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tv   [untitled]    August 28, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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ballistic missiles in particular, we must understand that after the 1990s there was only one ballistic missile in service in ukraine, it was a missile of the u-point complex, and later, in 2020 , the neptune sea-based missile actually appeared there. here, but it was still not the so-called operational-tactical missile complex, which is what we are talking about today, and we must understand that the creation from scratch of a completely new missile... complex, well, this is only the design part is about 5 years there, and then all this conversion to serial production is still two to three years, and we have at least 10 years from the start of work to the creation of the first serial samples, this is in the case when all the stars have aligned, there is financing, everything is there, there is no shortage and there is no, for example , security risks, that's why, taking into account that ukraine already had some experience in creating the project. operational-tactical
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missile complex, then the most expedient and fastest, of course, option was to continue the development of those developments that have already were, and based on this, we can clearly conclude that if ukraine received its own missile complex, then this complex is either the already completed sapsanchim 2 complex, or it is some other complex under a different name, but built in principle on the basis of these developments, er, and if zelensky is talking about... the first test passed, does that mean that we will see how these ballistic missiles will be tested on the territory of the russian federation, and what it can be, what distance it can be, on what ballistic missiles can be launched? well, look, there are different types and classes of ballistic missiles, here specifically, if we talk about based on the characteristics of the same grim-2 complex, then for the export version we were talking about order. 300 km, this is due to the fact
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that ukraine was part of the so-called treaty on the non-proliferation of short-medium -range missiles, and that is, it did not have the right to sell complexes with a longer range, that is, and its second component is the so-called version for internal use, which provided for the range is at least 500 km, but we have to understand that they are still such complexes can be modernized, can be increased, for example, the part itself is related specifically to... fuel tanks, i.e. due to, for example, reducing the warhead, or certain optimizations on the missile itself, which can quickly enough increase the radius of this missile to the conditional 800 there km, which is in principle acceptable, that is, from the borders of ukraine with russia and to moscow, this missile can safely fly, let's say to the red square, well, look at the basic one. we understand that the estimate
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was up to 500 km when the complex was built and was designed, that is why it was laid, so as not to create any question once again because of moscow's worries, but today we understand that there are no such questions that would make us think about any worries of moscow, so it is clear that we can create missiles and a longer range, if we talk about 800 km, then this is exactly the range that is necessary to reach most of the key military infrastructure facilities on the territory of moscow. zelensky boasted about another development of the polyanytsia drone missile, and this one the project has been implemented for the last one and a half years, it is said that this drone missile is launched from the ground, and to achieve a long range, it is equipped with a turbojet engine, if possible, tell me what changes everything in the ukrainian-scottish
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war, the existence of such a drone missile, because i i understand this sapsan complex, in order to start mass production and large production, it really takes a lot of time, security moments, financing with a firecracker, everything will be much easier, or i'm wrong, well, look, if we talk directly about polyanytsia, then in principle starting from the characteristics that have already been announced, i.e. the use of a turbojet engine, which gives us the opportunity to estimate the speed of such a means of destruction there of the order of 300 there to 600 km, as a rule, for turbojet engines the speed is, e there is also a whole list of those depicted on the map, which can be impressive, that is, as a rule, we are talking about a range of 500, and maybe even more kilometers, and of course there were certain different assessments of experts who estimated that the combat unit is up to 50 kg there, but not less. according to these
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characteristics, in fact, this means of defeat, although it has certain characteristics with drones, but it is still closer to the so-called cruise missiles. and it probably corresponds to the class of such light or ultralight cruise missiles, here, although of course it can use some elements of a drone, although the cruise missiles today, including those launched by russia, they use a large number of means, which include in drones, it's navigation systems, it's in including optical guidance systems, of course it can be launched both from the ground and, for example, from the air, that is, in principle, it is not an exception, that is why... there is this means of defeat, i would probably classify it more as such an ultra-light cruise missile, that is, the second important component of the relevant means of destruction, still we must understand that it cannot be compared with ballistic missiles, because there is also a different amount of useful weight,
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that is, the warhead itself, which can be delivered, it is also different speed, that is in principle , the russians can intercept a ballistic missile today only with complexes of the s300, s400 type. somewhere around 500, here, other means of destruction will be practically ineffective against such e-e ballistic missiles. as for the means of damage of the polyanitsa type, we already understand that these same complexes are also effective, but there their spectrum will be a little wider, and several soviet complexes can be added there, but at the same time high speed, it is usually the use of a turbojet engine leads to that shooting down such means of destruction, for example, with helicopters or with... exceptional shooting means is completely ineffective, due to the fact that the speed is high, the operators simply do not have time to either catch up with them or target them, that is, we are talking about the fact that the russians will be able to counteract only anti-aircraft missile systems against such means of destruction, another important component, high speed, does not always allow
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the russians to detect these means of destruction in time and take measures to minimize the consequences, that is , we understand that there the flight time is about an hour, maybe an hour and a half. hours, that is, it may not always be enough , even to relocate the planes or protect them at some or other airfields that can be targets for such a means of destruction, that is , ukraine can strike at airfields, at military units, at oil refineries, well that is, any targets that are military targets on the territory of the russian federation, and obviously, in this way, ukraine compensates for this prohibition of our western partners to strike with attacks. themselves on the territory of the russian federation, doesn't it make sense to compare the atakams with the atakams, because the atakams is, after all, a serious enough weapon, a fast weapon that would allow the russian federation to be put in place very quickly. well, look, you can't compare
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ballistic weapons with winged weapons, they are completely different classes, they are different types of power, that is, we understand that atakams can have a cluster warhead, it can have. and directly there fragmentation or armor-piercing, i.e. for the destruction of protected bunkers or shelters, it is clear that the glade does not have such weight, and this is how as a rule, if there is a clearing of up to 50 kg, then there is a combat part of the rocket coms, it can usually be up to 500 kg, from 200 to 500 depending on the type of warhead, that is of course different classes of weapons, closer to the clearing there are actually cruise missiles of the scalp type or stormshadow, but still, they are already such missiles. medium or heavy class, because the warhead is about 200 kg there, that's the first important component, the second important component is that they can carry a so -called penetrating warhead, that is, they can penetrate similarly protected bunkers or to penetrate buildings and then blow them up, that’s the case with the palyanice drone, as far as
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we understand, we are talking about a much simpler and lighter type of ammunition, but nevertheless, of course, it can surgically affect certain critical objects, that is, we understand that the bunker is so unmanned. or an ultralight cruise missile will not be able to destroy or hit, but will be able to destroy aircraft, for example, in open parking lots, warehouses with ammunition, or some critical military infrastructure, such as oil refineries that make fuel for tanks and planes, it can hit absolutely effectively, and by the way, the russians will not have any means of protection against such drones, because to put a multi-layered anti-aircraft missile defense system near each oil refinery is a completely unrealistic goal. thank you, mr. bohdan, for the conversation, this was bohdan dolinze, an aviation expert and manager of the aviation sector. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live, on these
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platforms, please vote in our poll. today we ask you about whether you are ready to abandon the telegram platform. so, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, yes, no, or my own opinion. if you have a separate opinion, please write it in the comments under this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote on 0800 211 381 if you're ready to opt out. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program, we will summarize this voting. next, we are in touch with mykola malomuzh, general of the army of ukraine, head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine in 2005-10, adviser to the president of ukraine. mr. general, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes. mr. general, let's start ours. the language of the kurdish operation, the kurdish breakthrough, the kurdish counteroffensive of the armed forces of ukraine, what do
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you think ukraine is seeking in this operation, military operation, and how can russia respond to this? well, first of all, we are talking about other approaches, this is something that has been around for a long time discussed in our broadcasts, it is a change in the strategy of warfare, one of those elements that the enemy does not expect. russia imposed a constantly protracted war on us along the entire front, singling out 11 sectors where it attacks systematically, such as pokrovsky, kramatorsk, taretsky, other directions, and it is clear that in this way they tried to exhaust our forces, gradually occupy individual settlements and move on , seizing donetsk and luhansk regions, has long predicted that it is necessary to act, as putin likes to say asymmetrically, but... on the other hand, this is a new strategy for striking the enemy, and this is on the territory
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of the russian federation, in those directions where the enemy is not in the territory of the occupied territories, and it can be complex actions, therefore, a blow to the steeple is one from the elements of a large-scale operation already by our armed forces, i predict that there will be a continuation of the attack on the territory of russia and in the occupied territories, where the enemy is not waiting, where there are no fortified areas and where there is a prospect of an offensive. therefore, course direction is the first element of this strategy, the second situation, we devalued the possibility of an offensive from kurshchyna to the sumy region, this is such a practical, but strategic task, on the other hand, from the lower number of military facilities, military formations, on the possibility of accumulating ammunition equipment, they took control of logistics, this is the second component and format, as we say legal, because we thought for a long time. and ours, and even the russians, that this was so, and we say, it is not only the destruction of
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the terrorist enemy's reserves, but the formation of that buffer zone, this is the security zone that putin talked about, that he would like to form on the territory of ukraine at a distance from 0 to 100 km, all the way to kharkiv, and we accordingly went ahead and made this buffer vision on the territory of kurshchyna, it could be bigorshchyna, bryanshchyna, other regions, but why not do it, this what prejudges, for example, on... today on our cities and villages from a close distance, now the enemy must place his firepower 50-100 km away, and aviation capabilities, not 80-100 km away, but 200 and beyond, it is clear that in this situation we have a strategic perspective withdrawal of the enemy's reserves, not what we are talking about, everything is pokrovskaya, there putin gave instructions not to change anything, that is, on the contrary , to build up so that there are possible offensive opportunities, but... but the reserves that come from russia are now being thrown to the ground,
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a part was removed from the kharkiv region, from kherson region, respectively from zaporizhia region, well , of course , troops were moved from the kaliningrad region, so at the moment this is another strategic goal - to weaken the enemy, especially there are reserves, to reorient in another direction and of course, to destroy in this direction, but already forming fortified areas as a buffer zone and , of course, preventing the enemy from unblocking just... and constantly hanging over his strategic objects, besides, we will not storm, for example, a chicken from kas, but to hide at a distance from spangles, which will really create a problem for them and the possibility of power outages, all the same format of blocking logistical corridors and blowing up bridges and encircling the grouping, this is the second format, well, of course, this is a clear model, to glorify putin's regime and what we have already done, we showed that putin... has lost his way, so to speak, uh, exactly the model he says that no one
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will ever give up, no one will enter, no one will ever return to russian land failed, right with a bang, frankly, because he didn't even know what to say, the first days, i say that this is some kind of sabotage group, we will quickly crack down, but then they do not know how to form military units and commands, first an anti-terrorist operation , and then accordingly created a coordination headquarters with the participation of the ministry of defense and the fsb, and for some reason the governor's office, does not trust the specific one. putin is trying to present all this as a terrorist attack by the ukrainian army, and it is clear that he is trying not
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to call it all a war, and what is happening in kurshchyna is called a counter- terrorist operation, but they are now trying to play this trump card with the kursk nuclear plant power plant, because at the request and request of moscow, the head of the magathe, raphael grossi, came to kurchatov, and after inspecting the kursk nuclear power plant, he announced the danger of a nuclear accident due to hostilities in the kursk region. let's hear what the money said? i was told about the... the drones, i was shown some traces of these attacks on the station, and in addition to that, the fact that we have military activity a few kilometers away, a few miles away, makes the station an object of immediate attention, a reactor core that contains nuclear material, protected by an ordinary roof, this makes it
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extremely open and vulnerable, for example, to an artillery... strike, a drone attack or a missile. mr. general, can the russians use the current situation to create provocations when they deliberately do will they themselves attack this kursk nuclear power plant, in order to present ukrainians as nuclear terrorists? first of all, we saw, on the first day, we announced that they were preparing such provocations, strikes on the nuclear power plant itself, well, without consequences, because this, first of all... will give a powerful impulse to russia, and radiation and everything else , it should reach all the way to moscow, so they will try to provoke us to hit us with these drones, and then, accordingly, tell them that these are ukrainian drones, they have chinese drones, similar to those that we partially use, therefore, in this situation, they will definitely do it, and they have already done it once already, they
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are already looking for drones there, they are looking for drones, i 'll say it directly, he didn't arrive in zaporizhzhia in grosin. hostilities and did not say that the terrorists who specifically attacked the zaporozhye train station should not be near here at all, this is objectivity, so we offer money so that there is no provocation and for him to say that they were not in danger, let them be there , increases the contingent directly at the kurchatov railway station and in this way will ensure security, international control, this is a specific way out and will see who hits, on the other hand, this is clear in order to avoid provocation, we must point them out and warn them that... is preparing and not only in kurchatov style, this is a very important strategic object object, but also carrying out attacks on the civilian population, they are already carrying out attacks on their own cities and villages with rockets, it is clear, changing clothes was already an operation, we broke it into the form of ukrainians carrying out terrorist actions and of course other operations on, for example ,
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murders, they would like to attribute to us that we, like them, carry out terrorist attacks, such as the buch type and in other populated areas, when... we entered, that is, it will not succeed, we simply reveal them at each stage, at each form of action provocations, first of all, i understand the nuclear power plant, but we ourselves offer international means of control, guarantees that we adhere to on our part, let us understandably use guarantees from other participants as well, especially countries that have powerful means of control, space, radiological, respectively radioactive elements, er, technical intelligence systems. cyber intelligence, what should be recorded by drones, missiles, artillery, rocket-mortar systems, where they are coming from, who launches them, and i think such a systematic daily control, this is precisely the counteraction of these prophets at the station, here exactly let russia say , that we are ready for anything, for such total control, not only to the rich, who
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will be pushed what he wanted to see money, or provided by putin, on her instructions, develops the scenario accordingly. how to defeat us in nuclear terrorism. regarding nuclear terrorism, the russians demonstrate this nuclear terrorism and the seizure of the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant and threats to the world regarding the use of nuclear weapons and to ukraine and to the whole world. during these two or three weeks of the offensive of ukraine in the kursk region. we have repeatedly heard that officials in one way or another. russia is talking about the fact that we will change the concept of using nuclear weapons, we will think about the answer, what should be our answer, in your opinion. mr. general, will russia dare to use nuclear weapons during the russian-ukrainian war? well , first of all, we see that putin really
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got scared and sees that we specifically entered the territory of russia, and this is not one of the acts, but may be just a continuation of not only the territory of russia, but also the occupied territory, where we can inflict strategic strikes, where the enemy is not expecting, there are no such fortified areas, dragon's teeth, everything else, and this... there should also be crimea and the south, other sectors, and this is already a real fall of the regime, so they see today that kursk is already real a blow to those i will say frankly, the possibility of powerful use of weapons and equipment, which is the question today, will be reported by our foreign partners, and they act as if on prejudice, indicating that if we are already advancing on the territory of russia and the occupied territories, and foreign partners will provide we are allowed to strike on russian territory, it will already be ... another red line regarding the use of nuclear weapons, so putin launched lavrov, the minister of foreign affairs of russia, who has already indicated that the concept of russian defense will be changed, especially from
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the use of nuclear weapons, but the most important situation, if russia will prepare, for example, tactical strikes, that is, tactical weapons, let alone prepare ballistic ones, it has already been warned by the usa, britain, france, and nato as a whole. by china, india, turkey, other countries, that its use is inadmissible, because then it remains one on one with the global countries, the countries of the nuclear club, who do not want to die too, who do not want to be destroyed in a global nuclear war, respectively, so at the moment it will be a very big focus for partners not only of nato, but also of third countries that have nuclear weapons, the potential of control, therefore they will threaten, will demonstrate deployment, even and... frankly, but it is unlikely that they will be used, because then russia already becomes a direct target for applying preemptive or post-shock
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formats, respectively, and this is already a nuclear war and the destruction of russia as well, that putin does not want to die one hundred percent, well, maybe, accordingly, and see the consequences for other countries, they will also already think about themselves, not only about ukraine, so i think that they are now raising the level of threats, especially pointing to a change in the end. of nuclear security, yes, but its use is unlikely, but it will not be passive, when it is constantly on everything, especially the operational channel, which is very sensitive, because the external rhetoric can be anything, but as it happens directly to putin, through the channel, for example, berz naryshkin, the head of russian intelligence through the channel, for example, the head of the pentagon, according to bilousov, that they really use all resources. not to underestimate the blows for a moment deployment, this works specifically, because putin, i will say directly, knowing, uh, only feels the power, but not theoretically, but in reality,
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when there will be, not only warnings, but the deployment of all means in terms of preventing nuclear strikes, this will be guarantee, the most important one, that putin will not use either tactical or ballistic nuclear weapons, mr. general, ukrainian officials are going to... go to washington, in particular, the head of the office of the president of ukraine andriy yermak, in order to convince the americans that ukraine can use attacks when hitting the territory of the russian federation, the american institute for the study of war counted 245 military facilities on the territory of russia that could be stormed, that could be hit by ukraine using long-range western weapons, while only 16 of these facilities, i.e.... a little more than 6 % are airbases, why do you think our western partners avoid this
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decision regarding strikes by ukrainians on the territory of the russian federation, because it gives the impression that our western partners are guarantors of the security not of ukraine, but of russia? well, first of all, the same factor that we are talking about they said, they are afraid. global confrontations, that is, escalations, as they say, conflicts, and not a conflict, but a real war is going on, that is already at the global level, especially between russia, then and nato, so they really blow cold water, eh, they constantly limit us from using high-precision missile systems and especially the provision of a large number of them, both air defense systems to stop a terrorist attack, and strike missile systems, and the person is still partially passive, this is great. retreat models that devalue strikes and redirect both ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, and drones of any type, this is something that is not refined, i say frankly that this is
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not only an ineffective model. in terms of fear of russia, but it is not yet permissible to use the latest weapons of the fifth-sixth generation technology, which would quickly solve the problems and prevent attacks on us every night and every day, which happened these two days in a row, and this constantly, on peaceful citizens , on ahmadiyyat, on energy facilities, on everything, well , of course, on the military, this is something that today is not a sufficient model of consolidation of forces at the strategic level, and here... actively with them to work and convince that this is their protection and not destruction, respectively, or not in the weakening of russia until the surrender, so to speak, of their potential, this is exit from the territory, accordingly, the signing of agreements on peaceful, so to speak, and its disarmament process, especially of russia, this is a prospect, but the beginning can be on the battlefield in ukraine, and here we will solve the issues of our state and defense and the civilized world,
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here it is necessary to... perform more actively, so that they take such steps step by step, without fear and provided massively and systematically, that is for now no, the alternative is our drones, we are already talking about a large number of up to 2 million, they can all be ballistic up to 200 km, you don’t need to ask anyone, and there can be hundreds and thousands of them, strike not at 147 objects, but at 300 and 500 objects, as well as our tactical missiles, not only... drones, for example, polyanytsia, this is one format, or a ballistic missile, well, it's just funny, here we are talking about kb pivdenne, kb luchnik and producing hundreds per month , and in a year thousands of different types of missiles and to cover, like kb pivdnye, all the way to petropavsk, kamchatka on 15 00 km, that is, you need to focus on your own high-precision missiles and hit them in all directions, in addition to this, just hit them and get them to
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give you permission to pay. their territories and along the border on russian territories, but for those objects, here i will directly say the legal basis for the americans and europeans, the russians from these positions, which we provide now specifically addressed, to carry out terrorist attacks, terrorist attacks against the peace of the population, against children are acts of terrorism in any country, and they are qualified as committing a serious crime and allow themselves to be beaten by all means for this objects, therefore... there can be no objections, we must obtain permission for these objects, as the means that carry out tourist acts. thank you, mr. general, for the conversation, it was general of the army of ukraine mykola malomush. friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, and we continue to conduct our survey. today we ask you this: are you ready to give up or have you already given up?
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telegram platform, let's look at the interim results of the poll, television survey, 84% are ready and 16% - no, this is a fairly high indicator of this survey, on youtube we have yes, 75, 25%, no, we will have the same survey in the second part of the program, which will start in 15 minutes, ahead of we have news from on... partners from the bbc, in the second part of the program we will have political scientists, valery dymov and vitaly kulyk, we will talk about parliamentary scandals, associates of the president, and about the peace formula from zelensky, which should be presented to joseph biden in september on the 24th, stay with espresso, stay with espresso, see you in 15 minutes.
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why the detention of pavel durov will be discussed all over the world, what will happen to telegram after his arrest, and how a niche application turned into a global... messenger, where you can literally follow the events of the war in real time. we've collected everything we know, and we'll break it down in today's edition of the bbc. i am olga polamaryuk. telegram founder pavel durov was detained last weekend in france. experts have been puzzling for days. and what was it? but, in order to understand everything, who is pavlo durov. he was born in 39 st. petersburg, then leningrad. he
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became popular in 2006 when he created the vkontakte social network, and in 2000


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