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tv   [untitled]    August 30, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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terror. but some power units of thermal power plants cannot be restored in the foreseeable future. by winter, ukraine will not have time to rebuild all the necessary generation. this was announced by the head of ukrenergo volodymyr kudrytskyi. repairs can last from several weeks, months or even up to two years. 9 gw capacities are not enough now. however, there is an option to import electricity and... it will significantly help our country to get through the heating season, according to the head of ukrenergo volodymyr kudrytskyi. but for the attention of businesses , the national bank has established time limits cash transfer without opening an account. from now on, the money must first go to the current or payment account of the economic entity, only after that it can be issued from these specific accounts directly in cash. simultaneously. for ordinary
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citizens, there have been no changes here, natural persons can pay with entrepreneurs for services or goods, both cashless and in cash. the restructuring of the state debt will save almost 11.5 billion dollars on its servicing in the next 3 years. this will strengthen the budget and give it will be possible to better finance defense - said the head of the cabinet of ministers, denys shmyhal. more than 95%. owners of ukrainian eurobonds supported the proposal of the ministry of finance, so the agreement provides that the creditors will write off 37% of the eurobond debt to our state, in return, ukraine will offer new securities with payments for them every six months. such an agreement is beginning to take effect and will essentially help to keep the state budget full. this is a very important and significant victory. our
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government, well, here we have to thank the owners of eurobonds that went to such an arrangement. let's go further. the ministry of economy is preparing a mechanism for the so-called economic reservation, it is planned to be launched already in october or november, said the first deputy head of the verkhovna rada committee on tax and customs policy yaroslav zheleznyak. for now, they are waiting for the position of the top political leadership - adds the people's deputy. additional revenues of the state budget. from economic booking is estimated at 40 billion uah per year, but for this we still need to make point changes to of tax legislation: they will allow you to receive monthly reports on taxes paid from salaries. currently, the ministry of economy is developing several models of economic reservations. well, yesterday in this studio we talked with mr. neskhodovsky, the economic expert also evaluated the importance of the economic.
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reservation, it is already necessary to do it as soon as possible, and one of the models for this is that a business, for example, a company, an enterprise, pays approximately 20 thousand such taxes to the state budget for an effective employee, without whom, for example, well this or that chain of activity or production at the enterprise is impossible. the team of the international monetary fund is going to visit ukraine next week, they plan to review the prospects. budget, bloomberg reports. the representatives of the imf should understand whether to pay us the next installment of the loan under the current cooperation program? currently, we are talking about more than 1 billion dollars. i would like to remind you that the fund is currently monitoring the government's important reforms, in particular tax and customs reforms. they are the ones who have to show their partners that the state is able to fill the state budget itself, and not completely depend on foreign revenues. and let me add that the committee
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of the verkhovna rada recommended adopting the draft law on restarting the customs office as a whole, said committee chairman danylo hetmantsev. in particular, the initiative provides for the regulation of the terms of the service contract, the recognition of the requirements for the professional competence of officials, the following rotation procedure will be introduced, integrity checks will be carried out, and monitoring will be carried out. the way of life of customs officers, well, it's really so effective, me i think that the initiatives, and i hope that the parliamentarians will adopt certain changes to the law on the reset of customs in the near future, because vasyl, this is a really important component of filling the state budget, tax reform is great, really, but international partners are insisting exactly on receipts from customs, well, we remember this as... what part of the black, well, that
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dark budget, how much money goes outside the budget, what part belongs to customs, and there the lion's share is more than anything else, well, i i remember the sums, let's say, how much individual cities had through which... customs are key for a year of that black cash, well, it's really scary money, without reform it's really difficult to talk about any development prospects here, when so much money just goes into people's pockets, so i hope that this check on the integrity and way of life of the customs officers will also bring income to the state, it is necessary to look for it where, in principle, by nature it can be so that vasyl does not hear those phrases about the fact that he received an income of 300. how many thousands of dollars are there on plantations from raspberries, right? well, let the customs officers not talk either, i think that some drug lords have matured, you think, it’s okay, how can it be that raspberries turn out to be fertile land in ukraine, well, we see, the authorities are looking for really effective ways to fill the state
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budget, the authorities are also looking for effective ones investors, the state property fund put up for privatization the single property complex of the poltava experimental prosthetic and orthopedic institute. of a medical enterprise, the starting price is almost uah 18.5 million, - reported the head of the department vitaliy koval. production is located in poltava, sumy and kropyvnytskyi, they make prostheses, orthopedic shoes, etc., the auction is scheduled for september 10. vitaly koval says that in the conditions of growing demand, especially for prostheses, privatization will allow to optimize work and significantly increase the volume of production . of course, an investment is required. and the company's profile will be preserved over time, and i am sure that it is precisely private capital that will help develop such enterprises, which are strategically important, in fact. and manufacturers can already apply for participation in the national cashback program. it
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it is easy to do through the action portal, minister of economy yuliya svyridenko reported. the initiative should become part of the company, the company is made in ukraine. it supports domestic entrepreneurs. money. the consumer will not be provided with such cashback on an online card, forbes already writes that atb market, silpo, novus, varus and ashan ukraine are joining the national cashback program. let me remind you that the government announced its start on september 2. well, we will monitor this initiative, not all deputies support it. they say that funds from the entrepreneurship development fund should not go to this initiative, but to a slightly different purpose, really to support ukrainian businesses, well , let's see, i will end my column on this, the big broadcast is going on, there will be more, watch us, thank you very much oleksandr ,
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morels, and you will thank. i will briefly remind you that the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund continue to collect funds for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade, as well as for the mechanized 110th and 47th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. the brigades urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. our. the goal is uah 3.5 million. join, you can see all the details on your own screens. good health, dear ukrainians, we are soldiers of the first assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade, who are defending our native land on the front lines, and we urgently need your
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help we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small bpols and komik drones. we really appreciate your help. glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, we will donate to the armed forces of ukraine, literally with one stroke, serhii spoke about raspberries, 300 thousand dollars, other things, we also listened yesterday to a statement about who shot whom and where, you know, i will only call on one, have respect, if the politicians have no respect for us, telling us delusions that are not supported by anything, have the respect at least not to believe, i think for dignity and respect we deserved it, and we chose it, well , we respect ourselves and... all the fairy tales of vensko vales, i think that you can definitely either wait for the facts, or ask people to just chew more and talk less, it helps a lot, by the way, for health of the oral cavity. the rossya river is the main water artery of many cities of kyiv region, currently it is not in the best condition due to garbage
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and regulation. let's see what measures will be taken to clean the reservoir in the story of my colleagues from the white church. the ros river is a source of water supply. for more than 500,000 people in four regions of ukraine, 1,639 hydrotechnical structures are located only on the section of the reservoir in the kyiv region, which are dams, dams, dams, water intake and regulatory structures, etc. the river has been in a terrible ecological state for years, because it is too regulated, - said the minister of environmental protection and natural resources of ukraine, ruslan strilets. therefore, at a recent meeting, the government approved an action plan for a comprehensive solution to the problem in the ros river basin. it is already having an effect, in principle we have already received the order directly state water agency and event plan. which we must directly implement, this is the development of the water management balance, the determination and with the city planning authorities,
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hydrotechnical structures that are subject to liquidation, their dismantling, regulation, therefore, by the end of the year, in principle, we will carry out these measures. such actions at the state level are imperative. according to the official, the plan includes determination of the amount of water in the pool, inspection of water... objects, their calculation, dismantling of illegal hydraulic structures, construction new treatment facilities and control over economic activity. currently, the river is silted up, blue-green algae is developing, because there is no movement in it, and the abnormal heat contributed to the lowering of the water level, and the well-known fact of pollution by discharges was not avoided. in addition, the document provides for the reduction of unauthorized discharges into the river, in particular from fields, because some gardens and buildings. literally cut into the reservoir, the situation is worsened by the residents themselves, because in some places garbage floats in its nooks and crannies. as
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the head of the public works department emphasizes and ecology of the city alyona kolotnytska, bila tserkva is already actively moving according to the plan and carrying out inspections. what is the problem not only of the ros river, but of rivers in general - it is hydroelectric structures. imagine that we are on the rosh river in three reservoirs: the upper, middle and lower white church. and these are three baths, even such, these are three baths, in which there are such barriers and the water almost does not overflow, that is why it is polluted, clean and impure, if there is water in the water, well in the bath, it will stand, if it is flowing , if hydraulic structures will be properly regulated, rises, then it will flow and there will be clean water, that is, if you did not wash the bath, if the water is old, then it will be, it will be dirty, the consciousness of young ecoactivists who are not indifferent to... the main thing the water artery of the city, they self-organize and conduct toloks to live in a clean environment. lyubov
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gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. i'll tell you more now about, well , first we say, you know, everybody says, the f-16 crashed, we lost the plane, and we lost a soldier first of all, a fighter was killed, i will tell you a little more now, because there is a message from the west air command on the facebook page. i will voice what is written there, but before that i will also remind you that today is the day of remembrance of the fallen soldiers for the independence of ukraine and territorial integrity for us and you, they gave their most valuable lives to the motherland. today we celebrate the day of remembrance of defenders of ukraine who died in the struggle for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of our state. tribute started after the tragic events in ilovaisk. today is 10 years. how ukrainian soldiers left the russian encirclement in donetsk region with a fight, but the occupiers who
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promised a green corridor opened fire on them, then according to official data 366 ukrainian soldiers died, and here is more information about the death of the pilot, first of all, because you know , i don’t know how they calculate there, who are those who provide f16, well, for me, i think, for every ukrainian, it is more important and more tragic that what the... can still be made into a pilot, an airplane, that moreover, it is not the newest plane, and it is not worth all the money in the world, and you cannot turn a soldier into a pilot. so, during the russian massive shelling, an air force pilot of the armed forces of ukraine died, he was posthumously awarded the rank of colonel oleksiy mes. on august 26, when there was the largest enemy attack on energy facilities in the entire period of the full-scale war, the ukrainian soldier entered the last battle, destroying three cruise... missiles and one attack unmanned aerial vehicle. this is reported on the air page
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western command on the facebook social network. i will quote. oleksiy saved ukrainians from deadly russian missiles. let's also think about this, that each rocket could kill more than one, or even more than a dozen ukrainians. let's not forget about it. unfortunately, at the cost of his own life , oleksiy mes was a strong, loyal soldier, a high-class pilot, a leader on earth and in the sky, a good friend, a loving son, father, and husband. a patriot of his country, the message says. on the day of farewell , parafighters paid tribute to the fallen pilot from the sky mik-29. his combat friends flew over the procession. by order of the commander-in-chief of weapons. forces of ukraine, the lieutenant colonel was awarded the military rank of colonel posthumously. let us honor the memory, you know, because when they talk about pilot error, well, especially from the usa, it is more visible there, of course, but i would like to say one simple thing here: i am not a pilot, i think most of you are not pilots, we didn't counter enemy missiles in the sky, but to shoot down
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three missiles, to shoot down a mine, it's probably not easy, and i think exactly until ... determining the reasons why it happened, you must understand that the reason is the war, the fact that this person entered into a battle with machines, because missiles are machines, they fly to the target, and you have one, two, three flying at a huge speed, you them you have to catch them, you have to attack them, you have to move away so that you don’t get hit by the fragments of this missile, and there is also this shachet, too, and he entered this battle with these flying machines, and he won it, giving his life, but saving ukraine . let's talk about it, because when you know, without any evidence, none technical investigations, nothing, somewhere they said, yes, pilot error, you were at the place of the crash of this plane, you saw it, well , let's at least in memory and in honor of the fallen hero who saved us, let's wait for some information, not talking about mistakes, about some other things,
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not understanding anything at all, he gave his life for us, honor, honor, and it's a shame that we lost a great warrior in... this war, thank you for being with us today and stay with the espresso tv channel, i will say goodbye to you until tomorrow at 18:10, then the weather from natalka grandpa, stay with espresso and take care. synoptic hello to all, dear ukrainians, before we talk about the weather that is expected for the next day, summer is coming to an end. august is ending, but the summer weather is not ending yet, and of course, while it is warm and even hot, you and i, let's smell and talk about flowers, and not just about flowers, but about one of such iconic flowers for ukrainians, marigolds, and as always, let's look at their history, origin, maybe some interesting
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facts, so marigolds, homeland marigolds are considered america, where they grow in wild conditions. these flowers have a peculiar aroma, well, of course we know, but it is interesting that the leaves of marigolds smell stronger, well, brighter than the flowers themselves. for example, some countries use dried marigolds in the form of a seasoning called imeretian saffron. well, i know, for example, that blackberry is dried and used in folk medicine, the so-called. marigold leaves are used in mexico in the fight against... gardeners plant marigolds near cucumbers, because the flowers attract bees and other insects, and the harvest increases accordingly. in christianity, there was a tradition to surround images of the virgin mary with marigolds, and the flowers in this case symbolized gold coins. and one of the legends, i read,
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says that during the flight of joseph and mary to egypt, they were chased. and when they were overtaken and the thief took the wallet, instead of coins , marigold flowers began to fall from it, and in many legends, in many countries, marigolds are considered flowers of the sun, well, ukrainians love marigolds very much, they write poems about them in every way, and they decorate them and paint them with words, this is our favorite, of course one of the favorite flowers, let's move on to more prosaic things, such as magnetic storms, and... i want to say that geomagnetic fluctuations are expected in the coming days, but strong storms are not expected, so i hope that they will not negatively affect well-being, and therefore we move on to the weather, and here if such things can be more interesting, including by the way and for my well-being, so tomorrow in
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the western regions of ukraine , the weather is expected to be dry, the air temperature... uh, it will fluctuate within the range, it will fluctuate, i apologize, within the range of 28-31°, well, it is quite high, in the north it will still be hot . donetsk region, in the central part of ukraine. well, you can say the status quo again 30-34 30-35 even possibly degrees above zero, hot weather, dry, sunny, soon our weather will already... resemble egyptian, and the egyptians will come to us as a resort, god forbid, if only everything were calm here and peacefully. in the south,
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the air temperature in the south will be quite high tomorrow, but not as high as, for example, in the center, 29-33° above zero, and in some areas of the southern part of ukraine, there is a high probability of short-term heavy rains. no rain is expected in kyiv tomorrow. maximum temperature the air will range from 30 to 33°, high atmospheric pressure, and again i emphasize and do not tire of repeating it, be very careful with fire, because such prolonged, dry, hot weather can cause fires. stay tuned, keep an eye out for our updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. today i have olenka cherninka as a guest, a songwriter, photo artist and mother
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of the hero. olenko, i congratulate you, today you are visiting us. and you know what i want to talk to you about talk today the war changed us all. we will never be the same again . and we ... had this terrible, impressive experience, an experience that we would probably never want to receive in our lives. i talk to many people, i ask about many things, but today i will talk with you about the most painful topic in your life, because i start every interview from february 24, and i want to start an interview with you from may 20, 2020. third year i remember this day and i know that you remember it very well and can to tell how the day was. it is usually
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said that a mother feels and knows, and she has such a connection, on this day, as i experienced all the days from the beginning of the full-scale invasion, as mikhail went to the great war, i experienced every day, for some reason i did not experience this day at all. was calm, and if you believe the words of my brothers, i was calm all this moment, when, as they say, the child was already dead, i did not feel anything, and even when i called my brothers and introduced myself, i said hello, because i knew him, i i corresponded with his wife, and then i hear that something is wrong in his voice, and i say that mykhailo is wounded, he says no. unfortunately, unfortunately, he died, i remember exactly this conversation, my emotions, my state, to the second, i spoke to
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him quietly, but my mother and sister heard me from the very other end of the apartment, they came running, i was no longer with my wife i was able to call, yulia called my wife, and i just heard a terrible scream in the receiver, a cry of despair from marta. this was the day of may 20, 2023, a year passed, almost, almost, and look, this is your experience, of course, i would like no one to go through it, but we understand that during these more than two years of war, many mothers, wives, sisters, daughters have experienced the same experience as you. and we understand that the war is not over, and that is why many more will go through such an experience. that's why i wanted you to share it today, that we should know
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where to go, how to act in such situations, you remember those first minutes, hours, days, what you did, who supported you, and in general, the greatest support i received from from... my sister yulia cherninka, from my best friend marina savka and from marta, mykhailo's wife, my sister-in-law, well, of course from my mother, this, this was such support that if it weren't for them, i don't know if i would be alive today, it was fantastic support, what should be done at such moments, to be honest, for me that period of time was, i don't remember everything. it was like everything was in a fog, i only remember that everywhere in all the institutions where we went, marta supported me by the hand and only said:
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here you have to sign, here you have to, i even i didn't... i asked, because i couldn't understand anything at all, what happens if a person finds himself in a situation like mine, i just remember that you have to file a report with the police, the sbu, the red cross, the un, the authorized in cases of missing persons, and in the coordination headquarters. this is the main one, where you have to submit everything, all applications according to their requirements. i just recently applied, there is this alexey yukov, he drives, i forgot his name, bridgehead, bridgehead and black tulip, we also filed an application there, all the data about mykhailo and the banana boy who disappeared together with mykhailo, this is his brother and close friend.
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how did i survive? well, actually i really survived because i still survive, i can't call it life because it is survival. i turned first to qualified specialists, never turn to psychologists, they will not help you, this is not the situation where a psychologist helps. psychologist - she broke up with her boyfriend, she's not doing well at work, well then. here then you can go to a psychologist when such a situation occurs, a psychologist is like a poultice for a dead person, he will not help you, you will take a step forward, two back, one step forward, two back. you need to see a psychiatrist, and a practicing, qualified one, with good recommendations, so that they give you the right medical support and that a specialist, a psychotherapist works with you, victoria has been working with me for a year. zabor, she
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works as a psychotherapist, we spend an hour together on thursdays every week, and she prescribes and changes medications for me , so that i don't get used to one or the other, lyudmila oleksiivna samsonova. it's two, two people, it's, it's two pillars, thanks which i also survived, and thanks to which i have them on facebook, they read. my posts are like my medical history for them, how long did you turn to, how much time passed after may 20, when you turned to specialists, i think somewhere in the middle of june, because yes, sometime in the middle of june i called mariana savka, yuliechka, my sister, did not leave me at all for three weeks, in general,
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she was just with me 24/7. i called maryana, yulichka left sometime then, i called her and said, i will go to the hospital, but you please go with me so that i don't give up at the last moment, because we, all children of the soviet union, are used to the fact that psychiatry is something very scary, you made this decision yourself, or your loved ones, no, i made the decision myself, because i realized that i was falling into the abyss, and i am still waiting for my son, and i don't want him to see me in some inadequate state, and i was actually already falling into an inadequate state, well, here it is it is probably worth telling our viewers about what you are up to today at the moment you don’t know whether he is alive or what happened to him, the brothers and sisters all shout with one voice that he died and they are sure of it, there is no body, there is no case, i am not sure, and i will never believe anyone until the end i
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will wait, i will wait, if necessary, i will wait all my life, but i will wait, that's how i got out of this state, i started writing posts, i started writing posts on the internet, communicating with my son, i remembered our stories from his childhood, from the beginning, how he was small, how he was a teenager, what we have there were stories that we had that were funny... and tragic stories, and so on, and i wrote them under one hashtag: lemberg, two dots, mommy don't cry, lemberg, mommy don't cry, lemberg is my son's nickname, at first he had the call sign lviv, but when he moved east, there was the position lviv, and in order not to confuse the position with the call sign, his brothers renamed him lemberg, this is the ancient name of lviv.


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