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tv   [untitled]    August 30, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EEST

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professor oleksiy harany, scientific director of the democratic initiative foundation named after ilko kucherev. glory to ukraine, mr. professor, glad to see you. yes, to the heroes of glory. and i think just last time you and i discussed the first part of that. yes, the first part of the marleson ballet. but mr. professor, first of all i would like to ask you, as a person with a tremendous political sense of various situations, about the international scandal, in particular, when we talk about polish-ukrainian relations, yes, well... already the polish press in the literal sense exploded, and polish politicians are reacting, i don't know if the statements of our chief ukrainian diplomat, minister of foreign affairs koleba, are fully thought out, so i will give a brief overview of the situation, so kuleba, while in poland, took part in a panel discussion poland of the future, where he communicated with his colleague radoslav sikorskyi, well , they began to discuss it... important moments
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when we talk about the exhumation of the bodies of those killed during the volyn tragedy, and the ukrainian diplomat, did or voiced, so to speak, quite rigidly a certain formula, saying, here i am quoting now, the ukrainian minister, do you know that all ukrainians were, that all these ukrainians were forcibly resettled from... ukrainian territories to live in various places in poland, including in olsztyn. well, our minister formulated it not quite well. when we talk about ukrainians who lived in their villages, where they were born and grew up, well, maybe it shouldn't be called ukrainian territories, because it raises the level of social status a little, so to speak discussions, in any case, poland reacted to it. your vision, to what extent this
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case can affect ukrainian-polish relations, well, because worsening relations is irrelevant to the quality of the formula, so voiced by the ukrainian minister, yes, well, but in any case, quarreling with our closest friends, well, it it's like shooting yourself in the foot, somehow it all sounds like that, and there was a very sharp reaction about it. on the part of polish politicians, you know, i think it was unintentional, it was very unfortunate an excuse that actually caused a certain scandal, yes, because, if we look at the general context of this discussion, which was between during the meeting, well, the press conference, which was given by the foreign ministers of poland and ukraine, then in principle everything was fine and there were calls to leave the story. history to historians,
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and now to think about repelling greslav, radoslav sikorskyi said that, but kuleba really, he just, well, he made this trick, so it is here regardless of who lived there, well, people lived in this territory many ukrainians, and by the way, we gave away part of the territories where ukrainians predominated, we... it happened, but this pretext, well, it was not an idea, yes, because this simply shows that with words you have to be very careful, and even, even when, you know, experienced diplomats... they too can
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make assumptions, make mistakes, and you have to think very carefully, it is worth apologizing in the current situation to the same person, well, not in the direct sense of apologizing, somehow interpret what he meant and to explain that it was really a pretext, and you know, i think you could say, i think so, again, i'm not a ... i'm a diplomat, and i think that in this case you can comment and to say that it was an unfortunate pretext, but it already depends on, it already depends on our ministry of foreign affairs, on how they understand the situation there, whether to discuss this topic further, or to pretend that nothing, that nothing happened, to me it seems that it would be possible, if it were so correct there... tying other events, generally ours
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relations with poland, yes, i'm sorry, friends, poles, that such an excuse happened, but they should feel it themselves. the diplomats themselves, especially those working in the polish direction. finally, to close this case, mr. professor, why are we delaying the exhumations of poles, in particular poles, because ukrainians also died in volyn, well, but we are delaying those exhumations, perhaps it would be worthwhile to somehow speed up this process, especially since poland offers its technical assistance, just create a joint working group, start... exhumation and close this story at a certain stage? well, i'm not a deep expert on this topic, i'll say that the problem is old, and we said at one time that we should do it here as if
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in a mirror, yes, that is, we allow exhumation, the poles stop destroying monuments there on... graves, on the graves of the upa fighters, etc., and here on both sides there were such certain, such hot, hot statements from, let's say, some ukrainian diplomats, well, let's say, not active now, they said at the time, when they were acting, that in principle it would be possible to exhume this topic, it would be possible... to speed up, that is, we are here, the official ukrainian position is that let us do our part, and you will also do your part, well, maybe, maybe, in some things we really need to demonstrate the will, the good will on our part. mr. oleksiy,
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look, all week we have been discussing what president zelensky said at his conference, and of course, attention has not gone unnoticed. and also regarding some peace processes, plans, victory of ukraine and so on and so forth. the topic of negotiations has been mooted in ukrainian society for many months, the ukrainian authorities are also starting to talk about this topic publicly, but at the last such public speech, zelenskyi said that there are currently no prerequisites for negotiations with russia. nevertheless, many sociologists are currently measuring the mood of ukrainians regarding their readiness for certain negotiations, he added. and so on, we know that the results of the last survey were also recently presented, so we ask you, first of all, to outline these numbers that are available now, how representative they are and how much the trend of ukrainians has changed, or perhaps has not changed in terms of readiness for
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certain negotiation processes? well, i would say yes, you have to understand first of all what we mean by these negotiations, because different, different people understand... understand different things, yes, in general, i would say yes, that the polls that are conducted by different campaigns , well, we did the last polls yesterday, the results were presented yesterday, it was done by the democratic initiatives foundation, together with the sociological service center razumkova, this is an august poll, that is, it is completely fresh, i would say that there is a category of people who are definitely tired of... war and they want, let's say, peace talks, but at the same time, the majority of ukrainians, let's say, reject it, and here you are showing now, yes, are you ready, let's say, russia is ready to
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stop aggression, yes, but putin says, recognize the occupied territories of ukraine, that it is part of russia, we know that he says this, that... four regions are his, so we ask ukrainians whether it is true or not, so excuse me now, i don't have electricity here, i have to do it myself there uh, i have to, and only 9% of ukrainians will say that they are ready to admit it, and the rest say that 81% say that no, we can't go for it. the same with regard to membership, let's say in nato, here somewhere, well, about 19% of ukrainians are ready to give up nato for the sake, for the sake, if it will contribute to some kind of peace agreement, but again
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, 67% say that it cannot be done, and there even better numbers in europe, in europe. in the union, 71% say that this cannot be done, so if we ask ukrainians as a whole, do you want negotiations, so we asked and arranged these... questions, you know, somewhere around 20% of people who are ready for negotiations at any time right now, without any conditions, and this is obviously the part, well, for which there will be russian propaganda is directed further, and the rest say, either no negotiations at all, or negotiations only on the return of prisoners, or negotiations after we liberate ukraine. therefore, only 20% of them are ready for some negotiations without any conditions, and others say
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that no, this should not happen, but we have to understand that again, well, the further it goes war, we asked, by the way, a very provocative question that we are suffering losses, yes, people are dying, and what if, well, i see this slide now. also, you mean that now every third ukrainian lives with a view, we have suffered great losses, and we may lose even more people, so it is worth going to negotiations on ending the war, but at the same time 31%, 45, 45, say, say , that no, says that no, well, you understand, this is a question, it really is, if it is not formulated rationally, but it is formulated very, well, it hits on... emotional, emotional things, and certainly for people, it is important, yes, that is, it is a little different,
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here the numbers are growing, those who are ready for negotiations, but again, we have to understand that the negotiations can be different, the negotiations can be limited, they can relate to the withdrawal of troops from the zaporizhia as, the exchange of prisoners, and so on, but the ukrainians do not agree to that. to, say, formally recognize that these territories, yes, they are occupied, occupied by russia, that they are not just occupied by russia, but that they are a part, a part of russia, we asked another provocative question, how long the west will support ukraine, there were split opinions, approximately 40 to 40, and then we asked the question, what if the west stops us... aid, what to do? and here again , society is divided into three, into three parts,
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well, some say that we have to, well, there is nothing to do, without western help we have to go to negotiations with russia, others say that we can freeze the de facto conflict , but not to make any official concessions to russia, that is , well, not as it was, let's say with minsk alone, minsk... yes, that is, well, de facto, let's say there will be some kind of freeze, but we will not recognize any statements of ukraine, and another 20, more than 20% say that we should continue to wage war, it is clear that this is a very difficult situation, that is, we are analyzing one of the negative scenarios for the future, further development of events, that is, we have to understand that now, you understand, these are all, but... polls, yes, what about negotiations, they are on the one hand, they are not only
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conducted by us, they are on the one hand, they show determination ukrainians, on the other hand, they show that there is a part society, which is potentially ready for negotiations, and it is clear that russian propaganda will continue to, let's say, work to increase those people, but increase them, but the main thing, well, the main thing is the situation... not only the situation at the front, this is a very long conversation, but we thank you for what you have outlined in the general mood, it is important to understand, realize, oleksiy haran, scientific director of the ilko kuchariv foundation for democratic initiatives, was in direct contact with us, let's move on and we will speak literally already in a few minutes about the river and about whether it is really dangerous now, whether this environmental disaster can be bigger than it is now, how
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now. order the safe pro tonometer at a special reduced price, from only 499 . info day of the tv channel in rozpala. dmytro zaruba is in touch with us, the first deputy head of the state inspectorate of ukraine. glory to ukraine, mr. dmytro, we congratulate you. glory, congratulations. well, the seym river, just a little bit. let's talk about the gum, we understand that the enemy committed a criminal hermitage of unknown substances into the seim river, which originates in the territory of the russian federation, in particular in the kursk region in... region, as well as in chernihiv oblast, sumy oblast, well, just a tragedy, the river is dead, we spoke with local residents, they say that not
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only all the fish died there, it is about tons of fish, yes, beavers also began to die, that is , the situation is much more serious than it seems in other regions, so we would like to ask you , has it already been possible to find out what happened, what happened, what happened and... the substances got to the diet. at first, when such dirty water spread across the territory of ukraine in the sumy region, we began to collect samples, and we are still collecting them now, in the sumy region, chernihiv region, we are gradually preparing for the arrival of this water in the kyiv region, i can say that there are no toxic substances of chemical pollution. not confirmed by all services, this is organic pollution, in fact there is a decrease in oxygen, and this is how
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the weather is very dry, very hot, let's say, weather that leads to the real death of biological resources in the water bodies of ukraine, but now the viewers can see how many tons of fish, this is in the sumy region, approximately... 11 tons of fish is something that has already been localized, unfortunately, bioresources have been collected of the seim and desna rivers are dying, now all the relevant services of the state riparian agency, the state industrial service, the state emergency service, local self-government bodies, and the state environmental inspection are trying to ensure that dead fish do not enter water bodies in the future. they are collected, barriers are put up in order to ensure as much as possible that more fish get into, let's say, local residents, and
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yesterday there was a meeting of the state emergency commission, the prime minister tasked all services to control the use of fish that can get into markets, to consumers, so that this does not happen, the public is being informed, fishing is prohibited, that is, the maximum state services are doing everything to localize the consequences of this ecological situation, this is an ecological disaster, or do you think the enemy could deliberately do something drain into the river seim, yes, because the so-called black sediment of unknown origin is fixed at the bottom, which was not there, and... what about the organic substances that we poisoned in the river vodu, what kind of plan could it be, it could be the remains certain phosphate or
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some other good things that the russians threw away, or could they have mixed some organic poison with those remains, god forbid ? well, today, even specialists of the ministry of defense of ukraine, the ministry of health of ukraine. samples were also taken, research institutes are involved in order to finally find out the origin itself, to date we can say, according to the data of many services, that these are organic substances that are not chemical substances, that is, it is not chemical pollution, to date the information yes, they will any more data, we will definitely inform the population, this is also handled by... other central executive bodies, the ministry of environmental protection, so we will inform in case of a change in the situation, as of today, according to the data that all
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state bodies have, yesterday they were announced at the state emergency commission that these are organic compounds that actually lead to a reduction of the oxygen level in the water to zero. yes, what should be the concentration of those compounds so that everything throughout the river sighed, well, that is there must be a very powerful concentration, because there from the same aunt in the kursk region, where there was a suspicion that they were dumping these or other sediments there, it is not known with what, so well, all the way there, zabaturin and so on, well, let's say for the report of the border police service, which reached the sumy environmental department. indeed , this water came from the territory of russia, now i say, i would not like to give any unverified information, other than the one that was voiced.
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checked for the state of water resources and pollutants that are present, so now more additional laboratory studies, i mean scientific research institutions, in the near future we will know more about the state of water bodies, but i say once again, according to the information available to date, these are organic compounds, organic... particles, which, mr. dmytro, we heard this information, we would still like to have time to ask about the situation in the desna river, because it also already had a specific smell, and there are certain appeals about the fact that this river is also polluted, and in general, whether it is safe for people to drink water from wells now , who live nearby, and look, the water from the seim river really flows into the desna river, and in the near future it will move towards the city of chernigov,
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for example, other cities, drinking water from wells, samples were taken, there is no flow, but yesterday scientists told that there is no some kind of problem with the use of drinking water in wells, which concerns the sumy chernihiv region, water intakes are made from artesian wells, not from surface water, so again. dangers for using water in chernihiv, well in chernihivska region, there is none in sumy region. and the river desna? what can happen if these poisonous substances continue to flow down the river. well , the dnipro, the river, we will not talk about poisonous substances, today we are talking about a decrease in oxygen, but did something provoke a decrease in oxygen? but did something trigger
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the decline? of oxygen, well, these are organic e-e parts that actually consume more oxygen and it decreases, and also plus the heat that is currently in the territory of ukraine, that is, the weather conditions, plus the situation of getting these organic compounds, it actually causes the maximum reduction of oxygen and the impossibility of fish to breathe normally in both water bodies. all kyiv beaches will be open for swimming on the closing day, that is, there is no such information that this applies only to the dnipro, it does not apply to the sejm exactly and the question is yes, but you can swim in the dnipro and you don't have to swim and fish anymore either. we made all the water intakes and even
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water intakes in the kyiv region along the dnipro river, there is no decrease in oxygen, and so far this water has not been used up, well, it has not reached the kyiv oblast, while it concerns chernihiv and sumy oblasts, the seim river and the desna river. i can say that where this polluted water started, it has already reached the territory of ukraine. has improved, the water station has improved, it has become transparent, there is actually no longer that liquid smell that the inhabitants of the settlements where the seim river flows. thank you, thank you, well, let's hope that additional measures will be taken to clean up the sejm itself. thank you, mr. dmitry. dmytro zaruba,
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first deputy head of state. inspection of ukraine was live with us, we are moving on, it's already 4 p.m., which means that it's time for news, and our beautiful colleague iryna koval is ready to share it with us. iro, we give you the floor, please share what you and the news editors have found out about. thank you marta, well, just a few minutes ago there were explosions in the kharkiv region, i will tell you more about it on the air. in ukraine, 4:00 p.m., news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i greet all viewers, and just now i will tell you about...


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