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tv   [untitled]    August 30, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EEST

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10% discounts on motorex pills until independence day at psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts until independence day on magne b6, 10% in pharmacies plantain, bam and ochad. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel. topical topics of the week nato member countries have huge arsenals, and russia is already on the verge of exhausting its resources. topics that resonate in our society. this is the question of trump's victory, what is it? analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do, are they able to use, say, the resources of the lukashenka army allied with them? vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: read the entire condemnation, accept my song, i thank you. it
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was difficult, but i was just interested, but it was absolutely not, they help to understand the present and predict the future, they offered the united states to conclude a bilateral security agreement with us. a project for those who care and think. politclub every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. the russians struck kharkiv again today. there are dead and injured, in particular, in the industrial district there is a 12-story residential building, about it reported oleg sinigubov. according to mayor ihor terekhov, the russians struck with kabama and hit civilian infrastructure in the city in the cities of kharkiv and chuguyev for the moment without casualties. and the 12-story building was affected by fire and partial destruction. information about the victims. is being clarified, and in the nemyshlyansky
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district, the interventionists killed a child just on the playground, a girl, at least three other people in the area were injured, now we will talk about the situation in the ukrainian parliament, mykhailo is in touch with us tsymbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine, mr. mykhailo, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, i congratulate you, mrs. marto, not just a people's deputy of ukraine, but a member of the special commission of the verkhovna rada. in the case of fortification, we know that the meetings were resumed a couple of days ago, we received a new chairman of this commission, we understand that this is not so much about parliamentary work, but about control by the parliament over the implementation of what is called the state security strategy, yes, because fortifications are directly about people's lives, and at the same time there were cases and suspicions, as far as we understand, were well-founded, that far from all the work was carried out. at the proper qualitative
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level, so mr. mykhailo, we would like you to focus on certain aspects now, well, let's start with the organizational ones, we understand, we have a new head, this is mr. oleksandr bakumov, yes, he replaced mr. zadorozhny, who was suspected, so to speak in certain abuses, well, maybe there is already information about mr. predecessor. heads, yes, and what, the tasks will be outlined under the wire new head i would like to remind our viewers that mr. mykhailo tsembluk is the first deputy chairman of this extremely important commission on fortification. yes, tsk has actually resumed its work. oleksandr bakumov, he is a famous lawyer, although a young man from kharkiv, also served in the border troops.
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that is, he has experience, a certain experience, as a lawyer and also as a person who had something to do with the border and fortification, now the pressure is on. i already held one meeting under his leadership, next week we will start the next one from monday meetings and hearings of heads of regional military administrations, as well as representatives of security and defense forces regarding both certification and the allocation and use of funds for the purchase and use of unmanned aerial vehicles. our task is not only... to establish where there were violations, and also such facts exist, we direct them to law enforcement agencies, as well as to develop normative acts and documents so that in the future, and during martial law and peacetime , fortifications
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worked, they existed, and there were more qualitatively erected, as engineering military structures, and they were also used and serviced. because we remember that there were several lines depending on the advance of the armed forces of ukraine and the enemy, they changed their locations, sometimes, unfortunately, the third line of defense structures happened, became the first, but here it depends on coordinated work, first of all the military, because they are the ones who make the decisions. where to build and whether there should be a company support post, a platoon support post or another engineering security structure, that is, it depends on them the quality of these documents, the next, of course, is the contractor and how the works are performed, we
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all have to realize, the first line is the responsibility of the armed forces of ukraine and those military units that serve there. because they are forced to build, because, as a rule, it is under enemy fire, and the second and third lines are built by contracting organizations, local military administrations, for which the government allocated, in particular several tranches, 36 billion, and funds were also allocated before that, i.e. tasks, how they were built and how they are now protected, because... in fact, the problem is, there are things that we cannot talk about publicly, but we must understand that this is the first time the state is doing this on such a scale, the fact that our military sometimes used maps from the soviet period, this is also a sad story, now
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the matter has been corrected, the engineer troops, in what condition they were, how they provided construction and protection, are also questions, but now... we are coming to that almost finish line, where we are completing the hearing of the leaders who were managers of state funds allocated for fortification, we move on to work on the ground, we contact the military, our tsk includes serhii rudyk, who performs combat tasks, but sometimes joins our meetings, and he... gives us very important information , we want to go to the places, including we will check, we are already checking not only the eastern and southern directions, but also the northern, that is, mr. mykhailo, look, donetsk region, donetsk region, there are ongoing battles,
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the situation is extremely, extremely difficult, we would like you will be asked about the fortifications on to donetsk, we understand that the investigation of journalists has appeared. regarding pavel kyrylenka, yes, some things have already become certain memes there, they are perceived extremely ironically, but the key story is that he was from the 19th year to the 20th, god forbid, from the 22nd to the 23rd year he was the head of the donetsk regional vtsa, well, accordingly, the fact that his family got rich on the sale, so to speak, became a meme. raspberries, well, but this is no joke, this is donetsk region, this is the pokrovsky direction, myrnograd and so on. well, let the facts be established, law enforcement agencies prove guilt or innocence, kyrylenka is involved in certain
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corruption scandals, but there is a new head of the military-civilian administration, and he is like the one who took over or led the region in that difficult period. had to take over all the affairs, but i will emphasize once again, yes, there are difficult processes of building fortifications, and in 2022, fortifications were built by the military. together with the territorial communities, people then, and by the way, the military thanks the territorial communities, not only of donetsk region, but other regions, where communities were provided with building materials, equipment, and people, construction took place under shelling and in difficult conditions, only after 20 of the third year did the state allocate funds centrally, and from that period. we are starting to actively check how those funds were allocated and how they are used, that is, this is
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a completely separate case, which concerns the former head of the donetsk regional military administration, and now he heads the monopoly committee, but the tsk, including, has the task of checking the quality, checking how were being built and who gave instructions, how controlled. who should discuss now, change the regulatory framework, so that this does not happen again in the future, this is also a very important task, but next monday we will listen to the heads of law enforcement agencies, who will report on their achievements. according to my preliminary information, there are a large number of criminal cases that are being investigated by law enforcement officers of different and sbi, national police, security service, where there were certain violations. our task during the operation of the regime military i will be able to react clearly and harshly in such difficult conditions, but
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understand that the enemy is also monitoring, including the activities of our tska, the construction of fortifications, their quality, and here we must also remember about state secrets. and what about kharkiv oblast, mr. mykhailo, from kharkiv oblast, this whole story with fortifications began, and i would like to understand whether it has somehow reached any specific ... people who could be the final beneficiaries of these tenders, who were engaged in fortifications, well and whether these were the fortifications there properly built ? well, first of all, what i said, in kharkiv region they also initially built with funds from the forces of territorial communities, this is a completely different story, because there they brought everything without money, everything they could, because the enemy was advancing, the next thing in kharkiv region, as well as in some other territories zaporizhzhia, donetsk region, we established the facts of the different value of the same
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construction materials, now the appointment of an examination, but it must be remembered, i emphasize once again, even in the same kharkiv region, this established facts, where more than 20 people, builders were injured, and some people died during the construction of the fortification, after that, of course, a certain number of construction structures were refused altogether, because there the equipment was destroyed from any... tenders, even if they won them, they simply broke the contracts, because they understood that it was beyond their power, because of this there were different prices for various materials, for example, lumber delivered from forestry farms to kharkiv oblast, and some brought from forestry farms in the western part of our country , for example, from transcarpathia, ivano-frankivsk region, lviv region, volyn region, that is , of course there are transport costs, because of that it is important for us not to... just empty statements, it is important for us to work carefully, not to harm the military, on the contrary, we work in close
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cooperation, today the military sets the tone in the work of the tsk, they clearly report, inform, give directions where to react, by the way, and so do some heads of military administrations, for example, the head of sumy oblast, there is a combat general, he arrived. clearly reported brought to his team, which was responsible for one or another direction, and we are now in contact with them where there are deficiencies, as in other areas, some are starting to eliminate these deficiencies themselves, but i emphasize once again that some of the defense structures are already difficult to check, because some of them have already been destroyed by the enemy, and others are in uncontrolled territory, our task is to immediately have our military and the authorities... in general, build fortifications there, where today we believe that there may be a second or
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third line. these structures should not be built for one day, not for a year, for years, for centuries, as we see, by the way, in the territory of the western part of the state, there are still fortification posts, platoon and others, which give us an example of how to build. mr. mykhailo, were the violations fixed, for example? schedules or non-performance of work in strategically important directions, it is possible, if certain works were carried out, they were of inadequate quality, that is, it is possible... let's not specify exactly where, because the enemy can eavesdrop on us, but is your competence the competence of your commission, it dealt with similar matters, well, in connection with the change of the head, we know that the tsc did not meet at all for more than a month, there are such facts, and i think that this will be announced by the law enforcement agencies
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or the head of the tsc already after monday's meeting meeting, someone will sit down, you mentioned crime. cases, well, we understand that criminal cases can end in nothing, but is there still a feeling that this or that fat, stuffed fish can go to jail? well, you know, it's necessary here talk about the quality of preparation of materials, because criminal proceedings are the fixation of a fact, a fact that must be proven in the process of a pre-trial investigation, and this is also a lot of expertise, it is not such a simple thing, it is a lot of... conducting research and interrogations like military ones , as well as those who built or were responsible, then it is already a judicial proceeding, because of that i would not like to announce it, because in reality there will not be any, there will be no mass landings, nothing so extremely
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critical will be discovered there, why, because the military . i never emphasize that they do not take into account those strongholds, those fortifications that are built of poor quality, and this is already a practice today, they say this openly, we communicate with them about this and they say, we are just where the piles are driven and, as they say , there is no reliable protection, we will not put it into operation and... and because of that, the tactics have changed, today the leader, chief or commander of the combat unit, who will be responsible for the defense of this or that direction, orders the fortifications himself, his subordinates are control and only after that they can to accept, sign the act of acceptance of transfer into
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operation. if there is no acceptance of the transfer into operation, then all these already material resources and... funds lie with the one who received them, that is, in this case, the military regional administration, it will be on their account on the balance sheet, and they must transfer it to someone , otherwise they are also destroyed by time, and this must be understood, thank you, thank you, mykhailo tsambelyuk, people's deputy of ukraine and deputy head of the tsk, which is currently dealing with the issue of fortification, was in touch with us, now we have a short break, after it we continue the espresso information day, stay with us. tired of the mess in the kitchen, constantly having to sort through a bunch of pans to find the right one. you need the savory pro kit. unpack tv. savory pro pans fold up in one place and take up so little space. and the price is only from uah 999. the savori pro set is five pans
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today the enemy fired at sumi, the rescuers contained a fire at the enterprise, a large-scale emergency fire, i am quoting the state emergency service now: a large- scale fire broke out due to the russian attack, buildings and premises were destroyed, it is about sumi, rescuers are working at the scene. the fire was contained work continues, according to doctors, 13-13 people were injured, two people died, one person died of injuries in the hospital, the body of another was unblocked by rescuers. well , today the enemy hit kharkov with a kabom, there are three dead, among them a child and 28 people wounded, and the russians committed a terrible crime again, but the enemy does not stop shelling one more. regional center, we are talking about the city of kherson, now we will find out what the situation is in kherson. yuriy sobolevskyi, first deputy chairman of the kherson regional district councils are already in touch with us. mr. yuriy,
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congratulations, glory to ukraine. greetings, friends, herovyn glory. the enemy attacked the ship district of kherson tonight. please let me know some details. well, unfortunately, shelling does not stop in our country, including in kherson. and recently there are many more cases of application. they attack cars, they attack crowds of people, they see perfectly well that this is a civilian, and it does not stop them, as of yesterday we have six people, unfortunately, she was injured, as of now, we already have one person injured today, ambulatory medical assistance was provided, the condition of the person there is satisfactory, but the security situation remains very difficult. yes, without a doubt, mr. yuri, the security situation is extremely difficult, especially taking into account the fact that, as far as we understand, our fighters have changed the place of deployment or have been withdrawn, when we
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talk about the krynks, what is there now from what can be said , well, there is not much to say here, because the request of the military to maintain informational silence in the direction is still valid, i can say that in fact there is a force every day the defenses are successful... and under fire control, now they hold a really large area of ​​water, it is difficult to work in some locations where our civilians remain, because the russian military actually uses them as a human shield, that is, they place their crews near drones with people where there is residential construction, and ours see it perfectly, that's why they don't work sometimes precisely in such cases, i can also say. that these last days they complain a lot about what they are losing in our direction a lot of drones, that is, the fight against this continues, our rap is working, in order to
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reduce the number of attacks on civilians now, because the last weeks, in fact, it is just a disaster for us, so the number of drones that the enemy uses on civilians, they they declared that they simply defined a red zone for themselves there, in which everything that moves is the law. target and attack any civilian, civilian vehicle, if they have such an opportunity. and can you somehow explain why they are now, you say, in recent weeks just endlessly launching these drones according to civilians, they have some possible tactics, to make life absolutely unbearable, so that people leave, what is their goal in general, why do they do it, or do you have any specific thoughts about this? in fact, this is a continuation of the terror tactics that they... have been trying to implement since the moment when the right-bank parts of the kherson region were bathed, that is, for them it was both a military defeat and a political defeat, they made so many political
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investments. so-called in the capture of the temporary kherson region and kherson, that when theirs the troops just knocked out the right-bank part of kherson, for them it is they who are still there under the influence of this event, let’s say so, and that is why such a tactic is to destroy the infrastructure as much as possible, to injure as many people as possible, to intimidate the population, to prevent the communities of the liberated from resuming their life, in order to show that where there was russian peace, if... it has departed, which is impossible to bring back to life, let's say so, that's why such attacks are simply on the civilian population, on civilian humanitarian infrastructure, not only on critical objects of our energy sector, people are leaving as actively as possible, especially considering that the enemy is also attacking the gas distribution system of the kherson region, so the news arrived that the residents of the dnipro district of the kherson
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region are now without gas. supply due to russian shelling, this morning the city mayor informed accordingly, the enemy hit with a target, or was it simply covered up, with artillery fire, we understand that this does not make it easier for people, but just to understand the logical criminal logic of the enemy’s actions, in my opinion, this deliberate actions, because analyzing the locations of the arrivals, there are a lot of hits precisely in the objects of critical infrastructure, well, this cannot be. well, by chance, their goal is to completely destroy this system, and unfortunately, we have the same situation in antonivka today with gas supply and in other settlements, the workers at kherson-gas and the communal services rescuers, in fact, they do everything to to restore it, but unfortunately, it is not always possible to do it even quickly, because the enemy is just waiting for them
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will arrive, i.e. drones in... in the air, they are waiting for these services in order to re -attack, and unfortunately, we have such cases, there are quite a few of them, when they are waiting for an ambulance, rescuers, utility workers, and then they practice it again, this is after they have already struck . mr. yuriy, what is the situation with light in the kherson region and in kherson? kherson is more or less satisfactory, but there is also a part. in cities where there is a very big problem with this, because there is a lot of damage, and unfortunately, it is impossible to carry out full-fledged work restored, because our antonivka is also under fire, and in fact that part of kherson, which is next to the dnieper, it is very dangerous there now not to work, to be in open space at all, because
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there are very, very many attacks. thank you, yuriy sobolevskyi, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council, promptly about all the most important things in the kherson region. well, an interesting signal from the bloomberg agency. putin was assured that he would not be arrested in mongolia. the kremlin führer for the first time after issuing the warrant in march of last year, the 23rd year, will visit a country that is a member of the international criminal court. we will remind that an arrest warrant has been issued for putin there. well. and here came a signal from bloomberg that putin would not be arrested in mongolia, and putin's stooge apiskov claimed that we do not have such a problem, well, in particular, it is about the prospect of putin's arrest in mongolia, and so on. well, it’s very interesting, maybe they’ll arrest him, maybe they’re luring him, maybe they tricked him, well, less so, for today, antin and i finish working, we’ll continue from monday, so take care,
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take care of yours and respond to the signals of the air trivo and have a restful weekend, all the best and stay with espresso. it's 5 p.m. in ukraine, iryna koval is working for you in the studio, and i'm just now going to tell you about the most important events at this time: four people died as a result of the attack on kharkiv, among them a 14-year-old girl, the child was on the site at the time of the shelling, at least 28 other people were injured.


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