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tv   [untitled]    August 27, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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actually get into the brains of our citizens, ugh, and affect ours, it’s the same with tiktok, for example, which in my opinion should be regulated by ukrainian legislation no less than telegram, and in many places in the world it is already regulated, that such a number of fakes, such a number lies, so many racist narratives, which, for example, are in tiktok, well, i don't know, social networks, others, where, where exactly... this is this, why, this is another, why am i talking about this, why am i talking about i say this because tiktok is first and foremost an entertainment network, and a network of quick and short videos, you don't need to watch two hours of smoliya and yatsky, then this is a social network where you don't need to think, you don't need to read, even if we're talking about fakes that are spread in telegram, for example, you don't need to read it in tiktok, this is entertainment content, but where are we always?
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russia, as they say, has succeeded, in fact, in its hybrid struggle in entertainment content. their entertainment content is the number one propaganda content on the territory of russia, on the territory of the so-called, as they say there outlined, the post-soviet space. this is the problem, and we see how many anti-ukrainian things there are, which, unfortunately, our citizens calmly consume. and that's not all, there are other social networks, including, in my opinion, various platforms on which, again, russian content is promoted, legal, there are legal platforms where ukrainians can pay for russian content, right there in the context of listening to music, watching russian films, so, for example, if you do not go to any there network, for example, spotify, the same same.
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apple music, all this is in the context of the fact that we must limit russian influence in ukraine. if we do not do this, then, firstly, the russian budget will receive its bloody rubles for the war in ukraine, secondly, russia will continue to fill the heads of ukrainians, and thirdly, anything can happen there, terrorism, we we see there that, which , by the way, there are now apparitions. to the telegram social network, yes, yes, let's just remind you, there is a whole, whole list, and you can now to voice, well, in fact, the claims against durov, it’s just very interesting and important, emmanuel macron, the president of france, himself said that this was in no way a political persecution, all this happened, that is , the detention took place as part of the investigation of possible crimes in the telegram network with drugs, if i'm not mistaken. and there, in a word, you need to look at
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the specific wording, we are talking about very, very, very specific things, not about something abstract, and you know, it's just incredibly interesting how the russians reacted to this z-publics, they also have millionaires, and it is extremely interesting, i will not advertise, i am subscribed to it myself, because in the information field, it is my job to see what they write and... it is also to understand what they think and what they are breathing, i won’t advertise and i won’t name them, but one of the large, almost a million, if i’m not mistaken, subscribers of russian publications dedicated to the war and the russian military, who are doing all the things on the territory of our country that we are currently fighting against, here he outlined the detention of durov, as i quote, in fact for... the name of the chief
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of communications of the armed forces of the russian federation. this is a public that is completely military on military topics, that has a lot of insights from its military, that has an exclusive video, that even resorts to some military analytics, well, that is, everything that we do, this is a mirror image, and, and this , this public admits that it will rain with the detention of durov. they have a russian connection, by the way, 12, 12 crimes are singled out by french law enforcement officers, and in particular complicity in the distribution drugs, yes complicity in cybercrimes, complicity in fraud, refusal to provide information at the request of law enforcement agencies, money laundering, illegal provision of cryptographic services, complicity in the possession of child porn, well that is... as
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they say, the full bouquet, and the states do not control it, i'm not saying that the state should directly interfere in the work of a social network, but... but when it comes to a direct violation of the law or a number of laws or dozens of laws, it cannot simply be that a social network, well, just somewhere, the state, somewhere the law, and somewhere a social network, and now these processes cannot run completely parallel, they still have to be somehow connected, and now a bunch will fly at you. how is it, we are a democratic state, we take information from wherever we want, and whoever wants to, and does not show his face, gives information, what we want, that’s what we do, this is actually a very anarchic approach in general, and not too much about the state, we it
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's as if we're building it here, it's true, and we want to support and preserve it, but the point is, the point is that... my relative lives in canada, and she is terribly concerned about the situation in ukraine, lately she does not know where to get information about what is happening in ukraine, because most often she took it from social networks, well, that is , the official publications of some ukrainian publications, ukrainian pravda, esso, and whatever - any other adequate media, and any content is informative. of a news nature about the political and military situation not only in our country, but also in the world. literally a few months ago, when i sent her another link, a link to a publication in if i'm not mistaken, she said to facebook from ukrainian pravda: i can't open,
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ugh, i can't open what 's going on, i mean i'm sending her something from espresso, and what else, she says, but no, they write to me here, that i cannot consume this one. content of an informative news nature, because it is content from zmi, if you want to consume it, then please go to their sites, to their platforms on the internet, and there you will see, this is how democratic canada limits the manipulativeness of social networks in the context of the context of information, someone call it crazy censorship, this applies not only to the ukrainian zmi, well, you understand that... they limit the distribution of news on social networks and from their own media, they simply believe that social networks are not the best platform for exchanging news-related information, well, maybe that's the information policy
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, so to speak, before the discussion, i, for example, i don't think so, my subjective opinion is that social networks now, even why american social networks. they are the source of so news politics why should the news source be the media or a responsible person with a certain social status and probably even capital to whom you can excuse yourself and ask her a few questions , why did you andrii smoli write teto teto and not teto and you have to hold back this blow of answers for that what was heard under your name, i think that in this context they, they are cooler, in this case, if we consider only this plane, to protect their citizens from any manipulations at the level of social networks, where hastily, people very hastily gathering information, there is no time to read, the first two sentences are there, and that is enough to
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understand what it is about, it seems to people, and going back to the topic of headlines, which we talked about in the first part, what medusa is manipulating now, russian liberal journalism. this is also a big problem, that's why, when we talk about the formation of some kind of integral, integral concept, information policy in our country, i'm a little sorry that on the one hand we are closing, completely open and owned by the media, yes, we are closing at certain sites, i am talking now about t2 there, for example, since the beginning of the war there espresso direct, the fifth, were from the network if they were eliminated. but on the other hand, we are talking about absolute, absolute carte blanche, with an anonymous telegram channel, and it is not, well, it is not okay, because it is beneficial to someone, it is beneficial to someone, but in general, if we are talking about the information policy of the state, i
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we have already discussed this matter many times here, information policy in ukraine, it is not integral, it is not such as what is designed to fully protect our citizens from russian informational hybrid aggression? and this is the main question. we have i'm saying this probably for the millionth time, we don't have a minister of culture and information policy, it seems to me that we don't have any full-fledged concept of how the ministry, let's say, sees its role in promoting this, this integral information policy, i i believe that we work very little in context. banning russian content in ukraine, but you can say a million times that it is not
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democratic, but i say once again, this is the content of the state and the content of the people who launched today in ukraine, how many 129 rockets are there, this is the content of the people and the content of the country, and in part this content is completely controlled by the russian special services, which today launched... launched 109 martyrs in ukraine, this is the content of people who came to our land and who made bucha, izyum, mariupol, olenivka, who killed hundreds and thousands of children, who maimed tens of thousands of our citizens, including military personnel. what is this content doing here in ukraine? why i read every day including today, how russian
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cartoons are available, it hurts, you will talk now, it hurts me a lot, on ukrainian youtube and ukrainians to their young children, who are 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 years old, today, even today, when it happened a terrible attack, demonstrated... to our countrymen, our fellow citizens to their children. let's decipher a little. yes, i saw this post of yours, a repost from natalka voroshbyt. i'll just quote it so it's clear what i'm talking about. a morning in kyiv is when a man gently touches your shoulder and gently says: "mala, there are rockets flying, coffee is already on the table." and then, after coffee, on a beautiful sunny morning, you go down to the dark parking lot, and there they have separated an area with chairs and tables and they also pour coffee. running children and dogs, there is laughter, and then the children's parents turn on a cartoon in russian, and you sit like this,
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tolerant, smile at the neighbors, but in 10 minutes you get up and go to your ninth floor and think, oh you, oh you, i'd better listen to how being beaten, it hurts a lot, in fact, it hurts that, well, i, as a mother, really need it it is difficult to raise a ukrainian-speaking child in... i thought it was a little easier when the large-scale invasion began, no, well , that is, we were the only ukrainian-speaking child in kindergarten and school, well , a few more classmates were added there, and it’s nothing, this percentage is nothing compared to the total mass of children, i do not want to moralize, but the problem of russian content on the network. this is really a problem for the future generation, this youtube, with its algorithms
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, pushes our children to watch only russian, if at least once it is something there, the russian poked in russian and looked, and this is a terrible tragedy that we are not yet capable of realizing, please, you wash your hands before eating, then what kind of child, i'm sorry, we don't follow... what goes into our heads children, it is possible that it was a bit emotional now, there was a retreat, but i was waiting for an opportunity to speak out, because but simply, in addition to the fact that this is a problem, a personal problem of people who make a choice or do not make this choice at all, because it makes no difference to them or absolutely, forcing parents to talk to children, you know, it doesn't matter at all, but i want to say something else. yes, this is the problem of the lack of a full-fledged information policy in our country, well, this is the problem,
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and i do not believe that it is not possible to at least partially limit this content on the territory of ukraine. well , i don't believe it, if entire democratic states with 100, 200, 300-year-old traditions of democratic values ​​regulate their content today. territory to show some content and not to show some content, but according to the law they do not want this content to be shown on their territory, and sorry, any. the social network doesn't show it, well, we can't develop, adopt laws that, at least on legal platforms, will stop the flow of racist information, which simply chokes children and teenagers above all. that's why i started talking about
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tiktok, because first of all tiktok today... owns the minds, owns the behavioral things of ukrainian young people, ukrainian children, ukrainian teenagers, and what they consume there, russian content. why on our territory should, for example, russian in russian, russian music in general, on legal platforms, be available, why, well , we can't stop it, we can do it, but we don't... regulate it, so when i talk about legislation on the regulation of the activities of telegram, tiktok, google, youtube, well, google, youtube - this is a time, purpose, for example, the same and so on and so on, this does not mean that we are becoming an undemocratic country, it means that we protect our democracy, our
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country from the interference of the enemy, but this one unfortunately , there is no information...policy in the country, i do not hear from officials, from ministers, from deputies that they raise this topic, i hear only units, units of people who talk about it, and what are they doing, what are they doing departments, this is their task, and you are absolutely right, this is a tragedy, which unfortunately, and this is the russian world, which in our country, unfortunately, every day has such an impression that it just grew. it just snowballs on our country, and the consumption of this content is just that is increasing, increasing, increasing, which means that the hybrid russian war of information, uh, it will last forever, and i would like to quote, quote our ukrainian bible, our constitution: protection
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of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine, ensuring its economic, informational, information subline. security are the most important functions of the state and the business of the entire ukrainian people, this is my favorite article, article 17 of the constitution of ukraine, i keep coming back to it, and as for me, it, well, it is just all ours, ours, not only those relevant departments and people you mentioned, all our responsibilities, she clearly illustrates. regarding the information policy, a few words were actually said, i also promised our viewers in the announcement to reflect. already now, as we understand, the fugitive of the people's deputy from the servant of the people, artem dmytruk, from the latter, a person complains that his family seems to have been watched by something somewhere, in other words, whether they were watched or not, he sees in this some there is persecution, everyone who is there is terrible for dmytrouk
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supporters, and i will not be afraid of this word of capitulation of ukraine to the russian federation. all adepts and supporters of the russian orthodox church for objective reasons, well, in general, representatives or latent representatives of ruskav openly or latently. as for mr. dmytrouk, i would like to thank, terribly thank the center for combating disinformation, which actually just, you know, reminds us that from time to time from february 24, 2022, he is not the only pole. in the territory of our state. ex-nard and agent rfry derkach. nabus is suspected of illegal enrichment and treason. now he is running for the parliament of the russian federation. nataliya korolevska, an ex-detatka from the opzh, involved in the case of illegal enrichment of uah 50 million. the head of the derzhmaina fund, already under the current government, dmytro senchenko, who was kidnapped by nabu and sap in taking possession of five million
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hryvnias and laundering another 10 billion. excuse me, gentlemen, the head of the national bank. also, literally in the recent tenure of kyril shevchenko in buissab, he was kidnapped on the task of the state losses of uah 206 million to the bank. yes, what else, evgeny muraev, well, it’s clear here, but the president of the kyiv municipal building ihor kushnir, yaroslav dubnevich, deputy secretary of the national security and defense council, oleg gladkovskyi, by the way, like svynarchuk you say, they really like to play the gladkovskyi card when they talk about the previous president poroshenko , but i... wanted to remind that he, whom nabu and sap are accused of causing losses to the state of 14 to 174 million hryvnias, was able, as i understand it, to poli'. our country is already present, well, a word, well, not by dmytruk alone, he is the first, he the last one, dear, well, you know, i’m talking about
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the social issue, and by the way, by the way, dmytruk a week before he left, he almost announced his departure, he also in his social networks, his wife is also there already posted that she is in moldova, he is there with almost direct hints. talked about the fact that he might have to leave there and so on and the like, this despite the fact that people's deputies of ukraine are not released from ukraine without appropriate cover letters, well, more than that, many people's deputies deputies do not even have the opportunity to go abroad, to represent the interests of ukraine, we are witnessing how, for example, opposition people's deputies. they simply did not release the speaker of the verkhovna rada there, even with the letter, or did this letter suddenly go somewhere or was this
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business trip canceled, that is, we are talking about what, about the fact that if these people cannot leave according to some internal orders there, without some, without some relevant documents, then how mr. dmytruk, who accused... who was accused in a whole series of things related to the support of the russian peace, he was able to leave peacefully, and then they say that they are looking for him, it turned out that he left a day ago, that is, this is about once again about another complex issue, about a complex issue that lies in the responsibility of those people who should have prevented the departure of such persons, there is no responsibility, uh, and... the worst thing is that a person who is really accused of a criminal offense, who supported russian peace, who supported the russian
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church, who , well, i say, if we talk about the criminal charge there precisely for the beating, the person who simply, well, the ground under his feet, i apologize, did not feel any laws, nothing, that is, everything was absolutely written for him, he takes it, leaves, he is given the opportunity to become a voice abroad today, huh . against ukraine, he went abroad and he will be abroad today 24/7 telling how bad ukraine is, how they are undermining, uh, er, the russian position, and this is a person who will never answer, at least in the near future and for their crimes because he is not going to return to ukraine, at least, how can this be, that's it... an open question and how many such dmytruks are actually still in ukraine, how many such people who today even go to the rostrum of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, not only on
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the rostrum, in local self-government bodies, mayors of some cities, who are involved in a huge number of investigations, nabu, sab, dbr, sbu, who continue to fulfill their duties, who continue to protect. er , various kinds of russian values ​​in ukraine, how many more such people can leave in the future, if we do not change our position and bring to justice those people who allow such anarchy in ukraine. moreover, i don't quite believe that, as they say, once a border guard released someone, then someone else over there, well, for some reason, we have such cases. are happening and unfortunately, unfortunately, this is already a system, you said that people like dmytrouk will
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talk to western audiences about how they oppress everyone and everything in our country, i , unfortunately, unfortunately, eh dmytruka, dmytruka is like that unfortunately, the pope, pope francis, is a man who is listened to by billions of people all over the world without exaggeration. and he reacted to the ban on the activities of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, well, the ban on the activities of the russian orthodox church, this is the adopted bill, which we so generically call banning the activities of the russian orthodox church. what did pope francis say, a brief quote, please? i continue to painfully follow the hostilities in ukraine and the russian federation, and i will consider. regarding the recently adopted law in ukraine, i feel apprehensive about the freedom of those who prays, because he who truly prays always prays for all, no one
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does evil because of praying, if... if someone does evil against his people, he will be guilty of it, but it cannot be considered evil what he prayed so let those who want to pray be allowed to pray in the church he claims to be his please let no christian church be abolished directly or indirectly churches can't be touched oh i don't even know , i don't even want to comment on it, detachment from reality, that's what he is facing now the modern world still. unfortunately, today we asked you whether you think it is necessary to regulate the activities of telegram, and the results of our survey are as follows, 83% of those who called us, despite the energy problems, believe that it should be regulated, and 17% are against, this is the position we also have it, thanks to andriy smoli for a wonderful monday evening as always, laughter, physical
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development of cities. every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts give their assessment and development forecast based on facts events if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, congratulations.


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