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tv   [untitled]    August 27, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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accused china of providing and preparing to provide russia with lethal weapons, experts are hesitant that china would dare to do so. at the same time, they doubt there will be consequences for china, even if it does happen, and western countries will have the evidence. see un sanctions against north korea. china should not have north korean workers in china, russia should not have north korean workers in russia, but both do. they openly violate security council resolutions. and they don't care, to take action against china or russia is necessary voting in the security council. the un can't really do anything because these countries will veto, and so we are in a very difficult international environment where there is no leverage against china. because china has a significant influence on the global economy and markets, alain carlson doubts that any countries or institutions will try to influence china economically to stop supporting russia. china remains. part of the world economy and
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blocking china, like russia, would have a profound impact on the world economy. i don't think so at this stage someone will decide on it, so it's a bit like a bit of a sleight of hand where everyone is trading cautiously and trying to figure out if more can be done and if it can get away with the event. security expert bruce bennett notes that china's philosophy of partnership is different from that of the west. china may look like a partner for russia, but only until it... loses in ukraine from new york iryna solomko, voice of america. late last week, the united states introduced a new round of sanctions aimed at stopping the russian military machine. however experts say that in order to really change moscow's calculations, restrictions should be much more powerful and directed against russian oil. and gas can the us
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take such steps? we will talk about this in detail with our economic columnist oksana betratenko. oksana, congratulations. congratulations. oksana, how powerful is this new package of sanctions and how are they reacting to it in the us? so, before the day of ukraine's independence, the united states introduced a new large-scale package of sanctions. it included almost 400 companies and individuals whom the us accuses of helping russia in its war war against ukraine. this is both in the field of energy and the shadow fleet. russia, which supplies liquefied natural gas and it, recently several hungarian companies, as well as the family of the minister of defense of russia, separately the us department of commerce led a trade restriction against 123 companies, mainly russian and chinese companies, and the us treasury department warned allies that ready to make financial sanctions more brutal, that is, if russian banks will open their accounts. or representative offices in
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other countries, then these countries may enter under secondary sanctions, even if these russian banks are not on the sanctions list, however, there was an ambiguous reaction in the western media to the new expanded package of sanctions, for example, the economist compared western sanctions with sit, said that in fact russia was already able to establish a bypass of these sanctions through the countries of central asia, georgia. and as the authors of the article suggest, now the europeans are not ready to take a tougher position in policy towards these countries, regarding compliance with sanctions, and the washington post published a column by a former official of the us state department, james cardin, who urges biden to use this sanctions policy to negotiate with the kremlin, that is, to offer putin easing of sanctions in exchange for garbage for... the release of americans
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held by russia. oksana, you and i have talked about this more than once, despite the sanctions , the russian economy is showing growth. how should the west act to increase the effectiveness of its sanctions? yes, it's true, julia, russia's government spending on war is high, and high energy prices have helped the russian economy. german columnist janis klyugy called this period a sugar euphoria, but... according to this reviewer, this period is already coming to an end, and it points to serious problems that exist in certain key sectors of the russian economy. i spoke today with californian professor yury horodnichenko from the university of berkeley, and he also points to the problems in russia, particularly with regard to inflation. sanctions are working, but we must understand that the current strategy of sanctions is gradual, i emphasize, gradual suppression.
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of the russian economy, and of course, the economy is now growing in russia because of what is going on there incredible infusions into the war, but if you look, for example, at... inflation, it is now higher in russia than in ukraine, for example, according to the latest data , inflation in russia is more than 9%, we have a little more than five, this and despite the fact that the war is taking place mainly on the territory of ukraine. horodnichenko calls for more radical measures to deprive russia of access to petrodollars. it is obvious that the most important place where russia is vulnerable is... oil dollars, that this flow of oil, and even gas, liquefied gas, from russia to india, to china, to other countries, this is the most important task, everything else, it will gradually suppress the russian economy, but if we
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want quick results, we have to cover this oil valve, well, ideally it is to introduce a complete embargo on russian oil and liquefied gas, this will give we need... faster results, if there is political, political will, then it can be done, perhaps the first step that can be taken in this direction is to lower the price ceiling for russian oil, now it is 60 dollars, it can be reduced by 55 , then 50, 45 and so on, in this way gradually pass through. oksano, but is there political will, should we expect more powerful steps from the united states and europe in the near future? spheres of sanctions against russia, and gorodnychenko and other observers with whom my colleagues spoke say that, in fact , we should not expect radical steps before the elections in the usa in november. now it is obvious that the united states, and to some extent the european union, is engaged in
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closing loopholes for companies that want to continue the co-fraternity with russia, that is natural very difficult, thankless work, but it must be done, and there is some progress here. the fact that a new package of sanctions was announced, er, in my opinion, 400 individuals and legal entities, is a sign that the process of closing loopholes is underway. i think that among my colleagues, fellow scientists, there is a perception that something more radical must be done, because it is obvious that this war is dragging on, and it is necessary to force russia as soon as possible to look for some... well, a peaceful solution to this problem , for russia to withdraw its troops from ukraine, regarding the officials, this is a more difficult task, because elections are coming soon in the united states and no one wants to take careless steps, because of this i think
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we will not see such radical changes in the near future. thank you oksana, of course, our economic columnist oksana bedratenko was in touch with the studio and we talked about the american ones. sanctions against russia, should we wait for the strengthening of these sanctions? thank you, yulia. you are watching, we continue the release. the presidential campaign in the usa has reached the finish line. today we talk about northampton county in pennsylvania voices whose voters have been decisive in choosing the winner in all but three presidential elections in the usa since 19920, iryna shynkarenko will tell about how things are going in this district now for democrat kamela harris and republican donald trump. northampton county, pennsylvania has often found itself at the center of industrial revolutions in the united states and at
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the center of the country's political evolutions. his hometown of easton was one of three places where the us declaration of independence was read publicly for the first time. beit lam once son. industrial power, now a tourist town. the music festival, which is held here this year , gathered more than 1 million visitors. the city and its constituents are seeing better days than they did two decades ago, when the former industrial titan beitlam steel was wound up and sold. china is in the steel business right now, so voters want to know what these candidates will do to bring back those jobs and rebuild. northampton county has an uncanny ability to determine the winners of presidential elections, starting in 1920, the fate of all but three presidents was decided there. i think what really makes his ability to predict what's going to happen at the state and
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national level magical is his diversity. this diversity includes farmers, suburbanites, new residents from new york, philadelphia, and a growing hispanic population. the staunch republicans and the staunch democrats, they are so equal in numbers, although the democrats have a slight advantage here, that small percentage of people who...hesitate, decide the fate elections again and again. so this district is also called a swing district, one that is undecided about its political preferences, where there is still a significant percentage of voters who split their votes between parties and favor specific issues rather than individuals. being president is a job, so we care more about getting the job done. rachel luel is a young mother who is concerned about women's rights and environmental politics. miko. says that for the second presidential election in a row, the majority of the district supports the democrats. from a conversation with
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people who i know voted for trump in the last election, they're not going to vote for him this time because they say they're tired of it. meanwhile , democratic candidate kamala harris will not get wayne jones' vote because, according to him , former president donald trump is cracking down on illegal immigration. if i had to choose right now, trump - 100%. i mean, let all these people cross the border. district voters take seriously their key role in electing the president, but that privilege sometimes seems like a curse to them, says professor borik. i live in northampton county, in the mail i get every day or when i turn on the tv, the ads are everywhere, it's great to be wanted, but sometimes the attention is too much. with northampton county as a crucial area in the political race, the trump and harris campaigns
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will continue to work until election day. iryna shenkarenko, steve herman, voice of america, northampton county, pennsylvania. denys aksyonov was born on august 24, 1991. he is the same age as ukrainian independence. the 33-year-old man works as a rescuer in the slavyansk-donetsk region and saves people from russian bombing every day. in an interview with my colleague yaroslava movchan, denys said: he is proud to have been born on such a historic day, and now he helps save lives. history of the age of independence, further. my name is denys aksyonov, i am a rescuer, i was born in the city of kramatorsk on independence day of ukraine. the 33-year-old veteran of ukrainian independence began his career as a lifeguard in kramatorsk in 2017,
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and has been working in sloviansk since the 18th. i can hear on the phone good. denys says that his parents somehow did not pay attention to the date of his birth. the first realized that august 24, 1991 was a special day not only in his life, but also in the history of ukraine. when i was still a schoolboy, at the age of seven, i began to understand that i was born on the day of independence, i received an sms on my phone from the president, no one had such a thing, and it was very nice that my birthday was associated with the independence of the country. valuable gifts are awarded to kramators, peers of independent ukraine, from five kramators born on the same day as him, denis was on the main stage of the city
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during the celebration of the country's 30th anniversary and his personal birthday. denis olehovych aksyonov. denys met the dawn of the great war in ukraine at home and immediately went to the rescue unit. since then, the day has become longer and the night has become shorter. because after frequent russian shelling of residential areas, emergency workers are the first to arrive at the site of destroyed high-rise buildings and work until the end of the rescue operation. working as a rescuer means witnessing human grief almost every day. in the spring of 2023 there was an incident at work that particularly stuck in my memory - says denys. that was the first time i saw grown men cry. drove to a house in which the entrance had collapsed and
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began searching, rescuing people and disassembling structures, and found a boy, he was one and a half years old, i had to carry him out, he was still alive, we transferred him to medical help, and then they heard over the radio that he did not survive, everyone who was at the scene of the investigation, the men all cried, no less pain is experienced by a man when every time passes his school in kramatorsk. it was also destroyed by the russians, and this is another consequence of the russian aggression, which is a personal pity for me, because i studied at this school and received secondary education. the school was also the place of denis's first love. here he met his future wife, kateryna, who now shares with him the pride of a double
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holiday, personal and national. as a child , it was an ordinary birthday for me, but when... i started working in the rescue service, personally after the invasion of our country, i realized what an important role i play for her, i save people and fulfill my, fulfill my official duties at this important time. after the full-scale invasion of russia, i began to appreciate this holiday more, for me, it is twice as pleasant to celebrate my birthday and the independence of the country. yaroslava movchan, dmytro golushko, from donetsk region for voice of america. yes. ukrainians in america celebrated independence day this weekend. activists in different parts of the united states organized exhibitions, races, concerts and marches with ukrainian symbols. in washington, in particular, there was an action near the white house, there representatives of the diaspora, veterans
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of the american armed forces of ukrainian origin and americans who support ukraine gathered. in his speeches. white house activists called, among other things, to remove restrictions on the use of american weapons from ukraine. from the white house, a procession with ukrainian symbols moved through the center of washington to the monument to taras shevchenko. there, in addition to calls for support, poems were read and ukrainian songs were sung. activists in new york organized a large march to independence day. they are with great ukrainian marched with the flag through the business center of the city, calling for help to stop russian crimes. and provide ukraine with all necessary weapons. a ukrainian flag raising ceremony was also held in the historic center of new york's business district. mayor eric adams also took part in the flag-raising event. he noted the importance of the ukrainian community for the city and assured that he and new york in general will continue to support ukraine. also, for the first time in new york
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, a parade of ukrainian flags took place on the east river. the main boat held the flag from 13 m long. and in the state of colorado , the 10th annual festival was held before independence day. with the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia, more and more ukrainians are coming to the united states to celebrate independence and help ukraine. svitlana prostynska will tell how everything happened this year. 25 guests visited the ukrainian festival in denver, organized by the charity organization ukrainians of colorado. it happened that today is also the anniversary of our organization, we are 10 years old today, and we are very grateful to ukrainians, americans, and representatives of other communities, who come and support us, and it is very nice to see that every year, there are more and more of us, and the collected funds will go to the humanitarian needs of ukrainians in ukraine, to the needs
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of orphans, ukrainian music and... we sell ukrainian embroidery, but as you know , it is very important for each region to have its own vyshyvanka, and we are very happy to be here and support the ukrainian community. it is also very cool to participate in this kind of festivals, people who have recently arrived and want to... declare themselves, talk about and show what they are do and create their business, it is very important to help each other, and today we can do it. volunteers of the ukrainian church presented the native school project in denver. today we have a sale of sweet
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pastries, we are selling them from a ukrainian school. all funds we raise. lots of different sweets so that we can raise funds and help our boys. the festival is a gathering place for both newly arrived ukrainians and ukrainians who emigrated a long time ago, but do not forget their culture and roots. from a dozen years we come to the festival of ukrainians to meet. ukrainians today to support our people in ukraine, everything that is done here, the entire program, everything is aimed at ukraine. such festivals, say the organizers, are true. also an opportunity to share your culture with guests of non-ukrainian origin. i think it is important to support ukraine not only because of the war, but also because it is an amazing culture, it is worth
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celebrating and being a part of it. i really like ukrainian cuisine. the festival in denver ended with a performance by a ukrainian performer of the cossack syromach ethnostyle. svetlana prystynska for voice of america, denver. and that's the end of it. thank you for watching voice of america in ukrainian. see you tomorrow, all the best, take care, papa. there are discounts until independence day on decatel, 15%
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in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. read the august issue of ukraine magazine. how maidan and the volunteer movement formed a new ukrainian identity. the phenomenon of ukrainian stability. why did the enemy underestimate the power of freedom? from the gray zone to europe. which stronghold, what lesson did ukraine teach the world? ask at press outlets or pre-pay online. the country is in the center of the main events. doloxen strong anointed, released more joints. i'm back in the game. doloxen strong. there are discounts until independence day on normaven pills. 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. 10% discounts on valeriana bolgarska until independence day in travel bam and savings pharmacies. exclusively on
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the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. nato member countries have huge arsenals, and russia already has approaches to resource depletion. that cause a resonance in our society, this is the question of trump's victory, what it is, an analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do, are they able to use, say, the resources of the lukashenka army allied with them. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project read the entire condemnation. thank you, it was difficult, but i was just curious, but it was absolutely not, they help understand the present and... predict the future, they offered the united states to conclude a bilateral security agreement with us. a project for those who care and think. politclub every sunday at 20:00 at espresso.
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events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however... it is not enough to know what is happening, one must understand it. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid, with anton borkovsky on espresso. hundreds of thousands of square meters damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt, about the situation with reconstruction in different regions of ukraine. about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i am not spending money at the moment.
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about how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the project of the program of reconstruction and development of cities. every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. it's a new week, and we'll break up. we start khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smoliy, well, we are finally together, how many weeks have passed, and we are finally returning to our traditional format, when we are in the studio, when we have guests, experts, and when the two of us here, actually on the espresso tv channel, analyze, discuss, talk, unfortunately, the new week started today. to put it mildly, it is very difficult for our country, for our energy industry, for our people, it is sad, it is difficult, but no matter what, we must
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hold on, we must continue to fight and we must understand that a terrorist can be defeated in fact only by battlefield, so we hold on and start a new week, well, we start with a poll, as usual, let us remind you that your opinion is very important to us, so get involved, we are asking you today what you think about telegram as a source of information, as a platform with... sources of information, do you think it is necessary to regulate the activities of telegram? if so, please call us free of charge on 0800 211 381, if not on 0800 211 382. all your calls will be free, but your opinion is invaluable to us. well, as you understand, we are asking about telegram, since the founder and curator of this
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social network was detained in... france, it even forced the russians to go out in protest, but not against their own regime, but what is the french embassy for, it seems that they brought some white planes there, that is, these protests are okay for them, but the protest against the war is not, well, that is the question, we andriy and i will return to him in the second part of our conversation, i think it would be fair to thank the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, the armed forces of ukraine in general, for the way they worked out today. one of the most massive and combined attacks? and why actually, i want to say that the air force called it, and i quote, the most massive air attack, and why it's the most massive, because actually 236 weapons were used , you can imagine just this array of missiles, missiles of all kinds, and according to the data that appeared
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recently. shot down 102 rockets out of 127 and shot down 199 shaheds out of 109, that is, we can just imagine what a huge number of targets were engaged this morning, this night and, by the way, during the day the enemy continued to terrorize our country with the shaheed, so the alarm was also almost the longest in general of all time, if we're talking about ... large-scale alarm, and it's probably really worth starting with this topic, definitely, especially since the purpose of this strike is absolutely obvious again were energy facilities, generating or distribution, this is already a question for analysts, especially sensitive, as for me, the issue of the kyiv hydroelectric power plant and the dam, about which a lot of people were worried, but the center for countering
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disinformation. at the nsdc says that everything is calm here in this sense, i would like to remind we will remind you what maria zakharova said about the kyiv hpp, in particular just a month ago, but first we would like to say hello to our esteemed guest oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political commentator of the information resistance group. mr. oleksandr, congratulations, glory to ukraine. a hero of glory. good evening. so, a month ago, the spokeswoman of the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation, maria zakharova, stated. meanwhile, ukraine plans to destroy the dams of the kyiv hessa kaniv reservoir and blame russia for this. let's listen to this person. the results of the analysis showed that in in case of overflowing of the kyiv reservoir, the flooded area will be up to 2,000 km. 76 settlements, not
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buildings, may be under water. kyiv. there is absolutely no doubt that the zelenskyi regime is instigating yet another cynical provocation against its own population. well, mr. oleksandr, i would like to start with you, of course, with the massive attack that took place today. of the day, which lasted for many hours, how do you generally assess whether this was expected for our country, and perhaps the next question is whether we should expect something similar, less, more or of the same scale during the next period of time, because some analysts say that russia is ready, conditionally speaking, during some period of time to apply
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a similar keel'. bone or less, but still.


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