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tv   [untitled]    August 27, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EEST

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did not sufficiently form the civic concept of a ukrainian, we had in the 14th year in donbas and crimea. just about donbass and crimea, until the 14th year you conducted research there and could assess public opinion. we conducted research, even after some time after the 14th year, we had a group there, we could still in the 15th, 16th, it was just not enough according to many indicators. do you mean conducting polls in crimea or in the occupied parts of donetsk and luhansk regions? well, in crimea, we stopped almost immediately to conduct polls, we conducted one of the most famous polls in donbas for several years, we conducted them in april 2014 and asked how many people would like their region to secede from ukraine and join it. to russia, the data then showed that
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in general in the east, the overwhelming majority, in each of these areas of counter-secession from ukraine, and even in the luhansk and donetsk regions, only 30% supported this idea, despite the fact that there was already a lot of propaganda work going on there and that it was already in april after the crimea. but 70% were against but these 70% were unarmed, and these 30%, in fact, the russians did a lot of work there, the assault groups, the leaders there were strilkov girkin, and so on, well, that is, the minority actually decided the fate of more, the minority under the leadership of russia decided. the fate, in fact, the fate of these events,
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it seems to me that with a different policy there would not be these 30%, but this is already such an abstract question, then we asked their attitude to the departure of crimea to russia, 70% were against it, they did not support the departure crimea to russia, that is, it was actually pro-ukrainian, and not pro-russian, but... regions of ukraine, which simply by means of such a hybrid war, with the help of various ideological, ideological struggles, information war, managed to turn them against ukraine. you say that the majority of people in donetsk region did not support the actions that took place there, the occupation. carried out
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by russia, and if we talk before, for example, in the 90s, at the beginning of independence, did the views of the eastern regions of donetsk and luhansk regions differ from the opinions and public opinion in other parts of ukraine, were there differences, until the 22nd year were very strongly differentiated, in general, but the east and the south were significantly differentiated. from the center and the west according to any parameters, and almost that we did not study, there was a big difference, and in principle , ukraine as a country, as a country located between europe and russia, all the time solved such a geopolitical problem, which way... to go with who should go to europe in an alliance or
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unite with russia, and that's all, that's the main problem, it affected everything else, and in our country , too, the presidents changed, sometimes pro-european, then pro-russian. changes, part of these changes, all the same, despite the orientation towards russia... all the same , ukrainian identity was constantly increasing in donetsk region, luhansk region, in donetsk region and luhansk region, and by the way, how was the identity there, more and more people believed themselves as ukrainians, but they wanted to have friendly relations with russia without visas, and they wanted to have an alliance with russia, the first time there was a change in the 14th year,
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but in the 20th there was simply a catastrophic change, and the same applies to crimea, in crimea the number people who would like to unite with russia into one state, she at first it was less than 50%, and crimea voted for the independence of ukraine, but then problems began, the poverty level grew, disillusionment with independence and the number. began to grow, in 1993-1996 55%, already more than half wanted unification with russia. in 1997-2001, already 66%, that is, 2/3, wanted unification with russia, but then
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economic growth began, the situation improved, already in 2002-2006, the number of people who wanted unification with russia fell to 53 . in 2007-2011 up to 35% and in 2012-2013, before the takeover in crimea, only 20, 21 wanted unification with russia, in fact crimea was captured, it is clear that the referendum held there was fictitious, although i do not rule out that it is possible... this number who wanted unification it increased a lot, but at the beginning of independence, after the collapse of the soviet union, did people, ukrainians, think about moving to europe then, did they have any european guidelines about nato, did they think,
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was there no such question at that time, i think that the european path of development and joining europe was one of the motives for many people secession and independence of ukraine, because they understood that together with russia or as part of the soviet union, it is unlikely that they would be able to join europe and become a european state, but a large part of the people were used to living in the soviet union, and although the majority supported independence, they wanted to have friendly relations with russia. and rather have an alliance with russia, which talked about an independent path - parallel, not joining europe, but also the creation of a normal independent state with its own values, and
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all the time there was such a fluctuation, that is why one was chosen, disappointed, another was chosen, questions about referendums were regularly asked, this... if there was a referendum, one question, you would vote for accession, you would vote for accession to the european union, and the second question, if there was a referendum before joining the customs union with russia and belarus, how would you have voted, in 2000 56% would have voted for the european union, but then this number decreased to 40-45% and... 48 and so on, until the 14th year, the majority was in favor of the customs union, in general, in the 13th year, we spent several times in the 12th-13th year, there
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was always more of the european union, then depending on where yanukovych was going, because in reality, when we studied in more detail, then a third was precisely oriented to... the european union, a third to russia, a third had fluctuations, but still there was a majority, 60% were in favor of the union with russia, only after the 14th year the situation changed and it was the other way around 55-59 , 55-60% in different years, they were for joining europe and about 20-25 for russia, and now what are the numbers for. maybe there are some fluctuations due to the fact that there were some problems, we were not immediately accepted into the european union and so on, but the union with russia disappeared, and the part that has doubts
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about europe, they say rather about an independent path of development , and there are 15, 20% of them. in addition, there are some fluctuations on the 22nd and 23rd, the majority was in favor of europe at first and less in favor. nato, and then vice versa. nato was generally not considered as a path that ukraine should follow. all the same, these are all the horrors about nato, and they are about people who in many respects remained soviet, they influenced them quite strongly. yushchenko and some people were in favor of joining. to nato, but in general this point of view was very unpopular, the data up to 2014 are
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about 15, sometimes 20, 17, here, for example, in 2005, 16% voted for nato in a referendum, and only in 15 year 48, and at the same time, although the majority is for nato, regionally, this is the center... and the west, in the east the majority continued to be against nato, and already in the 22nd year 72% were in favor of nato, and in the 23rd year 89, 90%, and nato is now considered as one possibility for ukraine to have permanent peace, most regrettable. perhaps even now it is difficult to remember that putin was the most
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popular politician in ukraine. putin's support was approximately 60%, but in 2009 , before the elections, at that time, both yanukovych and tymoshenko, the main contenders, had about 30%, twice less than putin, everyone loved russia, nobody mentioned nato, i.e. . in general, it is that putin attacked ukraine because ukraine wants to join nato, this is a complete delusion, but on the contrary, ukraine wanted to join nato only after how putin attacked her. in parallel with the fact that the holiday of independence, independence day became more popular in ukraine, gained more importance, processes of decommunization were taking place, as according to your research it can be estimated... how successful this process was, and in particular, in this context, the question of the attitude towards stalin , i know you
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have been researching it forever, what are the results? the process of decommunization, he went through it, it was quite successful, although it is clear that it should have been started much earlier, the attitude towards stalin is one of those very good indicators in 2019, 23% in ukraine. had a positive attitude towards stalin, in russia 28, i.e. the difference was 5%, and since that time , the positive attitude towards stalin in ukraine fell and decreased to 14, but it radically decreased after the 22nd year, now it is 5, in 23- 4% have a positive attitude towards stalin. but there were processes in russia when stalin
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became more and more popular. 16th - 37%, 18th - 40, 52, 59, but in the 23rd year, 63% of people have a positive attitude towards stalin. moreover, livada center asks another question, who is there the biggest actor. of all times and peoples, and stalin has been there for the last seven or eight years, he has overtaken putin, and he occupies the first place, this characterizes this country very well, because in order to go from an authoritarian to a totalitarian, to a totalitarian regime, i guess you can't criticize the actions that took place. during stalin's time, because you do the same thing, that's why it's such a concerted
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policy about the formation of its public opinion, there are discounts until independence day on citramon 10% free in pharmacies plantain pam and save, there are discounts up to 30% on gelta cream dolgit until independence day. in the pharmacies psylshynik bam and ochad, there are discounts until independence day on karsil tablets of 10% in the pharmacies psyslynyk bam and ochad. the book women at war is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the spirit and letter publishing house, a book based on the reports of the espresso tv channel host khrystyna parubiy, 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. the book is dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military. women at war, search in bookstores of ukraine. by support of the konstantin
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zhivago charitable foundation. there are 25% discounts on estepin in pharmacies until independence day. traveller, bam and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component. serhiy zgurets. but what does the world live on? yuri fizery. with me and time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yury , good evening, two hours to be informed economic news, time to talk about money, oleksandr morchevka was on the field with me during the war, and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to talk, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about cultural news, alina chikhchenina, our tv viewer, is ready to talk, good evening, presenters, who for many have become as if one day is already next to me,
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ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, leader of the crimean tatar people from... in touch, mr. mustafa, greetings, good day, events days in two hours, big vasyl zima's broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news channel reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin. and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world.
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vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smolii and invited fact-based experts. give their assessment and forecast the development of events, want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club, every saturday on espresso. congratulations, the search for 17-year-old sashka ivanov from the donetsk region continues. the boy disappeared. missing as early as february 2022, before the war, sashko was in one of the boarding schools in the city of donetsk, and on february 20, 2022, four days before the start of the full-scale invasion, all the inmates of this boarding school were allegedly taken to russia by the occupation authorities. our grandmother told us about it sashka, who lives in
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the territory controlled by ukraine and is looking for her grandson. we took them out of donetsk. this conversation with sashka's grandmother was recorded more than a year ago, when she said that above all she wanted to find her grandson, and if he was really taken to russia, then to return him to ukraine and take him into custody. the boy's grandmother also said that sashko, after he was taken to russia. allegedly, he was in one of the boarding schools in taganrog or rostov-on-don, in the summer they were taken to yevpatoria. no more information unfortunately, sashko's grandmother did not have one. then the boy's grandmother gave us this photo of her grandson, in which, as you can see, he is still very small. unfortunately, we didn't have any more photos of sashka,
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which made the search process a bit more complicated, because the boy is already a teenager and, of course, could change a lot... visually, but this photo of sashka, where he is at least a little older, helped us get this photo of sashka, where he is at least a little older cyborg community. they got access to the so-called dpr children of donbas official database and already there they found information about sashka ivanova. here is his actual questionnaire: there is a photo of the boy, his personal data and the fact that he really was in the donetsk boarding school. where was registered in 2020. so, the information provided by cyber experts is really important. at the same time, unfortunately, it is still not known from... where exactly sashko ivanov is and whether everything is okay with him, so we have a very high hope that maybe one of you who sees this video will recognize
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the boy and help find him. and although it is possible that sashko was really taken to russia, however, this is currently inaccurate information that is currently being checked, and therefore i am asking absolutely everyone, if you know at least something about sashka ivanov, immediately report to... i heard the line of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630 from all mobile operators in ukraine calls are free. also, it is possible that this program will be seen on the internet in russia, if you know any information about sasha ivanov and can confirm that he is really in russia, then write to us on the website of the child tracing service or on our facebook or instagram. and i want to to note that in the search , any information about the child is important, so let's not be indifferent and let's try to find sashka ivanov together, so i ask each of you, if
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possible, to share this video on your pages in social networks. in general, the deportation of children is a component of the crime of genocide, so i want to note that if you know of any crime against a child, in particular abduction or deportation... do not remain indifferent and immediately report it to the police, or report it to our website, you can even do it anonymously we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish criminals. stop ua.
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the program of the ukrainian voice of america chas time program is broadcast from washington. i am yulia yarmolenko. congratulations. russia will never succeed in ukraine, but the spirit of the ukrainian people. will never be broken, in particular, with these words the us president joe biden commented the day before one of the biggest shelling of ukrainian cities by russia. in his statement, he condemned the attacks and promised that the united states would continue to join forces with more than fifty countries in support of ukraine. he emphasized that the current focus is on air defense and restoration of the damaged energy infrastructure. he once again assured that the united states will be with the ukrainians until victory. after the most recent shelling of russia , calls to the joe biden administration to allow ukraine to hit military targets inside russia using the american
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weapons according to politico , the minister of defense of ukraine rustem umyerov and the head of the presidential office, andriy yermak, may arrive in washington this week to present the us with a list of long-range targets inside russia that could hit the armed forces if washington lifted the restrictions. journalists wrote. on information received from three sources. voa has reached out to the white house for confirmation, but has so far received no response. the policy article says that this whole list should be more detailed to convince administration of the president of the united states, to cancel the ban on the use of american weapons for such strikes. how lifting the ban can change the situation for ukraine and whether we should expect a change in the position of the white house. let's talk about this with my colleague andrii borys, who is joining the broadcast. the ukrainian authorities say that in order to prevent such attacks in the future, it is necessary for the partners to give permission to use the provided weapons for strikes
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deep into russia and also to help jointly shoot down the missiles. does he agree with this opinion? experts you talked to? well, yulia, to begin with, it is important to note the experts with whom i spoke, they say that it is necessary to pay tribute to the armed forces of ukraine and the means. the anti-aircraft defenses they use effectively shoot down about 90% of missiles and objects in the air, as experts explain, not all nato countries can cope with this, but it is really possible to make these shooting down of missiles more effective. for this, three things are needed, and there are three options: first, to give ukraine more means after all, we are talking about defeat about about patriots, about nasams. about irst, and the second is to help ukraine to make its own means, in particular , volodymyr zelenskyi recently announced that ukraine tested its own ballistic missile. for
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buoy strikes in the territory of russia, which can also hit airfields from which russian planes take off, but it is not yet clear what the actual effectiveness of these weapons is, and the third option is what you talked about, in fact, it is to allow ukraine to strike with western weapons , which the western allies are already providing to ukraine, to strike deep into the territory of russia, this is constantly being talked about, and federico barsari, an expert at the center for european political analysis, explains it in detail. why is this necessary, please listen to his direct speech. russia can use missiles and fighter jets, because ukrainian air defense cannot deploy closer to the front line because of the risks. but on the other hand, ukrainian aviation cannot operate in the front-line areas due to the huge presence of russian air defense. a very unequal situation. but at the same time, ukraine surprised russia by attacking an unprotected section of their border in the kursk region.
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in order to get closer to some goals. from the summer airstrips and airfields that russia uses to launch its fighter jets, ukraine is trying to get closer and use long-range rf weapons such as hymers and other means to hit those targets. i mentioned the hymers and the atakams. of course , ukraine will be able to use them if the united states allows kyiv to use them. ukraine could also use the f-16 more effectively to attack ground targets. but for this they need to be placed closer to the front, and for this you also need to send. and russian tactical aviation. andrii, the white house announced the day before that washington's position on the use of american weapons remains unchanged for the time being. and yet, given the history of changes in the position of the biden administration, should we expect that this time, after dozens of nos, we can hear that. yes, indeed, yuliu, there is a constant sound from the ukrainian side of attempts, in fact, to convince
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the american side to... change their position regarding the strikes and at the beginning stated exactly that, about the publication in policy that ukraine will once again try to convince, upon arrival, its representatives will come to washington, here there is another important point that is important to note, volodymyr zelenskyi in his address yesterday spoke about the joint shooting down of russian missile targets, it is actually known that the day before during yesterday's several russian attacks, more precisely unknown... the object flew into the territory of poland and polish means, polish, polish planes were raised in response to the alarm, this object was never found, but i had a logical question experts, does this mean that the western allies are now ready to shoot down russian facilities, missiles, various drones, they say, for now it is unlikely, because they are afraid of a direct confrontation, it is the russians who get po... but
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legitimate permission to strike nato facilities. andriy, why does ukraine insist on using american weapons for strikes deep into russia, or are ukrainian weapons not so effective for strikes deep into russia? indeed, yuli, the question is valid, i asked this question to the experts, namely federik barsari, with whom i communicated, he says: there are indeed many drones in ukraine, there is a point v for strikes, ground, ground. but there is a problem with them, and drones are super slow, they are easy to shoot down, the u-point is an outdated, outdated means of defeat, still soviet, and the russians know well how to shoot it down, so for now, let's go back to the beginning of our conversation, an effective way is with the use of western weapons. andriy, russia continues to impress ukraine with its energy infrastructure, yesterday the white house drew attention to this, they say that before winter russia is again trying to sink
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ukrainians in the dark, what... say experts about how partners can help ukraine protect damaged infrastructure, repair damaged objects and protect infrastructure in general. yes, we talked with julia about this topic with atlantic council analyst suriya jayanti. she cooperates, including with the ukrainian government, and what does she say? probably the most effective for ukraine was the use of so-called small modular reactors, which have been discussed for quite a long time, these are the so-called mini-nuclear reactors. stations that are easy to deploy, they are small, including, by the way, she says, they can be deployed underground, given the russian strikes, but there are two problems with them, so far they are at the development stage, although ukraine is already cooperating with the united states on this issue, and secondly, they are expensive, one such station costs about 3 billion dollars, so for now...


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