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tv   [untitled]    August 31, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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greetings to all viewers of the espresso channel, we start the information day with news, khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. in kharkiv , the number of victims and wounded increased, as of the morning 97 people were injured, 22 of them children, late in the evening rescuers found a woman's body under the rubble of 12-2-type elevator. so it is already known about seven dead, among them. -
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announced the head of the kharkiv region oleg synogubov. search operations at the site of the enemy strike are ongoing. let me remind you that the day before yesterday , the occupiers attacked kharkiv with guided aerial bombs. five were recorded in the city hits in particular, in the industrial district , the enemy targeted a 12-story residential building. a 58-year-old woman was wounded by shelling along the border. rovshchyna, the enemy shelled nikopol, marganetska and chervono-grigorivska communities at night and in the morning, reported the head of the region, serhii lesak. seven high-rise buildings and four private houses, a medical facility and a lyceum were damaged. commercial building, admin building, shops, beauty salon, real estate agency, dentist's office, bus stop, power lines and gas lines were affected, the aggressor used drones and artillery.
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a 40-year-old man was injured due to enemy shelling in the village of blagovishchinske in the kherson region, he was hospitalized with a contusion and a brain injury, informed the mayor of kherson, roman mrochko. the occupiers shelled the settlement the night before, and enemy fire also hit the dnipro district of kherson, where previously there were no casualties. a 77-year-old woman got wounded as a result of an attack on glukhov in sumy oblast. the russians dropped three guided aerial bombs on the city the day before. damaged educational institutions, four apartment buildings and a local enterprise - reported in the regional military administration. krasnopilsk, yunakivsk and esmansk communities also came under enemy fire. in total, russians visited sumy oblast more than 95 times per day. and we have
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a new collection, we need funds for drones and a charging station for the reconnaissance of the third regiment of the sso, which is destroying the enemy in the chasovoy yar region of donetsk region. the russians constantly attack and try to capture the city, because it is a commanding height from which it is easier to fire at others populated areas. our defenders are holding the defense, but they need our help. soldiers need drones, they will help not only improve. you will perform combat tasks, and will save the lives of our soldiers. so your donation will increase the effectiveness of actions against the enemy. our goal is uah 890,000. so get involved. you can see all the details on the screen. at night, the first test train drove through the updated section of the kyiv metro between libitska-demiivska metro stations. a special car checked the new. not a canvas
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- informed the mayor vitaliy klitschko. he noted that the day before, the repair crews carried out a complex of works to connect the existing tunnel with the new part and strengthened sections. engineering and safety systems will also be thoroughly checked before trains are fully restored. work on this site continues around the clock. the first gold and three more silver medals were won by ukrainians. athletes on the second day of the paralympic games in paris, oleksandr komarov brought gold to our national team in freestyle swimming at a distance of 100 m. nataliya kobzar became a silver medalist in the 200 m race, and iryna poyda won her second individual medal and became the second in the 100 m freestyle. vladyslav bily has silver in the javelin. currently, the national team of ukraine has eight awards. takes 11th place in
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the medal standings. poland celebrates the day of solidarity and freedom today. it's the 44th anniversary, as in... mode. poles have been helping ukrainians since the first days of the russian invasion. our correspondents will tell one of these stories. mrs. olga was born in a polish family, but one of her grandmothers comes from sumy region. so, over time, interest in her roots led olga to study the ukrainian language at the age of 15. yae studied at the jagiellonian university in krakow. at the beginning, i went to ukrainian. i graduated from ukrainian philology and decided to continue my studies at a graduate school in lviv, and i am a folkloristic ethnologist, i was engaged in folk magic, folk healing. mrs. olga knows the history of ukraine well, so she could not have been aloof either during the revolution on
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the maidan or when the russian invasion began in 14. full scale war volunteer znenatska didn't jump in, because she already knew what to do and who to... help. i help the 128th brigade of tro, this is the brigade of the city of dnipro. and so it happened that since the 14th year i was helping the fighters of the aidar battalion, and when the full-scale invasion began, they, these are the people of staro bil, from the luhansk region. and it is clear that they could no longer hold checkpoints there, because the column against the muscovites was advancing in such a way that they had to retreat already, and they joined teroo dnipro. for two years, the woman regularly travels from poland to the front. volunteers are important to deliver aid personally into the hands of the military, without intermediaries. war is very dynamic, and what was there at the beginning is not so necessary now. now we continue to transport cars, spare parts, which sometimes it is very
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difficult to buy something in ukraine, we are looking for it in poland, well, this is also a very important element, it seems small, yes, but it is logistics. without machines , the boys actually cannot complete the tasks. the second, in addition, well, of course, medicines, tactical medicine, yes honey, drones and anti-drone systems. ms. olga not only collects funds and gives the necessary to the military, but and remains in positions for a certain time, from a week to a month. she says that it is important for her to live the experience of war with the boys, as well as to film their lives for history. they actually became a kind of big family for me, and uh... well, that's how it is, i miss them when i come to poland, i just naturally miss them, i think about the fact that i want to sit down and have dinner already together, and that today there will be fried potatoes with a fried egg, for example. in the life of the military there is a place for ordinary everyday joys - says ms. olga.
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in the summer, they try to go on vacation, swim in the pond and always celebrate all birthdays. i myself have experienced my birthday with the boys, and it is very nice when we celebrate together, they congratulate me, and there, i am one of the 100 guys who congratulate me, well, it is nice, and of course , however, most of the soldiers have already returned to the front after being wounded, the war does not add to their health, - says the volunteer, ms. olga has also changed over the years, her views have become even more unshakable, that's how radical i am, i'm not even trying to smooth myself and relativize myself and pretend that someone has the right to... be interested in the war and so on and so forth, i believe that real men at the front, i am absolutely annoyed by the indifference and lack of responsibility for their country , i believe that any processes always take place due to the fact that the citizens
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of the country, they take on part of the responsibility for changes, you cannot rely only and exclusively on the fact that the state will do something. it is impossible not to get tired of the war, - says the volunteer, but she... feels her own responsibility and knows that it is even more difficult for the military, so he continues to help. in may of this year, ms. olga received two honorary awards for volunteering, and the military calls her otamansha. but i also learned from one of the boys that it is very often the boys say, it’s all for profit, especially those who lost their houses in the occupation, it’s all for profit, and i think that when i live to old age, it will be more pleasant for me to remember that i ... after all, i experienced something, that i helped someone, that i took part in absolutely important world processes, i am not indifferent, only as a participant in those processes, and it's better than having, i don't know, a fifth apartment there, which
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i don't know what to do with. it is shared, magical thinking is also present at the front, everyone watches what they say, for example, they say goodbye without saying goodbye, so as not to offend. mary this concludes the issue, read more news on our website, also on our social networks, join us. and put your preferences, then my colleague oksana vasochanska will continue the thread, don't switch, stay with the espresso team.
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qué soy boy.
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good saturday morning, i am picking up the information baton, today is the last day of the summer of 2024, but unfortunately not the last day of our collection, because a lot still needs to be collected in order to close the collection of 3.5 million for drones and rebs, so i am asking you to be active in order to accumulate the necessary amount as soon as possible and send... these weapons and this protection to the very hot locations in eastern ukraine, so that it becomes a little easier for our defenders, but it is actually not easy for them there, because there are mechanized assaults, a large number of pieces of equipment , 15, 20, 30, after several times every day, it's about the kurakh direction, the guys say that it's strange when they don't go with such a large amount of equipment, that actually... not only infantry, infantry - this is self-evident, and there is a huge amount of equipment, the occupiers
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are trying to to constantly attack from the flanks, became more active in a few days a little west of pavlivka and near vodyanyi, we understand that their main goal is to encircle the ugledar, so we need special help and support in whatever way we can to our defenders, and in relation to karlivka, unfortunately, they came out our defenders from there, unfortunately, there... the occupiers got there, but the good news is that there was no encirclement with battles , our defenders left, but the threat of the encirclement is no longer there, however, now there remains a threat to halytsynivka, and we understand which, what is their plan, to go south from halytsynivka to the south and join their efforts with those russian troops who are in the direction of... horivka is moving and then there is a threat to nevelivsky, such a bag, it seems,
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the occupiers are trying to create in the ukrainian donbas now. we will talk about this further in on our airwaves, to ask military experts what this might mean and how events may develop further, and now we will move to sumy oblast, and andriana kostenko, doctor of political sciences, head of the center for social research and member of the board, will tell us about what is happening there. intelligence of sumy region. ms. andriano, glory to ukraine. glory, congratulations. if you look at the numbers, at the statistics for sumy oblast, there were more than 262 explosions in one day, this is simply an insane number. about a hundred times the russians beat in the same way in one day in different communities of the sumy oblast, and that's it the day before yesterday, houses were also damaged, and the company, and people, of course... their property, how did that night pass, i know
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that there was anxiety until now, not now in sumy oblast, luckily there is no anxiety, how it all went, well, another night passed in anxiety, and in fact the residents of sumy oblast have not slept peacefully for more than three years and cannot spend their nights and days in such peace. the past day began in the evening. the drone attack was heard in the regional center and in many other communities of sumy oblast, you know that this is actually the longest border with the aggressor country. actually there were explosions, we heard how the air defenses were working, we heard how our defenders were generally trying to shoot down the drones, the sounds of the drones, that is, well, the night was very, very restless, and really, really, that every day the statistics are about the same, about
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100, 100 shellings on sumy oblast, if earlier the area was mainly affected, now more and more hits are occurring with the destruction of civilian infrastructure, with the destruction of private estates with the wounding of civilians, deep into our region, for example, the last two weeks started such attacks. mass attacks on glukhiv region, on potyl region, before that, these were also such periodic, periodic attacks, now, well, unfortunately, they have become more frequent, that is, the front in fact, this is such an invisible front, yes, it is an attack, invisible, they move deep into our area, that is, they try to find those
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places, it gives less protection, where it is easier for them to just shoot, because a certain shade of the border for them is... already inaccessible, correct, i understand? well, most likely they are trying to terrorize the civilian population and maybe they expect some kind of reaction from the residents. i can't call it any other way, because the attacks take place specifically on civilian infrastructure, well, for example, you know the last case, in the city of glukhiv , a school was damaged, yes, children, the educational institution was preparing for... in fact, the beginning of the school year and it was completely destroyed the educational institution was destroyed in fact , in this educational institution even children with special disabilities underwent educational rehabilitation, so that is, it was also an inclusive center, i think that the main purpose
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the enemy is, after all, to terrorize the civilian population, to make life in the territory of sumy oblast in... the majority of the communities of sumy oblast, well , impossible, and in fact the electric power system is also collapsing, institutions, educational institutions, social institutions are collapsing, but will the russians succeed in achieving that goal , which you say is to terrorize the population so that people want to negotiate, it seems to me that such terror only causes aggression and the desire... to fight with the enemy? you are absolutely right, in fact, the more terror, the more we have the desire to repulse the enemy and, on the contrary, stand your ground. actually, i think that the main task is to develop such attitudes
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of war fatigue somewhere, it causes the opposite reaction, people band together, people try to help alone. alone, of course, in such very dangerous communities, children are taken away, people with disabilities are taken away, in fact, in order to make these communities, turn them, you know, into such outposts into points of resistance, the military remains, people who can defend remain, often usually in the border area remain the custom. but those who have nowhere to move, and therefore it is necessary to pay more attention to the social support of such categories, here are 183 settlements, in continuation of the topic, these are the areas from which they are called to evacuate, except for these people who have nowhere to go, who maybe they are afraid to dare, there are always and everywhere, how others
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react, how easy it is now, actually because of all these shellings, because of the unlocking. because of the situation, people tend to leave, how easily they leave their property, what they cannot take with them and evacuate, well, actually, in the first months of the full-scale invasion, those who wanted to leave and understood that there was somewhere to leave, there was a mass evacuation, there were only a few left, especially on the border, those people who are not in a hurry, they are holding on to their homes, they may have some kind of farm, have work... place, well, or again, there is no possibility to rent housing, or there is no possibility to move in with relatives, it is actually very difficult for them to leave. now in new communities, or in new settlements, it is more correct to say, evacuation is really announced, it is not so forced,
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rather, local self-government bodies try to convince people to leave, create evacuation routes, provide transport to evacuate people who do not have their own transport, to be honest, the evacuation is not so massive, at a fast pace, people... are in no hurry to leave of their own buildings, buildings, especially if it is an older generation, well, you know, they say, i have grown up here for so many years, i will be here for life until the end of my life, mainly what is offered is offered even often from nearby villages to leave the community, to leave the nearest central residence, the nearest populated areas. a more peaceful situation, or to the nearest, to the nearest communities, and often people take advantage of this, at night they, at night they
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actually live in temporary shelters, during the day they come to look after the economy, that is, these are the pendulums, i would say migrations in our country are constant on the border. mrs. andriana, thank you for the story, thank you for being with us, keep it up. andriana kostenko, doctor of political sciences and head of the center for social research and members of the board of the ngo intellect of sumy oblast. and we were in touch with the fact that the retreats are slowly beginning, already calmer in the cherkasy region and chernihiv region. the search continues, let me remind you, it was a tough night, and we thank our defenders for fighting. a short pause, then about kharkiv and the consequences of yesterday's attack, yesterday's strikes. we will talk in cabs in the city. there are 10% discounts until independence day with ramon darnytsia at
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podorozhnyk pam and oshchad pharmacies. ukraine-albania - only on meago. the conclusions after the euro have been made. now it's time for the league of nations where we need to win every match. cheer on september 7 at 9:45 p.m. exclusively on megogo. there are discounts until... independence on imodium 20% in the pharmacies of travel bam and ochadnyk there are discounts until the day of independence on magne b6, 10% at the pharmacies pryasnyk, bam and ochadnyk. journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. this is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to understand and distinguish disturbing news
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the truth from the enemy and dogs. the real front program by taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin was like that... he would have gone to prison, a special view on the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond its borders, who then for china, my heart aches. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, to the politclub program on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. nato member countries have huge arsenals. russia is already on the verge of running out of resources. topics
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that resonate in our society. this is the question of trump's victory, what is it? analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do, are they able to use, say, the resources of the lukashenka army allied with them. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project - but that's all , accept my union, i thank you, it was difficult, i was just interested, but it is absolutely not cool, they help to understand the present and predict the future, they offered the united states to conclude a bilateral security agreement with us , a project for those who care and think, a political club every sunday at 20:00 for espresso, and we are moving to kharkiv region, 99 wounded at the moment, 22 of them children, these are the consequences of yesterday's attack by cabals on the city of kharkiv on many floors on civilians objects, this is what the russians
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yevhen bilovov did yesterday. i know that you were at the scene of the tragedy until late at night and watched, helped, please tell me what you saw, what people experienced there, yes, congratulations, our team just returned home at three in the morning, because already, well, first of all, the commandant's office was already from the 11th, but... there was front work that we had to do, because people were left without windows, and our task is to help them so that they can at least sleep normally, but the volume that the russians set in the destruction of kharkiv is not be closed only for one night, there are still a lot of high-rise buildings, all the entrances are near the epicenter of the flight, what you now see on the footage is only one location,
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because... there were also hits at other locations, and about "we are very big, and today, and i think that for several days there will be teams working there to close at least the circuits, not to mention helping people, because if we are talking about a burnt house, it took a very long time to put it out, because the volumes are very large, and if there are... apartments, which or destroyed or burned, there are still apartments that are flooded, and people are there and have lost their homes, and they too need to be helped, that is why the teams work, the emergency services are just heroes, they stayed there even after our work, when we left, extinguished, worked, dismantled rubble, looked for people, and in the morning we saw the news that they still found ee... dead
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people, unfortunately, that's why we all work together to help people, all the dead for the moment, this is the official information from kharkiv authorities, and what about those people where they live now, actually, what kind of help was provided to those affected, to those people who have lost their homes, or who cannot now return to their home, because it has caved in, flooded it, and simply in this house now it is definitely impossible in part of it... and yes, of course, those people who do not there could be those who lost their homes, they were resettled in dormitories and recruitment centers, temporary residences, or they went to their loved ones, relatives, friends, ah, and spent the night there, and in the morning the question of where they will be will be decided in the future, ah, centers are also organized reception, humanitarian and all the help that
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people bring... a very large amount, and where every person can contribute, bring things, because people simply left, what they had and lost their housing and everything that was in the apartment, you can come, join, help, it is known about all the centers, right at the place of arrival, response headquarters are organized there, so all the people who suffered and who were left without windows or without apartments, unfortunately, here... everyone can get help and will get it. we understand that you too your organization, emergency workers, the police, worked on the spot and helped people, did ordinary kharkiv residents also come to help their friends, acquaintances, neighbors, or maybe because of the curfew or other reasons, it is technically impossible now? and of course, the curfew, it applies to everyone, it's just that there are certain
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uh... certain different relations to the volunteers who work right at the arrival, to the rapid response group, and also a civilian can join, as i said, to transfer help or to the centers, or immediately to the city, someone brought food, someone helped with medicines, someone stood guard and put turnstiles there during the very moment of arrival, and there are also a lot of people, what we saw, they bring... things and food, there are organized places where you can, where others food volunteers, they feed hot food, help people, so yes, in what psychological condition are the people from these houses that suffered, in which neighbors were affected, housing, how are they disposed, do they already understand what happened?


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