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tv   [untitled]    August 31, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EEST

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large robberies, we managed to destroy the command post of the kadyrivtsi, including their commander, and near the village of durovka to defeat and capture the marines from the 810th brigade. developing an offensive in the direction of the villages of kromski biky and velike soldatskoe, the defense forces left behind a number of forces in which russian troops remained. so this week there is a sweep of the areas that are actually under our control. that's how it was eliminated. the garrison in malia lokhna, and the defenders of martynivka fled. the villages of kauchuk, sheptukhivka, mushrooms, biryukivka and others. until the garrisons of these settlements are cleared or captured, it will be difficult for the armed forces not only to move forward, but even to fully control this territory. on the eastern flank of our offensive, the defense forces concentrated not so much on advancing forward as on securing the flanks and expanding beyond. of that
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territory, in particular the successfully fought battles in pushkarny and russian konopelka. instead, the russians strengthen their contingent in kurshchyna and carry out a series of counterattacks on the eastern and northern flanks, especially in veliky soldatsky district. however , it seems that they do not believe in their capabilities, and therefore strengthen the fortification of kursk and korchatov, but not rylsk or lhovo. residents of the right bank of the sejm are called by the russians to evacuate. and those who live on the left bank are asked to reach the right bank on their own, and only then will they be evacuated. at the same time, the armed forces do not stop trying to enter the enemy's territory in several places in bryansk region and belgorod region. we win daily, death to enemies. and we already have oleksandr kovalenko, military and political columnist of the information resistance group. congratulations, oleksandr. congratulations. and before we talk
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directly about the hostilities, well , given that our week started with such a massive raid, it was, you know, interesting to hear from president zelensky that ukraine now has its own ballistic missile, and it became interesting as well again, what could this be about, can you tell us a little bit about it? well, actually, i don't know what it's about, because there was no name or description. not the president during the press conference, well, it is difficult to assume there were some cuts, so by 2022 we had the development of the operational-tactical missile complex grym-2, and this particular missile, this particular complex, was at the test stage at the time when the full-scale invasion of ukraine began, and which what was his fate later, nothing is known at all. that is, all the information about it, it
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is from 2019, firstly, it was minimized, there was even information that this project was closed in general, but it could not be fully closed for at least one axis the reason for this is that the investments in this project were saudi, that is, it was saudi arabia that also ordered this otrk for itself, and at least to fulfill obligations for connection with the supply of this complex of this country, these works should have been completed, but since the 22nd year there is no information, russian occupation resources, propaganda resources since the 22nd year have from time to time declared that their positions are being shelled by the thunder otrk -2, but no verified proof of this has been presented, because any rocket, especially if we are talking about operational-tactical. missile system, it
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leaves behind something, besides, of course, the killed occupiers, also, well, for example, the same engine, ah, when the first atakams missile strikes were made against the positions of the russian occupiers in 2023, the russians were the engine itself and was presented as evidence that ukraine uses atakams, but no evidence that we... used grim 2 at the positions of the russian occupiers was presented, no spare parts or elements of this particular missile were presented, so i do not rule out that the missile that volodymyr zelenskyy spoke about, it could be a missile of some new type with new characteristics, with new indicators, but still no one would refuse the base that is already available, that is, the development of grom 2, it... it
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could completely to become the foundation for the further development of a new ballistic missile, or perhaps this is exactly the thunder-2, but with significantly different characteristics due to the use of western ones. technologies, well, what do you think, they could hardly do anything from scratch, can i still, why, no, why, why do it from scratch when there is already a developed ballistic missile, as when there is a project, and it can be based on the very architecture of the missile and used already with some completely different elements, the problem of thunder 2 was that it was created when we did not had access to western technologies. they were minimized, limited, so we had to go with what we have, ah, and of course, now that we have more access to western technology in the matter of the missile industry as well, it can be really much
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a better missile, precisely because of this, but still, which is based accordingly on an architecture that has already been tested in its time, if you ... fantasize, what distance can we talk about? a minimum of 500 km, why i say a minimum of 500 km, because the thunder 2 itself already had a limit of 500 km, specifically for use by the ukrainian forces, for the saudi customer, this is according to the international requirements for the export of missile technology of missile weapons, this is 300 km, and at that time we already had this limit of 500 km, but even at the time when we even... did not have access to western technologies in sufficient quantity and volume, options for increasing this distance were already considered in the future, i.e. more than 500 km, so i say minimum, it can be 700 and 800, even 1000 , well, if we say that this is also information about such
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an unmanned missile, the polyanytsia, which also appeared in our country, what can you say about it, how much is it? can be far, how it can be widely applied? yes , that's the point, that's the information, again, well there is almost none, except that we only know about this sentence, that it has a turbojet engine, that is, its speed is much higher than the speed of the average kamikaze drone, which is used by the defense forces of ukraine on the territory of the russian federation, now we already see that our drones, they can overcome distance of 1000 km, two, even 2.5, i don't think that the meadow, it can overcome 2,500 km, because after all, there are completely different fuel consumption indicators, it is consumed much faster, since it is a turbojet engine, but on the other hand ,
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they cover distances much faster, and this, let’s say, shortens the time period for the russians to react to this threat, for example, if we are talking about airfields, then the same morozovsk airfield, pilots have been on duty there recently, they have been on duty, and when drones took off from our airfields in the direction of morozivsk, when they received the first information that drones were being detected, on the flight of drones, they raised their planes, i.e. there was an alarm, the pilots on duty, who were on duty, raised aircraft su 34 and rebase. it was in the brain, and there were not always enough pilots, and those planes that remained in morozivsk were directly flown by our drones, but they tried to minimize losses among their combat planes in this way, in the case
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of a fire, they will have much less time to react to these threats, and it will reach morozovska much faster and inflict damage. single strikes on a given object, and this applies not only to airfields, it applies to almost all those targets in which the destruction of which we are interested, by the way, even oil depots, a very interesting moment, because they are now trying to protect their own, when it concerns, for example, the same glade, then this is all rebasing, it somehow has no meaning anymore, so in principle no, it isn't, but it makes it difficult. also the possibility of using the same tactically the same tactical aircraft, because there is more forest and it needs more fuel, it uses up more resource, less payload can take a plane of the
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same bombs to fly to the very same locations, where these bombs will be dropped, and so on and so on, but the fact that now... there is such a refusal, they say, why do you want to attack the territory of the russian federation, they are rebasing their aviation in other directions, well i do not agree with this, if only because we not only attack airfields on... there are warehouses with ammunition, there are command posts, control posts, headquarters, after all, military units, warehouses with equipment, where exactly are the atakams, they would show themselves very, very effectively, and the kamikaze drone, well, when there is one accumulation of equipment, for example, there are 50 units, 70 units of equipment, well, somehow with one drone they hit, hitting... some vehicles or even bbm there, well, it’s so damaged, okay, but when
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an atakams cluster combat unit crumbles over such a large amount of equipment, then dozens of units were damaged at the same time and even dozens of units of this equipment were destroyed, so the refusal, to put it mildly, it is so unprofessional, let's call it that, well, let's still talk about... the main story, probably, that is being discussed now , all of this the capture of novohorodivka is very quick, well , in almost three days, we hoped that it would be longer, and here, let’s start with why novohorodivka is actually so important, why this news is so irritating, well , there was a capture there in less than three days, the first assault actions in the south-eastern ... in the vicinity of novogrodivka began on august 21, and now the russians
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are actually at the railway junction, that is, they do not yet control the area of ​​​​the mines and they do not control the novogrodivka tarikones, but they are almost close to them approached, that is, they control approximately 95% of the city itself, and this is really such an unpleasant, unpleasant surprise, because... that grodivka and novogrodivka they could enter the general line of defense. grodovka due to the fact that it is located on the zhurafka river, which is a natural obstacle, and in the event of the destruction of all bridges and the withdrawal of our troops to the very right bank of the zhuravka, this would allow us to hold this line of defense, well, for example, as it is now in the current yar the canal is kept, and on the right bank of the canal,
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how is the defense holding up, and below, there are already reservoirs and cascades, reservoirs, lakes, reservoirs, and this also prevented the russian invaders from effectively conducting offensive actions, and all these are natural obstacles, they close directly to novogrodivka, which already has artificial barriers, this the railway, it's in... the railway, it's directly the mines and it's artificial heights, it's terekons, one of the highest in this location, almost 90 m, and therefore all of this would create a barrier that would slow down, and perhaps he would have stopped the russians' onslaught, but this it didn’t happen, i’m really surprised that novogrodivka... was so quickly captured by the russian invaders, although
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i ’m not surprised by anything in the turetsko-pokrov direction, because ocheretyne also had the opportunity to hold its defense for several months, but it was captured in a few days , and in the area of ​​turetska, the eastern borders, the eastern lines of defense between horlivka and turetska, directly in the shuma area, they were formed in such a way as to hold the offensive for a long time. the actions of the enemy could also last for several months, but they were captured in a few days to a depth of 2.5 km along a front of 5.5 km, so the turkish-pokrov direction is kind of, well , i don’t know, very strange in terms of the introduction of hostilities, but here the question is not so much about military servicemen, precisely rank-and-file, a little to other personnel, because the guys there are... it's true, they hold on, they get the most out of each position, but there are
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nuances already with management, management, the very conduct of hostilities. well, the point is that regarding all the points you mentioned, and reeds, and noises, and novogrodivka, well, you can it would be like to say that these are unorganized positions on which it is impossible to fight, but when we talk about these points, we are talking, unfortunately, about organized positions. that is , precisely arranged positions were left, and here the question arises, after all, why, why does this happen, even if there are some? well, at least some versions of what should have happened? no, well, this is known, for example, any option when to raise, the same turk, the turkish agglomeration, the simultaneous rotation of two combat-ready experienced brigades, here is the answer, who does it at the same time, and here is the failure of the defense right next to turkish, the west of the russian occupiers is very
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fast within the limits of the agglomeration itself, the same situation was near ochere. by the way, there was an immediate rotation, an immediate rotation of a combat-ready unit, and the russians took advantage of this, well , you know, it’s a kind of walking on a rake, because we ’ve been hearing about such delights during the rotation, well, since the 22nd year, it’s just some kind of recurring such a story, and the second story that repeats itself is the movement of the russians. along the railway, when for some reason they are moving there and for some reason every time it is some kind of news literally that they are there they will move, and they will certainly pass there, and somehow no one is for it, it is a classic of the soviet offensive, it is a classic of the soviet offensive, that is, anyone who has studied or encountered precisely the soviet strategy, tactics of
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conducting military operations, it is all connected precisely on the railway, the entire movement of russian... troops, it completely coincides with the soviet one, that is, it is a movement along the railway, it is explained by many factors, by the way, it is not absurd, and it is not only logistics, as you can imagine that it logistics, that's another related to the soils, where the railway is laid, there are more or less stable soils, and in this connection, the advancement there for the mechanized component. it is more, let's say, comfortable, that's why railways were always used in soviet tactics, as the main directions of road and railway advancement, well, as you can assume, well, who should be responsible, who should ensure that , so that every
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time it is not news that they will move ironically. along the railway somehow be ready to this fact, and secondly, in order not to lose prepared positions after all, who was responsible for this, at what level should this responsibility be? well, you are talking about the level of responsibility, but it is also at my level to blame someone, there are competent bodies for this, which conduct the appropriate investigation and draw the appropriate conclusions, but regarding the order. turkish, well it is known, this person is no longer in his position, he was dismissed from his position, but nevertheless he should also to be responsible for these failed decisions that were made, then regarding novogrodnivka, well, here again, each case requires a separate investigation, because we are
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not talking about, well, actually, not about any jokes, this is serious, there now... it is necessary to understand that we are in the stage of a defensive -type strategy, as the goal is to exhaust the enemy. how can you exhaust the enemy? you can exhaust the enemy by turning every meter of our territory into hell for them, so that they lose much more resources than we do. each is populated point, every village should turn into hell for them, and in fact, in part, it is. the north has turned into hell for them, the robotic ledge has turned into hell for them, the northern direction, this is hell for them, again, the seryobyan forestry, the kupin estuary axis, they have many such locations where they lose a huge amount of resources and cannot in any way achieve any kind of success, in turn
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the turkish-pokrov direction is dissonant, in fact it is dissonant. there are some locations where for the russians, there is really a meat grinder there now, well, for example, grodivka, it really turned into a meat grinder, a lift, a meat grinder, now they are trying to get to seledov, they are storming seledov, but it has turned into a meat grinder for them , and novogrodivka, yes, it was difficult for them to pass, but novogrodivka did not turn into the hell it could have become for them, just like ucheretina, but... karlivka, karlivka near the karliv reservoir, yes, turned into this hell , they can't do anything with him now, they constantly they are storming karlivka, but we can see that their result is zero, they are trying to bypass it now by moving from novogorodivka to the south, and there are many dissonances right here, and it is still necessary
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to understand, to understand who is to blame in these dissonances, which arise because somewhere it is a really powerful defense, and somewhere, well , to put it mildly, something very strange is happening, well, what are the prospects of pokrovsk's defense after the loss of novogorodivka? in my opinion, now the main goal of the russians is to create a southern flank, after they entered the novogrodivka, but if they continue their movement directly in the direction of pokrovsk, then they will have a problem with the southern and northern flanks, well, the northern flank is more or less tied there to the line, the same route 05:11 in the zdvizhanka. they are not so concerned about him, especially taking into account the turkish agglomeration, where the fighting will begin now, but the southern flank, especially taking into account not only seledov, but also
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taking into account hirnyk, izmaivka, kurakhivka, zoryan, that is, they are accepted by what is there there may be a breakthrough through the karliv reservoir and north along the vovcha river, and then the russians may find themselves in... surrounded, so they will now be engaged in the formation of the southern flank, and it will take some time, that is, the main attack on pokrovsky itself, he can to be postponed, well , somewhere around the end of september to the beginning of october, although we have encountered unpredictability and neglect of human resources on the part of russian commanders more than once, because now they are not conducting regrouping at all, they they constantly create conditions for offensive actions, their intensity is constant. hostilities in one or another direction, so it is quite possible that they will try to continue moving in the pokrovsky direction immediately, although again, without the formation of the southern flank
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, they will not dare to start a full-fledged offensive and storm pokrovsky. well, let's hope that they won't be able to move quickly after that, but you see, the hopes are not very high. thanks to oleksandr kovalenko, the military-political observer of the information resistance group was with us. well, we are we have to go now for a... break and come back with another guest, after that again. there are discounts until independence day on bionorm detox, 10% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts until independence day on valeriana bolgarska, 10% at travel pharmacies for you and savings. do you suffer from heartburn? i recommend izoto. isota interacts with the acid in the stomach, which leads to a reduction in the symptoms of pachia. isotaa is yours. yes, if heartburn bothers you. until independence day, there are 20% discounts on ocyn baths in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts until independence day on imodium, 20% in pharmacies
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travel, bam and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of broadcast. time, two hours of your time, my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front-line, component, serhiy zurets, and what is the world like? yuriy fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine, yuriy, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchavka next to me and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of our favorite presenters, cultural news, our artto viewer is ready to say good evening to the presenters, who have become like movrodnidenko to many already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar
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people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, have a good day. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. new week. espresso. weekly summary information and analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion. spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with krystyna yatskiv and andriy smoly every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. magazine. who joined the zsu, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main
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events. leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. we return to the chronicles of the war. don't forget our drone fee and rep. and we are joined by the fighter pozivnym gus, an aerial reconnaissance friend. of the battalion of the 68th separate hunting brigade, congratulations, thank you have joined, welcome to our airwaves, have a good day, and i guess, since you are also in the pokrovsky direction, we just talked about it, tell me what is happening there now, what is the situation, what is the situation, because we are only hearing about it , that actually there are a lot of assaults, what, what kind of assaults, what is an assault?
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uh, well, actually, the situation does not change, for several weeks, if not more. assaults are coming, mainly infantry, er, the enemy has not used mass equipment for a long time, because we are still in the spring, it was in april, may, eh, when they went in columns, they were tank columns, there were armored vehicles, we very actively destroyed them... and artillery, fired fpv with drones, they changed their tactics and switched to the tactics of small infantry groups, that is, combat reconnaissance, two or three four people, two-three-four fighters go and try, that is, to seize, well, to reconnoitre first and then to seize our positions already in larger
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groups, now we see that... that the enemy is already sending groups such as one or two detachments, 10 men, 20 men are going, well, to capture one of our positions or even all of them landing, that is, well, as far as i understand, from what i know, they are strengthening the infantry component, not weakening, but strengthening, that is, you can even say that they are charging some additional people in general. to you there, yes, well, it turns out that yes, as far as i understand, yes, and tell me, well, when, when they try to do it, now there is, you can somehow distribute it like this, that more at night, there, more during the day there, i.e. when, or whether it already depends somehow on the weather, on the hour, the day, as it is now, depends, depends on very many factors, and of course... they try
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to do it more often, well, yes, mainly according to my observations , there have been no changes in this regard for a long time, closer to the morning, they try to go closer to the morning, so they have changes there, a change in their, it is obvious, if, well, their calculations, their teams, well, at the same time... they come forward to storm our positions sometime early in the morning, this often happens. well, how does this affect our defense, i.e., what then, when it comes to these small infantry groups, what should we use then? drones, there are some other ammunitions, there are artillery, i.e., how better to deal with this, actually, well...


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