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tv   [untitled]    August 29, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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to knock out the armed forces of ukraine from there, are preparations for so-called counteroffensive actions by the russian army in the kursk region really underway? yes, of course, i can clearly say that if you compare even with last week, the security situation in particular has significantly worsened, because already russian troops are hitting the court with batons, this is two days in a row, they are trying to find places, places of probation there. movement of ukrainian troops, russian fpv drones are already flying to suja, which are actively looking for not only equipment, but also cars, on which they can, among other things, leave and local residents, so of course, if a week ago i saw the reports of my colleagues where local residents, well, in principle there were not so many, but they were on the streets, then this time i met in 20 minutes that we were literally there... one person, and also because all
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of them are now mostly hiding in basements because of these shellings, and there are many who are willing to ask the armed forces of ukraine to take them to the territory of ukraine, because i will remind you that the russian authorities have not provided any humanitarian corridor for local residents, including judges, not even any they had no proposals on this from them on this matter, and no... there was and was not received, and therefore yes, of course, the humanitarian situation is also difficult, because there is no electricity, no gas, no water in the city, and the local residents mostly they are helped by the armed forces of ukraine, who give them certain humanitarian packages so that they simply, well, in the literal sense, in the literal sense of the word, do not die. from
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hunger, they are also provided with medicine, and a military doctor examines them and provides them with appropriate medical care, because most of the inhabitants after all, they left the city, and there remained only mostly elderly people and sick people who, for example, are unable to move on their own, so for them this help from the armed forces of ukraine, it is simply a matter of life. death, you can even say so, it will not be beautiful words. taihor, well, you filmed a report, actually in the judge, how everything is happening there, we will now have the opportunity to review it. i thank you for joining in, yehor loginov, correspondent of radio svoboda, who visited the court, but now we can actually after this activation to see the report from there. ruined ukrainian cities to local.
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you did not ask the authorities to evacuate you, no one told us anything, they filled their pockets and left, they left us like this, but we collective farm workers, workers, collective farmers, do not want to leave, the situation here is difficult, where to leave, all my chickens, hooks, geese are here , where i will go, where i will go, well, you are treated well here, i do not offend you , we are not insulted, they feed, drink, there is food, they gave me an inhaler, medicine, injections for... a new ballistic missile developed by
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ukraine envisages a range of 600-700 km, mykhailo podulyak, adviser to the head of the office of the president of ukraine, said this in an interview for news live. for the first time , president zelensky spoke about ukrainian ballistics during a large press conference a few days ago. then the ukrainian president announced the positive test of the first ukrainian ballistic missile. however, what exactly is the complex in question. and where it was tested, zelensky did not specify. reports about ukrainian ballistics are heard against the background of banning ukraine's partners from using long-range ballistic missiles weapons on russian territory. well, what is happening on the fronts, as well as about the weapons produced by ukraine. we will talk further. our guest is ivan kercheevskyi, an expert of the defense express military portal. i congratulate you, mr. ivan. good evening. please tell me, your portal examines the weapon itself from all sides, so what kind of ballistic missile can it be that hits targets at... 700
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km, first of all, i would question the figure of 700 km, well that's why that this is exactly the case when it is better not to say anything superfluous, therefore let's pretend we didn't hear the makers, oops. the statement about 700 km, the more that is possible, mr. podalyak falsified. plus, again, taking into account the fact that quite often in practice it happens when - there from the basic product on such a designer they started to work and there to the product that there, well , can successfully pass the test, be ready for combat use against the enemy , you know, there can be a very big difference, so probably this is a domestic ballistic missile... about which we, about which president zelensky spoke, looks completely different than what we see now on the footage, so in this case , you know, illustrative material for comparison, what is important is that we have domestic ballistic weapons, luckily you can pick them up and there are enough of them, well, for example , it can be compared that the russians
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have been developing their iskander for 18 years despite the fact that they have a design base there, if it didn't sound surprisingly better than we have better resources and the like, it is possible in theory. to assume, for example, what the native ukrainian could be similar to there ballistic missile, but even despite the fact that, fortunately, there is no objective data on this development in the public space, and it is the best, here we just have to note that the very fact that ukraine was able to officially announce the development of a ballistic missile, this is already an incredible achievement, which we only have if, well, few people understand, because the russians constantly attack the energy system, the critical infrastructure. there on other important objects not simply in order to deprive us of basic human goods there, yes, but in particular so that we do not could make no weapons of their own, here we have like honey and a spoon, accordingly, if there were already reports that we had tested
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a ballistic missile, dissatisfaction spread, but why not the russians, here thank god that in principle it succeeded, because if we count again in this way, here the attention of the wording, countries that have their own technologies'. in terms of operational-tactical ballistic missiles, there are only 10 of them in the world, fortunately we are in this top ten, if anyone is interested, you can list the usa, south korea, north korea, russia, india, pakistan, israel, south korea, and everything seems to be there, so to be precise, there, for example, the belarusians, that is, russian missiles, the poles are planning to buy south korean missiles, that is, it is not their technology, there is germany, well, european countries generally work only on advanced cruise missiles. that's why we can't say here what kind of missile it is, but at least we can record that we are all in ten countries, which are only ten that know how to do this, mr. ivan, despite the fact that the information is limited, but still, here it is there may be some joint development not only of ukraine, but for the example of its allies, which
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was implemented quickly, let's say again, there are only 10 countries in the world, i just remembered, turkey is working on ballistic missiles, here just a question arises... and who would could you give us the necessary competences? here even in what is precisely the importance, which is good, that if there were no extra details, you know, in 2021, when the americans tested a precision strike missile, well, this should be their next catacombs, they turned out like this history, it would seem that they programmed there that this missile should fly in the basic version for 500 km, and then there should be more, and then it turned out that they did not have the equipment to measure the telemetry equipment to measure the flight range, so you know... it's if, well, if we had succeeded, something is not necessary, that just because someone helped us, the problem here is that there is no one in the world who would help us with that cruise missile, i would still believe, because even brazil has its own development on subsonic cruise missiles, they are no longer talking about european partners,
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but on ballistic missiles, operational-tactical ballistic missiles, here you know, we will have them, as there is a principle, let me write it off, please, but not literally, well, the student it's an old joke, mr. ivan, but to mass-produce such... the missiles that president zelenskyi claims about, mr. podolyak clarifies something, although it is not completely clear what target zone they can actually work on, what is required for this, to mass produce such missiles, and does ukraine have everything necessary for this? you know, you are asking a very difficult, i would say, a priori question from the rubric, what is more primary spirit or matter in the literal sense, i am not being ironic now, because by and large the russians are actually doing everything so that i can repeat myself, there was nothing it is possible, that is, not only that we sit there without graphs, well, according to the graphs, without light, but that we cannot... be able to produce these weapons, if, of course, we measure the potential there, which russia has such a huge potential, it can do there up to 30, as far as i remember , iskander ballistic missiles per month, and there, accordingly , you can reduce what we or at least a few managed to do per month, but on the other
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hand, well, the question literally arises here, which is more primary spirit or matter, so what with the objective results, if the russians had bombed our military-industrial complex that winter, then in theory even neptune for... strikes on extraterrestrial targets should not have appeared in our country, but it did, so in in this case, there may be different objective ones factors that can tell us what can work out, what can't work out, but there is literally skill in that... representatives of the ukrainian defense industry to overcome any objective difficulties, here, by the way, is my next question, i hope that at least here it will be put into context, and you will not tell me that i am asking it, where i may not be able to give an answer to the end, as you think, this could be a maneuver on the part of ukraine, in the context of the ukraine's partners do not approve the use of long-range weapons deep into the russian federation, ukraine has decided on its own make your weapon, actually test it, with which it can hit wherever it wants, without any restrictions, i think it's not... not related to one another, because, well, roughly speaking, okay, there in the white house they were sitting other people who
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would follow a different logic, it would mean not working on their own developments, and no, but, well, there can be different points, because i think that there everything- is there a separate permission or not permission to use such a separate necessity to work on our own ballistic missile separately, because in our country fortunately, with people who know how to think a little strategically, the problem is their own... even if there is a relevant document of the cabinet of ministers, where some parameters are prescribed several years in advance, for example, on defense costs, although with an amendment to the fact that they are there can change, according to us, well, something similar, perhaps, or not similar to the fact that we are not in the frame now, it will be needed after the end of the war against russia, well, the missile is, as always, a very good deterrent , regardless of what she's equipped with, so i don't think it's anything that's how it's connected, after all, if we had the opportunity, the object would be like this. to ask questions, that's all, now that we are going to bomb all russian objects with domestic ballistics, then
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the question would be that we need to ask our partners for something, i think it would not be asked anymore, we would already ask him would forget like a terrible dream. and tomorrow in the united states , ukrainian officials should meet with american officials and present to them a list of the goals that the ukrainian side wants to take in russia and convince the american officials themselves officials to remove restrictions on long-range weapons strikes on the territory deep in russia, do you think that the success of the kurdish operation will achieve anything? i think not, and there the question can simply be in several factors at once, well, for example, to provide a whole guideline, firstly, secondly, you see, we are talking about the fact that there are 240 objects in the reach zone reach of atakams, only a thousand rockets, again, as colleagues on the team calculated, there it turns out that it is necessary to cover the body to the airfield from 20 dashes to 50 attacks, let's formulate a politically correct order that... nothing is drowned in flight, because again, let's say optically, different things happen in this world, and
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not only the russians have not only crooked-armed anti-aircraft fighters, but also those who know how to work, that's why there can be different things, and russian counterintelligence sometimes know how to work, so consider, here even the question is what to give permission for, if physically there may not be the iron that we need, so that there spam russians? one more final question will be, it actually appeared before the very broadcast, publications began to appear with a reference to the wall street journal, which in turn , citing a representative of the official united states, writes that the f-16 fighter was actually destroyed in ukraine as a result of the disaster in monday in a week, as mentioned there, or in a few weeks after it was handed over to ukraine, nothing is known yet, the ukrainian side did not react, we do not know what the details of this are, but how it can be reflected in general actually on the supply... cheers to ukraine , can it to have some kind of reaction, or in a military matter, this is not something extraordinary and it
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happens, no, you know, well, of course , any arguments can be twisted later, but how can i put it to you, here you are in a very nice situation installed, but nevertheless, i will try to contact him somehow, who knows how to work with the orex portal, well, there are already people who know how to google, or who read very carefully, for example, the statements of american high-ranking officials of the year 2023 there where they stated their estimates not only on russian losses, well, there are numbers so a little frustrating, but let's say this, who knows how to work with open data, he can see that unfortunately we had a lot, but on the other hand, let's record just in case that here we can only operate that wall the street journal didn't understand where it got this data from, suddenly it 's thrown in, of course, well they refer to an official official. but nevertheless, what is the name of this official, you know, something like that, an anonymous official, well,
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listen, this is some ukrainian party, and anyway, mr. ivan, the information is there, i want to find out its details, ivan kyrychevskyi, expert of the defense express military portal, guest of svoboda live, thank you, this is svoboda live, i thank everyone who was with us, we traditionally at this time we meet with you to discuss the most important events that are happening in ukraine and the world, of course, the contexts of the russian-ukrainian war, these topics. is there on our broadcasts , including, subscribe to radio svoboda, comment on dating and share this video with your friends, see you soon. there are 10% discounts on magne b6 until independence day in pharmacies plantain bam and oskad. the book of women at war, a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the spirit and letter publishing house. the book is based on the reports of the presenter of
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the espresso tv channel khrystyna parubiy. 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. the book is dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military. women at war, search in bookstores of ukraine. with the support of the kostyantyn zhivago charitable foundation. national tebe na mego is a lot channels, well, a lot of channels, as well as movies, cartoons, series and favorite shows. turn mego on a variety of devices without wires or antennas. and all this from uah 49 per month. there are discounts until the day. in the pharmacies pryssynyk, bam and ochad, there are discounts until independence day on valeriana bolgarska, 10% at the pharmacies pryshynyk vam and ochad. fm: galicia.
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listen to yours. do you suffer from heartburn? i recommend izoto. isoto interacts with the acid in the stomach, which leads to a reduction in heartburn symptoms. izota is your water if heartburn bothers you. there are discounts until independence day on citramon darnytsia, 10% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oskad. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: nato member countries, huge arsenals, russia is already on the verge of exhausting its resources. topics that resonate in our society. this is the question of trump's victory, what it is, an analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do, are they able to use, say,
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the resources of the lukashenka army allied with them. vitaly portnikov and guests. help understand the present and predict the future offered the united states to include with us bilateral security a project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:00 on espresso. we honor the memory of those who gave their lives for ukraine.
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august 29, defenders' memory day. 13-year-old nikita diyachenko, 15-year-old bohdan fabrychny and 16-year-old mark bakharev. all these boys disappeared during the full-scale war on the territory of the temporarily occupied luhansk region , and their current whereabouts are unknown. but i'm very i hope that with your help the children will be found. first of all, i am addressing the residents of luhansk region, i know that not everyone has the opportunity to watch ukrainian tv channels, and maybe someone sees this program on social networks. please look closely at the children's faces. nikita diyachenko. in this photo, he is younger than his 13 years, but i hope this does not prevent him from being recognized.
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nikita has an oval face, dark hair, and brown eyes. bohdan fabrychny, now his. he is already 15, the boy is thin, has dark hair and light eyes, and this is mark bakharev, he is 16, the guy has straight dark brown hair and an oval face. information about the disappearance of all these children came on the first day of the full-scale war. perhaps the boys were taken to russia, so it is important to know any details about them. if anyone has seen nikita, bohdan or mark, or knows where they now, please let us know right away. even a small piece of news can become very important. the magnolia children's search service can be called at any time of the day using the short number. 1163 calls from all of ukrainian mobile operators are free, if suddenly you are in the temporarily occupied territory and cannot make a call, write to the chatbot of the
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child search service in telegram, or look for us on facebook. i have told you the stories of only three children who disappeared due to a full-scale russian invasion. in general, since the beginning of the war , we have already received several thousand appeals for help in the search. of course, the vast majority of children were found and now they are all right, but unfortunately, the fate of many is still remains unknown, and everyone can help find them. believe me, just a minute of your time can be decisive. go to the website of the magnolia children's search service in the missing children of ukraine section. here you can view all the photos of the missing, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help to find them. at the same time, in the territories controlled by ukraine as well. children disappear, as the experience of the magnolia children's search service shows, the vast majority of them are teenagers. we discussed this topic with a psychologist and gathered a lot of advice
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for parents who can prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. one of them is the importance of involving children in solving family issues. involve the child in the development of the family budget, in solving some problematic issues. after all, sometimes we make some decisions, and these decisions happen. days are difficult, we ourselves are very worried and worried about it, and the child is only informed about the result, and he perceives it as a personal insult. well, for example, the child was expecting a new phone, but due to some family events, we don't have one of this money, and instead of explaining to the child to make a decision together, how and what we can save, and when we can still save money for that new phone, we just bring her this idea that the phone is not it will be like then we and... accept each other, well, as an enemy who just wants to destroy the whole peaceful life of the child, and break all the dreams and so on, and if she knew the whole process, and if she took part in
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the discussion, and if her the voice was important and she could say that let's go here let's save a little, here i am ready to give up something for the sake of it, she would feel her complicity in the family budget, in planning, feel that she is important, and what should be in life? better than feeling important. we have created a resource where you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua.
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a ukrainian program is broadcast from washington voice of america chas taay. i am yulia yarmolenko. congratulations. the minister of defense of ukraine rustem umyerov will meet with his american colleague lloyd austin tomorrow at the pentagon. according to sabrina sinsk, deputy spokesperson for the pentagon, it is worth expecting that the parties will discuss. the situation on the battlefield, including an update on the kurdish operation. singh also announced that the next meeting of the contact group on the defense of ukraine will be held next week. the meeting is planned at the ramstein base in germany. further military assistance ukraine and the lifting of restrictions on the use of western weapons to strike military targets in russia were the focus of an informal meeting of eu foreign ministers. attended meetings in brussels. also took the chief ukrainian diplomat dmytro kuleba. what key statements were made and whether there is a shift in the position of ukraine's leading partners. let's summarize the meeting with our european
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correspondent bohdan tsyupin, who is joining the broadcast. bohdan, congratulations. greeting. it is not the first day and week that we have been talking about the topic of strikes deep into russia. what did we hear anything new today on the sidelines of the meeting in brussels? today, the high representative of the european union for foreign policy and... defense, jocep borel, speaking to journalists, he stood next to the ukrainian minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba, actually singled out what he called new when it comes to helping ukraine defend against russian aggression , he said that ukraine began to receive money from the european union for its own e. for ukraine to produce its own weapons, and he said that this is new, that is, it is quite
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a serious amount of ... over a billion euros (a billion and 4), he said that this is new. when it comes to, let's say, the question of firmness of support for ukraine, there were probably no new, new statements here, despite, let's say, a major escalation in the middle east, ukraine was still in the first place today in the discussion of the ministers of foreign affairs of the european union. and in general, i would say that politicians are calling for greater firmness and clarity, especially now, when ukraine is talking about new fronts in ukraine's war with russia and efforts to reverse the course of the war, this is how borel and kuleba talked about it today,
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better. russia wants to bomb a european country in order to achieve a total surrender, so air defense systems were critical until the summer, they are even more important today, the weapons we provide to ukraine must be fully used and the restrictions must be lifted so that the ukrainians can hit places , from where russia is bombing, otherwise there is no use for weapons. we want to avoid a situation in which the public is told that in principle... no one is objects to strikes deep into russia, but at the same time no real steps are being taken to allow this, and the real steps are to provide missiles and allow us to use them on russian territory, against, i emphasize, legitimate military objectives. well, at least from joseph borel, the support for this permission sounded quite powerful. bohdan, another topic that received a new lease of life today is responsibility and fulfillment of promises. back at the nato summit in
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washington, one of... high-ranking officials of the alliance told us journalists very frankly: not everything that the partners promise to ukraine ends up on the front line, what did we hear about it today, and does it remain a significant problem? again, is this new, the war, it is constant losses, constant problems, constant loss of people, loss of lives, and what ukraine needs, as a nation defending itself from the aggression of a huge neighbor, it is obvious that the needs are constant, are they all are satisfied, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy stated even earlier, in particular to american journalists in a press interview, that not all of the aid is coming, that it is delayed, i personally asked the ukrainian president in june at the peace summit in switzerland whether this problem has been solved
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, he said that in fact problems remain, we are solving them, he said, but do we get everything and do we get then, when necessary, he said no, but today, one of the biggest, one might say, the loudest friends of ukraine, the minister of foreign affairs of lithuania, also said that the problem is not only in delays in deliveries, but he also said that there are cases. .. when not quite delivered good technique or not properly trained technique, that's how he talked about it. it's very unfortunate, but i think we need to start asking very specific questions about what when promises are made and country x promises equipment y, and it turns out that equipment y is unusable, that
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it needs... repair, and it will take very long time to deliver it. for example, in conversations with ukrainian friends, we learned that certain equipment that was promised last year will be delivered only in 2027, despite the fact that calculations and promises, and announcements and headlines were already in 2023. you know the promises of supplies, unfortunately, the soldiers on the battlefield are forced to fight with what they have now, and the supplies are dwindling, and as you know, putin has reliable friends, the north koreans, and... able to supply russia, what they promised, so there is this difference. sometimes we tell good stories to show our citizens that we are fighters for good, but when it comes to supplies, sometimes it's a different story. bohdan, we have literally 40 seconds left, does he offer the eu or nato a solution to this problem? the ukrainian minister was asked what are the reasons for these problems and delays, he said that the explanation to him...


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