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tv   [untitled]    August 28, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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every story has its price. ukraine is a country of heroes. we remember. emergency shutdowns in kyiv and four regions of ukraine have been canceled. this is reported by det. so, direct speech, i quote the message. at the direction of ukrenergo, we return to the schedules of stabilization shutdowns in kyiv, kyiv. dnipropetrovsk, odesa and donetsk regions, well, a good signal, we will hope that everything will be according to schedule. well, we inform you about the most important thing, marta uliyarnyk and antin borkovskyi are alive in the espresso studio, and we will now join yevhen khlubistov, professor, dean of the faculty of natural sciences of the national university of kyiv-mohyla academy, and we will talk with him about the situation that happened around of our kyiv city, because the russians tried to attack it, or rather. they
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succeeded, fortunately the situation there is quite safe, that is, there is nothing to worry about now, but what is hydroelectric power station, and in general, what is the situation with other hydroelectric power stations, because today there was information from the general director of ukrhydroenergo, ihor sirota, that there is not a single ukrainian egs in our country that would not be attacked by the russian federation, let's understand that the enemy is now is targeting energy... that is targeting not only our substations, but also our hydroelectric power stations and other energy infrastructure facilities, but i want to remind you that while we are waiting for our guest, you and i must do everything for for our soldiers to attack our enemy, for his plans to be broken, for us to be on the line, so that we wage this war, so that we have the opportunity to win in one or another offensive operation. so that we have
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the opportunity to defend ourselves in the same patronage direction, in other directions, we ask you, please, join the collection, because now it is going very slowly, and we need you to push this collection a little with your donations. let's see the appeal of our soldiers who ask us for help. good health, dear ukrainians, we are fighters of the first assault battalion, the third separate assault brigade, who defend our homeland. on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small anti-aircraft missiles and komikatsi drones, we really ask for your help, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, well, dear tv viewers, if you have such an opportunity, then help our military , if there is no such opportunity, then look for a suitable opportunity, so we understand that there are many...
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things fall on your shoulders, dear viewers of espresso and in general all ukrainians of good will, yes, the sums are considerable, the economic situation in the country is not getting better, but if there is an opportunity, then send a couple of hryvnias, this is an important signal from the president of ukraine: putin is ready for the diplomatic end of the war, on the condition that ukraine loses 30% of its territory. dialogue with this person, we are talking about putin, is impossible. well, we will talk about natural affairs. yevhen khlobestov, professor, dean of the faculty of natural sciences , kyiv-mohyla national university academy. glory to ukraine, mr. professor. thank you for joining us. well, first of all, before, before we move on to a deeper analysis of what we are doing with our facilities, in particular, our hydroelectric plants. next, we would like
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to ask you about the situation, which is extremely disturbing, the legendary ukrainian river seim, yes, which originates in the kursk region and... goes through chernihivska and so on, well it is at least now poisoned, it is difficult to say what, but there were such reports , that it is unlikely that it is only about one or the other pesticides and so on, maybe there was something more, maybe there was a deliberate injection of some or other poisonous substances into the seim river, i say, i do not undertake to judge, because all the information that comes from the relevant sanitary and emergency services... it is quite careful, but there are several such disturbing signals, and we understand that this is possible, if it is really ill will on the part of russia, well, because the sejm takes its beginning again in the territory of the kurdish region, well , something similar, threatening, dangerous, we
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can expect with other rivers, water our arteries, for example, the dnipro river. unfortunately, yes, this problem exists if we are talking about a river. the pollution is coming from the territory of the russian federation, and what is the source of this pollution, it is difficult to say today, because it is necessary to conduct a survey of the water, and this territory is currently under a great risk of military actions, and therefore, of course, the analysis of the water is still problematic. the only thing that can be said is that the russians know very well the various poisons of substances and possibilities. spoil the quality of the water, and therefore if they had such an opportunity, i would not be surprised if they took it. is there such a danger for the dnipro? fortunately, there is no such danger today, because although the dnipro really originates in
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the territory of the smolensk region of the russian federation, it is very small there, the kind of stream that, as the people say, a chicken can cross on foot, and therefore ... it is unlikely that there will be such, well, serious pollution of this water, because the dnieper continues through the territory of belarus, which is supposedly a russia-friendly state, ugh, so i hope that such frank poisonings of the dnipro river should not be expected after all. look, when we talk about polluting substances such as ammonium, how much is this, what is this substance capable of. to be connected, yes, we are not chemists and not biologists here, yes, well, yes, but all the fish, all the fish died not to go to the river, yes, yes, this is mineral fertilizer, this is what is used by farmers, agriculture for yield improvement, and
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it is a poisonous, poisonous substance, it is easiest to take a large amount of mineral fertilizers, dumped directly into the river, or because of... malicious intent or carelessness or negligence, one can already guess, but of course, ammonium is a component of mineral fertilizers, and therefore it is really dangerous when it gets into water, especially in large quantities, just how much ammonium had to be dumped, and maybe not only ammonium, in order to poison the river like that, well, the seim river is a big full-water river, it is chernihiv, sumy oblast, and so on. and here, along the entire course, all the fish sighed, and the river stinks it looks literally lifeless, that is, it actually happened during the battles with russian troops on the territory of kurshchyna.
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well, you know, it's hard for me to say what exactly happened, because the situation is really terrible, and our colleagues from sumy oblast also reported that the river... is actually dead and it's not even pleasant to approach it, but one of the options that you can to predict, it is that somewhere in kurtshchyna in some warehouses, in some places of compact storage there were these mineral fertilizers, well, for example, what is the deadline for their implementation, as they say for farmers, and why not do two great services, get rid of the unnecessary. and triple the river for ukrainians, that is, in principle, it can be. let's talk with you about hpp. unfortunately, we do not have a single one in ukraine that has not been attacked by the russian occupiers, says the general director about the fact that
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more than 130 missile strikes have been carried out on our generation, and we understand that we are losing and will lose a lot. in particular, it is about the extreme blows that were in favor. according to the kyivan hes, what is she, sir evgeny, and is it possible to destroy it thanks to some blows with daggers or some other kind of weapons, or is it possible... to repeat the tragedy of the kakhovsky reservoir and what happened there? ugh. thank you for the question. let's take turns. the kyiv hydrostation and its dam were built in the 60s of the last century. then, according to the technical requirements, it had to withstand a direct hit by a nuclear weapon, a nuclear bomb, directly. greater power than those dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki. and that's why it's so powerful. on the dam, and in order to destroy it, to destroy catastrophically, russia will not
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have enough daggers or other means, that is, it is necessary for there to be some absolutely fantastic coincidence of circumstances and with a huge number of such ground means, well, in fact , we do not consider it even as hypothetical options, what can happen, can happen again, the worst of the real thing is getting into some... approximately the same small section of the dam so that there is some kind of crack, that is, or some size there up to a meter, maybe more, several meters, so that to start leaking water from the kyiv reservoir directly to the dnipro and to kyiv, well, in this case, we predict that there will not be a significant increase in the level. dnipro, if we see how much water from the dnipro near kyiv today, it will
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correspond to a spring flood, that is, an increase in the water level by 80 cm to about 1 mt, it will not be a disaster for the residents of kyiv, so we do not expect any and precisely because of this, we do not expect any catastrophic consequences and horrors, but the fact that they can destroy the generation on... any hydroelectric power station, yes, it is possible, but tell me, what about dnipro hydroelectric power station, it has the same structure as the kyiv hydroelectric power station, that is, it cannot be destroyed from the outside, unless it is an explosion, as was the case with kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station, only if it will be the same as with the korkov hydroelectric dam, only if this dam is controlled by russian troops, a very large amount of explosives will be delivered there, and they must be placed in special places. here is the information for the relevant specialists in the construction of these dams, and then it can be done in essence
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to destroy, under other circumstances it is impossible to destroy the dam, professor, we still have a dam that must withstand a nuclear bomb, we still have the kaniv and dniester hydropower plants, we understand that the enemy has already tried to disable them, we understand, well, i don’t know to what extent they have a high level of power. resistance, yes, well, but you have a word. well, let's put it this way, before the start of the full-scale invasion, the balance of hydropower in the overall energy balance of ukraine was less than 6%. hydropower had regulatory importance, this was the main importance hydropower industry. today, anyway, after the significant destruction of our thermal stations, of course, the importance of hydropower has increased. but all the same, our main source of energy supply today is nuclear energy,
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nuclear power plants, and thus today, well , what can the russians do with the kakovskaya station or with other hydroelectric facilities, the most they can do is damage the technical equipment that is directly engaged in the generation and transmission of electricity, and in this way we will lose the opportunity to generate electricity. exactly with of these hydroelectric plants, will it be an energy disaster for ukraine? fortunately no, but of course, today we have to protect every kilowatt, every unit of generation, so for us today everything that generates electricity, everything is important. thank you for the explanation, yevhen khlubostov, professor and dean of the faculty of natural sciences of the national university of kyiv-mohyla academy was in direct contact with us, we thank him. we move on and we will. to talk about the events that happened this weekend regarding the detention
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pavel durov, the founder of telegram, what is the matter with his arrest, why he was arrested, and what will happen to telegram in ukraine, many ukrainians are concerned and interested, so we will find out all this for you in a couple of minutes. there are discounts on pills until independence day. 15% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. sales progress from unpack tv. screw drill pro. compact, light, powerful, will replace a huge number of expensive professional tools. assemble furniture, hang a picture or a shelf, screw almost anything fasteners, repair machinery and cars, and even screw a self-tapping screw into a metal profile. but it is not only a screwdriver, it is also a convenient and compact drill, it will cope even in the most difficult places, the price is only 499 uah. order now and get flat and cross hardened bits as a gift. the pro works
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travel bam pharmacies and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. big ether. village of winter. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws. but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for?
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leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday. mi 55 in the legal examination program on the espresso tv channel. well, now let's talk about telegram and its founder, detained in france messenger durov, extremely famous in the post-soviet space. maksym dvorovy, head of the digital rights department of the digital security laboratory, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine. maxim, we congratulate you. glory to the heroes, have a good day. so what? the story about telegrams about durov is a story, you know, like about such a huge stuffed fish, that is, it consists of several ingredients, that is, on the one hand, we understand that durov, his business circles are media tycoons, yes, who were able to influence political processes, not only in the russian federation or there, not only in in ukraine, for example, in the same india, where a certain growth
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of the telegram audience was recorded. the second moment is a story, so to speak, about great... competition in the market, we understand that there are western megacorporations that live by their own rules, and there is telegram, which, i don't fully know, in what relationship it is with the kremlin, is he actively lying under the kremlin, or is he trying, so to speak, on the contrary , to slip out from under this influence, and here is the third story that durov, he is a french citizen, and on his private plane, as far as i understand, knowing that he could be detained, he still landed there, but... not, let's say, in the united arab emirates, or in saudi arabia, or in switzerland, well, there in some other country, that is, he went for it, and we can assume. that it is possible that durov himself was not against the fact that the french themis would meet with him earlier than certain petrovy bashirov and the kremlin misars, well
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, this is a very, very complicated multi-component story, well, we would like to ask your opinion on the air , actually can be seen quite a lot of different opinions, why why did this happen, why did he decide to end up in france, because really you... it seems quite strange to decide to fly to a place where you know you're wanted, but still commenting on this i i would rather leave it to the representatives of the special services, those who are more involved in intelligence activities, if we return to the legal component of the accusations brought against him, it has already become a little clearer after the french law enforcement agencies expressed actually published a certain... that had 12 charges that we can see that a-- there are quite legitimate questions about how
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he was operating in the context of france, because we can see quite different charges, from charges, which can clearly be linked to the activities of the platform, from not restricting access to certain types of harmful content, and some accusations, some... refers to the fact that he simply did not fulfill the formal conditions set forth by french law, regarding, for example, certification cryptographic systems, that is , data protection systems, and all this actually creates an interesting space for how the french courts will interpret all these norms regarding complicity in the commission of these crimes and so on, because there were not so many analogues in the world, they usually applied other type of platforms, and where, and where exactly platforms of the same type as telegram would be accused there, for example, of aiding terrorist activities, as it was,
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for example, in the us supreme court in relation to google, and more specifically youtube and twitter, then there stated that complicity in terrorist crimes requires something more than just the fact of creating a platform, so we will watch and observe what facts will be revealed within the framework. mr. maksym, look, but you understand what the matter is, that, well, i am not here now in any way a lawyer for either durov or the french law enforcement officers, just when the terrorists of the islamic state are being recruited through the telegram platform or pedophile materials are being promoted or drug trafficking is organized, and the french police and special services, for example, know about it, and they ask the administration of the platform to give an opportunity. expose these criminals, then they do not cooperate, that is, you know, this kind of evasion of this cooperation, this kind of monitoring of all this, well, it also
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probably has its own legal assessment, but you still understand, the interesting fact is that , that they want to detain not only pavel durov, but also his brother, today information appeared in politics that france issued an arrest warrant for the arrest of mykola durov , the brother of telegram ceo pavel durov, that is, this is their, as i understand it, family business, can these events affect the work of telegram, in particular in ukraine, and is it safe to use it in such a case, if there are certain questions from the western special services to this messenger, but now i will add a little , this is marta ulyarnyk, not wanting to, but maybe it was such a thick trolling, that is , she is engaged in some kind of pr for telegram, so to speak, if the crooked french can't uncork those... here are all the encrypted telegram channels, which means, everyone will say, that we can use by telegram, that's right, marta, you see
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how obscure the password is, well, just kidding, we understand that if the french law enforcement officers complain that they are unable to defeat, so to speak, the encryption system, it means that it is somehow super, super duper sophisticated and cooler than whatsapp, although i know information that, on the contrary, telegram is not a super closed messenger. answer in the complex, and let's start with the impact on the activity, no one in europe will block telegram, because it is not really provided for by any norms of eu legislation, plus blocking entire platforms is very, very frowned upon in europe, due to the fact that it's seen as a potential opportunity to limit free speech, because that's how telegram spreads a huge bunch. for propaganda content, malicious content and so on, but there are users who use it for memes with cats and similar things and similar things, and for the fact that
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telegram did not use it. no action on requests from french law enforcement agencies to assist in the investigation and in particular extradition the data of those who were involved in the trafficking of child pornography, drugs and similar things there, this is one of the allegations, and it looks like it will be easy enough to prove if these requests came, came systematically and there was no systematic cooperation, and also in the news today we could see that... telegram, unlike other platforms, almost never cooperated with public initiatives, for example, which counteracted the spread of child pornography and so on. regarding encryption, we must also remember that a there is no end-to-end encryption like whatsapp in telegram, in the standard version, for this you need to switch secret chats, and therefore i think that part of the accusations may be related to the failure to provide
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information. and about the encryption keys in these secret chats and on the use of telegram, again at the moment i don't see how it will affect, because well, in fact, this is a matter on the territory of france, and accordingly, if it affects in any way the potential privacy there , then it will affect it there, but users should still be aware of it to the risks that many public initiatives talk about, in particular kremlingram, where there is some evidence about ... that telegram may have backdoors to ukrainian users in russia, so if you use unencrypted chats in telegram, then be aware of this risk and be aware that this method of communication is less secure than tuent encryption, which is by default in whatsapp, and it seems that recently they started to implement it in facebook messenger as well, not to mention signal and others are more secure and more, well, actually.
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messengers that are used more in professional fields, which are generally not used by so many users? look, mr. maksym, are there any prospects for regulating telegram's activities in ukraine, right? well, we understand that in order for them to function normally, well, in my opinion, there should be a legal entity that would accept, so to speak, complaints, or, for example, there would be a demand from our law enforcement officers that this or that channel on telegram. so spreads outright fakes, is a cesspool russian provocateurs or agents, yes, well , but it’s called, write to grandfather’s village, or call the rail, that is, who to write to, clearly no one will reach durov, and they do not practice such a thing in principle, as far as i understand, yes, we understand , that there is a war, the situation is serious, so to speak, and here are all the anonymous telegram channels, they very often openly
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work for russia. yes, but we have a minute of time, try to be brief. well, usually seven companies have to build such an infrastructure, and if we look at the european one the union, the act on digital services, just obliges them to build this infrastructure, providing answers to the complaints of users of law enforcement agencies is not important, in ukraine , the ministry of digital transformation is currently developing a draft law that will introduce digital. there are currently consultations with brussels on how to do this in a way that complies with eu law, but with players like telegram who willfully do not cooperate, it will always be difficult because it is difficult to get them to do anything other than blocking, blocking telegram in ukraine is also a topic that requires a separate discussion, a separate weighing of risks regarding whether we need to do it or not. thank you,
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mr. maksym, maksym dvorovy, chairman. the digital rights department of the digital security laboratory was in touch with us and we are moving on already at 4 p.m., which means that it is time for news on the espresso tv channel, and we are giving the floor to irina koval, our wonderful colleague, iro, you have a floor, share what was found out. thank you marta, well, in just a moment i will tell you about the fact that tsk employees now have the right to open fire on damage, under what conditions, you will hear in the release. and there will be a lot of other information, so wait, it's 4 p.m. in ukraine, and to your attention is a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers, so in the case
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of... threats to the lives of territorial employees.


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