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tv   [untitled]    August 27, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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it heats up evenly, it cooks quickly and there is no burning, and how elegant they are, concise design and such bright colors and the main feature - thoughtful folding handles, store pans one inside the other, no more clutter in the cabinets, savevory pro pans take up almost no space, so your cupboards will always be in order, a set of savory pro pans. 10 items from 999 hryvnias. call! now i have a toothpaste that does more, lacquer. active++ with plus active ingredients. i use it to cope gum problems and bad breath. lacquer active++ with two-phase technology. actively overcomes bleeding gums and gives fresh breath. lacalut activ+ - action that you feel immediately. there are discounts until independence day on citramon darnytsia. 10% at podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts until independence day at valerina bolgarska. 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. in the hands of professionals. this
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belladonna medicinal plant, so dangerous in nature, turns into belastesin, an ally in the fight against spasm. belastezin - medicine with belladonna extract, for gastritis and sharp pains in the stomach. there are 10% discounts on tablets until independence day in the pharmacies psylansky, bam and oskad. there are discounts until independence day at edem, 25% at podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday, thursday. repeat on
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tuesday friday at 22:00. verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws. but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. see every tuesday at 7:55 a.m. , the legal expertise program is on the espresso tv channel. i am back, and as promised, oleg sahakyan, political scientist and co-founder of the national platform for sustainability and cohesion mr. oleg, glory to ukraine. herom, glory, glad to welcome you. with mr. oleg, it is always an interesting conversation and a very professional analysis, therefore, during such a conversation, i am very much asking for additional donations for rebs and... drones,
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using this opportunity, mr. oleg, i want to ask you, we see the world's reaction to what is happening in the country, just two days, borel says, remove the restrictions on the use of weapons, and immediately a material appears in politics, as if ukrainians are preparing such a list all over the territory russia, these are far-reaching goals, but which we can achieve with the help of western weapons, if they give us permission, that is, we will show you where we are going to hit, that these are the places from which there is a direct threat to ukraine, and please, this is our last hope, how do you feel about such attempts and will kirby and sullivan not continue to talk about any red lines, well kirby can talk, although it is not kirby who makes the decision, still president biden makes the decision first and foremost . and many different insiders,
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say, from inside the american of the establishment testify to the fact that this is biden's personal position, and of course he has a part of advisers who divide, a part of advisers who are on the contrary, and therefore such steps on ukraine are aimed at those who are our friends on the other side of the ocean, in particular , to put additional arguments in the hands of biden's team in order to remove those counterarguments and reservations that the skeptical part of the team has, of course, against this background, exchange rate operations, strikes against russia. now on ukrainian energy, all this becomes arguments in the hands of our partners and friends, that is why such a list, prepared, of course, reduces the effectiveness of granting permission to ukraine to strike with long-range weapons from the point of view of the impression of these targets, because it is obvious that the russian federation also identifies now where ukraine can reach and will make decisions on preemption in order to redeploy part of the troops from these territories, or to reduce their... dependence on,
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for example, fuel and energy facilities that provide the russian army, that is, it is obvious that now the preparation will be in both directions, when this decision will be reached by providing ukraine with weapons, it already... the possibility of successful weapon strikes, it will no longer have as good a result as it could have had if it had been the effect of surprise, if such permission had been given to ukraine earlier. in fact, i am already inclined to believe that in the united states, in particular, this logic is used, that to grant permission in ukraine when the russian federation is already as if warned, as if it already had time to react, and thus they can see the mechanism of limited escalation and control. this escalation of the russian-ukrainian war in terms of the role of the united states. in financial time, they write about the fact that we have crossed these imaginary red lines, which are somewhere in someone's head, not only russian, but also american, and we are actually talking about the kurdish operation. now
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there is a lot of information in the russian media about the fact that there are also battles and there is an invasion of ukrainian troops on the territory of the bnr, on the belgorod region, and of course they write that everything... was reflected, what is it about and is there communication now between russia and the states on this topic, because we remember that the kremlin called biden to the white house and said: "listen to what is happening, influence." it is there all the time, there is a whole series of lines, starting from the special services, the defense department and the political level between the apparatuses of the presidents of the united states and the dictator putin, it is all there and all the time it is reprimanded. therefore, to please ourselves with illusions that the united states does not pick up the phone from russia, there are no contacts, well, it would probably be naive, we live in a world where there are still no unicorns in holosiiv park to meet, so we have to walk the earth a little and look at the situation without rose-colored glasses, and
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it is clear that under these conditions russia used these channels in order to try to understand what is happening and what position the united states will take, and accordingly , space and determination depend on this russia's words, and the fact that they... were silent in fact and did not know how to react to them for the first few days at all, then a chaotic reaction began, then they curtailed it, formed certain narrative lines of their own and sent messages, and now we can already see that they have taken control of their information space completely in terms of positioning and responding to the ukrainian snooping operation, it is clear that this shows that the united states itself did not really know what was happening and could not provide any clarity, intelligibility, it is quite reasonable that the russians were forced because of this. to go blindly, such an approach of ukraine, which does not inform about the details of the operations of partners , is implemented not for the first time, and it shows its effectiveness, because after all, we live in a situation where the victory of ukraine is needed first after all, it belongs to ukrainians and it is acquired primarily by the blood, tears and sweat of ukrainians,
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accordingly, we must balance our plans with the strategic interests of our partners, we must consult with them, of course, but this does not mean that we must ask for permission to .. some operations that we can carry out on our own, without connecting their capabilities, that's why this operation, it is of course designed to cause a complex negative effect for russia and actually turn the chessboard that was on the table. it's clear that analysts don't like it the united states, because for them one of the key points of support in the russian-ukrainian war is the predictability and controllability of its dynamics, since the western bureaucracy is not able to react quickly and from... and accordingly it is important for them that the intensity of the war, its dynamics do not beyond the speed that they, with which they are able to handle and operate, otherwise they become in the position of not just not catching up, but of someone who is unable to catch up, and then actually escalation leads to their helplessness, so the fear of escalation is not only the russian reds
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lines, they do not exist as such at all, russia always works through bluff, red lines are a product of the hallucination of western experts, security experts, in particular because of their... fear that they will not be able to react and influence quickly and adequately in the situation on the situation, and what are they afraid of when they say that it is not that they will not allow their weapons to be used on the territory of russia, and not on civilian objects, actually on airfields, on aviation, but that they cannot allow the use of their air defense , they can't to shoot down rockets, rockets that fly close to their airspace, as they watched yesterday in poland... they watched, it does not cause us any harm, it may return to ukraine, let this rocket fly on, what is this, why, why is this happening so far, it demonstrates precisely that you can be very strong, you can be powerful, like the united states, it
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is not in any proportion with russia, their military potential is much, much less, but at the same time, if you lack the willpower, if you are not decisive, then even such a do-gooder as russia can... take you lightly, i apologize, blackmail you, accordingly impose your will on you. here, the only thing that was lucky for the west is that ukraine turned out to be no less obsessed with ukrainian society, unlike many european ones. sees value in the protection of its own statehood and was ready to stand up for it in its defense and against russia, and accordingly discovered that the struggle through the painful thresholds of russia and ukraine is not taking place at russia's advantage, russia seriously miscalculated, therefore the west avoids escalation at all costs, they engaged in, if psychologically called conflict avoidance, if there is an opportunity to justify why one should not react, they will justify and not react, the reaction will be... only in the case when they cannot ignore reality and they are forced,
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let's say, to act in accordance with it. in general, we live on the pages of several works at once, it seems to me that we can simply take vorel, 1984, alice in wonderland and harry potter. and then, in principle, after reading these three works of art, the anthropological logic becomes clear behavior now, in particular of western elites. just think of harry potter, they avoided admitting that evil was here until the very end, but about the same thing is happening now with the west, if you use a literary and very simplistic metaphor, only when they see face to face, that is, conditionally, the actual parahalbor will happen, then we can expect some serious and tough reaction, until this moment, as even the history of the 20th century shows us, they will try to sail for a very long time on a steamer in order to god forbid i don't have time... i'll tell you more, they don't just deny that evil is here, they also say that we are also
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to blame for this, but look, the french alemont writes that there were agreements, remember, there were supposed to be negotiations about negotiations, supposedly through the mediation of qatar, and now ukraine invaded kurshchyna and now russia is angry, and these agreements that, as it were, were apparently reached that they will not strike, we will not strike mutually over energy issues ects, russia simply took and neglected them, why did it appear now, from where who promotes it and what conclusions can we draw from such a story? russian narratives that are promoted somewhere in russia directly, somewhere by weak-pocketed leaders of public opinion who take money from russia, push them where they are weak in spirit, because they hold on to the fact that happiness was close, but it was stolen from us, who stole, so ukraine stole, because it is easier to blame ukraine for this. someone is just intellectually weak in the head and accordingly they are easily manipulated and take such steps, that is
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, in other words, i would not overestimate russian influences, very often there is the effect of a fool or simply the effect of a weak-minded person who can promote similar theses for nothing, regarding this situation, well , it is clear here, while completely ignoring the fact that during all this time russia has inflicted many times strikes on ukraine, and for some reason they do not talk about the fact that, for example, the strike on akhmatitok... forced ukraine to go on a course operation and, accordingly, the disruption of these agreements on the energy moratorium on strikes on the energy infrastructure was violated by russia when they struck according to ahmedit, no they are already talking about it, so here it is obvious that they are just trying to impose additional responsibility on the victim, nothing new, we will have it quite the last day of the war, unfortunately, but such manipulations always take place, we just react sharply to them, because it concerns us, and when something like that happened about... for example, the israelis or the palestinians about the syrians or in other wars of the last decade, then we
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just especially notice it, because it's not about us, but the world is exactly the same, and to be expected, which always happened alone way, here it will happen dramatically differently, well, this is already about our internal problem of our naivety or limitation to the globe of ukraine. by the way, today they should talk about this peace at the forum, they will talk about it. about how to proceed in ukraine, about restoration, about a just peace, and after all that , zelensky's press conference should take place, we don't know what it will all be and when exactly it will happen, and for reasons that are understandable in the end, your forecasts, mr. olezh, here's how it might look, what questions might be allowed to be voiced at this press conference we have about one and a half minutes, the first marker, let's see who will be admitted from the journalism on the spot. now it would be necessary to allow a disproportionate amount of the media critical of the authorities and be ready
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to remove pressing issues against the background of the kurdish operation, against the background of a whole series of opportunities and good, let's say, results in the hands of the authorities, they can do it on a sufficiently positive note, regardless of general minor atmosphere. the second point is that, i think, of course, it is necessary to answer the most pressing questions at the moment, this is dmytruk, this is the border in as a whole this is also the issue of mobilization, this is the issue of the lack of certain projectiles and other equipment, which is felt in the east, and this information is increasingly in the public space, that is, issues related to security. corruption and the issue of the quality of governance, and also, of course, these are issues that are now related to the diplomatic efforts of ukraine , where the authorities can have greater gains, but nevertheless, it is necessary to place all the emphasis on consultative formats, negotiation formats of that , whether ukraine really relies on the peace formula and further, when
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russia refuses or not, what are the possible spaces for communication, what do the partners want, what do they want in the global south, eh? there were several positive visits to answer, but this will be the second marker, how much the authorities are ready to talk, the third, or rather, about strategic things, in general, my overestimated expectation, i would formulate it like this: i would like to hear a concrete vision, broken down into concrete steps and specific guidelines for society, the program is at least an answer to critical questions in order to remove them, because otherwise they will put pressure on the legitimacy of the government, in the absence of an election process and... a war in which it is not known how long it will last, that is, it will hit the stability of the ukrainian state and the ukrainian nation as a whole, and we have no right to allow this, as we will already know today, will all this take place at the press conference, thank you, mr. oleg, oleg sahakyan, political scientist and co-founder of the national platform for sustainability and cohesion, was on the air of the espresso tv channel, and at the end i will say goodbye to you,
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i wish you a peaceful, safe day, but i am not leaving alone, but i am leaving... with very interesting video material about the kurdish operation, so our team, the espresso team , could not miss these important historical events, i am talking about the fact that the ukrainian armed forces found themselves on the territory of a foreign state, our film crew visited abroad, and now we will tell you in detail and show what is happening there now, stay with us, they promised kyiv in three days, but not the third full year. headquarters invasion cannot take native court. now in this city, as well as in many other settlements of kursk oblast, armed forces of ukraine. on august 6, our troops did what no one expected of them. they broke into the territory of russia. and here we have a
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russian checkpoint on the horizon. the operation was carefully planned, from the tact... of the offensive to the information campaign, the event took place in several directions at once, this is the first line of defense of the russians in the kursk region, now everything is under the control of the armed forces of ukraine, let's see what's inside, they ran away in a hurry, left everything behind , what was here, and its own things, and detailed. plans and schemes observation, and this is another direction, to understand how difficult the offensive could be, it is enough to look at the convenience of the enemy positions, the entire front is like in the palm of your hand, this is one of the very first positions of the russians, which our fighters
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cleared when entering the kursk region, the offensive was lightning fast and... this is what our military assured with minimal losses, which you can't say about the russians, the border settlements quickly came under the control of ukraine, among them the city of suja. what about humanitarian aid, do you have anything at all, i just left for the city, i went out into the street, yours came to me to check, an agent, not an agent, they climbed here and there in the attics, searched all the streets, took the passport, looked to see what was going on, well, no humanitarian. is not here, oleg moves around the city by bicycle, there are only a few hundred left in suja out of almost 7 thousand residents, others have left, you will not help me, guys, let me help, i was trained to help women, thank you, i myself am from ukraine , i have a child from poltava, what about us, the whole
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row was in ukraine, and now let's see, oh, we won't be shot, did we think that this it will be like that, and this is what the shops in suja look like now, goods, take as much as you want, whatever you want, but there is already a lot of it. sovano , people are just stocking up on water and food that doesn't spoil for a long time, now there is no electricity or gas in suja. no water, no communication, the locals blame the russian authorities for this. the kremlin left these people to their own devices, neither evacuation nor humanitarian
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aid. when the offensive of the armed forces of ukraine began, was there any evacuation, were you offered to leave the city? there was nothing. yes, but russian tv channels say that evacuation took place as planned, people were taken out. the ukrainians drove a water tank, today they brought bread from the sumy region, which we used to go for, well, in the times of socialism, the authorities are idiots, first-class, they only think about themselves, well, if you feel that something is coming, well, you open all the shops, let people take fresh ones so that they do not throw away and there is no stench. and the local government. probably knew about the offensive, at least we saw signs of preparations for defense with our own eyes on the territory of the city administration, that's it the city council of suja, there are all signs that
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they were preparing for defense here, in particular , the entrance is blocked inside, with sandbags, and in the back in the garage we saw military equipment, a logbook of the spent... cars of the city administration, pay attention to the last date: the last recorded on august 3, and this is the contents of the garage of a city administration employee, the values ​​of an ordinary russian peasant: a flag, st. george's ribbon and a bunch of naked girls. suja has been under the full control of the armed forces of ukraine for a long time, but the russian military are shelling their own city with ballistics and aerial bombs, we witnessed
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an air battle of drones. i don't know if i can hear it, but now it's flying over us, we have to hide, the greenery seems to be dying down. shoot, shoot, oscar. the duel was won by a ukrainian drone. do russians deserve that we, ukrainians , help you? what do you think? well, we're simple, right? we have nothing to share, isn't it bad that we help each other. we were a fraternal people. what would you like to say to putin and the authorities in the kremlin? when... when will it all end? and it will not end soon. ukrainian troops are expanding the bridgehead in the kursk region and equipping new
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fortifications. in ukrainian from the territory of the russian federation. for espresso tv channel, artem lagutenko and oscar jansons. friends, if you liked our story and you are aware of the importance of what is happening now in kursk region, please help. to our soldiers. boys and girls who are currently fighting in this direction announced a collection for the purchase of components for drones, as well as their repair. we ask that you come in for the details that you are currently seeing on the screens and help them every hryvnia is important. tired of the mess in the kitchen, constantly having to sort through a bunch of pans to find the right one, you need a set of savory pro, unpack the tv. savory pro pans
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tempalgin tablets 10%. the travel guide is economical for you. two hours to learn about war and how the world lives. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. we summarize the informational morning in ukraine on espresso news broadcast, khrystyna perubiy works in the studio. four people died and 16 were injured as a result of the enemy's night attack on ukrainian cities. this was announced by president volodymyr zelenskyi. under the rubble the hotel in kryvyi rih is searching for two people. it is known about the deceased woman and man.
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five injured, state'. of a three-year-old woman is difficult, by ki


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