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tv   [untitled]    August 27, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EEST

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to our wonderful colleague irony koval, who has already prepared fresh information for us from the newsroom, iro, president zelensky said a lot, i hope you will tell the main theses that our viewers need to know in this issue, so share, and marto, even more to you i will tell you, i will tell you, not me, but a person who was present at this press conference and even had the opportunity to talk with the president, so literally in a moment we will learn more about the main things that happened. at the press conference of journalists and the president of ukraine, wait, 16 in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers and... and let's start, actually speaking, with
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the fact that the president of ukraine gave a big press conference for the mass media as part of the ukraine 2024 independence forum . our tetyana golunova also had the opportunity to talk with the guarantor, and she is now live with us. tanya, i congratulate you, can you hear me? so tanya, i want to hear, i hear, congratulations, iro, i hear, what main questions did you manage today? to discuss and whether you were satisfied answer to your personal question? i congratulate ira once again, i also congratulate the viewers of the espres tv channel. so, actually, volodymyr zelenskyi's press conference ended just a few minutes ago. we had the opportunity to ask the president two questions from our tv channel. i was satisfied with the answer. i will tell the president honestly, i said honestly
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, in fact, since there are our questions, i will remind you who followed, who did not follow, in particular, related to the work of telegram, and i will remind you that now this is such a very controversial question, because telegram is not considered a media, and we they asked how the president feels about the fact that the issue of telegram's work has not yet been settled, and that there is such a registered bill that should define the scope of this work, well, the president gave a short answer. answer, however expressed, so to speak, his point of view. in addition, we also asked him and such an important question, especially in light of recent events, this is about the traitors of ukraine who fled abroad, and in principle, they remain unpunished, here is a recent case literally with people's deputy dmytruk, and the president said that yes, there are indeed such cases, but you have to work on them somehow. in principle, i suggest now, let's go. let's hear his direct speech,
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there are indeed difficulties with some countries, you know that there are countries in the european union from which it is, in principle, difficult to extract someone, i think that my colleagues told me that it is difficult, it is difficult with austria, i do not know all the reasons, by the way, a colleague from poland talked about our relations, and we have very strong relations in this direction and... there are those who illegally crossed the crossing border, there are agreements with the polish side that if they crossed illegally, they sent such people back to us, but, for example, with moldova, with romania, with hungary, there are no such agreements, but by the way, i want to note that despite the fact that just yesterday there was such a massive attack by russia on ukraine. and ukrainians are still
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recovering from it, after all, more questions to the president today were not even about weapons or preparations for the heating season, but there were such questions, i will say that the most questions from journalists were still about the operation in the kursk region, now it is the number one topic, journalists were interested in when the idea to conduct such an operation arose, what are its goals, and what are the plans for the future, i will say that the president, of course, is for everyone. .. he did not answer the question, because this, well, this is the data that cannot be disclosed, but nevertheless noted that the offensive in the kurdish region was in order to stop such an offensive of the russians, they, in particular, planned to occupy sumy oblast and chernihiv region, that's why it was such a forced step, and he too gives ukraine many positive results. let's hear what the president said about the offensive in the kurdish region. the kurdish
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operation, well, it brought several things, first of all, the occupation of kharkiv region was stopped. we had information about the creation of buffer zones in kharkiv oblast, and then in the north, we did not know the specifics, but we understood that sumyshchyna-chernihiv oblast, this is what might be in the plans, what we received from our intelligence, and from, by the way, intelligence , intelligence partners, also spoke with the president about the exchange. prisoners of war, just recently, an exchange took place on independence day, ukraine returned home its defenders, however, as before, no miracle happened, there was not a single azov in the list of returned boys, we know that this topic has been discussed for a long time, and the relatives of captured
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azov constantly are holding rallies and shouting about the fact that they are not being returned from captivity, so the president was actually asked why and when we can expect a boy... there are certain difficulties at home, the president said, and i won’t repeat it, let’s hear what he replied to it questions, there is an appropriate format for working with families and working on the coordination of lists not only by gur, but gur is now together with the security service of ukraine together with lubinets and with a... external intelligence, they agree on these lists, they look at the lists on this, they put to each other the questions that the families or their representatives, they ask these questions in public and must get answers, they will ask these questions in their format today, in this center
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for the return of our prisoners, and we also believe that they will find an answer, what there was a return on the 24th of the coincidence. well, of course, they also talked about preparing for the heating season, because autumn and winter will soon be here, and russia continues to shell critical infrastructure objects, and based on this , there were also questions, so does the president think that they can soon be removed a ban on the very use of long-range weapons, precisely such an opinion. we have not heard, however, there is hope that after all ukraine will be allowed to use long-range weapons in order to protect its own territories, and i will also note that that before the speech of the president within the framework of the forum , we also heard about the results
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of the work of our state, so to speak, from the prime minister, from the prosecutor general, there was also the minister of defense, the verkhovna rada, but still, what achievements does our ukraine have, here is its 33- and independence day. generally speaking, of course, times are not the easiest for our country, but the plans are so bright, well, we have hope for victory, and in principle it is over, we can conclude that ukraine still believes in its victory, and already soon we we'll see. how will it happen, iro, for now i have all the information, so i will pass the ether to you. thank you, tanya, it was our correspondent tetyana golonova, who was currently voicing the main theses that journalists heard today from the president at a big press conference, and we move on to
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the next news, and the number of wounded due to the russian shelling of the city of kherson has increased to two. the enemy hit the dnipro district with a drone, she turned to the doctors. she is a 23-year-old girl with an explosive injury and an acute stress reaction. also shrapnel wounds was taken by a 64-year-old man, the regional military administration reported. in addition, the russians attacked the snake. a 65-year-old woman has an open craniocerebral injury. emergency blackouts were introduced in kyiv and the region, as well as in dnipropetrovsk oblast, odesa oblast , and donetsk oblast. schedules do not work - it was noted in... the reason for the restrictions is a difficult situation in the power system. on monday, russia launched the largest attack on ukraine's energy system since the start of the full-scale invasion. the power system is being restored already after nine massive enemy attacks. in it still has a capacity deficit,
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emergency and planned repairs are ongoing at energy facilities, reports ukr-energo. and in the state emergency service they call. during long power outages, follow safety rules. rescuers recommend keeping lighted candles at a distance of at least one meter from combustible materials. generators. it is prohibited to use in residential or basement premises, they must be certified, properly connected and placed no closer than 6 m from doors or windows. use it only certified gas burner models and store in well-ventilated areas. and for now, this was the news for this time, you can read more on our website "espresso tv". also, subscribe to us on social media... and watch the next news release already at 5 p.m., then
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my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and antin barkovskii continue the broadcast. thanks to irina koval, thanks to the news editors, well, they sorted out the most important messages we heard. from the president of ukraine at his traditional press conference for an hour and a half, the president of ukraine communicated with journalists, the messages were very interesting and the news heard from the president was very interesting, well, in particular , i would pay attention to an important signal from the president, so ukraine will prepare a plan for the second second peace summit, russia can be present at the he, quoting the president now, verbatim... "we wanted that at the first summit they, we are talking about the russians,
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did not participate, it was not easy for us to gather countries without representatives of russia, but we gathered a large number of countries and institutions more than 100. i believe that it was very important and successful, and according to zelensky, ukraine will prepare a plan for holding the second peace summit, representatives of russia, if they want, they will be present, otherwise we may lose a large number of countries at the second summit, he clarified. the president of ukraine, well , they talked not only about political, but also about military topics, and we will analyze all this together with our next guest. oleg katko, a military expert and chief editor of defenses-express, is already in touch with us. mr. oleg, congratulations you. good afternoon, thank you for the invitation. well, zelenskyi said that ukraine created the first ballistic missile, he did not specify specifically what it was about, whether it was actually about this palyanitsa drone missile, or whether it was some... other development, maybe you have a military expert circles know more about this, please share, well
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, that is, a clearing is 100% not what is meant when talking about a ballistic missile, a clearing is a jet drone, and when we talk about a jet drone, we actually we are talking about a cruise missile, and if it were not for this naming in the form of a rocket drone, they would immediately say that ukraine now has cruise missiles with a range... again , officially united 24, he illustrated the video with an image, that is, a preview on youtube , and it is directly written there that the distance is 600 km, that is , if they immediately said that the palynitsa is a rabbit missile, the distance is 600 km, everything would be clear and better in my opinion, relative to a ballistic missile, then this is generally great news, but i have to note what about what certain works in this direction direction if go, they were announced... even during a full-scale war as early as the 23rd year, at least, by the relevant
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officials, and ukraine really needs a ballistic missile, because they have a minimum flight time, it is clear, and in the question damage, for example, well, conditionally, we will take the various tasks that ballistic missiles themselves have to perform and will cope with this best, these are strikes on airfields again. because the minimum flight time the enemy will not have the opportunity to remove the aircraft from under attack in principle. second aspect is the possibility of introducing counter-battery, well, such a conventional designation, but nevertheless counter-battery combat in the matter of, for example, countering ballistic missiles, because it is also possible to hit the iskander missile defense system with ballistic missiles, and all this , of course, in conditions when ukraine will not expect, well, if only when the usa or western countries will remove their inhumane condition regarding non-use. of its missile armament, it must be further understood that a ballistic missile
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requires appropriate means for interception, and despite the fact that the russian federation the fact that they can shoot down something there with the s-400 rka, practice shows that there is at least some evidence of how the same ballistic attack system affects the s-400 complexes, i.e. russian declarations regarding their ability to engage ballistic targets and real capabilities are a bit of everything anyway different things, so this is another advantage of ballistic missiles - it is the possibility of overcoming conventional air defense systems, the question of course remains the range, because you need to understand what they were. a missile can have a different range, it should be remembered that for example, an ordinary point, not even just a point, but an ordinary tactical missile complex point, it has a range there of 70 km, a point of 120 km, and these are also ballistic missiles, but let’s hope that we are talking about distances that are measured in the hundreds, and that is most likely the case, and objectively it should
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be reminded, in any case, it was even talked about at the level of... the armed forces of ukraine, that ukraine still has certain training in operational-tactical missile complexes that existed and were public and were even offered to be successfully offered for export by the 22nd year, we are talking about a well-known complex, there is a sabsan thunder and it is also a ballistic missile, and let's hope, once again, that there is already some progress, and if we are talking about that the test took place. well, let's hope that it took place directly on the shelves themselves, as it happens now with regard to many new products of the ukrainian defense and industrial complex, then we'll see , editor-in-chief, forgive me, i'd just like to ask for your more professional assessment, well the unique invention of our ukrainian rocket engineers, we are talking about neptune missiles, yes
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, on april 13, 22nd, i will remind our tv viewers , two anti-ship... neptune missiles managed to send the russian cruiser moscow to hell in the black sea, and even after that signals were received, well, i don't i have some more detailed information, signals were received that transfer part of those missiles, thanks to new improved developments , they are still in the ground-to-ground mode of operation, so we would like to ask you to comment on this direction as well of our missile program, because, well , polyanits... that's very good, well, but those missiles with which our fighters managed to sink the missile cruiser moscow and damage the russian frigate esen, well, that's also very, very, very serious, absolutely, but when we say about neptune, it is already publicly known, that is, at the level of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, it was officially reported that neptune hit
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above-ground targets. in particular, it was officially reported that this particular missile was used to attack the port. the caucasus of the krasnodar territory, that is, on the other side of the karachen strait, to damage the port infrastructure of a ground target. there was information regarding the impression of the s-300 and s-400 complexes in the occupied crimea in the rostov region of the russian federation, but with the participation, let's say, sometimes it did not always indicate that it was about neptune, but it directly stated that the long-range capabilities of the military - of the naval forces of ukraine, well, for... other defense forces, well, units of the defense forces of ukraine, that is, it was obviously about neptune in any case, and so when we speak about the anti-aircraft missile that hits ground targets, it is not an anti-ship missile, this is again , let's go back to the terminology, it is already a karlata missile objectively, because it has a completely different set of technologies that are necessary in order to attack a ground target , which is located in the depths of sukhadol, that is, if we
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are talking about, for example, a successful attack by zrks-300 near novosakhtyanskyi, which would... recently, then the missile flew for a considerable time exclusively above the ground, and this is a different flight mode, because when the missile flies over by water, there is a flat surface, there is no need to study the topography of the area, there is no radio-electronic warfare, and the missile can fly under satellite navigation, well , there will be no enemy on barges every 10 km there to deploy their weapons, we understand that, and the guidance system also to engage a ground target should be... a little different than to engage a ship, because a ship is a large radio-contrast target, against the background, well, against the background of the water surface, it's like a uniform surface, engaging a ground target is different category, different complexity, and there must be a different navigation system, a guidance system, for example, this missile also has a different one, that is, it is the next level of technology, and ukraine
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has already mastered it, so if ukraine's long-range means of deterrence, neptune is already objectively... has been added for a long time, and as always the defeat of earthly goals. mr. oleg, look, tonight we had another massive attack, it was not as massive as it was the night before, because the one that took place earlier was a record number of air targets, nevertheless, in the russians had the opportunity to raise their strategic bombers, they also used shaheds, and for the second night in a row they gave ukraine a nightmare. can russia afford such continuous attacks? every night, how much capacity do they have to do it, and actually when can we expect the next such wave, will it be in a few weeks or a few days, or maybe... they will have to wait a few months? and we just need to remember what happened in 22-23 years, in many cases, after a large-scale combined attack by winged
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missiles, the very next day, the following night , the russian federation was also attacked and also with the use of rocket missiles, that is, we are not talking about some know-how, we have never seen such a thing, surprise, no, we are talking about standard things, and we can say, really any what are the attacks of 23. 23rd year and see a similar picture when the main mass is launched on the first day and the remnants are shot down on the second day. yes, indeed, yesterday's attack was an all-time record, at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, in principle, it exceeded all the previous ones, which were also this year and even in the 24th, that is, everything exceeded, and to say, when the russian federation attacks with... a new one, and surely one must count on the fact that the enemy has the opportunity to launch the same shahedis, well every night, and i do not rule out the fact that there will be
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an attack today with the help of shaheds, the enemy has the opportunity to deliver single strikes with other missiles, let it not be x101s there, these cannot be calibers, because here are the calibers for understanding the enemy in general did not use for exactly over a month, kha-101 was used and together 19'. 105s are also quite limited, tu-22m3 with x22s, in general episodic use, miks1 launched daggers somewhere else, if i am not mistaken, either in june or at the beginning of july, that is, at the beginning of july for sure, that is, there were such large-scale pauses, just so large-scale when it comes to the use of more than a hundred missiles, well, obviously , let's hope that the enemy still does not have the opportunity to do it even once every... several days, and in the fact that there is a question of stockpiling, there is a question of resources aviation, because in fact it was yesterday's attack was, well, it was anomalous, of course in terms of quantity,
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but it was also anomalous in terms of the use of the aviation component, because the enemy launched 77 x101 missiles from 11 tu-95s, well, that is, more precisely , 771 entered the airspace of ukraine, they launched, probably more, because part from traditionally... it falls, or on the territory of the russian federation, and usually the enemy uses one or two 95 for that, and 101 at the most, this is mr. editor, look, i would like you just one more time, well, additional information appeared , voiced by the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelensky, for about an hour so during his press conference, so i'm quoting the president now about fending off a russian attack by f-16s, f-16s. gave a very good result as part of this huge attack, we shot down some missiles and drones with the help of f-16 and we thank our partners for providing us with f-16, of course this is not enough,
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we do not have many of them and we still need to train pilots, that is , as far as we understand, this information was confirmed by the supreme commander that we used the f-16 to repel drone strikes and missile strikes, but we understand that the f-16... well, they also carry missiles that are quite dangerous for the enemy, if we talk, for example, about the use of the f16 in our airspace in order to shoot down air targets in the russian sky, i would like to ask you should react to this now, the commander-in-chief from tsyrskyi, he said that the 16 will not, at least in the near future, come closer to a distance of 40 km from the front... well, that's understandable, because the main task now is for ukrainian pilots, ukrainian pilots, technicians , air force command, is to directly gain autonomous experience
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of operating the f-16 in real combat conditions, as the scenario for the use of this aircraft was painted at the first stage, that is, when there are still few aircraft, when there are few pilots, when only the first experience is gained, then the only task of these aircraft and our pilots on them will be anti-aircraft defense, wing interception. missiles in the first place, well, including drones, and the f-16 fits this role much better than the soviet su-27 mik-29 and much better than any anti-aircraft missile complex, therefore that the fighter is much more mobile, it can work near lviv in the morning, and work over kharkov already in the evening, this is a standard situation for a fighter, at the same time, it is impossible to teleport, well, at least at the level of modern technologies, it is impossible to teleport an anti-aircraft missile complex. even there, if we say pitret, well, it does not teleport, and it is more stationary, for the f16c, like any multi-purpose, modern western machines, can provide much more
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anti-aircraft defense. against the winged ones missiles, against drones, regarding the possibility of shooting down missiles over or planes over enemy territory, over the occupied territory of ukraine, into the territory of the russian federation, then objectively, the main task now is to gain experience in relatively safe conditions, when there will be more planes, when experience will become enough, then according to all the reports, which were talked about even at the level of the 23rd year and were spoken directly by not well... professionals in their field, because it was a question of surveying not just american pilots, but commanders, air units, and it was they painted such a scenario, when experience will be gained, when there will be more pilots of aircraft, then the f-14 will begin to perform tasks closer to the front edge, and then direct air battles will begin, but now we are at the first stage, when the v16 should provide air defense
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will be scrapped, and the ukrainian... air force will gain its own combat experience in using these thank you, thank you for the explanation, mr. oleg, oleg katkov, the editor-in-chief of defense express was in touch with us, and we will now move on, but i want to remind you that now on the screen you see a qr code in the corner, and this means that you can now join the collection for 3.5 million uah, we are collecting for drones and rebs for three divisions, we ask for your activity, the meetings are going very slowly now. and we understand that now everyone's financial capabilities are less than they were at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, but we have to help, we have to do everything possible with you to help our defense forces, and let me remind you that the innovation introduced by the nbu is not will apply to incoming transactions, so volunteers can calmly receive donations from ukrainians and not worry about the fact that something may be limited, but now we are going on
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