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tv   [untitled]    August 28, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm EEST

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there is a living network that works in ukraine, and we say: no, well, we will give them a chance there, and then let them figure out somehow whether they are ukrainian orthodox or not ukrainian, although at the head of this orthodox church is a person who is a member of the holy synod of the russian orthodox church, well, this is also some kind of madness, excuse me, because the national is useless to sergius, mr. sergius, i certainly do not need to reproach that we did not fight enough with the russian orthodox church, the truth, of course not... and not to my colleagues on the committee, but i want to, but i i want to, but i want to emphasize the fact that you can not go to the moscow priests in the church, but have a moscow app in your pocket, i don't know what is more dangerous, this is the harsh truth of life, and you have to look it straight in the eyes, thank you, i should tell each other the truth. regarding the fact that in ukraine 80% of people
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use a hostile, hostile product that destroys our state and our country and our, our nation, mr. mykyto, mr. mykyto, give oleksiy kucherenko the opportunity to tell the truth, the whole truth, because oleksiy kucherenko, he said that he uses telegram, the problem, which problem we will discuss, remind me, the problem of the existence of telegram in ukraine and the influence through telegram on... opened telegram, zelenskyi official 735,415 subscribers, yesterday's news about attacks, about how people are saved, this channel is run by the zelenskyi president very carefully, but yesterday, the photos are wonderful, the president's office, well, i believe that if i listened to the fiery fiery speech of mr. paturaev, he is a very... well-known agitator, propagandist,
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such, well , in the best traditions there, doubts no, he, as the head of the profile committee, has every opportunity to hold the relevant meeting, and in the event of a positive decision, to make an official, open, honest, honest, as well as courageous, resolute appeal to president zelensky with a proposal that he close his telegram channel, not lead it and set an example for all ukrainians, it will be... the most correct act in this situation, in my opinion, why should the verkhovna rada decree that such a step is such as the verkhovna rada's resolution to appeal to the nsdc regarding the closure of these social networks, it's the fastest way, and it's definitely very radical, and it exists today, parliament is one of the four bodies that can initiate this decision, so if we have that kind of consensus here with the party in power, i think we can actually hope... that it will be poured
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into some specific decisions, i think it will be a fun discussion in the verkhovna rada in general, a very fun discussion, believe me, people, people will evaluate whether we are in favor of it. well, vkontakte and classmates were closed by the decision of the national security council, that’s right, ms. victoria, by the decision nsdc, the point is that the national security council can impose sanctions in the form of restrictions on the work of one or another media, and in particular a social network, but... then the subject of the submission was the security service of ukraine, but the parliament is also the subject of the submission regarding imposing sanctions, so it depends on who will take this responsibility actually, if we talk about it, but i listened to the president's press conference today, he said that he is against hard methods, so let's talk objectively, we have trichs, nothing not to do, and this indeed, i agree with nikita here, this is a completely unacceptable option, because frankly, we look impotent if we loudly declare here that let's ... everyone
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will stop using, but people will use, it's obvious, everyone is used to it, a lot information and corrupted this information, i'm sorry, but the ukrainian special services, which transferred the main information about the very same missile strikes there, i.e. it is the main, key information there, it should be transferred to other sites that are normal, that the state should organize, yes for starters, so that people there, millions of people, are simply not forced to track whether they are being flown to or from them, the second point, you don't need to use it as a tool, forgive me for throwing fakes, well, it's just a very convenient tool, and let's be frank that anonymous telegram channels are used today, well, we also understand by whom and in whose interests, i will not actively spread about it now, and therefore we have another way, that is to follow the path, as i said, the resolution of the verkhovna rada, in particular the appeal to the national security council, closure, there must be the will of the national security council, whether there is such a will, i don't know, i didn't hear it today, but there is a third way, which the parliament itself can follow. it is indeed through the adoption
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of a draft law that can be made tougher, i agree, but mykola knyazhytskyi's draft law is not bad, because it introduces the same norms regarding telegram that exist today, in particular. television, that is, how the state regulates television, the state says: i want to know who the owner is, this owner must be identified, he must be understood, communicated to the people, i want to know who works in the editorial office directly, where can i go if i believe that false information has been spread against me, and i want to understand in general what funds are used to finance these or other telegram channels, because it is no secret that today, you know, there you can order any jeans, you can place anything on any of your competitors, calculate. with cryptocurrencies, and in fact you don't even contact those who will post that information, you don't need to contact the editors for this, you can just throw money at the crypto-gan and this is mostly how it happens, this bank of, excuse me, wild fake news, wild propaganda, drug trade, and other unnecessary things,
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it must be covered, and what knyazhytsky proposed, well, it is the way to get there , we can make it just a clearly working tool, if there is no political will today with... well, let's hope that this topic will continue to develop, let's not drag it out for a long time, thank you for discussing the topic of telegram, because it really needs to be considered bill and then already decide in the parliamentary hall or turn to the national security and defense council, if there are relevant conclusions of the ukrainian special services, the security service of ukraine, first of all, then we will talk about how the russian federation is currently trying to destroy the power grid. the topic of ukraine, this is an important issue in fact, and obviously, it will be relevant throughout the entire period, the next period of the russian-ukrainian war. denys shmehal, the prime minister of ukraine, says that thanks to the two levels of protection , the ukrainian energy industry has lost little,
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little equipment during yesterday's airstrike, although the enemy used rockets with cluster munitions for the first time. let's listen to what the head of the ukrainian government said. according to the distribution, the objects were mostly hit by drones, there were no rocket strikes, because it was economically impractical for the enemy. yesterday, by the way, the first rocket attacks took place, but they were rockets with cluster ammunition, not daggers, which attacked our distribution substations. accordingly, yesterday, these were dozens of rockets that attacked substations, we from dozens of strikes yesterday in... lost a very small amount of our equipment due to the first and second level of protection, mr. oleksiy, you, as a person who knows for sure what is happening in ukrainian energy and has experience in managing the housing and communal economy and
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the country, and you know this whole system, what can you to say, what solutions are currently lacking or what actions are lacking for the ukrainian authorities? or from the ukrainian authorities so that we clearly understand what will await us in november, december, january, february? look, no one has full information, but me i think that even in the prime minister's office, because there i understand how information travels in the government, it is absolutely not a fact that the prime minister knows exactly about the level of readiness of these avelcretes, about their quality, how much they protected and so on. there was a very complicated scheme of financing, control and so on, even less so. nevertheless, this strike is very non-trivial, it is the first such, despite the fact that there were more powerful, but the fact that it is so combined 236 - missiles and drones, of which 129 missiles, 107
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drones, uavs, e, 201 were shot down , but 35 inflicted this one great damage, so excuse me, well, when the prime minister still says that the consequences there are small, well... well, definitely not small, you see what the situation is, the country was on the verge of a blackout, because they really beat, here you are look at the distribution substation on the kyiv hydroelectric power station, they were on the vyshhorod dam there, the dam was not damaged, i want to reassure you, it is there, well , it is actually impossible to do anything with it there with such blows, it is all nonsense, but this equipment was damaged, but i agree, yes, we can see that it is a pile with... in fact, energy workers can quickly replace or repair what can be repaired, and i can reassure the ukrainians now that this is actually 99% information, that literally in a day or two there will be quite
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strict schedules, well, day by day, then there will be schedules already two queues to disconnect and by the end of the week the consequences will be eliminated, this is definitely positive. the prime minister said correctly that these are missile strikes with these cluster heads, i.e. metal balls, and he protected against this, well, first of all, the second, the second degree of protection. these are concrete bunkers above transformers that were built where there were none, there was damage, but, but i draw your attention, even about 35, respectively, rockets and uavs, which broke through, that is, well, well, how much is 10%, yes , but they caused such damage that a week will make the country a sausage, yes, this is in the summer, it’s so far ugh-ugh-ugh-ugh, but this is such a very serious warning that in the winter, you know, there may be more profound consequences, especially, i repeat, there could be
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a blackout, that is, the distribution of a single energy source part, on the islands, were close to the fact that the energy engineers worked out what to do, well, the same as they did, less stealing in the shelter, in the shelters, if possible, to build these groin fortifications, the main thing, of course, is if it succeeds, what does president zelensky say about... sharing patriots, i believe that five patriots would radically change the situation in terms of, well, power, reliability of defense, and this is a super-task, i think the president understands it well, all diplomats understand it, here it is necessary to work titanically, because it is anti-aircraft defense that is 90% of the guarantee, well normal passing of the winter, 10% is what the energy workers, utility workers do, they do their part. they have a lot of current problems, financial, debt and so on and the like,
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but they are used to it, so they will fulfill their mission, somehow yes, thank you, mr. oleksiy, mr. nikita, do our western partners understand the importance of these challenges , which are in front of us, considering what lies ahead, it will obviously be quite a difficult winter, and president zelensky keeps saying give us... shpo, give us opportunities, give us such resources that would allowed to overcome this energy terror of the russian federation, and in what way this energy terror, how can this energy terror be avoided? well, first of all, i want to support mr. oleksiy, he gave an absolutely comprehensive picture and an excellent analysis, concise, and i urge all viewers to listen to what mr. oleksiy is saying now. he said, uh, including paying attention to the details regarding hydroelectric power and
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substations and so on, uh, with the exception of the fact that mr. oleksii, as a representative of the opposition, well, he says that there is stealing somewhere, well, not bad it would be good to cite some, it is not it is imperative to make examples now, maybe in the parliament, because i have not heard of such examples , on the contrary, we see that which mr. oleksii brought up, absolutely correctly, of the hostile means of impression that attacked ukraine, the fact that we are with the light, it is a miracle in general, this, and this is evidence of how much has been done, and of course, that there is still a lot to be done, so that our energy system, it is huge, it is unfortunately vulnerable, and what we already have now after such a frenzied attack... light, this is again, it is unprecedented, and now what to do next,
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if the partners realize, well, look, at one time, yuri butusa, whose competence i never doubted for a single day, calculated that for the complete protection of the sky ukraine needs 32 batteries, patriots, or analogs, do we have 32 batteries, these are not divisions, i want to emphasize, well, at the moment with... of course not, and our air defense and anti-missile systems, they should cover, except for energy objects , as well as objects of the military industry, we have to understand this, because we are many things we produce ourselves, and we produce such things that our allies do not give us, and we must continue to produce this, and in order to continue to produce, we must protect, and of course, as mr. oleksiy correctly said, president zelenskyi constantly emphasizes and constantly calls on western allies to be reliable . to cover the sky, or after all, to start together with us to protect the ukrainian sky, without
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pretending that rockets and shahedis do not fly into the territory of romania, romania, that rockets and shahedis do not fly into the territory of poland, but together with for us to cover at least the western part of the ukrainian sky, which would significantly improve the situation for us, and also give us more ppu means. ipro, and in fact, in fact, this is a very simple decision, we must continue, as mr. oleksiy kucharenko said, to do what is already being done in the energy sector, to cover our facilities and... we must, we must persevere, i will say so, correctly, to ask, but very persistently, the allies to give us more means of pip victory, that's all, nothing more is really needed. thank you, mr. nikita, i understand mr. oleksiy, did you want to mention the deputy minister of energy, or not, i
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even, you read it, well, i won’t even beat you with it, because well, well, another deputy, unfortunately, i’m worried, because that would it's about energy, you understand, it affects all energy sectors in general, and there are three scandals, not just one, unfortunately, unfortunately, let the investigation work, nikita, i'm turning to you and, by the way, to ms. victoria , because i approached peter oleksiech and offered him to do such a thing, look, i myself do not like this constant use, they steal, steal, steal, steal, well, unfortunately, there are ukrainians there by height, they like to believe in it and... and believe me, well, the government, unfortunately, both this one and the previous one, and the previous one, give them reasons all the time , well, it’s true, it’s a reality, i ’m addressing you openly, as a decent, open professional person, i don’t know, with my experience, i personally don’t know any other mechanism for checking the effectiveness of the use of budget funds than the audit of
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the chamber of accounts, it’s a constitutional body, he has it in all the laws, yes... it is written that he has to do, well, this body makes a verdict on how effectively the money was used, we turned to tymoshenko three months ago to pischanska's chamber of accounts with a request to include an inspection, audit of these energy facilities, a plan and schedule of their work for this year, pischanska replied to us, that they don't have labor resources, i posted this letter, by the way. i'm not on the page, you can look, i'll tell you, there are no labor resources, so they do not consider it necessary to include such a powerful audit in the schedule, which would remove the issue of trust today or mistrust of the authorities in terms of energy, you see, well, let's support our appeal, and let the pischanska and
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accounts chamber conduct this audit for us, maybe in private. regime, they will make a report, we will listen and shake hands with each other, maybe i am wrong, maybe they are stealing at these fortifications, at these shelters and so on, but for some reason, unfortunately, i have such information, and i sorry, i assume such a possibility, abuse, let's call it that, abuse and inefficient use of funds, so let's somehow move transparently so that people trust people. returned, because today this is a key issue, including trust in the authorities and in the energy industry. thank you, mrs. victoria, how to restore trust in the government and in energy workers and in the energy industry, those who work in energy companies prove that energy is proven every day and overcome difficulties every week. we are talking about those who manage this
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large energy complex. you know, i also think that no tools are transparent. and i agree with mr. kochurenka, well, they will not be superfluous, from the accounting audit to such a tool like a parliamentary temporary investigative commission that could listen to all this information, people want to know the truth, by the way, we summoned kubrakov and nayem to the anti-corruption committee regarding the protection of energy facilities, wrote a letter signed by all my colleagues from the homeland, from the hearing people from the committee, and somehow it coincided that these persons were actually released. they were responsible for the construction of these protective structures there, to understand how much money was allocated, is it really 10%, as it is now heard in the media mass information, or more, what amounts are we talking about, how much were the materials purchased for, in fact, it is really necessary to give the people a report that the state did everything that it could, in fact, yes, i think that
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communication with people today from of the government is extremely important, i will allow myself there, for example, some such things, in particular, i spoke today with several mayors precisely about this and asked about critical infrastructure objects, to what extent they can be provided with autonomous power systems, i was told you know, almost all of our critical infrastructure facilities in cities of regional importance have generators, and these generators were provided by our foreign partners, in particular, it is necessary to check... there to the extent that there are enough of them there, to understand where we are we will take funds, as much as we have funds for fuel there for these generators, but it must be done, i know that several cities have established autonomy... topics, that is , they have actually done, well, gas cogeneration, it is not a secret there, but for such important nodes, who deal with water supply and
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drainage in large cities. i think the government should really talk to the householders about the fact that there are these zero-rated loans out there today to put solar panels, wind power, all those things that can actually cover, maybe small needs, but well... give the opportunity to create including autonomous generation. such an honest conversation is transparent, it is absolutely overdue today, yes, because, you know, they told me too, we are ready, really, in a few days we will overcome the consequences of this shelling, i say, and what faith they say, and we are ready to go through the winter, if there are no new shellings, i asked what the probability is that there will be no new shellings, and everyone says, indeed it is, it is not... something, because the tactics of the enemy have been quite clear for a long time, if we understand these tactics of the enemy, let's prepare, let's talk, let's stimulate people, actually become autonomous
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and in this sense, this is certainly not the solution to all problems unambiguously, but and it is certainly not as global as the protection of the whole power grids with air defense systems, but this is one of the ways, and we need to communicate about it with people, with ukrainians already now, with small businesses. thank you, mrs. victoria, and a very... short topic, literally, i want you to share your impressions about the flight of your colleague artem dmytruk abroad, because such a topic is not at all clear, the person was suspected of criminal charges, he seemed to know about this and apparently somewhere he was taken abroad there to moldova, then he fled to italy, a person who was elected in a single-mandate district, but with the support of a servant of the people and was... a member of the team of servants of the people vatnyk, a person who always defended the uoc mp, mr. nikita, what do you think, how or who, who did not work so effectively in order to
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give dmytruk, dmytrukova, dmytruka dmytrukov . look, first of all, i was there, there was a question at the beginning, why the authorities are not cleaning themselves well, i want to say that artem dmytruk is no longer a member of the servant faction. as well as many other respected or not so respected former colleagues of ours, so it cannot be said that we do not do this, but secondly, i don't know, and i believe that the competent authorities should evaluate what happened there at the border, i want to say only one thing: i, as a people's deputy of ukraine, as a representative of the ruling party, as the head of the parliamentary delegation of the verkhovna rada of ukraine to the osce, i ... they spend more time on my passport at the border than on the passports of our compatriots, our citizens, and if i
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go there because of a car break, i stand at the border for half an hour, and i am happy for the ukrainians who go through the same the journey there takes 15 minutes, well, if you do not take into account the queue, if there is a queue at the crossing point, by yourself. for all the formality, well, for me personally, i personally find it very unpleasant that i or my colleagues are there, victoria or oleksiy, mr. oleksiy, mrs. viktoria, if they are driving, that we are passing, we understand, well, i understand why we have to go through it, i understand, but it is very unpleasant for me when we go through such a long transfer, someone... just takes it and just runs away, and now he will continue to lead, i am absolutely sure of this, he will continue to lead anti-ukrainian campaign, thank you ma'am
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viktoria, if possible briefly, because there is not much time, literally 30 seconds each, but what can i say here, well, listen, i think everyone understands everything about dmytrok, but unfortunately, he became famous, by the way, i met him in the 19th year of... it was known, he sat in front of me and constantly shut me down when i said something, i was commenting on speeches in the parliament, i did not understand who he was, i was told that he was the owner of a sports club from odesa, then his position was obvious there in the russian orthodox church, then he decided, you know, to become a refugee and his he was released from the country, let's be honest, he was simply released from the country, this is mr. oleksiy, very briefly, because literally 20 seconds remain with us, well, as it turned out, the border was confirmed. and this is defiant, you understand, against the background of what is happening , cynical, well, now, i hope they will find it, but one thing annoys me, there is no answer, why he is
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suspicious because it is obvious. crime, they began to imitate this handing over, well, only in the last days, when he messed around there completely, there are really a lot of questions, oleksiy kucherenko, viktoriya syumar and nikita poturaev were guests of our program today, thank you ladies and gentlemen for participating in the program, i would like to remind you that during the entire broadcast we conducted a survey, asking you about whether you encountered hostile propaganda in telegram, therefore , please display the results of our television survey on the screen , 63%, yes, 37 no, it was the verdict program, i will introduce serhiy rudenko, goodbye, fm, galicia, listen. own in the hands of a specialist,
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to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into that turn ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. great returns of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search for solutions, ukraine's largest conversational format in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we started it.
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finish and we must win. every thursday at 9:15 p.m. in the project , velikiy lviv talks about the most important things on the espresso tv channel. it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, i greet all viewers of the tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, and now to the most important events. minister minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba will visit poland and belgium on wednesday and thursday, the press service of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine reported. kuleba will first hold bilateral talks with his polish colleague radoslav sikorsky.


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