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tv   [untitled]    August 30, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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inclusion experts from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, switch on and switch on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from the 20th to the 22nd. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, how would mykola veresin do that. he beat the prison, a special view on the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish is rotting from my head, no, not from my head, but beyond it, who is china then, my heart hurts. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. the information day of the tv channel continues, so there is an official announcement. from
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the general staff, a ukrainian f-16 fighter jet crashed while repelling a missile attack by the russian federation, the pilot died. clarification, during the aerial battle, f-16 aircraft demonstrated their high efficiency , four winged aircraft were shot down by airborne weapons enemy rockets, it is noted that during the approach to the next target, communication with one of the planes was lost, as it turned out later, the plane crashed, the pilot was already assigned to die. special commission of the ministry of defense of ukraine. bohdan dolintse, aviation expert. glory to ukraine, mr. bohdan. congratulations, glory to the heroes. well, the general staff described the situation, unfortunately the information was confirmed, yes. well, we have already heard quite strange or throwaways, or maybe there is already information of an official plan, voiced by people's deputy maryana bezugla butsimba, that he got there. friendly
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fire yes, well, but taking into account the density and number of various celestial aircraft, flying, the word fly, aircraft, yes, well, we understand that friendly fire, no one is safe from it, your vision of this story, well, look, first of all we must understand that the valid versions that take place for this current disaster will be voiced only after at least the initial one. part of the investigation of the aviation disaster, i.e. a relevant commission whose task was already established now collect all available necessary evidence, materials, conduct an analysis and exclude those versions that cannot be applied. as of today, it could be really any version that can come to mind, because the information is unfortunately very limited, so we don't really have even partial information there, that some people there may be spreading some information well, first of all, it is necessary to understand
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the sources of such information, secondly, if we talk about investigative events, there are two important components: the first important component, that during the investigation of the estimated event, in principle, it is not allowed to distribute any information of the participants, or those who were related to this event price, that is, for them it will be a violation, which may impose appropriate sanctions on them. the second objection of persons who became aware of the materials or information regarding the relevant price of the event before the commission completes at least the preliminary work, the disclosure of the information is also inadmissible, because it can negatively affect the conduct and quality of the relevant aviation investigation, it can not only affect that, it can also affect the reaction of our partners, and it is completely irresponsible of bezuzha to voice what she is not authorized to actually voice, by the way, about such statements, how harmful they are, how much they can cause... some harm, trouble in
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cooperation with our partners, and in your opinion, this should be properly communicated by our official structures, and can deputies make such information public at all, or should they do? well, look, there are certain regulatory procedures, that is, for civil aviation, they are sufficiently clear, transparent and defined, here, that is, in the first stage , a corresponding commission is created, the commission itself decides what information in what volume is possible. the so-called preliminary report, and then it may still take several years to carry out the necessary work and complete the relevant studies, here is one thing, the second important component, we must understand that this is not just an aviation event, but this is an aviation event with a military aircraft, that is, there is is no longer imposed just civil regulation, corresponding military restrictions and requirements for conducting certain investigations, and accordingly they determine already without... directly the very
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procedure of conducting such an investigation, publishing information about it, or generally prohibiting the publication of information about such an investigation, taking into account that we live in wartime conditions. it is clear that additional restrictions may be imposed and there is a high probability that at least no information regarding the investigation there during the martial law may not even be made public, some part of the information may be announced later, but that’s all i ’m saying, first of all, it will be based on the analysis of existing legislation, including military legislation regarding the investigation of valuable events, the second component, of course, it should not negatively affect the interests of ukraine. including the interests of ukraine in countering russian military aggression? mr. bohdan, look, i would like to ask you in general about such phenomena as friendly fire, or, for example, the use of air defense systems, well, in isolated cases, which have the name of incidents or scandals, yes, when they
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touch their plane. in general, how much, if you have any additional statistics, well, how much is this phenomenon, unfortunately... inherent in the conduct of certain warriors or military conflicts? well, look, no one keeps separate statistics on such cases, but we must understand that, of course, in the history of both civil aviation and military aviation, there have been cases of destruction of aircraft, both by civilian and military means air defense, and this happened both in peacetime and in wartime, it is clear that in wartime, when a large number of... objects are in the airspace, the probability of this, as a rule, increases, but not we need to understand less that if we talk specifically about this case, that is, a large number of factors affect it, that is, that the flights are quite complex, more than two hundred air targets are actually in the air
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space, the second important component of the actions takes place in the so-called night time days that in principle, from the point of view of flights, it even requires a separate permission for pilots to fly in such conditions. in addition, if we talk about the targets that were, that is, these are cruise missiles, these are kamikaze drones, then, for example, a kamikaze drone of the shahedla type with a speed of 150-200 km/h, which is several times higher than the cruising speed of the same jet aircraft , which usually flies at speeds of about 450-600-700 km/h, if it is in the so-called subsonic flight mode, and it is clear that these are all additional factors, in addition, such drones themselves drones and even cruise missiles fly at an altitude of several hundred meters above the ground, i.e. here we additionally understand night, low altitude, speed, possible various external objects that need to be paid attention to, i.e. buildings, power lines, maybe trees, the topography of the area, all this
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significantly complicates such a fairly complex and difficult job, and of course it does not help either the pilots or the operators of the air defense systems, here, but specifically , was it connected with... the work of the air defense systems or not , well, we don't know, it's only one of the possible versions, which of course should be considered by the relevant commission and rejected or left, if we are talking about civil aviation, then the probability of mistakes, for example, not by the flight crew, but by the ground services, is usually 7-8% in the world, speaking of civil aviation, uh, look, another version that was released by the western media was... about pilot error, and also would like you to maybe analyze how this pilot error could have happened, so that it is not a secret for anyone that our pilots underwent this training according to an accelerated procedure, in general, training on such modern fighters, it lasts for years,
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is this really such, you know, a short instruction, this is a short training, it could hypothetically affect the ability of the pilot to fully master it, well, look, regarding whether the training program itself, its terms and structure could or could not have an influence, this can only be said by the relevant commission, which will investigate all the facts, which will investigate the training programs and also rule out or not rule out this version of the event, well, because we haven't seen these programs, we don't have anything to compare them with, and they usually remain classified as well, except to say the least. about training, we still have to understand that, as a rule, any pilot, in order to be allowed to fly, must undergo theoretical training, pass the corresponding theoretical exams, and then also carry out practical training, flying on simulators, on appropriate instruments, other means, on real
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aircraft, together with an instructor, and only after achieving the required number of flight hours there, such a pilot is allowed to fly during the day, in order to fly at night, he must also fly to obtain permission for... flights at night, this is all the commission will investigate and will already determine whether it was the factor that somehow affected this event or not, because usually aviation events, and aviation disasters, they... include not one, but a whole series of factors that lead to an aviation disaster, because aviation built in such a way to eliminate the possibility of disasters, or to minimize it, even if one of the factors occurs, everything is done so that other factors, in principle, do not allow this event to happen, so usually an aviation disaster is a series of two, three, four , and elsewhere even more related events that lead to such a disaster. mr. bohdan, we would like to ask you. and about the potential, potential use of the f-16 in combat, for example, on
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the territory of the russian federation, we received an extremely positive signal the other day from of the dutch command, the commander said that the netherlands does not limit ukraine regarding the prospects of using the f-16, for example, during the battles for the same kurshchyna, so we understand that such aircraft must be protected and we understand that... the whole strategy regarding their use is key the task entrusted to them is to strengthen our air defense, yes, they worked very well, but if we talk about the potential offensive potential of the f-16? yes, look, the f-16 is a multi-role aircraft, meaning it can do a number of things tasks, such as being an element of the anti-aircraft defense system, including being used for high-altitude application. strikes on enemy targets, enemy concentrations, to support ground operations,
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etc., including destroying, for example, air targets, i.e. countering enemy aircraft, the possibility of using them in various tasks directly depends on which ammunition and in what quantity for of this aircraft are supplied, that is, we understand, it was already announced that earlier the package of weapons, which is planned to be transferred together with the f-16s, that is these are air-to-air missiles, and the 9, and... the 20s, which are primarily aimed at strengthening the 16th as an air defense system and countering enemy military aircraft, here, but we saw that the package of relevant weapons included the provision of so-called high-precision bombs of small diameter, guided air bombs of the jaydam type, anti-radar missiles of the air type, harm land, etc., that is, we understand that the package that was announced, which will be supplied to ukraine together with the f-16, it provides wide application in the 16th and not only as an air defense system, of course,
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as soon as these weapons are delivered, there is no point in collecting them in large quantities, storing them in warehouses, well, because if weapons, as a rule, it must be used, therefore it is clear that over time we will see a wider use of these aircraft, including for the performance of other tasks, because the weapons will be in principle, well, if they exist, then they are necessary. effectively, but at the same time smartly and with safety for planes to use. and tell me , please, what do you think, given the fact that the f-16s are now in ukraine, if we believe the official statements for about three weeks, in what time they can already begin to perform certain combat tasks, closer to the demarcation line , to the line where hostilities are taking place? well, look, this will be exclusively a decision of the military, they will assess the current situation, the schedule. forces directly, in certain directions the presence and resources
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of the russian air defense system, already based on this to make decisions, take into account the existing risks, and based on this , make decisions there about the possibility or impossibility of using certain aircraft, such as f16s, and, for example, soviet aircraft that remain in service with us, including determining which missions of the operation will be used, we are unlikely to be able to guess or predict the specific direction and... the missions, and most likely they will remain secret until the moment of their implementation, nevertheless, of course, the number of these aircraft will also have an impact, which are, that is, us we understand that, as of now, we still have a fairly limited number of aircraft, which , of course, limits the possibilities for their wide use, and of course we expect that in the coming months the number will increase, so at least we will have one brigade or three there -four squadrons to allow... to use these aircraft more effectively and more systematically, mr. bohdan, well, we understand that the f-16 is not only about their
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combat power, so we understand that it is also about a certain symbol, and about certain red lines that were crossed by our allies, that an extremely important signal, on the other hand , we are aware of how actively the enemy will now hunt for those planes, and , accordingly, the power and capabilities of the russian, russian anti-aircraft systems. of air defense, so we understand that they were given a priority task, which is to target and shoot down the f-16. yes, look, the situation here is unchanged, we remember. when the first western air defense complexes appeared in ukraine, primarily complexiot, the enemy tried to find, investigate and attack them in exactly the same way system data, i.e. with the f-16, the situation is completely similar, the enemy will make maximum efforts to find them, somehow counter them, and of course,
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to do a certain psychological factor even more than his internal one. to the electorates and the population in order to show that the f-16 is not a panacea, and therefore it is clear that they will make maximum efforts to try to get at least one such aircraft by any means and at any cost, therefore, we must be ready for it, this is a war and there are losses in principle always expected and inevitable, no matter how painful they are, we must understand that in 16 during the history of their use they had both combat losses and non-combat losses, that is , unfortunately, this is life. and you have to be ready for that. thank you for your analysis. bohdan dolintse, an aviation expert, was in touch with us, they talked about the crash that happened with the f-16 in ukraine and the death of our ukrainian pilot, oleksiy mesia, who was 31 years old, almost 31 years old, he was about to turn 31 on october 20, and , as you know, he and andriy pilshchikov,
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better known for pseudo-juice, another one ukrainian pilot, two died and two were killed. giving interviews to western media and actually asking our american friends to provide us with these fighters. now i want us to do a good thing with you too. i would like to remind you that the collection, which we are conducting together with the vesna charity fund, is ongoing. the three units that are currently fighting in donetsk region, the situation there is hellishly difficult, they need drones and rebs. please join the gathering. now we have almost one and a half in our bank... we still need 37 hryvnias, very much we ask you to be active and join, we hope, maybe if you are active, then by the end of this day, maybe we will reach this round amount, we really hope for it, during the ether i will remind you that you can use the qr code , now you see it on the screen, please scan
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it and follow it, you can join this collection in this way, each in his own way. opportunities, and now we are going to take a break, after it we will continue, and stay with espresso, there is still a lot of interesting things ahead. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with the matryk topper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order topper matryk for comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. a unique cover in which you can hide your topper will become not only a new interior item, but also quite a functional thing. you can use it both while relaxing and while working at home, the topper itself is quite easy
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for special medical purposes, there are discounts until independence day on citramon darnytsia, 10% in pharmacies, plantain, memory and savings, information day of the tv channel, well, now we will add to our broadcast oksana zbitniva, the head of the coordination center for mental health under the cabinet of ministers of ukraine. glory to ukraine, mrs. oksano, we congratulate you. yes, now we have svitlana sudak, a representative of the all-ukrainian program mental health tiyak. mrs. svitlana, we congratulate you. we would like to ask you , in fact, how many ukrainians now ask themselves questions, like me, like you, for example, to their friends, acquaintances, relatives? close ones, and perhaps there are now certain outlined problems that ukrainians most often face, can you share with us exactly the problems that they face, can
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you hear us now, ms. svetlana, can’t hear, our guest, svitlana sudak, representative all-ukrainian mental health program. please tell me, is it? yes, now let's find out what's going on, i want now briefly, while we are establishing contact with our guest, to tell you our viewers about the fact that a special program called tiyak is currently operating in ukraine, together with the ministry of internal affairs, is implementing an all-ukrainian campaign regarding our and your mental health, and in particular regarding the health of ukrainian men, a certain one is planned today. this launch of this program, and actually now we want to ask what this program will be and how, if possible, they can use with this program, those ukrainian men,
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in particular, who need support, if we are talking about their psychological and mental health. mrs. svitlana, are you in touch with us now, or can you hear us? thank you all, greetings, i can hear you very well. excellent, and for ms. svitlana, we would like to ask you first if a similar one is launched. the program is yes, jointly with the ministry of internal affairs, and it concerns the mental health of men, so the situation is not, so to speak, too calm, actually, what happened or what indicators indicate that it is necessary to take some additional steps, that is, how serious are, if we take such a general national section, these or other violations, we have become... life, which is the same even without the war, in which we, in in which we are now, contains a huge number of reasons for stress, nervousness, and one or another immersion
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in states that we call, in one way or another not favorable for mental health, and we must understand that the need to care for mental health i am an adult and a child relevant regardless. war, whether we are in a war or not, war, it has increased the factors that are stressful for every person, and accordingly, if we talk about men and why exactly the campaign that we started today, we are starting, is directed at men, and men as a group are the least receptive to change, they are... the least ready for change. usually, men are not ready to admit that they need help, or even less to ask for this help. all sociological
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studies say otherwise the drivers of change, i.e. the initiators of all or most of the changes, are women. and this applies not only to professional or personal life or way of thinking. this generally applies to all aspects. men's activities are structured like this, they are the least ready, or the last to show readiness for these changes, and therefore special attention within the framework of our program is now paid to men, and this thematic wave, it is addressed specifically to men, look, but men, only military or civilian men can apply, in particular for this... you how and whether maybe now you, as a person who is actually related to this area, can
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outline for yourself what the biggest problems are. men who are currently fighting and men who are not fighting now apply, and as i understand it, now, for example, most likely those who are fighting have one problem, and those who are not fighting have completely different problems , maybe i'm wrong, friends, the essence of the question is that each person is individual, it depends not only on the experience that the person received, military or... civilian, or other traumatic may be not related to war, or there is a whole series of professions where a huge, large percentage of working men are, and this is what we call professions related to war, for example, these are those who risk their lives, maintain order, rescue the wounded, this doctors, employees of the state emergency service, and the police and... units of the ministry of internal affairs,
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they are also involved in the consequences of the war, although they do not directly participate in military operations themselves, and in this sense, regardless of the nature or experience of obtaining states, we are not we call it disorders because disorders are already medical diagnoses, and these are states, temporary states that we call, all specialists call mental state disorders, insomnia. excessive anxiety, the inability to cope with emotions, what we call falling into either euphoria or, on the contrary, into some minor pessimistic mood, these are all, these are all temporary states that we live in, regardless of whether we directly participate in military action or not, but you are right that experience affects and determines the degree to a greater extent.
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or number of these disorders as to whether the program is designed for military, veterans, civilians, i want to say that the recommendations or the approaches offered by the program are relevant for all categories of the population, and regarding your question where to turn, on the website of our program we have collected the information that may become necessary, first of all, these are hotlines, which are currently active hotlines in ukraine, including by region, so that regardless of where he lives geographically, a person who needs help can contact , there is a separate separate list service providers who work online and a separate list for offline assistance, all these
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organizations. institutions and specialists are verified by experts of our program, and if you took this information from our website, then the quality of the service will meet all standards, and in this sense, yes, we encourage you to use this information, jointly with the ministry of internal affairs implements an all-ukrainian program or the campaign on mental health and emphasize mental health. men, you can always find more on the website. thank you, ms. svetlana. svitlana sudak, representative of the all-ukrainian mental health program. you were in direct contact with us. we thank her and thank everyone who cares about the mental health of ukrainian men, including. well, we will now move on to the news. it's past news time on the spresso tv channel, 3 p.m. and this means that
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our colleague iryna koval is actually ready to share with us. operational situation and operational information, as of this moment, iro, we give you the floor, please share what you have found out about. thank you marta, well, russia does not stop terror, i will tell you about the current situation in different regions of our country, and also about whether italy allows its weapons to hit targets in russia. more about everything in just a moment. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine, bringing to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. i congratulate all viewers, and let's start with the situation in sumy oblast. the fire there was reduced after the night russian strike, work
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is still ongoing. at the moment, we know about two


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