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tv   [untitled]    August 28, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EEST

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in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. i understand. those that are on the road, but i don't understand at all, it's the worst for us. well, in the autumn of that year, ukrainian stand-up comedian anton tymoshenko presented a music video and a song about oleg tatarov, the all-powerful deputy head of the president's office, in which he rhetorically asked: why do we need tatarov? well, at least now we... know the answer, but
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apparently ukrainians do not believe and are laughing. this is svoboda live. my name is vlasta lazur. volodymyr zelenskyi's statement that that the deputy head of the president's office, oleg tatarov, allegedly killed chechens in kyiv at the beginning of a full-scale war, provoked dozens of memes and jokes in the ukrainian segment of the social network, this is only a part of them. the president's statement is ridiculed even by those who showed respect for the head of state and his close entourage, pitifully. a copy and a unique original - wrote deputy maryana bezugla and published photos of martial arts stars chuck norris and oleg tatarov. president zelensky does not notice how becomes ridiculous - writes investigative journalist yuriy nikolov. people laugh and do not believe that tatarov was running around kyiv and shooting at someone. the nationality of these people, whom tatarov allegedly shot, i leave in parentheses for the time being, because this is a separate topic for discussion, and it is not as simple as it seems. such statements either require an explanation or should not be heard. writes journalist tetyana troshchynska.
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to go to a press conference in the wake of the kursk operation and leave tatarov as the main headline is something you have to be able to do, she states. in in august, exactly four years have passed since volodymyr zelenskyy took tatarov to his ze-team and appointed him to a top position in the president's office. since then, journalists and political observers of the country have been thinking, wondering, discussing why zelensky chose tatarov and what he values ​​him for, despite the negative corruption trail and despite tatarov's non-belonging to viktor yanukovych's political regime and the lustration law, which tatarov and had no right to hold such a position. tatarov is what they have been beating all this time the president was reprimanded, and the day before the president surrendered and revealed the intrigue. it turns out that tatarov, together with the current head of the sbu, vasyl malyuk, allegedly killed chechens in kyiv at the beginning of the full-scale war, and that is why, they say, he is not released. oleg tatarym, together with vasyl
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malyuk, killed chechens in ukraine in kyiv, while you were not here, it is not enough to expel him, to expel him, to be killed by the russians, because i have already said about it and said that this is not public information, and told all the media at our private meetings, well, in spite of that a high-profile statement, that this topic has not been revealed, there are many questions in this story, and we will look for answers to them, but first we will remind you who oleg yuriyovich tatarov is, how he is connected with the power of viktor yanukovych, how he ended up in the office of the president volodymyr zelenskyi, and how bankova saved tatarov from prison. oleg tatarov has been working as the deputy head of the office of the president of ukraine for four years, despite high-profile journalistic investigations and activist protests.
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there are a lot of things thrown at tatarov, and they have their origin they are from the revolution of dignity. until 2014 , tatarov was the deputy head of the main investigative department of the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine, during the revolution of dignity he became one of the main speakers of the ministry of internal affairs regarding the events on the maidan. on television and political talk shows, he justified the actions of the authorities and security forces, who beat and tortured protesters. here is one of his comments. criminals destroy everything around, several were destroyed. equipment, in particular, an ambulance on instytutska street in the city of kyiv, offices, metro stations, new barricades are being built on the streets, are burning tires and are not going to stop the confrontation. and already in august 2020 , volodymyr zelenskyy appointed oleg tatarov as the deputy head of the office of the president of ukraine, who will be responsible for law enforcement. this happened, as the activists claim, in violation of the law on cleaning up the authorities. that is, lustration, under which
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tatarov should have fallen. tatarov himself, in an interview with journalists, already denied the words spoken in 2014. you called the maidan participants criminals. and the policemen, you actually said that they are keeping order and yes then, when they were killing people, has your position on that changed now? look, i have never called anyone a criminal in my life, because the presumption of innocence applies. a person can be called a criminal only after a court decision is issued, which becomes legally binding and that's it. but the journalists of the radio freedom scheme project learned in 2021 that the deputy head of the president's office, oleg tatarov, was in the midst of a revolution of dignity. not only spoke negatively about the demonstrators, but also received the title of honored lawyer of ukraine from the former president viktor yanukovych. at the same time, the petition for tatarov's dismissal gathered 25,000 signatures, but volodymyr zelenskyi replied that
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he would not dismiss yarmak's deputy, because, he said, no one can be forced to do what is not provided for by law. and already six months later , tatarov was informed about suspicion of bribery during butas. construction of housing for the national guard company ukrbud, where tatarov used to work, but almost immediately the prosecutor general's office, then headed by iryna venediktova, took the proceedings from nabu and transferred him to the security service of ukraine, which at that time was headed by ivan bakanov, who is also called a childhood friend of president zelenskyi. however, two years after the beginning of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine, the criminal proceedings involving tatarov were closed. as reported. journalists of bigusinfo, the prosecutor general's office did not say which body and on what grounds it decided to close it. anastasia potapenko, radio liberty. oleg simoroz, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, lawyer, has already joined our broadcast. i congratulate you, i wish you health. i
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i will just say at the beginning oleg that rfe/rl asked the president's office for a comment today regarding oleg tatarov's participation in the repulse of the attack on kyiv, as soon as we receive an explanation we will publish it again, but you oleg, also during the beginning of the full-scale the war was over, you were in kyiv, you were in the tro, as far as i know, and you plus or minus understand, remember and know what happened in kyiv in those days. to you, how believable is the president's statement that oleg tatarov fought back attacks in kyiv at the beginning of the war and allegedly even killed the attackers, well, zelenskyi says that they are chechens, maybe it was the kadyrivskys there. troops, but still, how plausible does that sound to you? i was in the regular troops in the 112th brigade of our kyiv brigade, this is a regular unit of the armed forces of ukraine, we participated in the defense of the capital on the borders, irpiny-hostomel, in this direction we performed tasks as part
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of the 131st battalion, i was involved in this participation , therefore, in principle, the topic of the defense of the capital is absolutely not foreign to me - it is not foreign to me. you know, the president's answer, well, apart from the fact that from a psychological point of view it's just such an irritated position, an inadequate reaction to the question of a ukrainian pravda journalist, but if we go into the details of what was said about oleg tatarov, about this rimbaud, you know, well, first of all , what is more important to note in this story, the defense of the capital was not breached, and behind this is the heroism of the armed forces. of ukraine, many units of the 72nd brigade, 112th brigade, special operations forces regiments, national guard of ukraine, many other units, which heroically held the defense of the capital, did everything to ensure that
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it was not breached. in our direction, in the direction of irpin, hostomile, the enemy did enough of these, enough. no, probably strikes and in order to break through, break through the capital and then try to capture it on the streets of kyiv, the enemy did not succeed in doing this, i will tell you more, even some subversive and reconnaissance groups did not succeed in breaking through our defenses, entering certain populated areas there and so on, all this was not, so you say, am i understanding correctly? you say that there were no serious regular russian units in kyiv, there were regular russian troops on the territory of kyiv and irregular, let’s say, intelligence formations of some kind, er, intelligence officers, special operations forces, or someone else who
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could break through there at night, in the morning, and to perform some tasks in kyiv, there was no one who could have been killed by oleg tatarov at that time, i apologize if there was no one. er, well, moreover, it is already, let’s say, not a secret , i don’t want to talk about it, but unfortunately, in the first days of a full-scale invasion. in kyiv, the messages given by the ukrainian authorities and many other public figures who said that the drgs are working in kyiv and the drgs are dying, unfortunately, the russians, the russian drgs, unfortunately, it turned out to be friendly fire, no matter how unfortunate it sounds , here, in the first place , the reason for this friendly fire was weak, weak management between units, but these facts were, and unfortunately... no matter how unfortunate it sounds, all those cases that were recorded
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in the mass media, regarding yes called battles in kyiv, already directly in the city of kyiv, unfortunately, these are not combat clashes, this is enemy fire, if it did not sound unfortunate, but it is a fact, moreover, i confirm, taking part directly on the front lines of the defense of the city of kyiv, we the defense held up, we did not allow the approach. kyiv. olezhe, i understood you, then, i understand that you, you do not know the answer to the question, but maybe you have an assumption, who could oleg tatarov have killed in kyiv at that time and killed in such a way that volodymyr zelenskyi appreciates it very much? well, here, you know, here i have a lot in fact, questions about what the president said, in the composition of whom, in the capacity of whom, in what position, with what weapons... with what tasks, because in principle it is known who patrolled the city of kyiv
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and indeed, the government quarter, the office of the president of ukraine was protected quite seriously, i simply do not understand the participation of the policeman, oleg tatarov, in this, in which he took part, as far as i remember, he has a different position, he is a deputy of the office, and not a member of the presidential guard. but maybe he then, you know, zelenskyi already said that he was there together with malyuk, vasyl malyuk, he then held the position of deputy minister of internal affairs, then right at the beginning of the full-scale invasion he became the deputy head of the sbu, maybe i don’t know, he had tatarov as an understudy, maybe they went out together on some special operations there, and and by the way, do you remember that there was a report, not just a report, you mentioned a report from the official authorities, you published not just a report, even photos, that on february 26, allegedly, somewhere in... kyiv or near kyiv, it was liquidated a chechen group that planned
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to eliminate volodymyr zelenskyi. maybe that's what it was about? i won't mention it now, i don't know what tactics the president's office is taking, i think, i'll tell you, as a veteran, i already consider these stories to be banal fables, it's very unpleasant for me, as a military man, to want to listen to them, because i i perfectly understand what... oleg tatarov, this bald mentik yanukovych could have been involved in this, that he is already such a special agent, it looks ridiculous, what kind of story will they build and tell about dates and so on, let them tell and so on, there are facts that there were no russian troops in kyiv, this is a fact that cannot be argued against, those photos that were published, unfortunately, are our equipment, our servicemen. about everything about everything else about their mythical battles there and
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so on, in fact the russian and ipso also did a lot there, they liked what the ukrainian government was doing, he says that it was the drg, and they scared everyone then with chechens, the capture ambulances, then they shot at the ambulances that transport the wounded, we still had these ambulances under fire because someone... very smart decided to spread this russian fake propaganda that our ambulance was captured by chechens disguised as doctors. chaos was created in the first days of the war in kyiv, but with all responsibility i repeat that there were no russian troops here, that the president's office will already tell us, and the heroes of all warriors, oleg tatarov, well, let them, let them tell, let them show witnesses of this entire history, let them show the names of the eliminated chechens. and so on, what was it like? for a group of special forces in kyiv, that we are
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three years old, that we have not known about this group for two years, about their surname, about special forces, in principle, if you look at other examples in this war, then in principle even all mega-serious, cool operations , we know about their consequences, we know about the special forces that were involved, or which enemy special forces were destroyed, the enemy. the whole story is not something that is tormented by some myths, unconfirmed stories and fables, we do not know anything about it in general, and this indicates that volodymyr oleksandrovich it's just... he wants to show and make tatarov who he is not, because the request of ukrainian society was understood, and i support him, oleg tatarov is a criminal, but oleg, i am in no way oleg tatarov's lawyer, but you, as a lawyer, know for sure that the court should put an end to whether he is a criminal or not, another case before the court
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is waiting for me, well, you know, in the case of oleg tatarov, the story simply did not reach the court, that's why that... the case was closed and buried in the sbu, this is also true, unequivocally, well, let me be sued then, i think he is a criminal, and what's more, i wish that he never gets out of prison, i wish even worse things for him, because he wishes that it was because of him that the heavenly hundred died, and our ukrainians, and what he later did in the work of a partner and so on, he worked against the country, so i really wish him not only prison, but... this is not on the air anymore , it is no longer on the air, so that mr. oleg tatarov does not tell that someone is threatening him with murder and so on, because they are very love a lot, and we don't call for murder like that either. oleg, but i thank you very much for sharing such details, i think they are very valuable about what happened in the first days in kyiv. oleh simoros, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war and a lawyer, was on
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radio svoboda, we mentioned the beginning of a full-scale war in kyiv, where he allegedly carried out an attack, according to the president... tatarov, thank you. and so, as i said at the beginning, a flurry of jokes and memes was caused by the president's statement that oleg tatarov allegedly killed the aggressors. well, let's call them for now i don't want to mention the nationality of these people because we don't know. well, judging by this reaction, ukrainians didn't believe too much in this story. for example, yesterday, this very video was very widely distributed on the network, they say, look at how tatarov repels the attacks of kadyrivtsi. actually, this is also a joke. because this video is from oleg tatarov's birthday, it was filmed by ukrainian pravda journalist mykhailo tkach on september 21st, and by the way, vasyl malyuk, the current head of the security service of ukraine, who allegedly, together with tatarov, was at tatarov's birthday according to zelensky, he killed chechens in kyiv. there is even more misunderstanding regarding the future of oleg tatarov. according to president zelensky's logic, he cannot be released, otherwise, as the head of state said,
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the russians will kill him. well, the russian threat can actually last for a very long time, even longer . after the end of the war, it may still last for decades, at least so historians and futurologists say, does this mean that oleg tatarov will remain in the office of the president as long as this threat exists, and this aspect in fact also became a reason for numerous, so to speak, reflections of ukrainians, well, in fact, they were the same memes and jokes, look, why not temporarily transfer oleg tatarov to the pokrovsky direction, where the russians have a dozen brigades, just for a few hours of work. tatarstan. you know, yes, oleg tatarov founded it, you are laughing, and oleg tatarov was stabbed with a dagger for the first time in history on may 4, 2023. in fact, oleg tatarov is a patron dog, and he personally demined all the minefields in kurshchyna, it's just a secret, so no one will tell you. it turns out, now everyone who killed chechens, should receive protection in
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the form of uop positions in the same cabinet as tatarov, so that they are not killed by the russians. while you are the hater's comments on the internet, he assembled the first ukrainian ballistic missile with his own hands from a microwave oven, a pipe and a slingshot. so that you simply understand who the heroes are for this government, yermak's brother, a sniper, a mortarman, a scout, under budanov's personal command, tatarov - a super-secret special agent of the sbu, yevhen shevchenko, a gur scout, with tales of special forces, zhenya chervonenko, lieutenant colonel gur with gold shoots from budanov. i think sometimes. that there were no longer 72nd, 112th, 43rd, 3rd and 8th regiments and many other units of the armed forces of ukraine and nsu near kyiv, but there was simply the special forces of the president's office, which saved everyone. yuriy nikolov, journalist and founder of the project our money, yuriy, good evening, you can hear me, yes, you,
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i will say, for our audience, the person who researched oleg's cadence in great detail during his career, joined our broadcast. including tenure not only in the office of the president, but also in other on other positions. you know, you wrote today or yesterday on your facebook, you stated that this is a problem, president zelensky does not notice how ridiculous it is becoming. why do you draw such conclusions? simply because people started laughing at what the president was saying. it's not about the fact that our president, well, he was a comedian by profession, absolutely not, this, i 'm just calm about it. but,... in this case, he makes people laugh where he should remain serious, that is, it is not, unfortunately, a blow to the reputation, not predicted by the president, but... when the president, the person who was elected by the people, not to laugh at his fakapu, but to
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do his job properly and lead us to victory, and they start making fun of him for what he says, that's this is the trouble, that is, the desecralization of power, which, unfortunately, the president himself does, that's the bad part of the story, well , now to a more serious story like this, let's move on... even though what you say is also serious, why do you think volodymyr zelenskyy defends oleh tatarov so much, this topic has been catching up with him for four years now years, he is constantly reminded of this, and there must be some very good reason to endure all this, to constantly fight back and defend oleg tatarov, a man with, to put it mildly, a very , well, not very good reputation, what is all this for? here i think there are at least two reasons: firstly, volodymyr zelenskyi simply does not imagine how it is possible to play, live, work in the state, except according to this scheme, where
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his competences are very important, he gives them to very trusted people, and relatively speaking, the law enforcement system was outsourced to oleh tatarov in order to oleg tatarov did everything so that the president was calm because the security forces would not cause him any trouble in his ideas, this is the first, that is, this... what can be called five or six irreplaceable managers. tatariv is one of them, without them, zelensky simply does not know how to run the state, well, secondly, it is quite logical and understandable, and it has always been in the history of ukraine, the one who controls the law enforcement agencies, sooner or later becomes the owner of the giant suitcase with compromising information on the entire government , which is there, and the longer someone heads the police there or the sbu, the thicker he becomes a suitcase with... with compromising material, and this too, by the way, always kirmanichi in all countries are afraid that he will go to the means that tatarov has a suitcase of compromising material on zelensky,
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does it mean? not necessarily on zelenskyi, but maybe on trusted persons or on someone closer, well, that is, and i have no doubts that tatarov has a lot of information about all the figures currently in the system, that is... tatarov, just him for so many years he supervised all these bodies, the security service of ukraine, the police, the security service of ukraine, the state security service, that i have no doubts that he is the owner of a very sensitive information about many people in ukraine. listen, how do you evaluate volodymyr zelenskyi's answer? well, let's assume that, indeed, tatarov is very convenient for him, very valuable, he considers him effective. well, in principle, this could have been packaged in some other answer and honestly said. you know, staff shortage, we don’t, well, i have no place to take a person and replace him, but the answer was exactly that, on the contrary , to heroize oleg tatarov, and he has nothing
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more to defend, well, everyone, everyone knows very well that tatarov is an anti-maidanite, well that’s a person who, after the maidan, immediately released a monograph about how law enforcement agencies should disperse anti-state rallies, that is, here you have to say something emotionally that... in order to bring down the exact degree of tension around the person you are protecting, to speak conditionally, protect with results he doesn't have a job, then you start fantasizing about making him some kind of heroic image, but the tatar has nothing to brag about, so do his law enforcement officers, but what does he have, does he have anything to brag about, but realistically and objectively, there is nothing. law enforcement officers just lately have already proven that they are already there, well , the institution is so leaky that even such an orthodox tycoon as
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people's deputy dmytrouk, the one who entered the verkhovna rada on zelenskyi's hill on zelenskyi's rating, can escape from the country, the majority mp from odesa, a body builder, so now it is possible that we have him , this is how he looks, he has become a servant of the people, but even for a servant of the people, which, well, let's say this, how many. there were different people, including dubinsky, but even for the servant of the people he became toxic, he was expelled, that is, he has already reached the point that the moscow patriarchate is not just there publicly defending the church, which in our country was finally recognized as unworthy of the title of ukrainian, so in the future they can admit, so far nothing is meant, that the state has begun to do these steps, he has already gone to kursk surgery. this woman, whom volodymyr zelenskyi is very protective of, and is one of the co-authors of this story, dmytruk, even
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khayev, he went so far as to beat. of the city armed forces during the war, that is, well, he already got angry with everyone, even for the saints regarding volodymyr zelenskyi, the law enforcement officers were able to release this beautiful man tatarov abroad literally a day before he was announced as a suspect. anyone is possible, but in any case, this is the work of law enforcement officers and. well, in any case, this is his parish, and the fact that dmytruk came to the court to defend tatarov himself, when he was accused of corruption, just adds color that's right, he's not the only one, there were two more people's deputies, it seems, dalia volodina and oleksandr danutsya, yes, but there are three of them, uh, yes, but many deputies simply didn't come to do that, he's just one of who, that is, you know, a person very close to him, and possibly to tatarov, but i can
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assume that tatarov might not know. but just imagine, we listed that this is a person who already insults zelenskyi personally, who is already legally excluded from the servants of the people faction, a person who beats the military, and so on the entire law enforcement system of ukraine under the leadership of oleg tatarov turned out to be such that it could not prevent a simple thing, put this beautiful person in prison, no, on the contrary, he was allowed to escape, released, he will still be, i am sure that from abroad will harm us all. i mean, this is tatarov's personal responsibility for the functioning of the institution entrusted to him by volodymyr zelenskyi, but as far as i'm concerned, it's quite obvious here that there are scumbags and nothingness. what do you think, oleg titarov is now permanently in the office the president, well at least until the end of volodymyr zelenskyi's term, will this situation become a trigger and maybe the president will reconsider his decision, it did not happen, that is , volodymyr zelenskyy is not defending tatarov for the first time, and with almost the same... words
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with which you defend andriy yarmak, i.e. andriy yarmak, is also constantly asked a lot of questions by journalists and society, but volodymyr zelenskyy publicly defends both at press conferences, that is , he converts part of his trust in himself into the fact that he will defend these people. i.e he demonstrates that without these people, well, his power formula does not work, that is, you elected president zelensky, okay, so the package includes people... voters, you will simply have what he has and yermak and tatarov, well, such an ultimatum in fact, the president did to the ukrainians, well, what right does he have, relatively speaking, this is his team, he chooses those with whom to work, yuriy, you yuriy, volodymyr zelenskyi yesterday also said that tatarov killed chechens and the americans know about it, that is, he made it clear , that the partners are also informed about tatarov's heroism, you are the one a journalist who very often meets with
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ambassadors and internationally. we are representatives of other countries and with journalists, but have you heard anything about tatarov, or have you been informed about his heroism there? look, informed, well, this is such a person, yes, i heard and what , well, they told me this, and what, well, that is, relatively speaking, americans, europeans could hear it, maybe even from zelensky himself and something else, but, in let's put it this way, i have the impression that neither the ukrainian journalists who asked this at the press conference yesterday. there are not those who spoke about it earlier on ofreky with volodymyr zelenskyi, no one else has ever seen any proof that tatarov did something so heroic when the rashists were advancing on kyiv, more military, a military man on our air who defended the capital in the beginning, he says that everyone knows that russian troops did not enter kyiv and that there was friendly fire, it's just a
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parallel reality. which, unfortunately , volodymyr zelenskyi is in, well, in that reality, it is possible that something like this is happening, but unfortunately, this reality somehow did not overlap with ours, why is it dangerous when the president is in a parallel reality, well, the fact that wrong decisions will be made simply on the basis of incorrect facts, well, it is always such a problem that when putin, relatively speaking, on the basis of incorrect facts about ukraine's ability to resist, chose the wrong scenario. well , the blitzkrieg attacks on ukraine, and that is why he lost, even then at the start, that is, putin focused on false, left-wing fabricated data about ukraine, the first of which was supplied by his own corrupt spies, such as sivkovich, there medvedchuk and so on, who made up just what happened, molded by fake sociological studies.


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