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tv   [untitled]    August 27, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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about this idea, how can it be expanded, but first of all, it concerns poland and germany, where the majority of our ukrainians are, and i believe that today we need to work out policies for this institution, to make this decision in the fall, in the fall, and for men, what concerns on men on return, and this is approximately as, as you said, some media write. you see, politically, it is not very profitable within certain states to say that we are sending ukrainians home, and it is very expensive for us to support them, it is easier to raise this issue at a meeting with the president of ukraine, and then to say that the president requested the return of the ukrainians, after all, i am only in favor if the ukrainians come,
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but without coercion, so it will not work out one's political responsibility, yes, and that is why there is an important moment, i raised this issue, you remember, there are ukrainians who work in germany, in poland, in other countries, it is already very comfortable, they work, and for not very high wages, but... there are ukrainians, which do not work, and i think that the country, i do not want characterize the ukrainians who do not work there, because there are many and different reasons, but it is clear that it is politically advantageous not to spend this financial aid on the third year of the war, but to send them to ukraine, and i emphasize once again, and i am in favor of them coming , i would really like all ukrainians to be here. subject to their
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decision. kyiv independent, please. independent. mr. president, you talked about the kurdish operation as part of the victory plan, as pressure on russia to end the war, well, on the same terms as ukraine, but in parallel the operation lasts three'. week and the advance towards pokrovsk is not slowing down, and i would like to know what favorable conditions can be discussed until the defense of such a key node, for example, donetsk region, stabilizes. thank you. and before the kursk operation , was there an advance on pokrovsk? there were, yes. faster or slower? more or less at the same pace as i understand from the open. i think faster. are these things connected, connected, but
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a little not as you think, sometimes it happens that where there are three brigades, there is no difference whether there are three brigades or five brigades, the main thing is who is pressuring you and in what number, and what your fighters are ready and capable of in this or that direction, and you need to understand their strengths and apply these strengths where... it is needed, and therefore this is an unconditional decision the military, who should be in the pokrovsky direction, in what number, etc., but you must understand, they do not retreat there, turning back, they are shot, i am talking about the russian army, and they will press, for them it is necessary, like the situation with bakhmut, they will put 50-60 thousand people there, you will see it very soon...
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understand these numbers, this is the story, this is the story, and therefore it is not possible just you - 100 00 and we - 1000, we already had such an operation, i believe that this is wrong, and i am very glad that glavkom syrskyi thinks the same, because there must be a trick, we are no more than russia, well, we already understood that with you? years, how to prepare operations, who should know about these operations, how many people should know, this is again not about an individual, it is about the fact that if the enemy knows something, and his ears are everywhere, and not only in our state, you understand, this is a great work that they did during the soviet union and continued during the years of their country's independence. they
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do, and if they know anything about our actions, we won't succeed, which means we won't have a chance, which means we'll lose a lot. everything we need to be in a powerful situation on our platform, at the peace summit, in a strong situation, everything will end with dialogue, but we need to have strong, strong positions towards this dialogue. well, that's all. thank you. saw ictv somewhere please. there on the other side. partly already answered questions about pokrovsk. maybe i will be until... every day, i have two or three online meetings with lavkov, online conversations, constantly about pokrovsk, about the toretsk direction, about our kharkiv region, about
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all these directions, believe me, there is still a lot more, there is still an afternoon , there are questions of their own, there are questions of the business direction, there are some questions everywhere, it is difficult. the situation was there in new york a long time ago, and all these difficulties were, they are, they remain, strengthening, it depends on many things, people are prepared, the number of people who started has increased to prepare, this is a fact, it will help the guys a lot to have some rotations, firstly they started... some rotations, fundamental rotations so far, i can’t call it, i’ll be frank, but there is a beginning, it is very important, and about strengthening pokrovsky constantly we say, different fortifications, different things, and troops, but
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also the packages we are talking about, these are interesting, i recently counted here, regarding one support, counted from... how long we waited, and then at the moment when it is the first time began to arrive and in what volume, such an anniversary, the anniversary was 12 months, these are the answers to many things, i don't blame anyone, there is no time for complaining, there is no time for any accusations, we give thanks, shake hands, hug people, thank you very much and ... tell when to come for the following, there is no other way out, thank you, ukrainian truth is already nearby, next to what, next to, next to my colleague, good day, roman kryvets, good day, volodymyr oleksandrovich, i will probably start with
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such a question, war is always prores and you you think you have a lot of opportunities, yes let's try something, war is always about resources, you also talked about it here, a lot of information flows to you from the special services, the armed forces of ukraine, from intelligence, analytical centers, the nsdc, kabin and so on, that is, you understand resources very clearly , and actually, if we pay attention to the economic component, to human resources, to the help of international partners, how much time does ukraine really have the ability to fight in a full-scale format with the russian federation, and the second question is short, the ukrainian truth of its time... i asked about your team, and you then said about five or six effective managers, now we have a huge problem with the economy and with energy and with law enforcement, i said about the president's office, not about the country's team, you have already released a lot , by the way of the articles about five or six managers, you have such a method, i thought all
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this went with yanukovych, what is it called, the word, and the temniks, i understand that you have what kind of temniks you are talking about, it is necessary. .. have light in your eyes to see what you are being told. let's continue about yours a question about the team, i'd just like you to appreciate, that is, if you can, appreciate that, i can, i'll finish the question, the third one, no, the last one, the second one that you interrupted me, please eh, you interrupted me, i'm sorry, actually, the efficiency of your people, you evaluate according to what criteria, it's personal. loyalty, is it performance, if performance, please rate oleg tatarov, rostyslav shurma, oleksiy kuleba, and andriy yarmak. thank you. and what question
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do you want to start with, how comfortable are you, what was it about, first question i don't remember. about resources. we don't have to with you. look at how many more people will be enough, i think it is unfair what you say, people are not a resource, our military, they are our citizens, and you know that many people are volunteers... many people came mobilized, we are not related putin also talks about people as a resource, about people as a resource, but we treat them differently, and this is very important, so we cannot talk about it like that, as far as our weapons are concerned, due to various delays, you you know that very well, and that's why we don't have five or six managers, i was talking about the offices, it's very important that there is a large team of people working in the defense industrial complex of ukraine, it's not only state institutions. this private institution, i'm even surprised that you're asking about this, it seems to me that we
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have a lot of different briefings, a lot of different meetings, you see the progress, everyone feels, except for you, like, how well done our guys are , i want to thank them, and regardless, if anyone can't see it, i can definitely see what you're doing, what a long-range weapon while we wait for our partners who, how many lives have you saved. the first rockets have already appeared, the polyanytsia rocket recently, by the way, it's not funny, yes, the polyanytsy rocket recently appeared, it's a very serious thing, by the way, i 'm not laughing, because who, when is it being built and when there are trials, it happens in different ways, it happens to people, people, you know, can even leave their lives, but there was a lot of work done so that ukraine could be protected, so for me, these are serious things, very serious, and for sure it is... not resources, it is a very important defense of our state, by the way, since we went
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to this, what is still to be done for ukraine, well , i thought it was too early to talk about it, but i would like society to evaluate this very fact of our people who work 24x7 at defense enterprises, the test of the first ukrainian ballistic missile was positive, and i congratulate our defense on this. industrial complex, i can't share any more details about this missile, but it's still relevant of my team, today my team, as the president of ukraine, is all those people who protect our state, and armed simulations, and the chief of staff, and the minister of defense, and i believe that we are one team, and government officials, i believe that when we have there is a real positive in the direction of the european union, which you unfortunately do not see. but if there is this positive and for many years someone wanted it, not
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someone, but many people wanted it, then we should thank our speaker and his colleagues, many laws have been adopted, there are various challenges in the council, and in the government, etc., but do not notice indeed, that during the war ukraine only did everything, so on, as for the patriot, f-16. atakams and other weapons just like that, and it did not appear, the peace summit, it did not appear by itself, although before that we could have lost the initiative on the peaceful, on the other initiatives of the diplomatic settlement, so when you say how to evaluate people, for example, andriy yermak, yes, one of the main people who... prepared both the peace formula and the peace summit, and when i
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tell you, for example, about other people and that we are one team , then all these studies, all these communications, contacts with by the united states, in the white house, in the state department, etc., and all these assets that ukraine has today, each of them did it, and the same patriots, and the same f-16s, the same attacks, you just don't know all the details , yes therefore , i think it is very important to understand, as for tatarov, i also did not want to talk about it, although we had ofrek, i am surprised by your question, you and i, journalists of ukraine and i had ofrek, where representatives of your media were , i don't remember you, i'm sorry, or someone else, but they were definitely there, and i told you about tatarov at alfreki. but if that's not enough for you, i'll repeat it to you, i didn't want to say it, the united states and everyone knows it,
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oleg tatar together with vasyl malyuk killed chechens in ukraine, in kyiv, while you were not here, it was not enough to expel him, expel him so that did the russians kill him? because i've already said it, and i said it's not public information, and i told all the media in our non- public meeting. colleagues, this is, let's stop this, exchange of views and let's move on to the next question abc news, usa, here in the center, please. yulia droz, dbc news, volodymyr oleksandrovich, please tell me why exactly you want to hold a peace summit, the second one, if i understand correctly, in november, which is the month of state elections, and since the current president biden is no longer running, don't you think that he already at the end of the term could, well,
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for example, make some extraordinary decision regarding ukraine, for example, on weapons? thank you. well, we are grateful to the president, his team and congress for the fact that they nevertheless, however slow the processes may be, but nevertheless these packages we receive from our partners, and this is definitely very important, as for, we cannot talk to you about the current president, as about the president of the past, i think this is wrong, we have relations today, they are serious, i am preparing for our meetings in september, god willing, i will be able to afford... to be at the un general assembly, and a lot of things depend on the united states of america today, and even a lot of things that are in europe, the decisions in europe about permits, you know , which i am talking about, also depend on made a positive decision in the white house,
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so we need to work harder. please, ukrinform in the center as well. ukrinform, mr. president, last month the issue of possible changes in governments was actively discussed, you said that you also have questions for some ministers, whether we can expect changes in the cabinet of ministers in the near future, and the second question, based on the results of the kursk operation, hint , can we expect any more asymmetric, non-standard courageous decisions from our army. thank you. thank you. you for asking what concerns the government, we have, indeed, we are in dialogue with the prime minister, we have a lot of executive duties, we need to solve this issue first of all, and to be honest, we are focused on this, we believe that all institutions should to have a minister, the head of his department, and this issue simply needs to be closed, one person cannot close many
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other issues, his affairs suffer, so i think that in the near future we will already concentrate on this issue and we will be able to do everything in the verkhovna rada is to vote, it is definitely related to one or other changes, you will see all this, all these changes, give it some time, the second question was, i will not talk about our non-standard steps and the continuation of the kurdish operation, i certainly do not have the right to do so, because we need it, we will be successful. very strong, reduce losses, very strong, stabilize the situation in the east, very strong, and all this requires time, and all this requires strength, energy, thank you, please, erifius, france, here in the center, igor somko, erifius, thank you, mr. president, for the opportunity
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to ask questions about the peace summit, according to you, i should take it. participation of russia, but in july the representative of midu said that it will not do this, because he said that it is ultimatum, there will be considered only one peace formula, well, we have what we have, is there any new information about their participation, and if they do not will come, how do you want to achieve your goals, and is there any information regarding the preparation of the plan for this summit, thank you for the information, thank you for the question, regarding the plan. before this summit, i think i said that the three points discussed at the first summit would be prepared in detail, we did not we will wait for the next meeting within the framework of the second summit, we will prepare all the points, online and offline, as i told you a little earlier, we should be ready for the month of november, which concerns
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the representatives of the russian federation at the second peace summit, this is the desire of all countries, they want. they believe that in this way there may be a chance to end the war, that is why we wanted their presence to be absent at the first summit, and we managed to do it, it is not easy to gather countries without representatives of russia, but that is not less, and we gathered a large number of countries and institutions, more than 100, i believe that it was very important and successful, and we will prepare a plan. and the representatives of russia, if they want to be present at the second summit, they will be present, otherwise we may lose at the second summit. a large number of countries, please liganet at the very end, good afternoon, evgenia mazor liganet, mr.
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president, please tell me whether it is possible that the operation that is currently underway in the territory of the russian federation can go beyond kursk region, and under what conditions can this happen? i can't, but once again share with you, i understand your as a citizen, i understand your desire, but nevertheless, nevertheless, i can't. to say the next steps in this operation, thank you, please tsdf, this is it from this side, mr. president, ukraine is not currently receiving the support of the event that it is counting on, how it affects the achievement of results on the front, what are the needs, and what it is we who need support from the event and what is your strategy. hi in connection with this? firstly, we expect that we will receive everything, nevertheless, sooner or later the packages will arrive,
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just today the portions are small, because you see what an appetite this war has, and therefore we really want the receipts to be increased, and nobody insists on some others, for example, congressional votes and agreements, there is enough money. in order for these packages to arrive and our country to be strong, but it is slowed down, sometimes it is connected, i will tell you honestly, with production as well, it is one thing to vote, another thing, what is there, what there are packages left, well, in any case , we are working on it, and there are several initiatives with europe, in addition to czech, there is denmark, there are contacts with poland and with... these countries, we are expecting these packages as well, and definitely , there is, in my opinion, a very important moment in which
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we began to move forward, but if we cannot keep this pace, russia will catch up with us, and there will be problems, this is domestic production, drones, artillery, i am talking about systems and about shells separately, yes. rockets, a high-cost program, and it is necessary to invest money in it, for this money in ours there is no budget for today, they gave everything they could, the government gave everything, and therefore where to find this money, we have personal agreements, as i told you, with the nordic countries, with some countries, with our baltic friends, who really give in our domestic production. it is already clear that after the war it will be a co-production for other countries, and now our priority is to work on strengthening our
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boys and girls at the front, so i am counting on this money, our government officials and my office have such a task, we are all together as one team we are looking for this money, we are looking for these revenues, they will definitely increase the number of domestically produced, well, drones, as we said at the beginning of the year, that there will be a million, we are able to make 1.5-2 million, our institutions are able to do it , our, excuse me, our productions to do this, state and private together, are already capable, money is very little, please telegraph in the center, marina. good afternoon, maryna shashkova, telegraph publication. mr. president, two short questions, do you already have an answer to why scandalous and odious persons can safely leave the country, and
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evaders can pay a bribe to representatives of the customs service to leave as well, do you think that this is the fault of the minister of internal affairs klymenko. and the second question, commander radis criticized the ukrainian authorities that not a single azov soldier was returned on independence day. why so... russia still does not give them back. thank you. thank you for your question. first, there are a few decisions to make. in two weeks, the law enforcement agencies will work out their decisions together with the border guards. i'm not sure that customs is here, well, it has to this relation. border guards after all. yes, well, you, it's okay. that is, they will work out a solution, and what can be, how to deal with it. i agree with you that this is a challenge and a big problem for. well, we have to believe that there will be a result in two weeks, at least on paper, at least we will understand how it can be strengthened, strengthen both control and
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responsibility, ah. regarding your second question, a decision was also made, it was very important for us, it was very important for me, that first of all the families of our heroic soldiers who are in captivity, families of prisoners, families of prisoners, so that they understand what is happening, because there are difficulties in the return of azov citizens, various reasons, probably... but it is necessary for the families to know all these challenges and difficulties, and that is why i asked first, and then we approved at the rate, there is an appropriate format for working with families, and the work on coordinating lists is not only gur, but gur is now together with the security service of ukraine, together with lubinets and with and with external intelligence, they agree.
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lists, they look at this lists, they ask each other the questions that the families or their representatives, they ask these questions publicly and must get answers, they will ask these questions in their format today, in this center of the return of our prisoners, and we also believe that they will find an answer, what the return was on the 24th of the coincidence, that is, it is also not a holiday for the return of people, which is great. but the struggle for each person is not about a holiday, it is about daily work. thank you. election newspaper, please, petr. mr. president, i will return to the question of aid for ukraine. the president of poland, recently returning from kyiv, gave an interview in which he spoke in detail about polish assistance in the first month of russian
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aggression. and there, of course, there are impressive numbers, that is, more than 300 tanks, for example, but lately we have somehow heard less about the help, and i have a question, how does mr. president evaluate the current polish military aid and military cooperation between poland and ukraine. thank you. thank you for the question, the most help from poland, and it was very. very seriously, i was very grateful and we are all at the very beginning of the war, already accepting so many of our people, our refugees, and the borders were open, i think that every time we evaluate the help of poland, it is fair to remember, and remember how it was in the first days, poland helped us a lot, and you, as a representative of this country, i am grateful to you, to you, to your personality, to all
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people, people, poles were very positive and are still treating ukrainians and helped a lot. there was a question of losing all of ukraine, and we worked with ange on a daily basis the phone, what is there, how to help, we need weapons, they built this hub in rzeszów then, and then the united states aid came from rzeszów, we had to defend rzeszów, we negotiated about... anti-aircraft, about a lot of things, we went through a lot with the president of poland, and i understand that simply - after the elections , poland was focused more on internal issues, not after the elections, but during the elections, you remember, all these grain processes are not very pleasant, that's life. life and this
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fragment is also in life between us, and i am not i believe that this will fundamentally affect the historical closeness of our states, and at least i, and we will do everything to prevent a split between our countries, i am sure it will happen, because we, we, we are really neighbors, we are really brothers , so do the sisters, and i think that this, this, yes, this is very... an extremely high cost to lose due to some misunderstandings, to lose historical unity. i'm sure she will. today , the polish side's attention to our defense capability has decreased a little. i mean, probably poland gave what it could, and there are probably some things that, well, that remain in
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poland today. i raise one question, i...


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