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tv   [untitled]    August 29, 2024 1:30am-1:59am EEST

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talk, or have already abandoned the telegram platform, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have a separate opinion, please write it in the comments under this video, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote by numbers, you may have refused, let’s start with mr. vitaly, please, no, i have not refused and i am unlikely to refuse, since this is a source of information in fact, in which the majority of the deep people of ukraine live, who, according to psychological research, are ahead of and... other visions source of information for most ukrainians, but in addition, this is a professional field that should be followed, since the rejection of what is a source of information, which in turn manipulates the public consciousness, to me, as an expert, an experiencer, well , this is not, no, it cannot be, therefore, it is unlikely that i will refuse, delete it as a relationship, while it influences and shapes public opinion in ukraine, well, but in due time. everyone gave up
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vkontakte classmates and especially the problem did not happen, well, look, as an expert, i can’t give up any social network that is present in ukraine, which uses it, which is a sting of information, accordingly, there is a vpn and there is the possibility of access to any social network, the fact that i am not there on vkontakte, for example, well, of course, i saw it in the 14th year since then, i practically didn't have a page there, i didn't even open an account with a classmate. that is, this is the question of the effectiveness of these networks and promotion on the ukrainian market, if they influence, are dominant, and you are engaged in researching the informational political sphere, while this social network works in this area, it is obvious that i cannot stand out from it. thank you, mr. vitaly, mr. valery, in principle, where is the limit when we talk about the fact that this is a powerful platform that provides information about ukraine. in the online mode, as
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mr. vitaly says, even much faster than television and any mass media, and obviously many people use telegram, i also use telegram and get information about the operational situation in the country, and between the fact that this network can be a platform for distribution by the russians of their narratives, their propaganda and platform, which can harm the national security of ukraine. well, first i will answer your question, do i use it, i didn’t use it and i don’t even know where it is in vkontakte, classmates, my mailbox is still on the american server, the address is dim of, then and now you can't do that, i never knew what mailru is, i consume practically nothing russian and little russian either, i didn't look at the matchmaker, i didn't look at the servants of the people, that is... this is the answer to
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and to your first and second question, what is the limit , this is not some kind of sterility and purity, this is an effort to really separate the wheat from the chaff, this is the ability as an expert to see how this convenience, the essence of things in convenience, you do not notice the hammer when you drive nails, and there is some kind of intrusion, these are practically elements of the decor, the essence of the telegram is that, for me personally, i have about 77 signatories there, because i don't have time to uh for constant uh constant reading of many things , so i know some experts i trust, there are no russians or animalosians among them, i know what jokers are there, i don’t know there, i know the owners of these channels, where they are located, who they belong to, and i know that they are multimillionaires there, drive very big, rich and for some reason somewhere they say that it is in volunteer cars. i know everything, i don't
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consume them, but i drop those experts there osinters so that i study what 's happening at the front, what's happening in politics, what's happening in international politics, i drop them, then today, for example, after the broadcast, i will watch everything that i during the day, not having the opportunity to watch in detail, i will download and study it for a couple of hours, and i, vitaly, when i was listening, i remembered, remember, accessible russian... and the city of the meeting cannot be changed, paraphrasing, if it weren’t for my work, i wouldn’t have anything to do with telegram, that’s why your understanding as an expert, what you can read, what you shouldn’t read, that’s what it really is that criterion which, at least i obey, and purity, already such sterility as not to take anything, you know, once tolstoy bowing. evil,
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that is, i don't want to participate in the fact that i know in advance that it is vicious, that it is lying, and i don't have to, you know, i'm, sorry, a nicaprologue, i don't have to understand all kinds of shit, i just know that it. that is, you still have, as i understand it, there is telegram in your phone, if you read others, yes, i reset, i reset those whom i read, i know them, i have them, there are literally seven, seven or eight channels, and today i will study the pokrovsky direction there, i will watch maps, i will watch what is happening in kurshchyna, i will watch what is happening in international politics, because i trust some of you are not ready to give up the telegram just yet, because as a professional you still get some information from there. there is a reason for everything, people have recently started watching telegram channels precisely because people are tired of the telethon, people do not trust the marathon, people enter social networks, people see what is actually there, these are directly proportional processes, how much from what, so it has decreased, to another has increased, those people who don’t watch, they
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go there, there are true exceptions, i watch those things, for example, i myself am a resident of mykolaiv, well , i was born and raised in mykolaiv and, for example, mykolaiv vynok, i subscribed to it when it was there there are about 20 thousand. people, and i myself recommended it, because there is a lot of work, operational work that we are talking about now, many people in the kherson region did not believe in the telethon, when aristovych was sitting there and said: "kherson, we are working", do you remember this word, and people did not trust, and they looked at vanka, and they knew that is happening in snihorivka, which is happening near david's ford, and they dropped some things there in the commentary that happened in the kherson region, on the left bank occupied in kherson itself, that is, it is there as a tool. it can be practically used, thank you, mr. valery, the main topic, perhaps, of the last few days, is the escape of artem dmytruk, well , it so happened that artem dmytruk became the hero of the information tapes, the people's deputy
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of ukraine, the former deputy took from the servant of the people, vatnyk, between others, a people's deputy vatnyk, who always advocated for the all-russian cause, including the russian church. took in ukraine and fled abroad. the head of the anti -corruption center, vitaliy shabunin, in an interview with radio nv , expressed confidence that people's deputy dmytruk fled ukraine because he was warned that he was going to be informed about the suspicion. the suspicion related to the beating of a military man and a policeman. let's listen to what shabudyan said. somehow, you understand, it happened that he fled abroad right in front of you.
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well, who informed, here you can guess. the question is how this whole system works cannot or does not want to let ukrainians, men under the age of 60, go abroad, and all those people who have invitations to international conferences there and legally cross the border, and there are people who absolutely need to... cross the border , there is no need to take any permits there, even when they have the prospect of a criminal case, of a suspicion that dmytrouk should have received, the same from prosecutor general kostin. mr. vitaly, this is the story and zelensky's reaction to this
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story when he gathered the leaders there, the state borders of the sbu service, and tried to understand, but what is happening, what is happening with the border of ukraine? why is it that against the background of such fugitives, if we were to call them, fugitives fleeing from ukraine, there is still a whole system, it turns out, which works, which makes money, obviously because they released bogolyubov, then they released someone else, i.e. this is a huge mass of people who are being moved across the border, and obviously this is a lot of money, if we are talking about it. it's about people who are conscripted, well here it is not only a military obligation, it is about when the system needs it, people do not run away, deputy panamarov from the former opzh, dubinsky and others, when the system needs it,
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they are suspected and actually detained, and they receive a preventive measure in the form of receiving to boil and i am more than convinced that dubinsky was warned about the possibility of such a consequence, but he believed that someone was behind him, this is the second, the second element of this story is the possibility. to play the situation, not to get a direct stay under guard, get out on bail or some other story, and then develop this case in the courts and not have a case there, stay in prisons for a short time, sometimes this system fails, but as a rule it does work, you get suspicion even at work you will continue to work, we have some cases when i will receive both deputy ministers and some people's deputies. suspicions and continued to perform their official duties, they were not even suspended from their official duties, and then this matter
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boiled over in the courts, where cases disappeared, disappeared the evidence, or the evidence was not enough, and the suspicion itself was political in order to bring down from one or another position, for example, as the former minister of agriculture, that is, we also see such stories, but when the system is formed, the situation when the moor did his job, the moor is no longer needed, in the case of dmitrovka, he was given the opportunity to leave, moreover, let me remind you how everything happened on the day when he fled, he crosses the border, hangs at chisinau airport, his flight is delayed, he is nervous, it can be seen from the video surveillance at the chisinau airport, which became known to journalists, our structures do not inform the moldovan ones, do not provide the moldovan colleagues with sufficient grounds for the detention of dmytrouk . time, and they transferred this data about,
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in fact, suspicions to dmytrok, substantiated suspicions about moldovan special services only when dmytrok flew out of kishenevo, i.e. after the fact, i.e. they even escorted him after he left the risk zone and was not in... . zone of inviolability for possible detention or any other actions, that is, in this situation, they accompanied him in order to send gifts from ukraine so that they could not reach him and carry out extradition, but when the system needs it, when there is an interest, when all the fuse systems do not work, all these chips that are displayed in the hosts of such deputies dmytruk , then such a people's deputy can really be taken and... imprisoned, played, and it can become a long story, and in the end he
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will be cleared by customs, or he will perform what this system requires. dmytruk became unnecessary, as for me he simply became in general not needed by anyone, not by the former owners, not by the new owners, not by anyone, where he played some significant role there or tried to be, to be someone, and he constantly did not succeed, not a lawyer... of moscow, of the moscow church, not a fighter with call centers, not some other, field of activity, he tried to prove himself there, he did not get enough there, as they say now, and when his patrons refuse to support the same dmytruk, well, accordingly, they call him a bully and they give him a green street so that he can to leave because he knew something was possible. let me remind you that there are quite a lot of such fugitives and fugitives in the servants of the people party.
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first, lovykovtorenia, a whole case of people's deputies who were either caught in something, or escaped and fled, or are in the risk zone, against whom criminal cases have been initiated, and they will not end in anything, there are more of them than in all other factions combined. yes, the party of the greens... the party of the servant of the people, it is big, but for some reason the most powerful opposition among people's deputies is the servant of the people. perhaps it is necessary to talk about the quality of the deputies brought by the servant of the people party to the verkhovna rada. thank you, thank you, mr. vitaliy, mr. valery, i get the impression that this whole story that started after dmytrouk's escape, when the security forces are gathering, generating some kind of solution, trying to find an answer, why did it happen like this? after all, this is just a game for the public and no more than president
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zelenskyi, because if they really wanted to imprison bytruk or declare a criminal case under criminal suspicion, they would have done it in the hall of the verkhovna rada, when voted for this law regarding the banning of russian religious organizations on the territory of ukraine, because dmytruk played one of the first violins there, who stood on the podium, talked about the fact that... uh, it is not necessary to vote for this law, because these criminal suspicions and the same criminal suspicions are a year old, that is, it is not what he committed yesterday evening, today the general prosecutor is accusing him of this suspicion. and dmytruk does not even know that this criminal suspicion is being brought against him, this is zelensky's attempt to shift the blame to someone for the fact that who did he bring into ukrainian politics, or how to explain it? well, we should remind our viewers that president zelensky said that we are all presidents now, we can't
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even cross the street at a red light, it turned out that it's not, it's already red, and the green corridor is already on... was at the airports and at the border, he forgot a completely different semantic shade, for some it is possible and for others it is not possible, the same naumov, who was bakanov's deputy and is said to have been practically his wallet, he fled before the beginning of sharobtorenia for for several hours, although the authorities told us that he would not be there, that is, he knew very well, not only that, he ran away, it's just that he had cash, he ran away and the ukrainian border guards did not check, he ran away with half a million dollars . there are 250 euros, diamonds, emeralds, this is just what he had, it is clear that he still had a lot deposited into his accounts, well, let me remind you, for example, of other people there, if we are talking about the system, then from whom do we expect such a reaction, from whom, from which court do we expect, from which prosecutor do we expect, from which
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law enforcement agencies do we expect what we are currently discussing with you, well, for example, the prosecutor general... kostin, let me remind you that when president zelenskyi submitted the bill as urgent, urgent, we read it word by word, and both in composition and in letters, urgent, he was the chairman of the committee on the liquidation of the kyiv district administrative court, in which mr. vovk still cannot get suspicions, although he is a festival at all corporate events from kyvalov to the heads of the supreme constitutional court, that is whose deputy is ablov. whose son committed a crime, a murder in odesa, is still walking there, as an emergency has been lying there for more than a year, as an emergency, because this court is used by the authorities to do some things, because it is located as a district administrative, so it can stop some laws that are not beneficial, block those people who are not beneficial to submit to the same council of justice, the council of justice, that is , to a certain extent, the government needs him, who is tatarov,
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i will tell about tatarov, we all know tatarov very well, he is sitting with daddy. on everyone has a daddy, the deputies have a daddy, the ministers, the successors of the ministers have a daddy, everyone has a daddy, they all belong to tatarov, that is why he is sitting there, tatarov was accused of manipulating the land for the national guard, there is evidence, there was a criminal case a case from the national anti-corruption bureau, then the person who testified against him is charged with attempted murder, charged with murder, the case is handed over to the sbu, because it's a murder, the case was handed over, but... it didn't get there, well it didn't get there, for one thing, prosecutors wrote they said, well, there is no case, the judges said, well , there is no case, that one is gone, there is no case, from whom are we waiting for decisions, from zelensky, he said, i am personally responsible for everyone whom i brought to power, do you remember this phrase, for everyone, they ask him, but how can the mandate be
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taken away, for example, from the majority party, i know a way, and they will show the mandate, if you don't, show me what happened? you talked about the fact that you were the first to do what was done before you, impeachment, which practically does not work, so that it cannot be held, there is no country in which there is 3/4 to vote for impeachment, and inviolability, for the inviolability of life , you need a prosecutor general, prosecutor general kostyan, whom i just told you about, before that there was venediktova, who for example , did not see her partner, who was also released, the criminal case was released quite a bit, he automatically voiced pro-russian messages and long before that... the person involved, whom we are currently discussing, he practically wrote online to the prosecutor who was conducting the case against him, that i you can't even use other words on the air, because the commission is watching us very closely, dear, that means the censors and monitors, write, that's why they are watching it very much, but he wrote, he victor says: i can't,
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the prosecutor who initiated the case according to the tailor, who is actually pro-russian. agent who here, well, remember, there are tapes of biden, the holer and the tailor, in fact, all these things were voiced in order to split the american support, in order to discredit the ukrainian authorities, whatever the names are , he is released through borders, a criminal case, they said, the sbu doesn't see anything there, therefore rafik bol is not guilty of anything, from whom do we expect a solution in a totally corrupt system, this is gödel's theory about incompleteness in logic, it is not possible in the system. to find something inside to overturn it, we need external factors, a whip, there is no internal whip, because we have a law on the legal regime of martial law, there are no elections. we cannot collect them and throw them away, therefore the government is actually the only thing that it is afraid of and will really be filled with is external influence, because certain
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to a certain extent, we are the ones who opened the framework for negotiations with the european union, let me remind you, it started, for example, with the fact that in order for us to receive the candidacy, we had to show something, ursola fondelain came, she says, the swedes and the finns they say that this is happening to you, these are our partners, they are simply anti-corruptionists. top ratings have what 's going on with you there? well, they did a demonstration search at kolomoiskyi, the sbu officer took off his shoes and showed them, well, look, they finally did some searches in the ministry of defense, the head of the department, which was then shown on the air that he was dirty, was released, liev came after him, was released, only the deputy minister remained there, who was protected by the entire ministry of defense for a few days, it was a painter, and then mondir's honor was also protected a few more months. so now there is already a case that he allegedly bought the money that he had in the sofa together with the sofa, the head of the supreme court of princes also says that the money that he had in the safe is actually not his anymore, because
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not really his, because he had to share with everyone, because the decision is made by plenums, so who do we hope that it will last, there is no one to hope for, but, but anyway, anyway, notice where it started, i'm talking about trends, the government came, for example, at the time of the split, the shefir in order to change the language. divide, and serhiy trofimov spoke, we are talking about the church now, he spoke about the fact that the verkhovna rada has passed, which means that society has split, the only legitimate church is a branch of the russian patriarchate, which means the russian orthodox church, with anufryi seagulls, and in fact, he was the provider of exactly such a policy, sex with mediation with putin, pro-russian, malosian forces, mediation at the expense of ukraine, so today, after all, from serhii trafimov to escape, to escape, escape. a person who beat a military man a year ago, still we see a trend, the authorities are afraid that sooner or later the external whip and most importantly the internal whip will solve these issues, no matter how much they
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would like to a certain extent to remain so teflon and the system to leave it as it is , which will further implement, you know, we would like to come and steal politics day and night, well no, i don’t understand how the system will explain and well... how will the state authorities explain the fact that oleg tatarov is in the office of the president of ukraine, but we saw how it volodymyr zelenskyi did yesterday at a press conference, when a journalist from ukrainian pravda asked him how you would rate the work of oleg tatarov, andriy portnov and several other managers, zelenskyi simply scolded the journalist and began to tell about the fact that oleg tatarov. seems to have killed as he said zelenskyi chechens, well, it is probably correct to say kadyrivtsi, if he really killed someone, but how zelenskyi reacted, we will see now, i didn’t want to say it,
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the federal states and everyone know it, oleg tatar, together with vasyl malyuk, killed chechens in ukraine, in kyiv, while you were not here, it was not enough to expel him... to expel him so that the russians would kill him? well, that is, mr. vitaly, according to the logic of zelenskyi tatarov, in general , it is not possible to release a bank outside the perimeter, because it turns out that when journalists, like him believes that they should not have been where zelenskyi was, and zelenskyi was in the bunker and with his entourage, that no one saw these kadyrivians, and if he really is a tatar. why did he tell the whole world about it, well, that is, if it is such a secret and it is a danger to tatarov's life, well, i would say that it is some kind of insurgency
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from moscow, while tatarov works in the president's office, they will not kill him can, as soon as he is released, the corresponding agency will lose its validity, therefore tatarov is doomed to work in the galleys for life in office of the president, because it will save his life, there is such a logic somewhere, which seems to me very strange. i was simply embarrassed to listen to the president and his similar statements, since what is this, actually, a question about tatarov in a completely different field and not about his merits during the defense of kyiv and in the first days of the war, i understand the emotional priv ness, some kind of thanks from the president to the person who established the work, as it seems to him, of the power bloc and the controllability of the processes in the power bloc. with courts, security forces and so on, but the question is they stand for him, stand in relation to corruption stories, in relation to the formation. corruption
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chains, manual management of law enforcement agencies, that is, there is a whole case of questions to tatarov and not only to him, and to the people he appointed, because it is, by and large , a whole system of people who control whole departments, that is what the journalists talked about, and unfortunately, the president did not find an answer, he protects, protects people and his environment to the last, he does not... want to surrender them and moreover, considers the surrender of these people a sign weaknesses, and this, in turn, allows him to ignore criticism and, accordingly, build the same vertical, or strengthen the vertical itself, ignoring criticism, trying to implement solutions that are unpopular, criticized by society, not accepted by society, and the motive... is my
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people, i will not surrender them, i will not let them go, if i do release them, it will be a sign of weakness, and then it will affect my image, rating and so on. i have a great discovery for mr. zelensky, because the story of tatarov is not only not only tatarov, but many others, blood clots, people from his entourage, so-called fictitious managers, there is the story of the former governor, the head of the donetsk region, and then the antimonopoly committee, these are still people from his team, people who... were with him there since the beginning of his term of office of president zelensky, all these people in one way or another affect his ratings, and the fact that he keeps toxic people in his team, this will definitely affect the overall rating and position of zelensky himself, and how he will go down in history, and on his political power, the political future of the people around him. if president zelenskyi does not have the ambition
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to become... the president will go into politics again, that is one story, but i think that this is not the case, that his entourage, his entourage and his team have a political ambition to remain in politics, even after the end of the term zelenskyi, even when zelenskyi simply ceases to be the president, he will not even run for a second term as president, but this team that is next to him, it has a political perspective, wants to have a political perspective, and now they are using their own hands, leaving the people who have the greatest critical mass... they do not answer questions from society and thus allegedly show that there is power, the president holds on, he protects his own, he does not surrender his own and so on, but well, the situation will change, maybe because of that there is another option, it is that according to the president, the existing system of relations and management, which was built by mr. yermak and his team, seems to the president
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to be effective. that there are results, that the system has not collapsed, it is functioning, that it is solving many complex questions, reacts to risks, there is simply a certain block of questions, such as questions to journalists, and there is some accumulation of some negativity, it is there in the mode of progress, but there is a basic 30%, sociology gives zelensky 30%, because it allows them to talk about the fact that there is still trust, on this inertia of trust, let's... there is an effective system, there are six effective managers who decide everything and organize management for the president, but first of all, this is the temptation of authoritarian modernization in quotation marks , this is largely a concentration of power in single hands and creating a system of blood clots and management.


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