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tv   [untitled]    August 27, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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in the process of restoration in the project of the urban reconstruction and development program, every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. thank you for waiting, the great ether continues, and now about money, in fact, there is something to talk about, because it is money, and energy, and everything in a complex. oleksandr morchak's money during the war is already with me. good evening, please. good evening, vasyl, i congratulate the viewers of tiproviy energetika . everything in details in a moment, please wait. i'm oleksandr morchenko, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. unfortunately, emergency blackouts were introduced today in kyiv and the region, as well as in dnipropetrovsk oblast, odesa oblast, and
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donetsk oblast. schedules are not in effect, said the company det. the reason for the restrictions is a difficult situation in the power system. let me remind you that on monday, russia carried out the largest attack on the ukrainian energy system since the beginning of the great invasion. it is now being restored after nine massive enemy shellings. there is an understandable shortage, because outside it's hot, and ukrenergo advises to save electricity and not use it unnecessarily. devices that draw too many kilowatts. continuing the energy topic, the cabinet of ministers canceled a number of taxes and customs procedures for importing equipment for alternative energy. prime minister denys shmyhal announced this today at the ukraine-2024 forum. independence. according to the prime minister, the cabinet of ministers is also constantly working on restoring the power industry damaged by the enemy, so that really... we entered the winter with warmth.
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let's hear the direct speech. the key task is to actually get through next winter, to provide energy to critical infrastructure, people, and our economy. here there are three large-scale vectors, the key task is to actually get through the next winter, to provide energy supply to critical infrastructure, people, and our economy. there are three large-scale vectors of work here, the first is a large generation and... distribution, repair and reconstruction, once again reconstruction, we do it constantly, after every terrorist shelling from the russian side, billions of hryvnias are allocated, equipment is imported into ukraine, it goes coordination, i will not and cannot name the details today, but since october 1, the national bank has temporarily set a monthly limit of uah 150,000 for card transfers, back in may, let me remind you, the nbu spoke... about
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the need for such restrictions, we are talking about yes, the so-called drops, fictitious transfers under sub2pi, well, the national bank estimates these shadow transfers at 200 billion hryvnias per year, the regulator announced that it will handle and establish a final decision regarding these transfers, but we see, it will work from october 1, let me remind you that the national bank. how come in fact, the authorities believe that the so-called drops, that is, the participants in such fictitious operations, are private citizens who trust their bank accounts, bank data, to businesses, and businesses thus try to transfer money through private individuals and thus avoid taxation and pay to the state budget, well, of course, they are trying to find different ways to get out of the shadow of the economy, and this is... one of those directions, well
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, serhii makugon, general director of the company gts operator of ukraine, joins us next in 2019-2022, we are talking about the ukrainian pipe. good evening. good evening. mr. serhiy, ukraine will not renew the contract for the transit of russian gas, but is ready to consider requests from european companies. the president of ukraine spoke about this at a press conference today. in your opinion, should any gas that comes from the russian side anyway be transported through our pipeline? well, i would first like to say that on the transit of energy carriers through ukraine, it is oil and gas, the russian federation is now earns about 11 billion dollars, ukraine earns about 1 billion dollars from transit, and considering the fact that it is going to us... exhaustion,
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well, it seems to me that it is not advisable to continue the transit of both gas and oil, and i am very happy, that today the president said that the transit will not continue. of russian gas, but, well, let's say, i'm a little saddened by the position that some ideas of transit, well, let's say, of azerbaijani gas are being considered. would like to say that there is no free azerbaijani gas, all the azerbaijani gas that is produced, it exported through turkey, through the tonap gas pipeline, which is actually owned by azerbaijan through its companies, and for azerbaijan... it makes no sense to transport its gas through the russian federation and through ukraine, so everyone understands that it will not be any azerbaijani gas, it will be the same russian gas, the same russian molecule, and russia will continue to earn
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billions of dollars from exporting its energy carriers to europe, as it did at the beginning of the sanctions on oil transported by sea, when it’s like russian... you can’t, but if you dilute this oil with another, with another oil, it’s already not russian, well, yes, but if we’re talking about oil, in general, in our case, no one even mixes it, ukraine just transits, will continue to transit russian oil to hungary and slovakia, and it is somewhere around 14 million tons per year, yes, exports of russian oil continue, and i... agreeing that at the beginning of the war it might have made sense to do this, because actually then these countries did not have the opportunity to organize an alternative supply of oil, but it passed after all, 2.5 years, and even during this time they could build such an infrastructure, but
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now they actually show that they did not want to build anything, they want to continue receiving russian oil, and we know that the governments will pay. and hungary, well , let's put it this way, not very loyal to ukraine, and it seems to me that to support the aggression of the russian federation due to the continued transit of russian oil and gas through ukraine, this, this is very wrong at the moment, but still, if european companies will ask ukraine in some way continue the operation of the gas transportation system and continue. to export, well, whether it is azerbaijani gas or russian gas, after all, we are dependent on european partners, in fact, we cannot refuse to say no, freeze, well, our gts will not supply you with blue fuel, what are the alternative ways, options? well, first of all,
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there is no problem to organize an alternative supply of gas, now in europe there are no problems to buy other gas, slovakia, hungary. austria, they can safely buy gas from other sources and to bring it to their country, no one will, there are no such questions now that in fact they have a pipe connected only to ukraine, there are no such problems, they can organize the supply of gas from germany, from italy, from hungary, from greece, therefore that greece has several lng terminals, and can supply all these countries with gas from lng terminals, and none. there are no problems for these countries in alternative supplies of oil and gas, there should only be a desire, so it seems to me that there are no problems for europeans, there are several countries, i have already mentioned them, i have already i named them, these are hungary and slovakia, which
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insist on the continuation of transit and oil and gas and are actually blackmailing ukraine, and as for the general european position, it is known to everyone, it is european, the european union has decided to completely abandon russian energy carriers by 2027. mr. serhiy, i know that when you were the head of the gts operator, you were already working on how the gas transportation system would work and function without russian gas, could it really be profitable and rustless, so to speak, but to work, for example, to work as gas storage facilities, to store fuel. companies on the territory of ukraine? well, of course, our system will continue to work, we have our own production in our country, well, somewhere around 20 billion cubic meters, and i hope that it will increase, and we have to
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transport this gas to our consumers, to underground storage , maybe in the future and for export, so our gas transportation system will continue to work, but we will not transit, and we need... our system, but it will work, our gas storages, it will be possible to transfer gas from europe to our storages, store them there and then give gas back to the europeans, it will all work, no problems. there are no problems for the existence of our gts without russian gas, as for the profitability of our system, we have to understand how the tariff is actually calculated, the gas of the gts is a natural monopoly, and it does not have the task of making a lot of money, the task of the gts is to provide services, and the tariff is very, the tariff is fully adjustable. regulators, and in fact the tariff should simply cover state costs monopolies, this is the principle of operation of gts and
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the principle of operation of any state monopoly, such as regional gas and so on. therefore, let's put it this way, we need to look for other directions of business, and we should not cling to these, let's say, outdated business configurations and help the enemy make money on transit through ukraine. let me remind you that the russians earn 11. annually on the transit of oil and gas through ukraine, we earn only one, and in fact, well, there is no economic sense, about the political sense and the military sense, i generally silent, because he is not there at all. thank you, i really agree that the ukrainian gas transportation system has a future, but without russia. serhiy makugon, the general director of the company, operator of the gts of ukraine in 2019-2022, was a guest of the column about money during the war. i was i will end the broadcast, but vasyl zima will tell a lot more interesting things, stay with us. thank you,
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alexander, thank you to the guest, it is a very important topic and it is important that people are told more, people should understand what is happening, what will happen, what are the risks, what are the threats, well, actually, this is basically what we are always talking about, regardless of what... there is a topic in serhiy rudenko's verdict program, he certainly always tells more and tries to place these accents and find answers to important questions, which questions will seek answers today , sergey, please tell you a word, good evening. good evening, vasyl, we will start the big verdict at 8 p.m., a two-hour verdict, in the first part of our program there will be three guests: yevhen dykiy, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, oleksandr khara, a diplomat and politician expert. volodymyr tsibulko, let's talk about russia's massive missile strikes on the territory
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of ukraine and how kyiv itself is going to respond to the kremlin's aggressive policy. today, zelenskyy spoke about the fact that the course operation, which was launched by the ukrainians on august 6, 2024, is a response to the aggressive policy and aggressive actions of the russians towards ukraine, and the response that is coming. beyond the permission or non-permission from our western partners to use western weapons on the territory of the russian federation. obviously, obviously, those the days and those nights, those mornings that we are experiencing at the end of august, will obviously have consequences for russians as well, at least that is what volodymyr zelenskyy promises. about the situation in the kursk direction, in the pokrovsky direction, about how zelensky is going. to prepare a peace plan and present it to the president of the united states of america joseph biden in september,
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we will talk precisely in the first part of our program, we will also talk about what is currently happening in volodymyr zelensky's team, since today at the press conference the president of ukraine answered questions about oleg tatarov, it turns out that he , together with the current head of the security service of ukraine, vasyl malyuk, killed, as he said, at the beginning of the war. the president of ukraine to the chechens in kyiv and said, what do you now want me to release tatarov, so that he will be killed by a russian, well, this is literally a quote from volodymyr zelenskyi, how the presidential team works, how successfully it works, and how there was a place for such a person in this team deputy, like artem dmytruk, who escaped from ukraine for the weekend, since he was supposed to be charged there with... an attack on a military man and a law enforcement officer, in short, there are enough topics for conversation with
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our experts, i hope that you will be interested, friends. in the second part of our program, we will have people's deputies of ukraine, viktoria syumar, as well as mykyta poturaev and oleksiy kuchyrenko. let's talk about how ukraine can counteract russia's aggressive policy towards. the destruction of the ukrainian energy system, how to avoid this destruction, simply put, a blackout, what decisions should be made the government together with the verkhovna rada. in a word , we will talk about it with the people's deputies, and we will also mention telegram and durov, who was arrested in france, will this somehow affect our policy regarding this platform and our plans regarding the possible restriction of telegram channels, we will talk about all this with the people's deputies of ukraine , so
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we start in 15 minutes, the verdict starts with yevgeny dykky, so until... wait friends, stay for espresso, vasyl's big broadcast of winter continues, vasyl, you have a word. thank you very much, sergey. to things, by the way, well, first of all, there should be at least some confirmation that tatarov, well, i’m not talking about general malyuk, that’s a separate story, he is the head of the sbu and he performs his tasks, so he really fought there, well, no with the chechens, i would say, because it is not necessary to insult the chechens who are fighting on the side of the ukrainian army of sheik mansur's battery, in particular against the russian invaders, but these are kady. how did they get to the center, if they were broken into any of their columns, we remember this story, but on the other hand, if they are released, his russians they will kill the kadyrivites, but how many heroes are there who beat the kadyrivites near kyiv, and they are not in public positions, do not have special security, somehow they live, and no one attacks them, so, well, you just know it when you say about certain people, that they
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participated in hostilities, but they did not take part, let's say, as it turns out, this is simply not respect for those people who left. life in erpen, in buch, in many other settlements around kyiv, in demydov, in other settlements where there were riots, where there were active battles, so these are the things that are definitely not it is worth saying simply so that it is said, to anyone, to anyone, because these are holy things, to fight for one's homeland, to really fight not with words and to give one's life for it, or to shed blood for it. so, we... will gather so that, well, it doesn't flow at all, but so that less of our blood flows, you know, so that enemy blood flows, into the black sea and not only. the espresso tv channel and the vesna charity fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade and also the 110th and 47th mechanized brigades of the armed forces forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction
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every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood until... defended the avdiyiv direction in the spring. the brigades urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. and with your help, we have already collected almost uah 880,000. remember, each of your donations is important, so join in, you can see all the details on the screen. good health, dear ukrainians, we are fighters of the first assault battalion of the third. separate of the assault brigade, who will defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small bpola and komikadze drones, we very much ask for your help, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, so we will continue to donate to
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cultural news, the largest fee in his entire life, serhii zhidan told how much he was paid. for participating in a commercial of one of the public catering chains, it came out a few days ago and really became a surprise, because it is not every day that our writers participate in the advertising of such large corporations. lina chechenina will tell what the fee was and where zhidan will transfer it. len will continue. probably, we must state a very pleasant fact: if earlier, once upon a time, people from our literary community complained that domestic writers were not as popular as they would like, or they did not earn as much money as they would
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like, these times in the past, because we have a precedent, serhiy zhadan, ah... worked with mcdonald's and created together with them commercial, i can't say that he starred in it, because he appears there very little, he wrote and read a poem for this commercial. it is imprudent to mention the declaration. let the world be like a big pie for these children. chaim will be happy, let it be delicious. well, now i'm eager to write. in his social networks, how much was he paid for this, he was paid uah 1 million for this, and zhadan writes that this is his biggest fee, in principle, in his entire life, and he also... added that he will give all this fee like him writes in good hands and for good causes, we have a military man in demand, so it is not difficult to guess that these will most likely be some military
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useful things that will help fight enemies. well, and another cultural victory of ours, i think, because at the burning mank festival, which is such a big festival in the united states, they made of... built, even, i want to say, a big sculpture, an installation by oleksiy sai, it 's called i am fine, when you look at it from afar, it's just so funny, funny, cute inscription: i'm fine, if we approach it, we can see that it is made of shot road signs, mainly tsz, but there are also some gates or elements of cars, but mostly these are road signs, and we.. . we understand that this phrase, yes, is formal, very often has completely different meanings for us now , when we say that everything is fine with me, although
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in fact it is not so, or on the contrary, we are completely sincere in this phrase, because we have already managed to adapt to our conditions, be that as it may, this sculpture, this inscription, this project very much rezoned, first of all, in ukrainian society, a huge number of people started reposting these photographers on social networks. and put yourself even on the covers in social networks, well, of course , it affected the foreign audience , the berlinman audience, i also see on twitter, in particular, many foreign people talking about this sculpture, and it seems to me that this is a very good way of cultural communication with foreigners , because this sculpture evokes respect, empathy, admiration, but not pity, pity in this case is very ... bad works, we need exactly empathy, so that people look at some art, at some work of art, and begin to understand us and begin to sympathize with us, but not to feel sorry for us, but
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to understand the state we are in, and to have a desire to help us further and further. well, i'll say a little about russian propaganda, because it doesn't stop either, and there are a lot of bad samples, by the way. they do it because in our country, well, some people are worried about russian propaganda, they just make a lot of bad series and movies, really, they make a lot of them, in they have a lot of money, but the big budgets are spent on complete crap, because we see for example the box office of many films and they are just extremely low, even z-patriots do not want to see this quality of films, one of the reasons that ... more or less talented authors simply do not want to get involved, even if they are pro-putin, pro-russian, pro-government, they still understand that it is necessary to stay a little further from this, and after all, they have already managed
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to earn enough money before to not get into such and such projects, but less, however, they are currently preparing a comedy series called goodby, the main character, the main character there will be joe biden , played by such an actor... radyuzheva, you know him by a certain inadequacy, maybe because if you look at his interview, the impression is that he is constantly under something not very good. so, he will play joe biden, who comes to russia to see, and personally, why don't the sanctions work, and he is lost there, the cia is losing him, and he has to go live with a simple russian in khrushchevka and earn a return ticket to the states with english lessons. languages, in the meantime, it’s towels, they find some elderly man, they think it’s joe biden and take him to the states, well , here’s such a great plot, it will all be filmed by
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yevgeny nevsky, and we can know him from the series interne, which was successfully shown once we have it on television, but now , thank god, they don't show such a thing anymore, and well, i think that maybe we can track some funny, especially examples of russian propaganda. but our film and series producers should probably remember that to ape russian processes and russian methods of propaganda is probably not worth it, because they don't work, you just need to shoot good films and tv series, and practice has shown that this is exactly what works. thank you very much linia checheni for the cultural news. and i will say goodbye to you until tomorrow at 6:10 p.m., take care, the enemy has attacked ukraine for two nights in a row, both day and night, it is possible that it may happen this
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night, so pay attention to... air warning signals, and of course , it is worth understanding what the weather will be like in ukraine tomorrow, from the fact that i i read it today, precisely from ms. natalka, well , there ukraine is almost in the top of the european heat, well, more details about the weather from natalka didenko, i say goodbye to you, about the 20th verdict, be with espresso, do not leave us. synoptic greetings to all, dear ukrainians, we... today, of course, we will talk, this is the most important thing, about the weather that is expected in the coming days, about magnetic storms, and, as always, all kinds of interesting topics, and since now fruits and vegetables, well, i would even she said, excess and excess, and it is not necessary to get so excited about it, especially to people who have problems with the stomach or in general with digestion, it's very tasty, it's very beautiful and full of vitamins, but, as they say, everything has its own measure and... and
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that's why i decided to talk about buckwheat today, well, it seemed that it could be more familiar, more familiar for ukrainians and more banal, but nevertheless, i have found and prepared all kinds of interesting facts for you, so buckwheat is our favorite without exaggeration, it is an environmentally friendly product and during its growth it does not need absolutely any fertilizers, so you can eat it calmly, proven that consumption of buckwheat porridge leads to an improvement in the psycho-emotional state. work of the brain and, of course, a good mood, well , ukrainians definitely need this, uh, in india and china it is believed that with the help of the river you can influence the biological points in the body, and even to prevent various diseases, they walk barefoot on buckwheat. buckwheat helps with insomnia and sometimes fills pillows with buckwheat husks, on which it is useful to sleep and the sleep will strengthen. of course, buckwheat is a valuable
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source of protein. here is such a warning that it is not recommended to mix buckwheat with sugar, because sugar neutralizes all the benefits of our beloved buckwheat. buckwheat removes harmful cholesterol from the body, we know that there is harmful and harmless, and consumption of buckwheat has a positive effect on blood sugar levels. the level will rise smoothly, if there, for example, it is lowered, or vice versa, in a word, it will balance it. here it is, wonderful, tasty, useful and interesting. the rest is our buckwheat, we go further, and now, well, from such simple and everyday topics , we will move to the upper latitudes of the atmosphere and in general let's see how the magnetic activity of the earth will feel tomorrow, for your attention the forecast chart, it is clear that certain fluctuations will be observed, but so far nothing too powerful is expected, so we just observe once as usual...
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and actually move on to the weather forecast , in general , the weather will still be hot tomorrow, but the strange thing is, tomorrow the lowest air temperature will be in the south of ukraine, but everything is in order, so tomorrow in the western regions of ukraine, the weather is expected to be dry, moderately hot 28-31°, in the northern part of ukraine, in zhytomyr region, kyiv region, chernihiv region, sumy region it will be dry and hot, 30-33°, in some places up to 34... without precipitation, a lot of sun, in the east of ukraine it will also be hot at 31-34°, the influence of the anticyclone will cause dry, sunny weather , and i remind you that such hot and dry weather provokes increased fire danger, in the central part of ukraine it is 30, 35 above zero, there is no precipitation, it is dry, hot, well, no rain is expected,
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unfortunately, in the southern... part of ukraine. tomorrow it will probably be the most interesting part of ukraine from a synoptic point of view, because it is on in the south, short-term rains and thunderstorms are expected , well, in places, obviously, and it is even possible that some light rain will suddenly develop into a heavy downpour, and the air temperature tomorrow in the south of ukraine will be the lowest, +29 + 31°, unbelievable. well , tomorrow it will be hotter in kyiv than in the southern part of ukraine, and so in the northern part. kyiv tomorrow in kyiv it will be 32-33° above zero, precipitation is not expected, it will be dry, sunny, air mass, always follow the espresso channel for accurate weather forecasts. good evening, we are from ukraine. today in the program the verdict from serhiy rudenko. short range.


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