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tv   [untitled]    August 29, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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which was built by mr. yermak and the team, it seems to the president that it is effective, that there are results, that the system has not collapsed, that it is functioning, that it solves many complex issues, responds to risks, there is simply a block of questions, such as questions journalists, and there is some accumulation of some kind of negativity, it is there in the mode of movement, but there is a basic 30%, so this... gives zelensky 30%, because this allows us to talk about the fact that there is still trust even on this inertia of trust let's live, there is an effective system, there are effective six managers who everything is decided and management is organized for the president, but this is, first of all , the temptation of authoritarian modernization in quotation marks, it is mainly the concentration of power in one hand and the creation of a system of blood clots and management.
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impulses, even if they come out positive for the president, they, they die in these blood clots, moreover, the information from below, which should determine the effectiveness of this administration, does not reach the president either, this social, that is , informational elevator stops, so to speak , the president receives no additional information, only one information from one person, let's say from irmak, but there are other questions, the question is that this system has its limit, surely we... it is possible to pass through bottlenecks during the defense of the war, but when the war becomes long, we understand , that it will be a long story, the accumulated problems are not solved, they are not removed, the steam does not let off, there is no restart of management institutions, in particular the cabinet of ministers, and this will affect the ability of the system to manage, then the whole system, which yakutar therefore built, is supposedly effective, she is simple will start with... crash and fall, and it
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will be a big problem for the country as a whole. thank you, mr. vitaly, mr. valery, judging by what zelensky says, how adequately does he assess what is happening in the president's office, in the country and in his environment? well , it's completely inadequate, but you can't evaluate the system inside the system, you have to go beyond this system, that's how the system itself works, sorry that i'm dealing with group theory, but there is science, synergy, it's described mathematically. how the system changes, it immediately, immediately it is destroyed, and if it were not for the war, not for the widespread invasion, i think that we would have had extraordinary elections for the parliament and the president, and in relation to sociology, i always say that in our country the people are always smarter than the government, that is, the people thus gives trust to the authorities, not to the authorities, to persons, but understanding that in wartime we cannot hold elections, because it will be used by putin, that is... it is trust in not
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holding elections during war , the government thinks that this is her personal trust and continues to function, that's why they evaluate inadequately, in fact, in order for you to receive adequate information, so that you have a connection with society, pay attention, zelensky talks with society in a superior manner, remember the last press conference, when they asked about zaluzhnyi: i have the right, well, you have the right, but you also have the duty to explain why, so far it has not been explained why, but i can tell. on february 8 , he was released, look at the pokrovsky direction, see what is happening, see that 207 km were captured by the enemy in the month of august alone, but the president zelenskyy a month after that, as for adequacy, a month after he appealed to the savior, in an answer to a question, he says: our situation is much better than it was a month ago, that is, i say this about feedback, because the information he is given is , which he wants to hear, when it is somehow threatening, he we see the 95th quarter, we see nerovov, we see... a chechen, we
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see this one with a bite, i, mykolaivskyi , possess this categorical apparatus better than kryvorozhskyi, the son of a professor, because i went through it from below and i know very well inside, who are you, which chechens, chechens putin and stalin killed, tatar, if he killed someone, then the law enforcement system in ukraine, because he is part of it, tatar, if he has an award, it is from yanukovych according to zakharchenko, for what he said during the maidan, voiced and did. tatarov, in fact, if he killed someone there, you know, it’s like alaudina saying in tiktok that, of course, we would be there, that means in the kursk region, but we got away, then we were silent for four days, when the riot was beautiful, i.e. it's a tiktok war, do you remember the movie "stranger vs. predator", this means tatarov vs. kadyrov, and they are there, well, in this way, we have to assess the real adequacy of the response to such things, while you were not here, and what are you there? they tried
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to remind me when there, well, the kid was specially assigned, because he is popular, because there are our sailless ships that are destroying the black sea fleet, kid, what now to say that i am there, means no... chili is from the chechens, so with that by himself, with no, he won't say, with tatarov, by the way, they say that he is already in kyiv now not tatarka, but tatarovka, so the district will be called, that’s why here, because he didn’t take part in the battle of grunval there, he built a castle, that is, he is now a saint in our tatarov, because what can you say, russian killed him they are, so i remind you of the third character of everything, that is, this one, when there was supposedly no one, he tells journalists that you were there, you were not here. there was also such a character, a very popular aristovitch, he stood, that is, with a grenade launcher , at the bank, when these gangs of chechens, probably kadyrovs, flew behind the curtain, he stood behind they said, well, at least one, in short, but i will soak it, in this way we, we make a functioning effective system, the answer to
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your question was given by rostyslav shurma, who fixes cufflinks, to new york times correspondent simon schuster, when they go around showing that they are military, so they are, so this is such an adviser... from the economy, our dear viewers, to whose brother you and i sent money to the occupied territories through the budget, because they allegedly engaged in solar energy in the occupied territories, so shuster him i ask in the second interview, first of all, he received orders, because zelensky means our hero, and tatara is our everything, so the second asks, well, you have corruption here , corruption is such, why does it happen, so shuster describes, he just said the correcting starch budget, otherwise everything will fall apart. that's why it's going to rain, that's why zelenskyy is holding on, five salutes minjarovshchyna, remember, simiboyarshchyna, this is the system on which they will be, it does not function, but in conditions of war, when the law on the legal regime of martial law does not allow us either through elections or directly through participation in mass
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demonstrations and events there, remember how we did the days of surrender there, when yarmak signed the subjectivization of the dpr, lpr, because it was necessary to raise. status and talk about constitutional commissions, we were meeting then, now we cannot meet, so to some extent they continue to implement such a policy, because there is no other way, that resignation, then we will see criminal cases against everyone, i do not see such people, political suicides, therefore, we will continue to see this kind of theaters, we will see such a tick-tock, we will see this single marathon, we will see censorship, we will see other things, because the inertial system imitates itself from... the creative one, because it has another exhaust simply no, but the system will be unsustainable, i am absolutely convinced that one way or another, if we are talking about trends, one way or another, but those people who are part of the criminal system, the past criminal
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system, will be changed in one way or another, and i really hope that not all of them will escape like ee dmytruk, or kunytskyi there. somewhere else, someone is complaining about something further on, buzhanskyi is like that, dubinskyi, you remember, there are criminal cases against dubinskyi, the whole country knew what he was doing, prime minister honcharuk’s seniority is with prime minister honcharuk, zelenskyi gives three weeks to leave found, he knows perfectly well where, i will go to dubinsky myself, but one way or another, one way or another, society with its future pressure forces them to change, so not everyone will escape, and the ukrainian press used to live opposite its prison, now i live opposite his house, will concern both tatarov and those who cover him. thank you, mr. valery, mr. vitaly, at the end of our conversation, we already mentioned that zelensky does not consult with anyone in particular, and he believes that this seven boyars absolutely suits everyone.
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zelensky announced a victory plan that he will take to joseph biden in september, but ukrainians are not aware of this victory plan at all. no no they didn’t inform and they don’t say anything about it at all, is it normal, if possible in 30 seconds, no, it’s normal, in general any, for some reason, our high-ranking officials always give strategic interviews where they voice certain plans, strategies, visions, they sound for foreign journalists, and it was at this press conference that by and large , at least some elements, some visions should have been voiced things from this victory plan, some element of positivity and and... hope, optimism, but unfortunately, we did not hear all this, that is , the president did not name any elements of this plan at the press conference, moreover, not a single publication of people from his team, maybe his interview, some
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individual publication, or one of those, from the same effective managers who would voice these elements of this plan, so it could be anything from the idea to scale. the kursk operation to the next reconstruction plan for 300 trillion dollars next to the construction of the chegryn nuclear power plant, when it took place. we have to conclude, mr. vitaly, vitaly kulyk, valery dymov were guests of our program today, thank you gentlemen for participating in the program, i would like to remind our viewers that throughout the entire survey we we conducted a survey and asked you about whether you are ready to give up or have already given up on telegram, let's look at the results of the television poll, please display on the screen 82% yes and 18% no, on this. let's put a full stop, it was the verdict program and serhii rudenko, goodbye.
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name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on espresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, me and my colleagues will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component , serhii zgurets and what the world is alive, yuriy fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yuriy good evening, two hours to be in... abreast of economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morcha in kapoli with me, and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to a conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about cultural news, alina chekchenina, our tv viewer, is ready to say good evening, the presenters, who have become familiar to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemiliv, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, greetings, good day, events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. watch
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this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. qualification assessment of acting judges. who failed the interview with vkks? criminal proceedings were opened against menu. but do all judges underestimate the value of their property? this apartment, it is in quite old. hunting fund is located, watch the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on thursday, august 29 at 5:45 p.m. on the espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. the enemy hit kryvyi roz again, many destructions, casualties and eventually completed the search and rescue work at the hotel aurora in kryvyi roz among the dead. the ex-leader of the region in question. let's tell you, the jokes are over, the tsk was shooting at the target, the armed attack on
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the lutsk territorial procurement center, the consequences and a statement from the tsk management, as now they will act and how citizens should act, whether the armed forces broke through to belgorod region, it is difficult in the pokrovsky direction and the situation in kurshchyna, serhiy sgurets will tell in detail about this, as well as about the first test of the ukrainian ballistic, so-called thick missile, all the details from... our of a military expert, poison in the water, hand, fishing and swimming in the diet and gums are prohibited, this is a statement from the kyiv regional administration that flows to us from russia, let's try to talk about it, and where to get workers, the market slows down, there is a lack of workers who will work and earn money for the ukrainian budget, well, dynamo kyiv tried, did not lose, but the champions league is postponed until next year, as the kyivans performed well in salzburg and are now waiting for their opponents in the
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europa league. this is velikiy ater, my name is vasyl wintering for the next hour and 44 minutes. i and my colleagues are with you. well, let's start with the military results of the day. serhii zurets is already with us. sergey, good evening. please, you have the word. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today in our column we will talk about areas of the front, first of all this is the pokrovsky direction and what... is happening in kurshchyna, and in more detail about the new ballistic missile, the successful test of which was announced by the president of ukraine yesterday , august 27, we will talk about it in conversation with an expert who knows. details on all of this in a moment. during the past day, 184 combat clashes took place, this is a lot, it is actually more than when volokh tried to capture bahmud, and now most of the attacks were in the pokrov direction, where our armed
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forces repulsed 55 enemy attacks and the general staff lists almost all of them. settlements in this direction, where hostilities took place and suggests that the greatest concentration of attacks was near novgorod, but from this statement it is difficult to understand the exact status of this settlement at the moment, because we know that it was the line of grodivka and novogrodivka that had to become the boundary at which the enemy's advance had to be significantly delayed, for this there were at least all the geographical prerequisites that we now have today... that now the southern and the central part of novohorodivka is under the control of the russian troops , a small area near the terekons is held, we know that the railway passes through novogorodnika and further west there are two terekons, one along the western part and the railway, one along the eastern side,
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and actually now these terekons are the same well... it is contested that hostilities are taking place near this area, that is, what can we say that now, in fact, the enemy, having started hostilities for novogrodivka on august 21 , has advanced 3 km within a week, and this is actually, perceptibly non-advancement and further beyond novogrodivka there is still one line of defense, and then the section to turetsk actually begins, somewhere around the 10 km limit, but now we see several infographics, which... show the railways that approach pokrovsk and the highways that also go through pokrovsk, this just shows the important importance of pokrovsk from the point of view of logistics, because it is through this settlement, through this city, that the provision of both the eastern and southern sections of our front, and the actual capture of pokrovsk takes place
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well, it can create significant problems for our logistics, can we talk about the fact that pokrovsk will be captured, i think. that these are such statements are premature, because now the enemy is trying to move more quickly to the south, securing a certain flank of its advance, it will take some time for the enemy, and as for pokrovsk itself, there is such a conclusion, in particular one of the nascent structures, it is precisely the center of defense strategies , who claims that the enemy will be able to reach pokrovsk by mid-september, but will not be able to take it. and the upcoming battle for pokrovsk, according to the estimates of the center of defense strategies, will be the actual culmination of the enemy's offensive operation in the southwestern theater of military operations in the 24th year. i don't even know if this is an optimistic or a pessimistic scenario, but in any case we know that this advance is taking place in view of the enemy's advantage in manpower, in view of
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certain miscalculations on our part, primarily this after the enemy's capture of the reeds, which ... it was on a hill and actually had to be like that, well, a section that was difficult to break through, but it was precisely because of the rotation that the enemy captured the reeds, and a certain dynamic followed on this part of the front. there is a decision to strengthen the protection direction by means of means, there was a meeting of the stake on this topic about it the day before yesterday, i hope that such measures will be taken, but the impression is that it has a certain belated nature, and in any case there is a risk that now ... we will cover up certain systemic failures in the preparation of the defense in this area, i will also talk about another direction, about the kurdish direction, we know that yesterday oleksandr syrskyi said that the enemy transferred about 30,000 personnel to kurshchyna to strengthen their
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grouping, this of course affects our advance, one of the ideas of the offensive on the course... as syrskyi said, it is to draw enemy forces away from the pokrovsky direction from the kurakhiv direction, we see that this is not happening yet, because the priority for the enemy is still the advance in the pokrov area, but in any case we know that in a certain way the inertia in the reaction, it will still affect the that the enemy will feel the actions in the kursk region and so... how is it possible that it will really somehow simplify the actions of our military in the pokrov region, in particular, as it happened in the kharkiv region. if we briefly talk about the main advances in ee... kurshchyna, then first of all we should highlight several directions, this is the one in the most famous glushkovsky district, this is the one
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marked in yellow on our map, where the bridges are blown up, the enemies are further away is trying to keep this area, trying to build pontoon crossings instead of destroyed ones bridges, this section is 40 km wide and 20 km deep, and there the enemy is still trying to maintain the defense in some... way, and we are just waiting and exhausting just the possibilities of securing this section with enemy forces. still other directions are ongoing hostilities in the west of korenevo, this is an important settlement, the capture of which allows us to then move to rylsk and, first of all, to control the rylsk-lhov highway. now we can see this rolling track on the map. and there are also hostilities. in the direction of lhova and kursk, which it is interesting that in two weeks, the enemy built 55 km long engineering defenses near kursk,
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but it is almost right next to kursk, probably counting on the worst scenario of hostilities. there are also hostilities east of suja, the enemy has the largest number of personnel there , he is also trying to hold areas, and for us, on the contrary, it is important to expand the flanks, that is precisely to advance to... the east of suja and i repeat, capture the root and secure exactly the flanks of this bridgehead of ours in the kurdish region. we know that zelenskyi stated that the kurdish operation is one of the points of ukraine's victory plan and is connected with the second peace summit that ukraine wants to hold, including representatives of the russian federation, and this means that our military leadership will probably pay attention to... these guidelines of the political leadership will maintain a bridgehead in this area and it is extremely important to ensure the balance of resources in this area compared to other
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areas where our armed forces are conducting operations. and then we will talk about ours defense-industrial complex, and now we are recruiting our guest, and for now we will remember that yesterday the president of ukraine. zelenskyi said that ukraine has created and tested its first ballistic missile. let's listen to this video and this quote from president volodymyr zelenskyi. what is ukraine's progress? well, i thought it was too early to talk about it, but i would like society to evaluate this very thing of our people who work 24/7 for defense. there was a positive test of the first ukrainian ballistic missile missiles, and i congratulate our defense-industrial complex on this. and now we
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are joined by valentyn badrak, director of the army, conversion and disarmament research center, military analyst and writer. mr. valentin, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. mr. sergey, congratulations, very glad, as always , to join espresso and discuss various. no, controversial issues, especially. well, first of all, of course, i am interested in one topic today, i know that you are quite familiar with a number of workers who are involved in the creation of missile weapons and our missile programs. i know that, for sure, our enemies also watch our programs, and that is why we need to find such a balance in order not to say too much and convey certain information to our viewers, so that they have an understanding of when and where ukraine is moving with its missile program. and the first question i would like to address to you... is that the president announced the successful testing of a ballistic missile, what project is he talking about in general terms, what
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technical parameters can we talk about now? well, first of all, yes, let's start with the fact that, in order to be clear in retrospect, yes, in the morning in we had a series of powerful strikes on russian facilities, and after that the president announced that... that one of the missiles was going into scaling, yes , into a series, that is, in fact, we concluded that such long-term work with a cruise missile was, well, reached to the logical continuation of this, to the logical development, then we are already talking about a ballistic missile, whether it will be thunder or peregrine, it is difficult to say now, it seems to me that it is not so important, what is important, actually, is the creation in ukraine. a ballistic missile, because a ballistic missile - this is something that the enemy cannot cope with, we have seen many times how
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missiles... american tactical missile systems atacoms of the 90s of development as early as 91 they were used and praised russian means of anti-aircraft anti-missile defense these old ones can't stand it, let's say frankly old technologies , now a ukrainian ballistic missile is appearing, will there be, can it be considered old or can it be considered new, i mean technology logically, it seems to me that it is a mix, because i really don't want to lose a lot of time but we remember the program of collective reduction of the threat, the nanolugar program, which seriously, well, i would say so, weakened the enterprises of this industry, the industry of this, well, i myself.
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hundred was in 1998 at pivdenmash, when the last production capacity of the strategic ballistic missile was destroyed, and in addition , various other capacities were lost, but now, now the situation is completely different with ours, let's say this, trust in us, yes, the ukrainians have earned it is our blood that we get some technologies, on the one hand, a significant part of the technologies in... ukrainian enterprises have independently, on the other hand , they need to be accelerated, i stand by the fact that we need the development of military-technical cooperation for the development of this ballistic missile, that is, you are waiting for the fact that in principle the development of this of the missile program must rely not only on our competences, which are partially lost, but also on cooperation with our partners when it comes to certain key components,
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in particular, there is possible fuel. possible systems guidance in order to speed up the creation of this type of weapon, yes, we need not just a process, yes, that we have created a ballistic missile and now we are trying to develop it, because there is a certain, certain period of time from the creation to the series, i would very much like this the period of time was no more than a year, and if we want to make it a really serious matter, then firstly, the vertical support and... should be from the president through the ministry of defense to go to the industrialists and so coordinate, and secondly, the issue of military-technical cooperation again, strategic issues through the president, and then the minister of defense, and then, even lower, industry, we do not have this vertical today, it must be done once, secondly, we know very well that we asked for
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attack missiles, and now in... already the company north upgroom and reid are developing the latest precision strike missile with a range of up to 1000 km, although the basic model is 500 km, and we now, in order to speed up the scaling, i, especially with such special attention, are shifting the focus, so to speak , to the that was created, not that the president reported that... we need to scale, scale in such a way that a certain team was created, which would be created according to the principle of a consortium, because we have a cruise missile, thank god, the school was created long ago, back in 2000, and thank god, thank god, no one violated anything there, the general director is the general designer there, everything is concentrated in one hand, here the situation is a little different, here
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there is... the designer and the design group are powerful enough, but of political weight, administrative weight not enough for to scale up the work on creating, let's say, serial production of ballistic missiles, and what it will be called, it is not important to us, but what is important is that it will definitely be a missile that will have a range of at least 500 km, and it is possible it will carry... a combat unit, well, i think that it is not less than 350-400 kg, and this allows us to assume that somewhere at the level of the 25th year, the middle of the 25th year, if everything is built correctly in the administrative part, we will have, will have serial production of ballistic missiles and will be able to...


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