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tv   [untitled]    August 30, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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gastritis and sharp pains in the stomach. there are discounts until independence day on essential forte m. 10% in psylasnyk, vam and oshchat pharmacies. oh, i remember. you see, although they say that our memory weakens over the years, but i am attentive and remember everything. we take the memo effect from dr. tice and feel the difference. the active substances of memo effect improve the functioning of the nervous system and contribute to the normalization of mental activity. memoefect from dr. tys. improves memory and attention, helps to think. there are discounts until independence day. tina stesyfin 25% in podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, and why?
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leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will be responsible for preparing for these and other issues that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of development. events, want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch saturday political club, every saturday on espresso. as promised, now we will talk about overseas affairs, and if overseas, it means the united states of america, kamala harris gave her first...
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interview as a candidate for the presidency of the united states of america, not about ukraine she mentioned, she didn't say anything, instead she declared that she is ready to appoint a republican to the cabinet, to appoint a republican to her cabinet, and this is actually very important information and very important messages for the americans themselves. meanwhile, there are constantly new and new polls, polls, new and new ratings. and according to some of them, according to the results of one of the polls, there are now 1% more respondents in support of harry than trump, this poll was conducted this week in the united states, and this actually took place right after the national convention in chicago, the democratic convention in chicago, actually, where harris was confirmed as the presidential candidate, other studies, other polls on... show
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slightly different numbers, but in general, now by all indicators, garis slightly overtakes trump in the rating. of course, this does not stop trump, he, in turn, tries in every way to show that he does not care, very often uses some personal moments and appeals not to professionals, as guests of his opponent, but to some physical ones, to gender, to her preferences and to other things, by the way, with regard to trump, his situation is such, well, not that it is threatening, but a fresh nuance has appeared in his possibilities as a candidate and in general in his biography, because in january , let me remind you that in the year 21, a group of people broke into the capitol, so now a man was convicted the other day, i... was the first to break into the capitol
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during this riot, and trump, instead, received a new indictment. in fact, then these rebels disagreed with what was happening, disagreed with the appointment of a new one the president, well, now we have the consequences, will this affect the election campaign, after all, in the united states, the system is built in such a way that a person who, let's say... can't have certain limitations in his will, can even become president in this way conduct your election campaign, and even manage the state, we will watch all this, how it will look in the states, and whether this is actually a new accusation, whether it will develop, we will see, now we will join the conversation, we will talk with our guest, about this all ask in a few minutes.
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we will literally ask about the analysis of cases in the united states of america, but we have a little closer than in the states, a story that directly... affects us, which is very important for us: a meeting of foreign ministers took place in poland, in olsztyn, poland of ukraine and poland, and journalists had the opportunity to ask diplomats questions, had the opportunity to ask, ask about various things, and we remember that there is a very painful moment, actually in our communication with the poles, it is about volyn massacre. and about the fact that ukraine blocked the permission to exhume the victims of the volyn massacre, this all did not just happen, it actually happened because there were no appropriate steps for a meeting on the part of the republic of poland, there was some communication, there were attempts to agree on this, it was
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about to install appropriate memorial tables, to restore them in the form they are, and it is not just about memorial tables that are illegal. because there are also such on the territory of ukraine and on the territory of poland mutually, it was ukrainian memorial tablet, legalized, recognized by the polish state, and requested by the ukrainian authorities, and this has already reached the level of presidents, not just at the level of heads of certain structures or even relevant ministries, actually at the level of presidents , they agreed to the fact that the poles should restore it, the poles they said that they had done it, that they had restored it, but in fact not completely. it happened because they disappeared, for some reason a new table appeared, the names of the victims of this table disappeared, and precisely at this moment, several years ago , this process was stopped, to grant permission for the exhumation of the victims of the volyn massacre, simply in this process both sides should be
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involved and both sides should go to meet each other, and not only the poles demand such permits from us, polish volunteers help and go to... the meeting with the ukrainians, because we know that for more than two years of a full-scale war, polish volunteers have been tirelessly helping ukrainian military and civilians near the front line, and a polish volunteer told the tv channel about volunteer activities on the front lines, relations with soldiers and magical thinking in war olga solara, so let's look further. mrs. olga was born in a polish family, but one of her grandmothers comes from sumy. so, over time, interest in her roots led olga to study the ukrainian language at the age of 15. i studied at the jagiellonian university in kraków, at the beginning i studied ukrainian philology, graduated from ukrainian philology and decided to continue my studies in graduate school in lviv,
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and i am a folklorist, ethnologist, i was engaged in folk magic, folk healing. mrs. olga knows the history of ukraine well, so she could not... be aloof the times of the revolution on the maidan, nor when the russian invasion of the 14th year began. a full-scale war did not catch the volunteer znenatska by surprise, because she already knew what to do and whom to help. i am helping the 128th brigade of tro, this is the brigade of the city of dnipro, and it just so happened that since the 14th year i have been helping the fighters of the aydar battalion, and when the full-scale invasion began, they are old-timers from luhansk region. it is clear that they could no longer hold roadblocks there, because the column against the muscovites was advancing in such a way that they had to retreat already, and they joined the dnipro. for more than two years, the woman regularly travels from poland to the front. it is important for volunteers to hand over aid personally
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to the military, without intermediaries. war is very dynamic, and what was there at the beginning is not so necessary now. now we continue to drive cars. parts that happen to be very difficult to buy something in ukraine, we are looking for them in poland, well, this is also a very important element, as if small, yes, but it is logistics, without cars the guys actually cannot complete tasks, friend, besides that, but of course medicines , tactical medicine, so med, drones and anti-drone systems. mrs. olga not only collects funds and gives the necessary things to the military, but also stays at the positions for a certain time. a week to a month, she says that it is important for her to live the experience of the war with the boys, as well as to film their lives for the story, they have actually become a kind of big family for me as well, and that's how it is, i miss them when i come to poland, i'm just plain bored, i'm thinking that i want to sit down already and
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have dinner together, and that today there will be fried potatoes with a fried egg, for example, in in the life of the military there is also a place for ordinary , everyday... joys - says mrs. olga. in the summer , they try to go swimming in the pond and always celebrate all birthdays. this one herself lived her days, too, her birthday with the boys, and it is very nice when... well, we celebrate together, they congratulate me, and there, i am one of 100 boys who congratulate me, well that it's nice, and of course, but most of the soldiers have already returned to the front after being wounded, the war does not add to their health - says the volunteer. mrs. olga has also changed over the years, her views became even more steadfast. yes, i'm radical, i don't even try to smooth and relativize myself somehow and pretend that someone has. the right not to be interested in the war and so on and so forth, i believe that the real
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men are at the front, i am absolutely annoyed by the indifference and lack of responsibility for one's country, i believe that any process always takes place thanks to the fact that citizens countries, they assume part of the responsibility for changes, you cannot rely only and exclusively on the fact that the state will do something. it is impossible not to get tired of war, says the volunteer. she feels her responsibility and knows that it is even more difficult for the military, so she continues to help. in may of this year, ms. olga received two honorary awards for volunteering, and the military calls her otamansha. but i also learned from one of the guys that it's very often guys say, it's all for profit, especially those who lost their houses in the occupation, it's all for profit. and i believe that when i live to old age, it will be more pleasant for me to remember. that i still experienced something, that i helped someone, that i participated in absolutely important processes
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of the world, i'm not indifferent, only as a participant in those processes, and it's better than having, i don't know, there's a fifth apartment, which i don't know what to do with, magical thinking is also present at the front, everyone is watching that , speaking, for example, saying goodbye without saying goodbye so as not to offend. maria chernyakhivska, ihor antoniuk, for the espresso tv channel from warsaw. volodymyr yelchenko, diplomat, permanent representative of ukraine to the un, 2015-19, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine to the united states, 2020-21 joins our ether by phone. mr. volodymyr, good day good day, i greet you. there will be a third world war. trump spoke about the operation of the armed forces of ukraine on the territory. kurshchyny, yes, such an alarming prediction from trump, and i will remind you that earlier he already made
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a similar alarming prediction about the third world, then he said that if he does not win the elections in the usa, then a big war can break out in the middle east. for whom are such pessimistic, frightening headlines and trump's statements aimed at the domestic voter, at partners, at whom, whom should it frighten. it seems to me that in first of all, it is aimed at the domestic voter, trump builds his election campaign on such, you know, emotions, he, he puts pressure on those things that concern the ordinary american more, that is, he no longer talks about what he will stop there, let's say , to provide aid to ukraine, he says that there will be a big war if he is not elected, that is, the most important thing for him is to be elected, but... it is clear that the pre-election rhetoric and his actions as the president, if
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he is elected by them, these are completely different things, that is, for sure, what if rebuilt, we will see a completely different trump, maybe not even the one he was in his previous term, and i don't think we need to worry much, well , first of all, it's our business, who will be elected president of the united states, it's an american business. of the american people and it seems to me that this is a very correct line chosen by the leadership of ukraine, we maintain contacts with both, shall we say, camps, the administration, this is self-evident, it helped us a lot and continues to help us, as far as i understand, it is planned in case , if the president zelenskyi will go, for example, to the general assembly of ukraine, it will be the third week of september, that is, literally in less than a month, he will also have meetings with representatives of all american forces,
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maybe there will be a trip to washington, but i have not yet i know, and one way or another these issues will be raised, the main thing for us today, well , let's say this, is to keep trump informed, that is, if the current administration is active, it understands the greek situation perfectly, and there is nothing to talk about here, then with trump, of course... you need to work harder at it including our deputies, communicating with their colleagues from the us congress, primarily from the rospodykan party, to continue to convince them, to acquaint them with the position of ukraine, so that, you know, these peace plans do not spring up like fish after the rain, now we are already talking about some chinese-brazilian or brazilian-chinese, there were others before, in fact there is a peace plan for ukraine, which
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was proposed by our president, more than 100 countries have already rallied around it, as far as possible... you understand, the second peace summit is being prepared, well, the result of it - this it's another matter, but one way or another we need to keep her awake, let's say, first of all, our partners, but also not to forget that there are still not our allies, but influential countries from the global south, which also need to be slowly attracted to your side mr. volodymyr, we have literally a minute of time, and i wanted to ask you to comment on these fluctuations in the percentage ratings. this is more, this is characteristic of the united states, or the trend may actually persist and the gap, we also see that now haris begins to gain more and more support from americans. yes, of course, this is a typical picture, well, in almost all us elections, the same was the case in the previous ones, and before them,
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you know, the main thing, that is, according to the opinion of the americans themselves, and everyone. experts who have been engaged in american elections for many decades, i believe that the fate of presidential elections, or the fate of the future president, is always decided in five, seven, or up to 10 states, so-called swing states, that is, it is mainly central, the central-eastern part of the united states, where the residents usually decide at the last moment whether they are republicans or democrats, because the rest of the country, it is clearly divided... on those who are for and against, one or the other, thank you, mr. volodymyr, unfortunately, unfortunately not available, we have limited time, thank you for being able to join, volodymyr yelchenko, diplomat, former permanent representative of ukraine to the un, also extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america, was with us, message from ukrenergo,
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we have the fact that in kyiv and in some regions, in fact in more than half of the ukrainian... regions, emergency power outages have been introduced in various regions, in the south, north, west and center, this means that more than two queues in a row will be disconnected from the electricity supply today during the day, i will remind you that such disconnections are due to the shelling of the russian federation, due to their missile strikes on ukraine, it also depends on what ... is happening with our weather, and the forecasts are such that warming continues, the beginning of september will be warm, accordingly, and unlocking is also waiting for us in the near future. next, let's talk about environmental issues: oleh listopad, expert of the national interests protection network ans and ecologist. mr. oleg, glory to ukraine. glory. mr. oleg, the sejm and the diet, contaminated by russians,
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obviously threw something there, as is known at the moment. it is known that on august 28, according to the information of the state ecological inspection , the pollution had already reached the gums and is moving down, it all started on august 14, that is , it had been flowing for about two weeks before the gums, and it is possible to assume that in another two weeks it will be near the mouth of the gum on the dnieper. it is organic pollution, very concentrated in a large volume, which led to the fact that fish were killed almost all over the sejm, uh, the reason, well, the fish died, because organic matter,
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it is already now, you just they told me, it's hot, no... the oxygen level and without it, here oxygen still comes from the water to oxidize this organic matter, microorganisms multiply, blue-green there, in particular algae and so on, and the classic fish death occurs, that's what what we see in the footage is already a fight against ancient pollution, because dead fish is also organic matter and it also secondarily poisons the water, reduces it. and quality, the amount of oxygen decreases there, and so on, that's rude, mr. olezhe, and what consequences can this pollution actually lead to? and i see reports that the state water agency is looking for options to remove pollution, or whether scientists and specialized
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experts are involved in these searches in order to find better and faster solutions, because we know, we know the ukrainian tradition, that officials can to look carefully and for a long time for something like that and not find it. i will start with praise, all public services in the soska region worked for four. with a plus even, they noticed in time, took samples in time, informed the population in time, told in time not to take water for drinking water supply, although why are our officials so calm, all of them, including the highest ones, and they say that there are no threats to drinking water supply, and further explain , because there are no drinking water intakes in the diet and in desnya, indeed there are none, up to the desnya intake, one of the three... in kyiv, and this is a question just for kyiv, how will this situation develop, in what quality will the water reach the desnya
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water intake, i really want to believe that the very cleaning that takes place at the diet, they say, the situation is improving, and plus desnya will work as a natural purifier and filter, everything - it will not reach this situation, but control is taking place. when they say now that we took samples, the state ecological inspection, in particular the state food service, they say that we took samples from the gums, everything is fine there, well, these are the samples that are below the cloud of pollution that is now is moving, and i'm curious that where this cloud of pollution has already arrived on the gums, that at those points, it would be interesting to see some infographics, that is, how the pollution changes, it really decreases. every kilometer there, does it stay the same or does it grow, i would like to see, well , we live in a technological environment, make an interactive map so that we can see how
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this cloud moves, where it has come to date, well that's not so difficult, well, you should have experts in infographics with of these information technologies, people like that do fantastic things, let's let people see, that is, i started with praise, now... i will criticize, only criticize, please be brief, because we literally have 40 more minutes, seconds, communication, so yes, communication has failed on at the state level, nothing can be done today, the measures that are proposed are to divert attention, but to be very brief, thank you very much, mr. oleg, everything was succinct, but clear and understandable, we understand what the situation is now, oleg listopad, expert of the protection network of national interests ans, the ecologist was with us on the air of the tv channel. in short, we understand that this polluted water is now flowing to the dnipro and we are waiting for further information from local authorities. on this, kateryna and i
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say goodbye, we wish you a peaceful and safe day, take care of yourself, do not ignore the air warning signals and be sure to report. nadron rebbe, for anything that can help our defenders, also various medical supplies and sometimes even goodies, this is... what they really , really need. take care and stay with espresso. then our colleagues will continue the news in a few minutes. tired of the mess in the kitchen, constantly having to sort through a bunch of pans to find the right one. you need a set of sejvory pro'. pakui tv savory pro pans fold into each other and take up so little space, and the price is only from uah 999. the savory pro set is five pans from
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12:00 pm
let's summarize the informational morning in ukraine on the air of espress news, khrystyna is working in the studio. fight. a 48-year-old woman died in a hospital in sumy. she was wounded during a nighttime russian airstrike on the city. another eight people were injured. the russians attacked an enterprise that manufactures packaging for baby food, juices, and household chemicals, the regional prosecutor's office reported. a fire broke out at the point of impact, and there is smoke in some areas of the city. local government about...


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