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tv   [untitled]    August 28, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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we have, we have to persistently, i will say so correctly, ask, but very persistently, the allies to give us more means of a tangible victory, that's all, nothing more is really needed. thank you, mr. nikita, i understand, mr. oleksiy, you wanted to mention the deputy minister of energy, or not, i even, you read it, well, i won’t even beat you with it, because, well, another deputy, unfortunately, i survived . because it affects the energy sector, you understand, it affects all energy sectors in general, and there are three scandals, not one, unfortunately, unfortunately, let the investigation work, nikita, i i am addressing you and by the way, to mrs. victoria, because i also approached pyotr oleksiiovych, i offered him to do such a thing, look, i myself do not like this constant use, they steal, steal, steal, steal, well, unfortunately, there are simple ukrainians there, they like to believe in this and...
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believe me, the government, unfortunately, both this one and the previous one, and the previous one, give them reasons all the time, well, it’s true, it’s reality, i ’m addressing you, openly, as decent, open professional person, i don't know, with my experience, i personally don't know another of the mechanism for checking the effectiveness of the use of budget funds, than the audit of the accounting chamber, this is a constitutional body, it has in all laws on... what it should do, well, this body issues a verdict on how effectively the money was used. we turned to tymoshenko three months ago to pischanska chamber of accounts with a request to include an inspection, an audit of these energy facilities, a plan and a schedule of their work for this year. pishchanska answered us that they, they do not have labor resources, this letter, by the way, is laid out. me on the page
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you can see, i tell you, there are no labor resources, so they do not consider it necessary to include such a powerful audit in the schedule, which would remove today the question of trust or distrust in terms of energy in the authorities, you understand, well, let's support our appeal to this, and let after all, the pischanska and accounts chamber will conduct this audit for us, maybe in closed mode. they will make a report, we will listen and shake hands with each other, maybe i am wrong, maybe they are stealing at these fortifications, at these shelters and so on, well for some reason, unfortunately, i have such information, and i, unfortunately, assume such a possibility, abuse, let's call it that, abuse and inefficient use of funds, so let's somehow move transparently, so that people's trust in people will... return, because today it is
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a key issue of trust in the authorities and in the energy industry as well. thank you, mrs. victoria, how to restore trust in the government and in energy workers and in the energy industry, those who work in energy companies prove that energy is proven every day and overcome difficulties every week. we are talking about those who manage it a large energy complex. you know, i also think that no transparency tools. i agree with mr. kochurenka, well, they will not be superfluous, from an accounting audit to such a tool as the parliamentary temporary investigative commission, which could listen to all this information. people want to know the truth. by the way, we summoned kubrakov and nayem to the anti-corruption committee regarding the protection of energy facilities, wrote a letter signed by all my colleagues from the motherland, from the servants of the people from the committee, and somehow it coincided that they were actually fired persons, they were responsible for
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the construction of these protective structures there, in order to understand how much money was allocated, whether it was really 10%, as is now heard in the mass media, or more, what sums are in question, how much materials were purchased, in fact, really here, people need to be given a report that the state has done everything that it could, in fact, yes, i think that communication with people today from the government is extremely important, i will allow myself there, for example, some such things, in particular i today i spoke with several mayors about this very issue and asked about critical infrastructure facilities, how far they can be equipped with autonomous power systems, they told me, you know, almost all of our critical infrastructure facilities in cities of regional significance, they have generators, and these generators were provided by our foreign partners, in particular, it is necessary to check them. there on
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the side, as far as there are enough of them there, to understand where we will get the funds, how much money we have for fuel, there for these generators, but it needs to be done, i know several cities have installed autonomous systems. that is, they actually made gas cogeneration, it's no secret there, but for such important nodes that deal with water supply and drainage in large cities. i think the government should really talk to the householders about the fact that there are these zero-rated loans out there today to put solar panels, wind power, all that stuff that can actually cover, maybe small needs, but oh well. including the possibility of creating autonomous generation. so honest the conversation is transparent, it is absolutely ripe today, yes, because, you know, i was also told that we are ready, indeed, in a few days we will overcome the consequences of this shelling, i say, and
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what faith they say, and we are ready to go through the winter, if not there will be new shelling, i asked what is the probability that there will be no new shelling, and everyone says, indeed, it is low. because the tactics of the enemy have long been quite clear, if we understand these tactics of the enemy, let's prepare, let's talk, let's stimulate people, actually to become autonomous in this sense as well, this is certainly not the solution to all problems, but it is certainly not as global as the protection of the entire power grid by air defense systems, but this is one of the ways, and we need to communicate about it with people, with ukrainians already now, with small businesses, thank you ms. victoria, and very... a short topic, literally, i want you to share your impressions about the flight of your colleague artem dmytruk abroad, because such a topic is not at all clear, the person was suspected of criminal to announce, he apparently knew about it and apparently
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somewhere he was taken abroad there to moldova, then he fled to italy, a person who was elected in a single-mandate district, but with the support of the servant of the people and was a member of the servant of the people team, vatnyk, a person who always defended the uoc mp, mr. nikita, what do you think, how or who, who did not work so effectively in order to give dmytruk, dmytrukova, dmytruka, dmytrukov? look, first of all, i was there, there was a question at the beginning, why the authorities are not cleaning themselves well, i want to say that artem dmytruk has been gone for a long time a member of the servant of the people faction. as well as many other respected or not so respected former colleagues of ours, so it cannot be said that we do not deal with it, and secondly, i do not know, and i believe that the competent authorities here should give an assessment of what happened there at the border , i want to say only one thing: i, as a people's
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deputy of ukraine, as a representative of the ruling party, as the head of the parliamentary delegation of the verkhovna rada of ukraine to the osce. i... they spend more time on my passport at the border than on the passports of our compatriots, ours citizens, if i go there through the car front, then i stand at the border for half an hour, and i am happy for the ukrainians who go the same way there in 15 minutes, well , if we do not take into account the queue, if there is a queue at the crossing point , the post itself. to all the formalities, yes, well, personally, i personally feel very uncomfortable that i or my colleagues are there, viktoria or oleksiy, mr. oleksiy, mrs. viktoria, if they drive, that we are passing, we understand, well, i understand ,
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why we have to go through this, i understand, but i really hate it when we go through this the period is long, someone... just takes it and just runs away, and now he will continue to conduct, i am absolutely sure of this, he will continue to conduct anti-ukrainian campaigns there. thank you, mrs. viktoria, if possible briefly, because i don't have much time, literally 30 seconds each, and what can i say here, well, listen, i think everyone understands everything about dmytrouk, but unfortunately, he, by the way, became famous, i made it in the 19th year. it is known, he sat in front of me and constantly shut me down when i said something, commented on the speeches in the parliament, i did not understand who he was, i they said that he was the owner of a sports club from odesa, then his position on the russian orthodox church was obvious, then he decided, you know, to become a refugee and he
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was released from the country, let's be honest, he was simply released from the country, that's it, mr. oleksiy, very in short, because literally 20 seconds remain with us, well, as it turned out, it was confirmed that the border is porous and... it's cynical, you understand, against the background of what is happening cynically, well now, i hope they will find it, but one thing annoys me, there is no answer , why he was suspected for an obvious... crime they started to imitate this handover, well, only in the last days, when he got stuck there completely , thank you, there are really a lot of questions, oleksiy kucherenko, viktoria syumar and nikita poturaev were guests of our program today, thank you ladies and gentlemen for participating in the program, i remind you that during the entire broadcast , we conducted a poll, asking you the following: have you come across hostile propaganda in telegram, so please display the results of our television poll, 63% yes, 37%. it was the verdict program by serhiy rudenko, do date,
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there are discounts until independence day on citramon darnytsia, 10% at podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies, there are discounts until independence day on decateln 15% at podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. few lions can overcome allergies cy3. ts3 lev neo protects against the most common allergens. there are discounts until independence day on linex forte of 15% in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts until independence day on tempalgin 10% tablets in psyllanyk, bam, and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, this is
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a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel for two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, frontline, component, serhiy zgurets, and what the world is about. yuriy fizar, it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money, during the war in senerchevka field. and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to a conversation for two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about news cultural woman, our art watcher, is ready to talk, good evening, presenters, who for many have already become like children next to me, is ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemiliv, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, all. great
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returns of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search for solutions, ukraine's largest conversational format in the evening prime time. i at all i think we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. the most important thing is every thursday at 21:15 in the project. says velikiy lviv on the espresso tv channel. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done so, he would have gone to prison. a special look at the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish is rotting from the head. no, not off the top of my head. but beyond it. and who is china then? me, my heart hurts. all this in an informational marathon. with mykola in september, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m.
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at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. a hellish night attacks ukraine from the air for the second day in a row, an attack on a hotel, an explosion in kyiv, the consequences of airstrikes. in issue. in the dark and light according to the schedule, the state emergency service tells how to survive blackouts, and energy experts say that for a few weeks you will definitely have to forget about... three-time unlimited, which will be the most difficult. tatarov shot at kadyrivtsi together with malyuk, and experts have already tested it new ballistic missile, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy gave a press conference, talked about the kurshchyna and why there is nothing to talk about with putin. there is work, there is a shortage in the government , they told how much the economy needs specialists, but how to fill vacancies and fill the budget, oleksandr morchevka does not know more about this. there is a danger, the head of the magat said, can the kurdistan autonomous region rvo. and under what conditions did rafael grossi visit the kurdish nuclear power plant and will the americans allow
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long-range weapons to be fired deep into the country aggressor, that is, the russian federation, yuriy fizar, about it in detail. my name is vasyl zema, this is the big eteri program for the next hour and 45 minutes, i and my colleagues will talk with you about the most important things, and today we will have a guest in the studio, ilya ponomarov, a russian, now russian-ukrainian politician. and the oppositionist to putin, let me remind you, is the politician, the only member of the state duma of russia, who did not vote for the annexation of crimea. today we will talk with him about kurshchyna, what game or games does he play? lukashenko and why is there nothing to talk about with vladimir putin now? well, that will be a conversation later, but right now i invite serhii zgurets, director of the defense express agency and host of the military summaries of the day column to join us. serhiy, congratulations, i would like to speak to you. i congratulate you, vasyl. greetings to our viewers. today, in our column, we will talk about the first
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use of ukrainian f-16 fighters, about the successful test of the new operational-tactical one. missiles, of course, ukrainian missiles, about the alarming situation on pokrovsky direction and about the use of robotic platforms on the battlefield in a conversation with the manufacturers of these latest systems. more on that in a moment. today we have a day with a number of such disturbing and positive news, which concern both the front, our arsenals, and russian attempts to destroy. our energy system and against the background of the most powerful combined attack of the enemy since the beginning of the large-scale invasion, yesterday was used, let me remind you 127 long-range missiles and 109 kamikaze drones, today 10 missiles and 80 drones, and it became known against the background of the fact that on august 26, for the first time, ukraine
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used western f-16 fighters, or rather ukrainian fighters. 16 to repel this missile attack, this was announced by president volodymyr zelenskyy during a press conference today, he said that as part of a huge missile attack, we shot down some missiles with the help of f-16s and we thank our partners for providing us with these f-16s, - said zelensky. this is extremely important news, because this is actually the first combat use of these multi-purpose aircraft. in ukraine, near this is exactly the scenario at the beginning and it was considered that these aircraft will primarily be used for air defense, this is actually a nato concept, because in nato countries it is the aircraft that carry out the main work of destroying air threats, in addition to them there are already air defense systems, ground sam
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planes in 16 have both radars and missiles, which effectively deal with enemy missiles. and i repeat, this is the first stage of the use of f-16 aircraft by our air forces, and volodymyr zelenskyi announced the almost sensational news that a new ballistic missile was tested, which was being developed by ukrainian enterprises for a long time, zelenskyi said... that this missile passed successful tests, but it is not known when exactly these tests took place, and i will remind you that just a few days ago zelenskyi said that we have a long-range polyanytsia drone, but there are other types of weapons, so these are other types of weapons, exactly, this is what is meant
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by an operational-tactical missile, what exactly is it about, we know that for a long time the southern kb . developed projects under the name sapsan and grim-2, then various indicators were given that this missile can have a range of up to 500 km, the weight of the warhead is 490 kg, we do not know whether these technical indicators have really been preserved, but in any case, an extremely important step related with the fact that progress is being made in our missile program, where, in addition to the polyanytsa, another sample is added to the already... well-known neptune complex, but on the battlefield it will be felt only when these weapons are mass-produced, when our units will have tactics worked out to use such a model of weapons and such weapons will be plenty compared to the same attacks, which we currently have few and which
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we cannot use against enemy targets, i think that we can of course use our rocket without ... limitations, the question is only in the mass production and mass use of these weapons, of course, all this affects what is happening on the front line, because against the background of this positive news there are also disturbing things, first of all, it concerns the pokrovsk direction, pokrovsk is actually such an important logistical hub for us hub, from the maintenance of which depends on our actual situation. in other areas of the front , it is about 12 km to pokrovsk, and now the enemy, using the advantage in manpower and equipment , is approaching this important point. point of our defense, today it became known, a number of sources reported that on the line of grodivka and novogrodivka, the enemy was advancing significantly in
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novogrodivka, this is precisely a significant problem for our line of defense in this area, although yesterday we know that there was a tank of the verkhovna rada , at which it was said that this direction will be strengthened, certain details regarding the protective direction. said today oleksandr syrsky, who also had a certain, let's say, explanation, where he talked about both the kursk direction and the pokrovsky direction, so he said that the enemy on this pokrovsky direction now has an advantage in manpower in equipment, in artillery, aviation, that he is slowly pushing through, although he is suffering significant losses, but there was an idea that, in particular, us... that is, in the kurdish language, would in a certain way affect the diversion of the enemy's forces from this areas, so far this has not happened, but the kurdish direction remains one of such
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important priority military-political actions with actions related to the actions of our leadership, because today there were also comments from the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi about the kurdish direction , that the kursk offensive is an element... of our peace plan, he did not detail how exactly this will be transformed into a peace plan, although it is one of the components, and at the same time it is known that our armed forces are currently advancing in several directions in the kursk region, progress has slowed down a bit, because there are certain areas of resistance, that's what we see now. on the map, where the russian groups are located in the zone where it is controlled by our armed forces on the perimeter, and now the armed forces
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are using their potential to destroy these areas of russian resistance. in any case, we understand that the armed forces will continue to receive this bridgehead, along which line we cannot yet say, but in any case we understand that ee the kurdish direction and further... remains a priority in the actions of our armed forces and defense forces, and further on we will talk about other technical things that relate to - the introduction of new technologies on the battlefield, we talked about such areas that relate to the use of robotic platforms, we know that now a number of companies are producing such samples that are used by our armed forces. forces are produced both in the format of experimental products and in the format of serial products, and now we have a guest joining us, this is igor
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chaykivskyi, the head of the robotic complexes project, this team works in the ternopil region, where the ground-based robotic complex ant was developed, mr. igor, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear the espresso channel on the air. good evening, mr. serhiy, glad to see you. i would like you to tell a little about the practice of using your platforms, and what are the most typical tasks they solve on the battlefield, based on the technical capabilities that you have invested in this development of yours? currently, the tasks we set before our platform are quite modest, but we try to perform these tasks as best as possible, er, the tasks of our robotic... complex are logistical, er , the delivery of ammunition, provisions, er, sometimes our
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platforms themselves perform evacuation tasks, er, so our merits are not yet significant on the battlefield, but i hope that these systems will work more and more and better, well, of course , it all depends on us and on the one who will make decisions on ordering or using them. and are there any reviews from the military who are already using your platforms, here we are, by the way, we see, it seems to be exactly her, your platform, and what feedback, what wishes, what requirements, where to improve this development, you know, i will not talk about feedback, because it will look like pr or self-promotion, but everything - we still have more wishes and... attention to our platform, in fact we are quite critical of our product, we consider it very far from perfection and we want to use as best as possible this time that we
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are currently spending at the front for... to make the system as high-quality as possible and more productive on the battlefield, there are many wishes, there are wishes for communication, there are certain wishes for autonomy of work, so we have more, more, more than enough work to improve and improve our system. well, if there are wishes, then in fact, in order to satisfy them, you need to have either an order, or a certain financial, let's say, basis for ab... to improve the platform, how do you deal with this, do you have an order, or is it further the project is implemented precisely with your funds, well, in fact, a certain insignificant amount we have orders to date, and we are sure that more orders will come, and we can, we can definitely meet the existing capacity for the existing
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order book, and we have the potential to ab... to increase production potentially for of such equipment, which can potentially be ordered, we are very grateful for the help that comes from the ministry of digital transformation, from the ministry of strategic industries, so we actually cannot complain in this situation that we are not being helped, we actually help, there are orders, no... no less than we can produce the number of units of these quarters, but do you have any interaction, horizontal, interaction with other ukrainian companies that develop certain remotely controlled platforms, is there mutual assistance, in order to quickly overcome these or other technical challenges that may arise with this or that project, so mutual assistance and integration of various systems, it exists, er,
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is being done. significant steps on the part of the state in order for this integration and mutual assistance to strengthen and interaction was improving it is clear that this is not enough, but we understand very well that there are certain difficulties, not only in robotics or in others, we have enough problems in other fields, but mutual help and mutual support, of course, there is, we are very grateful and glad , that we can... communicate, we know each other and help each other very much, but is it necessary at the current stage to interact with foreign manufacturers of robotic platforms, because some samples of the armed forces use foreign production, you were on at the arms exhibitions, where i am sure they spoke with partners who also manufacture certain robotic platforms, what have you heard from them, are there any hints of the need for cooperation?
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interaction, i don't want to reveal all the details to you, but there are more than just hints, of course, that ukraine, today , is one of the most progressive countries in the manufacture of not just models or prototypes of combat robots, but we manufacture and use our combat platforms , which is a unique example for most of the country, for most companies that try, or manufacture similar or similar complexes, therefore interaction between such companies and between countries will naturally take place and it will only intensify and deepen, i don’t want to tell the bitter truth, but ukraine also remains a military training ground for testing all their technologies and the capabilities of their equipment, so of course this integration, interaction will only intensify, and what do you think about the fact that
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the ukrainian army ... purchases foreign robotic platforms of one or another level of one or another purpose, as far as it is creates competition for our manufacturers? i wouldn’t talk about the word now, i wouldn’t call the word competition, i wouldn’t use it at all now, we understand and know the procurement mechanisms, and if it is purchased with foreign funds for the needs of the ukrainian army, then we must understand those who pay this money, so we... of course, i and our company support such purchases, we want to get more equipment that will destroy the enemy, so we are in favor with both hands, we then have something to compare with, we have experience in operation, we have sometimes what to grow to or what to compare to, that's why i personally have a very positive attitude towards such purchases, are there any fundamental technical solutions there, nodal, elemental, that we would...


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