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tv   [untitled]    August 31, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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in which borders, with which internal mood they do not care, ukraine exists, and this is in fact, they are not saying that they should thank and bow, sorry, this is their national interest, when they have a barrier between nato, the eu and russia , i.e., the barrier we advocate, we guarantee, ukraine now guarantees the security of poland, slovakia, the baltic countries, hungary, romania, at least. i am not talking about germany and france for obvious reasons, yes, they have additional leverage, and ukraine now guarantees the security of these countries on the border, by the way, honestly, especially in the baltic countries, they say this and thank you, because it is clear that ukraine is bigger, the territory is bigger, they could just walk through them like georgia, as the tanks entered tbilisi and no one in the world knew what to do with it, so i i think that diplomacy should be conducted, but... we have such a problem, at first
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we have such loud statements, you and i will discuss it for a couple of months, it is not known what, something is being conveyed there, and i would not like ukrainians to be put before the fact that the victory plan is revealed, well, i don't want to continue there nuances, yes, i think, according to the mood of president zelenskyi, no, i do not think that there will be anything like that, well, relatively speaking, we are angry. no, this will not happen, on the contrary, i think that he will write exactly these positions there, an increase in sanctions, an increase in the provision of weapons, but as a result, it will be, well, unfortunately, the same reaction as now, and one more moment , it’s not right now, here’s the usa, let’s take it, you can prepare it in different ways, and the plan for victory, you can, of course, talk about weapons, everything and tell the candidate there... trump, what to play along with him, what he
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a great leader, if, if he becomes the president, he will solve everything, and you can ask the question to the partners now, but if you are the president, she or he, you come, and what tools do you even have, but they solve the issues in the war with ukraine, there are only tools are being pressed on ukraine, half of the funds, remember, from the package were not provided conditionally on... provided only until january 20 and will be decided, as i understand it, by the new president, joseph biden, the current president, cannot use these funds, further not the entire package will be processed by the weapon production, and most importantly, no one, for some reason, everyone stopped talking about it , i have the impression that it is not just an impression, i know it, in the ministry of legal affairs, in the president's office, at all now... they are pushing
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our partners in america to next year's tools. there is no lendlease. the law ended, they tried there, at first we agreed, we don't need landles, right? not needed, why not needed? moreover, the nsdc apparatus presented a whole explanation why we don't need it. moreover, the one who spoke about lendlis said that they are russian agents i obeyed it. did not stand on their heads, there is no reason, but, but there was, there was, i don’t, i don’t understand how it is, you have an instrument, it must be, there must be an intergovernmental agreement, it must be prepared, everything must be done, then we in a few months, yes, before that, even before the adoption, our ambassador, ms. markarova, says, now we will punch lendlis, hooray, let's punch, that's all, and then the democrats took it, removed it, right into the procession, i know, this open. democrats took it off, they could have
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taken it off without joseph biden, they couldn't. now we we don't have tools, direct financing? where? do you have expectations that it will go better than last year, that when the elections are held , voting in the parliament will be better, remember, they didn't give us our money and we switched to a package, although no packages are needed, it was possible not to accept, it was necessary to just give money in the budget, that’s it, they didn’t do it, now there will be on... everything is so turbulent that you even have to forget about it, but where is the package, who said the word package, lendlease, everyone is silent, the plan victory, what a plan victory, if you don't have tools, money and concrete actions in america, of course it would be better to talk in private about the plan that was given with this money, the current administration there should have reported on the victory plan, right? by the way,
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from the point of view of the usa, this is closed information, although this kind of information, as a rule, it is somewhere at least at some level, the congress works differently from the ukrainian parliament. and the congress influences foreign policy, so it didn't slip anywhere, and we need to talk about it, we need to talk about these things, and if it ends only with beautiful slogans, then this is not the style we need now. by the way, there was information that president zelensky fired mykola olyschuk from the position of commander of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine. yesterday, there was information that during the attack of the russians on august 26, an a... crashed f16 plane with our pilot on board with oleksiy mesim, and today yesterday the topic of possible friendly fire on the f-16 was discussed, which apparently became the reason for this plane crash, although there are no official
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confirmations of the investigation, the investigation will also be conducted with the representatives of the united states of america, and olyschuk today responded to mariana bezuglii, because she posted on facebook. page on his accusation against the command of the air force of ukraine, well, we have the resignation of olyschuk, obviously, obviously, i understand that the version that was published by mariana bezugla, probably it has its place, well , at least we will wait for the official conclusions, but from the resignation commander of the air force already happened, here is this episode with the f16 plane, which from... entered the territory of ukraine there at the beginning of august, and something happened, we cannot say for sure with it now, there is no conclusion of the commission yet, whether it can somehow affect the attitude of our partners towards ukraine, that we gave them an airplane, they don’t even know what to do with them, whether there is a war, i want
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to clarify, you say i came, that is, the ones that were delivered, well, there are dates, let’s not talk, so i don’t i want to comment in general... this side is purely military, this the war, and there, even during the war, there must be an analysis, of course, so that there are no mistakes, but, the way it is discussed, the war, there is an airplane, that is, what is the use there in the performance of the task, it is a pity, it is a pity that the pilot, well, he died, that's the worst, the plane, what 's the difference, a piece of iron, what could, what war, it's consumables, what could, what su, what - wants the 35th, wants the 16th, the pilot, here's the pilot who passed, a well-known pilot, experienced, and who went through training, which actually, here it is, this is
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the biggest loss, he needs such a pilot to be in line, here in the world there were and they suggested, take another plane, one more, but... you won't get the pilot back, and as for the plane, well, anything could have happened, that is, i remember the wars that were fought, and the information that is already open is, well, there was an operation there in afghanistan, there was an operation in iraq somewhere, then there were friendly fire fighters, whatever, well, this obviously happens, especially since all this happens once again in the war, the only question, of course, is that i am not a specialist . i just have such a general question, well, again, it can be, honestly, maybe somehow frivolous in today's plan, the one who knows the situation, what these or other means are used for, but i think that if we keep v16 planes somewhere in western ukraine, and not
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use them to launch missiles that can only be hung on such targets on the territory of russia , by the way, no. the netherlands stated that it is possible to do this, and if the netherlands stated, then they have already spoken with the americans, that is, they should be used as much as possible where the return from them is maximum, relatively speaking, yes, they are also effective against missiles they work, i understand, but, well, on cruise missiles, but on cruise missiles, in principle, we can work with other means, except aviation, i understand that... everything is enough, but if we lose planes in the process, in such a process , yes, that is, there will be no difference, why, what are the reasons, whether there is friendly fire, or there are technical reasons, or it could also be that the pilot’s training is insufficient, but we are all one and the same plane, well,
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they will talk somewhere about, and if it is already two, well, as you know, they say, one coincidence, two - i already remember, three is already a system. then no one will raise the issue, that's why there is no need to supply ukraine, let's still finish this business or deal. for the polish migs, well, in exchange for the f-35, by the way, last week, after the statements of many poles that we will be able to give the migs to the ukrainians only if the f35s arrive, there was already a presentation of the first f-35 aircraft at the factory , this is a good sign, well, they should be used for their intended purpose, even, even if they are lost, god forbid without the death of our military, then they shoot where they need to go. it is already necessary a number of times, that is, my position is not such an expert, it is simply a civil one,
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that one should not be afraid to take bold steps in war, and if bold steps are ordered, what is called, then such a command will never set an example for the lower ones, everyone will try to avoid, by the way, in the american system, i know it more deeply, among westerners. a report is written, even if a person has made, well, even a mistake bordering on a crime, of course, when people die, yes, that is, it’s all the same writes a report, honestly, if it’s all honest, there are, there are disciplinary proceedings, of course, but no criminal charges are opened against him, because, well, listen, that’s the same, if there is no motive, motivation to do it specifically, then... for that it is impossible to punish, but i have a simple question, if the same commander
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alyashchuk, if it is for this, yes, or for some situation, the loss of an f16 plane, this is resonating now for the world and affects our situation there, then why are they not punished for the same mistakes of politicians, how many have already screwed up in key political positions, well, simple disaster, so why aren't they removed, if that's the logic, then we have some kind of strange strange. and that is why it seems to me that we need to be more careful with the armed forces, because this way you will kill any desire of the commanders to take risks, to take responsibility, and to put someone there with russian passports, a wife, a daughter in the csk club, and he goes without any understanding of uavs is leading the newly created direction, well , in general, here are two events, and that's why i don't... i know, you understand, you and i don't know this, if you want to explain your actions to the people, well, then let's speak more honestly
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frankly, but is it possible to speak so frankly in war, it hits the enemy, so is it possible to change the commanders there, it is necessary, even necessary, even during the war it can be seen quickly that you can, it even happens like that, a person is good, well, just in these conditions it does not respond, and it may not respond in others, this is just... a task, but not because of the fact that the f-16 is lost or there is a leopard, no, and in general, i do not see any difference, when a weapon reaches the armed forces, whether it is american, british, polish, whatever, it immediately becomes ukrainian, it becomes ukrainian, so, well, that’s what i said, but of course this discussion will already start there on the pages of newspapers, ukrainians are not ready to use f16, of course there will be consequences, they must be minimized, but i say that our
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task is to win, and all these things, these consequences, this is the work of diplomacy, write an article, there will be talks somewhere, to bring down this heat, this is the work of diplomacy, it is not the work of the country's top leadership, well, there should not be consideration of the issue of one f16, which under some conditions , you just have to say thank you the pilot will ensure everything that the state owes and thanks to rodden. let's go back to the peace plans, because this week the national security advisor to the president of the united states of america , jake selivan, and the leader of china, xi jinping , discussed during the meeting a number of topics that are also related to the full-scale war of the russian federation against ukraine. jake sullivan said that the united states of america and china are not from. to agree on a specific plan for negotiations to end the war in ukraine, let's hear what sullivan said. we had
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the opportunity to exchange views on the war in ukraine during the last three days. we haven't come up with any specific plan for diplomacy, largely because the united states is very strict about a simple principle: nothing about ukraine without ukraine. so, in the end, exactly... ukraine has to decide how it wants to continue the diplomatic and negotiation processes. but in parallel with what selivan said, china said that we generally have a chinese-brazilian plan. and this is already our initiative, and we are presenting it, with the fact that the ambassador of ukraine to brazil, v in an interview with ukrainska pravda, andriy melnyk stated that the brazilian authorities did not warn ukraine that they were going to present this peace plan together with china, let's listen to mr. melnyk, we saw this initiative, this
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new chinese-brazilian peace plan. i predicted this, although the brazilians did not share this with us, by the way, it is also such a challenge for us, the lack of even elementary trust at the level of those who actually make decisions there, that is, you go to the diplomatic adviser there, you are great there you communicate, you ask so, so, so, so, what are the plans, what will the position be, and then you can only guess: that they are really preparing an alternative approach, are all the initiatives and the weight of these initiatives necessary, mr. valery, the chinese, the chinese peace was, he there, since february 24, 2023, they had a vision about what was happening in ukraine, then brazil joined some plan there, when one of the parties that is waging
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an aggressive war against ukraine, the main... russia, their peace plan for ukraine is a capitulation plan, putin said it directly said that give us four oblasts, withdraw the armed forces of ukraine from there, these are basically our proposals, and lavrov says that two or three months have passed since putin announced this peace plan, and we have not received any reaction from kyiv , and what kind of reaction are they counting on, that is, their, in their understanding, the plan for peace is the plan for our capitulation. in the position of brazil and china, it is to become the foundation of this capitulation, that's right, i understand, well, you and i understand the ukrainians that this is a capitulation, for example, from outside, this phrase is considered to be a decision for ukrainians, you know what is behind it, behind it is a very simple question, we do not want to be
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a part of the war, although the ultimatum was not given to kyiv, to washington and... to brussels official letter of russia on december 15 in 2021, it was an ultimatum to withdraw the troops there, this will be an ultimatum due to non-fulfillment of this ultimatum . ukraine, and of course in the usa they understand that this is a war with... on the part of putin, it is not a war against ukraine, if, as he wants to position it, although in reality, well, in fact, it is happening like this, and here there is already a second task, a purely domestic political one russian, but basically he says that we are the usa there, we are with nato, and these avoid, well, this, so as not to play along with him, on the one hand, that he is not at war with the usa with nato, and on the other hand, it is very
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a convenient position, because let the ukrainians decide how many regions they want to give. how much they want to fight there, that especially when jake salevan now the phrase was: "the war in ukraine", that's what he said in chinese, well, to be beautiful, to, well, i heard english only that there was a war in ukraine, what the hell is a war in ukraine, it's a russian war on the european continent, until we can force them to tell the truth, they don't want to tell the truth, they don't want to call it, no, i'm not saying the us, it's called there periodically. biden calls and calls putin by different words, but in diplomatic terms, all this discourse is outside of us, if it is not with us, they are among themselves, you see, as they say, the war in ukraine means to find a way that the ukrainians will be there to fight to the point of exhaustion. one ambassador told me, who is present here, who held very high positions, well, a friend of ukraine, he says:
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you know, we are calm, because you will fight everything equally, if they go further, you will be a partisan. i say to you that it is a partisan struggle, well, first of all, it is possible to rise, since they go to your homes right away , this is the first period, and there is still, you know, this fervor of resistance, but if it is stretched out for years, then tanks and airplanes solve the problem, at least there partisans did not make it clear that ukraine will simply survive in ukraine as it pleases, but people will simply leave here, what kind of partisans are they for, i say, what will you have? plus 15 million ukrainians will move, there will be people here, yes, they will kill these occupiers, but mostly it will be in vaska, so they have their own picture, until we bring our... picture and connect it with their strategy and let's not disagree on what escalation is, where it leads to, that is, there will be no point, and we,
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unfortunately, well, not because we are guilty of this, no, because they don't want, you see, they don't even want to recognize the crossing of the border by aircraft or drones of the russian federation by unidentified objects, well, in general, it comes to madness, that is, an unidentified lethal object or something like that, as the parliament said. to polsky, this is some kind of meteorological phenomenon. well, uh, poland should really thank them, they gave a lot of everything, but you have to understand, once again, this is not a gift to poland, ukraine. ukraine closes poland, because of the fact that our people are dying, poles are not dying, because of the fact that they are dying ukrainians, lithuanians do not die. i can't say the same about the americans, literally yesterday they handed out orders to the families in washington, ambassador markara handed over to the fallen americans. well , volunteers and those who help the armed forces, they are only volunteers, yes, well, let's say, no troops, or any engineering, or
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any auxiliary, or instructors, or some ship to the sea, well, they all left here a month before this, that is, i, you know, well, you can say this, i understand them, and we say, they have their own interests, nothing like that, here no, we just need to show them on the table that, gentlemen, this is a common interest, you do not elaborate on it, and such pressure was correct on the one hand, and so was zelensky, remember, and he continues on, give it , yes, it is correct, but it must be packed, not so much to say publicly, but not publicly in concrete arguments, why you did not provide this weapon now, you will receive 10 times more then the costs, maybe not even here in europe, but maybe there in... that is, the argumentation should be of a pragmatic, practical and pragmatically, and now it has become even more difficult
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to do it, because it has become more difficult, you see, narratives, external, internal, they need matification, greater unity, and as far as i know, our institutions of power were conceived only as inside ukraine, but something is not yes, it is necessary again... unification, let's unite, the ministry of unity, well , such, well, i don't want to comment, if you want something, fill it up, create a ministry, and here you can explain that this is a ministry right away, because a ministry that will deal with the return of 7.5 million ukrainians who are now are abroad, well, it looks very strange, considering that we will not only return, but work. with them, to be with them, in what way, no, on the one hand, it is good that there is attention to this category of ukrainians, it is good, but on the other hand, excuse me, where is yours,
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mr. president zelenskyi, where is your adviser from the diaspora, who works, how does he work, andrew, i already forgot how he works, he works in washington, a former lobbyist for diripaska, by the way, thank god hendry. a good ukrainian family, a good person to andrew mack, only to andrew mack, you know, to the light bulb of the diaspora, he solves some issues of lobbying, or business there, or he brings actors, helps to bring them to kyiv, but he does not deal with what the president has now said that we need to do, so we have a toolkit, i am the mfa, and why do you want the mfa? to deal with the diaspora, right? and the ministry of foreign affairs in 56 reduced the cabinet of ministers to 56 million, the 56 work program seems to be a large number, well, just to be clear, it is for all work around the world,
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yes 56 million uah, at the same time a little more than 1 million dollars, well, there are more than two, and at the same time they allocate on a cooking show for four months, which is made in the studio in english cooking show. it is well done, by the way, there is a professional team, more is allocated, 64, it seems a million, from the funds of which taxpayers who went to a single marathon, so that you understand, yes, what kind of union is this, please unite within the country now, you please show justice, show that you unite here, and then we will unite there, that's what i'm saying, but the positive thing is that the president paid attention and he... paid attention to the problem that exists, distancing a significant category of people outside, and these are the voters, they will sit there,
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they will be at the elections. in the same place, everyone will be in the reserve until this moment, plus the action there, even i don’t know if you are giving birth to a child, too, the child will be registered now he telegram raised a slightly different topic, but telegram raised a fool , yes, in france, and in our country they drive everyone into one , this is the world virtual where there is no protection then what is it for elections elections when will the elections be that is why i believe that in general. the priorities that are voiced are correct, but a lot of actions are aimed at completely others priorities that we are not told about. friends, i would like to remind you that we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, throughout our two-hour broadcast today, we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about the following: are you satisfied with the communication of the president of ukraine with society? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no,
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please write your own opinion. below this video, if you watch us on tv, grab your smartphone or phone and vote for by numbers 0800 211 381, if you are satisfied with the president's communication with society, if not - 0.800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. dmytro kuleva, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, following the meeting of the heads of foreign affairs of the eu countries, stated that... the eu will speed up the delivery of weapons and energy equipment to ukraine. eu high representative josep borel called before yesterday's meeting of eu foreign ministers cancel the restrictions for ukraine on the use of western weapons. let's listen to what borel said. well, actually, while our...
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directors are preparing the synchronization for the broadcast, i would also like to say that in response to borel's statement and the call, please, borel, regarding the lifting of restrictions on the use of weapons against military targets in russia, in accordance with international law, during the summer we issued a statement in support of this decision, the weapons that we are sending to ukraine must be used to the full and all restrictions must be lifted to allow ukraine to strike places from which russia strikes, otherwise such weapons are useless. the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, péter szijártó, criticized this position of jozep borel, who supports the lifting of restrictions for ukraine on long-range weapons, which will hit on the territory of russia, he
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said. sijarto: the high representative's dangerous rampage must be stopped, we don't want more weapons in ukraine, we don't want more deaths, we don't want an escalation of war, we don't want an expansion of the crisis in the middle east, today we continue to advocate common sense and peace, said peter szijjártó, and as far as i know, he flew to st. petersburg to solve some of his questions, here is hungary's position in all matters concerning ukraine, er... she understood for the europeans themselves why they is that how they behave? well, the europeans have already warned, not the europeans, there are eu countries, and hungary, part of it, they have already warned that the abuse of this right, no, no, it is not the right of veto, but still, if the country does not vote, the rules of the eu, many bodies, there, if not consensus, then
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well, consensus, this is about consensus. it is said, but there are already opinions that 3/4 or 2/3 of the voters are needed, because statements, you know, there is another moment, statements of this kind, er, the minister of crown affairs of one of the countries , in fact, such an offensive form is pressing on the head of the foreign policy of the european union, now a difficult structure was created, at the same time not fulfilling the obligations of reprimand. implementation of the common foreign policy of the european union, in accordance with the maastricht treaty. what are the consequences? consequences are a warning that you you do not fulfill, according to the agreement, then the gradual exclusion from the bodies of the european union, that's all, that is, they already told them, but hungary presides there even before that, that is, they, they simply dilute the position of the european union, it undermines, sirto undermines.


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