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tv   [untitled]    August 28, 2024 1:00pm-1:29pm EEST

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at least 300 km of russian aviation from the conflict zone, kursk is a small trump card in negotiations with putin, i want to say, but for example, blocking any transit through the black sea and, well, suspending russian shipping, this is a good trump card, not to mention blocking shipping on azov as well, so here it is... in fact , it seems to me that the ukrainian authorities do not use even 1.10 of ukraine's capabilities to put pressure on russia. in particular, it is necessary to put pressure on her , first of all, by suspending supplies e components for weapons. next, it should restrict the markets of gas, oil, especially oil. work in every way on the narrowing, but india came and went. as a result of the negotiations
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at renramod, he announced the news in kyiv, so to speak, which was pleasant to the ukrainian ear, because he emphasized the territorial integrity of ukraine, and the ukrainians like it very much, but after the visit to kyiv, did india stop buying russian oil, and this is sponsoring the russian war against ukraine. yes, absolutely true you say sir by owning another topic that is quite relevant today for president zelenskyi is not only the preparation of a peace plan for the upcoming negotiations, but also his team, as it is not surprising, but over the past few days we have been watching his team simply fall to pieces, that is, we see as a servant of the people, the party that he... led to
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victory is spreading around the world, artem dmytruk, a well-known quilter from odesa, a man who attacked a military man and a policeman, fled ukraine even before prosecutor general kostyan announced his suspicion, and this is also very strange, because ruslan stefanchuk says that the parliament will make some decisions regarding the non-factional mandate. people's deputy artem dmytrouk, exclusively within the limits of the constitution, let's listen to what stefanchuk said about dmytrouk's escape. people's deputy dmytruk did not go on any business trip from the verkhovna rada, because there was a lot of talk about it, it was a person who carried out this act, and i understand that it is very far related to the law, precisely because of this, as far as i am informed, the information has already been entered to a single state register. e-e is related to criminal
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proceedings, an investigation is being carried out, and based on the results of the investigation and the results of the decisions made, decisions will be made, including in the ukrainian parliament. i would like to separately emphasize that all this time we have been dealing with the issue of early deprivation of people's deputies and their mandate on the basis of seven points provided for in article 81 of the constitution of ukraine. and we will do so at any time, if there are reasons behind the ukrainian parliament, never was not for in this matter, mr. volodymyr, here is stefanchuk saying, according to the law it should be like this, and according to the law in general, dmytruk should have left ukraine in a completely different way, and not in a trunk somewhere from the odesa region to the territory of moldova, and this is very strange the reaction of the speaker of the parliament, when the people's deputy of ukraine, who was elected in a single-mandate district, but with the support of the servant of the people, he was a candidate from this party, when he starts to speak, well, we'll see how it all should... be according to the law, so he ran away
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but we will adhere to the law, so what does dmytruka's escape prove, in general, this whole story? well, first of all, this story revealed completely reflexive behavior of the authorities, it is frivolous behavior, it is not systemic behavior. yesterday, i told zelensky the composition of the participants of the meeting, i just laughed, well, not to myself. because there is a principle: either the heads of departments are invited, but why here, for example, after inviting the minister of internal affairs, a subordinate of the minister of internal affairs, the head of the state border service, who is invited to the meeting it makes sense if, if you are the technical manager, the political decision in the department is made by the minister. and he goes to meetings with
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the president, that's the first thing, secondly, if you call the head of the state border service, why don't you invite the head of... the state migration service, which is constantly involved in scandals with passport trading. further, if you, well, er, announce this meeting as the protection of national interests, then why is the state, er, border service not present, no, customs, just the head of the border service. service was present, and why not is there a customs service? after all , the american partners, in particular the same peni pritzker , demanded the immediate transfer of the entire customs service to a digital format, and it is precisely through the customs service that several hundred billion
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hryvnias flow out, which are necessary for defense, and it was emphasized that half of apple's products in ukraine are... gray, half of the household appliances that are sold in stores are gray, they are imported under gray schemes, they, that is, and isn’t this the protection of national interests, if we are talking about how to stop the escape of deputies from the servant of the people faction, then i remember that since the middle of the 22nd year , the chairman of the verkhovna rada has at least 15 applications for the appointment of a deputy. powers, and the exit from the servant of the people faction, the main thing is that these are statements about the conclusion of the parliamentary powers, and for some reason the faction and the chairman of the verkhovna rada do not release these people, as if they are political serfs, so i think that in the future
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there will be more and more destruction, we watched the last vote, for example, important and sensitive for society, is about the ban on religious... organizations centered on the country aggressors, and there, for example, 175 deputies from the servants of the people voted for the law, this is their approximate size of the monomajority, there is no, yet, mr. volodymyr, one more small remark of zelensky about oleg tatarov, the person about whom he was constantly told for 5 years of the presidency, today president zelenskyi said that he seemed to take. participation in the elimination of chechens in the capital at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, let's listen to a small fragment. i didn't want to say it, the united states knows it and everyone, oleg tatar, together with vasyl malyuk, killed chechens in ukraine, in kyiv, while you
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were not here. is it not enough to drive him out, drive him out, so that the russians will kill him? if we... can you very briefly, please tell me what zelensky wanted to say? well, as far as i remember, they released trofimov, such a lobbyist of the uoc, but the russians didn't kill him? tatarov is as much a lobbyist for russian interests as trofimov, so it all seems to me that zelensky, i spoke about the reflexivity of his behavior, the impression is that he lives in a parallel. reality and he just, well, let's say it includes the data that is uploaded to him at the last second before the press conference, but the fact that he is nervous and rude to journalists is evidence that this person is not in his place, and it's time to think about
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how, if this person should be changed to a more professional one, yes, and the war does not change him, this is the most important conclusion, at least one can make it, thank you, mr. volodymyr, for the conversation. it was volodymyr tsibulko, a political expert, former people's deputy of ukraine. friends, throughout our broadcast, we conduct surveys, we ask you about such as whether you have encountered hostile propaganda on the telegram platform. preliminary poll results: 63% yes, 37% no. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic and productive in the morning. per day, and with toper matryk you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order a tope for a comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matrix, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it
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zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become a native language to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events... in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovsky and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat "at 10:00 p.m. studio event with anton borkovsky on espresso.
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greetings, friends, the second part of the verdict program is live on the espresso tv channel. my name is serhiy rudenko and for the next 45 minutes we will talk about this. daily missile terror. how to protect against a humanitarian blackout under controlled by the kremlin. twitter and telegram have been in the spotlight due to russian influence. why the durov case caused hysteria in moscow. pro-russian deputies in the verkhovna rada. the leadership of the parliament disowns artem dmytruk's escape. why about this? self-purification in power does not work. friends, we
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work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us there, please subscribe to our pages and also participate in our survey today we ask you this, have you encountered hostile propaganda on the telegram platform, yes, no, and if you have your own opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video. if you watch us telecast. take your smartphone or phone and vote for the numbers, if you have encountered hostile propaganda in telegram 0800 211 381 no 0800 211 380. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, i want to introduce the guests of our studio today, these are the people's deputies of ukraine, victoria syumar, people's deputy of ukraine from european solidarity, member of the parliamentary committee on anti-corruption policy, ms. victoria, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, good evening, mykyta poturaev,
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people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people, head of the parliamentary committee on humanitarian and information policy issues. vice-president of the osce parliamentary assembly. mr. nikita, i congratulate you, thank you for joining the broadcast. good evening. and alexei kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine, first deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on energy and housing and communal affairs. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening, thank you. well, first things first, ladies and gentlemen, as we ask our viewers and viewers about the telegram platform. and after durov, pavel durov, the founder and owner of this platform, was arrested in france, detained in france, we ask our tv viewers whether they encountered with enemy propaganda on telegram, i will ask you too, although i think this rhetorical question is so accurate for you, because you work professionally with information, and have definitely
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seen how the enemy uses this platform, and yet, let's in the format b ... let's try to answer this question, ms. victoria, i think that these are, you know, the harshest examples of enemy propaganda that can be found in telegram, it's not only in the live broadcast of solovyov, which, by the way, he does in telegram , but he hasn't been there in youtube for a long time, but he has broadcasts and studios daily, but unfortunately, there is a lot of such propaganda, which directly refers to the cruel treatment of... ukrainian prisoners of war, in particular, therefore, during the war, it is an extremely serious tool of russia in the war against ukraine. madam, mr. mykyton, please, and thank you, i did not come across it, because i demolished this kremlin sink in the 19th year, watched for exactly two months what
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was happening there, realized that it was a kremlin sink, demolished no one else, never i did not use it, which i recommend to everyone. and surprised only by the fact that there are a lot of colleagues, i will not ask the colleagues who are now on the air with me if they have telegram installed, i am surprised only by the fact that there are a lot of colleagues, both from the legislative and executive branches authorities, as well as from other authorities, all different, did not do the same, did not carry out the telegram and did not address the citizens, as i addressed, with a persistent request and with an explanation that it is necessary to... refuse this poison, but of course that i i saw and still see numerous detailed monitorings, that's why i i know what's going on there, i'm the one with this shit, i'm sorry, i haven't used it since 19, thank you, mr. nikita, mr. oleksiy, you use the telegram channel, well, i can say that i use the telegram channel,
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i have there are no state secrets, but i monitor the information field in telegram. there is a lot of interesting, operational stuff, especially if i need, for example, to find out quickly about the same shellings, then definitely telegram is instant, you just have to read what you want to read, and not read that crap, because i am not very good at something understand, understand to find crap in the world, well, if you want, please, you can find it everywhere, just why read it and all, although i will tell you honestly, in order to understand what is in the heads of dead... russians, i sometimes look there this alcoholic writes, this one is like a leftist , and tsarev is both two, and tsarev is the same , you understand, even if i read, i need to understand what the enemy is breathing and what is in his head, and there is absolutely nothing in this, well, i
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don’t see such a negative thing, well, since, since i i understand that the russians are now, as they say, in galicia. that durov was detained in france, he is accused there of the fact that he did not want to moderate the content, and did not want to cooperate with the french and did not want to disclose information about users suspected of distributing drugs, child pornography and fraud, obviously it is important for the russians now after all extend a hand to durov and even the minister of foreign... affairs of russia sergey lavrov says that durov's detention proved that the developed telegram messenger is a reliable and secure platform, well , he did not just add here that for russians he protection and reliable, now that durov was clearly taken away on someone's advice and threatened with a terrible punishment, expecting, apparently, to somehow get access to the encryption codes,
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now it has already been proven by the actions of the french that telegram is really a reliable and popular network, well, lavrov sent such a greeting to durov and said that pasha, hold on, don’t give anything away, because many russians use this platform, and it was hysterical, but i read it among the warmongers, because they... also use it among those who fight against ukraine, ms. victoria, you passed their at the time of the ban on two russian social networks, vkontakte and classmates, then too, well , there was a very big disturbance in ukrainian society, there was much more, then there was no big war, but you went through this procedure of disconnecting ukrainians from two social networks, is it possible to go through this and ... the story with the telegram, given the fact that it is one that can be used by the russian special services, it
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is used by the russian special services, that's the whole point, i think, this story with the detention of durov, it's just very vividly shed light on everything that is happening, and the hysteria of russian soldiers about the fact that he is the chief of communication of the svo and broadcasts on russian television. that the main targeting of missiles at the concentration of the ukrainian military is carried out with the help of a telegram, all of this has become quite a secret, it is simply not comfortable to talk about it in ukraine, because we have the illusion of many politicians that they control this russian messenger, but i emphasize , this is just an illusion, i never created my telegram channel, i i can only monitor on some devices there. others, what's going on there, i understand very well how this tool works, how convenient it is, it's true, and i'm very sorry that it's used by the ukrainian special services, and they, they really
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use it, and they throw a lot into the monitoring channels information, because it is supposedly convenient, i repeat, it is actually dangerous, it poses a threat, we really went through, we have this experience with vkontakte blocking, vkontakte creator of this social network is also pavlo durov, and you know, these russian tools also work there, which make social networks such as vkontakte and telegram attractive to various propagandists, and because the principle of anonymity really works there, you do not know who is writing this or that content , it's actually convenient for those who want to manipulate the readers and who want to manipulate the masses, there's no regulation, that is, you can throw any fake in there, and there are closed codes... access to a lot of information, and it's just used, you know, people , which spread from the nursery there pornography to the drug trade or other things,
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my acquaintances in germany said, listen, telegram has become so popular in your country because of the news, as a news resource, here all drugs are bought through telegram, and this has become a problem for europe, and that is why the french law enforcement the system is ready... to present, to put it bluntly, these stupid accusations. you know, i don't want to go into any conspiracy theories here, as there is a lot of politics here, the fact remains the fact, there are a lot of cryptocurrencies, the darknet, there are a lot processes is actually carried out through telegram, because, i repeat, the tools of the absence of any regulation are used, and this is a big problem, we must talk about the fact that in a civilized society... the state must have access to the regulation of social networks, and if in we will have the opportunity, i will simply show how it is happening now on the example of many countries, from the united states, to, for example,
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the same turkey, which actually settled the scandal with instagram a week ago, when instagram agreed to the state's conditions regarding content regulation. thank you, ms. victoria, mr. mykyta, your parliamentary committee will initiate restrictions on the work of telegram in... in ukraine. well, first of all, we have mykola knyazhyvskyi's bill. he was supported by quite a few deputies from different factions of the groups. i believe that this bill is too soft. we discussed this with mykola knyazhytskyi today. we will consider it in committee on thursday. i will insist that we develop a parliamentary version. because not because mykola knyazhytskyi is so liberal a telegram? not at all. he was simply drafting a bill. uh, a little bit earlier, when certain problems weren't so acute and not so obvious, i think we need
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tougher solutions there, and so i'm going to ... i'm going to propose that the committee agree to develop a so-called committee text, where we all together, all members of the committee, or almost all of them, will speak with the co-authors and make the text much tougher and more effective, although if there is, i don't know, a proposal from the public, that we go there more liberal, softer the way i i personally do not agree at all. then we can really continue to promote mykolych's law there, it is soft, in my opinion, even too soft, but again, this is not the fault of mykola knyazhytsko, it's just that it was created a little in a different time, a little earlier, that's why , we are ready, and i am personally working on it, and we are involving experts in this work, but i absolutely do not agree with the fact that we have any
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options there. there are no options, we have the option either to do nothing and endure, to endure further, or such networks are rigid, hard just block and by the way this is not just a problem with telegram and i want to say when it's again it's not an accusation it's just a statement of fact for everyone that anyone who... has this app on their phone and uses, even without having your own channel, everyone with their presence there supports this obvious and criminal ecosystem, just because you are there, the fact that you do not have channels does not mean defeating your own state and your own country, that is what is happening, and not there is no need for illusions, and there is no need for illusions from this
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reason according to your conclusion, millions of ukrainians are helping the russians to win, and unfortunately, it is our fault that we did not deal with it more harshly earlier, because there were only isolated voices, experts, investigators that no one wanted to hear, and even more so, over they also mocked us, and they still continue to mock us, well, let's continue to laugh, let's, no, laugh at... no one will be with you, the simple question is that when a large network of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate operates in ukraine, and only now we have decided solution, and in 9 months we will deal with this network, and it also looks very strange, you know, on the one hand, you can say that everyone who has a smartphone and there is telegram is a criminal and supports russia, against the background of the fact that there is a live
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network that works in ukraine. and we say: no, well, we will give them a chance there, and then let them somehow figure out whether they are ukrainian orthodox or not ukrainian, although at the head of this orthodox church is a person who is a member of the holy synod of the russian orthodox church, well it's also some madness, sorry, because it's national safety, mr. sergius, mr. sergius, i certainly do not need to reproach that we did not fight enough against the russian orthodox church, but certainly not to me and not to my colleagues from the committee. but i want to emphasize that it is possible not to go to the moscow priests in the church, but to have a moscow app in your pocket, i don't know what is more dangerous, this is the harsh truth of life and...


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