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tv   [untitled]    August 31, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EEST

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because we believe in a suffering god, not the god who is somewhere far away, somewhere in the heavens, in his kingdom, no, but the god who became man, we believe in the son of god, who entered human history, took upon himself human body and voluntarily went to the cross, that is, today we... christians see the suffering christ in the suffering of every person. i want to share my such, maybe my own spiritual experience, you know, when i visit our wounded boys, or even civilians who have been injured by bombings. you know, it's simple some such truly pious awe in front of the guards. given by people in ukraine, in whom
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god is really present, sometimes, i caught myself thinking, you know, seeing those wounds, i say to myself, jesus, it is you, i see you in this person, and indeed, today christ is suffering in the body of the suffering ukrainian people, therefore... and the pain and suffering of our savior in the body of a suffering ukrainian motivates christians to acts of mercy, they call us not just to honor human suffering, but to protect human life, that is, it is some kind of, i would say, truly religious motive of all our social service. all
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that we do to protect, save human life in the name of god, this is not some kind of usual, i would say, philanthropy, but it is truly deakonia, that is, service, service to god through service to a needy person, and this is experience, not only my personal one, but the whole... churches, you know, no one ever asked in our communities, in our parishes, what church do you go to, what language do you speak, when we saw a person in need, a wounded person, a refugee, a person , which needs to her to help, to warm, er, is it possible, even to advise, how to proceed in her life, in life , here, and this is the secret. stability. i
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am convinced that this is not an abstract, but a very concrete presence of god among us, in particular, through, through, er, his suffering in the wounds of ukraine, this is a very, very deep, i would say, foundation for the proclamation of christ's gospel today, in ukraine. that is why we say, god is with us. because god is always in the one who suffers. there is such an early christian sermon from the second century, even from the persecuted church, which spoke, says that christ is being killed in everyone, who will be killed until the end of the world. christ was present in joseph, whom he sold into egypt. christ was present in abel, who... was killed by cain in the old testament,
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and today he is present in every person who is in need, infirm, that is why we read in the gospel from matthew about the terrible judgment, says christ, what you did it to one of my least, you did it to me, therefore we christians know where god is present, we we see him, and we want to serve the lord god and our long-suffering but heroic people. thank you, bishop svyatoslav was with us, the head of the ukrainian greek catholic church, and i also congratulate you on the independence day of ukraine and your entire christian community. well, i ask you to stay with the espresso tv channel. it will be interesting later.
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exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics. week nato member countries have huge arsenals, and russia is already on the verge of running out of resources. topics that resonate in our society? this is the question of trump's victory, what is it? analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do, are they able to use, say, the resources of the lukashenka army allied with them? vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, read the entire service, accept my singing. thank you, it was difficult. but i was just curious, but this is absolutely not the same, they help to understand the present and predict future, the united states proposed to enter into a bilateral security agreement with us. a project for those who care and think. politklub, every sunday at 20:00 at espresso.
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greetings, our dear tv viewers, my name is lesya vakulyuk, you are watching the espresso tv channel, and on our tv channel, for the 33rd anniversary of ukraine's independence, we have prepared a project called "bright people in dark times", and as part of this project, we are recording conversations with those people who illuminate the path of our country. today, my guest will be the minister of foreign affairs of poland, radoslav sikorsky, a great friend of ukraine. mr. radoslav, i congratulate you. good day. mr. radoslav, in 1991, when ukraine became independent, you worked as a journalist, writing for the american media. did you write anything about the soviet union then? did you imagine that the end of the soviet union is only
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the beginning, and that many years later you will go to ukraine to bring drones and cars to the front to help ukrainians. in 1991, i was in ukraine in donbas and wrote for the american magazine national review about the fact that ukrainians in eastern ukraine also want independence. and they voted for this independence in your referendum. and it is important to remember that the east of ukraine, as well as...
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russian colonialism, is the last phase of russian colonialism, only when the russians finally understand that rebuilding the empire is impossible, then they will rethink themselves as a post-colonial country. how long will it take for them to realize that rebuilding the russian empire is impossible, at the moment it doesn't look like the russians will start rethinking themselves. i...
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this means that we must continue to support ukraine, you need to hold on a little longer. the war will end when the russian elites , led by putin, realize that its continuation is not worth the money it takes. actually, ukrainians have the impression that the world is made of one.
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it depends on who you ask, i believe that it is very important not only for ukraine to win, but for russia to realize that they lost. this will not be the first lost war. it is necessary to counteract that russian disinformation, as i did in the un security council in march, the security council in the brand, russia is at war crimea, russia lost the crimean war, lost the russo-japanese war, lost the invasion of poland in 1920, lost the first world war, was excluded from it, lost the afghanistan war, lost the chechnya war , lost the cold war, and in fact after each time there were reforms, so the victory in...
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is at an unprecedented level, i ask you to remember this, ukraine received approximately 200 billion euros of aid, more or less half from the eu and the usa, these are gigantic funds. when we fought russia many times, like poland in the 19th and 20th centuries, mostly we fought alone. najwiękssych sawięceń dokonują sami ukraińcy. of course, ukrainians themselves take the biggest part. this bold offensive, which is already being conducted on the territory of russia, in my opinion, restores faith
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in the fact that ukraine can win, that it will have strong cards in the negotiations. i know how difficult it all is, i know how many refugees there are, i know how destroyed the infrastructure is, i know how many ukrainian soldiers have died, how many have not returned for months and years, it is very difficult for you. ilu zołędzery ukraińskich zginęło, ilu jest nie, niezrotowanych, ale it seems to me that putin has made a catastrophic mistake, and he is no longer able to achieve his original goals, putin popędły katastrosne bląże i swoich przywnych cejłów nie jest juzh w stanie pościły. have the feeling that although they are getting help from the world, but it is happening
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somewhat late, because we could have received western weapons earlier, and with a well-trained army, we would have achieved more, don't you think? i agree, i say it to americans and i say it to everyone, so i will say it to you americans are at least six months late with their aid package, but you also... this is for you to decide, we have no right to interfere with how much longer you want to fight, what national accounts you want to achieve, europe must continue its support because russia violated two taboos, statutes. you cannot change the borders by force under
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the pretext of helping your brothers, if she wants to fight for the rights of minorities, which is allowed, then this can be done with the help of the council of europe convention on the protection of the rights of national minorities, not with the help of tanks and rockets. and here europe is interested in ukraine.
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lost, we are economically 20 times more powerful than russia. poland currently spends more than 4% of gdp on defense, by the way, we recently signed a large arms contract for 96 combat helicopters of the apach. most nato countries are also already spending 2% of their gdp on defense, and this will continue, because putin has ended the poster child for the cold war, during which it seemed that we should last. of the soviet union was that brezhnev was giving too much gdp to armaments, and that he cannot allow this to happen, but is doing that alone russia spends 30% of the budget on armaments, this is unacceptable. one german
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military commander said that his internal clock told him that germany should be ready for war in about 5 years. he knows something that we don't. in poland, time limits are being considered when this war can spread to other european countries. as i said, putin would be crazy if he attacked... but he does crazy things, so unfortunately we can't rule that out, he threatened georgia and attacked georgia, threatened ukraine and attacked on ukraine, threatens latvia and poland, and when russia threatens us, we believe it, so we have to take it seriously, that's why we arm ourselves, and that's why nato putin won't win, and that's why putin didn't win, the minister of defense
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of poland recently said, that ukraine will not be in the european union until... it solves the issue surrounding the volyn tragedy. from the very beginning of the full-scale invasion , poland stood shoulder to shoulder with ukraine, did a lot for all of us, and we are very grateful for that, and continues to help. but why? such statements? don't you have the feeling that relations between ukraine and poland have deteriorated now? i think they are very good now, but that's the way it is. between neighbors with a complicated history, there are always some cases that need to be resolved, i hope that everyone in ukraine understands what happened in volyn? cannibalism our bukhavali sejm is called ethnic cleansing with signs of genocide.
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an order was issued to kill 100,000 poles. these poles have their families in poland and do not understand why they cannot start. is never in time, but in a situation when poland is sending the 45th package of military aid, when poland is the most important logistical hub for the vast majority of all western aid to ukraine, for ukraine. when we sheltered a million ukrainian refugees who receive polish
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payments, for example, for children, then ukraine could allow polish archaeologists, polish services to do this work. service in executive work, how long do you think ukraine's path to the eu will last? a lot will depend here, first of all, on what the situation will be like at the front, because it depends on that will depend on the budgetary possibilities of ukraine, but also how far european law should reach. that is, to translate into ukrainian and vote in the council several tens of thousands of pages of european legislation. huge work. 35 chapters for negotiations, including
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complex ones such as agriculture or transport. you are a big country, so you will have a big role in the eu economy, and there are also many voices in the european parliament and the council of europe, so the european union will also change under your influence. it will not be an easy process, so that everyone wins in the european parliament and in the european council. it will not be an easy process, there will be important interests at stake, both yours and ours, and reconciling it all in a win-win way will not be easy, but if we all do what we can, then i think , at the end of this decade or at the beginning of the next, ukraine may join the european union. at the beginning
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of our conversation, i mentioned that you, before becoming the head of the ministry of foreign affairs, went to the front in ukraine with cars and drones for our military, and now that you are a minister, do you have time for such visits to ukraine? about poland's affairs, and we talked about ukraine, about her, about her prospects in the european union,
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about how long this war can last, and about whether europe stays with ukraine, stay with espresso, this is the bright people in dark times project on the espresso tv channel to the 33rd anniversary of the independence day of ukraine.
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they promised kyiv in three days, but in the third year of a full-scale invasion they cannot take it native judge now in this place, as in many. the armed forces of ukraine in other settlements of the kursk region. on august 6, our troops did what no one expected of them, they broke into the territory of russia. and here we have a russian checkpoint on the horizon. the operation was carefully planned, from the offensive tactics to the information campaign. the event took place in several areas at once. this is the first line of defense of the russians in the kursk region, now everything is under the control of the armed forces of ukraine. let's see what's inside. they ran away
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in a hurry, left everything that was here, and their belongings, and detailed plans and surveillance schemes. and this is another direction, to understand how difficult the offensive could be, it is enough to look at the convenience of the enemy positions, the entire front is like in the palm of your hand, this is one of the very first positions of the russians, which our fighters cleared when entering the kursk region, the offensive was lightning-fast, and as our military assured with minimal losses, what can you say about the russians? foreign settlements quickly came under the control of ukraine, among them the city of sudja. what about humanitarian aid, do you have anything at all? i just left for the city, i
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stepped out into the street. yours came to my place to check, an agent, not an agent, they climbed here and there in the attics, searched all the streets, took the passport, looked to see what, well, there is no humanitarian here. oleg moves around the city by bicycle, of the nearly 7,000 residents, only a few hundred remained in suja, the others left. won't you guys help me? well, let's help, i was taught to help women. "thank you, i'm from ukraine myself , my grandfather is from poltava, what's up with us, that's all my relatives were in ukraine, and now, we still thought that this would happen." and this is how
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the shops in suja look now, you can take as much as you want, whatever you want, but a lot of things have already been damaged, people are just stocking up on water and that food , which has not deteriorated for a long time, now there is no electricity, no gas, no communication, they blame the local russian authorities for this, they abandoned these people to their will, no evacuation, no humanitarian aid forces of ukraine, was there any evacuation, did they offer you to leave the city? it was, but russian tv channels say that the evacuation took place as planned, people were taken out? maybe mutin knows? they drove
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a water tanker. they only think about themselves, well, if you feel that something is coming, well, you open all the shops, let people buy fresh, so that they don't throw away and there is no such stench. and the local authorities probably knew about the offensive, at least we saw signs of preparations for defense with our own eyes... on the territory of the city administration, this is the suja city council, there are all signs that preparations were being made for defense here, in particular, the blocked entrance inside with sandbags, and in the back in the garage we saw military equipment, a journal of fuel consumption by cars of the city administration, pay attention to the last
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date: the last entry is august 3, and this is the contents of the garage of an employee of the city administration, the values ​​​​of an ordinary russian peasant, a flag, st. george's ribbon and a bunch of naked girls. suja has been under the full control of the armed forces of ukraine for a long time. but the russian military is shelling its own city with ballistics and aerial bombs. we witnessed an air battle of drones. i don't know if hear, but now a storm is flying over us. we have to hide, zelentsi. it seems to subside. shoot, shoot, oscar. the duel was won by a ukrainian
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drone. do the russians deserve that we, the ukrainians , help you? what do you think? well, we are simple, right? well, we're simple, right? we have nothing to share, isn't it bad that we help each other. we were a fraternal people. what would you like to say to putin and the authorities in the kremlin? when will it all end? and it will not end soon. the troops expand the bridgehead in the kursk region and equip new fortifications in ukrainian from the territory of the russian federation. for espresso tv channel - artem lagutenko and oskar jansons. friends, if you liked our story and you are aware of the importance of what is currently happening in the kursk region.


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