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tv   [untitled]    August 29, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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savevory pro pans take up almost no space in your cupboards, so your cupboards will always be in order, a set of savevory pro pans 10 items only from uah 999, call, there are discounts until independence day on corvalment, 10% in pharmacies, plantain bam and savings, there are 10% discounts on tempalgin tablets until independence day at psaryznyk bam and oskad pharmacies, there are 20% discounts until independence day on novysyn at psaryznyk pam and oskad pharmacies. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. qualification assessment of acting judges. who failed an interview with vkks? criminal proceedings were opened against me. but do all judges underestimate the value of their property. this apartment is located in a rather old housing stock. on thursday, august 29, at
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5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. we resist information attacks russians from the chronicle project. information war with olga ley. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat tuesday-friday at 22:00. ukraine is the country of sunflowers. every field is our national treasure. each wall has its own... story. every story has its price.
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ukraine is a country of heroes. we remember. russia shows no readiness for peace talks. this was reported by the minister of foreign affairs of poland, radoslav sikorskyi. russia will continue to demand the surrender of ukraine, which ukraine, well... in the person of our top political leadership, will not agree to, i quote now sikorsky ukraine did something unexpected for putin, it took control of part of russia. it is about the kurdish operation. now there is a reason for a conversation and an appeal to both countries to withdraw to the internationally recognized border, but as sikorsky emphasized, he does not see russia's readiness for peace negotiations. well, now let's talk about an extremely important sports event. yes,
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the paralympic games were officially opened in paris yesterday, we will talk about this now with valery sushkevich, the president of the national paralympic games committee of ukraine. mr. valery, congratulations. greetings to all. well, we would like to ask how many of our paralympians are represented at these games, what is their mood now and when are the first competitions in which our athletes will participate expected? well, you are the tv channel that is more. approached the beginning of the real result of our national team, first of all, today we already won the first game of golfball, but today in an hour and a half the final swims begin, the first final swims, where, lord, help and give god luck and inspiration our boys and... girls may get their first
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results, we are very much waiting for them, and well , hope, hope, hope, but there is, you asked about the mood, there is a mood of responsibility to the country, responsibility to the people of ukraine, responsibility to the armed forces of ukraine, because we are equal to them, we saw our form, you saw how we prepared for it was not easy. the identification of some sports result so that we can fight and win in the name of ukraine, fight and fight for ukraine. mr. valery, i would like you to ask about, perhaps, participating in the paralympic games, veterans, yes, who have suffered serious wounds or injuries, well, here we are talking about the fact that the russian-ukrainian war has been going on for more than one year, yes, perhaps there is already some... statistics , information about this
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? well, first of all, today, on behalf of the national team, i want to say about today, it is a special day. this is the day of defenders of the homeland, the day of defenders of heroes who defend ukraine, defenders of ukraine, so i want to convey from the national of the paralympic team to congratulate the defenders and tell them that we are with them, we are with them, we are in spirit, in mood, i repeat, in responsibility, we will be equal to them. respect and glory are ours. to the hero, heroes, defenders of ukraine, this is the first, second, we started not from the beginning of the full-scale war, but from the 14th year in our paralympic center, the western rehabilitation and sports center, listen, not sports and rehabilitation,
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but rehabilitation and sports, this is our paralympic base, which we called rehabilitation and sports, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds soldiers who defended ukraine were wounded... wounded, who have severe lesions, who today after injuries, after the hospital, the hospital is a great option, what the doctors did, but the doctors will not do what is here, the war is here for the boys, how return them to a full-fledged life, psychologically, socially, physically, this can be done by us, ukrainian paralympians, our rehabilitation specialists, we are now in our center. we do a great job of bringing boys back to life, so for us paralympic sports are not only for us, it is necessary to understand in ukraine how relevant the paralympic sport is today for
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those who today suffered from the country of killers, starting from the soldiers who defended ukraine, ending with civilian victims, including. children, you understand, children today have terrible injuries, and they do not know how to return to a full life, we know, we are ready, and i remind you that paralympic sports, it appeared after the second world war in great britain, which used sport as a powerful, effective means of rehabilitation, that's why we do it, do it and win. and bring the boys back to life. mr. valery, please tell me whether there are representatives of the country of the terrorist and the country that helps it, that is belarus. we know that they should have been admitted under neutral flags, how many of them there are, do they somehow get out of the crowd, and did they
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somehow have to come into contact with them there, but rather cross paths somewhere. you know, there are these, i call them subs. i cannot call the subjects of paralympic sports athletes, they are not athletes, these are the subjects of paralympic sports, the countries that killed its satellite, these subjects are here, they walk in such, i don't know, hideous uniform, not national, they wear this uniform and they are disgusting to look at, some of them walk with lowered eyes, some blatantly, you know, talk about the fact that ukrainians do not want to talk with them, well, i want many of our athletes to have such, you know, extreme reaction towards them, i see it and hear it from my athletes, but today we in fact,
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we ignore them abominably and with disgust towards those you know, why the question is not... because these are some subjects who just came to the password competition. we read the reaction of russian social networks regarding the last terrible missile attack, well, it's terrible. ordinary people are applauding, ordinary people, these are not putin's politicians, not deputies of the russian parliament, not governors, these are ordinary, ordinary people who are happy that... terrible bombs are falling on the entire territory of ukraine, on peaceful towns and cities, destroying kindergartens, schools, killing civilians, destroying our infrastructure, and this are rejoicing, and we can see that there is a certain reaction from them
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here on this occasion, so they cannot be called neutral, today and yesterday and tomorrow i will continue to... draw the attention of the world sports community here at the paralympics in paris to this, because it is necessary to fight them everywhere, everywhere, giving the understanding that this... country is a murderer, today a threat to human civilization. thank you, mr. valery, valery sushkevich, the president of the national paralympic committee of ukraine was in touch with us. we will remind that yesterday the paralympic games 2024 and they will last until september 8. well, now we are going to take a break, after it we will continue our information day, be with espresso. sales progress from unpack tv. screwdriver pro is compact, light, powerful, will replace a huge number of expensive professional
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we honor the memory of those who gave their lives for ukraine. august 29 is the day of remembrance of defenders of ukraine. information day of the tv channel in rozpala. so, an important signal from the belarusian lukashenka. he assured that he would not order belarus to enter the war on the side of russia against ukraine. until they come to minsk with bad intentions, well, we understand that lukashenka should not be believed, but the signal
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is extremely characteristic, yes, well , he is going to preach only their belarusian truth, but the signal is important, that the belarusians do not want to join russia with russian intentions, in particular, when we talk about the threat of a direct invasion , our foreign office. to prejudice and, as far as we understand, that lukashenko is also aware of all the threats that war or aggression against ukraine can bring to belarusian soil, yes, so, dear viewers, lukashenko does not want to fight, but the question here is whether the russians will force him to do so. well, we will now talk about one of the significant events, the ratification of the roman statute. thus, president zelensky signed the law on the ratification of this document, and we will now talk about it with radoslav tkachenko, a lawyer. mr. radoslav, we congratulate
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you. good day. well, many ukrainians want to understand for themselves how... important is this step towards the ratification of this statute, what it gives us and why ukraine has it did not approve, that is, did not ratify, for so long. here it is important to understand that the statute itself is essentially an international treaty, it defines the main provisions of how the international criminal court functions in principle, it defines which crimes are investigated by the court and prosecuted, this is in particular, i want to emphasize them, because we, perhaps today we will return to them, these are... genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression. at the same time, in order for mankind, so to speak, to come to the creation of this court, it experienced a terrible 20th century, during which the most egregious, most terrible crimes against human dignity occurred, and society and humanity as a whole
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understood that such crimes should not go unpunished, and therefore decided to create an international community. the court, which will take care of the prosecution of criminals for the most terrible acts, let's say, attacks on human dignity and humanity as such, and the problem of why ukraine, let's say, did not ratify the rome statute earlier, consisted of several things: firstly , we had a problem with the fact that the ratification of the roman of the statute banally contradicted our constitution, since our constitution... directly determined that only the jurisdiction of ukrainian courts extends to the territory of ukraine, no international court could extend its jurisdiction to our territory, and this continued until 2000 16, when changes were made to the constitution and it was indicated that ukraine can still ratify the rome statute, but at the same time i want
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to emphasize that by the 16th year, ukraine had already twice recognized the jurisdiction of the international criminal court, in particular. regarding crimes which were committed on the maidan, and then the court began to consider the relevant cases. as of today, the problem with ratification, it seems to me, was mainly the problem of the communication history of the ratification of the rome statute among our citizens, in particular the military, because uh, sometimes there were narratives that indicated that the alleged ratification of the rome statute led to , that... they will judge ukrainian soldiers, ukrainians, and this caused dissatisfaction in society, dissatisfaction of the military, which in principle, let's say so, if you believe such narrative, it may even be fair, however, in my opinion, this kind of narrative may be more beneficial, perhaps to the agents of the russian federation in ukraine, who did not want us
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to ratify the roman status, look, mr. radislav, but in any case in any case, there are certain, as they say... a system of risks and a system of bonuses, yes, risks, they have already been voiced by critics of the ratification of the rome statute, as well as in our parliament and not only there, but what bonuses for ukraine that we receive, ratifying the rome statute? first of all, it's probably the first thing everyone talks about those who are in favor of the ratification of the roman statute, which is the fulfillment of one. from the requirements of the association agreement with the eu, and we have finally fulfilled it and can, let's say, continue our european path further. secondly, in my opinion, a positive point is that, having recognized the court's jurisdiction today, we allow the court to extend its activities to all crimes
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committed by russians on the territory of ukraine, and this is legal for us. means that now war crimes, crimes against humanity committed by the russians on the territory of ukraine are not only a problem ukraine, this is the problem of all, all of humanity, which must now prosecute the guilty persons in what is happening today within the framework of our defensive war, and i am not talking only about ordinary soldiers, because the international criminal court, it judges people personally. he does not judge the state, i am talking not only about crimes committed by ordinary soldiers, but also by their commanders, as well as by the military-political leadership, and we already see today that the international criminal... court has the highest number of suspects political leadership of the russian federation, in particular their
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president. well, in any case , we understand that in order to judge putin, he must first be brought there in a bag or in a ball or in a cage, which is not easy, so to speak, but it is extremely important that the appropriate legal procedure be carried out, yes and this is very important, right marko? but i would like us to talk with you about the challenges and risks that may be associated with it, you talked in detail about the advantages it gives ukraine, but are there any possible pitfalls that we need know? and yes, of course, let's say so, conditionally there are pitfalls, if you can call them such, well, in principle, the very work of the court, let's say it like this, in my opinion, will try to be paralyzed by the russians, because they will now start to declare that , that... war crimes and with this they will try to simply overwhelm the international
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criminal court so that it simply cannot process such a huge number of applications, that is, they always try to use democratic procedures, let's say, for their undemocratic goals, but here our the parliament, partially in anticipation, made such an amendment that they noted that for... the country, the jurisdiction of the court regarding the commission of war crimes by citizens of ukraine , the alleged commission of war crimes by citizens of ukraine, will come only after 7 years, that is, as of today, the international criminal court will not have jurisdiction over the alleged the commission of such crimes by the ukrainian military, but there are also other crimes, such as the crime of genocide, inhumanity, and the crime of aggression, which will now be spread. its actions on the territory of ukraine, the jurisdiction of the court, regarding these crimes will be extended to the territory of ukraine. this means that probably ukraine should prepare to
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defend its citizens, defend its servicemen in such cases, if they will be tried by an international criminal court, and moreover, it is not only the state that needs to prepare, but lawyers in particular need to be ready for to conduct relevant cases about... but i want to note that the international criminal court is not a self-sufficient body, that is, it does not decide by itself that it will investigate something, it investigates certain cases, certain crimes only if the state itself does not do it, that is, if ukraine takes a proactive position regarding the investigation, the alleged commission of crimes by our citizens, then the international criminal court will not be able to do this, and in such a case we we can, let's say, guarantee. due process to our defense attorneys if they are suspected of committing one of these crimes. mr. radoslav, i would also like
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to clarify, and how, for example, with other crimes or suspects in them, as we understand, that there are various corruption scandals, there are still many different, so to speak, deviations from what is called the normal european status quo, right? well, we understand that those people, as far as i understand, will have to strain significantly, because a certain procedure is changing, and those people who could feel completely safe in ukraine may be involved in certain investigative procedures on the territory of the european union, perhaps there are some additional very interesting or characteristic cases. well, to the situation after signing, after the ratification of the rome statute, but which would apply, for example, to our average citizens, well, relatively speaking, there officials or there and the same with them
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, but it would not apply to military personnel, but look, those crimes that are investigated by the international criminal court and its jurisdiction extends only to these four groups of crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, crimes of aggression, regarding... any other crimes, the international criminal court, it will not hear relevant cases, and therefore spread to, let's say, ordinary citizens or public servants, here is not even an improbable story, the only time when public servants can really think about the fact that they can be brought to the appropriate responsibility is in the case that under their leadership, one was committed of these crimes, which... i called, that is, if they managed, gave instructions, then even a public servant is like that, he can be held responsible, er, according to
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the roman statute. thank you. extremely interesting conversation with a competent person radoslav tkachenko, a lawyer, was in touch with us to inform you about the most important things. well, the news arrived: the head of the anti-monopoly anti-monopoly committee, daruyte krylenka, is suspected of illegally enriching himself by 56 million, and he paid a 30 million bond and now he should be released. this was reported by the public with reference to the higher anti-corruption court. we will remind that kerelenko. are suspected of illegal enrichment and the declaration of unreliable information, yesterday the court refused to grant the request of nabu detectives, approved by the sap prosecutor, to hold in custody and applying to the high-ranking official a preventive measure in the form of bail in the amount of uah 30 million, the prosecutor does not agree with the specified court decision and will appeal it in the appeal procedure to the appeals chamber of the higher anti-corruption court, that's how they say that everything
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is fine there. .. the family earned that they gathered the main wealth for the cultivation and sale of raspberries, that is, in principle, it pleases that there is an opportunity, so to speak, to engage in the development of agriculture, and raspberries, such a useful the product is grown and enriched, well, i’m being so ironic, well, as they say, the investigation will show, but an important signal from the kyiv vodokanal, so... they are monitoring the situation with the water intake, as well as with the quality of the water, because there were alarming rumors about dirty water, so kyivvodokanal reassures the people of kyiv, i am quoting now the official message of the kyiv city state administration. the network is actively spreading information that near kiev, poisonous substances were found in the gums, which flowed from the side of the russian border. in
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connection with this, kyivvodokanal is in a dire situation with water treatment and water supply in the capital under the control and specialists of kyiv waterworks are constantly taking water samples at various stages, both at the stages of water intake and at the stages of water treatment, well, in any case, the process of water purification and disinfection continues, and the water supplied to the homes of the people of kyiv are safe, their quality is constantly monitored, well, we will wait for such messages and... from the north of our country, although of course the kyiv water canal does not work there, but direct water intake from the seim or desna rivers is prohibited, we understand that bathing, you can't fish there either, the water is poisoned mostly by the russians. well, we remind you that due to the unstable situation in the energy system, it is clear for what reasons russian shelling happened to us a few days ago, and there are certain consequences, that is why the schedules do not work. in some
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regions, it is about kyiv region, in particular, about dnipropetrovsk region, so follow your oblenergo, they are updating operational information, and as soon as they return to the planned schedules, they will definitely inform you about it, and we will also remind you that that you can always be aware of the main events if you follow the youtube channel of our tv channel, yes espresso is on youtube, so please subscribe to it and... that you haven't done it yet, and there you can see your own main, what we talk about during our live broadcasts, so come in, subscribe and stay up to date with the main events, but for today , antin borkovskii and i will finish little by little and will pass the baton to our colleagues, who will continue to work already in the information evening on the spresso tv channel , but there will be more news from iryna koval, so be sure to wait for her, and for today we
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tell you yes. and take care, please respond to the air raid signals, all is well! hour and bring to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. the head of the antimonopoly committee, pavlo kyrylenko, made a uah 30 million deposit, the high anti-corruption court reported. let me remind you that on august 28, the court ordered a preventive measure in the form of bail for kyrylenko. it is about the case regarding the illegal enrichment by more than uah 56 million. instead, the prosecutor insisted on taking
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the suspect. worth for 60 days. nada


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