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tv   [untitled]    August 29, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EEST

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decisive in ending the war. the most important thing today at 21:15 in the project is spoken by velikiy lviv, a platform where everyone gets a say and everyone is heard. on the air of the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion due to border about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. good in the evening, we from ukraine continue, there is a lot of air and money during the war, it's time to talk about it, oleksandr moshchev. already next
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to me alexander good evening. please. good evening. i greet the audience. so, i traditionally monitor the situation in the energy sector, learn about restrictions, new restrictions national bank, who does it concern? and the imf mission is going to ukraine. more on that in a moment. this is a column about money. during the war, i am oleksandr morchavka. about today's economic news. i will tell you in the next few minutes. therefore. nuclear units went offline during a massive russian attack on august 26. this is stated in an official statement to magate. we are talking about the shutdown of power units at the rivne and south ukrainian nuclear power plants. the power of the substation has decreased significantly. that is why our government is calling on the magathe respond immediately to russian terror. and here are some. power units of thermal power plants
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cannot be restored in the foreseeable future, ukraine will not have time to rebuild all the necessary generation by winter. this was announced by the head of ukrenergo volodymyr kudrytskyi. repairs can last from several weeks, months or even up to two years. currently, 9 gigawatts of capacity are missing. however, there is an option to import electricity, and this will significantly help our country to get through the heating season, he believes. head of ukrenergo volodymyr kudrytskyi. but for the attention of businesses , the national bank has set restrictions on cash transfers without opening an account. from now on, the money must go first, it begins to work and will help, in fact, to keep the state budget full. this is a very important and significant victory of our government. well, here we have to thank the owners of eurobonds who left. on such
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agreement. let's go further. the ministry of economy is preparing a mechanism for the so-called economic reservation, it is planned to be launched in october or november, the first deputy head of the committee said yaroslav zhelezniak of the verkhovna rada on tax and customs policy. for now, they are waiting for the position of the top political leadership - adds the people's deputy. additional revenues of the state budget from economic reservations are estimated at 40 billion uah per year. but for this, it is still necessary to make point changes to the tax legislation, which will allow to receive monthly reports on paid taxes from salaries. currently, the ministry of economy is developing several models of economic reservations. well, yesterday in this studio we talked with mr. neskhodovsky, the economic manager the expert also assessed the importance of economic booking. it is necessary to do this as soon as possible, and one of the models for this is that
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a business, for example, a company, an enterprise, pays approximately 20,000 such taxes to the state budget for an efficient employee, without whom, for example, one or another is impossible... chain of activity or production at the enterprise. the team of the international monetary fund is going to visit ukraine next week, they plan to review the prospects of the budget, bloomberg reports. the representatives of the imf need to understand whether to pay us the next installment of the loan under the current cooperation program. currently, we are talking about more than 1 billion dollars. i would like to remind you that the fund is currently monitoring the government's important reforms with... in particular, tax and customs. it is they who have to show their partners that the state is capable of filling the state budget itself, and not completely dependent on foreign revenues. i would also like to add that the committee of the verkhovna
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rada recommended adopting the draft law on restarting the customs office as a whole, said the chairman of the committee danylo hetmantsev. in particular, the initiative provides for the regulation of contract terms. of the act on the completion of service, recognition of the requirements for the professional competence of officials, they will introduce such a rotation procedure, check for good faith, monitor the lifestyle of customs officers, well, these are really such effective initiatives, i think, and the parliamentarians, i hope, will adopt them in the near future after all in general , certain changes to the law on the reset of customs, because it is to vasyl. a really important component of filling the state budget, tax reform is great, really, but international partners are insisting precisely on receipts from customs, well, we remember this, which part of the black, well, that dark budget, or the money that goes past the budget, which
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part belongs to customs, then the lion's share is there more than anything else, well, i remember the amount of, let's say, how much individual cities through which the customs passed were key for a year of that black cash, well, that's it. money in fact and without reform here it is really difficult to talk about any development perspective, when so much money just goes into people's pockets, so, i hope that this check on the integrity and lifestyle of the customs officers will also bring income to the state, it is necessary to look for it where, in principle, by nature , it can be so that vasyl does not hear those phrases about the fact that he received an income of 300, how many thousands of dollars for raspberry plantations, right? so that the customs officials don't say either, i think that some drug lords, i think that some drug lords have seen it, they will think, no way, how is it possible that there is land in ukraine on malyna, vasyl, well, we see, they are really looking for the authorities effective ways of filling the state budget, the government is also looking for effective investors. the
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state property fund put up for privatization the single property complex of the poltava experimental prosthetic and orthopedic enterprise. the starting price is almost uah 18.5 million. the head of the department vitaliy koval said. the production is located in poltava, sumy and kropyvnytskyi, they make prostheses, orthopedic shoes, etc., the auction is scheduled for september 10. vitaly koval says that in the conditions of growing demand, especially for prostheses, privatization will allow optimize work and significantly increase the volume of production. of course, an investment is needed, and the company's profile will be preserved over time, i'm sure. that it is precisely private capital that will help develop such and such enterprises, which are strategically important in essence. manufacturers can already apply for participation in the national cashback program. this is easy to do through the diya portal - minister of economy yuliya svyridenko said.
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the initiative should become part of the company, the company is made in ukraine, it supports domestic entrepreneurs. money will not be given to the consumer in the form of cashback on an online card, forbes already writes that atb market silpo, novus, varus and ashan ukraine are joining the national cashback program. let me remind you that the government announced its start on september 2. well, we will follow this initiative, not all deputies support it, they say that the funds from the entrepreneurship development fund should not go to... this initiative, for a slightly different purpose, really to support ukrainian businesses, well, let's see, i will finish it on this has its own column, the big broadcast continues, there will be more, watch us, thank you very much
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oleksandr, morchivts, thank you too, and now we will add serhii rudenko to the conversation at 20:00 the verdict program will start and what will be discussed today, serhii, tell me . good evening. good evening, vasyl. we will have an hour verdict today. three guests, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, ma'. ihor lapin, political columnist maksym rozumny, and oleg rybachuk, former vice-prime minister for european integration. let's talk about the current situation in the kurdish direction and on pokrovsky. sirskyi, the head of the armed forces of ukraine , visited the pokrovsky area today and said that the situation is very tense. let's listen to igor lepin's comments about how the hostilities are actually unfolding on the front, including the course section of this
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front, and of course we'll talk about how ukraine is trying to transfer the war to the territory of the russian federation, because literally the other day the minister of defense of ukraine is flying to washington rustam omerov and the head of the president's office. andriy yarmak of ukraine and them will take a plan to the united states of america on how ukraine can use atakants missiles to destroy military facilities on the territory of the russian federation, the same military facilities that allow russia to deliver ammunition there quickly enough, to use these ammunition for shelling ukrainian territory, outside without any doubt, the number one issue is air defense, the increase of air defense systems, because during the last attack of the russian federation on
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the territory of ukraine, which took place on august 26, we saw that air defense can be much more in the country, because we are talking about energy facilities, about the security of critical infrastructure facilities, we were, unfortunately, remain vulnerable to russian attacks, missile and... drone attacks, and with maxim rozumny, of course, we let's remember the five-year anniversary of the current parliament, exactly 5 years ago, the deputies of the verkhovna rada, which was elected already during the presidency of volodymyr zelenskyi, took an oath, a monomajority was formed there, and the parliamentary majority belongs, well, at least it belonged until recently to the servant of the people, which succeeded that failed eh... to do to the current parliament, what will we remember this parliament for, besides the fact that
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it will obviously continue to work until victory itself, and how much no one knows for sure, let's talk about the number and quality of this parliament, as well as about volodymyr zelenskyi's team, which for the past few days has been in the center of attention of both ukrainians and social networks, because it is about... not only oleg tatarov, who during the beginning of the large-scale russian invasion of ukraine, as zelenskyi says, killed chechens, as well as those who are currently under investigation, against whom there are criminal proceedings, in particular the head of the antimonopoly committee, kyrylenko, criminal proceedings were initiated against him for illegal enrichment, but he was released today. on a bail of uah 30 million and explained that he got rich,
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got rich illegally, according to nabu, but kirylenko says that he didn't get rich legally, precisely because his wife's grandmother picked raspberries, so today a new meme was born, like to earn 300 00 in malyna for a year dollars, in a word, we will talk about all this in... for an hour, starting at 20:00, we go on the air in 15 minutes, vasyl zema's big broadcast continues, vasyl, you have the word, thank you very much, serhiy, i also completely agree with these memes are new, serhiy rudenko, so at 20 the verdict program, i still remind oleg lyashko of his time, well, he is now in the armed forces of ukraine, then he was a deputy, the head of a radical party, when he was asked where he got the money, he said that he won the lottery, so there are many options. a lot, so that there was money. let us now contribute to the needs
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of the armed forces of ukraine. i will briefly remind you that the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable foundation continue to collect funds for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade, as well as for the 110th and 47th mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks and defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv directions. in the spring brigades urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is 3.5 million hryvnias. get involved. you can see all the details on your own screens. good health, dear ukrainians, we are fighters of the first assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade, who defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small bpolas and comikat drones, we really
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ask for your help, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory to the armed forces of ukraine. literally with one stroke, that's serhiy said about raspberries, 300 thousand dollars, other things, we also listened yesterday to a statement about who shot whom where, you know, i will only call on one, have respect, if the politicians do not have respect for us, telling us delusions that are not supported by anything , have the respect at least not to believe, i think that we deserved and won for our dignity and self-respect, well, we respect ourselves and all these fairy tales of vensko vales, i think that you can be sure or wait for the facts. or asking people to just chew more and talk less helps a lot btw for oral health. the rossya river is the main water artery of many cities of kyiv region, currently it is not in the best condition due to garbage and regulation. what measures will be taken to clean the reservoir, in the story of my colleagues from the white church. let's watch. the ros river is a source of water supply for
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more than 500,000 people in four regions of ukraine. only on a section of the reservoir... 1,639 hydrotechnical structures are located in kyiv region, which are dams, dams, water pipes, water intake and regulation structures, etc. river for years is in a terrible ecological state, because it is too regulated, said the minister of environmental protection and natural resources of ukraine ruslan strilets. therefore, at a recent meeting, the government approved an action plan for a comprehensive solution to the problem in the ros river basin. it is already having an effect. in principle, we have already received an order directly from the state water agency and a plan of measures that we must directly implement, this is the development of the water management balance, the definition, and with self-governing bodies, of hydrotechnical structures that fall under liquidation, its dismantling, regularization, so by the end of the year,
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in principle, we will carry out these measures, such actions at the state level are on... important, according to the official, the plan includes determining the amount of water in the pool, checking water bodies , their calculation, dismantling of illegal hydraulic structures, construction of new treatment facilities and control over economic activity. currently, the river is silted up, blue-green algae is developing, because there is no movement in it, and the abnormal heat also contributed to the lowering of the water level, a well-known fact pollution by discharges, in addition, the document on... provides for the reduction of unauthorized discharges into the river, in particular from the fields, because some gardens and buildings are literally cut into the water body, the situation is worsened by the residents themselves, because in some places garbage floats in its nooks and crannies, as the head of the department emphasizes city ​​improvement and ecology alyona kolotnytska, bila tserkva is already actively moving according to the plan and carrying out inspections. what is the problem not
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only of the ros river, but of rivers in general - it is hydroelectric structures. imagine that the river ros we we are on three reservoirs: the upper, middle and lower white church, and it is like three bathtubs, even these, detached, in which there are such barriers and the water almost does not overflow, that is why it is dirty, clean and do not clean, if there is water in the bathtub the water is standing, it will stand, if it is flowing, if the hydraulic structures are properly regulated, rise, then it will be a flow and there will be clean water, that is, if you did not wash the bath, if the water is old, then it will be... it will be dirty , also pleases the consciousness of young ecoactivists who care about the fate of the main the water artery of the city, they self-organize and conduct toloks to live in a clean environment. lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. i will now tell you more about, well, first of all we
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say, you know, everyone says, the f-16 crashed, we lost a plane, and we lost a soldier, first of all, lchyk died. i am a bit more now. because there is a message from the facebook page of the air command west, i will voice what is written there, but before that i will also remind you that today is the day of remembrance of the fallen soldiers for the independence of ukraine and territorial integrity for you and me, they gave their most valuable life to the motherland. today we celebrate the day of remembrance of the defenders of ukraine who died in the struggle for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. the integrity of our state. commemoration was started after the tragic events in ilovaisk. today, it has been 10 years since ukrainian soldiers left the russian encirclement in donetsk region with a fight, but the occupiers. who promised a green corridor, opened fire on them, then, according to official data, 3,606 ukrainian soldiers died, and
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here is more information about the death of the pilot, first of all, you know, i don't know how they will take into account who are those who provide f16, well, for me, i think, for every ukrainian it is more important and tragic that the pilot died, the plane can still make, moreover, it is not the newest plane, and it does not cost all the money in the world. and you can't bring back a pilot from a soldier, so during a massive russian shelling , an air force pilot of the armed forces of ukraine died, he was posthumously awarded the rank of colonel oleksiy mes. august 26, when there was the largest enemy attack on the objects of energy for the entire period of the full-scale war, the ukrainian soldier entered the last battle, destroying three cruise missiles and one attack unmanned aerial vehicle. this was reported on the page of the western air command. in the social network, facebook. i will quote. oleksiy saved ukrainians from deadly russian missiles. let's also think about this, that each rocket could kill more than one, or even more than a dozen ukrainians.
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let's not forget about it. unfortunately, at the cost of his own life, oleksiy mes was strong, a loyal soldier, a high-class pilot, a leader on earth, in the sky, a good friend, a loving son, a father, a husband, a patriot of his country, the message says. and, on the day of farewell, tribute from the sky to the fallen pilot from. gave mik-29 fighter jets. the flight over the procession was performed by his combat friends, by order of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. and the lieutenant colonel was awarded the military rank of colonel posthumously. let us honor the memory, you know, because when they talk about pilot error, well, especially from the usa, it is more visible there, understood, but i would like to say one simple thing here: i am not a pilot, i think most of you are not pilots, we have not faced enemy missiles in the sky, but to shoot down three... to shoot down a mine, it must not be easy, and i think exactly before determining the reasons why this happened, you need to understand that the reason is the war, that this
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person entered into battle with machines, because missiles are machines, they fly to the target, and you have, one, two, three fly at great speed, you have to catch them, you have to hit them, you have to move away so that you are not got hit by the fragments of this rocket, and there is also this coffin-shaped shachet and... he entered this battle with these flying machines, and he won it, giving his life, but saving the ukrainians, let's talk about it, because when you know, without having any no evidence, no technical investigations, nothing, somewhere they said, yes, pilot error, you were at the place of the crash of this plane, you saw it, well , let's at least in memory and in honor of the fallen hero who saved us, let's wait for some information , and not to talk about mistakes, about any other things, in general nothing... understanding, he gave his life for us, honor, honor, and it's a pity that we lost a great warrior in this war. thank you for being with us today and stay with
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espresso. i will say goodbye to you until tomorrow at 18:10, then the weather from natalka didenko and at 20:00, the verdict program with serhii rudenko will continue our informational evening. stay with espresso and take care. synoptic hello to all, dear ukrainians, before we talk about the weather that is expected in the next day, summer is ending, august is ending, but the summer weather is not ending yet, and of course, while it is warm and even hot, you and i will smell and talk about flowers, and not just about flowers, but about one of such iconic flowers for ukrainians, marigolds, and how always... let's look at their history, origin, maybe some interesting facts. so, marigolds. the homeland of marigolds is considered to be america, where they grow in wild conditions. these flowers have a peculiar aroma, well,
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of course we know, but it is interesting that the leaves of marigolds - smell stronger, well yes brighter than the flowers themselves. for example, some european countries use dried marigolds in the form of a seasoning called imeretian... saffron, well, i know, for example, that marigolds are dried and used in folk medicine, the so- called leaves, marigolds in mexico are used to fight fever and as an expectorant and diaphoretic, some of our gardeners plant marigolds near cucumbers, because the flowers attract bees and other insects and the harvest increases accordingly, in christianity there was a tradition to surround with marigolds, the image of the virgin. mary, and the flowers in this case were symbolized by gold coins, and one of the legends, i read, says that during the flight of joseph and mary to egypt, they were chased after them, and when they
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were caught up and thieves took away their wallets, instead of coins , marigold flowers began to fall from it, well, in many legends, in many countries, marigolds are considered the flowers of the sun, well, ukrainians love marigolds very much, they write poems about them in every way, and decorate them and paint them with words, it is our favorite, of course, one of the favorite flowers . let's move on to such more prosaic things as, for example, magnetic storms, and i want to say that... geomagnetic fluctuations are expected in the coming days, but strong storms are not expected, so i hope that they will not negatively affect well-being, and that's why we move on to the weather, and here if such things could be more interesting, including, by the way, for well-being, so tomorrow in the western regions of ukraine , the weather is expected to be dry, the air temperature
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will fluctuate... it will fluctuate, i'm sorry, in the range of 28-31°, well that's pretty high. in the north and then heat, 30-33°, no precipitation, dry, sunny, fire danger, fire danger is increasing, well, the summer has started well, in the east, also hot, also increased atmospheric pressure, also high fire danger, 31-34° in kharkiv oblast, luhansk region and donetsk region. in the central part of ukraine, well... you can say the status quo is again 30-34 30-35 even possibly degrees above zero, hot weather, dry, sunny, soon our weather will already resemble egyptian, and egyptians will come to us like, come on god, if only everything were calm and peaceful in our country, in the south, on in the south, the air temperature will be quite high tomorrow, but not as high as, for example , in the east or in the center, 29-33° higher. zero and in
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some areas of the southern part of ukraine, there is a high probability of short-term heavy rains, no precipitation is expected in kyiv tomorrow, the maximum air temperature will range from 30 to 33°, increased atmospheric pressure, and again i emphasize and do not get tired of repeating this , be very careful with fire, because such prolonged, dry, hot weather can cause fires, be careful, be careful follow our... with accurate weather forecasts on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. anti-aircraft shield over the western regions. ukraine is trying to agree with its partners on closing part of its sky by the air defense forces of nato countries. what other
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arguments? allies need to remove the last taboos and restrictions from aid. no meaningful dialogue. the ukrainian leadership does not see the point in negotiations with russia, but moscow also insists that they do not want a conversation with kyiv against the background of the kurdish operation. or it cancels the prospects of a global peace summit. the unbreakable team of the president. to rebuff critics of his trusted five managers against the background of criminal prosecution of other powerful people. what are the other symptoms of the degeneration of the government system in ukraine? glory to ukraine, this program is a verdict. my name is serhiy rudenko, we are talking for the next hour.


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