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tv   [untitled]    August 29, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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0800 211 381 no 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to invite our first guest to the conversation, this is mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna rada subcommittee on cultural policy and co-leader of the verkhovna rada group on interparliamentary relations with the republic of poland. mr. mykola, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. hello, thank you for the invitation. well, first of all, since you are one of the authors of the regulation bill regulation of the legislative regulation of telegram activities in ukraine, i will ask you how you feel about this story, which is unfolding before our eyes, when pavel durov is detained in france, the french have claims against him, as the founder and owner of telegram, that this telegram is not controlled in... by the french, and durov does not
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want to cooperate with the french police regarding the distribution of child pornography there, the sale of drugs through this, through this platform, and such a reaction, outrage from the russian federation, is it not evidence that this platform was and remains the tool that russia... uses against the whole world and, first of all, against ukraine in the russian-ukrainian war? well, i am the author of the law on the regulation of all networks of access to information, telegram is one of them, it is not a separate law about telegram. telegram itself, of course, is the same distributor of pornography, including child pornography and a place where drugs are sold, both in france and in ukraine and in the whole world, for the purposes of its creation,
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and here is such a double situation, because on the one hand, it is supposedly such a democratic resource that enables the opposition to fight against authoritarian regimes, with one exception that it is russian, the servers are in russia and it is financed by russian oligarchs and russian media write that its budget deficit is 600-700 million per year, this is huge money, why would anyone give such money, if they had no other desire, telegram is like what is the internet or such information access platforms, it is transport, it is imagine that this is a driver who transports killers, prostitutes, and drug dealers around the city and says: well, i don't know anything about that, yes, well, i know that they are taking someone to kill, well, they have to get there somehow, and what am i doing here, that's it they kill, not me, that such a person would be responsible under the law in a normal state, of course, obviously, that's why there are certain restrictions for a lot of tv channels there. for newspapers, for
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people, in the end, that's why there should be some legal rules for networks of access to information, and russia is very successfully using by the fact that it is such a huge network where there are no rules, because if you are able to throw huge funds into your propaganda or into obtaining information about others, and russia throws there, i already said under a billion a year, then obviously and more if you throw in these materials themselves, then obviously it becomes a very good tool for russia to spread its... propaganda and follow others, and we, as a country with which russia is at war, for us, it is an aggressor country, obviously, it should be more careful, even than france, and this it has been known for a long time, it is not even related to the detention of durov, who, as they say, has been to russia more than 50 times since the 14th year, some say that he is being persecuted in russia, he is so persecuted, he fled from russia , but he went there 50 times, that's a lot, if someone wanted to detain him there, he would have been detained there a long time ago, in france. flew once
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in recent years and was detained, therefore, of course, this is an extremely dangerous story for us, with which we should learn lessons for ourselves. well, but we had such experience of prohibition of russian social networks, vkontakte, classmates, and then, by the way, in 2020, zelensky continued this ban on the activities of these social networks, is it possible to go this way here, because both vkontakte and classmates were banned by the decision of the national council. dangers and defenses? theoretically yes, from the point of view of european legislation, well, of course , it should be done better through laws, but since we have a war, then of course i support a complete ban, but you have to understand that the national security council cannot exclude vkontakte classmates from our networks, they said it is bad to use them, and some providers have started to block access to them in ukrainian, but if you install vpn, and now...
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many people use vpn, it is a special program that protects the transmitted information, they can identify you as a french, english or even a russian, with vpn you can use it, but users. became significantly less, because our citizens themselves are law-abiding, if the state forbids it, then they do not use it, could it be possible to do the same with telegram, with point of view, well, the law of our practice, i would say so, it could be done, whether it will be completely closed by telegram, i do not know, because technically this issue will not be resolved, but there must be some kind of state policy regarding the existence of such a large platform, because when we talk about the fact that we need to... contact telegram, and we want this platform to also contact the ukrainian authorities and make contact, uh, telegram is not reluctant to make this contact, first of all , and secondly, almost all state
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authorities are present in telegram, and that is an average viewer who is watching us now will say: well, i receive regular information on vkontakte about shelling, about movement in... and the question is, how in this situation can we separate telegram, which is dangerous for ukraine, and telegram, which helps people navigate in this difficult time, well, it is dangerous everywhere, since it is a russian network, but where it is most dangerous, of course, if this network does not want to make contact with the ukrainian authorities, then... all state officials, state departments should not promote it, action should not collect its own information through telegram chatbots, as well as other state services, national banks that collect and use personal information should also not use and state and private banks should not use this network, in fact, because this is my
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law, if they do not go to contacts, we limit sensitive areas of our society, these are state authorities, local self-government bodies, bodies that distribute or... receive personal information, regarding ordinary citizens, well, you can't do that regulate by law, therefore the law does not regulate it, the draft law is mine, that is, ordinary citizens can use it, but it is already a matter of media literacy, to understand that you are using a russian network, which should be given credit, written quite competently, not really convenient to use. there is a second way, from which you started, it is a ban through a decision of the national security council, i believe that this is a justified way, but there is none yet, since i personally do not work for the national security council in the parliament, the parliament has... its limits of competence, we registered this the draft law, it was registered a long time ago, it is simply not being considered. another important problem that is now facing ukraine is the reaction of the world, or rather, first of all
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, pope francis's decision to ban the activity of the moscow church in ukraine, or rather, religious organizations that are connected to russia. federation, president zelenskyi said that the vatican's negative reaction to the law on the prohibition of the activities of religious organizations associated with russia in ukraine indicates the need to strengthen kyiv's work in the world information spaces for defending the true position. let's listen to what zelensky said. there is an influence abroad, primarily in europe, on various religious institutions, and i believe that in the information space... there is a lot of everything, the vatican is no exception, you know that the statements of pope francis were different, and it is very important that in the field information is happening, it is very important not to lose contact neither with the vatican, nor with italy, with
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the information space of the whole of europe and the united states of america. mr. mykola, what are the questions that arise now and what do they arise. problems with implementation of the law adopted by the verkhovna rada, which was signed by zelensky, well , the verkhovna rada adopts laws, but the government implements them, how will the government implement it, there is a month for it to come into force, we will see, the government has tasks, i am not i can criticize the government, i hope that it will comply with what concerns you, by the way, regarding the law, so it really prohibits the moscow, that is , the russian church in ukraine, and really the organizations connected with it, it is enough to break the connection and they can '. but to act calmly where they act is their choice, whether they want to do it or not, the states will act depending on it. the pope , of course, what the pope said , i am very sorry that he said that, because he could have listened to the greek catholics, to the more blessed sviatoslav, who takes a completely opposite position and
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says that this law is not against church, and the law that should free the church from russian influence and from the militarization of this church, it is a pity that the pope did not say anything. gondyaev declared a holy war, but it had to be said: after all, in many countries, countries such as latvia have passed much stricter laws that outright ban uh, essentially. order the metropolitan to sever all ties with russia, and this latvian law is much stricter than ours, but the pope does not say anything about it, so in this case, unfortunately, consciously or not, the pope takes the side of the enemy, who leads genocidal war against ukrainians, and i am extremely sorry for this, i do not think that this will in any way affect the law, i agree with what volodymyr zelenskyi said, that propaganda should be carried out abroad, because the russian church spends crazy money on... to lie about this law, to show, to tell that christianity is generally banned in our country, and
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to say various other nonsense, and the ukrainian state should obviously make efforts to debunk this lie, but we have already mentioned about the national security and defense council, as a tool in the fight against those who promote russian ideas and bring russian peace here, and we saw these decisions of the nsdc when... medvedchuk's tv channels were closed, and we saw how the nsdc made decisions about vkontakte networks and classmates, well, the russian orthodox church, the branch of the russian orthodox church in ukraine is also such a network, that is, in principle, a propaganda network that was created even during stalin's time, this church was created in the form in which it exists, and even more, now the head of this uocp church. is a member of the holy synod of the russian orthodox church, is this not a reason to say
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that this church is hostile to ukraine, and perhaps, again, not to go down this long road of nine months and a month for this law to come into force, well that is 10 months, wouldn't it be easier to pass through the national security and defense council a decision to ban the activities of organizations connected to the russian orthodox church? this is a very sensitive issue. we can't here, and so they are, we did everything as loyally as possible. by the way, there is no need to wait nine months, if they do not cut off the connection, the state can do it in three months, then they are obliged to sue. this, if there will be any controversial situations, when it will be unclear whether they broke the connection or not, with the kyiv metropolitanate, everything is clear, and there is no need to wait for anyone here, you can act quickly, or they can really break all relations with ... the russian church, it is their choice, the fact that we made it a law is absolutely correct, because it does not expose us to security, when
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the lobbyists of the russian church will pay various western politicians there, er, so that they tell us that we are organizing the persecution of christianity, but in order for this not to happen, we have actually made a very effective, er, logical, one that corresponds to international subventions the law, if followed, is it is very easy to ban the activities of everyone connected with russia. sect, i would even say, because i cannot call the russian orthodox church a church, the church does not call to kill its brothers. president zelenskyi met with the representatives of the ecumenical patriarchate, who came to visit kyiv, what zelenskyi wrote based on the results of the meeting: we are doing everything possible to overcome the challenges facing the church in ukraine, in this direction it is important that there really be stability and peace, well let's to hope that there will indeed be stability and the secular orthodox church will have no influence on parishes located in ukraine
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and will not use ukrainian parishes to propagate its russian narratives. another topic, mr. mykola, is the situation that consists of regular, regular violations of polish airspace by the russian federation. by drones, another story that took place on august 26, when there was a massive, massive attack by the russians, and when a drone flew into the territory of poland, according to the deputy of the minister of national defense of poland, cezary tomczyk, he says that poland is in a state of hybrid war. during the poland of the future conference, he stated that what we are facing today in poland is
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a de facto hybrid war, and we can directly say that poland is at war today, but in a state of hybrid war, so far nato says that there is no information to indicate that this is a direct attack by the russian federation on the alliance, and one could argue with the north atlantic alliance here and there, but... the question about our neighbors, about poland, they are talking about the fact that this hybrid war is already being waged against them, you, as a person who knows polish very well. politics and polish politicians, what do you say, are they preparing for war with the russian federation and what is the current mood in poland? they understand that russia is their greatest enemy, and representatives of both the government and the opposition understand this, there is such an understanding. are they ready for war, do they believe in it? i think that they are careless about
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their own future and our common future future, relying only on the armed forces of ukraine and the fact that putin... will not move them, because they are members of nato. i think that there are no such limits for him. therefore, from my point of view, poland should cooperate more actively with ukraine, take care of its security, the security of the european continent, and realize that nothing will stop putin, not even poland's membership in nato. is poland ready for this? i have the impression that it is not over yet. they think about it, but they hope that somehow it will not affect them, but can touch very hard. and after... reacted to zelenskyi’s statement that kyiv really needs the polish mig 29, as they are well equipped and with them ukraine will not waste time on pilot training, polish defense minister władysław kosiniak kamysh said that warsaw will be able to transfer its mig-29 only after it receives a more
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modern replacement, i will quote mr. kosinyak kamysh. i know... that ukraine needs a lot of weapons, but our partners from ukraine must also understand that the polish state must to maintain our capabilities, and that is a priority for me as the secretary of defense. mr. mykola, after andrzej dud's last visit, the last visit to ukraine, can we say that all the misunderstandings that existed between ukraine and poland, which we observed throughout. last year, that they are basically already a thing of the past. well, i definitely welcome the visit of the polish president, especially on independence day, it is extremely important for us, but you have to realize for yourself that poland is a democratic country, there is a government, there is a president in opposition to the government, all polish political forces are on the side of ukraine in this war, maybe
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with the exception of some small pro-russian parties there, which do not make any headway in polish politics. should there be more cooperation between ukraine and poland? yes. at the same time, i assure you that if you talk to the military, then for our defense, if we are talking about repair companies, hubs, participation in the restoration of our equipment, in its supply, poland does the most of all european countries. they do a lot for this, it is necessary realize. it's clear that we'd like them to do more of that. and there are many challenges ahead of us in our relationship, because in addition to security challenges, there are other challenges. related to our european integration, there are challenges related to the border, to agriculture, these challenges are extremely numerous with historical politics, in the end, but our responsibility and the responsibility of polish politicians, sober-minded people who see our common future, in order to overcome all the problems posed by these challenges and jointly be the biggest ally
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in the european union, i think it will be so. thank you, mr. mykola, for the conversation, it was mykola knyazhy. people's deputy of ukraine. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages and also take part in our survey. today we ask you about the following: are you ready to give up or have you already given up? telegram yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, please write it in the comments under this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or. and vote for the numbers, if you are ready to abandon the telegram platform 0800 211 381 or 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program , we will sum up the results of this vote, then we will contact bohdan dolintse, aviation expert and manager of the aviation sector, mr.
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bohdan, i welcome you, thank you for joining to our broadcast, congratulations, well... first of all, let's talk about the f-16, because after the presentation of these aircraft, it was not clear for a long time whether they fly in the sky of ukraine or not, and we saw that on the day of the air force showed these planes, as they are already in the ukrainian army, and zelenskyi said that during the massive attack of russia on ukraine on august 26 of the summer... f-16s took part in repelling the most massive combined air attack. let's listen to what zelensky said? f-16 is a very, very good result. a lot about it talked about, but already as part of this huge missile attack, we shot down some
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missiles with the help of 16 and we thank our partners for providing us with 16, of course this is not enough, it is enough, we do not have many of them, and we still need to train, mr. bohdan, how can you measure... the performance of the f-16 in ukraine? yes, well, look, first of all we have to understand that it will be practically impossible to isolate the work of f16 exclusively from the general complex air defense system today, because information, unfortunately, in a limited access, and perhaps fortunately, it is clear that without internal information about the specific number of aircraft crashes and downed targets, it will be difficult to evaluate their effectiveness, nevertheless, we can still try to... evaluate this effectiveness by certain such related signs, that is , first of all, of course, this is the number of targets fired , the number of destroyed targets, that is, if we
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start from the data for august 26, that is, that more than two hundred targets of various types were fired there, and first of all we are talking about cruise missiles and kamikaze drones, that's because we have to understand the aviation component, it can't destroy ballistic missiles, that is, there are no such planes and... which can intercept ballistic missiles, that is , rockets can destroy only subsonic cruise missiles and corresponding drones of the kamikat type according to shahet, so here analyzing precisely these components of the attacks on the 26th, we see that in general , 90% of all launched drones were destroyed by drones, and by the corresponding cruise missiles to sound ones, this percentage reaches almost 95%. ok, for that... in order to understand what has changed, it is necessary to look at at least similar attacks in previous periods, it is clear that similar attacks mainly took place in
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22-23, and here we see that there the indicator of the destruction of enemy targets, as a rule, was there from 50 to 70, in extreme cases 80%. here, nevertheless, we understand that, of course, this result, which we have in recent days, is not only f16, it also includes western air defense platforms, i.e. nasams. that is why it is still necessary to look at the data, for example, two months ago, and there we see there when a small number of drones are launched, up to 50, as a rule , the percentage of destruction there is up to 100%, but as a rule, when these drones become more, the percentage already decreases, but as a rule it varied there by about 80 -85% for drones, and if we are talking about wings. rocket, then, as a rule, it accounted for 80-90% there. here, that is , starting from these data, we see that as of
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august 26, despite a much larger attack, the percentage of destroyed air targets, it has increased significantly, in some cases by 5%, in some by 10-15%, but we understand that this is still the merit of not only some aircraft or individual air defense systems, it is the merit of the whole lot. the shiro air defense system, built in ukraine. that is, with the arrival of the f-16 in ukraine, our anti-aircraft defense became much stronger than it was until now, that's right, to put it briefly. absolutely true, and most likely, today our air defense is probably one of the most effective in terms of numbers hit enemy targets, probably than any air defense in the world. meanwhile , president zelenskyi said that... ukraine continues to develop its military-industrial complex and has already created its first ballistic missile, he stated this during a conversation with journalists at
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a press conference on august 27. let's listen to what zelenskyi said, what is still to be done for ukraine? well, i thought it was too early to talk about it, but i would like society to evaluate this, especially our people who work 24. seven days a week the first ukrainian ballistic missile was tested positively at defense enterprises, i congratulate our defense-industrial complex on this, mr. bohdan, are we now talking about this sapsan project, which was once 80% ready back in the days when taran was the minister of defense, and we remember that this project was frozen in 2013... under yanukovych, and the export, export name of this project was called grym-2, and this project is already more than a dozen years old, is
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zelenskyi talking about... now? but look, we have to remember that before sapsana had another complex called, if i'm not mistaken, borys fen, which became just the base for the creation of the future sapsana, and then modernization to grim-2, but if we talk about the creation of ballistic missiles in particular, we must understand what happened there after 90 in 2015, ukraine had only one ballistic missile in service, it was a missile of the point y complex. later , in 2020, the neptune sea-based missile actually appeared there, but it was still not the so-called operational-tactical-missile complex, about which most likely today we are talking about, and we have to understand that the creation of a completely new missile complex from scratch, well, this is only the design part, takes about five or seven years, and then all this transformation into serial production is still there from two up to three years, and we have a minimum
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of up to 10 years from the start of work to the creation of the first serial samples, this is in the case when all the stars have aligned, there is funding, everything is there, there is no shortage and there are no, for example, security risks, that's why taking into account that ukraine already had some experience in creating a project of an operational-tactical missile complex, the most expedient and fastest option was, of course, to continue the development of those developments that already existed, and based on this , you can clearly do... what if ukraine received its own missile complex, then this complex is either the already completed sapsanchim 2 complex, or it is some other complex under a different name, but built in principle on the basis of these developments. and if zelenskyi talks about that the first test passed, does this mean that we will see how these ballistic missiles will be tested on the territory of the russian
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federation. and what can it be, what can it be , the distance at which ballistic missiles can be launched? well, look, there are different types of classes of ballistic missiles, here specifically, if we talk about based on the characteristics of the same grim-2 complex, then for the export version we were talking about about 300 km, this is due to the fact that ukraine was part of the so-called treaty on non-proliferation of small missiles medium range, and that is, it did not have the right to sell longer-range complexes, that's it... the second component is the so-called already version for internal use, which provided for a range of at least 500 km, but we must understand that after all, such complexes, they can be modernized, can be increased, for example, the part itself is related to the fuel tanks, that is , due to, for example, the reduction of the warhead, or certain optimizations on the missile itself, which can be increased quickly enough. the radius of this
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rocket up to the conventional 800 km there, which is in principle acceptable, well, that is, from the borders of ukraine with russia and to moscow, this missile can safely fly, let's say, to the red square, well, look, basically we understand that the assessment there to 500 km, when the complex was laid and designed, it was laid for the same reason, so as not to create any questions or worries in moscow once again, but today... we understand that there are already such questions that would make us think about some worries of moscow there is no, so it is clear that we can create rockets even bigger range, if we talk about 800 km, then this is exactly the range that is necessary to reach most of the key military infrastructure facilities on the territory of moscow. zelensky boasted of another development, the polyanytsia drone missile, and this project has been implemented for the past
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year and a half. it is about the fact that this missile, a drone , is launched from the ground, and in order to achieve a long range, it is equipped with a turbojet engine, if possible, tell me what changes the existence of such a thing in the russian-ukrainian war drone missile, because i understand this peregrine falcon complex, in order to start mass production and large-scale production, it really takes a very long time. safe moments of financing with palannytsia everything will be much easier, or am i wrong? well, look, if we talk directly about the pyalanitsa, then, in principle, based on the characteristics that have already been announced, that is, the use of a turbojet engine, which gives us the opportunity to estimate the speed of such a means of destruction there, of the order of 300 there to 600 km, as a rule, for turbojets the speed of the engines is as well as the list
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of those shown on the map is complete.


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