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tv   [untitled]    August 27, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EEST

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thank you, yes, house, please, this is here, congratulations, julia granovska, fredom tv channel, so the question is, regarding the law banning the russian orthodox church in ukraine, the pope condemned this decision, so your attitude to this, how important is this decision for of ukraine, and do our partners understand that we are not talking about the church, but about russia's zone of influence on the territory of ukraine. thanks, i'll try. to start answering your question from the last sentence of your question, this influence, and therefore there is an influence also abroad, primarily in europe, on various religious institutions, and i believe that there is a lot of everything in the information space, the vatican is no exception, you know that the statements of pope francis were different, and... it is very important that
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what is happening in the information field, it is very important not to lose contact with any the vatican, not with italy, with the information space of all of europe and the united states of america. as i said, we really want to have an appropriate institution, apart from the ministry of foreign affairs, apart from development and apart from us and my voice as well, we all, we all need to work even more, sometimes we think that we are so many times they said: they explained so many times and met so many times, i met, met, ruslan, you met too, andriy met, everyone, the whole team met in the vatican, starting from different levels of people there, ending, or starting with the pope, ending with different people , by different circles of influence, and it's very difficult, and every time... it's like, you know,
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sometimes, like, like deja vu, it's not about the vatican, it's about in principle, as soon as you take a break in information work, as soon as you you pause in the information room fighting for a true, true, true information space, as soon as you take these pauses, everything is filled with russian information, they work like clockwork in this, they have developed... institution, big money, many people everywhere, from business to politics and religion , and that's why you can't do anything here, only work every day, today there will be one statement, and tomorrow, if you work, there may be another statement, the church works abroad for them a lot, it stopped working, in this sense, thank god, it stops working . so we have, and
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so the fight must continue, and well, and this is the most important thing, dear colleagues, thank you for your questions, i see that there is still a lot left, but we have to let the president go, so good, thank you very much for all your questions, thank you for this meeting, believe in ukraine, and we will win, glory to ukraine, thank you, goodbye. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, well, after the president of ukraine , it doesn’t even fit to host the broadcast, so to speak, there should be such a more serious analyst in order to analyze the one and a half hours of important messages that we heard from of president zelenskyi, but in any case, i think that the key story is the demonstration by our authorities of readiness to...
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to struggle and unwillingness to find compromises with our enemy, we are talking about the russian federation. well, in the coming hours , an analyst with a proper plan will appear, but the main thing is that you heard everything yourself. there were more interesting moments, there were weaker moments, but our task now is to inform you about all the most important things that we will do in the near future. marta ulyarnyk, antin borkovskyi, and now we will add oleksandr vilkol to our conversation head. defense council of kryvyi rih, tonight the russians ransacked the hotel, unfortunately there are casualties. mr. oleksandr, we welcome you and we would like to ask you about the operational situation in kryvyi rih, are the works on the site of this flight currently ongoing? yes, congratulations, the work at the landing site continues, the emergency rescue operation is not yet completed, i think it will be completed by the end of the day today, but not yet, two people unfortunately died, one man, one woman. five
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wounded, i want to say that uh, our rescuers dug up at 5 in the morning, 5 hours after the woman was hit, 43 years old, she... was unconscious, but now she is conscious, she is in intensive care, in the hospital and will to live, that is, the rescue operation, well, it had an effect, five people were still taken out, but the work is still ongoing, the work is still ongoing, two more people may be under the rubble, we can see who these people are according to the registration book, but their phones are not answer therefore, a rescue operation is still underway. mr. oleksandr, they wanted i would like to ask you what objects the enemy wants to hit in kryvyi rih right now, if it is not secret, and without a specific point localization of them. you see, well, we had quite a large shelling yesterday, there were several rockets,
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several shaheds. well, for the most part, according to azim there, well, thank god, yesterday the anti-aircraft defense shot down everything. so, well, we see azim there. that these are energy facilities, mr. oleksandr, look, the hotel aurora, which i mentioned at the beginning of our conversation, could there have been any of the locals who adjusted this fire, i have mind any collaborators or traitors, because it is a civilian object, but the ballistic missile hit right there, if it is a civilian object, in this case, i don't think there were any adjusters or traitors, because uh... well this the object was already in the coordinates for quite some time, ugh, mr. oleksandr, look, well, speaking of the energy situation, yes, what are the current schedules, possibly emergency or extra shutdowns around the crooked corner, and what
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measures are being taken at the local level for that , so that, for example, there was water, and whether there was an enemy i was only talking about specific energy, or maybe it was also about some kind of gas there. distribution stations, well, today it is easier in terms of energy than yesterday, yesterday there were emergency shutdowns, well, in general, today there are schedules, there are restrictions, but the schedules are in effect and it is clear, well, when and how they operate, in relation to water, water is not electricity, electricity is when you turn on the circuit breaker, electronics, these electrons run along the wires, water is six levels of elevation. if we take the crooked horn specifically, we get the first four levels of ascent on generators, the fifth and sixth levels of lift are pumping pumps in the basements of buildings, yes, if we are talking about high-rise buildings, of course, when the electricity goes out, these pumping pumps in the basements
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of the buildings also turn off, and therefore the water pressure there is enough for the first, the second, third floor, and the upper floors can be crowded, so according to... the driver , the situation is different, well, there are single-story buildings, many-story buildings, depending on which person lives on which floor, so definitely a power outage leads to the fact that there in part of the population may not have water, but this water can be collected from below, and even brought, that is, it is bad, but it is not catastrophic, but with additional resources so that people can get water, as you said, that is , were there any additional wells, or is it possible that there is some other peculiarity in kryvyi rih, so we understand that there should always be an insurance plan b or plan c, well, in
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kryvyi rih they cannot fight from solid ground, well, because in in a city in which 700,000 people live, it is impossible, well, well, kyiv is it possible to keep wells? kokhovskaya dam, because kokhovskaya dam, because kokhovka supplied water to kryvyi rih. well, now we have reached a stable level of supply after the construction of the water main. therefore, the water flows according to the standard scheme. well, wells for
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big cities are, well, an unrealistic mechanism. thank you, oleksandr vilkul, the head of the kryvyi rih defense council was in touch with us. we will remind that at night in russia. searched the hotel in kryvyi rih, unfortunately, there are dead and wounded, the rescue operation continues there, we we will move on, and we will remind you that literally before this inclusion there was a big press conference... of president zelensky, we will analyze all those theses that sounded during this event, so stay with espresso. now we will have a short break, after which we will talk about the restrictions that await us on october 1 regarding transfers from card to card. the national bank nevertheless decided to introduce restrictions. more on this in a few minutes. there are discounts. until the day of independence on imodium 20% in the pharmacies of travel bam and savings. tired of
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about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become many as if as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. verkhovna rada regularly. passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the program legal examination on espresso tv channel. one of the tasks of the offensive in kurshchyna was
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to divert the forces of the russian federation from the pokrovsky and kurakhiv directions. this was announced by the head of the armed forces of ukraine , general oleksandr syrskyi. i quote: one of the tasks of conducting an offensive operation in the kurdish direction was to divert significant enemy forces from other directions, primarily from pokrovsky-kurakhivskyi. of course, the enemy understands this, so he continues to focus. the main efforts in the protection direction, where concentrated its most combat-capable parts, according to general sirskyi, the kurdish operation diverted a significant part of the forces. of the russian federation. currently, we can state that about 30,000 russian military personnel have already been deployed in the kurdish direction. this number is growing. at the same time, the enemy is trying to remove parts from other directions. on the contrary, he is increasing his efforts in the pokrovsky direction - holovkom added. well, the situation in pokrovsky and in particular in other areas of donetsk region
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is difficult, so we remind you our viewers about the fact that our fee is 3.5 million hryvnias in order to purchase. and means of radio-electronic warfare for up to three units is ongoing, this is about the third separate assault unit of 110 and 47 brigades, please scan the qr code and donate the amount you can. well, now we will talk in more detail about whether you and i will be able to donate to a sufficient extent, volunteers to receive our donations to a sufficient extent, since the national bank will still introduce restrictions on transfers from october 1. card to card, or it will somehow affect the activity of volunteers and what it will be, we will talk about it now. serhii fursa, an investment banker already with us, is in touch. so, we congratulate you, and today the nbu has already officially announced that there will be a limit of 15,000 per month, from card to card, but we are talking about outgoing transactions. if we
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understand correctly, all volunteers who receive money on their cards will not experience these restrictions, please. explain this decision? congratulations, you understand everything correctly, this solution is aimed at combating drops, these are tools used by people who are involved in shadow business, who use drops to avoid paying taxes, very active in the gaming business, and even drug trafficking and many, many other people who need to launder money, so this is an anti-money laundering tool , in the fight against the shadow economy, he is quite rational, and the volunteers... everything is not affected in any way, look, mr. sergey, we would like to ask you, and if we talk about the reasons for such a decision, then you mentioned the droppers, what is this laundering market like, and why do they go to such, well, what is it called, er, to a small such
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size in principle, so those operations, because it is necessary to attract some additional cards or additional carriers of those... ? yes, because you need to go below the radar of financial monitoring, and so you use very, very, very many cards, of all kinds, like normal people, and in this way run off quite significant amounts, doing it very often, in fact, that's all, look, don't give today the president, the president, we may mention him later, the prime minister of ukraine denys shmagal also today gave official... comments at a large press conference, and he said that the fight or work principle will be implemented in ukraine, one of the four ways to additional revenues, well, people's deputy zheleznyak already says that the attentive reader probably paid attention to this phrase, since there are certain disagreements about the attraction of new revenues to the state
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budget, tax policy is not to everyone's liking, and he hints that that additional income... will be sought in other ways, what exactly, is it about economic reservation, in particular, or is it possible that you know any other methods that the government will operate in order to fill this budget? i have no idea what the prime minister had in mind, in fact, until he explains all this speculation in the coffee thicket, one can only predict that it is possible that it is precisely about the shadow economy, and about the fact that very, very many people in ukraine, unfortunately, do not have taxes, they work, work illegally, or work for conditional minimum wage, although no one in ukraine will mostly receive this minimum wage, and these people avoid paying taxes for significant amounts, this has always led to a deficit of the pension fund, and now, when our pensions are paid by our western partners, it affects the underpayment
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money for the budget of the defense army, and if we talk, for example, about additional... certain fiscal initiatives of the government, so what do you think we can expect, and will there be any such systematic planned emission, sorry, emission, yes , well, whatever could, on the one hand, index, and on the other hand, preserve macroeconomic stability, although, if we are talking about vulnerable social strata of the population, well, they are in a situation. the emission leads to inflation, devaluation, to the fact that precisely the poorest people suffer the most, because inflation is a tax. therefore, i hope that there will be no immissions, and this mechanism will not be launched, and the national bank, in fact , constantly insists on this, that they will not
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allow, do not want to allow the launch of the comrade machine. as for taxes, well again, we do not know exactly what will be in the final text, it seems that they have given up, fortunately they have given up on the turnover tax, i don't like that they removed what i saw yesterday at hitmantsev, that they removed the tax. on the premium segment on the consumption premium during the war a tax on the consumption premium it would be logical, especially on imported consumption, why don't we do it, it's very strange wonder what will be there, will again the tax on bank profits be increased to 50% as it was last year, as if they refused to raise vat, there will simply be an increase in the military levy and its distribution, including on phobia, but this will still be on... enough to close this large deficit of over 50 billion uah already this year, for next year shmehal says that we it is necessary, if we
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are not talking about military expenditures, but in general, that we have an open need of 15 billion dollars, that is, these 15 billion dollars are the money that we want to borrow somewhere abroad, it does not apply to our military expenditures, but what we are talking about now this year is this actually applies only to military spending, do we understand correctly? yes, okay, look, in that case, zelensky also said today that we have a huge problem, we need to return 7.5 million ukrainians abroad, because we will have significant problems with pension expenses, and even he is already talking about some post-war prospects, can we talk about the fact that social expenditures, there are pensions and the like, they may be under threat. in the near future, or is this out of the question now? about this is not the case now, again, there are political decisions of the g7 countries, 50 billion each for the next year, therefore, most likely, we will not have
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problems with financing social expenditures for the 25th year as well, and we will completely cover the budget deficit that we expect it to be around 37 billion dollars, as from this year, as from the previous year, the same plus or minus amount, so with the help of western partners, we will cover, after the war on... really , our biggest economic problem will be depopulation due to the fact that actually many people left, well, in principle, we did not have enough manpower, manpower, even before a full-scale full-scale invasion begins, and after the war, that will be our biggest problem, getting everyone back abroad, of course, it won't work, the longer the war goes on, the more people will stay abroad, people will just adapt, and if they are doing well in germany, in portugal, in canada... and they don't return, that's it, that's it, we have to understand that, that's why we definitely won't return 60-70% of people there, eh, how to fight depopulation, how to fight lack of workers, because yes,
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will really be a problem, including for pensioners, because these pensions have to be paid quickly, our only answer to this is migration, labor migration, i.e. attracting people to work in the economy of ukraine from other countries of the world, we will not get anywhere from this , and here we have two choices or leave it to a chaotic process, even now during the war you have companies that will bring you 100-200 tajiks or kyrgyz there on a turnkey basis, this process will multiply after the end of the war, that is, it will either be chaotic process, or the state will be this process to manage and direct in the direction that will be strategically beneficial for the state, this is actually the choice that politicians have, unfortunately, knowing that the topic of migration is very unpopular among ukrainians, unfortunately, because we have a very shominist society. so far, since the topic of migration is very unpopular, politicians prefer not to talk about it, and this is a problem, look, mr. sergiu, well, i hope that you watched
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the press conference of president zelenskyy now, and he is there too, well, more and more the issue related to necessity was mentioned there creation, return and so on, new workers, new or old workers, that's what they said. and about ukrainians who are abroad, as far as i understand, a certain initiative is being prepared in our country, to create another ministry there that could help and coordinate the return, well, the key stories are the war, why people left, and economic competitiveness, which we are currently losing to the european union states, i.e. people do not want to return, mostly for those two reasons, maybe i 'm wrong, what else do you see? additional the solution to this problem, well, besides the fact that they will bring us builders from brotherly syria, well, i am being ironic, most likely no,
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the best would be the filipinos, well... the countries of central asia, regarding what solution, there is no solution , there is simply no other solution, people who went abroad with their children who went to school there, well , they will not return, they are already fine there, only those people who have something to lose in ukraine, who have a certain social status, and there are certain assets, be it business or real estate, such people can return, most other people will not return, because the standard of living in germany, in austria will always be higher than in ukraine, always. and we will not change it with any reforms, we can catch up with it, but we will catch up with it for decades, so actually the people, the vast majority, will not return, and this will have to be compensated for, and not just because we have few people, he is in finland 5 million people, a normal country lives, the question is that someone needs to work in order for pensions to be formed, we have a significant shortage of people of working age. pensioners
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there will be a lot, social obligations will be large, veterans will be added, therefore the social load on the state will be large, therefore there is simply no other option, well, look, you are right in saying that we will not force people, and zelensky himself said, he does not want people to return forcibly, so that they have such a desire, i wonder where this desire should come from, because ukraine has lost 3.5 million jobs since 2022, that is 30% of the economy, this is me now quoted shmagal, and he says to support. even the military ukraine needs at least 10 million jobs, and officially now we don't even have 8 million, that is, the only option for us is to bring out of the shadows businesses that are currently working in the dark, which the state can offer them, let's say, gingerbread in order to could they get out of this shadow? no gingerbread works here, we have to whip here, the same ukrainians who do not pay taxes in ukraine, when they go abroad, they pay everything
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because... i don't know if it is possible not to pay taxes in america or in germany, because know that it is a one-way street. in ukraine, you can not pay taxes, they negotiate, or simply avoid, and that's why they do it, and then they tell tales over beer in favor of the poor, that oh, we don't know where our taxes go, that's why we don't pay them, well, you try pay all the taxes at least once, see how it will be spent, and then try to control it, no, ukrainians, those who avoid taxation do it... it is purely for selfish reasons, because they do not want to pay taxes, because they can avoid it, and the state must create such a situation that a person can't avoid that the whip is strong, gingerbread is not needed here, there are too many gingerbread, well, look, finally, when we talk about potential gingerbread and our potential additional partners from countries, i don't know, in the same near east, yes, which
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would create additional jobs, the turks. torechchyna, yes, construction companies, and they had quite successful certain cases, well , work with ukrainian reality, they can and do, as you see it, a minute of time, well, the fact that the turks know how to pay bribes, well, they know how, yes, do we want we are like that investors, well, this is an open question, well , it is meant, but we can somehow influence the choice of those investors, well, what does that mean, we can influence the situation in the country in order to attract... the best investors and create an investment climate and a situation when it will be risky to give a bribe, we can do that, but filter at the entrance, well, of course, we are currently filtering russians, filtering. thank you, mr. serhiy, for your analysis, serhiy fursa, an investment banker, was in direct contact with us, we thank him, it is already 4 p.m., which means that already it's time for news and it's time to pass the floor to our beautiful colleague iryna koval, who is already
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from the editorial office. news prepared fresh information for us, iro, president zelensky said a lot of things, i hope you will tell the main theses that our viewers need to know in this issue, so share, and marta, i will tell you even more, i will tell you, not me, but a person, who was present at this press conference and even had the opportunity to talk with the president, so literally in a moment we will learn more about the main things that happened at the press conference e. journalists and the president of ukraine, wait. 16.


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