it is difficult to predict at the moment . the precedent set by the grand chamber regarding sharp and baseless change in own practice indicates that there may be other decisions of the supreme court ahead, which in the end will simply bury the judicial reform, take over in the center of anti-corruption, and therefore cleaning the supreme court and restoring trust in it should become an urgent matter for society question, because in recent years the supreme court has been distinguished by numerous dubious practices and the dishonesty of its individual representatives. in general, i consider this a signal that both the supreme court and the grand chamber in principle need
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on the contrary, to clean it, because... if such an approach to work takes on a systemic character, then in the future it will be possible to make such strange decisions, depart from practice and interpret the law as you like, because the grand chamber actually has a lot of resources for this and opportunities we hope that individual members of the supreme judicial council and the supreme council of justice will be able to master the desire to play along with the so-called judicial mafia and will not start automatically. to apply the decision of the grand chamber to all judges with negative conclusions of the grand chamber, giving them the opportunity to retain positions be that as it may, this will be a real test of both institutions' integrity and ability to work impartially. and for today i have everything, it was judicial control and i am tetyana shustrova. if you know the facts of corruption in the judicial system,
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or you want to report about... an honest judge who makes illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to the email address you see on the screen. it's all good, we'll meet in exactly one week. it's 6 p.m. in ukraine and the release is for your attention news on espressu tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. one of the biggest combined strikes on our country. russia attacked 15 regions of ukraine, launched more than a hundred missiles of various types and drones, president volodymyr zelenskyy said.


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