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tv   [untitled]    August 30, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EEST

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just as the russians are advancing the fastest, here , well, unfortunately, we are not observing a mass, so to speak, rebasing and transfer of units from the direction of navkurpsk region, bilgodsk, and so on. well, unfortunately, yes, so far we are talking about the fact that there are simply too many of them. okay, unfortunately, our time has run out, we would like to talk more. thank you very much for joining us, this was a fighter with the call sign gus, an aerial reconnaissance officer of the second battalion of the 68th separate yeger brigade from the pokrovsky direction, and we i'll see you in a week, and you stay with the espresso tv channel.
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it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, and we bring to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. the united states joined the investigation of the f-16 plane crash. this was announced by air force commander mykola olyschuk. he officially replied. introduced to the reproaches of people's deputy maryana bezuglai. the official accused the air force of withholding information. olyshchyuk assured that the investigation of the plane wreckage is already underway. however the details can't get into the media immediately, as it plays into the arms of propaganda. let me remind you that the general staff confirmed the loss of the first f-16. this happened during the repulse of a massive attack on august 26. unfortunately, the pilot, 31-year-old oleksiy, died. mes, who was posthumously
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awarded the rank of colonel. a special commission of the ministry of defense is investigating the causes of the plane crash. and to the situation in the regions. in sumy, the number of victims increased after the night attack. the body of a 37-year-old woman was found under the rubble. in general, it is known about two dead, that's another 13 people were injured. the russians attacked a packaging manufacturing company. for baby food, juices and household chemicals, the regional prosecutor's office reported. a fire broke out at the point of impact. there is smog in some areas of the city. a slight excess of the concentration of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen was detected in the city. local authorities are asking residents to close windows and doors tightly and not to leave their homes if possible. three women were injured due to artillery shelling in the chervonogrihorivska community. in
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dnipropetrovsk region. all victims were provided medical assistance - announced the head of the regional military administration serhii lysak. the occupiers also damaged private houses, farm buildings and power lines. the collection of drones has been replenished. our border guards landed the zala reconnaissance drone and the orlan unmanned aerial vehicle complex in kharkiv oblast. this was reported in the state border service. military personnel also destroyed. two more drones, their types could not be established. under the sounds of enemy fire. law enforcement officers together with volunteers evacuated the family from selidovoy in donetsk region, - reported the regional police. the family stayed in the city, which suffers daily attacks from the russians. paramedics managed to evacuate the residents by special transport. the family is now safe. armored vehicles. russia
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is transferring its mercenaries from africa to the kursk region, reports the french newspaper lemont. russian private military company medvedi leaves burkina faso. the official reason is further participation in battles against the offensive of the ukrainian army. there were 300 mercenaries in burkina faso. since may, they allegedly protected the head of the junta, captain ibrahim traore. is returning to the base in the temporarily occupied crimea, - the mercenary commanders note. and we urge you to join the collection from the espresso tv channel and the charity fund. spring for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. defenders in the donetsk direction, they hold back enemy attacks every day, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers
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who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. brigades urgently need drones and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. you can now see all the details on the screen. ukrainian police officers together with polish colleagues detained a group of drug dealers. the suspects manufactured and sold methadone in ukraine and the countries of the european union, the national police reported. investigators conducted large-scale searches and seized a huge amount of drugs. the value of the substances is estimated at about 15 million dollars. it was the biggest drug. laboratory on the territory of poland. national police investigators five persons were notified of suspicion of criminal offenses. for the committed criminal offenses, the defendants face up to 12 years of imprisonment with confiscation of property. he is a historian by profession,
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a volunteer by heart, and a crusader from the 12th century and a blacksmith in his spare time. this story is about israel. gennady nizhnyka, who was born in lviv. the man has lived in israel all his conscious life, he went through two lebanon wars, he was fascinated by historical reconstructions, and when the great war began in ukraine, he could not stay away. ulyana dryuchkova visited a visiting historian in jerusalem. i wear 16 kg. ober in french, chainmail somewhere 35-40 thousand rings. 16-17 kg with a hood up to the knees. yes, this is exactly my reenactment costume. historian and blacksmith gennady nizhnyk's apartment is like a museum. ancient history is on one of the stands, next to modern history. this is participation in the medieval fencing championship in
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france. this is the second livanska, it should be for the first, but it was not sent. and this is already lviv. here now. gennadiy nizhnyk, originally from lviv. he has been in israel for 30 years, 12 of them working historical reconstruction. together with a club of like-minded people, every year for a few days they immerse themselves and everyone who is willing in the 12th century, in the last days of the life of the kingdom of jerusalem. the battle of the hut in 1187 between the crusader states and the troops of sultan saladin is recreated in detail. a few years ago, gennady also mastered the kowalska business. in particular, he went to ukraine, to his friend, to acquire knowledge and experience. i have relatives, classmates and reenactors in lviv, and among them koval ihor, i remember i told him, i will be in lviv, give i have a master class in blacksmith welding, he replied: ok, i'll stop by his place, we forge, i tell him, let me pay you something, this is your working time, you
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spent the day, he never took any money. and in the spring of 2022, gennady helped his friend koval buy modern armor, a bulletproof vest. comrade went to defend ukraine and, unfortunately, died near bakhmut last year. then in march 2022, gennady himself did not stay at home. his wife, four children, two dogs, a horse, work and favorite business remained in israel, he, having collected considerable funds, went to ukraine. it is impossible to tell the sun to sit down, it is impossible to tell a man to stay at home if he wants to go, if... he feels that it is necessary, especially since there was such enthusiasm at the beginning, and evgenia managed to raise a lot of funds, they are needed was to take away, whoever has time is volunteering, if he is volunteering, then i stay at home. hennadiy
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helped the local volunteer center, with money that continued to come from friends and acquaintances from all over the place, bought medicines, covered the... military and helped rescue abandoned animals. he still keeps reports on every penny. this is already such a family archive. this is already such a family archive, it is expenses and received funds, how much money i received for my three trips. here is the date: i divided into columns, what were the funds transferred to? it's for animals, for shelters, it's for the army, someone transferred it to refugees, it's medicine. i wrote how much i bought, how much i spent each day. hennadiy went to ukraine several more times. every time with everything with heavier and more valuable cargo, he was looking for ways to officially stay there, it didn't work out, the man would have traveled between the two countries and further, but on october 7 of last year, the war came to his israel as well. i needed experience from ukraine
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here, to go, do and believe that everything will work out, because it already worked out in ukraine, and we traveled through these settlements. at first it was a completely wild movement, then it was all with the army, then they stopped letting us in. we took out all the living things that remained there. at first we thought only dogs, then cats, chickens. gennadiy nizhnyk and his military reenactment club continues to work, which is important even during. says the man, he heard from his ukrainian colleagues, so gennady tries to do his job well and dreams of taking his whole family to a historical reconstruction in tustan, ukraine. from israel, ulyana dryuchkova for the espresso tv channel. and that was all the news for that time. we will meet you at 15 o'clock. you can read more on our website "espresso tv". also , follow us on social media and watch our content on... and meet again my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskii.
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fp winches, mavics, rebs, charging stations and many other useful news. who were brought by ivano-frankivsk volunteers to the boys at the front. on the eve of the 33rd anniversary of the restoration of independence, the head of the ivano-frankivsk community ruslan martsinkiv visited the combat zone with gifts for the military. he says that aid was given to compatriots who defend ukraine. it is very important for us to support, and especially before the independence day of ukraine, because the boys defend the independence of our state and i want to thank you. well, we also bring medals for the boys so that the boys feel supported. from the side of the community, another trip, very important, it seems to me, already the third, third
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dozen trips of an already large-scale invasion. each such trip of the frankish volunteers to the east is a great preparation and purchase of everything necessary, which the military asks for, because it is formed according to the requests of the soldiers themselves. look, we are carrying again those things that are most necessary and those that are needed, that is, what the guys ordered, what accordingly, we take it. next to this we carry the same things as every time, these are drones, these are maviks, reconnaissance drones, and bpoa kamikaji, fpivshki. our route will include the kharkiv region, the donetsk region, and the zaporizhzhia direction. the fighters are grateful for such support, because the more such equipment, the worse the enemy. muscovites will win. we will drive out of our holy ukrainian land, glory to ukraine, glory, we thank the residents
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of prykarpattia for their help, support of our armed forces is the primary task of the city government of ivano-frankivsk, it is noted in administration since the beginning of the year, the community has transferred more than 800 drones to the needs of the armed forces and continues to collect funds for the necessary equipment. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done that, he would have gone to prison. a special look at the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head. but beyond it. and then who is china? me, my heart hurts. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso.
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journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts, analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to understand and distinguish disturbing news. the truth from the enemy ipso. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. congratulations to the best hunger strikers of the tv channel, information day. we will be in full swing talk to you about the main events that happened these days. in the next few hours, antin borkovskyi, marta olyarnyk will work with you, and we will already
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add the first guest to our broadcast, ruslan mykula, co-founder and analyst of the deepstate project, we are already in touch, there is a lot to discuss with you mr. ruslan, let's start with the situation at the front, the pokrovsky direction, we see that, unfortunately, in the last week, the enemy began to capture populated areas very intensively, what do you associate this disappointing for us with? what can we do not so what would you pay attention to? good day, the last literally not even days, but the last 2.5 weeks, the enemy must live. advancing in the pokrov direction, this is due to the fact that, firstly, they used a lot of reserves that were in, let's say, in the operational reserve, now they are engaged in assault operations in the selidovoy area, in the novogrodivka area, e- er, the fact that to some extent er-er our troops were not ready for
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such an onslaught is also important, as of now it has actually been completely lost... the enemy’s stronghold has already goes to selidove and tries to pick up a ukrainian, that is, this is another such a key city on the ee in this area. mr. ruslan, look, you know, you don't want to talk about problems, but on the other hand, if you keep silent about them, it won't work either, because not talking about problems means not recognizing these problems and not doing anything about them, and in the last of the last posts that were on your official telegram channel, i mean. on the deep state channel, and it was about what is now preventing us from fighting the onslaught of the russians on pokrovsky direction, it is also mentioned about the busification of the mobilized from the ukrainian side, who have no motivation and they do more harm than help, there is also a certain lack of communication at the level of units and so on, what are your feelings, why is what is
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happening now and what should it be was our military command to do now? and immediately, it was you who quoted the post that we took based on the publication of one of the officers of the azov state university, he actually assessed the problems that exist in donetsk, in donetsk region, and he just mentioned that the people who are mobilizing and they are after the training centers, they need to be trained again, this is a big problem, the fact that many people lack motivation, er... is also a problem, about many problems that are now in the armed forces, we communicate by saying that we have a signed memorandum, and as part of it we inform the ministry of defense, the general staff, and when the problem cannot be solved in any way, only then do we raise it publicly, in fact, now we see that all that we, shall we say,
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said for reeds, then it was ignored, well and unfortunately, the situation is also the same for the newborn... plus or minus. mr. ruslan, you mentioned one more problem, today it is about the appointment of the chief of staff of the command of unmanned systems forces of the armed forces of ukraine, roman hladky was appointed to this position. the new chief of staff is suspected of treason, espionage and corruption. well, there are also facts about his family, which indicate that his wife has a passport of the russian federation, and his daughter participated in competitions and represented russia. who in general we are responsible for appointing such people to positions, and we actually understand that this post was aimed so that this information gained publicity and there was an appropriate reaction of our military-political command? absolutely correct, and first of all, the publicity started already in the morning, it was raised by other
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bloggers and people related to helping the armed forces, accordingly we also ... knew about this problem for several days already, that there was such an appointment, and accordingly, as we see that there is already a resonance, so we highlighted it, indeed, there are facts that both the citizenship and the child took part in swimming competitions under the flags of russia, well, as for me, if i am not mistaken, it was the 15th year, that is, already after the aggression and occupation of crimea, from... well, what it is not clear in the heads of these people, but the people who are now communicating with some in the forces of disembodied systems, they were very unpleasantly shocked by such an appointment, who appoints such a person, it is syrsky directly appointing, we do not know who appointed him, but we know for sure it is known that the sbs commander was
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against, well, i wasn't against, or rather i didn't appoint him, yes, you mean, i understand, kortevych. don't give up krutevichi, it says, he didn't appoint him, it's also about the situation in kurshchyna, you also mentioned in your report that, unfortunately, the russians captured one village in the kursk region, in the kursk region in kurshchyna, which they took at one time under the control of the armed forces of ukraine, can you tell more about it, this is the village of korenove, don't get confused. with the city of korenove, since we did not control the city, we controlled the village, his was taken on the second day of the kurdish operation by the fighters of the 25th separate assault battalion, and literally in... the first days of the operation, the battalion prepared defensive positions, prepared explosive barriers, that is , it did everything that was required of it and handed over
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the area, let's say, to the mechanized brigade , which is called to carry out defensive measures already, and unfortunately, it so happened that despite all the readiness, the russians broke through there, mr. ruslan, look, i would also like your professional... assessment of whether it was expedient to throw certain forces in the kurdish direction and not to give reinforcements to the pokrovsky direction, because now there is a lively discussion among ukrainians about whether it was reasonable to do this, please explain how much or how little forces are currently concentrated in the kurdish direction and whether these forces could significantly affect the situation, if so for example, were they sent to the pokrovsky direction? look, about our forces on the kurshchyna, i have no right to comment on their numbers, on the expediency, impracticality, again, this is our
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subjective opinion, but the war cannot be won and it is not even possible to go to negotiations of any kind while we are sitting on the defensive, because this is a losing position, and even if we are forced to negotiate now, we will have much worse defenses. er, much worse positions than if, for example, we seize part of the pura region. actually, now, uh, you understand, yes, that if the americans start saying that let's negotiate, which are beneficial to moscow in the first place, then they won't go for it, because imagine for a second what putin says, well, let's freeze, well, we will give the chicken there to the ukrainians, let them have a little, well, imagine a situation that is absolutely impossible, that's why the actual operation. it is correct, the operation was correctly planned from a military point of view, implemented correctly, most likely all goals were not achieved, but its success, well, we can say that
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it achieved success. mr. ruslan, please tell me, in your opinion, the situation near pokrovsk, it can open up greater opportunities for the russians if they manage to reach this city, we understand that the battles for pokrovsk will be fierce. for example, they will be able to capture it, so what could that mean in a strategic perspective? in a strategic perspective, this means only bad things, because firstly, this is the last agglomeration in that district, and pavlograd, dnipropetrovsk region, respectively, are waiting for us next. but this creates risks for our group, which is located in the area of ​​kurakhovo, a coal miner, because already due to
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the occupation of novogrodivka and the battles in selidovo, the logistics to the south, where our brigades are currently conducting defense, have already been seriously disrupted, there is also a risk of encirclement of the unit the 59th, which is now holding heroically. nevesskogo krasnohorivka and the russians are now actually in the rear 10-12 km from their positions. look, there was also a statement from the 24th separate mechanized brigade that the russians allegedly seized 40% of the ivars' time, but this information has already been refuted. could you please let me know what you know about the situation near the temporal ravine and how much of the city is currently under russian control. interveners, yes, it is true that the spokesperson of the brigade has corrected itself, and is now about 8% of the time of its ravine under occupation, the russians stand on the border of the channel,
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respectively, the words of the spokesman and what we know, it coincides 100%. i also wanted to ask you, based on the situation in the pokrovsk direction, what do you think if the russians reach this route from pokrovsk to kostiantynivka... will they most likely develop their offensive more in the region of the temporal ravine and the city of toretsk and try to get out overmining borders of donetsk region, can they try to use other tactics and try to break through already in the dnipropetrovsk region, to which version are you inclined they can use any version, and we will find out about it only when we live to see it, because they... can also go to the south in order to finally speed up the process, let's say, of the withdrawal of our positions from zvegedar and from kurakhovo, they
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they can to go to pavlograd and they can , of course, go to konstantinivka along the route and hit spina toretska, of course, any of the options can be. thank you, mr. ruslan, for the analysis. ruslan mykula, co-founder and analyst of the deepstate project was in direct contact with us. we had an opportunity to talk about the difficult situation in the pokrovsky area. the russians are advancing there very actively, unfortunately, unfortunately, and we have to state the fact that there are certain problems, yes, which, unfortunately,... prevent us from maintaining the defense there, but on the other hand , we also heard that well, the forces that ours are currently using in the kurdish direction, they are not the kind that can somehow dispose of the forces that the enemy has now thrown in the pokrov direction, so let's treat it responsibly, let's listen to those people who are really behind it monitors who understand this situation and we will listen to their professional opinion. now
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we are going to take a break, after that we will talk about the tragedy that happened these days, on monday, unfortunately, ukraine lost the first f16, it is already officially known, we will analyze it together with our aviation expert, wait, literally in a few minutes, we will continue, if you want to wake up as if you were a child with your grandmother, full of strength and energy, then the new product from mattress market is just for you, meet the dream life pillowcase mattress. perina mattress dreamlight smooths out all the unevenness of old mattresses, sofas, folding beds, it can be laid for sleeping simply on the floor, it is soft, comfortable, beautiful, and so profitable, only from uah 499. ordinary toppers cost one and a half, two and even 3.00 hryvnias, and we offer you an extra-quality buckwheat mattress for only 499 hryvnias. the economy is incredible, soft, fluffy, hugs like a cloud, resembles a real
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can express. your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done that, he would have gone to prison, a special view on the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish is rotting from the head. no, not off the top of my head. its borders, then who is china, me, my heart hurts, all this in the informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. the information day of the tv channel continues, hence the official announcement.


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