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tv   [untitled]    August 29, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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through telegram, they are forbidden to do this, and when they capture ours, even if they delete telegram, and they are forced to do it, they are shown the download of the servers, because this information is stored on the servers, yes, i can explain for a long time technically how it is happens, if in the signal you wrote to each other, then the information from one phone went to another, and there is no server between them, there is a server here, on this server all this information is collected, even if you issued a telegram, it can still be used against you, in a word, are there there are a lot of dangers and... i suggested even before all these scandals, it was a long time ago, actually quite a soft way, don't promote it, if the government officials don't use it, to the bank, you apply, you take action, and you they don’t offer to communicate with telegram through a chat bot, but find another way, at least it won’t be such a popularization of it, because i didn’t want us to ban it for the public beforehand, well, the parliament can’t do that, the national security council can do that, how it happened with vkontakte and classmates networks, vkontakte, when it was banned, was the most popular... network in ukraine, facebook
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had 15% there, vkontakte was as small as telegram, and everyone was shouting that something terrible would happen, but nothing happened, another thing is that we vkontakte did not fully banned, because you can easily go there through the vpn service, it’s simple, but few people use it, citizens stopped using it after this law, obviously telegram is very convenient, i don’t argue with that, and it’s the most convenient way to watch everything, but it’s a convenient danger, the state has it is to realize, and so today we accepted. decision, i said that i am ready to submit this draft law not on my own behalf, but on behalf of the whole committee, where there is a majority of servants, let them be the first to sign, and then let the draft law pass quietly, because it is definitely necessary to adopt it, perhaps it is necessary to finalize it in due to the current situation. but now, if you look at the voting of ukrainians under our broadcast, then 75 clicked that they are so ready to refuse, and i really think that if there was such a willful decision and it would simply be somehow banned, limited, well then no one would come out with protests. and
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people did not gather and say, give us the telegram back, we can live without it , the russians have a tool, there are two governments, two governments that use telegram everywhere in the world, which are all government bodies, this is russian and ukrainian, you need to understand how much it is in principle safe for us, roman kostenko joins us, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the parliamentary committee on national security, defense and intelligence, cyber expert, colonel of the security service of ukraine, i congratulate you, mr. roman, glory to ukraine, good evening, studio. kudos to you, but if you can briefly respond to the story with telegram, how do you think, if it is somehow limited, to limit anonymous telegram channels in ukraine, well, there should be no problems with this at all, what do you think about it, well here we have to understand that there is a lot, whose channel is it in general and who uses it, and here... of course, we have to understand that
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first of all, as a military man, i will say that the entire communication system is maintained on this telegram channel of the russian federation, but in fact they are, as we are often at war we use a signal there, or there are other messengers, then the russian troops, we remember that there was a story about removing smartphones, they were explained that their entire army also fights on the telegram, so you understand the conclusion yourself. that this is basically the communication system of the russian army as well, let's go back to the press conference of volodymyr zelenskyi, because we wanted to talk with you about the kurdish direction, you know what the situation is there, it is important to tell the ukrainians, and what is there now from what can be told, say for us, we will continue to follow what the president said, because he did not interfere with the question of whether or not. prevented
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the kurdish operation in some way and did not weaken our positions in other areas, he said that this is not the case at all, that on the contrary we managed to achieve a lot, but how is the situation there now? well, the last thing is the information, it is also the fact that the group of russian troops, which are located on the southernmost river seym, is now in, shall we say, in a threatening situation. it's in let's say in this on this bridgehead where uh-uh according to some information , there are up to 3,000 soldiers in the glukhiv district, where the bridges are broken, the russians are now trying to build pontoons, i will not say that they are surrounded, because the river there is not wide enough, but still there is no ford you will move, but it still needs the establishment of some commune, some e-e logistics. and this is now
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a big problem, so now i think that part of the troops, they are entrenched somewhere, somewhere they continue to advance, there, let's say, there are no maps here, but there are uh... such directions, which would logically be brought to an end so that some russian units would remain surrounded, and this is precisely the direction west of the main strike, it must of course be taken completely under control, if there really are plus or minus 300 servicemen, then it will also be an exchange fund, and plus a big victory for the territory, and in principle , there is no such big progress, now they are trying to close those areas that could not be done, first of all. to close before that, and including i say that there is somewhere to close the circle in relation to the environment of russian troops, and what is the situation in other areas, what tactics has russia chosen now from what you see and analyze, mr. roman? in other directions in general, you mean, the entire front? well, yes, well, well, we
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understand that the most threatening for us is the pokrovsky direction, there we see that the russians are advancing little by little. there is a very big uproar there now about the fact that tomorrow they will be in pokrovska, there are serious battles going on there, yes, from my point of view there are some miscalculations and under-processing, but the main reason why the enemy prevails is their logistics is their number of personnel, and we have a problem, i have already talked about it, and i will say it again, it is - sometimes we do not have enough personnel, because it happens that... they hold on the right, they hold on the left, and on the center is being pushed by the enemy, this is the poor quality of the personnel, it is not meant that there are some of them wrong, but it is bad training, including everything starts with the tsk, when people are called up - there are ticks,
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if only to take the number of personnel and give them to the army, some of these people often remains in the training centers, they just go from there... don't take away the part that, you know, when i served in alpha, we had a saying there in the instructor department, if there was a mistake at the selection stage, then further training has no meaning , that's about it, that's why we have to move first of all from the number of personnel to the quality, the quantity is important, but when it's quality, and plus training, there are two weeks, a month of training, i just pass. bzvp and the consequence then is failure to maintain positions, because there should be coordination of departments, coordination in the arch, gates, and for this it is necessary to take units out for restoration, unfortunately, there is no such possibility now, and because of this there is no stability, this is one of the big
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reasons for such , that we don't have stability exactly on the battlefield, because the personnel often run from the position. thank you. to you, roman kostenko was on skype with us and told us that we also have a meeting, because president zelenskyy mentioned this direction at his press conference, and we now let's look at his quote, he said that he has a certain plan for the victory of ukraine, which he will be able to present to the president of the united states of america, joe biden, already in september. here's what zelensky said that the plan for the victory of ukraine, i'm sure that i can do everything, i can't say everything, one of the... directions, part of which has already been done, is kurshchyna, the second is the strategic place of ukraine in the security infrastructure of the world, the third direction - this is a powerful package of forcing russia to end the war through diplomatic means, and the fourth direction is economic. i will not talk about all this in detail, but the plan is
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prepared. mr. andreykiv, with this plan we have a chance for what should happen, it will be some stage. negotiable, non-negotiable, although we are not ready to make any concessions, and the president confirmed this again, and that is good. well, you see, the president emphasizes the need for a comprehensive approach to solving the current situation, because it will be difficult to achieve a result with some single steps, exclusively by military means or economic ones, although at the same time i share a certain skepticism that i will express. vitaly portnikov and a number of other experts believe that only a very tough, constructive position of the entire world community can bring russia to negotiations. to date, the analysis of the activities of the armed forces of the russian federation,
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as a whole, the state of its economy, the state of international cooperation of russia, its acquisition of additional types of weapons from the coalition. dictatorial regimes, let's call it that, namely from china, iran, korea, it is, of course, that brought the armed forces of russia to a new level, and in diplomatic relations, when we... considering the negotiation process, two main aspects are important: the first is the pre-contractual position, that is, under what conditions the parties sit down at the table, and the actual contractual position is a system of compromises and arguments and retreats, or arguments of force, or the force of the argument, which can be applied in one or another context, in one or another format. it is very good that ukraine articulates directly to the international community,
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to our main partners, that is the united states, but we must also emphasize the need for social cohesion, the need for the demonstration of unity and constructiveness by all branches of government, here we have problems, for example, i am very surprised and warned not by the position of individual experts alone. and such a total sum that comes from the representatives of the defense committee, this is directly serhii rakhmanino recently took a very proactively restrained position regarding the possibility of ukraine to introduce an active diplomatic position based on some victories or achievements, this is directly too frank position maryans are crazy. which is almost conducting reports from the combat zone and demonstrates
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various problems with the implementation of defense measures by the ukrainian armed forces, which does not directly strengthen optimism and does not strengthen the position that the president is sounding today, that is, we have such a power struggle when a senior official and the supreme commander-in-chief declares readiness and constructiveness, along with those who must directly go in the context of subordination. a unified policy is demonstrated by completely different realities, and right now in we are left with such a dissonance in what is happening in the pokrovsky direction, we see that there are systemic problems of military management, and our partners see it directly, we understand that the comprehensive approach that the president demonstrates or declares must be supported by real steps executive authorities, military personnel, local self-government bodies, when we analyze objective information that comes from the combat zone,
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where road repairs, school repairs are shown, where there is a certain misunderstanding in terms of of the need for unconditional support for the execution of combat tasks by armed units, then , accordingly, the reality that we see every day and we receive it from those who are fighting, with declarative statements, it carries a certain dissonance, so the declarations they... are very good, they are obviously which are constructive, but they must be supported by the daily routine work of each and everyone at the operational and tactical level, unfortunately we have problems here, and foreigners know about it, well , what is important is actually what we are talking about, we are now in direct ether we have the opportunity to all of ukraine to talk about the problems that exist, our military can say whatever they think, and we hope that these broadcasts, at least somehow, you know, the main theses of them are definitely... reviewed in the president's office, it is important for them to understand, and what is the opinion, and now
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we will hear exactly this opinion of the military, mr. volodymyr, i want to give you the floor, and what are your reservations, i don't know, fears, what do you see now, what are the dangers in there are, inside the country, yes, which threaten us, let me start with practical examples that i live on myself. every day that i live in our country, last week was the opening of the first inclusive new post office in the city of kyiv, and it is without exaggeration one of the most interesting events that i have visited in general in this country, because i saw the space in which people did everything for people. and when we were on our way to the opening of this barrier-free space, this new post office, the circumstances so happened that
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in the evening we had an event in nezlamny, in the rehabilitation center, and this event was organized by the forbes company, and the next day there was already a big event, and i was the speaker at this event and because of that i had to leave there, for example, at 9 p.m. with my brother, there is also an amputation, already a veteran there a week ago he was discharged from the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, i was discharged from the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine two weeks ago. to what i, when we stopped in kyiv, this was somewhere nearby. at about three o'clock in the morning, we were met by the national guard and asked for the password? i say: friend, look, we can tell you the password now, i'll call my brothers back, let's say, but we're veterans, we're going to such an event, here's a story, and he says, okay, i'll go now
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i ask the elder, he runs into the booth that was at the checkpoint, everything is a hedgehog. ah, the road is blocked, he runs out and says, you can’t drive through, i say, look, it’s three in the morning, we have to go to an event in the morning, we don’t have legs, we need to rest, well, logically, he’s booked a hotel, and i’m sorry, i i didn’t see, i didn’t see, this is the average static response of those who stand at roadblocks, he runs to this senior again and passes for two minutes, no one... walks, the senior comes out, he is holding a machine gun, approaches, yes, i listen, i wish health, good evening, i say, i wish you health, this is a sieve filter to understand whether you have a warrior or a cake in front of you, and he does not wish me health in
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return, and in the end it all ended with me taking the phone to roadblocks this cannot be done in our country, but i had no other way out, although i understood that video recordings were being made on their cameras, and i did this after i was strongly triggered, after the phrase: "i don't know you i will skip it, because you are not military personnel, you are veterans." and please tell me what we're up to tomorrow let's all come in this country when...... i have nothing to do with the national guard, i know very powerful cossacks who did such a job that god forbid, but there is a cake, and i tell him where you fought, tell me me, and he freezes, and it all ends with him hiding his face, because i am filming him, he hides his face, he runs to the police officer
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, i tell him to introduce himself, he asked me for documents, i showed him both the id and passport and... everything that i only had, just so that i could go, have a rest, spent the night and went to this event in the morning, but what's the point? they didn't let us into kyiv, and two people who shed blood for this country are sitting, and there is a man standing who didn't shed blood for this country and was definitely not in any combat operations, because if he was there, he would show respect for us , and we would go further, and tell me, please, we are now talking about telegrams, some big global stories like that, there, here and there, we have between us, looking into each other's eyes, they will understand what we are all going for, and i, for example, and my brothers, who are nearby, who now tangential to the so-called veteran policy, we are doing everything possible so that tomorrow, when the boys and girls return from
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the war, they will be treated at least as in such ... top countries of the world, who i mean , for example, there is america, in which veterans board the plane first, after a woman with children and after everyone else, and if we as a society do not accept for ourselves that this is the norm, that we are all moving towards this, that a veteran who shed blood , who is without an arm, without a leg, or has a back injury and moves on a cart is not the elite of our society, and to him what kind of cake is just standing like that, and i can already see, he is already a patron, the patron will be driven now, to me, what are we all moving towards together, i have a question, what are we, to what are we going to, and i have a healthy
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mental health inside, if you can say so, in relation to those of our brothers who... to the rehabilitation center, with whom i see every day, with whom we communicate every day, and at work we do everything it is possible for the boys to climb out of the abyss into which they are drove away the realities they encountered in the war and take my place, just put a person who shed blood, who does not have the mental health that i have, ugh. who will work with this serviceman, ex-serviceman, veteran tomorrow? how many hours will psychologists have to spend with him to at least bring him to that level. on which he was before when he tried to enter our capital, for which we, well, we, in addition to the fact that we fight for the nation, for, for our families, for children, for
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the future, we are also fighting for our country, if i cannot go to the capital of our country, i am a veteran who shed blood, there is one veteran who shed blood sitting in the car with me, what are we all going to together, what about tomorrow here is waiting in this country, okay, but if i couldn't stand it... and i don't have a grenade, i don't carry a grenade with me, i don't carry a weapon with me, but if i couldn't stand it, what kind of grenade , tomorrow skabeeva and all these devils who work for that death machine, they would spin tomorrow and tell that oh, veterans no one respects what you have to go and shed blood for tomorrow, ukrainians, think about it, and it is the responsibility of everyone who lives in this country, he... he should understand that both by his actions and by his inaction, he is all of us leads either to victory or takes away from it, and i have a huge request now to
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everyone who is watching us and will be watching there in the recording, please be more responsible, understand that both action and inaction, they must be responsible, you you have to understand that. that there are cossacks, there are boys, there are girls, the best of us who went, shed blood, god gave them such an opportunity to return without arms, without legs, with parts of the head and so on, i will not now describe the entire list of injuries with which the boys return, but someone died, he was brought as a hero , someone who was sitting next to the one who died was brought without a body part. and we narrowly escaped from the 14th, 15th, 16th and all the other years until today of a full-scale invasion, when every day, every god's
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day in this country i have to explain to someone at a higher level that you have no the moral right to park in places for the disabled, well, can't you understand, how many disabled people there are today, who are already in this... country during a full-scale invasion, how many more will return, well, and we return to the consciousness of our ukrainians and those who live in this country, and unfortunately this is our reality, we have to work every day, but now i am here in this studio to talk about these situations, someone will look at it, someone will see themselves in these situations, someone will to once again understand what people are like, well, how important it is. and that action or inaction could cause someone to commit suicide tomorrow, for example, think
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about it, you have to take responsibility for your every action and treat other people with respect, whether they are veterans, military personnel, or just a person walking down the street , was never related to the war, respect each other, this is the key message, here are all the answers, the audience is watching us, they can immediately react in the comments and... write what shocks them, here is this your story, and really, i thank you for telling it, because the last time, when you were also on the air in our country, you talked about the indifference of ukrainians, and these words of yours, they gathered a lot of reactions, their everywhere they reposted, commented, liked, and well, you know, i believe that it has its effect, that is, someone will still watch it, it will reach someone, i’m just here with this story of yours about kyiv, and how did it end , what did they argue? and they didn't let you in, because it's curfew, but there are certain ones emergency stories, the provision according to which they do not have the right to let people into the capital,
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period, and only military personnel, and in me, well, in me it caused very such heavy emotions, because well, once again i understand and ... through the prism of myself, i know how to convey information to people, i understand, okay, i take now any middle-aged veteran who is in rehabilitation there in the rehabilitation center or in rehabilitation in his settlement, it is a big city, a village, it doesn’t matter, but attitude of these persons to we're basically like this average across the country , actually, i... come across every day, and there are a lot of people who see that you're a veteran, see that you don't have a body part there, and they, even if ... before that
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they treated you in a different way, disdainfully, i will speak directly, then they are very radical at the same second when they see that okay, i, i, i did not see, this is the average static response of a person when, who sees , that there, for example, i don't have a leg, i didn't see it, i 'm sorry, but i'll tell you the answer right away, no you need to see if i have a leg or not , just behave like a person, just basic respect, but... well , again, if a person is in the initial stages of growing up, let's say, in school, in kindergarten, at home, my parents didn't teach me what the word respect is, well, what will i want from him now, well, what to me, but i'll give you an example parallel to the name, that's a military serviceman, and if a military serviceman doesn't listen to a military serviceman, what should i want from people?
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who don't wear a uniform, haven't fought, or even those who have some different views than we do ukrainians, and they prefer the information that comes from there. we have a short advertisement on the espresso tv channel, we will be back in a few minutes, but if you are worried about tingling, numbness, the dolgit antineuro complex helps to normalize functioning. galicia, listen to yours. now i have a toothpaste
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more. important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. ukraine is a country of sunflowers, each one is... our national treasure, each nest has its own story, each story has its own price, ukraine is a country of heroes, remember let's go


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