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tv   [untitled]    August 30, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm EEST

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shut up, stay with espresso, we 'll be back in 15 minutes. ukraine's first gold at this year's paralympics. on the second day of the competition, ukrainian paralympians have already selected seven. which national team to surpass the results of the previous games, we talk about it on the bbc, i'm inna kosynska. this week , the 17th summer paralympic games began in paris. a total of 4,400 athletes from 169 countries compete in them. there are 22 sports. ukraine is represented at the paralympics by 140 athletes who compete in 17 sports. this year, the national team will make its debut in new disciplines, this bocha and henbak. most ukrainian
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paralympians have musculoskeletal injuries . the youngest athlete is 15 years old, the oldest is 60. this is anatoliy andrusenko, who plays sitting volleyball. and by the way, the men's national team of ukraine from this sport went to the games for the first time in eight years. it included two veterans of the full-scale russian-ukrainian war. today is the second competition day and ukraine is already in the top ten of the medal standings. she has five awards to her credit. one gold medal, four silver and two bronze medals. oleksandr komarov won gold in swimming at a distance of 100 m, freestyle. and we talk more about this year's paralympic games with valery sushkevych, president of the national committee of disabled sports of ukraine. he is in paris. mr. valery, welcome to the air. please tell us what the first days of the paralympics were like for the ukrainian national team. greetings to all, viewers, listeners of the bbc. you know
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what they were, the days before the paralympics started, there was an opening ceremony that was very exciting for us, you know, we were excited about that very, very many people at the opening ceremony, and both in the stadium and in front of the stadium, on the approach to the stadium, greeted the national paralympic team, as it seemed to me, like more than one team in the world, it was incredible, an incredible charge of ... energy from people and not only from france, this is the first, the second, certainly at this moment, and i am now in the swimming arena, and just a few hours ago, we took the first hall, and as a result, which was not completed today , in fact, we have today the competition in athletics and swimming continues, right now, our swimmers will have their next swim, but all... medals for this moment in
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two days, and one of them is gold, this is a significant option for winning, as you understand, the national paralympic national team in ukraine, which came here not just yes, but really fight for victory, and we will return to the conversation, mr. valery, but first let's see how the ukrainian paralympians prepared for the competition in paris? he is one of ukraine's greatest paralympic hopes, danylo chufarov. but how can you prepare for the games after that. in 2022 he was right here in mariupol, which was then under siege. chufarov, who is visually impaired, survived three weeks of shelling, and then...
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his house was also bombed, i was ready to die in mariupol, i'll tell you more, i just hoped that we wouldn't die. over the past 20 years , ukrainian paralympians have become heroes in their homeland, they are one of the most successful teams in the world, but they say that russian shelling has destroyed about 500 sports facilities. chufarov is currently training in dnipro, where he is often interrupted by the sounds of air traffic. to many athletes had to move abroad. costume designer andriy dymchuk trained with the team in poland, but returned to ukraine, where he tells wounded soldiers how to adapt to life with a prosthesis. to help the military, he even delivered jeeps using his fectual rapier. i only have one good leg and three pedals, so i can help with a broken sword.
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at the paris olympics , 15 russian athletes competed under a neutral flag and won the only medal in tennis, but 90 of them will compete at the paralympics. it will not be easy for swimmer anna gontar, who was forced to move to finland after the invasion. i hope i can control my emotions, but i don't know how. it will add to you. yes, i want to win, and i want to fight for ukraine, for my family, for our paralympic team, i want to fight. this challenge is bigger than ever, but ukraine hopes, despite everything, to repeat
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its success at these paralympic games. and on the first day of the competition, swimmer gontar won a bronze medal in... 50 m freestyle style, and we return to the conversation with the head of the paralympic committee of ukraine valery sushkevych. mr. valery, please tell me what are your expectations for this year's games, given the conditions under which the national team was preparing? you know, i have never before any paralympics given any specific predictions of victories and results, medals, and so on. the only thing i can... say, if we talk about these paralympic games in particular, they are special, they are special, because the country is at war, because the country uh today is fighting for its independence, sovereign the territory and protection of the ukrainian people, and
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today we, you know, somehow there is no planning for a medal, there is a real attitude to responsibility before the ukrainian people, before... countries, before the people, before the armed forces of ukraine who are fighting there at the front, and we want to be similar to them, in the form of responsibility for the country, that is why we came here to win victories, victories that i am sure and the confidence of every member of our team that these victories should, can and... must become a component of our great victory, this victory means that ukraine will be a common, democratic, sovereign state, and we will unite the world around our
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results, around our cremoges, and this is our main task - to unite the world in the fight against war, for peace in europe , in the world, in ukraine, uh... please, how do you feel about the decision to allow russian and belarusian paralympians under a neutral flag to the competition? you know, i told the president of the international paralympic committee, in response to this decision already here at the paralympics in paris, that it is not possible, no you can turn a blind eye to the fact that the country is a killer. puts the world on the brink of the destruction of humanity, and at the same time calmly, closing its eyes, admitting representatives of the subjects of sports, paralympic sports to the highest sports paralympic forum of the quadrennial, this is not
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just wrong, it is a certain variant of indulgence and, you know, what is the difference? it is not important to us, what is important to us is a clean dispute, by the way, it is not clean, but we let people here who speak tainted, because they are these people, they support, unequivocally, the special military operation of russia on territory of ukraine, what they support, all our athletes know, because some of them are from these subjects of the paralympics. russian sports were called, they once wrote that it's time to put you in your place so that they know the greatness of russia, imperialism is an infection in the souls, in
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the mentality of russian citizens, and if we talk about neutrality, i once again proposed the president of the international paralympic committee. simply, let each of these neutral athletes answer one single question about neutrality, whether he supports russia's special military operation against the occupation of his country, and then we can have some version of the understanding of the neutrality of these subjects, neutral subjects of russian sports, and the russian paralympic committee so cynically glorifies those who returned from the war of veterans , who have... certain lesions and says that they, based on the fact of how
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they gained experience in shooting and shooting, in fact, a special military operation in ukraine gave them a lot of experience, can you imagine what kind of paralympians are in quotes will appear in the system of russian paralympic sports, and the russian paralympic committee is proud of this... killers, can't the leadership of the international paralympic committee pay attention to these terrible cynical manifestations of the russian paralympic committee and those entities that they called neutral, so far there is no answer to this question. ugh, thank you, thank you valery for your opinion, and thank you for joining our broadcast, we were contacted by the president of the national paralympic committee of ukraine, valery sushke. like paris hosts the paralympics and what the athletes' and fans' expectations from the competition
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were seen by the bbc's disability correspondent nicky fox. in the city of christmas extinguishing, paris welcomes the second major sporting event. the celebrations are in full swing and now it's time for the paralympics. hi archie, nice to meet you. hello, how are you? archie is very excited, he's already here. are you here for the long haul, will you stay until the end? i'm so excited, can't wait for the games to start. usually we are in that little bubble where nothing has meaning other than sports. and i would like it to be like this always, this is paris. tanigray thompson has attended more paralympic games than any other female athlete. tv presenter so, tanya, will this be the best paralympic games yet? i am very excited about
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the paris games. i really hope this will be the best paralympic games ever. london raised the bar, but i don't want it to be the best games ever. i want them to be among the best. it is very important for the movement, for athletes, that we continue to develop. and i'm sure that france has the potential for this. we are on the verge of something really special. in the run-up to the games, charities in france have raised concerns about how hundreds of thousands of disabled fans will get around the city, huge sums have been spent to make public transport accessible, this year there will be more accessible taxis and buses to take people to and from venues and from them sammy kinhorn is looking forward to the race, she is competing in four events this year. i'm so worried. when go in there and hear all that noise, i just want to enjoy it all. this year,
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a record number of media will cover the paralympics. for the organizers of the paralympics, these games are a real chance to change society's attitude towards people with disabilities. we sincerely believe that these games can be revolutionary, especially for france, because this country will host the paralympic games for the first time, and it is quite likely that the population will meet in such large numbers for the first time. people with disabilities. the paralympics is a world-class event with highly competitive, but it is also an opportunity for people with disabilities to perform in front of a global audience. and that's all we have time to tell about the paralympics in paris. ukraine will be represented at it by 140 athletes, they compete in 17 sports, and on the second day of the competition , the ukrainian national team already has seven medals. in the meantime, subscribe to our social media pages so you don't miss the most important ones. news, we are on facebook, instagram and tiktok, on youtube you can watch our
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news release if you missed it on the air, and that's all for today, more stories on our website, see you on monday at 9 p.m., take care! verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more. analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on... day by phone poll. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. events. events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin
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borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events and analyze them. modeling our future every saturday at 1:10pm with a repeat at 10:00pm. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. greetings friends, the second part of the verdict program is live on the espresso tv channel, my name is serhii rudenko, and in this part... we will talk about the following. an hour and a half from by the press, zelensky's emotional words about his team overshadowed important messages about the war. why media experts call the president's press conference a communication disaster. the case of tatarova, the story about
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the deputy head of the president's office who killed a man... turned into a meme of ukrainian politics. causes and consequences. a battalion of fugitives. many officials and deputies were able to escape from the investigation abroad during the war. who should bear political responsibility. we will talk about all this in the next 45 minutes my colleagues and journalists. and this is a traditional journalism club that we have on fridays. well, before actually introducing our guests, i would like to remind you that throughout our broadcast we conduct a survey and ask you about whether you are satisfied with the communication of the president of ukraine with society, yes, no, eh, if you have a separate opinion, you can write in the comments under this video on youtube, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote on
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the numbers 0821 381, if the communication you are satisfied with the president's society. if not satisfactory 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program and we will sum up the results of this vote. and i want to introduce today's guests, this is olga musafirova, a correspondent of the novaya newspaper europe in ukraine. olga, i congratulate you. congratulations. and yanina sokolova, a journalist, tv presenter, public figure, blogger and author of a large youtube channel, nods. you can subscribe by chance, yanina, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations sergey, congratulations olga, congratulations to everyone who is watching us live now, well, since we are asking our viewers and tv viewers whether they are satisfied with the communication of the president of ukraine with society, i will also ask our guests what they think and how satisfied they are with this communication, which the president is leading now in relation to
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society, in relation to each of us. olga, first of all. at all times, under any government , the communication level of journalists was not satisfactory, the government, by the way, was not satisfied either, none, this is normal, this is a professional reaction. thank you, olga, yanina, please please, i think that due to the fact that journalists are controllers and informers of the authorities, the authorities have not yet fully understood this, and paniga is right for everyone. dents, well, probably, except that viktor yushchenko had a high level of communication and a desire to hear from civil society and journalists, the presentation was appropriate, well , with him, freedom of speech began to raise its head and began to mean something, so it is definitely not enough, and i actually i am positively flattered that we had at least a few opportunities
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for uncomfortable questions during the previous one press conferences, because usually uncomfortable journalists... the government simply does not accredit them at press conferences, well , interviews are generally unreal in our country, so definitely such communication, well, and attitude, you heard him at press- conference, it doesn't suit, well, actually, i wanted to talk about what volodymyr zelenskyy looks like now in the sixth year of the presidency, because the press conference that yanina mentioned and which the whole country witnessed, well... . all journalists, it lasted one and a half hours, 28 questions, 15 ukrainian media and 13 foreign media, for example, i have an impression. that this dislike of the presidential team and zelensky personally towards ukrainian journalists, it has not
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gone anywhere in these 5 years and in the sixth year of the presidency it has also moved, because in dialogues with foreign journalists, he behaved politely when it came to ukrainian media journalists here well, it's just such a clear dislike. does not like ukrainian journalists, does not like to answer their questions and believes that they generally interfere with him, because what with foreign journalists journalists, he feels like a world leader, and with ukrainian journalists, well , it seems that he constantly has to answer questions, because journalists broadcast their questions and answers to ukrainian society. sergey, i will now have the nerve to voice one homemade preparation, i was listening to the previous guest, valery chalov, you mentioned mongolia there, forgive me, this is only
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tangential to the topic of the press conference, but i will allow myself, on september 3, putin is scheduled to fly to mongolia, mongolia, as you know, is a member of the international criminal court, well theoretically, theoretically. he can be arrested there, but instead of ukraine, i played it safe and sent mr. tatarov to mongolia. here, and now i will answer the question you asked. it seems to me that speaking in the categories of "i love, i don't love" about the relations of the president, including journalists, is, well, somehow not... we don't need to be loved very much, i absolutely do not claim the love of any of the powerful officials, because we
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should have a relationship of a completely different plan, i agree, well, actually ms. anina has already mentioned this too, yulia mostava once gave the definition of who we are, the watchdogs of democracy, well, you can hardly love an old dog, you have to... yes, you know, be careful, don't turn your back, and if you turn your back, then you have, well, i have a rather transparent image , and i will mention very briefly, well actually this is also related to the current press conference, during the time of president yushchenko, i went to press conferences every time, and once i asked two questions, they did not give me the microphone. but that was the only thing they said: who poisoned you? then viktor andriyovych all the time said that he would name those people who poisoned him, and secondly, that was also one of his
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promises when you learn english. er, at the first press conference, when i asked these two questions, well, he answered the first rather discreetly and joked about the second, since there was no answer. next press conference, i ask the same questions, the answer was tough enough. thirdly, i have never been able to put a question to viktor yushchenko at a press conference. i tried all kinds of options, i ran around the hall, i asked microphone to colleagues when it came into hands, gentlemen journalists, thank you. the press conference is over, maybe it wasn't democratic for me, but i
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realized a long time ago that playing such games is not so good, but with the president, the most important thing is that they showed me a visual level of how to communicate , well... regarding the current press conference, well, yes, i agree, there were, there were meaningful questions, essential questions, and sensible answers, and here i completely agree with analyst yanina, klyuchkovskaya, who gave such a good analysis, that there should have been at least two important messages brought to the mountain by the president, so that he... imagined to himself, as a media person, that these would be headlines about the clearing without a doubt, and about her that the operation in the kursk region, this.. . not
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the occupation, but the creation of a buffer zone, this should have been the headlines in both the national and foreign media, we have tatarov, who killed, i will not repeat who, well, chechens, zelensky did not like it, by the way, we will look at this fragment now, this dialogue of zelenskyi with roman kravets from ukrainian pravda, this is in principle... this is the dialogue that probably demonstrates the entire atmosphere of the press conference, and here is what was missing, as olga said, was not enough, they did not pull out this press conference with headlines, and the headlines are the same and memes about the tatarov have appeared, let's see this enchanting dialogue at the press conference of roman kravets and volodymyr zelenskyi. i once asked you about the ukrainian truth.
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about your team, and you said then about five or six effective managers, now in we have a huge problem with the economy, with energy, and with law enforcement, i was talking about the president's office, not the country's team, you have already published a lot, by the way, articles about five or six managers, you have such a method, i thought all this went down with yanukovych, what is it called, the word, and the temniks, the temniks, i understand that you, what kind of temniks you are talking about, must have... light in your eyes to see what they are telling you. let's continue on your question about the team, i'd like to just have you rate, so if you can, rate what? may i finish the question? the third, no, the last, the one, the second that you interrupted me. well , here volodymyr oleksandrovych plays the role of such a prosecutor or a teacher at the institute of journalism, and takes the exam in a novel. on
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kravets, but in fact, this is the word he forgot, temniks, it existed during the time of president zelenskyi, we remember this story with ukrinform and oleksiy matsuk, how they tried to manage this state agency, and temniks were just there, and not in the ukrainian truth, as zelensky said in the direction of roman kravets. yanina, how do you like this, this dialogue and in general, what he testifies to is that zelenskyi... still tries in some way to reprimand ukrainian journalists that they do not completely understand what is happening in the state, but western journalists understand more, and ukrainian journalists live there behind some of his own dungeons, and for some reason these dungeons live in the head of zelenskyi himself, well, first of all, i will say that what we see from a positive point of view, what we see volodymyr zelenskyi at a press conference, without a prompter,
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speechwriters. helpers of those daily videos, which he writes down, reading from the prompter, are quite balanced, quite structured and correctly done, accented correctly, his speeches abroad, which are applauded by the world, wherever he is in the white house or in the european parliament, these are the texts that are written, which volodymyr zelensky reads from a prompter, and who he is at the press conference is who volodymyr zelensk is. in fact, that is why it is such a very honest story, analyzing which, it becomes sad first of all, in conclusion, regarding the relationship between journalists and zelenskyi, it becomes shameful for the fact that zelensky does not respect journalists, he still believes that journalists are people who work for the oligarch, whose teams build the editorial policy, and they must implement
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it, that is, the impression is that we... violate the rules according to which zelenskyi is used to existing in the information world, in particular on the marathon tv channel, which currently forms the backbone of information policy, where everything exists exactly according to those that zelenskyi said about, well, as for the temniks, listen, well, it’s funny, clearly zelenskyi had aggression towards the novel, because that, that i have read more than one article written primarily by you, serhiy, regarding ukrinform and the temniks, a tsindal story, let’s not delve into it now, which did not come as a surprise to journalists, but to public civil society, well, it was so unpleasant, yes, but most tv channels, what you are watching now, friends, on television, not on the internet, not private tv channels, not independent journalism, such as, for example, ukrainian pravda, and espresso, and what we do is not on us...


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