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tv   [untitled]    August 30, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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we are two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso evenings, every week maria gurska. meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government on the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as we always talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with sestri eu. and we are back with
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a new video that should motivate you to donate: four eliminated, two wounded, this is about the occupiers and this is about the results of the revenge attack drones in the siversky direction, there the situation got a little better already yesterday, the border guards from the first commandant's office are working from night heavy bombers, in this video... you see, these are vampires, dropping from maviks, in short, everything that the occupiers need to get. donate to drones and there will be more videos like this. by the way, not only we are working for our victory, but the netherlands has already allowed us to strike with f-16s on the territory of the russian federation. this was officially announced by the commander of the armed forces of the netherlands. thank you and i
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you know, i found and was surprised by the recent survey conducted by the democratic initiatives foundation on how ukrainians feel about negotiations and concessions for the sake of ending the war. so, 20% are ready to start negotiations at least tomorrow, just in case. the south - 36% and the east - 27% are the most ready for negotiations already and now, without special demands. 9% are ready to give everything they have accumulated to russia at least tomorrow. this is + 4% per year, and what is interesting, and the lowest percentages are given in this survey, only 28 are young people, and the liberation of all territories is the wish of the older generation, which if not ready to go to war and he is not at war, i can’t even explain these numbers to myself, and i am surprised by people who believe that putin and russia will keep their promises, there is information that
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comes to such conclusions and are ready for such things, and actually about where do they get information from, because almost 70% of young ukrainians consume news on telegram, and this is actually the data of a recent study by ukrainian you today and the center for analysis and sociological research of the international republican institute. in ukraine as a whole, this percentage reaches 80%, i.e. four out of five young people ukrainians think so. just imagine, the majority of ukrainians consume news from a platform created by a russian and financed by russian oligarchs. is telegram really a symbol of freedom of speech, or is it used as a tool of kremlin influence, or is it possible that hidden deals with the russian authorities are simply hidden behind the free chats? everyone will discuss this week. pavlo
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durov, his detention, and i want to talk not only about durov, but also about his creation telegram, and not only about telegram. pavlo durov is actually a great russian an oligarch, he owns almost 10 billion dollars, according to the international mass media. he is an extremely rich man, several times richer now, even than our rinad akhmetov. is it possible to become a rich person in russia without the permission of the government. so far, there have been no such examples. as the deceased once said. russian journalist, who later became putin's backup singer serhiy dorenko, and at one time before that he criticized putin, so he said that in russia you can be an oligarch only when you will be appointed an oligarch, they appointed berezovsky an oligarch, he was one, he became an enemy of russia, everything was taken away, they appointed husynsky an oligarch, he was not, he became an enemy of russia, everything was taken away, or maybe not taken away, they bought, agreed with someone, destroyed someone, pavlo durov no one destroyed, he created his big messenger, but rather on... social network vkontakte, as
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an alternative to western social networks, and then vkontakte and classmates were the most popular networks in russia, if classmates were so old school. their older people watched, vkontakte was mainly used by young people, and this continued until the ukrainian authorities banned these social networks due to the decision of the national security and defense council, banned it due to the beginning of the russian-ukrainian war, and then facebook began to grow, because before of this facebook had only 10-17% of users, and why was the messenger and social network vkontakte so popular, due to the fact that there was a lot of pirated content, no one controlled it. it so happened that durov's vkontakte was bought, bought for very big money, he continued to be significantly richer than most russians, he continued to be an extremely rich man, and he could not have had this wealth without the permission of putin personally and the russian authorities, but why didn't you let him do it, why
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didn't you let him then he should create telegram, telegram is a unique network, it really does not limit anyone, someone wants to write information there in closed chats and gather people for rallies, someone... or vice versa, campaign for putin, there are a lot of official accounts of russian official bodies, by the way, just like ukrainian ones today, why did russia allow it and not ban it, no, there was a period when russia at some stage said that telegram would be banned, what happened next, then ee durov, who allegedly left from russia, as it turned out, he returned to russia, and so he returned to russia more than 50 times since 2014, if the russian authorities had something against him, he was already detained many times, but this did not happen, this means that he is with the russian authorities agreed on something, this means that his newly created messenger, and then no longer a messenger, a method of accessing streaming sources of information telegram was extremely profitable for the russian authorities, why is it so profitable if the opposition
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used it? well, there are several reasons: firstly, the fsb can read all open telegram chats, and not only the fsb, but any intelligence, but closed chats cannot, but closed chats must be closed. code, which is also closed to most international observers, whether this code was handed over by the idiots to the russian authorities or not, no one still knows, but there is a possibility: all telegram servers are located on the territory of russia, all telegram providers are located on the territory of russia, and telegram was made with russian funds, because it was russian oligarchs, putin's friends who invested money in telegram, invested whether telegram was sponsored is a very interesting question. geldar mortazin, famous. the analyst said that every year telegram is subsidized by 600-700 million dollars, these are huge funds, only with these funds durov could become an oligarch if telegram itself spent less money. why is russia doing this? someone says that duru is a big businessman, but it is not a business yet. yes,
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maybe this is such a future business, the business of the future. maybe one day it will be worth a lot of money on the stock exchange, but it is not worth it yet. it continues to be the largest source of information. for nearly a billion people, where are these people? 50% of russians receive news from telegram every day, as i said, russian government bodies use telegram to transmit official information, but the largest country, which uses telegram as a percentage of the population, you will be surprised, is ukraine. 80% of ukrainians use telegram, and ukrainian state bodies also use it as the main source of communication with our population. i'm here... i remembered such an anecdote that was once told about brezhnev and carter, the american president. brezhnev and carter argued about where there is more democracy. er, brezhnev then says: we have more democracy, and the map says: "no, here everyone can go to the square in front of the white house and shout carter away." for what
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brezhnev replies, in our country too, everyone can go to red square and shout out the carter. the same thing happens with telegram. this network is equally popular in ukraine and russia. much more popular, it is a network that is used by the governments of both ukraine and russia equally, at the same time, it is a network that is fully controlled by the russian special services, and whose servers are located on the territory of russia, is this freedom, does the russian special services have access to all ukrainian information, for our and your information, for the information of our army, they certainly have, especially since in the russian army telegram has been left as the main source through which they not only receive information. from ukraine and control the launch of missiles, drones, military actions, this is the main military messenger of russia, that is why the russian mass media joke that the minister of communications of the russian army was detained in france, it is almost like that, but how do you treat free people in general sources of information, do
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states have the right to limit them somewhere? sources of information or the internet are just that transport, it is something that transmits information, should the state control it? well, imagine. er, the state punishes, for example, criminals who drive around the city and kill people, killers, if these killers have an accomplice who is a car driver, he does not kill people, he gives... these killers a car, is he guilty, will he answer to the state, is it possible to transport killers and not inform the authorities, knowing that they are killers? no, of course, durov does exactly the same, he provides huge services for drug trafficking, for child pornography, actually for this he is being prosecuted in france, due to the fact that telegram and telegram are used by large pedophile groups that distribute child pornography, this is one of the main charges. against durov, along with many other accusations, does durov know that this is happening, knows, but is silent
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and facilitates it, which means that he has actually become an accomplice of these people, and this is what he is accused of in france, and we for ourselves must decide how to treat such mass media, because in fact telegram is a mass media, because it is becoming platform for mass media and competes with them without any restrictions and it is the only platform that competes with the mass media. information without restrictions, if you post some pedophile content, for example, on youtube, then obviously it will be banned on youtube, in the same way it will be banned on facebook, even in chinese tiktok such content would be banned, in telegram there are no restrictions, such do those who do it contribute to crimes, or do they also contribute to good? yes, someone uses it for a good purpose: volunteers, people who want to help each other, people who want to secretly communicate with each other. in order to fight for democracy, but at the same time, it is used by criminals. is that why
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there are more good things in telegram? let's look at it from the point of view of our state. our state is much smaller than russia, and on such an open platform, our state, which spends on its propaganda and protection of its information thousands of times less money than russia, will certainly lose it in an open struggle. that is why it is beneficial for russia. that is why it is russian management, vice-speaker of the state duma, press secretary. putin is so defended by durov, because this is russia's way of communicating its point of view, or rather its lies, not only to ukrainian society, but in fact to the whole world, and at the same time using this network for crimes, it should definitely be stopped, i think , that we will stop this and grow up, we will have a more mature attitude to what is actually freedom for each of us, because the freedom of each of us is being chosen now by the armed forces of ukraine, the strikes on which... is correlated via telegram. i now i will inform you more and more often about events in ukraine and the world, not as a columnist,
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as a journalist, but as a politician, because the next few days we will consider the law on regulation of networks in the ukrainian parliament, and then there will be many other important laws. if you want to know about it and want to know about what is happening in the world, what threats it can bring for us, for ukraine, or what are the chances, subscribe to my channel. i will see you every day or every other day. we're back after a short break, you had your chance to watch and listen to interesting information: oksana vasychenska, kateryna shirokopis work in this studio for you, and we already have our next guest, ninma yuzhanina, people's deputy of ukraine, joins our marathon today, mrs. ninna, good day, we are glad to welcome you, good morning, good morning, straight away to the key issues, committee of the verkhovna rada. supported the updated version of the bill on tax increases,
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the thesis, the main, key changes that are now in place. the committee met yesterday, in fact, when making this decision, it was minimal the number of representatives of the committee of people's deputies, 17 votes for, two against, the updated version provides for an increase in the military levy from citizens' incomes from half. up to 5%, establishing the minimum size of the military levy for individuals, entrepreneurs in the first, second and fourth groups, and 1% of the turnover of the military levy from the third group of legal entities and individuals, in addition , advance payments from each retail point of sale of fuel are provided for , in general , a resource that provides... to take, receive in the state budget by the end of this year, from all of these items will amount to approximately
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uah 30 billion. in this way, there is an attempt, there is such a concept, as we understand it, to simply collect the largest possible amount from tax payers and those who work, in order to cover at least some part of the needs of the ukrainian army, do we understand correctly? you understand correctly, but this is absolutely not... the right way, because we have reserves, to which efforts must be made in order to receive revenues in the budget, and the authorities chose the easiest ones. way, is to take from citizens, at the same time, citizens who are taxpayers, who pay taxes that have white income, that is , they are all declared and reported to the state tax services, that is , it is from them that the military levy will be additionally taken into the budget this year 27 billion,
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next year in general about 108. 108 billion uah, i.e. by exactly these amounts, every citizen who currently receives a net salary or other income will decrease by another 3.5%. to my question and appeal to the ministry of finance, to the ministry of economy, that such decisions cannot be made without a thorough calculation the impact of a decrease in purchasing power. on other revenues in the budget, because if people can buy less and less, then producers and sellers will pay less both value-added tax and income tax, and this will automatically affect a number of other indicators, such a deep, such a deep analysis no one made any, all the time
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veiled hints that this is more at the expense of state employees. a portion will be paid of the increased military levy, what is the difference even if a person receives wages and there are other rewards from the state budget, then she will receive at her disposal less by this amount, that is, she will be less able to spend, spend, that is , absolutely no one thinks about the situation of people, because after one sentence all the time one of the representatives... the government repeats that we have to ensure spending on the military, and this manipulation, it has simply reached such a level that no one wants to even trouble themselves with deeper approaches, thoughts or actions, and that is why such a decision was
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proposed to be adopted in the first reading in to the verkhovna rada, but to come from the other side and try to ... get income, get funds from those who work in the shadows, from companies that work in the shadows, and in the end, to prevent that after the adoption of such legislation, a new law, part of those who work legally in white have moved into the shadows or closed down, such an attempt was made, do you see such an opportunity for today in the country, and now just now in your question and in... actions, perhaps, future authorities will have the following: and if one of those who received income now reduces their size, then maybe he went into the shadows, and then you have to chase him and do some checks on him or something else. i am against such an approach, and we discussed the issue at the committee meeting, i did not name it,
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the chairman of the committee and the ministry of finance mentioned it, about the fact that we have about 5 million citizens of ukraine. who officially do not have any income, they live, they work somewhere, they receive income, they, of course, buy various goods in stores, they buy cars, but without having official income, that's right for this category of citizens, which should be formally, officially a military levy to support our army, no one wants to deal with it, because it is not... because it is a loss of the electorate, there will probably be elections soon, and that is why they were looking for the easiest option: but in we have white transparent ones, let's set a rate of 5% for them. for the tax burden on the wage fund, this is a very large rate, and there were proposals in the committee, let's make it 3 or 2%, no more, it
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was not agreed to, of course, that i even i doubt that this option will be accepted in... in the first reading, although at the committee meeting, the committee meeting and voting at it are not an indicator of how the hall will vote, because the decision of 17 people definitely cannot affect the decision of 401 people's deputies. which is now in the verkhovna rada. mrs. nino, i see a post on your facebook page, you write about the fact that the national bank and the ministry of finance unexpectedly opposed it. an increase in the income tax rate for banks, and as a result it was abandoned, a day ago, later you wrote that it is possible that in the next new version we will return to the increase in the vat rate, the question of increasing the taxation of banks, but not a fact, why are there so many problems, is there any reasoned explanation? a lot of time yesterday was spent arguing, finding out
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why the national bank together with the ministry of finance opposed raising the income tax rate, they argued with each other whether it should be raised and which rate to raise . tax and what is the effect of the increased rate we last year, according to the results of 2023, the tax rate for banks was 50% on profit, including mr. chairman of the national bank of ukraine and his deputies and the minister of finance and the deputy minister of finance in this direction, the strange situation is very strange, but it seems to me, and i spoke about it yesterday, that the only ... during the war , it is
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the national bank of ukraine that performs and directs all efforts of systemic things, but it does not feel the state of the entire economy and business situation in the country. i 'm sure, yesterday it was clearly visible that they appeal all the time to sustainability a banking system that can falter. if an increased rate is introduced both once and twice. all the arguments presented by numbers regarding the profitability of banks' capital, which today exceeds the indicators of any european country, such a thing cannot happen in a country where a large-scale war is going on, the head of the national bank did not react to these remarks. nor the deputy minister of finance, partners, our partners who study the conditions of the financial market and
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give their recommendations, allegedly against to raise this rate. i understand that the situation, how consultations with partners take place, if you do not choose the right for others, if you do not choose justice or the same approach. indeed, to our partners, the reform of the banking system, which was carried out by ms. gontareva, is really valuable to our partners, in order to allegedly save all the steps that were started, but what i heard is unacceptable for today, i am sure that many members of the committee asked this question, it will also be heard in the hall of the verkhovna rada, and it is absolutely... obvious that, if we raise taxes for individuals who, in general, are already at the limit of their
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ability to pay, because the gradation has not been set, from which income the military levy rate increases, it is true, to pay 5% from 12 thousand of a teacher's salary, and from 60 thousand of a manager middle level in government institutions and in commercial enterprises, these are different things. the loss of income, if it is measured in terms of the family's absolute capacity, is completely different, but they did not bother about this issue either, therefore returning, mrs. nina, and very these comparisons and these remarks were appropriate, unfortunately, we cannot continue the conversation, because our time has run out at this moment, we will continue at the next opportunity, people's deputy of ukraine nina yuzhannina was with us, literally in a few minutes you will not miss the most important news. and about the consequences of the attack on sumy oblast, wait. tired of
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10% in pharmacies planstry bam and ochadny there are discounts until independence day on normaven pills 10% in pharmacies psarynsky bam and ochadny. it's 11 o'clock on the clock, it's time to find out what 's happening in ukraine and the world at this time khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. a 48-year-old woman died in a hospital in sumy, she was injured during a nighttime russian airstrike on the city. another eight people were injured . russians attacked an enterprise that produces packaging for baby food, juices and household chemicals, according to reports.


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