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tv   [untitled]    August 26, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EEST

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a new week, and we begin, khrystyna yatskiv and andriy smoliy, well, we are finally together, how much has passed, three weeks, and we are finally returning to our traditional format, when we are in the studio, when we have guests, experts, and when we the two of us here, actually, on the tv channel, we analyze, discuss, talk, unfortunately, the new week started today, to put it mildly, it is very difficult for our country, for our energy industry, for our people, sad, difficult, but whatever , we must hold on, we must keep fighting, and we must understand that a terrorist can be defeated. in fact, only on the battlefield, so
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we hold on and start a new week, well , we start with a poll, as always, we remind you that your opinion is very important to us, so join us, today we ask you what you think about telegram, how source of information, how about a site with sources of information, do you think it is necessary to regulate the activities of telegram, if so, then please call for free. well 0800 211 381, if not, then 0800 211 382. all your calls will free, but your opinion is invaluable to us. well, as you understand, we are asking about telegram, since the founder and curator of this social network was detained in france, it even forced the russians to protest, but not against their own regime, but what's the point?
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the embassy of france, it seems that they brought some planes there, that is, these protests are okay with them, but the protest against the war is not, no, well, that’s the question, we will return to it with andriy in the second part of our conversation, i think that now it would be fair to thank the air force, the armed forces of ukraine, the armed forces of ukraine in general, for the way they worked out today's, one of the most massive combined why, in fact, i want to say that the air force called it, here i quote... the most massive air attack, and why it is the most massive, because in fact 236 means of destruction were used, you can just imagine this array of shaheds, missiles of absolutely different types, and according to the data that appeared, 102 missiles were shot down out of 100-127 and 199 shaheds were shot down out of 100.
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nine, that is, we can just imagine, what a huge number of targets were engaged this morning, this night, and by the way, during the day the enemy continued to terrorize our country with shaheeds, so the alarm was also almost the longest, in general, of all time, if we are talking about a large-scale alarm, and probably , it is really worth starting with this topic, necessarily, especially since these... this strike was absolutely obvious again energy objects, generating or distributing, this is already a question for analysts, especially sensitive, as for me, the question of the kyiv eges and dykes, pro which many were worried about, but the center for countering disinformation at the nsdc says that everything is calm here in this sense, i would like to remind you that maria... spoke about the kyiv hpp,
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in particular, literally a month ago, we will remind you, but first let's say hello to our esteemed guest oleksandr kovalenko, military and political observer of the information resistance group. mr. oleksandr, congratulations, glory to ukraine. congratulations to the heroes of glory. good evening. therefore, a month ago, the spokeswoman of the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation, maria zakharova, said that ukraine is planning destroy the dams, the kyiv gesykaniv reservoir and blame russia for this. let's listen. the results of the analysis showed that in case of overflow of the kyiv reservoir, the flooded area will be up to 200 km. 76 settlements, not buildings, settlements may be under water. at the same time, the greatest damage will be caused to the kyiv region located along the desna and dnipro rivers. there is absolutely no
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doubt that the zelenskyi regime is instigating yet another cynical provocation against its own population. well, sir. alexander, i would like to of course to start with you with that massive attack that took place during today's day, which lasted for many hours. how do you generally assess whether this was expected for our country, and perhaps the next question is whether we should expect something similar, less, more, or the same scale in the next time, because some analysts say that russia is ready, conditionally that is to say, during some future time, apply either a similar amount or a smaller amount, but still , it is still possible, because they are not actually two months carried out such large-scale attacks?
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the big attack was the 8th of july and this is the attack that we can see, she was preparing for the 24th of august, huh. this is all that we see was supposed to take place on august 24, the day of ukraine's independence, but their schedule got twisted due to the fact that a number of operations were carried out, precisely by the defense forces of ukraine on the territory of the russian federation, on their airfield, we saw how systematically airfields are struck by tactical aircraft, strategic aircraft, and they are constantly being moved to... its planes, change the place of deployment of ammunition and so on and so forth, that is, it still delayed it, did not give it the opportunity to carry out this strike precisely on august 24, but in general, if you look at
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the period between july 8 and august 26, august almost the entire the ammunition that the russians had the opportunity during this period... to produce ae in their production and send completely finished products to airfields, then it almost completely coincides with the amount that was used, and therefore will there be such massive strikes in the future with side the russian occupiers, they will continue these massive strikes, but so massive, so large, they can afford it, depending on how it works. they have production, so it’s about once a month, once a month and a half, exactly on this scale, if we talk about the near future, the short-term perspective, in the coming days they can carry out a reconnaissance strike, but with limited
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ammunition, much smaller, less powerful, but they can conduct it precisely in the format pre-reconnaissance activities, now they do. conclude which objects they hit, which objects are damaged to what extent, and then they can in a second wave, even this night after 48 hours, after 72 hours, while it is still relevant, and they can implement such a pre-reconnaissance strike, but again still , i emphasize the significantly smaller amount of ammunition, which is limited in quantity, this does not mean that the ukrainians should be neglected, we go to... cover, as soon as we hear the air alarm signal. mr. oleksandr, i would like to go to the topic kyivska hes to return. so , taking into account how the spokeswoman of the ministry of foreign affairs zakharova pumped information about this topic and what happened today, can we talk about some kind of planned russian provocation, specifically on
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the topic of the hydroelectric plant? it is quite possible, well , first of all, this is an energy infrastructure object, and therefore... according to it, it was foreseen in any case, that is, the russians continue to hit energy infrastructure objects, civilian objects, logistical objects, and on airfields and so on and so on, that is, somehow they do not has changed, if we are talking about striking tv ukraine, the general concept has not changed, but as for the provocation, well, we saw that this was indeed the approach... and we saw that it might not have been one, because some of the missiles were shot down on the approach to kyiv, to the kyiv region, so it is quite possible
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that a larger number of missiles were headed for the hpp, only the air force of the armed forces of ukraine can know this, and that is not yet a fact , because such missiles as hast-1555, kremb caliber. and they can to change their flight path, that is, it can change in them, and now it is the dniprovskyi's trajectory, then whoa, they changed it and are already on their way, well, for example. somewhere somewhere in the direction of the ivano-frankivsk region, and therefore there are also such problems here, but in general, of course, they are not just like that, not only because they are hitting the energetic infrastructure, they are hitting the energy infrastructure, they have inflicted this blow, i think that there will be some ipso from this, one way or another they will implement it as in their information space, they will try to integrate it into our, well, well, in their information... space, they are already forming the opinion among the russians that this is the answer for kursk, well, hitting
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civilians and this is just the pickering of shahed in a residential building in to one of our settlements, that is, not the work of the air defense forces, obviously, it’s not some kind of mishap, excuse the words, but it’s just aimed at the veli shachet at a residential building, as i understand it, this is the height of cynicism, mr. oleksandr, a little, a little drop of that can be for someone ... traitors will appear, today there are many ukrainians on the network reflected on the topic of russia firing missiles containing american components, while ukraine has still not received permission from the united states to use, at least long-range weapons on the territory, the sovereign territory of the russian federation, what do you think about such a topic , in principle, a logical in some sense rhetorical question, i think that this... on the territory of ukraine, they are only approaching the day when we will get an expansion
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of the possibility of striking on the territory of russia with western weapons, and an expansion the nomenclature that can be used for these strikes, because it is this kind of terror that motivates the representatives of the congress, the senate , etc. which western politicians use as a justification for making this or that decision, they, they, you know, i'll call it this way, they're all careful, like potential defendants in a court somewhere, that is, so that when they're asked, why did you provide this permission to ukraine to strike at territory? the russian federation, and because the russian federation committed such and such crimes on the territory of ukraine, ukraine, and they
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made this request, that is, for them there should also be such a case, not only a request, but therefore i think that in this in the case of the second stage of expansion of our capabilities for strikes on the territory of the russian federation, it will still happen, although one way or another, but we are also gradually increasing our capabilities, our own capabilities for striking on the territory. russia, today things have become bad in russia an oil refinery in the umsk region, and they say that one of the planes could have disappeared from the radar somewhere, i can’t remember the markings, mr. oleksandr, do you have any information to refresh, or was it possible that it was a crash? as for that information , i don't have any verified, reliable information, but what about omsk, well , that's great, that's great, 2,500 km, yes,
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it's more than, you know, when the first blows were struck at a distance of 1,600 km , 1,800 km from the border, and everyone asked, what is next, what is next, 200 km further, then 2,500, but now it is not yet autumn, but we are already we are talking about drones. which can cover such a distance in our country, almost 25 km, that is, what we will talk about already in the fall, in october, for example, in november, about a drone that covers 300 km, well, russia itself will soon end, mr. oleksandr, by the way, in this context, today the minister of defense of ukraine, rustem umyerov, announced that there will be a response, in fact, from russia for today's strike. both on the ukrainian energy system and on ukrainian civil facilities, we
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see what is happening in omsk, we see what is happening at other, including energy facilities, and in the russian federation, what do you think this comprehensive response should be, these are strikes on energy, on the fuel complex of the occupying state. and what should we expect, because in any case ukraine must give an answer, and in any case russia also has chambers and rashists. should feel what is, in fact, war, and should feel symmetrical actions on their territory? well, on the one hand, i would now say something like, here we have to accumulate 200 there, 300, 400, 500 drones and launch them in a big
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swarm so that all the russians are scared, but in reality it's not quite like that, it's not quite. this is wrong, and i will explain why, after all, we have different types of air defense equipment, we have different types of anti-aircraft defense, and in the case of russia , the most effective is striking individual targets, that is, not a large swarm of 1000 drones, but a limited number 20, 30, 40, that is, in principle , within the limits... in which we use them now, they have such a quantity that allows us to break through means of anti-aircraft turnover, not to be so noticed, and no, some of them will be destroyed, but some will still achieve their goal, and therefore the answer may quite possibly not even be in the traditional perception of such a drone
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raid, although, on the other hand , i do not rule out that it may be used at all... some other means of defeat, the same drone, already of a reactive type, a clearing, because , well, almost no one knows its characteristics reliably, there are no open sources in them, ugh, ugh, but and how effective it can be in countermeasures against russian anti-aircraft defense, this is also an interesting question, so i can even make such an assumption that... this will be a baptism of fire for polyanytsia, but in a larger volume, on a larger scale. thank you, and to sum up, at least with oleksandr kovalenko, the topic of this shelling and the state of our energy industry, i would like to remind you of the world press, which in recent weeks reported on the possibility of some changes, with the mediation of qatar, as
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we understand, between ukraine and the russian federation regarding tolerance. attacks on energy facilities, and the russian federation refused any contacts on this topic, because of the alleged offensive in kurshchyna. mr. oleksandr, regarding the situation in areas and sections of the front. in view of the way things are developing, some of the analysts note that there is a noticeable relaxation in the ughledar direction, instead of fighting head-on and losing everything... it is possible from the mechanized and not only the russians allegedly decided to bypass this important also in the logistical sense settlement in the vodyanny district, what is the situation in general now on the line of combat, which could you distinguish the accents, please? well, at the moment when they have problems in the kursk region, they decided to resume offensive assault actions precisely in the volodarsk direction,
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it is true, and for them the water is the goal, and why it is, because... this is a settlement that is a little west of route 0532, and it allows not only to cut this route, but also to make such a semi, to make a semi-envelopment from the north of the ugledava, and the ugledar may find himself in a situation where the russians can start offensive actions as from from the southern part, and from the northern, that is , hanging over the coalfield, ah, in general, they are now using the same tactics that they used before, that is , they are looking for such a mechanized column and are going to break through our borders, as of today, the situation is very difficult, but these columns, they are being destroyed, and our guys are holding positions there, actually replenishing the number
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of destroyed russian equipment, we still have minutes. or a little more, and i would like to talk about one more topic, it concerns belarus, right? many of our citizens, even now they are scared, thinking that there may be some kind of attack, it is clear that according to the data we have, it is unlikely to happen, but still the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine warns belarus against an attack. from any unfriendly actions near the border, in particular, if we are talking about the statements of the spokesman of the state border service andrii demchenko, on the air of the tv channel. esso, then he declared that the situation at the border is essentially unchanged and under control. let's listen. according to
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what is happening deep in the territory of belarus, of course, the intelligence units are watching in order to understand how much the situation is changing, how threatening it is for ukraine, in order to respond accordingly and strengthen those directions where tensions may grow. however, if we talk about the immediate proximity to our border, then we do not notice the movement of equipment or personnel there, or the crowding, mr. oleksandr, why is lukashenko doing this, why is belarus doing this, and should we expect, well, we will of course practically attack rule it out, but still some kind of provocations that can distract our troops and... disturb the consciousness of our citizens, if it concerns the border with the republic of belarus, well, they can
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certainly be provocations, but not at such a level that it would distract our troops , everything is very simple here, training is constantly taking place in belarus, and now they have really sent about a thousand personnel to training. composition of their units, and mainly there are conscripts, so what is a thousand, well, there is nothing to talk about here, it is even not nearly the potential that can go on the offensive, but this is the work of our ministry of foreign affairs, and when such events take place, and some movement takes place near the border, they must react to it, and in this case there was an appropriate reaction, that.. . it was perceived by civilians, well, average ukrainians, not quite correctly, well, by the third year of the war, they should already perceive it
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correctly, since they are constantly talking about belarus, and as of now, it is true, near the border with belarus, from there is no strike group in belarus a group that could be similar to a shock group, and even the number that is... sealed, it does not correspond to the number that could threaten, well, for example, a breakthrough to kyiv 2.0. and as for the provocation near the border, it is quite possible, sabotage activity, it is always possible, especially in these conditions in which we are now, but, believe me, lukashenko is now so scared after the kurzh operation that he himself is fine so that no provocations to be close, so that nothing happens, because he is scared listen, in the kursk region , the contingent of the kursk group is actually identical to the entire belarusian army, and what is
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the effect of this, so i understand lukashenko that if the kursk region repeats itself in belarus, he will be left without his minsk throne. mr. oleksandr, we are grateful to you for joining the espresso channel and for your thoughts. your analyst oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political commentator of the information resistance group, has just been a guest in the new week, and we remind you of our the survey we are conducting today in our program, do you think it is necessary to regulate the activity of telegram, and it is possible to regulate the activity of social networks there in general, and if you think so, then please take your smartphones or. phones are absolutely free, call 0800 211 381, if you don't think so, then 0800 211 382,
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​​i emphasize once again, all calls are absolutely free, and at the end of this hour we will draw up the interim results, at the end of the next one, the final results, well, we're happy welcome to connect with us in the new week, now volodymyr yelchenko, diplomat, former representative of ukraine to the un from 2015 to 2019. former ambassador of ukraine to the united states in 20-21. mr. volodymyr, glad to see and hear. good evening, i am such an evening. with your permission, you are a man with a crazy professional diplomatic background. please explain to us what is happening between these diplomatic signs, in particular between ukraine and belarus. the fact is that our ministry of foreign affairs issued a statement and... a warning for belarusian visas, in general for the belarusian state, but the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs anatoly glas of belarus states that minsk has not received official appeals from ukraine
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demanding to withdraw troops from the common border. ourselves would be grateful if someone could explain to us the logic of such statements, as in our opinion, very cleverly, this is an attempt, you know, to include a fool, i apologize for the word, what those who consider themselves officials in belarusians, you know, it seems to me that they simply do not know how to react to this, because the statement of the ministry of foreign affairs is quite serious, it is specific, it indicates that... it will not leave without answers to any serious provocations from belarus, so, let's say, to react to this statement with some kind of accusations or , you know, by force, to start threatening ukraine, they don't dare, they can't remain silent either, well, you know, it's just funny to me to hear that well, what the belarusian official representative said, that they did not
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receive anything, because the statements of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine. it is precisely this official reaction, and there is no need to write any notes here, especially since we now have a greatly reduced diplomatic presence between the two countries, there is no ambassador of belarus in kyiv, there is no ambassador of ukraine in minsk, so, let's say , summoning the ambassador or doing some other such traditional diplomatic things is inappropriate and simply technically impossible, because there is no one to summon, and such the statement of the ministry of foreign affairs is... this is a completely normal step, and the fact that the belarusians cannot react normally to it, then i will say that i have not been sure for a long time, or rather, i am sure that in belarus as the country has no independent foreign policy politics, and in general this country is under the occupation of the russian federation, actually absorbed by russia, and is part of the so -called union state, in fact, it is
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actually just russia. plus there are also several belarusian regions, no matter what lukashenko says there, russia is quite satisfied with this state of affairs, it seems to me in general that this is exactly the path that it was going to follow in relation to ukraine, but it did not work out, and that is why russia and started a large-scale aggression against our country, because it is clear that it is peaceful they will not succeed in subordinating ukraine to themselves, and the belarusian foreign ministry, if it still has this sign and considers itself a ministry, well... i am sure that our signal has reached them, and let lukashenko draw conclusions from this. mr. volodymyr, i would like to talk to you about the visit of the prime minister of india mr. modi to kyiv, which is often called the visit of the month, relatively speaking, because it is actually one of the first visits of mr. modi, in general.
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after a full-scale invasion and in general the first visit to ukraine, we saw different things some kind of information that mr. modi conveyed certain proposals to volodymyr zelensky, and some certain message or position of putin, india declared that it does not support initiatives to end the war, which will be based on the violation of the territorial integrity of our country, in the same same time president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said that he proposes to hold the next peace summit in india. by the way, let's listen now to what the president of ukraine said. i absolutely support and said you shared it with prime minister modi so that to hold a global peace summit in india, but it is a big country, a big democracy in the world
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, right? but i want to be frank, this applies not only to india, but to any country that would be, that would be positive about accepting the second summit, we will not be able to hold a peace summit in a country that has not yet joined a peace summit communiqué, well that is, i think you get it, it's just that... who doesn't pressure anyone, yes, but it's logical, but if we go back to the visit itself in general, and the fact that this visit really took place, mr. volodymyr, how do you rate it, this visit, its necessity, its importance, conclusions from this visit, whether it was necessary, and what is ukraine after all.


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