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tv   [untitled]    August 30, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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to arrange your future with such inhumans, in general, do you not feel the danger with this indifference that exists in russia, which is brought up as a political system, not a single state institution works there, there is no parliament, neither the upper house, nor the lower house, this a printer that will give you any standards, any, by the evening. to open a new war, in 15 minutes the document is already signed by putin, any evil, it will be so large-scale that the political community, whether inside the country, in europe or in the world, there is no way to stop it. sooner or later, we want to come to terms with the kind of political system with the kind of leadership that exists in russia today. the world has no green light for its
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existence, none. sooner or later, rather at the most inconvenient time, there will be a knock on your door and they will say, what you slept on, two years ago, three years ago, evil, what you slept on, what you did not decide, and acted inadequately, so it is now knocking on your door, and you are poles or you are not. or you are french, you will give an answer that you have not given in 5 years back. in fact, the awakening of the world is, obviously, if you, if you remember, in the year 22, how french president macron spoke with putin for 16 hours, it's just a miracle, this is one of the leaders of europe, calling the criminal who opened a new world war, what are you asking him for? what are you begging him for, well, at
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the beginning of the conversation, pose pose, well, a healthy analysis, he will release the territories he occupied at your call, no, his plan to escalate new territories will change, no, what is the purpose of your calls, are the elections held chancellor scholz? and in one of the interviews, the first interviews, he says that germany will not give to ukraine, as if there was a question, and that germany will not give to ukraine, no, the question was, but that germany will give to ukraine, so katzler began by saying that he devoted 2/3 of his speech to the fact that germany won't give, that won't give, that won't give, that won't give, that 's gone, yes, and what germany will give, he says at the end of the speech, germany. will give 500 helmets and
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25 field bags with a red cross, that 's right, listen now chancellor scholz, he tears putin, and even on a human level, without any patience, he uses the most profound characteristics of manner, actions, gestures. listen today to french president macron. as a person, after all these scenarios, how to modernize the world, how to learn to respond to the disaster that russia brings, come to the concept of a new security and defense policy of europe, along with nato, when the president of the united states of america. said
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that the europeans should rethink their attitude to the formation of nato resources. in parallel, europe is coming to the point that, along with nato, you must have your own original project that provides an answer to the rapid security of europe. and where in ukraine, one of the most interesting places is located. and where, by the way, is the european union commission currently working on it. the first security project of europe, and the second commission, how to respond to the challenges that china, the united states of america bring to the european economic market. in this way , i bring to the point, to the fact that today we are witnessing the rethinking of many established relations, and perhaps russia came during the 25 years of putin's reign. to
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the lowest point of disrespect for herself, and for the politics she forms. i can definitely attest to being in the front row. countries that shape the politics of europe or the world, you will not find russia there, i think that they are not there in the second either, it is, you know, a bologna, on which we will not call the leaders of other countries and no more, and no more, itself a dependent colonial state that exists today, and with those unique opportunities, more than 40% of the world's wealth is concentrated in russia. resources, i have two blitz questions and one a little broader, so that we have time, because here we are talking about ukraine and its prospects. blitz of questions, well, you know, you need to dispel myths, some, don’t ask, i won’t ask about nuclear weapons, because those
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documents were not signed in your time, but many people say so, well, that’s a common story, but it was necessary pressed in 2008 at the nato summit, and we would have been accepted. in nato, then a number of countries gained membership there, there was expansion, and if very briefly, why then, i understand that it is not it didn't depend on ukraine there, we remember putin, on that, his words, we remember that ukraine is not even a state, but why then, or what they said, here's what they said, then you you well, you won't be able to catch up with the conditional chancellor of the federal republic of germany or say in some other way: well... well, come on, and how did they argue, as if, well, they don't threaten you, so what do you want? well, let's start with 94. the 94th year of the memorandum, which i believe, from the point of view of the mission for the world,
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ukraine with its step put the last point in the end of the cold war, or as its called the third war. i think that... the leadership of ukraine at that time treated the mission of guaranteeing the security of ukraine with extremely high respect within the framework of the signed document. there are two direct points in the document that testify to the creation of a complete. guarantees of your territorial integrity and political sovereignty, and under this document is the signature of the president of the united states, the president of france, the president of great britain, the chairman of the people's assembly of china, one can say, the entire nuclear
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club, from the position of the year 94, it can be read, listen, no state in the world has such a document, such weight, except for ukraine. why in this way, because now it is possible to analyze, so analytically already, and why were tactical weapons not taken out by brackets, were they not limited to carriers and so on, why did ukraine act the way it did and sign this memorandum, my short . the answer, we were one on one then, we were not supported by russia, obviously, in the way that ukraine would like to see the toolkit for the formation of ukrainian security, we were not supported by the united states,
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because the general task, the third nuclear arsenal must be dismantled, and this united the united states and russia, and this... was able to connect the other three members of the nuclear club of the world, and when it was necessary to form even the constitutional period of relations or in the 14th year or in the 22nd year, it was very difficult for us to form a round table of consultations with our guarantors, and until today, by the way, these five have not sat down at the table, well... five, not five there were four, but the four never sat down at the table, and this, in my opinion, made for safety, security policy of the world, a very unpleasant fact
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of history, i don't know how the world will talk, for example, with the north korean leadership about nuclear disarmament when the time comes, or with iran. or with iran, or with pakistan, or with three other countries, about which it is already possible to say that the fact is most likely, er... that they have nuclear fission, as they say, what argument will the nuclear world, the nuclear club bring them, when there is an example of ukraine, which sincerely and openly accepted the proposals of the nuclear club and suffered, well by the way, a question, this war, speaking, in your opinion, there is an agreement today, i don't know at what level or through what channels, that it will not be ... ended in any way with the use of nuclear weapons, this is the father's war , which was unleashed by russia, well
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, at least now ukraine is directly participating in it as an opponent of the aggressor. assessment of the risk of nuclear conflict of the nuclear factor, temperature-wise, everything is cooling, cooling, cooling, and the world is coming to understand more that, well, actually, the first sign of the death of putin, putin is... a sign of his use of anything from the nuclear arsenal, this is a war with the whole world, this is his personal death and the end of this war, and today about these red lines somehow and not everyone understands where they pass, and that is, actually at the end of such a final to put an end already, because there are still many questions, unfortunately, there is no time, the formula... taras hryhorovych, whom you have repeatedly mentioned, today, fighting to overcome is a really effective formula, and obviously, this is
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what ukrainians should wish for today? this is definitely for the ukrainian part, itself a significant part of the answer, regarding our victory, is the understanding that our power is in our hands, that's the first thing, and that power is formed by the national spirit, not the ak-47. not s-300, not anything, if you have an indomitable spirit, you are carriers, authors of victory. viktor andriyovychko was with us, the president of ukraine, thank you for being with us, listening, stay tuned, see you.
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army vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, read the entire composition, accept my song, thank you, it was difficult, but i was just interested, but it was absolutely not , they help to understand the present and predict the future. they offered the united states to conclude a bilateral security agreement with us. a project for those who care and think. politklub, every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm , the representative of the polish government on recovery of ukraine by pavel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in cooperation with sister
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au. journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to deal with disturbing news and? distinguish truth from hostile ipso. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on spresso. evening, we are from ukraine. the night attack exploded over kyiv, debris fell into the city, as well as the north and east under enemy airstrikes about the consequences in the air. the situation is difficult, the enemy is already on the outskirts of selidovoy, the president convened a meeting regarding the front, the main focus of which is pokrovsky toretsky. more about it serhiy sgurets. picked raspberries the head of the antimonopoly committee explained where
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he took $300,000 and bailed out in the amount of uah 30 million. the hunt has begun for people's deputy dmytrouk. who escaped from ukraine, it is not known how, now interpol will look for them, they will still book in the council, they said that economic booking will start in the fall, oleksandr morschavka will tell you more about the mechanisms. aviatroshcha in the breweries, which died in the monastery and yenin, the case was referred to the court, who were charged with suspicions and 10 years of the ilovac tragedy, and how the enemy insidiously struck the back of the ukrainian army about heroes, living and dead, we will talk on the air, today i will remind you, today is the day of remembrance of the fallen defenders of ukraine, we will say it more than once today... we will say about it in our minds at least, because there is no time now, let's at least keep silent in our minds, remember and thank everyone , who gave the greatest price so that we continue to live today and continue to fight for ukraine and us to be in it, everyone where he is. well, now i will give the floor to serhiy zurts, the director of the defense express agency and the host of the military summaries of the day column. serhii, congratulations to you, please
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word. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today in our column. we will talk about the situation precisely in the pokrovsky and ughledar directions, about what sirskyi said, about expectations from the meeting of the defense ministers of ukraine and the united states, and whether our defense industry really works in a 24x7 format, as the war requires, about this with an interesting official , more on that in a moment. of course, the main attention of... all of us is focused on the pokrovsky direction, even if this direction sometimes falls into the shadow of what is happening on kurshchyna, today holkomovych oleksandr syrskyi said that he visited the pokrov region, where the fiercest battles are taking place and said that the main task in these conditions is to strengthen the defense
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of our troops in the most difficult areas, to provide the brigades with a sufficient amount of ammunition and others. . material and technical means, and now, if we look at the map, we understand that the enemy is trying to advance in the pokrovsk direction, to the south, north and west in the pokrovsk area, and there are novohorodivka, grodivka, salidovy, and in fact, we understand that the situation yesterday, today remains extremely difficult, when we talk about novohorodivka, the southern... and central part of novohorodivka is now under the control of the occupiers, a small part is held by our armed forces near terekons, priva battles continue precisely on the northern outskirts, precisely for the terekon, which is located there. at the same time, the losses of the enemy in the pokrovsky direction were and remain
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record high, but all the same, the enemy considers the superiority in forces, means and... and enemy aviation is also actively operating in the pokrov direction, while the enemy is now moving not only in novohorodivka, which i mentioned, now the enemy is trying to advance to myrnograd through the red ravine and mykolaivka, the enemy went to mykhailivka and where they cut the road to karlivka, and the settlement of memrik was actually captured, if we consider the reports of various autumns. analysts, and here the enemy is trying, as we can see, to try to create a threat to encircle the grouping of our armed forces, which are near nevelskyi, and i hope that precisely syrsky's trip to the pokrovsky direction and the decision to strengthen, and this decision itself was also praised by the supreme commander-in-chief, must now be implemented at the expense of
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some means and forces that will be able to stop the advance against. similarly, the situation is not easy in other areas of the front, in particular vyokromly ugledar, because we know that vogledar is a commanding height, our brigades are received there, they really effectively hold the defense for a long time, but for and we saw, before things, a lot of different videos of enemy columns being destroyed trying to push towards the ugledar from different directions, now in the last few days the situation has become more difficult because the enemy is trying to... make attacks on the ugledar from the flanks, one direction is just to the west of pavlivka, and the second direction is near water, all these attempts do not look like the situation is becoming threatening, but the trend as a whole is quite noticeable, and at the same time , the enemy is also trying to push through the entire
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kurakhiv direction, now we see the map, there is georgiyivka, and krasnohorivka, and kostyantynivka, all of this is now under pressure from the enemy, and in light of this, our military and political leadership is once again trying to convince our partners to withdraw permission for... the use of long-range weapons, in particular, first of all, atakams missiles and air of storm shadow cruise missiles for strikes on enemy targets deep in russian territory, today the minister of foreign affairs kuleba said that he is counting on the fact that, if necessary, he will still get the consent of his partners for such decisions and also the americans will try to convince the minister of defense of ukraine rustem umerov, who will meet with the us secretary of defense lloyd austin on friday, it is expected that at this
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meeting the ukrainian side will again emphasize and present this list of priority targets that need to be destroyed and will affect the course of hostilities in favor of ukraine, and for this it is necessary to remove restrictions on the use of american weapons. this was reported by cnn with reference to ukrainian sources, and in fact there were already a number of different publications in the leading ones western and american media that, on the one hand, ukraine insists on lifting restrictions, the british also appealed to the americans to lift restrictions on the use of stormshadow, because there is data that requires the participation of the american side, in particular regarding targeting, and whether otherwise , now the dynamics around... the use of long-range weapons is such an important component that can affect the course of hostilities. of course, we say that this is not the situation, the situation is such that there is even a delay with
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atakams strikes on russian territory enabled the russians to drag some of their planes deep into their territory, and these airfields that were under attack are now half-empty, but in any case there are still a number of facilities, at least by... 200-200 facilities that can be used for strikes on russian territory, and the impression of these objects can affect the course of hostilities, in fact, this is what is now in the center of attention of our military and politicians. the reaction of the americans with the delay in the permission to use long-range weapons, well, first of all, can be explained by the fact that it works the old scheme is nowhere to be secured. it actually looks rather strange, because the russian federation actually used all its
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capabilities and arsenals for strikes on ukrainian territory, we recall the strikes on our peaceful objects using high-precision russian missiles, we recall the recent strikes on the capital, on energy facilities , and actually this was another impetus for our... political leaders to have the opportunity to once again negotiate with our colleagues abroad about the possibility of lifting restrictions, also another component that also concerns the negotiations of the secretary of foreign affairs and the negotiations of the secretary of defense in the united states with lloyd austin, concerns that our partners, who promised us to transfer a significant ... number of petrio complexes, at least four batteries, which were promised at the nato summit, were finally directed to ukraine. for now, this process
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is delayed, and we understand that such a decision is extremely important, but against the background of these conversations, we understand that the bet on our own weapons remains decisive, including because we have a defense-industrial complex, which should also solve the issue of defense capability and strengthening ours. of the armed forces and now we have a guest joining us, this is the general director of the federation of employers of ukraine for defense ihor fomenko. mr. igor, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. i congratulate you. i would like to tell our audience that my interlocutor, a person who has tremendous experience in the field of industrial defense, was a deputy minister for a long time, for 22-24 years. of the ukrainian economy , he was the head of the concern for a certain time, precisely in the defense-industrial direction ukroboronprom, and mr. igor, i would like to ask you now, for a month now, you are...
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actually, you are the general director of the federation of employers of ukraine in the direction of defense, this is such a new direction that was recently oriented, created. i would like to ask you what concerns our defense industry right now, whether enterprises really work in a 24x7 format, what are the main challenges facing our defense industry, both public and private. thank you. i would like to remind you that with the beginning of the active phase of the war, the task was set for of the defense-industrial complex of ukraine to increase the production capacity specifically for the national armament of military equipment. over the past 2.5 years, this task has been completed, i think i will not be mistaken if i say that the production capacity of the state-owned and privately owned enterprises has increased by 30 times. and
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a rather interesting situation arose. this is conditionally interesting, because the state, which collects all the funds, taxes and so on, directs all 100% to the provision of the components of the security and defense forces, and unfortunately, this is only 40% of the loading of production capacities of enterprises of the defense-industrial complex of ukraine. that is, we have a situation where we can produce 2.5-3 times more products to meet the needs of the military, but there is not enough financial resources, despite the fact that all 100% goes to providing the components of the defense security forces, and there are several such, let's say, cases for enterprises: either adapt to current needs and essentially reduce production capacity, state, enterprise, such a negative option, or to look for money
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abroad in order for... partners to buy ukrainian military equipment, equipment, or a third option - to start thinking about the opening, the controlled opening of the export of some types of armed military equipment, but again with restrictions, so that the armed forces of ukraine and other military formations do not in any way feel any restrictions in terms of quantity and quality of terms in meeting their needs. the priority is still the provision of the armed forces of other military formations, hence the problem can be voiced as three such problems: the first is planning, because long-term planning is necessary, some production cycles are technological from six months to 12, so it is necessary to plan differently than now, unfortunately, in most cases for a year, and although for three to five years in order to be able to plan and finance one's policy. and
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personnel policy, and procurement, procurement policy, loading of the expansion of r&d production capacity, er, another block is really loading of production capacity that is not currently used for the provision of components defense security forces, which are essentially idle now, i.e. somewhere around 40% of the total load, if we talk about the defense-industrial complex on average. and the issue of access to financial resources, because , unfortunately, enterprises of the defense-industrial complex are limited in attracting and credit resources, and especially in the private sector , access to public funds even with the destruction of post-missile attacks, therefore , access to financial resources for turnaround, for economic recovery ability to sustain, this is also a question of which
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right now you can say a lot in front of enterprises, because there are many problems, but i see three such areas as key, mr. igor, i would like to ask you about two state programs, namely the missile-building program and the munitions industry program, i understand that such sensitive topics, but if we generally assess the dynamics of the development of the situation under these two state programs, i would say that the dynamics are positive. unfortunately, not as we need, because we want everything to be much faster, there are limitations and financial limitations, the state does not have enough money to finance such programs in full, within the time limits, and yet i can say that the problem is with personnel, from the school, because ukraine does not little fight


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