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tv   [untitled]    August 27, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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well, google youtube - this is the time of the goal, for example, the same and so on and so on, this does not mean that we are becoming an undemocratic country, it means that we are protecting our democracy, our country from the interference of the enemy, but this information policy unfortunately, there is no such thing in the country, i have not heard from the officials. from the ministers, from the deputies to raise this topic, i hear only a few, a few people who talk about it, and what to do, what the relevant departments do, this is their task, and you are absolutely right, this is a tragedy, which, unfortunately, and this, and this is the russian peace, which in our country, unfortunately, every day it seems that it is just growing, it is just like a snowball coming to our country and consuming it. of this content
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, it only increases, increases, increases, which means that the hybrid russian information war, ugh, it will last forever, and i would like to quote, quote our ukrainian bible, our constitution, the protection of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine, ensuring its economic, information and information, i emphasize, security are the most important functions of the state and the business of... the entire ukrainian people, this is my favorite article, article 17 of the constitution of ukraine, i keep coming back to it, and as for me, it, well, it is just all ours, ours, not only those relevant departments and people you mentioned, all our responsibilities, she clearly illustrates, in relation to the information policy, a few words were actually said, i also promised our viewers in the announcement to reflect on the topic already now, as we understand, the fugitive.
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deputy from the servant of the people artem dmytruk, from the latter person regrets that his family seems to be being followed by something somewhere, whether it was followed or not, he sees it as some kind of persecution, everyone who is a supporter of dmytrouk is terribly in line for dmytrouk, and i am not afraid of this word of surrender of ukraine before the russian federation, all adherents and supporters of the russian orthodox church for objective reasons. well, in general, representatives or latent representatives of ruskav openly or latently of the world. and as for mr. dmytrouk, i would like to thank you very much to thank the center for combating disinformation, which, in fact, you know, reminds us that during the time since february 24 , 2022, he was not the only one who left the territory of our state. ex-people's deputy and agent of the russian federation andriy derkach acquires. sab is suspected of illegal
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enrichment and treason, he is currently running for the parliament of the russian federation. nataliya korolevska, an ex-detatka from the opzh, involved in the case of illegal enrichment of uah 50 million. the head of the state property fund, already under the current government, dmytro senchenko, who was kidnapped by nabu and sap in seizing 5 million hryvnias and laundering another 10 billion. excuse me, lord, the head of the national bank, too, literally in the recent term, kyrylo shevchenko on buisa, he was kidnapped for... on behalf of the state bank of uah 206 million in losses, so what else, yevhen murayev, well, here it is clear, the president of the kyiv city building ihor kushnir, yaroslav dubnevich, deputy secretary of the nsdc oleg gladkovskyi, by the way, the gladkovskyi card, as svynarchuk says, is terribly liked to be played when they talk about the previous president poroshenko, but i would like to remind that he, whom nabuyesa. are accused
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of causing losses to the state of uah 14 to 17.44 million, he was able, as i understand it, to leave our country already by the present, well, by word of mouth, well, not by dmytruk alone, he is the first, he is the last, dear, well, i mean, you knew, i am talking about social business, and by the way, by the way, dmytruk a week before he left, he almost announced his departure, he also in his social networks. that's why his wife has already posted that she is in moldova, he was talking about the fact that he may have to leave there and so on and the like, this is despite the fact that people's deputies of ukraine are not released from ukraine without appropriate cover letters, well, what's more, many people's deputies do not even have the opportunity to leave ukraine... to represent ukraine's interests abroad,
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we are witnessing how, for example, opposition mps were simply not released even with a letter. the speaker of the verkhovna rada there, or did this letter suddenly go somewhere, or was this business trip canceled, that is, what are we talking about, about the fact that if these people cannot leave according to some internal orders there, without some, without some relevant documents, then how can mr. dmytruk, who accused, was accused of a whole lot of wrongdoing. which related to the support of the russian peace, he was able to leave peacefully, and then they say that they are looking for him, it turned out that he left a day ago, that is, this is once again about another complex issue, about a complex issue that lies in the responsibility of those people who , which should make it impossible
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for such persons to leave, there is no responsibility, ugh, and the worst thing is that a person who is really accused of criminal. a crime that supported the russian peace, that supported the russian church, that of the military, that as i say, if we are talking about a criminal charge there specifically for beating, then a person who simply had the ground under his feet, i apologize, did not feel any laws, nothing, that is to him, everything was absolutely written for him, he takes it, leaves, he is given the opportunity to become a voice abroad today, ugh, against ukraine, he went abroad and he will be abroad, today... 24/7 to tell how bad ukraine is, how they are undermining, uh, the russian position, and this is a person who will never answer, at least in the near future, and for his crimes, because at least he is not
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going to return to ukraine, how can this be? that's it, an open question, and how many such dmitruks are actually still in ukraine? how many such people who today even go to the rostrum of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, not only to the rostrum, in local self-government bodies, mayors of some cities, who are involved a huge number of investigations, nabu, sab, dbr, sbu, which continue to fulfill their duties, which continue to protect various kinds of russian values ​​in ukraine, how many such... people can still leave in the future, if not, no, no, no to change the position and not bring to justice those people who allow such anarchy in ukraine. moreover, i don't quite believe that, as
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they say, once some border guard released, then someone else there, well, for some reason such cases happen in our country, but unfortunately, unfortunately, it is already topic, you said that people like dmytruk will talk to western audiences about how they oppress everyone and everything in our country, unfortunately, unfortunately, dmytruk, dmytruk, unfortunately, pope, pope francis , this is a man who is listened to by billions of people all over the world without exaggeration, and he reacted to the ban on the russian orthodox church. country, well, this is a ban on the activities of the russian orthodox church - this is the adopted bill, which we so generically call banning the activities of the russian orthodox church. what pope francis said, keep it short quote, please. i continue to painfully
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follow the hostilities in ukraine and the russian federation and, reflecting on the recently adopted law in ukraine, i fear that the freedom of those who pray, because the one who truly prays, always prays for everyone, no one do not do evil because of what he prays, if someone does evil against his people, he will be guilty of it, but it cannot be considered evil that he prayed, so let those who want to pray be allowed to pray in that church, which he considers his own. please, let no christian church be abolished, directly or indirectly. churches cannot be touched. well, i don’t even know, i don’t even want to comment on it, disconnection from reality, that’s what the modern world is currently facing, until now, unfortunately, well , today we asked you whether you consider it necessary to regulate telegram’s activities, and the results of our survey are as follows, 83% of those who called us, despite energy
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problems, believe that this should be regulated, and 17% are against, we also have such a position, thank you andriy smoly for a wonderful evening as always on monday there are discounts until independence day on bionorm detox 10% in the pharmacies of plantain bam and ochad. there are discounts until independence day on imodium 20% in pharmacies of travel bam and ochad. there are discounts until independence day on bulgarian valerian 10% in pharmacies of travel bam and ochad. there are discounts until on the day of independence, 20% off new items in travel bam and savings pharmacies. vasyl
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zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing for two hours, to learn about the war, about the military, frontline, component, serhiy zgurets and what the world is about. before me, it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. two hours to be aware of economic. it's time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchivka field with me and sports news i invite yevhen pastukhov to talk for two hours in the company of favorite presenters about cultural news chegchenina our tv viewer is ready to tell rome good evening presenters who have become familiar to many movrodnidenko is already next to me ready to talk about the weather for this weekend as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people , mr. mustafa, i wish you a good day . a project for the intelligent and those who care about espresso in the evening. there is a war going on, and not
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only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicle project. information war with olga ley. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat tuesday-friday at 10:00 p.m. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: nato member countries have huge arsenals, and russia is already on the verge of exhausting its resource. topics that resonate in our society. this is the question of trump's victory, what is it? analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do,
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are they able to use, say, the resources of the lukashenka army allied with them. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project, read everywhere, take my word for it, i thank you, it was difficult, but i was just curious, but this is absolutely not true, they help to understand the present and predict the future, they offered the united states to conclude a bilateral security agreement with us. for those who care and think, politklub every sunday at 20:00 for espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. dozens of rockets in 15 regions were affected, there were deaths and injuries, emergency power outages, gas stations were damaged, and at least a third of ukraine was without electricity. the enemy attacked ukraine from the air at night, flew over the urals in detail on the air. ukrainian drone hit another oil refinery, the whole city heard the explosion. we did not second him, in
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the council, we disowned people's deputy dmytrouk, who, it is not known how, left the borders of ukraine, so who released the odious deputy to moldova? don't touch the churches. the pope of rome stood up for the moscow church and calls to allow everyone and everywhere to pray, they are already near the border, the belarusian army is provoking, indeed lukashenko is ready to attack ukraine. the ministry of foreign affairs calls for a stop, they will calm down in zhytomyr oblast. everything is under control, the government will adjust the preparations for the heating season, will we be without electricity again and will the energy facilities be protected, and no negotiations in the kremlin, piskov's mustache declared that the negotiations with ukraine are no longer relevant, as well as what to do next, about this and about the rest we will talk with you for the next hour and 45 minutes, my name is vasyl zematsi, a big ether on the espresso tv channel, and we will start with the military results of the day, serhii zgurets will tell in more detail about... one of the biggest drone and missile attacks of the enemy on the territory of our country and how did it work?
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cope against air defenses. serhiy, good evening, i would like to speak to you. i congratulate you, vasyl. greetings to our viewers. today , indeed, we will begin by analyzing the details of an enemy missile attack on our energy system. let's talk a little about the polyanytsia rocket drone and about new tactics and practices of use. fpv of drones is in the hands of our military, this will be discussed with the commander of the acheles attack drone battalion, i will tell you about it later. tonight and this morning, the russian federation launched a combined attack on ukraine, as we know using drones, cruise missiles, guided missiles, land, air and sea bases, more than 100 missiles and about a hundred strike drones of the shahed type were used,
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so far the air force has not provided details on the means of attack and on... the statistics of the downing of these missiles and drones, but we know that in july and part of august, the enemy mostly used shaheds and a small number of rockets, he was stockpiling these rockets for the attack that took place today, and today exactly 15 regions of ukraine suffered as a result of enemy rocket fire, the russian snipers once again aimed primarily at the objects of the energy... structure of our state, during the attack the enemy tried to destroy the kyiv gas station. according to our data , the enemy used several missiles to attack kyiv gest, primarily a dagger, two caliber missiles and one x
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101 missile. what was shot down, the dagger was shot down. one caliber fell or was shot down, but now we see this video on our screen, an x-101 missile was also shot down and one caliber missile hit the transformer station on kyiv hess, and this was recognized by our officials, they say that in reality there is no breach of the dam and no critical damage to the stations, this is true, because ... they are built in such a way that they are able to withstand a significant number of strikes and ballistic missiles, but now the enemy is trying to target the most vulnerable places on these very . foreign minister kuleba said that there are two specific decisions that our partners can take to help us put an end to
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russian terror as soon as possible, the first is to confirm ukraine's right to long-range strikes on ... all legitimate military purposes deep into the territory of the russian federation, i think that we are talking about the possibility of using atakams to a depth of 300 km, this is what we desperately need, and the second component is the agreement to use the capabilities of our partners to shoot down an approaching drone missile to their airspace, today one of the drones or rickets flew into the space. of poland, but poland did not shoot down this flying drone, now they are also trying to find out what happened again, because no for the first time, russian missiles fly into the space of a nato country, but there is almost no reaction, and while there is no permission to use attacks, ukraine is trying to expand
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the arsenal of its own means of destroying russian targets, russian lit. that of russian objects, and here it is worth mentioning that on independence day the president of ukraine said that a rocket-drone called polyanytsia was used for the first time, there is a video , a rather difficult video, because it is difficult to understand what has to do with ballistic missiles related to the rocket-drone polyanytsia, because fragments of the creation of ballistic missiles in the south are shown here. marches, and there is a diagram of this polyanytsia rocket-drone, which actually has a range of up to 600 km, and there it is explained that the very purpose of creating this development is the possibility of destroying russian objects deep in russian territory, that this development was carried out in one and a half years ,
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no more technical figures are given for this drone, but i think it's... perfectly clear, because it's important that such a system is created, now we need to achieve scaling and achieve for our military to effectively use this new means of destroying the enemy, just as the russian invaders felt the power of this weapon, and when we talk about the glade, then of course, let's say so, it will go the way that long-range drones went, but now we see the impact zone of russian objects that... can be affected by this long-range means of impact, and i hope that the torch will go the way that long-range weapon drones and fpv drones have gone, which... which in the hands of our military have become reliable means containment and destruction of the enemy, and now we will talk about this topic with our guest, we
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are joined by yuriy fedorenko, he is the commander of the achilles unmanned aviation complexes battalion, the 92nd separate assault brigade named after ivan sirko koshovoy taman. mr. yuri, welcome to the espresso channel, glad to see and hear. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes. your brigade and your... unit carry out combat tasks in different directions, but the main emphasis is one way or another on the kharkiv direction, i would like a little told our viewers what is currently happening on this part of the front, what contribution do your operators, your subordinates make in order to deter and destroy the enemy? the dictator putin tasked the russian occupation forces to move forward, the generals demand from the personnel, regardless of the cost , to move forward, accordingly, periodically the enemy uses massive shock and assault actions, and in the last period, in particular, with the involvement of lightly armored armored vehicles, but
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despite the generals' orders and references people to kill, the enemy in the kharkiv region is not fulfilling the task, the defense forces sufficiently reliably counter the challenges that are on the battlefield, communication between the brigades is at a very, very high level, i... focus on this, because it has something to do with it to compare, we have been serving since the beginning of a full-scale war and have participated in various branches of hostilities, the hottest, and cooperated with many representatives of the defense forces. objectively, communication between different law enforcement agencies is much better, for today day, could be information from one brigade about potential enemy actions, another brigade's reconnaissance tool, another brigade's gun, another's, fpv, drone or any other. tools of the saw of the fourth organism, but one way or another it all works in a single coordinated work and effectively destroys a different category of the enemy's targets in a polybattle, in particular, if we talk
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about manpower, despite the fact that the enemy drives them forward, most of the occupants dying on the nobles connection, the rest is met with a shooting battle by our assault units, which they are effectively destroyed, if we talk about lightly armored vehicles, during assault... the enemy loses more than 70%. the last assault of 12 units of armored vehicles, sheds, so-called, are bmps, tanks, welded from above, with metal protection, under this protection there is an assault infantry of 12 units, which the enemy used, 10 were destroyed in the battle due to the use of uavs, artillery, anti-tank weapons, hand-held grenade launchers, assault infantry, which manages to reach the cutting edge due to such maneuvers, also is destroyed due to the combined effect of fire, therefore, one way or another, the defense forces effectively repulse enemy attacks and at any slightest opportunity to improve
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the position, which means knocking the enemy out of the positions he occupies, and the main thing is to gain a foothold, because to knock it out is half the battle, but to gain a foothold and reliably hold a position is a very, very difficult challenge, but with these challenges the defense force also practices very, very well, moreover , due to... unmanned systems, established processes for delivering the necessary provisions, cargoes of rubber and ammunition on the front line of combat, so as not to risk once again the personnel who would have to carry it by hand, plus additional means that allow you to beat the enemy further now than it was in the summer of 23, in particular on the territory of the russian federation, this is happening due to the modernization of the bpl means we have, the scaling of both state programs and support for ukrainians, constant support for ukrainians. in acquiring the capabilities of the defense forces due to the provision of uavs, and today day in the face of a lack of air
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defenses, both portable and fixed, again engineering thinking, plus the implementation of our defense forces on the battlefield allowed us to shoot down enemy drones through the use of our drones, so despite a number of bureaucratic problems that we have in the state, despite all the challenges that exist within, one way or another, the military-industrial complex, private military companies, are developing, receiving funding, and as a result, jointly from the state, from the ukrainian nation, we we will receive the minimum necessary resource for the effective performance of combat tasks on the battlefield, that is, you are talking about the fact that there is help, there is the arrival of drones of state production and private companies, but still, i would like to have more of these drones, but it is possible.. . well , to say roughly what the need is per day, or per operation for the specific calculation of drones that go on combat
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missions, because there were. different numbers, bakhmut started, there were 10 a day, then the avdiiv operation of 40 drones, what is being said now the needs of the war, the technology is developing, as i said before, and if we were limited by certain points related to the technique that we could not apply, for example, more than 40 drones in a daylight, then today and additional technique that is used for the work of calculations, it also undergoes a series of modernizations and improvements, accordingly, i will give a small... example, because i will not disclose information about the unit, how many crews do we work with, what are the results, but i will say that one calculation can use 50 fvi drones in a day, of which 30 enemy targets will be destroyed or damaged, the approximate statistics are as follows, if we had 100 drones in the unit for this calculation, we would have successfully used 100, and accordingly the number of targets and destroyed there were 50-60 of the enemy, therefore... i will tell you this way
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that drones, reconnaissance and strike will never be available, and this is a question not only of ukraine, it is a question, in particular, of the russian federation, it would seem, a powerful budget, a dollar for oil, gas dollar, support of third parties countries, financially, in terms of armaments, but also the russian occupying forces cannot fully provide their russian occupying forces with uavs, so the question is that the more drones. the better we see the enemy, if we are talking about intelligence, the more shocks, the better quality we can destroy, that is why when asked how much we will have to contribute, we will have to contribute until victory itself, this applies not only to radio-electro equipment, sorry, to air defense equipment, but also to equipment in the electronic warfare council, because the frequencies change, that's it changes and it is necessary to have them in quantity, plus additionally, unfortunately, in the conditions of hostilities , equipment comes under fire, is destroyed
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by the enemy, and many other things, therefore, turning to the ukrainian nation, firstly, i thank you for the systematic support and help, and secondly, i understand that the economic situation in the state is difficult, but you find opportunities for us to have these means in quantity, sincerely, thank you to everyone and everyone, well , we thank you for the colossal work that you do as a unit commander and your subordinates , destroying such a significant amount of the enemy's equipment, and you talked about the fact that there is a significant dynamic ... technological approaches on both sides, but i saw that the enemy there is showing off that they have, relatively speaking, drones with fiber optic cable, that they are trying to to interfere with the video channels of our fpv drones by means of reb, but i understand that these are advertising moves on the part of the enemy, that in fact on the battlefield of the enemy, what is worth paying attention to, the enemy has a number of wing-type reconnaissance means and strike-type means wing.
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that is, superkams, halls, eagles and lancets, if we are talking about action strikers, this is an effective tool that works in conjunction, and there are enough significant problems, because the enemy can sufficiently aim and adjust the entire category of his fire weapons and in particular shock weapons ee uavs in particular, accordingly countermeasures are now being set up, i already said in advance that the defense forces are shooting down drones with our drones and work is underway, in particular. and regarding the enemy operators who pilot all those systems, that's why direction, the enemy is beating us so far, but if we talk again about the summer of the 23rd year, we had almost no strike wings, we had them in a very limited number in some units, today both the akhilets battalion and other units are in the forces defense forces that effectively use unmanned systems already have strike
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weapons in their arsenal, so they are worse than... everything in terms of characteristics, but one way or another, we began to fly further and hit the enemy in his telephonic parts, plus, in addition, the systematic improvement of these means is underway , and if talking about automatic guidance, this is one of the key components that will significantly increase the effectiveness of the use of these tools over time in the near future. if we talk about the enemy, about the suppression of purity and so on, well, objectively, the enemy's radio-electron means work very well. struggle, if it were the pure truth, but at the same time , everything does not work as they show in their videos, they show it in the videos, primarily for advertising in the russian occupation forces, that drones are not as scary as about they are told by those who were under the influence of fire, this is the first, the enemy cannot completely silence us, and the second, if we talk about optical fiber, it is necessary to understand that a drone is flying, a cable is unwound behind the drone, that is fiber optic, and accordingly the drone loses
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the first maneuverability appears vapority which:


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