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tv   [untitled]    August 28, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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what a queue, but karlivka, a dwarf village near the karliv reservoir, has turned into this hell, they can’t do anything about it now, they are constantly storming karlivka, but we can see that the result is zero, they are trying to bypass it now by moving already from novohrodivka to the south, and there are many dissonances right here, and it is still necessary to understand, to understand who is to blame for these... zonations that arise, because somewhere it is a really powerful defense, and somewhere, to put it mildly , something very strange is happening in the end, the prospects of the defense of pokrovsk after the loss of novohorodivka? in my opinion, now the main goal of the russians is to create a southern flank, after they entered novogrodivka, and if they continue their movement directly. in the direction of pokrovsk,
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then they have a problem with the southern and northern flanks, well, the northern flank is more or less tied to the reeds, the same with the track 05:11, odzdvizhanku, they are not so concerned about it, especially considering of the turkish agglomeration, where the battles will begin now, and the southern flank, especially taking into account not only seledov, but also taking into account hirnyk, izmaivka, kurakhivka. zoryan, that is, they are accepted by the fact that there may be a breakthrough through the karlov reservoir and to the north along the vovcha river, and then the russians may be surrounded by a serious potential, so they will be engaged in the formation of the southern flank now, and it will take some time, and that is, the the main offensive on pokrovsky, it can be postponed, well, somewhere around the end of september to the beginning of october, although ... unpredictability and neglect
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we have already met with human resources on the part of the russian commanders more than once, because now they do not carry out regrouping at all, they constantly create conditions for offensive actions, they have a constant intensity of combat operations in one direction or another, so it is quite possible that they will try to immediately continue in the direction of pokrovsk movement, although, again, without the formation of the southern flank , they will not dare to launch a full-fledged offensive and storm pokrovsky, well... let's hope that they will not succeed after that somehow quickly to move, but you see, the hopes are not so great. thank you, oleksandr kovalenko, the military-political observer of the information resistance group was with us. well, we have to go on a break now and we'll be back with another guest, then again. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make... feminost
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live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following frames can you shock. live news from the scene. kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot. freedom life, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt, about the situation with reconstruction in different regions of ukraine, about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i don't spend currently funds. however... how to unite the country in
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the process of recovery in the project of the urban reconstruction and development program, every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. we return to the chronicle. of war, don't forget about our gathering on drones and rap, and we are joined by a fighter named gus, an aerial scout of the second battalion of the 68th separate hunting brigade, congratulations, thank you for joining, welcome to our airwaves, have a good day, well and probably, well , since you are also in the pokrovsky direction, we just talked about it, tell me what... what is happening there now, what is the situation, what situation, because we only hear about the fact that there are actually a lot of assaults, what, what kind of assaults, what are they assaulting? well, actually, the situation has not changed, for several weeks, if
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not more, the assaults are mainly infantry, the enemy has not used mass equipment for a long time, because... well, we are still in the spring, it was in april, may, eh, when they marched in columns, they were tank columns, there were armored vehicles, we very actively destroyed them with artillery, fired fpv with drones, they changed their tactics and switched to the tactics of small infantry groups, that is, reconnaissance by battle, two, three, four people, two, three, four fighters go and try... er, it means to capture, well, recon first and then capture our positions in larger groups, now we see that the enemy is already sending groups such, somewhere like one or two detachments, 10 men, 20 men are going, well, to seize one
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of our positions or even the entire landing, that is, well, as far as i understand, from what i know, they have reinforcements, here is the infantry the components go, not weakening, but strengthening, that is, you can even say that they charge some extra people at all to you there, right? well, it turns out that yes, as far as i understand, yes. and tell me, well, when, when they try to do it, now there is, it is possible to somehow distribute it in such a way that it is more at night, there is more during the day, that is, when, or whether it already depends somehow on the weather, on... the hour of the day , how is it now? depends, depends on a lot of factors, and of course, they try to do it more often, well, basically, according to
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my observations , there have been no changes in this regard for a long time, closer to the morning, closer to in the morning they try to go, which means that they have changes there, a change of theirs, it is visible, as it were, of their calculations, of their teams, and at the same time they advance to storm our positions somewhere early in the morning, approximately, this often happens, well, how is it affects our defense, that is, when it comes to such small infantry groups, what then... to use drones, some other ammunition, artillery, that is, what is the best way to deal with it, actually, well, let yourself be dealt with , how to resist this? mainly of course it's a drone component, on our side it's fpv,
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drops from other drones, from mavics, we have actually been using this tactic for a long time, and against small... willing groups, too, because they move quickly, and for the time being, let's assume that they will be targeted there, a mortar or artillery will be directed at them there, or it can to be a grenade launcher, let's assume some ags, here, then, well , they just go faster, and it is drones that are the most effective to use against them . drones, and do they have any way of countering the drone, what they can counter, what exactly proves our drones mantisprava? of course they have countermeasures against drones various, means of radio electronic
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warfare, they also have a trench reb, there are also specially infantry, an infantry version of this reb, it... fits into backpacks, in principle, these are rather not very large devices, not every one, absolutely not every one their group has such devices with them, but... well , of course, it is more difficult for our pilots to work when there is a fighter with such a system in the group, and what is she doing, she is silent, well, that is , a drone falls, or something how, how does she solve this problem? yes, it's, well, mostly video suppression, but less often that suppression of the control signal, but mainly. video signal, and it's
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ineffective for them, because our pilots are quite skilled, they can actually coast at the last stage, when they go to the target, they chase the drone, the pilot who controls the drone, the drone is already coasting to the target and, as they once said, i go by the tools, but the picture is not necessary at this stage. that is why we fight, hit the targets, despite the fact that they too, of course, have means of countering drones, and russia has always been known in principles, well, powerful, powerful means, means of radio-electronic warfare, but the situation on our side is leveling off, i would say, the situation has been leveling off lately, well, we are also now gathering for rap. you see, we also have such a collection for both drones and rap, so in this regard we also
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try to help as much as we can. and tell me in general, how do you assess the ratio of our drones to theirs, well, that is , after all, it is also now parity or not parity, but from your side, how is it? again i can only say from my experience from the area where... i am, it is close to parity, yes, it is clear, well, this, this, i would say so, means that it has become a little more difficult for us than it was before, because before that there was still no parity, yes, yes, yes, it is clear, but tell me, i have a little question for you now, well, since you are in this direction, i think that somehow, well, probably, you are also somehow this.. what do you think allowed the russians
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to break through near novohorodivka so quickly, and so unexpectedly quickly, after all we still thought that they would stay there longer, do you have any versions of your own regarding this, any explanation of your own, i have versions, but... i don't think it's worth expressing them live now, let's say so, well, let's say, then yes, could there be some objective ones, not subjective ones, which are connected with certain moments, but objective ones, well, they use a lot of things there, and it was really difficult, because there were still, as far as i understand, equipped positions, it is easier to fight in equipped positions than there in in some other places, where from the very beginning it was well... not very equipped,
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there were also objective reasons, so i will say, even it was still and well and still remains a certain, let's say so, not hope, but calculation on what will still happen, the enemy forces will be distracted to put out the fire at home and... they will be distracted, including from the pokrovsky direction, where the russians are advancing the fastest. so, well, for now, unfortunately, we are not observing a massive, so to speak, rebasing and re-rolling units from the direction to the vkurp region, bilhorod region, and so on. well, and unfortunately, yes, so far it is about the fact that there are simply too many of them. ok, unfortunately, our time has run out, we would like to talk even more, thank you very much for joining us, this was
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a fighter with the call sign goose, an air reconnaissance officer of the second battalion of the 68th separate yeger brigade from the pokrovsky direction, and we will meet you in a week, and you remain the espresso tv channel. read in the august issue of ukraine magazine. how the maidan and the volunteer movement formed new ukrainian identity. the phenomenon of ukrainian why did the enemy underestimate the power of freedom, from the gray zone to the european stronghold, what lesson did ukraine teach the world? ask at press outlets or pre-pay online. the country is in the center of the main events. the book of women at war is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and
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the spirit and letter publishing house. the book is based on the reports of christina, the host of the espresso tv channel. parubiy 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. the book is dedicated to women who chose the path fighting the enemy in military ranks. women at war, search in bookstores of ukraine. with the support of the kostyantyn zhivago charitable foundation. there are discounts until independence day on templen tablets 10% at podorozhnyk bam and oskad pharmacies. do you suffer from heartburn? i recommend izoto. isoto interacts with acid. in the stomach, which leads to a decrease in heartburn symptoms. sizotaa your water, if heartburn bothers you. there are discounts until independence day on citramondarnytsia, 10% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. watch this week's judicial control with tetyana shustrova in the program. qualification assessment of acting judges. who failed
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the interview with vkks. criminal proceedings were opened against menu. but or all? judges underestimate the value of their property. this apartment is located in a fairly old housing stock. on thursday, august 29, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, how would mykola veresin do that, he would go to prison. a special look at the events in ukraine - it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond it, who is china then, my heart hurts, all this in the information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso, we have half of them, we will make our military brooches, how will we send them drones with them,
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how many soldiers will be there, martusya shows the various forms she uses to make them. jewelry and talks about drones. at the age of eight, the young volunteer bought 10 warbirds that help our defenders at the front. i wanted to somehow help our defenders, and khresna and i were looking for an idea, because you have to come up with an idea first, and then do it. and we found on the internet that such decorations are very popular now, and we decided on them. beat. first , the girl kneads the polymer clay, then rolls it into a thin layer, then squeezes out the desired shape of the future decoration. this process , he admits, is sometimes very tiring. it's fun, but a little, it's hard, very hard, but it's fun to make, clay squeeze, it's all fun, but don't bake. khresna
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and mother put them to bake, because we do it for this whole. we bake a pikal plate, a special bowl like that, after baking we pour them here, or if it is to be made to order, then we paint them, my mother immediately paints them, and then my kresnik sticks the fittings. the jewelry began to be sold through social networks, from the sale of the first batch they received more than uah 300, then the girl and her mother joined a charity school fair, at which they sold absolutely all the jewelry made for... and the proceeds transferred to help the army. in general, in two weeks of fruitful work and daily production of new decorations, it was possible to collect two drones at once, which the family did not expect at all. i felt joy that they are buying them from us, i already thought that the future will be even better when we buy so many drones. we
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didn't even think that we would be able to withdraw so much money in such a short period of time, because in fact it is a lot in a week. there are 3-400 uah, in fact, people have relaxed and the meetings are going very hard, that is, they are standing still, here it is a great great opportunity, mother decoration and accordingly, and we buy drones. the assortment of decorations is very diverse, but birds are especially popular, several doves with poppies were even sent abroad. canada, washington, usa already sent, we still sent. they were sent to germany, poland, and also to various regions of ukraine. at the new post office, everyone is always confused, because we go there every day to send mail. materials for future jewelry, says ivanna, are chosen not cheap, so that the accessories last a long time. the cost of one decoration is from uah 150 to uah 550.
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during three months of hard work, the volunteer and her mother purchased 10 uavs, which were handed over to the needs of our military. we send these drones to different brigades in 103, 80 and 44, the ones that were previous. martusya believes that her... birds on their wings will bring peace to ukraine, and for now, when asked what she dreams of, she answers with a smile: i want to accumulate forever. ema stadnyk, andriy polikovsky, espresso tv channel. see this week in the collaborators program. illegitimate ministers of the occupied donetsk region. it operates on the territory of the dpr state constitutional guarantee. how traitors build political. careers under the auspices of the kremlin. i express my support to the commander-in-chief. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is a collaborator program about traitors who
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prefer to serve the russian occupiers at the behest of their hearts and wallets. in today's edition, i will continue to talk about the bubble ministries that russia is creating in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine and about those who manage them. in the donetsk region , the rashists created 17 illegitimate ministries. some of them are under control russian tourers who moved to the temporarily occupied territories, and some of them are managed by local traitors, who proudly call themselves ministers of the dpr. one of them is mykhailo vasylovich zhaltyakov , born in 1961, a native of kryvyi rih. he is an honored worker of culture of ukraine. we hope that all events planned by the ministry of culture of russia and the ministry of culture of donetsk. mykhailo has two higher educations, but looking ahead,
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i will say that they did not add to his intelligence, well, can an educated person thank the russians soldiers i would like to express special words of gratitude and support to our soldiers who defend donbas and the whole of russia in advanced positions. we are confident that by joining forces under wise leadership. our leader we can achieve victory. in 1982, zholtyakov graduated from the kharkiv kotlyarevsky institute of arts, majoring in dramatic theater and cinema. he received his second education in 2004, when he graduated from the donetsk state university of management with a degree in business administration. mykhailo has been working in parallel with his studies since 2003 was the chief specialist of one of the departments of the donetsk city center of social services. for youth, and in 2006 he took a position in the department of culture of the donetsk regional state administration, was a leading specialist in the department of arts and educational
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institutions. in general, mykhailo devoted his whole life to culture. it would seem that this was supposed to instill in him a love for ukrainian national traditions and raise a patriot, but something went wrong. after all, when donbas was occupied by the russian army in the 14th year, zhaltyakov did not leave the captured territories, but... stayed in region, so to speak, to study another culture, russian, although what is there to study, but zhaltyakov liked it very much, here is a video where he stammers with delight, thanks the russian singer shamanov and invites him to learn russian in donetsk. on behalf of all residents of the republic, residents of mariupol, residents of donetsk, we hope that you will be with us in donetsk in the near future. we wish you... for declaring itself a holiday in honor of the invaders, in russian, mishka received thanks in the form of
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the position of first deputy minister of culture, the so-called dpr. he organized numerous red-carpet parades and, taking a full chest of air, blew loudly into fanfare to personally pay tribute to the killers. on behalf of all cultural workers of our republic , he expresses. support to the supreme commander-in-chief, the president of the russian federation. with such a striking initiative , zheltyakov did not stay as a deputy for long, he became acting minister of culture feykova of the dpr. the chair is higher, accordingly, and the tasks from the kremlin are greater, the complete destruction of ukrainian culture for the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, russification of libraries, theaters, promotion of the russian military as heroes, and this is a far from complete list of his urgent tasks. "i want these events to end as soon as possible, and we were all under a peaceful sky and felt that we were under reliable
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protection. for his services, zheltyakov received the title of honored worker of culture of the donetsk people's republic. there is a distinction from the rashists, now the most important distinction remains in the form of suspicions from our law enforcement agencies. another traitor with a mandate who believed in the russian peace and his prospects, oleksiy serhiyovych shamav is from donetsk, he is 51. the ministry of justice of the donetsk people's republic also participates in law-making activities, carries out the introduction of state information. systems. oleksiy has a law degree. in 2003, he graduated from the donetsk institute of internal affairs at the donetsk national university , majoring in law enforcement. since 2006, he has been in private law practice. he provided his services not only in donetsk, but also throughout ukraine. he was a member of the council of advocates of the donetsk region. shamov too worked in the law enforcement agencies of the donetsk region in the positions of deputy prosecutor and
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prosecutor. and in the 14th year. opened his own law firm. when the donetsk region was occupied, oleksiy quickly retrained, studied russian laws and began working according to the rules of the russian federation. for all notarial matters , i recommend contacting the notary chamber of the donetsk people's republic, or notaries operating in the territory of the donetsk people's republic. at first, the traitor provided his legal services to the occupiers and terrorist ringleaders organization of the dpr, for which he was appointed acting. director of the department of registration of normative legal acts of the puppet ministry of justice, shamov was later promoted to the position of deputy minister of justice, the so-called dnr. after years of blind and loyal service to the kremlin, in 2023 he finally earned the seat of the pseudo-minister of justice of the dpr. the ministry of justice will be entrusted with the authority to introduce the register of municipal normative legal acts of the dpr and several new ones. in
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addition, the seller also received a russian one lawyer's license on the telegram page of the so -called ministry, shamov tells the public about how to annul a marriage, how to get a work book in the allegedly liberated territories and how to register a legal entity, all of this, of course, according to the laws of the russian federation. for our part, we advise oleksiy not to forget ukrainian laws, especially the criminal procedure code, according to which sooner or later he will be tried for treason. and finally, i will tell you about another minister in the dnpr, who in his peaceful life did not achieve anything in particular, that is why he decided realize yourself at least under the occupiers, using all the talents of the adaptor. meet denys ihorovych strelchenko, born in 1976, a native of donetsk. the state constitutional guarantee of the russian federation, the minimum wage, is in effect on the territory of the dpr.
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almost nothing is known about strelchenko's life. in memory, the russian media started promoting him when in 2022 denizka was appointed as the fake minister of labor and social policy of the dpr. as a minister, of course, he glorifies the bloody murderer, talks about how the region was declining after times of ukraine and popularizes russian state programs among the local population. cash payment is made on the basis of lists submitted by the pension fund and the ministry. on the contrary, denysko got himself a harsh prison sentence. we hope that the skills acquired in the fake republic will help his social adaptation in the ukrainian prison. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this email address or just on facebook, together let's send all the traitors after
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the russian ship. but i don't understand why we need such a thing, well, in the fall of that year ukrainian stand-up comedian anton tymoshenko presented a clip and a song about the all-powerful deputy head of the president's office oleg tatarov, in which he rhetorically asked: why do we need tatarov? oh well, at least now we're with...


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