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tv   [untitled]    August 31, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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select crews, multi-rotor crews , aircraft-type crews and aircraft strike-type crews, the first group is already performing a combat mission, we use the latest technologies on the battlefield, as michael said, we work closely with everyone, with most ukrainian manufacturers and are always open to , to work with new ones, we use. this technique on the battlefield, analyze what happened, how, how successful our operations were, and then draw conclusions about strengths and weaknesses. and a new threat: three people died in kyiv due to west nile fever, and since the beginning of summer , 17 patients have already been hospitalized in the capital hospital. among the patients, ten men and seven women, the department of protection reported. the health of the kyiv
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city state administration in ukraine classified the west nile virus in the first group of particularly dangerous, it is a viral disease transmitted through the bites of mosquitoes, well, there are certain types of mosquitoes, let's say, today he tried to update this information about certain types of mosquitoes, and mosquitoes in turn become infected during feeding on the blood of infected migratory birds, since the source and reservoir of west nile fever in nature are certain. mainly migratory birds, a person infected with this viral disease is not contagious. protect yourself from mosquitoes. bombs, radios, parts of the fuselage and elements of the parachute system. all these exhibits can be seen in the museum of dead planes in the lviv region. there, the researchers gathered in one collection the debris from the summer of various planes, which are like kip. air birds are collected and where they
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are found and how they are found, kateryna will tell oil varnish. and all the locals said that a plane crashed on this mountain, but no one wanted to take them there. we had no doubt that he had fallen there, because even the roofs of local barns were made of aluminum. andriy reshtun tells the story of the expedition to the village of bogrivka in the ivano-frankivsk region. there, the researcher found a german bomber, which was shot down by soviet anti-aircraft guns in 1941, the wreckage of the aircraft carrier fell in a bullet-riddled debris, and it turned out that there really was a plane, this is the junker 88th, it had technical damage and it could not fly mountain, he dropped the bombs to be lighter, it didn't help him much, he circled a little more and fell nearby, the pilots survived, they even scratched their names on the rock on the spot there, and you can still see them now. in 2020...
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a team of researchers opened a museum of dead planes. in the village of khorosno, in the lviv region, remnants of military equipment from the second world war are being collected. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia, the exposition is replenished with artifacts from the combat zone. the engine from shahed was handed over to the museum shelf, the helmet of a russian pilot and shell casings. we have been looking for planes since 2018 and have found them during this time. more than 80 different planes, that’s a lot, but our museum presents 12 of the most characteristic planes that flew at that time, there are soviet ones, il-2, sb-2, there are many german ones, and henkels, junkers, but there are even two american ones . a team of enthusiasts is looking for destroyed aircraft on the territory of western ukraine. researchers arrive at the disaster sites in lviv. ivano-frankivsk,
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rivne and transcarpathian regions. expedition members explore the area with metal detectors, dig up finds and wash them. planes help to find local residents. we are interested in the number of the plane , the pilot's token, what kind of board it was, what kind of people died, why and, if possible, to install a commemorative plaque, plus describe it on the internet. over four years, several thousand visitors and exhibits visited the museum. are of interest to both ordinary people and aviation experts, nato pilots, aerial scouts and drone manufacturers, the museum is open every weekend, tours for tourists, conducted by founder. kateryna oliynyk, volodymyr studenny, espresso tv channel. you must visit such a museum in the lviv region, but we will return to eter in a moment. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna. yatskiv, andriy smoliy and
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invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow? see the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso.
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good evening, we are from ukraine. so, we continue the great ether, and it's time to talk about events that happened outside the borders of our state, there is a lot of interesting stuff to talk about, yuriy fizer has prepared the most important thing for you, yuriy, good evening, please. good evening to you, vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us at this time. today , unfortunately, the eu did not cancel the ban on shelling deep into the territory of russia, as the national security adviser of the us president, jake salevan, spoke about in china. and the president of serbia oleksandr vučić is not ashamed of his relations with russia, about this and the other in a moment. to begin with, the ministers of foreign affairs did not unblock
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member states of the european union during yesterday's meeting in brussels could not make a decision on allocating 6 billion euros of military aid to ukraine. assistance from the european peace fund. this was announced by the chief european diplomat josep borel during the final press conference. according to him, the leadership of hungary did not cancel its veto on the allocation of this amount to eu member states to compensate for their arms supplies to ukraine. mr. borel called this position of hungary unacceptable. it is interesting that the head of european diplomacy said that he once again figured out how to bypass this hungarian veto, but added that he could not tell the details yet. publicly, they also talked about the possibility of canceling the ban on shelling military targets with western weapons, which are located deep in the territory of russia, and this is what was agreed or not agreed upon, we will hear josep borel in his first direct speech. yes,
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we discussed the possibility of canceling restrictions on the range of use of weapons provided to ukraine. ultimately came to the conclusion that it should be a decision of each individual country, member of the european no rockets, so in this case they should not participate in such discussions, but in other countries they say that we will decide for ourselves whether to cancel such a permit or not, so there was no general decision at the european level, it’s a pity, that there was no general solution, but it is good that there is a resolution. other countries to act at their own discretion, that is, if a country allows the use of its weapons, well, then we will use them, and this is what joseph borel said the day before after a meeting with by the ministers of foreign affairs of the member states of the european union, and today he met with
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the ministers of defense, and let's see what he said about this today, let's hear josep borel in his second direct speech. ridiculous talk that the permission to fire at targets on russian territory means a war with russia, we are not at war with moscow, we support ukraine, it is attacked from russian territory, therefore according to international law it can respond by attacking the places from which it is fired, so it's not surprising, you can agree with it or disagree, but it does not mean that we are at war with moscow, we support ukraine, but where... some leaders of some european states do think that this could lead to war with russia, although they may they don't think so, they just want to be friends with russia, they want russian gas, they want russian oil and so on, and they still want to receive what they are currently not receiving due to western sanctions. well, it is also interesting that the head
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of european diplomacy, josé borel, is also said that diplomacy is considered in brussels as the main tool for achieving peace in ukraine, a peaceful end to the russian war in our country and added that in the eu, at the same time, only the ukrainian peace plan is being considered, which he called zelenskyi's plan. and he said that if we want a just peace and a just world, this plan alone must underlie any action aimed at ending the war. the european union is too weak to protect hungary and slovakia from kyiv's actions blocking the transit of russian oil, or uses ukraine specifically to put pressure on these countries. this is the minister of foreign affairs. hungary's peter szijjarto said after a meeting with his colleagues in brussels, this is how he reacted to the fact that in the eu, as he
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himself called it, the inaction of the leadership in the matter of stopping the transit of oil of a russian company through its territory through ukraine. at the same time, minister siyartos accused the leaders of certain european states of continuing to secretly bypass the introduced western sanctions, to buy russian oil. and then there is a quote from the minister of foreign affairs of hungary. there is india, which has increased imports from russia 70 times, and the eu is the number one importer of indian oil today. this is the end of the quote, and there is no reaction from official brussels to this statement. well, at least not yet, at least not until i saw her. china's support of the russian defense-industrial complex affects transatlantic security, he said during a meeting with the minister of foreign affairs pidnebe. in beijing , the us president's national security adviser jake said salevan. according to him, they discussed
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many issues related to the russian war in ukraine, but the adviser added that he failed to agree on a joint plan to end the bloodshed in ukraine during the meeting. he reminded that the position of the united states of america on this issue remains unchanged. ukraine itself must decide how to settle the conflict peacefully. well , jake salvan also met with the minister of defense of the celestial empire, they talked about a lot of things, and during this conversation the head of the defense of the ministry of foreign affairs told jake salvon that the united states of america should not do what it is doing now, giving arms to taiwan, because it does not lead to peace, although, the minister said, it is china who wants this peace, it wants a peaceful reunification with taiwan , a little more about china, china's leadership. hopes that the government of the united states of america will find the right way to establish relations between the two countries, said
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this during a meeting with the us president's national security adviser jake salvan, said and the leader of the celestial xijin pin. according to him , great changes have taken place in sino-american relations, and sometimes not for the better . at the same time, mr. xi assured the american envoy that china's commitment is to the goal of stable, healthy and sustainable sino-american relations. remains unchanged. i will remind you that jake sullivan was the first of 100 to come to china in 2016, the first adviser to the us president on national security. susan rice, who worked under barack obama's administration, was the last guest to visit him in china that morning. serbia does not desire and intention to justify relations with russia and is proud of his decision. on non-adherence to the anti-russian sanctions of the west.
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serbian president aleksandar vucic said this during a joint press conference with french president emmanuel macron in belgrade. according to the head of this balkan state, his country adheres to the charter of the united nations and checks all its steps and decisions in accordance with it. but - says mr. vuchich. first of all, he thinks about the people of serbia, and at the same time he adds a quote from mr. vučić. i know that... emanuel would like us to introduce sanctions against russia, but we did not do it and we are not ashamed of our decisions, and i do not want to make excuses for this in front of you, i explain my political steps to my own people, i explain, and the people probably understand these steps understands, since oleksandr vuchich has been in power for a long time. lukashenko again spoke about the possible use or non-use of the belarusian language. army in the russian war in ukraine, he said this during the meeting, which was
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devoted to topical issues of the belarusian of information policy, in particular , the self-proclaimed spoke about the fact that the new information tv channel, which should be created in the country, and which, according to the same lukashenka, will be the most honest, will have to tell the citizens of the country about the truth about various aspects of life, in particular, says the once successful head of a collective farm and about the war in ukraine, which he... calls a conflict, at the same time he accused the western mass media of distorting all the information, including about the participation of belarus in this war, and added that added, let's go...
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and that's it, but he already once said that only belarusian combine harvesters and tanks, tractors, tractors, tractors, and combine harvesters and tractors, and harvesters and tractors, sorry, not tanks, will enter ukraine across the border from belarus to ukraine he said that, but as you can see, but he says, we will fight when they come to us with bad intentions, so the russian army came to you with bad intentions to attack ukraine, something in you lacked the courage to fight with them and somehow defend, but i want to to tell you that i don't think he's ever now... really will not give such an order to use the belarusian army in the russian war with ukraine, he simply sees what putin's army is doing, this putin's recklessness in ukraine, how they are dying, they are dying ingloriously there, and it is not clear why they are dying, so he will not give the order to use the belarusian army, he will be as cunning as an ear, he will avoid any decisions, and by
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the way, today lukashenka turned 70, under other circumstances, i would not even congratulate him... today, and finally, she is still burning, although the area of ​​a strong fire is smaller oil depot in prolytarsk, which is the rostov region, has significantly decreased, the regional office of the ministry of emergency situations reported on this, the exact area of ​​the fire is not indicated, but it is reported that there are currently no new fires in fuel tanks. let me remind you that the fire at this oil depot started on the night of august 18, i.e. 12 days ago as a result. the fall of the wreckage of the ukrainian drone. earlier it was reported that the area of ​​the fire at the oil depot reached 10,000 square meters. it still burns, and let it burn, and let it not only burn. well, for today i have everything in the rubric the world about ukraine is only for today, there will be more next week, well, there will be more in our future broadcast, so don't
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switch. and a lot of interesting, important information about money, today we will hear from oleksandr morchyvka, today's economic results of the week. oleksandr, please, good evening. congratulations to vasyl, good evening to the viewers, indeed, the focus of attention this week is energy, and you will also learn about land auctions and decisions of the national bank. everything in detail in a moment. really. the week began with a massive ukrainian attack energy infrastructure, vasyl, and indeed the enemy will not stop, in fact, and continues to undermine such central objects of our critical infrastructure. well, it is clear that this week it was reported that there was a fight at the substations connected to the nuclear power units, trying to cut off
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the production of current from its distribution to the network, which did not lead to local accidents, but... just a miracle and happiness in fact, but there is no threat of a breach of the dam for the kyiv hydroelectric power station, there will be no flooding of the territory, because the enemy also aimed at hydro infrastructure. this was reported by the general director of ukrhydroenergo ihor syrota. no employees were injured in the august 26 attack on the station, the top manager added. he also reported that ukrhydroenergo lost more than 40% of electricity production. by stations. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion , about 130 blows were inflicted on the company, kakhovska hydroelectric power plant is now lost, dniprovska is not working, other hydroelectric plants are in the process of restoration. well, this week it became known that the cabinet canceled a number of taxes and customs procedures for importing equipment for
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alternative energy, prime minister of ukraine denys shmyhal spoke about it within the framework of the ukraine forum. 2024 independence this week , this event continued in the capital, according to the prime minister, the cabinet of ministers is also constantly working on restoring the energy sector damaged by the enemy. let's listen to the direct speech. the key task is to actually get through the next winter, to provide energy to critical infrastructure, people and our economy. there are three large-scale vectors of work here: the first is large-scale generation and distribution, repairs from construction once again, reconstruction, we do it constantly after every terrorist attack by the russians, billions of hryvnias are allocated , equipment is imported into ukraine, and it goes. i won't and can't name the details today, they also informed that the preparation plan for the heating season will be
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reviewed before winter, taking into account the massive attack on the energy industry on august 26. well, for those who prepared, in particular, took advantage of an interesting initiative, it is possible to save current and will also save money. state program from the exchange of incandescent lamps according to lamps ran out, the ministry of economy reported that during this initiative it was possible to exchange 40 million light bulbs, they were provided by the european union within the framework of the program to support our energy industry, people did this in ukrposhta branches, later schools, hospitals, then cultural institutions, condominiums joined the exchange , libraries and museums. now to the finances. tax increase for banks is canceled by the head of the specialized parliamentary committee. danylo gitmantsev removed this issue from the agenda of the committee against the ministry of finance, the nbu and the imf spoke. governments and partners are concerned about
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the possibilities of financial institutions to invest in domestic government debt bonds. banks are now actively buying these government bonds. in this way, they support the budget. therefore, an additional tax can essentially hinder such a financial instrument. as ovdp. according to forecasts , it is possible to attract more than uah 200 billion by the end of this year alone thanks to bonds. let me remind you that last year taxes for banks were already increased for international partners, in particular, for the international monetary fund reported that this was a one-time action so far. later, this question was removed. also, from october 1, the national bank sets a temporary monthly limit of uah 150,000. on card transfers, as early as may , the deputy chairman of the nbu, dmytro oliynyk, explained this by the need for such restrictions, in particular due to
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certain fictitious transfers, so-called p2 transfers, fictitious schemes, which are now called drops among experts. the nbu estimates the volume of such fictitious card transactions at uah 200 billion per year. so the regulator. decided to stop these schemes to avoid the withdrawal of money into the shadows. and the auctions for the lease of state agricultural land for transparent sale have started, the first 16 land plots from the state land bank have appeared. vitaliy koval, head of the state property fund, announced this. by the end of the year, it is planned to put up for electronic auction almost 100,000 hectares in 20 regions of our country, in particular in... khmelnytskyi, kirovohradskyi, kyivskyi and zaporizhzhya. it is expected that the budget will receive almost a billion hryvnias from this. 700 entrepreneurs received
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compensation for the employment of immigrants. this is a figure from the beginning of the year, deputy minister of economy tetyana berezhna said. the size of the payment is now 800 hryvnias. this is the minimum wage, and this amount is paid within three months. in order to receive such funds, the employer must conclude an employment contract with an internally displaced person, submit an application for receiving funding through the diya portal, or take it in paper form to the employment center. the purpose of such a program is to speed up the adaptation of people who were forced to move to safer regions and increase the level of employment among the population, well, in this way, at least for the first three months, but also help the employer, stimulate the employer. to take in displaced persons for work, well, that's the end, manufacturers can already submit their applications for participation in
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the national cashback program, they say, it's easy to do through the diya portal, minister of economy yuliya svyridenko said. the initiative should become part of the made in ukraine campaign, it supports our entrepreneurs. money to the consumer will be provided for... an online card, but not for all goods, for example, for alcoholic products, this program does not work, for this, a person essentially has to stock up, so to speak, save up in national chains that have already joined the campaign , let me remind you, this is atb, auchan ukraine, and novus, so there is still some criticism. of this state program, among the people's deputies, not all of them support it, well, we talked in the studio this week of ilyana skhodovska joined the conversation, he is also
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not enough yet... so positively evaluates national cashback, says that consumers already buy in networks, if we speak in retail networks, food products of ukrainian production and to give some kind of motivation, to drop money for the fact that a person buys anyway, well, it is somehow illogical here, in my opinion it would be interesting if the national cashback program applied more to industrial goods, those goods that ukrainians don't buy so often, but if they did... and they were ukrainian ones, for example, they could be goods of light industry, er, than food products, well, this is another initiative that is already receiving certain point-by-point clarifications, let's see how it will work from september 2 and how, what motivation will consumers, ukrainians, have. this was the last information from the world of money for today, i will say goodbye to you, the big broadcast continues,
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there will be more, watch us, thank you very much to oleksandr, who summed up the economic results of the week, the situation is not easy, you know, i read the historian, political scientist yevhen magda , who said that this, this fall, this winter, as the president once said, that each of us president, each of us must be an energy worker, take care as much as possible to ensure that he is warm and peaceful. and i will even say here that it is easier for every family to survive as much as possible, plus now the question of the possible, possible number of so-called energy refugees from ukraine is on the agenda in the countries of the european union, for example, the united states of america is clearly asking our neighbors, the poles, in particular, and not only hungarians, slovaks there, but what will you do if hundreds of thousands more people leave ukraine, this is an urgent question, and... oleksandr about it
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says, we will talk about it, and we will also talk about the fact that we can contribute with our donations to the fact that this war stops altogether, because when the enemy is destroyed, there is no war. of course, it is difficult to destroy all the enemies, but you have to do your job, and the soldiers do it and ask for our help. the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund have opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate. assault brigade, as well as for the 110th and 47th mechanized brigades armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. the brigades urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones, that is, drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. and with your
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help, we have already collected almost. remember that each of your donations is important, so join in, you can see all the details on the screen. good health, dear ukrainians, we are fighters of the first assault battalion of the third crimea of the assault brigade, who will defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small bpolas and komikaji drones. we are asking for your help, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory, let's join in, i will only remind you of the tragic news that there is already information about six dead ukrainians as a result of an enemy strike on kharkiv, it was not one strike, there were five flights and six people died, more than 47 people were injured, the enemy targeted the playground, residential buildings, well actually
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in the civilian housing information. structure, a terrorist state, but unfortunately, as yuriy says in fizer, in the european union they cannot agree on whether to allow strikes on the territory of the enemy or not. antonio tajani, the prime minister of the italian republic, said that we do not allow our weapons to hit russian territory, because rome is not at war with moscow, we know, we are at war with moscow, and we did not want this war, they came here , just let us destroy the enemy, not the civilian population, the enemy in... the killers who are killing us, it's very simple. well, we have another material for your attention. in the carpathians, the fifth run-in of a camp for children from front-line regions this summer has ended. in the upper reaches, the children rested in the mountains, got to know the local cuisine and studied the hutsul dialect. our carpathian colleagues will continue. alina is in a forest camp for the first time.


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