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tv   [untitled]    August 30, 2024 6:30am-7:00am EEST

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that the syndrome that we experienced in the 90s, when the president of the united states arrives from the rostrum of the parliament, says in the 93rd year that ukrainians, do not dare to create sovereignty, and george bush, from whom everyone expected support, absolutely , on the streets of kyiv for three months, there have been many thousands of rallies for... independence, the president of the largest democratic country comes and says: don't you dare to do this, don't dare, to me, and i'm sorry that he went to kyiv then after moscow or to moscow, well, in any case, it was a visit by the way, i know that he gave a speech in the verkhovna rada, on the way from the airport, to leonid makarovich, whether he gave theses or verbally. what he wanted to say,
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as it were, as he agreed with leonid makarovich, as the chairman of the verkhovna rada, well, in a word, i have a heavy feeling that today the world has stopped , including the european one at a crossroads, if tomorrow after the end we see this war in the bosom of russia, in russian. in her presence in this political field, i think we are making a huge mistake, a huge mistake, we are taking the time-out that putin needs most today, in order to then come to the borders of poland, slovakia, bulgaria, and continue to do that evil thing on... which he saw the russian
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mission, when, you know , to the same question, where is the end of russia, where, where are its borders, from peter the first we hear such a historical aphorism that the borders of russia are where its interests end, a good wording, then the wording of putin in the 2000s, well ... more precisely, it was in 2006 at one of the language conferences expressed by his wife, reports that were written in the kremlin, and she voiced the position of the kremlin, russia ends there, guys, where does the русский язык end, for the last three months, putin has been conducting an elective course in history on duty, and there the boy... and he asks
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seven or eight years old to that boy: where do the borders of russia end, and the boy is trying to remember the geography, to name something correctly, where are those borders, and he approaches him like this, pats him on the head, and if he is saving him from this impasse, and gives advice to she is russian nations, filled russia has no borders, so how are you going with this philosophy, it’s not a joke, well, as a president, the president of the country goes out, every word, it is official, and he says that his state, which occupies one eighth, which leads to today, maybe 10 wars, maybe even more, well, count in africa, how many wars there are, count africa, count. and this is a country, a member
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of the united nations, the highest security organization in the world, chaired the security council, a member, a permanent member of the security council, this is a country, an aggressor, this is a country where its the leader is recognized as an international criminal, at every step in europe photographs are wanted, the criminal, putin and so on and so on, and we live in such a world, this is a country that... has not even formally accepted as a member of the united nations , listen, it's amazing what kind of world this is. so, what i'm getting at is that no one can use the answer with such a russia. today, to sit down with him for negotiations, it means repeating munich in 1938. do you remember when chamberlain flew in, waved one sheet of paper and said, i'll measure you. brought while
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you were walking, i worked diplomatically, it was great, i brought you a measure, it was the same, i spoke there in france, and here we are now. listen, we need red lines, we need to listen to what this executioner of peoples, prisons of peoples, speak, warn, this is a territory where, under the cover of colonialism, more than 100 indigenous peoples live, where every two years someone's native language dies, listen, we are in a terrible world we are in, in fact. and that's why, when in europe they try to form some kind of tolerance, what can be done with this evil at all? for several years, this is a very wrong policy, on the other hand, ukraine gives you an example of how to fight for your
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sovereignty, for your independence, how to actually be the armored car of europe, how can you, in other words, go to that? the territory of the country of the aggressor and force putin to read something from a piece of paper with trembling hands, having gathered his generals, and not knowing what to do, it turns out, yes, it was possible, here again, without understanding what it would all lead to, but we understand that ukraine sometimes shows, just such an example, to your words about that europe does not know what to do with putin, but at one time in the battle of pyragameh, alexander the great showed what could be done with the persian empire, destroying an army that was ten times larger on the ground. failed to destroy the world of empires, but the world of empires collapsed 100 years after napoleon, that is, now, without taking a certain step, we will simply drag it out in time, then there may be, absolutely, paragraph number one: do not look for a partner in putin, he will never will be, he is a speculator who today's historical position
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will use it to knock on your door tomorrow, and so be wiser, although it's harder to do, certainly the things that we uh... say that the answer, how to democratize russia, i don't find it in the answer , that one ideal democratic force will come, which will now be supported by 144 million russians, i take this as a conditional number, there is no such force and there never will be, in the regime of this dictatorship... power feeds putin, his government, and his junta very well. russia's problem, by the way, is not only russia's, perhaps, putin's evil triumphs, not least because
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in russia there is so much and it is so strong, what we call evil. i think... in the formula of putin's existence, the strongest point is that russia has the most indifferent people, and indifferent people, they automatically close with evil, and it, and it triumphs, and it is because of indifference, you know, when you, when you on the tver boulevard, you go out and stand like this... near the monument to the ukrainian prince dolgoruky, you will be arrested, when today we talk about a world that is informational, where instant eyes exchange billions of megabytes of memory, more
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1,000 journalists in russian prisons, several thousand political prisoners of all levels. local and to the highest, this is a country that lives among us, how are you going to arrange your future with such inhumans, in general, do you not feel the danger with this indifference that is in russia, which is brought up as a political system, there is no one working there a state institution, there is no parliament, neither an upper house, nor a lower house, it is... a printer that will issue you any regulations by the evening, any, start a new war, in 15 minutes the document is already signed by putin, any evil, it will be so large-scale that the political community, whether in the middle of the country,
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or in europe or in the world, there is no way to stop it, sooner or later we want to come up, that it will fly. .. a system with the kind of leadership that exists today in russia, the world does not have a green light for its existence, there is none. sooner or later, rather at the most inconvenient time, there will be a knock on your door and they will tell you what you slept on two years ago, three years ago, evil, what you slept on, what you didn't decided and acted inadequately, now it is knocking on your door, and whether you are poles, or you are german, or you are french, you will give the answer that you did not give 5 years ago, in fact. the awakening of the world is, obviously, if you, if you remember in the year 22, how for 16
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hours the president of france macron spoke with putin, it's just a miracle, this is one of the leaders of europe, calling the criminal who opened a new world war, about what you ask him, what do you beg him for, well, at the beginning of the conversation, pose pose... well, a healthy analysis, will he release the territories he occupied at your call? no, will his plan to escalate new territories change? no, what is the purpose of your calls? are the elections of chancellor scholze taking place, and in one of the interviews, the first interviews , he says that he will not... not give to ukraine, as if the question was, what germany will not
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give to ukraine? no, the question was, what will germany give to ukraine? so katzler began by devoting 2/3 of his speech to the fact that germany won't give it, it won't give it, it won't give it, it won't give it, it's gone, yes, so what will give germany, at the end of the whistle he says: germany will give 500 helmets and 25 field bags with red. yes, that's how it was, listen now to chancellor scholz, he is tearing putin apart, and even on a human level, without any patience, he uses the most profound characteristics of manners, actions, gestures, listen to french president macron today. as a person after all these scenarios, how to modernize the world, how
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to learn to respond to the disaster that russia brings, come to the concept of a new security and defense policy of europe, along with nato, when the president of the united states of america said that europeans should rethink their attitude. to the formation of nato resources, europe in parallel comes to the fact that, along with nato, you must have your own author's project that provides an answer to the urgent security of europe, and where in ukraine, one of the most interesting places is allocated, and where, by the way , the european union commission is currently working on the first european security project, and the second commission is on how to respond to the challenges that china, the united states of america will bring to the european economic market. in this way
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, i bring this to the point that today we are witnessing a rethinking of very many established relationships. and maybe, during the 25 years of putin's reign, russia has come to the lowest point of disrespect for itself, and for... the policy that it forms, i can definitely testify that in the first row of countries that shape the politics of europe or the world, russia, you are there you won’t find it, i think that they don’t have it in the second one either, it’s, you know, a bolonochka, on which water, we won’t name the leaders of other countries, and not more, and no more, the most dependent colonial state that exists today. with those unique opportunities, more than 40% of the world's resource wealth is concentrated in russia. i have two
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blitz questions and one a little broader, so that we have time, because here we are talking about ukraine and its prospects. blit question, well, you know, you need to dispel myths, separate ones, don't ask, i won't ask about nuclear weapons, because those documents were not signed in your time, but many say yes, well, it's common. a story that had to be pressed in 2008 at the nato summit, and we would have been accepted into nato, then a number of countries got membership there, there was expansion. and if very briefly, why then, i understand that it did not depend on ukraine there, we remember putin, on that his words, we remember that ukraine is not even a state, but why then, or what they said , that's what they told you, you won't be able to catch the conditional chancellor of the federal republic of germany there or
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someone else to say, well, come on, and how they argued, as if, well, they won't threaten you. well, what do you want? well, let's start with 94. 94th year memorandum, which i believe, from the point of view of the mission for the world, ukraine with its step put the last point in the end of the cold war, or as it is called the third war. i think that the leadership of ukraine at that time was concerned. with extremely high respect for the mission of guaranteeing the security of ukraine within the framework of the signed document. there are two direct points in the document that testify to the creation of a full
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guarantee of your territorial integrity and political sovereignty. and under this document is the signature of the president of the united states, the president of france, britain, the head of the people's assembly of china, one might say, of the entire nuclear club, from the position of 1994, you can read that listen, no country in the world has such a document, such weight, except ukraine. why in this way, because now it is possible to analyze. so analytically, why weren’t tactical weapons brought out, were they in arrears, weren’t they limited to carriers and so on, why did ukraine act the way it did and sign this memorandum, my
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short answer, we were one on one then, us was not supported by russia. obviously, in that the keys, as much as ukraine would like to see the toolkit for the formation of ukrainian security, the united states did not support us, because the common task, the third nuclear arsenal, must be dismantled, and this united the united states and russia, and this made it possible to connect the other three members of the nuclear club of the world, and when... it was necessary to form even the constitutional period of relations, whether in the 14th year or in the 22nd year, it was very difficult for us to form a round table of consultations with our guarantors, and to this day, by the way, these five yes and did not sit down at the table, well five, not five,
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but four did not sit down at the table. and this , in my opinion, made for the safety of the security policy of the world a very unpleasant fact of history. i don't know how the world will talk, for example, to the north korean leadership about denuclearization when the time comes, or to iran, or to iran, or to pakistan, or to the other three countries that. today it can be said that the fact is most likely that they possess nuclear fission, how does one speak to them, what is the argument of the nuclear world, nuclear the club will lead them when there is an example of ukraine, which sincerely and openly accepted the proposals of the nuclear
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club and suffered, by the way, the question, this war, if... speaking, in your opinion, there is an agreement today, i do not know which level or in what channels, that it will not be completed in any case with the use of nuclear weapons, this is the war that russia started, well, at least now ukraine is directly participating in it as an opponent of the aggressor. assessment of the risk of nuclear conflict, the nuclear factor, the temperature is getting cooler, cools down, cools down, and the world becomes more understandable. that, well, actually, the first sign of putin's death, putin's use of anything from his nuclear arsenal. "this is a war with the whole world, this, this is his personal death and the end of this war, today, somehow
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, not everyone understands about these red lines, where they pass, and that is, the actual end, to put such a final point already, because questions there is still much, unfortunately, there is no time, the formula of taras hryhorovych, whom you have repeatedly mentioned today, to fight to fight, is really active formula and obviously, this is what ukrainians should wish for today. it definitely is. for the ukrainian part, the most important part of the answer to our victory is the understanding that our power is in our hands. this is the first. and this force is formed by the national spirit. not ak-47, not s-300, not anything. ah, if you have. unconquered spirit, you are the bearers, the authors of victory. viktor andriyovychko was the president of ukraine with us.
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proposed to the united states to enter into a bilateral security agreement with us, a project for those who care and think, a political club every sunday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso, events, events that are happening about ... and now affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, however, it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in the new one. two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback,
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you can express your opinion at any time with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. greetings, parents, do you know how to act if, god forbid, your child is lost, for example, in a crowded city, on the street, or in a shopping mall center, and do you explain to your child what to do in such a situation? as the long-term experience of the magnolia children's search service shows, unfortunately, not everyone knows these seemingly simple rules. so, recently a nine-year-old girl got lost in kamianets podilskyi in khmelnytskyi. she was riding in a crowded bus with her mother. at some point, the crowd separated them and the girl.
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did not hear that she needed to leave and drove on. only when she got out of the terminal, she realized that her mother was not there. a concerned man noticed the frightened child and immediately called him the police law enforcement officers arrived at the scene, calmed down the girl and luckily quickly found her mother. in general, this story once again proves that a child can get lost at any time and anywhere and... for completely different reasons, but unfortunately, not all parents and children know what to do in such a situation, so here are some important advice: if the child is very small, put a note with your phone number in his pocket, if he is older than three years, he will definitely learn your mobile number together, and also learn the house number with the child address, this is important, explain to the child that if
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he is lost where there are many people, he must stand still and wait for his parents to return. also, the child should find adults with a child or an elderly woman among people and say that he is lost, but at the same time, in no case should he go anywhere with strangers who offer to take him to some other place. and the most important thing for the parents themselves is not to panic. remember where you last saw the child. if she has a phone, call her. ask for it. someone from acquaintances or relatives to stay in place in case the child will return if possible, make announcements over loudspeakers. if it was not possible to find the child immediately, immediately contact the police, as well as the magnolia children's search service at number 11630. our consultants will quickly, in detail and step-by-step tell you how to act and what to do first of all in such a situation. of course, god forbid...
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you will never need our number, but just in case, remember it or write down 11630 hotline of the child tracing service, calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. and another very important moment when the child will be found, in no case do not scold her, the child did not want to get lost, she , like you, experienced considerable stress. it is necessary to show her all your love in this state. and concern, and i emphasize once again that the child's disappearance must be reported immediately, without delay. in another story, which i will now briefly tell, it was the immediate reaction of the parents that helped quickly find their son. here he is, this is ten-year-old artem from the city of vyshneve in the kyiv region. his mother contacted him to report that the boy had disappeared. she said that at 19:30 her son... went to throw out
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the garbage, but did not return home. fortunately, it was possible to find artem very quickly, within an hour and a half after the appeal, the police found the boy and returned him home. and as usual, i ask you to go to the website of the child tracing service. please look closely at the faces of these boys and girls. if you recognize any of them, immediately call our hotline at 116. calls are free. we've created a resource where you can report any crime against a child. in any place, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal.
7:00 am
greetings to all viewers of the espresso tv channel , we are starting the information day with news. khrystyna perubiy works in the studio. at night, the russians carried out an airstrike on the civilian infrastructure of the city of sumy. there are casualties, the regional military administration reported. a fire broke out at the point of impact, causing destruction in some areas of the city and smoke. local authorities are asking residents close the windows and doors tightly and, if possible, do not leave the premises until the effects of the attack are completely eliminated. the russians shelled the residential sector of the village of zamulivka in the kharkiv region, and it burst into flames.


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