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tv   [untitled]    August 28, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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much faster, because it is a turbojet engine, but on the other hand, they cover distances much faster, and this, let's say, shortens the time period for the russians to react to this threat, for example, if we are talking about airfields, then the same morozovsk airfield, there is constantly lately, pilots have been on duty, they have been on duty, and when our drones flew in the direction of the drones in the direction of morozivsk, when they received information that the drones were being detected , the drones flew, they raised their planes, that is, there there was an alarm, the pilots on duty who were on duty went up, they took up su 34 aviation and re-based it in the brain, and there were not always enough pilots, and those planes that remained in morozovsk were directly flown by our drones, but they tried to thus minimizing ee...
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losses among their fighter planes, and in the case of the palyanitsa, they will have much less time to react to these threats, and it will reach the morozovskaya much faster and deliver the corresponding strikes on this object, and this applies not only to airfields, it applies to almost all those targets in which we are interested in destroying, by the way, even oil depots, a very interesting point. because now they are trying to protect their tanks with oil products, with oil products in the net, they are covering them with nets and in this way they are trying to protect them from the average drones that we use to hit these facilities, but if it is about a high-speed target like a sawmill with a turbojet engine, then this one net, well, it won't help at all, well, they spread it. the russians have such information, well,
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well, there is already such information in western sources, that it is as if they started rebasing the aviation, considering even the possible damage by atakams, which have not yet been given the opportunity to fire on russian territory, it is as if the russians are rebasing the information of the aviation on more distant airfields, and they say that's why there is no point in using atakams and there is no point in using other weapons, because they... have already discovered all this, but i understand that when it concerns, for example, the same glades, then this is all rebasing, it somehow also has no meaning anymore, yes, in principle, no, it does not exist, but it also makes it difficult for them to use the same tactical aircraft, because the greater the distance, it needs more fuel, it exhausts more resource. less
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payload can take a plane of the same bombs to fly to the very place of the location where the dropping of these bombs will take place and so on and so on, but the fact that now there is such a refusal, they say, why do you already hit the territory of the russian federation with attacks, they are rebasing their aviation in other directions, well, i do not agree with this, at least because we are not only attacking airfields, there are... warehouses with ammunition, there are command posts, points management, headquarters, in the end, military units, warehouses with equipment, where exactly are the atakams, they would prove themselves very, very effectively, and the kamikaze drone, well, when there is an accumulation of equipment, for example, there are 50 units, 70 units of equipment, well somehow they hit with one drone, hitting a truck there. or
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even bbm, yes, damaged, okay, but when the atakams cluster combat unit on such a large amount of equipment is scattered, dozens of units are damaged at the same time and even dozens of units of this equipment are destroyed, so the refusal, well, to put it mildly, it is so unprofessional, let's call it yes, well, let's still talk about the main, probably such... story, which is currently being discussed, all this capture of novogrodivka is very fast, well, almost in three days, we hoped that it would be longer, and here, let's start why novogorodivka in fact, it is so important, why is this news so irritating, well, in less than three days , the first assault operations on the south-eastern outskirts of novogrodivka took place.
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started on august 21, and now the russians are actually at the railway junction, that is, they do not yet control the mining area and they do not control... novogorodivsk tarikony, but they are almost close to them, they have approached them, that is, they control approximately 95% of the city itself . and this is really such an unpleasant, unpleasant surprise, because grodivka and novogrodivka, they could enter the general line of defense. grodovka, due to the fact that it is located on the zhurab river. which is a natural obstacle, and in the case of the destruction of all bridges and the withdrawal of our troops to the very right bank of the crane, this would allow holding this line of defense, well, for example, how the canal is held now in the temporary yar, and on
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the right bank of the canal, how is the defense held, and below it are already reservoirs and cascades of reservoirs, lakes, reservoirs and... this also prevented the russian invaders from effectively conducting offensive actions, and all these are natural reasons, they close directly to novogrodivka, which already has artificial obstacles, this is a railway, this is a railway junction, and this is directly mines and these are artificial heights, these are terekons, a hill, one of the most of these , the highest in these locations is almost 90 m, and therefore, all of this would have comprehensively created a barrier that would have slowed down, and possibly stopped the russians’ onslaught, but this did not happen, i am really surprised that novogrodivka was so quickly captured by the russian invaders, although
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it was in the turkish-pokrov direction that i already i am not surprised, because ocheretine also had the opportunity to hold the defense for several months, but it was captured. in a few days, in the area of ​​turetska, the eastern frontiers, the eastern lines of defense between horlivka and turetska, and directly in the area of ​​shuma, and they were formed in such a way as to withstand the offensive actions of the enemy for a long time, they could also hold out for several months, but were captured for a few days to a depth of 2.5 km along a front of 5.5 km, so the turkish-pokrov direction is something... i don’t know, very strange in terms of input military operations, but here the question is not so much about the military servicemen, specifically the rank- and-file, a little about other personnel, because the guys are there, it’s true, they hold on, they
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get the most of each position, but there are nuances already with management, management, with the conduct of military operations itself , well, the point is that it concerns all of these points and ocheretina, and shumy, and novogrodivka, well, one could say, these are unorganized positions on which it is impossible to fight, but when we talk about these points, we we are talking, unfortunately, about arranged positions, that is , the arranged positions were left, and here the question arises, after all, why, why is this happening, at least there are some, well at least some versions, that... it was supposed to happen, no, well, this is known, for example, any option, when to raise, the same turk, the turkish agglomeration, the simultaneous rotation of two combat-ready experienced brigades, here is the answer, who does it at the same time, and
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here is the failure of the defense right near turetsk, the west of the russian invaders is very fast within the limits of the agglomeration itself , the situation was the same and near ocheretyn, by the way, there was an immediate rotation, an immediate rotation of a combat-ready unit, and the russians took advantage of this, well, it’s already a kind of, you know, a kind of walking on a rake, because we’ve been hearing about such delights during the rotation, well, since the 22nd year , this is some kind of simply repeating such and such a story, and the second story that is repeated is the movement of the russians along the railway. when for some reason they move there and for some reason every time it is some kind of news literally that they will move there and will definitely pass there and somehow no one is for it, a classic of the soviet offensive, this the classics of the soviet offensive, that is, anyone who has studied or encountered precisely the soviet
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strategy, the tactics of the conduct of the tactics of the conduct of military operations, it is all tied precisely to the railway, the entire movement of russian troops, it is completely... coincides with the soviet system, that is, it traffic along the railway, this is explained by many factors, by the way, it is not unreasonable, it is not only logistics, yes. as you can imagine that this is logistics, it is also related to the soils, where the railway is laid, there are more or less stable soils, and in connection with this, the advancement there for the mechanized component, it is more, let's say, comfortable, that's why the railways were always used in soviet tactics, as the main directions of advancement of the road and railway, well, and i... as you can assume, well, who would have , well, to be
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responsible, who should ensure that every time it is not news that the iron will move, well, along the railway, to somehow be ready for this fact, and secondly, well, actually, not to lose everything after all, the positions are prepared, but who cares about that? responsible, at what level should this responsibility be, well, this... you are talking about the level of responsibility, but it is also at my level to blame someone, there are competent authorities for this, which conduct the appropriate investigation and draw appropriate conclusions, but regarding queues for taturetska, well , it is known, this person no longer holds his position, he was dismissed from his position, but nevertheless he must also be responsible for these failed decisions that were made, then what... to novogrodivka, well here, again, each case, it needs of a separate investigation, because we
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are not talking about, well, actually, not about any jokes, this is serious, there now it is necessary to understand that we are in the stage of a defense -type strategy, as the goal is to exhaust the enemy, how can we exhaust the enemy, exhaust the enemy before ... making every meter of our territory a hell for them, so that they lose much more resources than we do, every settlement, every village must turn into a hell for them, and in fact , in part, as it is, the ravine has turned into for them it is hell, the robot performance has turned into hell for them, the northern direction is hell for them, and again, the serybyansk forestry, the kupinsky estuary... they have many such locations where they lose a huge amount of resources and cannot achieve
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any success. in turn , the turkish-pokrov direction is dissonant, in fact it is dissonant. there are some locations where the meat grinder is really full for russians. well, for example, ah, grodivka, she really turned into a meat grinder for them. vzdvizhenka, meat grinder. now they are trying to get out. on seledov, they stormed seledov, but it turned into a meat grinder for them, and novogrodivka yes, it was difficult for them to pass, but novogrodivka did not turn into the hell that it could have become for them, just like in a thorn tree, and karlivka, karlivka near the karlivsky reservoir has turned into this hell, they can’t do anything about it now, they are constantly storming karlivka, but we can see that the result in them is zero, they are trying now... to bypass it by moving already from novogorodivka to the south, and there are many
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dissonances right here, and it is still necessary to understand, to understand who is to blame for these dissonances that arise, because somewhere it is a really powerful defense, and somewhere, to put it mildly, something is happening it is very strange, well, what are the remaining prospects for the defense of pokrovsk after the loss of novohorodivka, in my opinion... now the main goal of the russians is to create a southern flank, after they entered novohorodivka, and if they continue their movement directly in the direction of pokrovsk, then they have a problem with the southern and northern flanks, well, the northern flank is more or less tied to ocheretyn, the same is the case with the 05:11 track in the zoo, they don't care about it so much. especially taking into account the turkish agglomeration, where the battles are now taking place, but the southern flank, especially
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taking into account not only seledov, but also taking into account hirnyk, izmaivka, kurakhivka, zoryanye, that is, they are accepted by the fact that there may be a breakthrough through the karaliv reservoir and on north along the vovcha river, and then a serious potential may appear the russians are surrounded, so they will... now deal with the formation of the southern flank and it will take some time, that is, the main offensive on pokrovsky itself, it can be postponed, well, somewhere around the end of september to... the beginning of october, although unpredictability and neglect we have already met with human resources on the side of the russian commanders more than once, because now they do not carry out regrouping at all, they constantly create conditions for offensive actions, they have a constant intensity of combat operations in one direction or another, so it is completely maybe they will try to continue their movement immediately in the direction of pokrovsky, although
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, again, without the formation of the southern flank , they will not... dare to launch a full-fledged offensive and storm pokrovsky, well, let's hope that they will not be able to move quickly after that, but you see, the hopes are not so great, thanks to oleksandr kovalenko, the military-political commentator of the information resistance group was with us, well, we have to go on a break now and we will come back with another guest, after that again. laughter, physical activity, sneezing, even during such feminost uro helped me with a small... stress incontinence can make itself felt. thanks to the natural ingredients , feminost uro helps restore control over urination. feminonost uro, urination under control. there are 15% discounts until independence day on linexforte in psyllanyk bam and ochsadny pharmacies. read in the august issue of the magazine kranaya. how maidans and the volunteer movement formed a new
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espresso. we return to the chronicles of war, do not forget about our collection of drones and rap, and we are joined by the fighter pozivnym gus, air scout of the second battalion of the 68th separate hunting brigade, congratulations, thank you for... joining and welcome to our airwaves, good day, eh, well, and probably eh, well, since you are also in the pokrovsky direction, we just talked about it with. .. tell me what is happening there now, what is the situation, what is the situation, because we are only hearing about the fact that there are actually a lot of assaults, what, what kind of
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assaults, what are they assaulting? er, well, actually, the situation does not change, for several weeks, if not more, the assaults are mainly infantry, er, the enemy is long gone uses mass technology. because we were still in the spring, it was in april, may, when they went in columns, they were tank columns, there were armored vehicles, we very actively destroyed them with artillery, fired fpv with drones, they changed their tactics and switched to the tactics of small infantry groups, i.e. combat reconnaissance, two-three-four people, two-three-four runners go and... try, that is, capture, well, recon first and then capture our positions in larger groups, now we
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see that the enemy is already sending such groups, somewhere like one or two departments, 10 people go, 20 men, well, to capture one of our positions or even the entire landing, that is, well, as far as i understand, and... and from what i know, they have a reinforcement, here the infantry component is going, not a weakening, but a reinforcement, that is you can even say that they charge some additional people in general to you there, right? well, it turns out that it is, as far as i understand it. and tell me, well, here, when, when they try to do it, now there is, you can somehow distribute it in such a way that more at night, there, more during the day, there, that is, when, whether, whether it already depends somehow on the weather? from the hour of the day, how is it now? it depends, it depends on a lot of factors
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, and of course they try to do it more often, well, basically according to my observations , there have been no changes in this regard for a long time, closer to the morning, closer to the morning they try to go and it means... . they have changes there, a change of theirs, as it were, of their calculations, of their teams, and at the same time they come forward to storm our positions somewhere early in the morning, this is often the case, but how does it affect our defense, i.e. , that when it comes to leaks small infantry groups, what then... use drones, some other munitions, artillery, that is, what is the best way to deal with this, well, how
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to counter it? mainly, of course, this is a drone component, from our side, it is fpv, drops from other drones, from mavics, we have actually been using this tactic for a long time and against it. small infantry groups, too, because they move quickly, and for the time being, let's say they will be there, a mortar or artillery will be fired at them there, or it can be a grenade launcher, there, let's say, an ags of some kind, here, then, well, just them go faster, and drones are the most effective to use against them. specifically drones, and do they have any way of countering a drone, what can they oppose, what exactly is our drones
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dealing with? of course, they have a variety of countermeasures against drones, means of radio electronic warfare, they also have a trench reb, they also have special infantry, an infantry version of this reb. it fits into backpacks, in principle, these are rather not very large devices, not everyone, absolutely not every group of them has such devices with them, but of course ours it is more difficult for pilots to work when there is a fighter with such a system in the group, and what does she do, she is lonely, well, that is, a drone falls or something, what is she like? how does she solve this problem? yes, it's, well, mostly it's a suppression of the video signal, but less often it's
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a suppression of the control signal as well, but... mostly the video signal, and it's ineffective for them, because our pilots are quite skilled, they can actually coast at the last stage, when they reach the target, they chase the drone, the pilot who controls the drone, the drone by inertia is already going to the target, and as they once said, i go by the tools, here is the picture at this stage not... necessarily, so we fight, hit the targets, despite the fact that they, too, of course, have means of countering drones, and russia always was known in principle, well, powerful powerful means of radio-electronic warfare, but the situation on our side is leveling off, i would say, the situation has been leveling off lately, well, we are also
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now on... collecting, you see, we also have such collection, which is for both drones and rap, so we are also trying to help in this regard, what can we do, but tell me in general, how do you assess the ratio of our and such drones to theirs, well, that is, it is still parity or not parity now, but from your side, this is how i can only speak from my experience from my experience. .. where i am, it is close to parity, yes, it is clear, well, this, this, i would say so, means that it has become a little more difficult for us than it was before, because before this parity still did not exist, yes, yes, yes, it's clear, tell me, i have a little question for you now, well, since you are in this direction, i think that somehow, well,
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you probably also... somehow you are discussing this among yourselves, what do you think allowed the russians to break through near novogrodivka so quickly, and so unexpectedly quickly, after all, they thought that they were lingering there longer, or were there any you have your versions about this, some kind of explanation, i have versions, but... i don't think it's worth expressing them live now, let's say so, well, then yes, could there be any objective to this, no not subjective ones, which are connected with some specific moments, but objectively, well, they use a lot of things there, and it was really difficult, because there were, as far as i understand, equipped positions, it is easier to fight in equipped positions than in some other places, where the very beginning
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was well, they are not very well equipped, there were also objective reasons, and i will say so, even it was still and still remains, certainly, let's say this, not expectations, but the calculation of what will still happen, will be distracted enemy forces to put out the fire at home. and they will be distracted, including from pokrovskaya direction, where the russians are advancing the fastest, well, so far, unfortunately, we are not observing a mass, so to speak, rebasing and transfer of units from the direction of navkurpsk region, belgorod region and so on, and unfortunately, yes, so far it is about the fact that there
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are simply too many of them. ok, unfortunately, our time has run out, we would like to talk even more, thank you very much for joining us, this was a fighter with the call sign gus, an aerial scout of the second battalion of the 68th separate hunting brigade from the pokrovsky direction, and you and i see you in a week, and you stay with the espresso tv channel. it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, and we bring to your attention a news release on the espressu tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. and we start with the situation in kharkiv oblast. the army of the russian federation struck the kav in the afternoon.


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