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tv   [untitled]    August 27, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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who wants to block telegram? literally yesterday, we sent iskanders by telegram. our artillery is guided by telegram, our aviation is guided by telegram. whether someone likes it or not, it is a reality. we are at war on the internet. we have, sorry, broadcasts of drones go through discord, we have guidance through telegram, we work with our sources through telegram. and this must be understood, and it must also be taken into account and understood that ukraine is also bound. to telegram, you know, it doesn't exist anymore some kind of neutral thing, which is just a convenient messenger that you can use, no, it is not quite like that, and it is still necessary to solve it somehow, it is necessary to understand that it is possible that everyone throughout the country should be moved to some other messenger, the whole state cannot also be , well, there are all alarm messages, everything goes through telegram and a bunch of government messages go through telegram. services, that
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probably it must end somehow, because with such a situation, with even persecution of telegram by western countries, we can simply find ourselves in such you know, well, absurd situations when we have a messenger that is completely open to the influence of our direct enemy, and we continue to use it, to think that everything is fine and we are somehow protected, no, friends, it does not happen like that. it just doesn't happen that way, so think, see you, red bull, salzburg, dynamo, kyiv, only on mego, on kona, a place in the champions league, and the kyivans will prove that they are worth it, cheer on august 27 at 8 p.m.
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exclusively on mego . the book women at war is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the spirit and letter publishing house. the book that is based on the reports of the presenter of the espresso tv channel khrystyna parubiy. 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. the book is dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military. women at war, search in bookstores of ukraine. with the support of charity. konstantin foundation. allergies, not a lion, will overcome a deer. citylev neo protects against the most common allergens. there are 25% discounts on edem until independence day in the pharmacies psylasnyk, bam and oskad. i congratulate you.
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this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. next frames you may be shocked. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. open and unbiased. you draw your own conclusions. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. project for intelligent and caring. espresso in the evening.
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we met ihor koshchivka in the lobby of the nezlamni rehabilitation center, on the way to our film crew he stopped in front of every colleague and patient to say hello and simply ask how you are doing. we started our conversation on the famous glass bridge that connects hospital buildings. mr. igor remembers, everything started with a small meeting and one sheet of paper. and it grew into a large-scale ecosystem. i clearly remember this building and this building as two separate buildings, and frankly, well, no one expected that they can actually be connected by such an overhead passage, so 73 m. well, really no, i didn't fully believe it. even when i saw the already concreted piles, doubt still crept in about the, you know, completion of it all. but now we have a powerful
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result, so we are talking about a huge team, and this team, you know, what is really cool about that team is that it is like a single whole, here... every link is interconnected and it works as one the whole, that is, from the builder, it would seem, well, it is a building, yes and let's say to the head or student of the department or service. ihor koshchyvka begins his working day with obligatory rituals: greeting colleagues and visiting patients. he smiles that he knows every corner of a large hospital, even with... closed eyes, he rarely happens in his own office, because there is simply no time to sit, ask everyone, greet everyone, yes, go around, let's say, ask banal things, and how slept that
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hurts uh what's wrong this is actually very important to me as a manager and very important actually to our patients so that... they feel that kind of care, that they are really needed, and they don't just lie here and lie there, there is no such thing. currently , most of the patients are military personnel, because on february 24, 2022, the hospital team faced the challenges of war, severe combat injuries and amputations. the war came, and there were more patients, the patients became different. why, because... no one had experience with combat trauma, a lot of patients went abroad for treatment, that is, we also understood that it would not always happen, we also understood that this a kind of challenge, because why is he going
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abroad, or we don’t have time, or we don’t know how to do something, yes, that’s why it was necessary to make sure that ukrainians were actually treated in ukraine, this war, it so... actually consolidated our the entire team, and in fact, we are now a civilian hospital, but we actually work with the military. ihor koshchyvka cannot imagine himself without a team of indomitable people, because he does what he is called to do, but perhaps the most difficult stage for him and his colleagues is the stage when the patient is not yet aware of his life after amputation there are people who have a boyfriend. amputation, but they say, doctor, i have to be in a jet in a month, he doesn’t have two legs, what’s more, he hasn’t healed those wounds and he hasn’t had a prosthesis yet, imagine this request, but for you, he gives you a month for
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something, and not for you, but for the whole team, because the surgeon spreads his hands, well, you can't sew it up early, because it doesn't sew, it, it's just waiting for it to form. yes , so that it heals, so that it is cleansed, and we say to him: sorry for a month, you won't get up and leave, he doesn't accept it, that is, this is one case, but imagine how to approach this person so that you can help him, you want to help him, and he wants you to help him, yes, but he has a clear request, and you cannot cope with his request. he no longer perceives you, so as not to burn out and keep himself in good shape, mr. igor maintains a balance, he calls time spent with loving people in his home as rest, there is an ability to combine work and work, and you personally
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it is clear that we all raise children, we all have a family, for me personally, family is the first place, but i love work very much. so, well, let's say, we live, i don't know, in order to work or work, in order to live, i still haven't figured it out for myself. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion , more than 15,000 wounded ukrainians have been treated here. ihor koshivka emphasizes that prosthetic people are not different, they are not broken, like every specialist of the medical association, which gives faith in life after amputation and rehabilitation. natalya stare right, yuriy melnyk, espresso tv channel. two hours to learn about war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished
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guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. see this week in the collaborators program. illegitimate ministers of the occupied donetsk region. on the territory of the dpr there is a state constitutional guarantee. how traitors build political careers under the auspices of the kremlin. i express my support to the commander-in-chief. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is a collaborator program about traitors who went to serve the russian occupier at the call of their hearts and wallets. in today's edition, i will continue to talk about the bubble ministries that russia is creating in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine and about those who manage them. rashists were created in the donetsk region. 17 illegitimate ministries, some of them are under the control of russian tourers who temporarily moved to
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occupied territories, and some of them are managed by local traitors, who proudly call themselves ministers of the dpr. one of them is mykhailo vasylovich zhaltyakov, born in 1961, a native of kryvyi rih. he is an honored worker of culture of ukraine. we hope that all events planned by the ministry of culture of russia. and the ministry of culture of the donetsk people's republic does everything for the benefit of our republic, for the benefit of the entire great country. mykhailo has two higher educations, but looking ahead, i will say that they did not add to his intelligence, well, maybe an educated person to thank the russian soldiers. i would like to express special words of gratitude and support to our soldiers who defend donbas and the whole of russia in advanced positions. we are sure that... by making efforts under the wise guidance of our leader, we can achieve victory. in 1982, zholtyakov
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graduated from the kharkiv kotlyarevsky institute of arts, majoring in dramatic theater and cinema. he received his second education in 2004, when he graduated from the donetsk state university of management with a degree in business administration. in parallel with his studies, since 2003 mykhailo was the chief specialist of one of the departments. of the donetsk city center of social services for youth, and in 2006 took a position in the department of culture of the donetsk regional state administration, was a leading specialist in the department of arts and educational institutions. in general, mykhailo devoted his whole life to culture. it would seem that this was supposed to instill in him a love for ukrainian national traditions and raise a patriot, but something went wrong. after all, when in the 14th year donbas was occupied by the russian army, zheltyakov. not left the captured territories and stayed in the region, so to speak, to study another
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culture, russian, although there is something to study there, but zhaltyakov liked it very much, here is a video where he stammers with delight, thanks the russian singer shamanov and invites him to sing russian in donetsk. in the person of all residents of the republic, residents of mariupol, residents of donetsk. we hope that in the near future you will be with us in... we wish you creative success, and just like you, we feel like russians. for recognizing himself as a russian, mishka received thanks from in the form of the position of the first deputy minister of culture, the so-called dnr. he organized numerous celebrations in honor of the invaders, rolled out the red carpet and, taking a full chest of air, loudly blew fanfare to personally pay tribute to the murderers. from all employees. of our republic, i express my support to the supreme commander-in-chief, the president
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of the russian federation. with such a striking initiative, zheltyakov did not stay as a deputy for a long time, he became acting minister of culture feykova of the dpr, a higher chair, accordingly, more tasks from the kremlin, full the destruction of ukrainian culture in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. russification of libraries, theaters, promotion of the russian military as heroes, and this is far from... a complete list of his urgent tasks. we want these events to end as soon as possible. and we were all under a peaceful sky, and felt that we were under reliable protection. for his services, zhaltyakov received the title of honored worker of culture of the donetsk people's republic. there is a distinction from the rashists, now the most important distinction remains in the form of suspicion from our law enforcement officers bodies one traitor with a mandate, who believed in russian peace and its prospects, oleksiy serhiyevich shamov, a native of donetsk,
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he is 51. the ministry of justice of the donetsk people's republic also participates in law-making activities, implements the state information system. oleksiy has a law degree. in 2003, he graduated from the donetsk institute of internal affairs at the donetsk national university , majoring in law enforcement. since 2006, he has been in private law practice. he provided his services not only in donetsk, but also throughout ukraine. he was a member of the council of advocates of the donetsk region. shamov also worked in the law enforcement agencies of the donetsk region in the positions of deputy prosecutor and prosecutor, and in the 14th year he opened his own law firm. when the donetsk region was occupied, oleksiy quickly retrained, studied russian laws and began working according to the rules of the russian federation. for all notarial issues , i recommend contacting the notary chamber of the donetsk people's republic, or notaries who carry out their activities on the territory of the donetsk people's republic.
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at first, the traitor provided his legal services to the occupiers and ringleaders of the dpr terrorist organization, for which he... was appointed acting director of the department of registration of normative legal acts of the puppet ministry of justice, later shamov was promoted to the position of deputy minister of justice, the so-called dpr. after years of blind and devoted service to the kremlin, in 2023 he finally earned the seat of the pseudo-minister of justice of the dpr. the ministry of justice will be entrusted with the authority to introduction of the register of municipal normative legal acts. in addition, the seller also received a russian lawyer's license on the telegram page of the so-called ministry. shamov tells the public about how to annul a marriage, how to get a work book in the allegedly liberated territories and how to register a legal entity, all this, of course, according to the laws of the russian federation. we, for our part, advise oleksiy not
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to forget ukrainian laws, especially the criminal procedure code, according to which sooner or later he will be tried for treason . and finally, i will tell you about something else one minister in the dpr, who in peaceful life did not achieve anything in particular, that is why he decided to realize himself at least under the occupiers, using all the talents of a reformer. meet denys ihorovych strelchenko, born in 1976, a native of donetsk. the state constitutional guarantee of the russian federation, the minimum wage, is in effect on the territory of the dpr. almost nothing is known about strelchenko's pre-war life. pomi 's russian media started promoting him when in 2022 denyska was appointed as a fake minister of labor and social policy of the dpr. as a minister, of course, he glorifies the bloody murderer, talks about how the region declined during the time of ukraine, and
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popularizes russian state programs among the local population. cash payment is made on the basis of lists. on the contrary, denysko got himself a harsh prison sentence. we hope that the skills acquired in the fake republic will help his social adaptation in the ukrainian prison. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about the kremlin sellers, write to us here e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors. there was a trace of a russian ship, see you in a week on espresso. oh, i remember, you see, although they say that our memory weakens with age, but i am attentive and remember everything. we
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take the memo effect from dr. tice and feel the difference. the active substances of memo effect improve the functioning of the nervous system and contribute. improves memory and attention, helps to think. there are discounts until independence day on decatel, 15% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. read the august issue of the magazine ukraine. how maidans and the volunteer movement formed a new ukrainian identity. the phenomenon of ukrainian stability. why the enemy underestimated the power of freedom, from the gray zone to the european stronghold. what lesson did ukraine teach the world? ask at press outlets or pre-pay online. the country is in the center of the main events. europast softcaps - first aid against the main field. it starts working in 15 minutes. there are discounts until independence day on carsil pills. 10% in
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psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. fm, galicia. listen to yours. big comeback great lviv. conversations, discussions, finding solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime time. i at all. believes that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. all the most important - every thursday at 21:15 velikiy lviv speaks in the project on the espresso tv channel. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property,
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apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt. about the situation with recovery in different regions of ukraine. about rights, opportunities and personal human experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i am not spending money at the moment. however, how to unite the country in the process of recovery. in the project is a program of urban reconstruction and development, every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. see this week in the collaborators program. fake ministers of the temporarily occupied luhansk region. thanks to the leadership , today our region is flourishing and developing. who received a mandate from the occupiers and is russifying the captured territories? we are for a strong russia, it has only such a future. greetings, i'm olyna. and this is a program of collaborators about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the russian occupiers. in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, russia creates such
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ministries and many collaborators prefer to take positions in these illegitimate bodies there. becoming a minister, deputy or at least director of a department is the main goal of almost every salesperson. today i will tell you about such fake institutions, who runs them and how they are used by the occupiers. let's start with the ministers of the temporarily occupied luhansk region. the first in line for defamation is the so-called minister of culture of the lpr dmytro serhiyevich sidorov. when in september 2013 kyiv sent information that the status of the russian language as a regional language would be banned, it was luhansk, donetsk that were the first regions to say that we think and speak in russian, and if you want to ban it, then we will not on the way this supporter of the russian language and culture is 34. he was born in the city of lysichansk, luhansk region, graduated from the donetsk lyceum with enhanced military and physical training named after bohdan
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khmelnytskyi, later entered the luhansk state academy of culture and arts. when luhansk region was occupied, dmitry became an appreciator of the so-called great russian culture. young sidorov, then he was 24, did not go to the controlled territories of ukraine, but started. build your career under the occupiers. today, three government orders were adopted, which allow us to sign an additional agreement with the ministry of culture of the russian federation. to get a chair in the high offices, you must first prove to the system, that you are worthy of a title, henchman of the kremlin. this is exactly what dmytro set out to do, he started small and became an organizer of sports events under the coat of arms with a chicken. at competitions, he handed out russian diplomas and medals and proudly lifted him up. he listened to the howling of the national anthem of the russian federation with his head, then joined the city center of physical health of the population sport for all under the occupation authorities. fortunately, in
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the liberated territories , the boys are already actively involved in the processes of interaction with sports federations, classes have been resumed in club institutions. with each year of the occupation of luhansk region , the traitor's career went up, well, it seemed so to him, but in reality it hit the bottom. after all, dmytro took the lead. committee on health care, education, culture, sports, tourism and social policy of the so-called lpr. it is not clear how you can lead something that does not exist. but the sand castle that this traitor built for himself, where he is a big official in the pseudo-political arena, is very funny. thanks to the leadership, today our region is flourishing, developing, and we are all investing their contribution to make life better for all our residents. in... in 2017 , leonid pasichnyk, the head of feykovo lpr , appointed sidorov acting minister of culture, sports and youth by his decree. in his chair, dmytro oversees youth
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patriotic movements aimed at promoting the russian world, among the local population and youth, and also accuses ukraine of zombifying children through literature. just listen to this delusional delusion. very serious psychological training was conducted with these people. because they even have fairy tales, even ordinary textbooks in schools, they, in fact, raise a rather cruel generation from children. there is a lot of russophobic, extremist literature, calls for war, calls for blood, calls to kill russians. minister sidorov travels to all kinds of russian forums, develops poor russian culture on the territory of luhansk region, russifies libraries, theaters and cinemas, and glorifies putin's russian army. and the kremlin, in general, the typical routine of a traitor to the motherland. the ministry of internal affairs declared sidorov wanted. he is also on the lists of substation persons, according to the decrees of the present and the past.
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presidents, this is only the beginning, this is the first result, but very soon it may be your end, dmytro, and you will have time behind bars to delve into the wonderful ukrainian culture. the next traitor with the rank of minister, oleg viktorovych shereneshev, born in 1988, hails from krasnodon, luhansk region. we are for a strong russia, it has only such a future. in 2009, oleg graduated from luhansk state university. minister of internal affairs, in 2012 he headed the department for children's affairs of the executive committee of the krasnodon city council, was a ukrainian official, and when the occupiers captured krasnodon in april 2014, shereneshev began serving the rashists. and so inspired that they appointed him the head of the department of physical culture and sports, and last year made him the minister of sports of the so-called luhansk people's republic. our people, citizens, athletes.
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children and people of different ages will be able to take advantage of modern facilities that meet all the technological standards of a sports facility that was previously unavailable in the republic. on modern the sports facilities that shereneshev opens are old defaced gymnasiums built almost a century ago and taken over by the occupiers, where children are driven for propagandistic television images and simulated care for their health, the cracked walls were painted with green paint and here they are - modern innovations in .. elenerivski, of course, thanks to russia, all this. as a respected rashid official, oleshko puffs out his cheeks, calls for support for putin, organizes sports events in honor of buried svo soldiers and forces children to write letters to them all pro-russian activities with simultaneous reports for curators from the kremlin are actively broadcast on social networks. the fact is that every fake russian ministry has a telegram channel, where they actively promote
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the minister, highlighting his work. with the name ministry of sports of the lpr can become an excellent evidence base of shereneshev's treason. with inspiration and special joy, i heard with pride that our president is paying attention to sports and its development. for more than 30 years, sport has not had such support. we really hope that soon there will be someone willing to write an inspired letter to oleg himself, when he is serving his sentence for treason in ukrainian prisons. our next collaborator with the mandate of the minister, makarenko olena serhiyivna, born in 1968, hails from luhansk region. today, the government adopted a resolution on the remuneration of non-state employees. after the occupation of luhansk region, makarenko immediately understood the rules of the russian world and began to implement it, she quickly received the position of minister of labor and social policy feykova lpr. the chair turned out to be so...
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comfortable that the traitor does everything to sit in it as long as possible. this is a large-scale event for the whole of russia. we, as a new region , are voting for the president of the country for the first time, and we are voting for the future, for our happy future. votes for putin, talks about regular shelling from ukraine, popularizes russian programs among the local population. today, the government of the luhansk people's republic adopted a resolution providing for the payment of the annual cash allowance. help until the day of victory. on this one the fan of the bloody dictatorial regime has already received suspicion and a fair sentence from the ukrainian themis. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this email address or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week in eteriso.
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my greetings to you, mr. volodymyr, we are recording this interview for independence day, this year ukraine celebrates its 33rd anniversary, and literally a year before independence started kyiv international institute of sociology, which you head, and you actually had the opportunity to observe the change of public opinion in real time. i just want to discuss and analyze with you today how the self-identification of ukrainians has changed from the first years of independence to the current period, to a country at war. let's start, probably, with what were the views in the early 90s, when
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everything was heading towards the collapse of the soviet union. how did you evaluate then?


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